An Offshore Wind Farm With DC Grid Connection and Its Performance Under Power System Transients
An Offshore Wind Farm With DC Grid Connection and Its Performance Under Power System Transients
An Offshore Wind Farm With DC Grid Connection and Its Performance Under Power System Transients
An offshore wind farm with DC grid connection and its performance under
power system transients
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All content following this page was uploaded by Fujin Deng on 03 May 2015.
1 1 0.003
= − 3 (3)
λi λ − 0.02θ θ + 1
The wind turbine power curves shown in Fig. 4 for various
wind speed can be derived from (1) ~ (3). For each wind
velocity, there is a turbine speed that gives an optimal output
power. Normally, in low to moderate wind speeds, the control
of wind turbine is to follow the optimal power coefficient to
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the offshore wind farm with dc grid connection. capture the optimal power [13]. In high wind speeds, the pitch
angle controller with a model shown in Fig. 5 starts to be
active to prevent the rotor speed from becoming too high [14].
A. Aerodynamic Model where Jw and Jg are the equivalent wind turbine inertia and
generator inertia respectively. Torque Tw and Tg represent the
The mechanical power extracted from the wind can be
aerodynamic torque of the wind turbine and the generator
expressed as follows [6],
loading torque respectively. ωw and ωg are the wind turbine
Pw = ρπR 2 v 3C p (θ , λ ) (1) and generator rotor speed respectively. θwg is the angle
2 between the turbine rotor and the generator rotor. K is the
where Pw is the extracted power from the wind, ρ is air density elastic characteristic of the shaft. D is the mutual damping
(kg/m3), R is the blade radius (m), v is the wind speed (m/s) between the two masses.
and CP is the power coefficient which is a function of the
pitch angle of rotor blades θ (deg) and of the tip speed ratio λ.
Tw ωw Tg ωg
The term λ is defined as λ= ωwR/v, with ωw the wind turbine K
The power coefficient may be calculated as Jg
151 Jw
C p = 0.73( − 0.58θ − 0.002θ 2.14 − 13.2) ⋅ e −18.4 / λi (2)
λi Fig. 6. Block diagram of the two-mass drive-train model.
Fig. 8. Block diagram of the control for grid-side converter. Fig. 10. Power flow in the offshore wind farm.
wind farm response with the proposed control strategy under transmission level voltage. It can be seen that the transmission
the ac grid disturbance. level voltage is nearly increased by four times as shown in Fig.
The wind speed for the wind turbines are shown in Fig. 11(j). Owing to that the generation power by wind turbine 1
11(a). The wind turbines in the offshore wind farm are and 2 is bigger than that of wind turbine 3 and 4 as shown in
controlled by the generator-side converter to capture the Fig. 11(g), the Vdc1 is made higher than Vdc2. Nevertheless, the
maximum power from the wind, with the corresponding wind offshore converter, grid-side and generator-side converters in
turbine speed and pitch angle. The grid-side converters keep the wind turbine are nearly not affected and still work as
the dc-link capacitor voltage constant as 6.4kV for the normal normal as shown in Fig. 11(g ~ i).
operation of the generator-side converter. The collection level Based on the proposed power-reduction control strategy, if
voltage is kept by the offshore converter as 40kV and the the transmission voltage is measured to be over the limit value
transmission level voltage is maintained as 150kV by the as 1.1 p.u. due to the grid fault, the offshore converter starts to
onshore converter before grid fault. reduce its input power so as to limit the increase of
A grid fault happened at 7s causes ac grid voltage Vpcc dip transmission level voltage. Fig. 11(o) shows that the
to 15% of the rated value and lasting for 150ms shown in Fig. transmission level voltage, which is only increased to 1.2 p.u..
11(b). The power sent into the grid is reduced in proportional Because of the decrease of the input power for the offshore
to the decrease of the ac grid voltage shown in Fig. 11(d). At converter, the imbalance appears in the collection level, which
this time, the onshore converter loses its controllability, and causes the increase of the collection level voltage. With the
could only send little power to the ac grid. However, the proposed control strategy, the grid-side converter in the wind
power transferred from the offshore converter is nearly turbine reduces its output power if its output voltage is over
unchanged. Consequently, more energy is stored on the the reference value as 1.1 p.u.. Hence, the collection level
transmission level, which results in the increase of the voltage is effectively limited with the maximum value as 1.2
p.u. shown in Fig. 11(n). Also, the dc-link voltage in the wind
turbine converter is increased because of the decrease of its
output power. With the proposed control strategy, the
generator-side converter starts to reduce its output power
shown in Fig. 11(l) to keep the dc-link voltage in the wind
turbine if the dc-link voltage is over the set point as 1.1 p.u.
shown in Fig. 11(m). Finally, the decrease of the generator
power causes the increase of the kinetic energy, which results
in the increase of the wind turbine speed shown in Fig. 11(e).
Nevertheless, owing to the action of pitch angle control
system as shown in Fig. 11(k) and the big inertia of the wind
Fig. 11(a).
Grid voltage.
Fig. 11(c). Wind turbine speed without PRCS. Fig. 11(e). Wind turbine speed with PRCS.
Fig. 11(f). Pitch angle without PRCS. Fig. 11(k). Pitch angle with PRCS.
Fig. 11(g). Generator power without PRCS. Fig. 11(l). Generator power with PRCS.
Fig. 11(h). DC-link voltage in wind turbine without PRCS. Fig. 11(m). DC-link voltage in wind turbine with PRCS.
Fig. 11(i). DC-link voltage in collection level without PRCS. Fig. 11(n). DC-link voltage in collection level with PRCS.
Fig. 11(j). DC-link voltage in transmission level without PRCS. Fig. 11(o). DC-link voltage in transmission level with PRCS.
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VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Bridge Converter in FCEV,” Power Engineering Conference, 2005, The
The authors gratefully acknowledge the AAU (Aalborg 7th International IPEC 2005. 2005, pp. 827-830.
[12] I. Zubia, X. Ostolaza, G. Tapia, A. Tapia, J. R. Saenz, “Electrical fault
University) and CSC (China Scholarship Council) for simulation and dynamic response of a wind farm,” Proc. IASTED Int.
providing a scholarship to support the study. Conf. Power and Energy System, 2001, pp. 595-600.
[13] Tao Sun, Zhe Chen, F. Blaabjerg, “Flicker Study on Variable Speed
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[14] Sebastian Achilles and Markus Poller, “Direct drive synchronous
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Wind turbine rated power (MW) 5 4th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power
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Rotating speed (r/m) 6.9~11.94 [15] S. M. Muyeen, Md. Hasan, R. Takahashi, T. Murata, J. Tamura, Y.
Nominal wind speed (m/s) 11.4 Tomaki, A. Sakahara, E. Sasano, ”Comparative study on transient
stability analysis of wind turbine generator system using different drive
Generator Rated power (MW) 5
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Rated frequency (Hz) 20 emulating inertia and supporting primary frequency control,” IEEE
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Number of pole pairs 100 2006.
Stator winding resistance (p.u.) 0.001
Unsaturated induction Xd (p.u.) 0.15 XI. BIOGRAPHIES
Unsaturated induction Xq (p.u.) 0.1
Magnetic strength (p.u.) 1 Fujin Deng received the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from China
Generator inertia (s) 0.84 University of Mining and Technology, Jiangsu, China, in 2005. He received
the M. Sc. Degree in electrical engineering in 2008 from Shanghai Jiao Tong
Equivalent wind turbine inertia (s) 5.54 University, Shanghai, P.R. China. He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
Shaft stiffness K (p.u.) 2.15 degree with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University,
Shaft damping D (p.u.) 0.015 Aalborg, Denmark.
His current research interests include wind power generation, control of
permanent magnet synchronous generator, and offshore wind farm-power
X. REFERENCE systems dynamics.
[1] Z. Chen, Y. Hu, F. Blaabjerg, “Stability improvement of induction Zhe Chen (M’95, SM’98) received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees from
generator-based wind turbine systems,” Renewable Power Generation, Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering, Jilin City, China, and
IET, vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 81-93, 2007. the Ph.D. degree from the University of Durham, Durham, U.K.
[2] S. M. Muyeen, R. Takahashi, T. Murata, J. Tamura, “A Variable Speed He was a Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer with De Montfort University,
Wind Turbine Control Strategy to Meet Wind Farm Grid Code Leicester, U.K. Since 2002, he has been a Research Professor and now a
Requirements,” IEEE Transaction on Power System, vol. 25, Issue 1, pp. Professor with the Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg University,
331-340, Feb. 2010. Aalborg, Denmark, where he is the coordinator of the Wind Power System
[3] R. O’Donnell, N. Scho field, A. C. Smith, J. Cullen, “Design Concepts Research program at the Institute of Energy Technology. His research areas
for High-Voltage Variable-Capacitance DC Generators,” IEEE are power systems, power electronics, and electric machines, with specific
interest in wind energy and modern power systems. He has more than 200
publications in his technical field.
Dr. Chen is an Associate Editor (Renewable Energy) of the IEEE
Electronics for Wind Energy Conversion). He is a Member of the Institution
of Engineering and Technology (London, U.K.) and a Chartered Engineer in
the U.K.