Determining of Planck'S Constant Using Leds: The Physics Teacher January 2008

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Determining of Planck’s constant using LEDs

Article  in  The Physics Teacher · January 2008

4 11,981

2 authors, including:

Andrew Feng Zhou

Indiana University of Pennsylvania


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Computer-Based Experiment
for Determining Planck’s
Constant Using LEDs
Feng Zhou, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
Todd Cloninger, Cleveland Community College, Shelby, NC

isible light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been capacitor (C) through an LED in series with a current
widely used as power indicators. However, limiting resistor (R). Measuring the voltage across the
after the power is switched off, it takes a capacitor during the discharge reveals an exponential
while for the LED to go off. Many students were fas- decay that approaches a non-zero constant. That con-
cinated by this simple demonstration. In this paper, stant voltage (V0) is the minimum voltage required for
by making use of computer-based data acquisition current to flow through the LED. A photon generated
and modeling, we show the voltage across the LED by the LED possesses energy E = hf = eV0, where
undergoing an exponential decay after the power f (= c/λ) is the frequency of the electromagnetic wave,
is switched off. We also describe a new approach e = 1.6022  10-19 C is the charge on an electron, and
for determining Planck’s constant using LEDs. The V0 is the turn-on voltage of the LED. In terms of the
simple experiment can be used either in an interactive wavelength λ and the speed of light c (= 2.9979 
lecture demonstration or an entry-level physics lab. 108 m/s), we have:
Planck’s constant, h = 6.62607554  10-34 J-s, is
one of the fundamental constants of nature relating to h = eV0 .
the quantum concept in modern physics. It has been c
previously suggested that Planck’s constant be deter- As shown in Fig. 1, the experimental setup consists
mined using LEDs,1-5 where the key parameter to be of a circuit with a 6-V dc source, a current limiting
determined was the voltage required to switch on an resistor (R = 100 ), a capacitor (C = 0.25 F), and
LED of known optical frequency. Of the two main several LEDs that emit a variety of wavelengths. A
methods reported, one uses a voltmeter to measure the 6-V dc power supply is used because the voltage
minimum voltage needed to activate the LED, and the probe measures a maximum voltage of 6 V. With a
other determines “turn-on” voltage from the current- 100- resistor, the circuit current is limited to
versus-voltage (I-V) curve of the LED. However, the
value obtained for Planck’s constant was influenced by
human judgment in deciding when the LED started
to emit for the first technique, and what feature of
the I-V curve constituted the LED “turn-on” point
for the second technique. In this paper we propose a
computer-based approach that utilizes curve fitting to
determine the voltage required to switch on an LED.
The experiment is reliable, repeatable, and accurate.
This approach monitors only the discharge of a Fig. 1. Experimental setup.

THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 46, October 2008 413

Fig. 2. Typical voltage discharge curves for the IR LED. Fig. 3. Graph of photon energy E = eV0 vs frequency (f =
The exponential decay curve fitting of the capacitor dis- c/λ) for the five LEDs from which h is determined from
charge voltage indicates it stops at a minimum voltage the slope.
V0 = 1.17 V. compute the LED voltage and current as well.
Table I. Exponential curve fitting of the capacitor discharge
Figure 2 shows typical discharge curves with the
voltage with five different LEDs.
IR LED used in the circuit when two voltage probes
Light Nominal Frequency B (= V0) Energy were used. Although only the capacitor voltage is
Emitting Wavelength f [THz] [V] E = eB
Diode λ [nm] [10-19 J] required to implement our technique, the other volt-
blue 430 697.209 3.321 5.321 ages are included here for clarity. The voltage across
green 565 530.619 1.918 3.073 the resistor approaches zero and is proportional to
yellow 585 512.479 1.854 2.971 the current in the circuit while the capacitor voltage
red 660 454.242 1.74 2.788 decays exponentially from its initial maximum toward
infrared 940 318.936 1.167 1.870 a lower limit. As a result, the voltage across the LED
only varies slightly approaching its minimum value as
60 mA before an LED is inserted. A capacitor of the current through the resistor approaches zero. An
0.25 F in series with the resistor gives an RC time exponential decay function of the form V = Ae–αt + B
constant of 25 s, which means the exponential decay fits the capacitor voltage discharge curves very well,
will complete within approximately 75 s. After the while A, B, and α are constants. Table I lists the B
capacitor is fully charged by the dc source, the switch coefficients associated with different LEDs obtained
is moved from position A to position B to begin the from curve fittings, which indicate the low voltage
discharge with the first LED (labeled with a). The limits, i.e., the turn-on voltages. The value of Plank’s
voltage across the capacitor is recorded with a voltage constant obtained from the graph shown in Fig. 3 is
probe attached to Vernier’s LabPro® interface con- 6.625  10-34 J-s.
nected to a computer running Logger Pro®. Then the We have shown that by measuring the discharge
same procedure is repeated for other LEDs labeled voltage of the capacitor in the LED circuit, we can
with b, c, d, and e. We collected data for 5-mm blue, accurately determine the threshold voltage to turn
green, yellow, red, and infrared (IR) LEDs (from on the LED by fitting the exponential decay curve.
Radio Shack) with nominal emission wavelengths This method is reliable and consistent, generating a
of 430 nm, 565 nm, 585 nm, 660 nm, and more accurate value than the reported methods using
940 nm, respectively. The actual peak wavelength LEDs. The experiment exhibits desirable characteris-
could be within  5 nm from the nominal wave- tics for an entry-level physics course or an interactive
length, according to the specification. If an addi- lecture demonstration while making it interesting and
tional voltage probe is used to record the voltage easy to obtain an important physical constant such as
drop across the resistor, Kirchhoff ’s laws enable us to Planck’s constant h, the speed of light c, or the basic

414 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 46, October 2008

charge on an electron e. However, these LED-based 3. D. F. Holcomb, “Apparatus for LED measurement of
investigations will not give high-precision measure- Planck’s constant,” Phys. Teach. 35, 261 (May 1997).
ments of the Planck’s constant. Because of the particu- 4. L. Nieves, G. Spavieri, B. Fernandez, and R. A. Gue-
lar energy bandgap structure of the LED material, the vara, “Measuring the Planck constant with LED’s,”
temperature effect, and the emission spectrum width, Phys. Teach. 35, 108–109 (Feb 1997).
etc., the obtained h values vary from 5.77  10-34 to 5. Wayne P. Garver, “The photoelectric effect using LEDs
as light sources,” Phys. Teach. 44, 272–275 (May 2006).
7.67 10-34 for the five LEDs. This experiment can
PACS codes: Editor
be further improved by using the measured emission
wavelength of each LED instead of its nominal value.
Feng Zhou received his PhD from Shanghai Institute
The simple setup can also be used to study the I-V of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of
curve and the discharge time constant of an LED. Sciences, in 1989. Currently he is mainly involved with
the electro-optics program at Indiana University of
Pennsylvania. His research interests include nonlinear
Acknowledgment optics, laser R&D, and integrated photonics.
The authors would like to thank ABPFI 2007 Physics Department, Indiana University of
Workshop for providing the equipment and support Pennsylvania, 975 Oakland Ave., Indian, PA 15705;
to this project.

Todd Cloninger completed a bachelor’s degree at

References Warren Wilson College in 1984 and an MS in applied
1. J. O’Connor and L. O’Connor, “Measuring Planck’s physics at Oregon Graduate Center in 1989. His PhD
constant using a light emitting diode,” Phys. Teach. 12, research utilized near-field microscopy and porous silicon
spectroscopy. Industry work involved automation and
423–425 (Oct. 1974). holography. Currently he teaches physics and math.
2. J.W. Jewett Jr., “Get the LED out,” Phys. Teach. 29, Cleveland Community College, 137 South Post Road,
530–534 (Nov. 1991). Shelby, NC 28152; cloningert@clevelandcommunity

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THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 46, October 2008 415

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