Lesson 4 MATH13-1

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Solids for which V = Bh

Week 6
Solid Mensuration

A prism is defined as a polyhedron

with two congruent bases that lie in
parallel planes, and whose every
section that is parallel to a base has
the same area as that of the base.

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

A right prism is a prism whose lateral faces

or lateral edges are perpendicular to the two
A regular prism is a right prism whose bases
are regular polygons. If the base is a regular
polygon of n sides then the prism contains n
number of congruent lateral faces which are
An oblique prism is a prism whose lateral
faces or lateral edges are not perpendicular
to its bases. Its lateral faces are
Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

A right section of a prism is a

perpendicular to one of the lateral
An oblique section is made by a
plane oblique to one of the lateral

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

Surface Areas
The lateral area of a prism is the
product of the perimeter P of a right
section and the length e of a lateral
LSA = Pe
Total Surface Area:
TSA = 2B + LSA
where B is the area of one base.
Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

Volume of Prism

V = Bh
V = Bh = Re
R = B sin

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

Rectangular Solids
A rectangular solid, also known as
rectangular parallelepiped is a
polyhedron with two rectangular
bases and lateral edges that are
perpendicular to the bases.

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

Rectangular Solids
Diagonal :
Surface Area: TSA = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh
Volume: V = lwh

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by


A cube is a hexahedron whose 12

edges are all congruent.

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

Diagonal: d = 3 s
Surface Area: TSA = 6s2
Volume: V = s3

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

A cylinder is the solid bounded by a

closed cylindrical surface and two parallel
planes cutting all the elements of the
A circular cylinder is one whose bases are
circles. It may also be thought of as a
prism with two equal circular bases.
A circular cylinder is a right circular
cylinder, if the height or the line segment
drawn through the center of the bottom
base connects the center of the top base.
Otherwise, the cylinder is said to be
Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

Surface Areas
LSA = 2rh

TSA = 2B + LSA

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

Volume of Cylinder

V = r2h
V = Bh = Re

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

#2, p99: The trough in the figure has
trapezoidal ends which lie in parallel planes.
The top of the trough is a horizontal
rectangle 6 ft by 16 ft and the depth of the
trough is 4 ft.
a. How many cubic feet of water can it hold?
b. How many cubic feet of water does it contain
when the depth of the water is 3 ft?
c. What is the area covered by water (wet portion
of the container) with this height?

ANS: 320 ft3, 228 ft3, and 191.38 ft2.

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by


Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

The right section of a prism is in the
form of a regular hexagon whose
apothem measures 5 cm. If the lateral
area is 360 cm2, what is the length of
the lateral edge of the prism?
ANS: 10.39 cm
(Similar example from #5, p102 with
different given)
Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

#10, p116: A cylinder with a volume of
576 m3 is circumscribed about a
square prism which has one side of the
base that measures 8 m. What is the
altitude of the cylinder?
ANS: 18 m

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

#6, p107: The length of a rectangular
solid is three times the width and the
height is twice the width. Find the
volume and the length of its diagonal if
the total surface area is 198 in2.
ANS: V = 162 in3, d = 11.22 in

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

4.1 EXERCISES, #10, p103: Each base of a right
prism is a rhombus. The diagonals of a base are
12 and 6, and the altitude of the prism is 18.
Find the volume and the lateral area.
4.1 EXERCISES, #15, p104: One edge of an
oblique prism forms an angle of 30 with its
projection on the plane of one base. If the lateral
edge is 15 cm long and the base area is 20 cm 2,
find the volume of the prism. ANS: 150 cm3

Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

EXERCISES, #13, p111: Find the
volume of a regular hexahedron if one of
the diagonals of its faces is inches. ANS:
512 in3

4.3 EXERCISES, #12, p120: What

dimensions of a tin can of volume 54
cm3 should be produced if it is required
that its height be equal to the diameter of
its base?
Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

4.3 EXERCISES, #15, p120: A cylindrical tank has
a lateral surface area of 88 cm 2 and a volume of
176 cm3. Find the base area. ANS: 16 cm 2
4.3 EXERCISES, #20, p120: A cylindrical gas
bottle has internal dimensions of 18 cm in
diameter and 49 cm in height. It is designed to
contain compressed oxygen gas. The bottle has a
mass of 1.75 kg when empty and 3.15 kg when
full of oxygen gas. What is the density of the
oxygen gas in a full bottle in kg/m 3?
Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

4.1 EXERCISES: #s 1, 9, & 17 pp. 102104
4.2 EXERCISES: #s 7 & 23 pp. 110111
4.3 EXERCISES: #s 1-a, 13, & 25 pp.
Reference: Solid Mensuration: Understanding the 3-D Space by

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