Atomic Structure

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Electromagnetic S pectrum & Bohr ’s Theory 3) Write the Schrodinger wave equation
1) Chlorophyll absorbs radiations of wavelength 700 4) List two differences between orbit and orbital .
nm. What is the frequency of this radiation ? 5) Draw the shape of dz2.
[Ans.4.2 × 10s Hz] Quantum Numbers, Electronic Configuration and
2) If the length of the crest of a wave is 4 pm. Write Nodes
the wavelength of this wave. [Ans.8 pm]. 1) What is the lowest value of n that allows g orbitals
3) A radiation emitted from a hot iron is photon or to exist ?
quantum ? 2) What are the four quantum numbers of 19th
4) The line spectrum of an element is known as electron of copper ?
fingerprints of its atom.Comment 3) Which quantum number is not obtained from
5) Distinguish between a photon and a quantum. solution of Schrondinger wave equation ?
6) Which series of lines of the hydrogen spectrum lie 4) How many electrons will be present in the sub-
in the visible region ? shells having ms, value of -1/2 for n = 4 ?
7) Cs show maximum photoelectric effect, why ? 5) Write the electronic confi guration of Ni2+.
8) Calculate the wave number for the longest (At. no. of Ni = 28)
wavelength transition in the Balmer series of 6) Which of the following orbitals are possible ?
atomic hydrogen. [Ans. 1.523 × 106 m-1] 1p, 2s, 2p and 3f.
9) Calculate the number of protons emitted in 10 7) Write the name of non-directional orbital.
hours by a 60 W sodium lamp emitting radiations 8) Using s, p, d notations, describe the orbital with
of wavelength 6000 Å. the following quantum numbers :
10) Which one has a higher energy, a photon of violet (a) n = 4, 1 = 2 (b) n = 1, l = 0.
light with wavelength 4000 Å or a proton of red [Ans. (a) 4d (b) 1s]
light with wavelength 7000 Å ? 9) How many total electrons can be filled in all
11) A 100 watt bulb emits monochromatic light of orbitals with (n + l) = 5 ?
wavelength 400 nm. Calculate the number of [Ans. 18 electrons (4p6 3d10 5s2]
protons emitted per second by the bulb. 10) Name the dipositive ion represented by the
[Ans. 2.012 × 1020 s-1] electronic configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6. [Ca2+]
12) Write short note on : 11) Which has more energy of electron 4p or 5s ?
(a) Continuous and discontinuous spectrum. 12) Nitrogen has correct configuration of 1s2, 2s2,
(b) Absorption and emission spectrum 2px1,2py1, 2pz1 is described by which principle ?
13) (a) Define Photoelectric effect ? Mention its one 13) Whal are degenerate orbitals ?
practical application in daily life, 14) Explain why :
(b) Electrons are emitted with zero velocity from a (a) The three electron present in 2p subshell of
metal surface when it is exposed to radiation of nitrogen remain unpaired
wavelength 6800 Å. Calculate threshold frequency (b) Cr has configuration 3d5 4s1 and not 3d4 4s2.
(νo) and work function (Wo ) of the metal. 15) (i)Write the electronic configurations of the
[Ans. νo = 4.41 × 1014 s-1 Wo = 2.92 × 10-19 J] following ions : (a) H. (b)Na+ (c)O2. (d) F.
14) Define the following terms : (ii) What are the atomic numbers of elements
(i) Threshold frequency (ii) Work function whose outermost electrons are represented by
Dual Nature of Matter, de Broglie Equation, (a) 3s1(b) 2p3 and (c) 3p5 ?
1) Can a moving cricket ball have a wave character ? (iii) Which atoms are indicated by the following
Justify your answer. configurations ?
2) Show that the circumference of the Bohr orbit for (a) [He] 2s1 (b) [Ne] 3s2 3p3 (c) [Ar] 4s2 3d1.
the hydrogen atom is an integral multiple of the 16) (a)Write short notes on:
de Broglie wavelength associated with (i) Aufbau principle (ii) Pauli.s principle (iii)
the electron revolving around the orbit. Hund’s rule.
3) State de Broglie equation. Write its significance, (b) Write the electronic configuration of the
4) A beam of helium atoms moves with a velocity of following ions : (i) Fe3+ (ii) Cu+
2.0 × 103 m s-1.Find the wavelength of the particle [Atomic number of Fe and Cu are 26 & 29]
constituting the beam (h = 6.626 × 10.34 J s).
[Ans. 49.9 pm ]
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
1) Why uncertainty in position is more when
uncertainty in velocity is less for an electron ?
2) Calculate the uncertainity in the velocity of a
cricket ball of mass 150g, if uncertainity in its
position is of the order of 1 Å.[Ans. 3.5 × 10-24 m s-1]
Wave mechanical model
1) Mention the physical significance of ψand ψ2.
2) Out of the d orbitals which does not have four
lobes ?

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