Power Electronics and Renewable Integration For Consumer Applications (PERICA-2020)

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On The speakers for the course will be the The aim of this short term course is to
Power Electronics and faculty/ domain experts from IITs, IISC, educate and train the participants on different
NITs and Industry /Abroad. aspects of power electronics applied in
Renewable Integration for renewable and consumer applications. Over the
last two decades the power electronic
Consumer Applications ORGANIZING COMMITTEE
technologies have been playing major role in
PATRON consumer applications. Power processing
(PERICA-2020) Prof. Rajeev Tripathi through converters and digital controllers have
Director, MNNIT Allahabad been used extensively for development of
consumer electronics. Renewables like solar and
16th September - 20th September, 2020 CHAIRMAN wind have become emerging sources of energy
Prof. Asheesh Kumar Singh for feeding the domestic and commercial loads.
Organised by Head, EED, MNNIT Allahabad Global concerns for clean and sustainable
energy have compelled mankind to increase the
COURSE COORDINATORS usage of renewable sources. Power technologies
Prof. R. K. Tripathi for simple, reliable, cheap and fast power
EED, MNNIT Allahabad conversion are need of the hour. The same is
also reflected in the current research trends and
Email: [email protected] plays a vital role in improving the quality of
human life.
Prof. Paulson Samuel The participant would be exposed to the
EED, MNNIT Allahabad various challenges faced in today’s low power
Email: [email protected] converter technologies, the state of art in various
streams of power electronic research and
consumer applications.
Prof. Rajesh Gupta
Email: [email protected]
Motilal Nehru National Institute of
Technology Allahabad, (MNNIT) (formerly
CONVENER Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College
Dr. M.Venkatesh Naik MNREC, Allahabad) is an institute with total
EED, MNNIT Allahabad commitment to quality and excellence in
Electrical Engineering Department academic pursuits. It is among one of the leading
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Email: [email protected]
institutes in India. It was established in the year
Allahabad, Teliarganj, Prayagraj-211004 1961 as a joint enterprise of Central Govt. of
India. India and State Govt. of Uttar Pradesh in
accordance with the scheme of establishment of
REC's. However with effect from June 26th of
2002 the institute became deemed university and
an Institute of national importance.
The course will be interactive consisting The Electrical Engineering Department Participants: Industry and R&D Units: Rs.1500
(EED) came into existence in the year 1961, Faculty/Academic Staff: Rs. 1000/-
of the following components
with the objective to produce technical man UG, PG Students and Ph.D Scholars: Rs.750/-
 Design of efficient power converters power of high quality and promote research and
 Motors for electric vehicle application development activity. With a modest beginning ONLINE PAYMENT OF COURSE
 Modern UPS Technologies of introducing four year BE degree course in FEES
 LED technologies and recent advancements 1961, a post graduate programme in Electrical
Bank account information for direct
 AC & DC hybrid power supply systems and Machine / Power System / Control System was
introduced in the year 1970-71. transfer of registration fee for PERICA-
its analysis.
Currently, the department offers courses 2020.
 Hybrid renewable energy systems
leading to a Bachelor of Technology in Account Name: PERICA-2020
 Power electronics for wind, fuel cell and
Electrical Engineering and Post Graduate (M. Account Number: 718401013000035
solar PV system.
Tech.) and Ph.D programs in (i) Power IFSC Code: VIJB0007184
 Trends in power supplies and battery
Electronics and Drives (ii) Control &
chargers. Bank: Vijaya Bank
Instrumentation and (iii) Power System, under
 Switched mode rectifiers and high PFC Branch: MNNIT Allahabad
Regular, Part-Time and QIP categories. The
department has qualified and experienced
 Harmonic pollution, Active filters, Power ONLINE REGISTRATION
faculty in all the related fields of Electrical
conditioning systems and VAR
Engineering viz. Electrical Power System, After paying registration fee by any online
compensators. mode, kindly capture an image of proof for the
Electrical Machines, Control & Instrumentation
 Variable speed drives: applications and payment. The participants have to register for
and Power Electronics.
challenges. the course online at the following registration
The vision of the Department is to produce
 Power electronics and energy conservation. portal and send the registration form to
globally competitive technical manpower with [email protected]
 EV charging station.
sound knowledge of theory and practice, with a
WHO CAN ATTEND? commitment to serve the society and to foster Link: https://forms.gle/hp14Lhu7ABzoGqwHA
The course would benefit many across various cutting edge research in Electrical Engineering
disciplines of engineering and technology. It is pertaining to the problems currently faced by the MAILING ADDRESS
of interest to serving teachers and researchers, country and the world. Dr. M.Venkatesh Naik
UG, PG and doctoral students of different
Universities/ Institutes/ colleges & Professionals COURSE EVALUATION Assistant Professor
working in the Industries. Selected candidates Electrical Engineering Department
On successful completion of the course,
will be informed through email MNNIT Allahabad, Teliarganj, Prayagraj
the participants would be awarded `Course
Uttar Pradesh, India. 211004
IMPORTANT DATES Completion E-Certificate’.
Email: [email protected]
Last date for online registration: 10/09/2020 Mobile No: +91-8174800802. (Whatsapp too)
Intimation to the candidates: 11/09/2020
Course dates: 16/09/2020 - 20/09/2020

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