Memo SSC Admission Test For Approval

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


No. __________ , s. 2020

TO : Assistant Schools Division Superintendent/ OIC, Office of the ASDS

Chief Education Supervisors, CID & SGOD
Education Program Supervisors
Public Schools District Supervisors
Public Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned


Schools Division Superintendent



1. In reference to Unnumbered Regional Memorandum dated June 8 2020 re:

Schedule and Modality of Admission for Grade 7 Entrants of Schools Implementing
Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program, the Department of Education,
MIMAROPA Region and Schools Division of Palawan shall conduct the Admission Test for
Grade 7 Entrants to High Schools offering STE Program and Special Science Class (SSC) in
Northern Palawan Schools for School Year 2020 – 2021.

2. The School Head or STE/SSC Coordinators are advised to coordinate with Local
IATF as protocol and to strictly adhere with the Resolution No. 43 s. 2020 of the Inter-Agency
Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF – EID) re: Guidelines on the Alternative
Work Arrangements in the Department of Education in Light of the Covid-19 Stringent
Social Distancing Measures.

3. This also clarifies that the STE and SSC Admission Tests must not hinder the
incoming Grade 7 enrollment in school. The admission result shall only be used to determine if
the students can be accommodated in the Special Science Class. This is one of the DepEd’s
Special Interest Programs which shall lay the foundation for the Career and/ or support to a
career for learners with interest and aptitude in Science.

4. Due to poor internet connectivity, online test is not possible. Thus, the following schools
shall have a paper-and-pencil test as modality which is most appropriate in their context. Below
are the schools and the test schedules:

Name of School Date of Admission Test

Narra National High School July 7 – 10, 2020
Central Taytay National High School July 8 -10, 2020
Salvacion National High School July 8 - 9, 2020
Araceli National High School July 8 - 9, 2020
Sta. Teresita National High School July 8 - 9, 2020
San Vicente National High School July 14-15 , 2020
Roxas National Comprehensive High School July 14 -17, 2020
El Nido National High School July 14 – 15, 2020

5. Admission results of the Special Science Class will be issued thru a Division

6. Enclosed are the following documents for reference and guidance:

Enclosure 1: Terms of Reference of the Committee for the Administration of the Test
Enclosure 2: Enclosure 2: Instructions for the Room Examiner:

6. Further information or details regarding this activity may be inquired from EPS
Rosalyn C. Gadiano at contact nos. 09214002473 (Smart) and 09177759932; email:
[email protected].

7. Immediate and wide dissemination of the contents of this Memorandum is desired

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

-Frederick Douglass
Gov. Salvador P. Socrates Govt Center PEO Road, Barangay Bancao-Bancao, Puerto Princesa City
(048) 433-6392
[email protected] DepEd Palawan/DepEd Tayo-Palawan

Enclosure 1: Terms of Reference of the Committee for the Administration of the Test
Position/Designation Tasks
Education Program Supervisor  Distributes online the soft copies of test materials
and zip grade answer sheets to the STE
 Retrieve answer sheets from the STE Coordinators
for Checking.
 Monitor online the administration of the test

School Principal  Prepare a well-lighted and ventilated 2 testing rooms

with 12 arm chairs and 1 teacher table per testing
 Assign One (1) Room Examiner for every testing
room who shall administer the test.
 Ensures that all committee members are well-
informed of their functions
 Ensures the integrity of the conduct of the test

STE/SSC Coordinators  Reproduces the testing materials and answer sheets.

 Clusters qualifiers by batch composed of 12
examinees per testing room. Clustering can be done
by barangay.
 Retrieve answer sheets from the Room Examiner
 Send answer sheets to the Education Program
 Ensures the integrity of the conduct of the test
 Perform related functions

Room Examiner  Supervises the conduct of the test

 Take minutes of the proceedings
 Ensures the integrity of the conduct of the test
 Perform related functions

Enclosure 2: Instructions for the Room Examiner:

1. The following will be the schedule of the test to be conducted:

Subject No. of Items Time Limit

English 50 1 hour
Science 50 1 hour
Math 50 1 hour

2. Entrance and Seating Arrangement

2.1. Inspect the seating arrangement before instructing the examinees to enter the testing
room. There should be 4 rows by 3 lines of armchairs. The seats should be spaced far enough
from each other to discourage unnecessary talking among examinees.
2.2. To facilitate control of passing in and out of the room, two doors will be open, front door
for Entrance and back door for Exit
2.3. Instruct the examinees to line up outside the room (observe social distancing) in
alphabetical order of their surnames.
2.4 Instruct them to enter the room also in alphabetical order. Let the first 4 examinees occupy
the front line first, then the second, until the last line, as shown below.
Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4

Line 1 1 2 3 4

Line 2 5 6 7 8

Line 3 9 10 11 12

2.5. In no case shall there be more than 12 examinees in a room.

2.6. Check the attendance by calling out the names of the examinees from the list, prepared by
the Science Coordinator.
2.7. Check the identity of the examinees inside the examination room using the following
2.7.1 Countercheck the identity through the school ID.
2.7.2 If the school ID is not available, ask the examinee to present a notebook or any
belonging bearing his/her name.
2.7.3 In the absence of requirements a & b, ask the other test takers to attest the identity of
the examinee.
2.8 Inspect the chairs of the examinees to ensure that only pencils and blank sheets of paper for
computation purposes are there.

2.9 Instruct them that all belongings must be placed beneath the blackboard

3. Orientation of the Examinees

Read the following slowly and clearly:
1. You will take three subjects: ENGLISH, SCIENCE and MATH.
2. You are not allowed to leave the room once the test has started.
3. Do not open your Test Paper until you are told to do so.
4. If you have any problem such as missing pages or words that are not printed clearly, raise
your hand so I can help you.
5. Questions on the directions or on any test item will not be entertained after the test has
6. Do not write anything on the Test Paper. Each will be provided with answer sheets. When
answering Mathematical problems, you may use a clean sheet of paper for your
7. Use lead pencil – Mongol 2 in answering the test.
8. Select your answer from the given choices and blacken the circle that corresponds to your
Answer in the appropriate item number on your Answer Sheet.
9. Remember to keep your Answer Sheets clean and free from unnecessary marks. DO NOT
fold, crumple, or crease any portion of it, otherwise it may be rejected by the scanner.
10. You may change your answer by erasing it neatly. Liquid and tape erasers are NOT
11. Work quietly and mind only your own work. Do not use books, dictionaries, rulers,
calculators, cell phones, and other electronic devices inside the testing room.
12. Refrain from cheating. If you are caught cheating and have been warned twice, but persist
on cheating, you will not be allowed to take the test any further.
13. The total time for the test will be 3 hours. You can take your snack while taking the test.
14. Work fast enough so you will finish the test within a given time. If you finish the test
ahead of time, review your answers.
15. I will announce when the given time to finish the test is up.
16. When I say STOP, put your pencils down.

4. Checking the Test Materials and Answer Sheets

4.1 Distribute the Test Paper for the 1st subject individually.
4.2 Let them check the paged one by one.
4.3 If there are missing pages, ask the Chief Room Examiner (EPS) for replacement.
4.4 Check the Answer Sheet. Find out if there are defects. In case there are, ask for

Start of the test….

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