Drug Study LCP

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Drug name and Action Indication Contra-indication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration

GN: Salmetrol+ Selectively Regular Contraindicated Tremor, subjective Assess patient’s
Fluticasone activates beta 2 treatment of to patients with palpitations and respiratory condition
BN: Seretide adrenergic reversible hypersensitivity to headache, cardiac before starting therapy.
receptors, which obstructive drug or any of its arrhythmias,
Anti-asthamatic results in airway disease, components. arthralgia, Assess peak flow
bronchodilation and including asthma hypersensitivity readings before starting
blcks the release of where use of Caution to reactions, therapy and periodically
allergic mediators combination patients who are oropharyngeal thereafter.
from the mast cells therapy is unusually irritation,
in the respiratory appropriate. responsive to hoarseness,oral Be alert for adverse
tract. sympathomimetic candidiasis, reactions and drug
Maintenance s and patients paradoxical reactions
treatment for with coronary bronchospasm.
COPD including artery Don’t give drug for acute
chronic insufficiency. bronchospasm.
bronchitis and
emphysema. Tell patient to take the
drug at about 12-hour
intervals even if he is
feeling better.

GN: Doxofylline Adrenergic Bronchial asthma Contraindicated Nausea, vomiting, Assess lung sounds,
BN: Ansimar & pulmonary for patients with epigastric pain, pulse and blood
bronchodilators and
disease w/ Acute MI, cephalalgia, pressure before
Anti-asthmatic phosphodiesterase spastic bronchial hypotension, and irritability, insomnia, administration and
inhibitors both component. lactating patients
tachycardia, during peak of
work by increasing
extrasystole, medication. Not amount,
intracellular level of tachypnea, color, and character of
cyclic-3’,5’- hyperglycemia, sputum
adenosine albuminuria. produced.
MP); adrenergics Monitor pulmonary
by increasing function tests before
initiating therapy and
production and
during therapy to
inhibitors by determine effectiveness
decreasing of medication.
Increased levels of Observe for paradoxical
cAMP produce bronchospasm
bronchodilation. (wheezing). If conditions
Corticosteroids act occur,
by decreasing withhold medication and
notify physician of other
health care professional

GN: tiotropium Competitive, Maintenance Contraindicated Depression, Obtain baseline

bromide therapy for to patients with paresthesia, chest assessment of patient’s
reversible inhibition
BN: Spriva bronchospasm in hypersensitivity to pain, angina respiratory status before
of muscarinic COPD, including the drug or any of pectoris, edema, starting therapy.
receptors leads to chronic its components
Long acting anti- bronchodilation bronchitis and
dysphonia, Be alert for adverse
cholinergic; emphysema Caution to
bronchodilator patients with laryngitis, eye pain, reactions
creatinine blurred vision,
clearance of visual Inform patient that drug
50ml/minute or halos,abdominal is for maintenance
less, patients with pain, treatment of COPD, not
angle closure constipation,dry for immediate relief of
glaucoma, mouth, arthritis and breathing problems
prostatic myalgia
hyperplasia or Provide full instructions
bladder neck for the Handihaler.

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