0 Ee, 10p6 Na3 Ni'es: Trop Se: Bmplo 0uide, A

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0i) 1 D t nooducinr

nf ewtoping bmplo ee,

trop 0 se: Man, aim not Only-to

01 Managennt is 10p60Uide, na3 0ay 1eaves

utOa Ir a 1mtin nali ni'es into l e d imanaging
01 bu
to ropn, t0i-h
50 PO0vidr. ul fant1onal vepob 40 rNaragomA
(00r3 i'n MuHp1e
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2 Scope 7his p S by Shdøing Same
trpu depa3tmOnt
m.S hied o n murlipie 0FdiH esent
h ba hy whith dess diHesent Jodahorns Simultan
Can tise i s i H ing a
HeneGH13To inp oove ofar employec3
I3 tind vut

nicry altes iHO M A / o p

denitt. and O&tD
T poouide. easy
14 Defin++idns, SpeHLaion.
SPS- So HevaBe,
EPM Emplogjee, aYDON Managemert
1 Poojert OuesvieD ihe 10110coPng
ove6vieD bF-he 80-HvasB
p'60vides -the tormpPie doCmentaion f 0 % t e
Spectcotion3 %eautsompns
p'6 Oduct EmplogèC rysn 1
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pospetsive,: The leaves
Poolue the Company
Spetiticn to ca Hes and
e n e n t i t totaUy
Seif- (D n:lajned
wo3 eticrontly
2-2 P d u t funtHon8:

2:21 Emplyee mOdue,s


Depat m en
EmpDy0B dOailS
2-2-2 SeATth modufe

2-2-3 AHendance module:

Maroging lasoenue
2:24 Salaoy moduJe
o AllDLOOnte,
Pay SIip
23 HaGdTe integto ce3
MemooH minimum DE 5/2 M8 PAM(6R PELOnm ndd
H d disr bf
2 : SoftDATe in teGFOLeg:
windor xp
0penahrg Suto 1Mico+ UE NEJ q002
Foo rt Ehd
Botr enDd
25. USer Chasoc teais-+itS
252. Bnd useo s: no 3peifit enotedge o% Srills
ense pitemend f00 m -he end wleG
2b2. pdministoo E
Adi nitods rnu+ be
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3. Fun cHiona Poguisement3
3 1 mstess: This mOdule hetps he adminigraoe
to eneG tha
designadion and the GIJed deloipain
aSO helps
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312 Ernploye : The modle helpg to add he
delnil or the entpaoyee tie he pedzonal a i
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SCon the enplotyeg deniis dep-oent
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4 AHED dane This m (dtlle he IpS to AAUHtthe
diHeWNnt types 0f 1eAves Fo0
Tptogee enteD
yersIt also help$ the oplageg
heis toy and eittime +0 Ca leulasehe
odelle he/pS
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detectina deduCHng
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bQsed on thb also -he PESZ
+he emplogepa
I t CSo helps +o genesae
3 2 Peu Foa oane geauioemens
he ovDAN Susten Showd be fAS t and CO O0
S h o u d have buit in eTT0S ChecEing
o O0ecHioD facfli-He3
8 8 A-H+oitses
88 - 2eiabiiy *Tn oder to en&croe oJiabilt
this Sestorn is being desians d using soR0asë
thot is eStoblished to be S+0bi e dd enky

38:2 Availobilry, Fet This sysHem is

Atau labra
des igned t0 Un 24/7 ond be sedily
the us es

3:3 Secusit; The auesS8-t0 the 80H0aTe9

COe needa
only to talid oPeTdOdS
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Specitis ID ord pasco0od
the softDasB

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