Question: Which of The Forms of Genetic Medicine Do You Think Is The M

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Question: Which of the forms of genetic medicine do you think is the m…

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Which of the forms of genetic medicine do you think is the most versatile (be able to treat the largest
number of people, the largest number of diseases, etc...)? Explain your reasoning.

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Strategies for genetic medicines - that is ,therapies that use the transfer of DNA and /or RNA to modify
gene expression to compensate for an abnormal phenotype - include the use of somatic stem cells ,gene
transfer ,RNA modi cation and in the future ,embryonic stem cells .

Bone marrow stem cell transplantation from individuals that express the normal gene has been used to
treat various inherited diseases , including lysosomal storage disorders , immunode ciency,
haemoglobinpathies and leukodystrophies.

The main thrust in gene transfer strategies over the next several years will be able to devlop further
:adeno associated vectors for invivo studies ,retrovirus vectors for ex vivo studies that involve autologous
hametopietic stem cells .

RNA modi cation therapy targets mRNA ,either to supress mRNA levels or by correcting or adding
function to the m RNA using four basics approaches : antisense oligonucleotide,RNAi trans - splicing and

The main biological barriers to all genetic medicines are delivery and maintenance of the new genetic
information.Overcoming these hurdles requires an understanding of the : molecular basis of the disorder
,it's mode of inheritance,the range of mutations and genotype - phenotype relationship that result in the
disease phenotype ,how the phenotye is modulated by alternative genes and how ,where and when the
disease manifests .

Gene transfer of the normal gene to an individual affected by a monogenic disorder is an obvious strategy
for genetic medicine.

Although many mouse models have been cured with gene transfer, in practice correcting human
hereditary disorders has proved to be difficult.

No genetic medicines has been approved for use in the treatment of any hereditary human disorder,but
signi cant intellectual and economic resources are focused on genetic medicines.

Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) are short strings of chemically modi ed DNA or RNA that are designed
to home in on RNA strands to alter the proteins the body ultimately produces .

After decades of struggling to get ASO s to work as drugs .

Patients with a fatala version of diseases called spinal muscular atrophy are now surviving thanks to ASOs.

Genome editing has extended our ability to elucidate the contribution of genetics to disease by
promoting the verstile CRISPR / Cas 9 technology has been rapidlly extended.


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