An Offshore Wind Farm With DC Grid Connection and Its Performance Under Power System Transients

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An offshore wind farm with DC grid connection and its performance under
power system transients

Article · July 2011

DOI: 10.1109/PES.2011.6039338

18 552

2 authors:

Fujin Deng Zhe Chen

Southeast University (China) Aalborg University


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An Offshore Wind Farm with DC Grid

Connection and Its Performance under Power
System Transients
Fujin Deng, Student Member, IEEE, and Zhe Chen, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract--The continuous increase in wind power

penetration level brings new requirements for wind
turbine integration into the network. The grid code
requires that after clearance of an external short-circuit
fault, grid-connected wind turbines should restore their
normal operation without power loss caused by
disconnections. This paper presents a transient
performance study of an offshore wind farm with HVDC
transmission for grid connection, where the wind turbines
in the offshore wind farm are also connected with dc
collection network. A power-reduction control strategy
Fig. 1. Block diagram of an example offshore wind farm with dc grid
(PRCS) for transient performance improvement is connection.
proposed for the offshore wind farm that allows it to
withstand severe voltage dips. A simulation model of a 400 example, as shown in Fig. 1, the internal dc connection
MW offshore wind farm developed in PSCAD/EMTDC is configuration for the wind turbines inside the offshore wind
presented. The transient performance of the offshore wind farm associated with a dc transmission system [5-7]. Most
farm is studied, and the results show the effectiveness of grid codes now require that, in case of a short-circuit fault in
the proposed control strategy. the external grid, wind turbines should keep connection to the
grid and restore their normal operation after fault clearance
Index Terms—Offshore wind farm, high-voltage direct [8]. The reason is that, when the wind power penetration level
current (HVDC), permanent magnet synchronous generator is high, the protective disconnection of a large amount of wind
(PMSG), dc grid. power will be an unacceptable consequence that may threaten
the power system stability [9].
I. INTRODUCTION In this paper, an offshore wind farm with dc grid

W ind turbine technology has being undergoing a dramatic

development and now is the world’s fastest growing
energy [1]. With large-scale exploration and integration of
connection is presented. The dc grid in the offshore wind farm
consists of several clusters, where a number of wind turbines
with dc output are connected in parallel in each cluster. These
wind sources, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) predicts clusters are collected by an offshore dc/dc converter which
the global wind market would grow by over 155% from the increases the voltage to a transmission level for the HVDC
240 GW in 2007 of total installed capacity until 2012. This link connecting to the ac grid on shore. A power-reduction
means a 146 GW increase in just five years [2]. control strategy (PRCS) with improved transient performance
Along with the increase in the capacity of offshore wind is proposed for the offshore wind farm, which allows the wind
farms and the distance between the offshore wind farm and farm to withstand severe grid disturbance.
the load, the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) becomes a
favorable solution from the view of economics and technology II. OFFSHORE WIND FARM CONFIGURATION
[3], [4]. The dc transmission and distribution systems offer The studied offshore wind farm with dc grid connection in
some advantages compared with ac systems, in particular, this paper is shown in Fig. 2, which can be divided into wind
issues related to reactive power and harmonics. Just because turbine level, collection level and transmission level.
of this, the dc systems are being used for point-to-point Direct drive permanent magnet synchronous generator
transmissions via HVDC [5]. Meanwhile, various connection (PMSG), which are preferred for large, remote offshore wind
configurations for offshore wind farm are proposed, for farms [10], are assumed as the wind power generator in the
wind farm. The wind turbine topology is shown in Fig. 3. A
Fujin Deng is with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg voltage source converter (VSC) is used as generator-side
University, Aalborg, 9220, Denmark (e-mail: [email protected]).
Zhe Chen is with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg
converter to transfer the ac to dc. A full bridge isolated boost
University, Aalborg, 9220, Denmark (e-mail: [email protected]). (FBIB) converter is used to step up the dc voltage to the
978-1-4577-1002-5/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

1 1 0.003
= − 3 (3)
λi λ − 0.02θ θ + 1
The wind turbine power curves shown in Fig. 4 for various
wind speed can be derived from (1) ~ (3). For each wind
velocity, there is a turbine speed that gives an optimal output
power. Normally, in low to moderate wind speeds, the control
of wind turbine is to follow the optimal power coefficient to
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the offshore wind farm with dc grid connection. capture the optimal power [13]. In high wind speeds, the pitch
angle controller with a model shown in Fig. 5 starts to be
active to prevent the rotor speed from becoming too high [14].

Fig. 3. Block diagram of the wind turbine.

collection level voltage [11].

Four aggregated variable speed wind turbines (VSWTs)
with 100MW each are connected to the offshore converter
with 40kV collection voltage. In aggregated model, it is
assumed that twenty 5MW wind turbines are lumped together
to obtain a large wind turbine generator system [12]. The Fig. 4. Wind turbine power curves under different wind speeds.
offshore converter, which is built with two series FBIB
converters, steps up the collection voltage to transmission β ref
ωw 1 1 β
voltage as ±150kV, where two 100 km 150kV XLPE K β (1 + )
sTβ Ts
transmission cable with the cross section area of 1200 mm2 is
applied for power delivery, where the resistance and the
inductance of this cable are approximately 0.0151 Ω/km and Fig. 5. Block diagram of pitch angle controller model.
0.00049 H/km respectively. Afterwards, two VSCs are used as
the onshore converter to convert dc to ac. A three-winding
B. Drive Train Model
converter transformer is connected with the two converters, an
ungrounded star and a delta connection. Also, the ac voltages A comparative study of wind turbine systems using
from the two VSCs have 30o phase difference, which is different drive train models [15] has shown that the two-mass
utilized for eliminating some harmonics. Finally, the offshore model in Fig. 6 is suitable for transient stability analysis,
wind farm power is integrated into an ac grid through the which could be described below [1].
double circuit transmission lines and a step-up transformer. ⎧ dω w
The offshore wind farm parameters are given in Appendix. ⎪⎪ J w dt = Tw − Kθ wg − D(ω w − ω g )
⎨ (4)
⎪ J dω g = Kθ + D(ω − ω ) − T

A. Aerodynamic Model where Jw and Jg are the equivalent wind turbine inertia and
generator inertia respectively. Torque Tw and Tg represent the
The mechanical power extracted from the wind can be
aerodynamic torque of the wind turbine and the generator
expressed as follows [6],
loading torque respectively. ωw and ωg are the wind turbine
Pw = ρπR 2 v 3C p (θ , λ ) (1) and generator rotor speed respectively. θwg is the angle
2 between the turbine rotor and the generator rotor. K is the
where Pw is the extracted power from the wind, ρ is air density elastic characteristic of the shaft. D is the mutual damping
(kg/m3), R is the blade radius (m), v is the wind speed (m/s) between the two masses.
and CP is the power coefficient which is a function of the
pitch angle of rotor blades θ (deg) and of the tip speed ratio λ.
Tw ωw Tg ωg
The term λ is defined as λ= ωwR/v, with ωw the wind turbine K

The power coefficient may be calculated as Jg

151 Jw
C p = 0.73( − 0.58θ − 0.002θ 2.14 − 13.2) ⋅ e −18.4 / λi (2)
λi Fig. 6. Block diagram of the two-mass drive-train model.

IV. WIND FARM CONTROL C. Offshore Converter Control

The control system for the offshore wind turbine could be Two series FBIB converters make up of the offshore
divided into wind turbine control, offshore converter control converter, which is used to maintain the collection line voltage
and onshore converter control. Based on the VSWT close to the specified reference level. The control of the
configuration shown in Fig. 3, the wind turbine control offshore converter is very similar to the grid-side converter
contains generator-side converter and grid-side converter control of the wind turbine shown in Fig. 8. It adopts double
control. The control of the offshore wind farm is described control loops. One is current control inside loop and the other
below. one is voltage control outside loop. The collection line voltage
is maintained at the reference by controlling the injected
A. Generator-Side Converter Control
current of FBIB converter.
The generator-side converter is used to regulate the wind
turbine, which enables optimal speed tracking for the optimal D. Onshore Converter Control
power capture from the wind. The control block is developed The onshore converter is composed with two VSCs, which
for generator-side converter as shown in Fig. 7, where the d- is used to maintain the HVDC link voltage close to the
axis is aligned with the rotor flux. Based on the measured reference by adjusting the active power transmitted to the
generator speed, the optimal power point tracking algorithm onshore ac network to match is the power received from the
calculates the power Pg_ref, the optimal power can be captured offshore HVDC converter.
from the wind. A power controller Ggp(s) is used in the outside Vector control technique has been developed for the
loop to regulate the generator power Pg so as to follow the onshore current regulated VSC. It is illustrated in Fig. 9,
command value Pg_ref, and produces corresponding q-axis where the subscripts d and q refer to the d, q-axis quantities.
current command iq_ref. In the inside loop, the current The VSC is controlled in a synchronous rotating d, q-axis
controllers are adopted to regulate d- and q-axis stator current frame with the d-axis oriented along the grid voltage vector
to track the command. Here, the d-axis stator current, which is position, which ensures the decoupling control of active and
proportional to the reactive power, is set to zero so as to reactive powers into the ac grid [13]. The onshore converter
perform unity power factor operation. adapts double control loops as well. The inside loop is used to
control the current. The outside loop is used to maintain the
transmission level dc voltage Vdc_t at the rated value. In
addition, the VSC can improve grid power factor and inject a
current with very low harmonic into the utility grid.

Fig. 7. Block diagram of the control for generator-side converter. θ

B. Grid-Side Converter Control

The grid-side converter is a FBIB converter [11], which is
Fig. 9. Block diagram of the control for onshore converter.
used to keep the input dc-link voltage Vin constant. The
voltage Vin control using FBIB converter can be realized
through the control structure as shown in Fig. 8. A simple PI
controller Gu(s) is used in the outside loop as the dc-link Wind farm response under grid disturbance is studied in
voltage controller to generate the required current reference the section, which mainly focuses on the voltage dip situation
iL_ref. In the inside loop, the PWM regulation system at the point of common coupling (PCC).
controlled by the other PI current controller Gi(s) would The power flow in the offshore wind farm could be
produce the corresponding pulses to drive the FBIB converter described as shown in Fig. 10. Neglecting the power
so as to track the current reference. electronics loss, the relationship of the power in the offshore
wind farm could be obtained below.
Pw = Pk + Pg (5)

Fig. 8. Block diagram of the control for grid-side converter. Fig. 10. Power flow in the offshore wind farm.

Pg = Pc + Pca1 (6) B. Improved Grid-Side Converter Control

Pc = Pt + Pca 2 (7) The overvoltage in the collection level could be limited by
the improved grid-side converter control. Based on the
Pt = Pac + Pca3 (8)
description before, the topology and the control strategy for
The generator controlled by generator-side converter the grid-side converter is similar to that of the offshore
captures the power Pg from the wind power Pw, the power Pk converter. In order to emphasize the fault handling capacity
is stored as the kinetic energy. And then, the grid-side for the offshore wind farm, the improvement for the grid-side
converter transmits the power Pc from the generator to the converter control is nearly the same as that of the offshore
collection level, while power Pca1 is stored in the capacitor converter.
between the generator-side converter and the grid-side The output voltage of the wind turbine is measured by the
converter. Afterwards, most of the collection level power is control system and compared with the set value, which is set
sent to the transmission level as Pt by the offshore converter, as 1.1 p.u. in this study. Once the output voltage Vout is over
except that some is stored in the collection level capacitors as the set value, the reference current is reduced by the voltage
Pca2. Finally, the ac grid extracts the power Pac from the limit loop, which results in the decrease of the output power
onshore converter with some power stored in the transmission Pc of the wind turbine. Hence, according to (7), the capacitor
level capacitors as Pca3. energy in collection level could not be increase so much, and
When a disturbance occurs in the external grid, a voltage the voltage in the collection level is effectively limited.
dip occurs at the ac output terminals of the offshore wind farm.
The maximum active power that the offshore wind farm can C. Improved Generator-Side Converter Control
export to the ac grid is reduced in proportion to the terminal Along with the improvement of the grid-side converter
voltage reduction. At this time, the output power of the control, the output power Pc of the wind turbine is reduced. It
onshore converter is quickly reduced. However, the input means that the more energy may be stored in the capacitor in
power of the onshore converter is nearly not changed. the wind turbine converter, which may result in a voltage
Therefore, there is a power imbalance in the transmission increase and damage the wind turbine converter. Hence, the
level under the grid disturbance. It results in the increase of generator-side converter control should be improved too so as
the transmission level voltage, which may be harmful for the to prevent the possible damage.
offshore wind farm. A power-reduction control strategy is The generator-side converter control is improved with the
proposed to emphasize the capacity of handling faults for the gray area in Fig. 7. When the dc-link voltage in the wind
offshore wind farm as follows. turbine is higher than the reference value as 1.1 p.u., the
compensation is active in the power control loop, which is
A. Improved Offshore Converter Control
used to reduce the active power Pg of the generator. Based on
The improvement for the offshore converter to avoid (6), it can be seen that with the decrease of the generator
overvoltage could be realized by embedding a voltage limit power Pg, the capacitor power in the wind turbine is
loop printed in the gray area shown in Fig. 8. The voltage effectively limited. Hence, the overvoltage on the capacitor of
limit loop could effectively limit the overvoltage in the the wind turbine converter is avoided. On the other hand, from
transmission level under the grid faults. (5), it can be realized that more power is transferred to kinetic
When the output voltage Vout of the offshore converter energy because of the decrease of the generator power.
(FBIB converter) is increased and over the limit value Vout_limit, Consequently, the kinetic energy is increased with the increase
which is set as 1.1 p.u. under grid faults, the voltage limit loop of the wind turbine speed. The typical inertia constants for the
starts to be active to produce a current compensation generators of the large power plants are in the range of 2-9s
component iL_comp, which is embedded into the voltage control [16]. According to the drive-train system equation (4), the
loop to reduce the current reference value. Hence, the input bigger inertia would result in smaller increase of the wind
current of FBIB converter is reduced, which effectively turbine speed during the short faults period. Besides, the pitch
decreases the power Pt transmitted to the transmission level. angle control system would be active if the wind turbine speed
Based on (8), although the ac grid power Pac is reduced owing is over its rated value to effectively limit the wind turbine
to the voltage dip at PCC, the decrease of the transmission speed.
level power Pt is also fast reduced by the improved control
strategy, which could effectively reduce the capacitor power VI. SIMULATION
Pca3 and limits the increase of the capacitor voltage in the
The simulation study is conducted with the software
transmission level.
PSCAD/EMTDC. A 400 MW offshore wind farm is modeled
On the other hand, based on (7), the decrease of the power
as shown in Fig. 1.
Pt sent to the transmission level by the offshore converter
A three-phase short-circuit fault happened on one of the
could results in the increase of power Pc. Consequently, the
110kV double circuit transmission lines, which result in that
overvoltage may appear in the collection level. The following
the voltage Vpcc at the PCC is dipped to 15% of the rated value.
improved grid-side converter control could effectively handle
After 150ms, the fault is cleared from the power system and
this problem.
the voltage of PCC is recovered. Fig. 11 shows the offshore

wind farm response with the proposed control strategy under transmission level voltage. It can be seen that the transmission
the ac grid disturbance. level voltage is nearly increased by four times as shown in Fig.
The wind speed for the wind turbines are shown in Fig. 11(j). Owing to that the generation power by wind turbine 1
11(a). The wind turbines in the offshore wind farm are and 2 is bigger than that of wind turbine 3 and 4 as shown in
controlled by the generator-side converter to capture the Fig. 11(g), the Vdc1 is made higher than Vdc2. Nevertheless, the
maximum power from the wind, with the corresponding wind offshore converter, grid-side and generator-side converters in
turbine speed and pitch angle. The grid-side converters keep the wind turbine are nearly not affected and still work as
the dc-link capacitor voltage constant as 6.4kV for the normal normal as shown in Fig. 11(g ~ i).
operation of the generator-side converter. The collection level Based on the proposed power-reduction control strategy, if
voltage is kept by the offshore converter as 40kV and the the transmission voltage is measured to be over the limit value
transmission level voltage is maintained as 150kV by the as 1.1 p.u. due to the grid fault, the offshore converter starts to
onshore converter before grid fault. reduce its input power so as to limit the increase of
A grid fault happened at 7s causes ac grid voltage Vpcc dip transmission level voltage. Fig. 11(o) shows that the
to 15% of the rated value and lasting for 150ms shown in Fig. transmission level voltage, which is only increased to 1.2 p.u..
11(b). The power sent into the grid is reduced in proportional Because of the decrease of the input power for the offshore
to the decrease of the ac grid voltage shown in Fig. 11(d). At converter, the imbalance appears in the collection level, which
this time, the onshore converter loses its controllability, and causes the increase of the collection level voltage. With the
could only send little power to the ac grid. However, the proposed control strategy, the grid-side converter in the wind
power transferred from the offshore converter is nearly turbine reduces its output power if its output voltage is over
unchanged. Consequently, more energy is stored on the the reference value as 1.1 p.u.. Hence, the collection level
transmission level, which results in the increase of the voltage is effectively limited with the maximum value as 1.2
p.u. shown in Fig. 11(n). Also, the dc-link voltage in the wind
turbine converter is increased because of the decrease of its
output power. With the proposed control strategy, the
generator-side converter starts to reduce its output power
shown in Fig. 11(l) to keep the dc-link voltage in the wind
turbine if the dc-link voltage is over the set point as 1.1 p.u.
shown in Fig. 11(m). Finally, the decrease of the generator
power causes the increase of the kinetic energy, which results
in the increase of the wind turbine speed shown in Fig. 11(e).
Nevertheless, owing to the action of pitch angle control
system as shown in Fig. 11(k) and the big inertia of the wind
Fig. 11(a).
Grid voltage.

Fig. 11(d). Grid power.

Fig. 11(b). Grid voltage at point of common coupling.

Fig. 11(c). Wind turbine speed without PRCS. Fig. 11(e). Wind turbine speed with PRCS.

Fig. 11(f). Pitch angle without PRCS. Fig. 11(k). Pitch angle with PRCS.

Fig. 11(g). Generator power without PRCS. Fig. 11(l). Generator power with PRCS.

Fig. 11(h). DC-link voltage in wind turbine without PRCS. Fig. 11(m). DC-link voltage in wind turbine with PRCS.

Fig. 11(i). DC-link voltage in collection level without PRCS. Fig. 11(n). DC-link voltage in collection level with PRCS.

Fig. 11(j). DC-link voltage in transmission level without PRCS. Fig. 11(o). DC-link voltage in transmission level with PRCS.

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The authors gratefully acknowledge the AAU (Aalborg 7th International IPEC 2005. 2005, pp. 827-830.
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University) and CSC (China Scholarship Council) for simulation and dynamic response of a wind farm,” Proc. IASTED Int.
providing a scholarship to support the study. Conf. Power and Energy System, 2001, pp. 595-600.
[13] Tao Sun, Zhe Chen, F. Blaabjerg, “Flicker Study on Variable Speed
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[14] Sebastian Achilles and Markus Poller, “Direct drive synchronous
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Wind turbine rated power (MW) 5 4th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power
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Rotating speed (r/m) 6.9~11.94 [15] S. M. Muyeen, Md. Hasan, R. Takahashi, T. Murata, J. Tamura, Y.
Nominal wind speed (m/s) 11.4 Tomaki, A. Sakahara, E. Sasano, ”Comparative study on transient
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Generator Rated power (MW) 5
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Rated frequency (Hz) 20 emulating inertia and supporting primary frequency control,” IEEE
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Number of pole pairs 100 2006.
Stator winding resistance (p.u.) 0.001
Unsaturated induction Xd (p.u.) 0.15 XI. BIOGRAPHIES
Unsaturated induction Xq (p.u.) 0.1
Magnetic strength (p.u.) 1 Fujin Deng received the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from China
Generator inertia (s) 0.84 University of Mining and Technology, Jiangsu, China, in 2005. He received
the M. Sc. Degree in electrical engineering in 2008 from Shanghai Jiao Tong
Equivalent wind turbine inertia (s) 5.54 University, Shanghai, P.R. China. He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
Shaft stiffness K (p.u.) 2.15 degree with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University,
Shaft damping D (p.u.) 0.015 Aalborg, Denmark.
His current research interests include wind power generation, control of
permanent magnet synchronous generator, and offshore wind farm-power
X. REFERENCE systems dynamics.

[1] Z. Chen, Y. Hu, F. Blaabjerg, “Stability improvement of induction Zhe Chen (M’95, SM’98) received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees from
generator-based wind turbine systems,” Renewable Power Generation, Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering, Jilin City, China, and
IET, vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 81-93, 2007. the Ph.D. degree from the University of Durham, Durham, U.K.
[2] S. M. Muyeen, R. Takahashi, T. Murata, J. Tamura, “A Variable Speed He was a Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer with De Montfort University,
Wind Turbine Control Strategy to Meet Wind Farm Grid Code Leicester, U.K. Since 2002, he has been a Research Professor and now a
Requirements,” IEEE Transaction on Power System, vol. 25, Issue 1, pp. Professor with the Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg University,
331-340, Feb. 2010. Aalborg, Denmark, where he is the coordinator of the Wind Power System
[3] R. O’Donnell, N. Scho field, A. C. Smith, J. Cullen, “Design Concepts Research program at the Institute of Energy Technology. His research areas
for High-Voltage Variable-Capacitance DC Generators,” IEEE are power systems, power electronics, and electric machines, with specific

interest in wind energy and modern power systems. He has more than 200
publications in his technical field.
Dr. Chen is an Associate Editor (Renewable Energy) of the IEEE
Electronics for Wind Energy Conversion). He is a Member of the Institution
of Engineering and Technology (London, U.K.) and a Chartered Engineer in
the U.K.

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