Stqaq 2

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2 5RS is al5o tn ouon as the Ba Box Specfication

0F Sy Stem' Dis cuSS

OS To undes S+ond +his e need to enao Ohat is

a SPS SPS isa SDAHute Pe quiso me ot Specificaions

6 ep o0t made ot the TegUTmen+ Stage .H ays
a 10 unda 4ion +00 sOFtDave engneerrng octiuiHeR.
dPS doCument is a ContTot among h e deve lopmeNt t e m

and 4h8 uSHome

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TeF epoing the ses doumet The SeS docuMent
anized he blatk- box specFimHon
ESince the System is
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hose inteona de tails ae not Enocon and
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extesnal that is input| outp ut) behovioco
SPS dOCument Con LentvateB on
be done ond whotdB4uiTOs +o
Gaefuily ovoidsS t e Soluton (hoco +odo)
OSpecis The sRS doaument ses vOB O8
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omong developmet teom and the cußto med S2S

must be
cTefuliy OTHen The needs a t he SeS
Stoge ave cooitten using end
essential lateo a fodma ue4e0MnDjoAY IF
moy be deweloped foom degwTonen speciFication

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