Lab Report Properties Measurement
Lab Report Properties Measurement
Lab Report Properties Measurement
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AIM / OBJECTIVE……………………………………………………………...5
Four experiment are conducted involving an ideal gas which is Boyle’s Law experiment,
Gay-Lussac Law experiment, Brief depressurization and determination of ratio of volume. The
apparatus that being used was called the perfect gas expansion. This equipment use to
determine the properties of measurement and study the relationship between pressure and
volume of ideal gas for experiment Boyles Law, pressure and temperature of ideal gas
condition for experiment Gay-Lussac Law experiment, the effect on pressurized vessel for brief
depressurization experiment and determination of ratio volume for experiment determination
of ratio of volume.
Boyle’s Law Experiment was the first experiment that need to be run to find the
relationship between pressure and volume of ideal gas. The results was taken before and after
the connected valve pressure and vacuum chamber. The results show that the increasing in
pressure of the volume of gas, the pressure chamber will decrease in pressure
For second experiment which is Gay-Lussac Law experiment compared between
temperature and pressure increasing and decreasing in every 10 kPa. The results indicates as
the temperature increase, the pressure will also increase. From the results, the minimum
pressure used is 110 kPa and the average temperature is 29.3˚C while at 160 kPa the average
temperature is 33.3˚C. The Gay-Lussac Law is proven.
Brief depressurization experiment reading was recorded before and after the valve 1
(release valve) is open. This experiment results was taken at various pressure to shows that
decreasing of pressure before and after expansion. The results show that the pressure reading
before the valve is open is 159 ˚C compared with after expansion that is 135.5˚C.
Lastly, the experiment for determine the ratio of volume before and after expansion in
terms of pressure. The aim of this experiment is to compares theoretical value and results
achieved. Based on the results,
The Perfect Gas Expansion apparatus is an equipment used to expose the student and
familiar with the fundamental thermodynamics such as first law, second law or
thermodynamics and relationship between P-V-T. This experiment are safe and demonstrate
the expansion and compression of gas in our daily life. This experiment are related to some of
daily application such as combustion of engine, refrigerator, heat pumps and other practical
In this experiment deals with ideal gas that obeys the relationship PV=nRT. P and T in
the equations refers to absolute pressure and absolute temperature respectively. R is particular
gas constant which is R=8.3145 J/mol.K and n indicates number of moles of the gas filling in
the chamber. Molecular weight of the gas influences the particular gas constant.
The apparatus have two inlet vessel, one for pressurized chamber and vacuum
chamber. The chamber are made from glass which can withstand maximum pressure of
apparatus can operate. These chambers are connected with valve and also a valve to the
surrounding. This apparatus are also equip with pressure pump and vacuum pump. The
apparatus equipped with temperature and pressure sensors for both tanks for recording data
from the board. These sensors used to monitor and manipulate the pressure and temperature.
Based on data recorded, the calculation can be made to deal with the PVT laws.
On chemical explanation, the gas particle in the camber collide with each other and
the walls which will create a momentum. The momentum delivered to the wall per unit time
and the gas pressure will be equal. The particles moves randomly along some direction until it
strikes back and forth with wall and change direction and speeds. The gas expansion equations
are derived directly from the law of conservation of linear momentum and the law of
conservation of energy.
Perfect gas law is the same as ideal gas law where it can call as general gas equation.
Perfect gas law can be divided into few categories including Boyle’s law, Charles’s law,
Avogadro’s Law and Gay-Lussac’s law to determine the behavior of many gases under many
conditions. If any gas obeys this law, the state of the gas can be determined by its pressure,
volume, and temperature. The temperature used in the equation of state is an absolute
temperature and the SI unit is the kelvin. The equation also can be written as:
𝑃𝑉 = 𝑛𝑅𝑇
Condition of perfect gas will occur when there is none attractive forces exist in the ideal
gas. Since perfect gas is an ideal gas, they collide between atoms or molecules elastically with
no intermolecular attractive forces. Some assumption has been respect to kinetic theory of ideal
gas which the gasses made up of molecules that always move in a constant straight line. An
equation had been introduced and named as ideal gas equation of state:
𝑃 = 𝑅( )
The properties of perfect gas can be compared at two different states if they have one constant
property throughout the experiment where the equation below can be used:
Boyle’s Law
Boyle’s law is a gas law that describes how the pressure of a gas tends to increase as
the volume of the container decreases. This law was named after chemist and physicist Robert
Boyle in 1662. This law works when the pressure increase inversely with the volume of gas
where the temperature held constant along the process. The gas inside a system loosely packed
and move randomly. If the volume is reduce, then the pressure become high as the molecules
having less space to move, to hit the wall of container more frequently.
Figure 1 Graph of Boyle's Law
The initial and final volumes and pressures of the fixed amount of gas, where the initial and
final temperatures are the same are related by the equation:
P1V1 = P2V2
Gay-Lussac’s Law
Graph below show the relationship of temperature and pressure in the Gay-Lussac’s law with
constant volume. This prove that the pressure directly proportional to the temperature.
Figure 2 Graph of Gay-Lussac's Law
Brief Depressurization
7. Pressure versus temperature graph was plotted.
Experiment 1
Before experiment After experiment
(a) From PT 1 (kPa abs) 104.5 90.0
PT 2 (kPa abs) 57.8 89.0
chamber to vacuum
(b) From pressurized PT 1 (kPa abs) 154.0 136.3
chamber to vacuum
PT 2 (kPa abs) 103.5 135.2
V1 = RT/PT1
V1 = (8.314 L kPa K-1 mol-1)(298.15 K) / (57.8 kPa)
= 42.88 L
V2 = RT/PT2
V2 = (8.314 L kPa K-1 mol-1)(298.15 K) / (89.0 kPa)
= 27.85 L
P1V1 = P2V2
(57.8kPa)(42.88L) = (89.0kPa)(27.85L)
2478.5 L kPa = 2478.6 L kPa
The different between both P1V1 and P2V2 is 0.1.
b) From pressurized chamber to vacuum chamber
When PT1 = 154.0 kPa, PT2 = 136.3 kPa
V1 = RT/PT1
V1 = (8.314 L kPa K-1 mol-1)(298.15 K) / (154.0 kPa)
= 16.1 L
V2 = RT/PT2
V2 = (8.314 L kPa K-1 mol-1)(298.15 K) / (136.3 kPa)
= 18.2 L
P1V1 = P2V2
(154.0 kPa)(16.1 L) = (136.3 kPa)(18.2 L)
2479.4 L kPa = 2480.7 L kPa
Experiment 2
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Pressure Temperature (˚C) Temperature (˚C) Temperature (˚C)
Pressurize Depressurize Pressurize Depressurize Pressurize Depressurize
vessel vessel vessel vessel vessel vessel
pressure vs temperature
average temperature (˚C)
110 120 130 140 150 160
pressure (kPa abs)
Experiment 5
PT 1 (kPa abs)
159.0 135.5
135.5 135.2
135.2 132.2
132.2 130.2
130.2 128.4
128.4 125.5
125.5 122.1
122.1 118.0
118.0 115.6
115.6 108.9
108.9 105.5
105.5 104.2
Experiment 6
Experiment 1: Boyle’s Law
In the first experiment, it stated that Boyle’s Law works when the pressure increase inversely
with the volume of gas where the temperature held is constant throughout the process. From
the data calculated, in the first section where the gas flows from atmospheric chamber to
vacuum chamber. The pressure PT1 and PT2 is 57.8kPa and 89.0kPa respectively and the
volume calculated is V1= 42.88L before expansion and V2= 27.85L after expansion. It shows
that the Boyle’s law is accepted where the pressure increase in the chamber and the volume
decrease in the chamber as in PT2 and V2. The different between both P1V1 and P2V2 is 0.1
but the value is still closed to each other so it proved the Boyle’s Law is apply in this
Next, the second section where the gas flows from pressurized chamber to vacuum chamber.
The pressure PT1 and PT2 is 154.0kPa and 136.3kPa respectively and the volume calculated
is V1= 16.1L before expansion and V2= 18.2L after expansion. It shows that the Boyle’s law is
accepted where the pressure increase in the chamber and the volume decrease in the chamber
as in PT1 and V1. The different between both P1V1 and P2V2 is 0.6 may because of the air
was leaking during the experiment and causes the result become not accurate in the final.
Hence, this proved that Boyle’s Law is accepted in both experiment.
For experiment 2 which is Gay-Lussac’s Law shows that the pressure is directly proportional
to temperature. This proves when the pressure increase, the temperature also increase. The
graph indicates the statement and the Gay-Lussac’s Law is verified. The experiment has been
conduct to investigate the relationship between pressure and temperature. The temperature of
a gas in a container increase, the heat energy and the system transfer its energy into molecule
gas will also increase its frequency of collision in the chamber that will exerted more pressure.
Based on the brief depressurization experiment, a graph of pressure vs time was plotted. It can
be shown in the graph that pressure decrease slowly as the gas were released to the atmospheric
slowly. The collision of molecule in the chamber decrease as the chamber was depressurized.
Experiment 6: Determination the ratio of volume
An experiment was conducted to determine the ratio of volume of heat capacity. Some
calculation was made using the data recorded during the experiment. It was found that the
percentage difference for condition 1 is 7.7% while for condition 2 only made 2 % percentage
difference. Thus this experiment can be considered as successful due to value calculated only
slightly difference from the theoretical value.
To conclude, PVT experiment objective was to determine properties of measurement according
to Boyle’s law, Gay-Lussac’s law, brief depressurization and ratio of volume in some spaces.
All the experiment was a success since it is almost same as theory and slightly difference due
to some instrument and human error. Boyle’s law and Gay-Lussac Law was proven according
to both theoretical experiment. The dynamics of compression and expansion of gases was
proved by volume ratio gas experiment. Although there is some errors throughout the
experiment, but we manage to keep it minimize.
The first experiment objective is achieved which is to determine the relationship between
pressure and volume of an ideal gas and to compare the experimental results with theoretical
results. Based on the experiment, the Boyle’s law is accepted where the pressure increase in
the chamber and the volume decrease in the chamber. The different between both P1V1 and
P2V2 is 0.1.
Gay-Lussac’s law aims is to determine the relationship between pressure and temperature of
an ideal gas. Based on the experiment, the pressure increase, the temperature also increase. The
graph indicates the statement and the Gay-Lussac’s Law is verified.
Experiment 5 are to investigate the response of the pressure vessel following stepwise
depressurization. The results indicates that the graph that pressure decrease slowly as the gas
were released to the atmospheric slowly. The collision of molecule in the chamber decrease as
the chamber was depressurized.
Lastly, the ratio of volume was determine and it was found that the percentage difference for
condition 1 is 7.7% while for condition 2 only made 2 % percentage difference. Thus this
experiment can be considered as successful due to value calculated only slightly difference
from the theoretical value.
Before start the experiment, general start-up are compulsory to ensure that the equipment is in
good condition. After the experiment, a shutdown procedure are also need to be done to make
sure there are no gas left in the chamber and the equipment can be used for a long period of
time. During recording the data, student must focus since the parameter can increase and
decrease really fast. An average reading is compulsory and need to be take more than three
reading. Next, the procedure need to be read carefully to avoid any mistake furthermore, the
safety on handle the valve need to be taken care of aside from choosing the right valve so it
will not affect the data. The experiment need to be conduct carefully in order to avoid explosion
due to overpressure inside the chamber.
1. Bonnar, W. B. (1956). Boyle's Law and gravitational instability. Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 116(3), 351-359.
2. Crosland, M. P. (1961). The origins of Gay-Lussac's law of combining volumes of
gases. Annals of science, 17(1), 1-26.
3. Lab Manual. (2018). Lab Manual Fluid Mixing. Retrieved from https://i-