United States Patent (19) : Gazalel, 72 8
United States Patent (19) : Gazalel, 72 8
United States Patent (19) : Gazalel, 72 8
AZ Aliena:
awawawa Yaxhawsvvava'Y'YYYYav Arkavi
GAzalel,72 8
LT 1 is 7 -2N-24 16 |
U.S. Patent Apr. 7, 1992
U.S. Patent Apr. 7, 1992 Sheet 2 of 3 5,102,066
U.S. Patent Apr. 7, 1992 Sheet 3 of 3 5,102,066
The inner shell 2 is composed of a dome-shaped mem
VERTICAL TAKE-OFF AND LANDING ARCRAFT ber 3 and a disc-shaped floor member 4, which closes
the dome-shaped member 3 at its bottom. The dome 3
The present invention relates to aircraft design, and and disc 4 will typically be separate interassembled
more particularly to the construction of an improved 5 elements, for ease of manufacturing, but these members
vertical take-off and landing craft (VTOL). may also be formed integrally such that the inner shell
In copending application Ser. No. 07/521,565 of the 2 is of one-piece construction.
same inventor, the discovery of important fluid dy On the center of the disc-shaped floor 4 is mounted a
namic principles has been embodied in a pump and prime mover 10, supported on the floor 4 by means of
oil-water separator, to improve the movement of a fluid 10 supporting legs 14. The prime mover 10 may be any
through a body. In the present application, these princi form of motor or engine capable of powering its output
ples are embodied somewhat differently, to improve the shaft 12 at an output sufficient to fly the craft. In the
movement of a body through a fluid. case of a motor fueled by a combustible fuel, suitable
The present invention thus relates to a VTOL craft exhaust piping, not shown, will lead from the motor to
comprising a pair of nested dome-like shells, which are the exterior of the craft. Exhaust piping may also open
interconnected and maintained in spaced relation by into the space between the two shells, from whence the
struts. The outer shell has a central opening at its top, exhaust gas will be drawn into the downward flow of
and the two shells together define an open annular air by a venturi effect.
space at their bottoms. These shells are so configured 20 The output shaft 12 of prime mover 10 extends down
that the spacing between the two shells progressively wardly through a hole 11 formed in the floor member 4,
increases from their tops to their bottoms. and is rigidly secured in a further hole 24 formed cen
Disposed in the annular space between the bottoms of trally of a plate comprising the spoke members 16.
the two shells is a circular series of arcuate airfoil ele The plate comprising spoke members 16 underlies the
ments, arranged with their leading edges all facing in 25 floor plate 4, and is better seen in the plan view of FIG.
the same direction about the circle. The airfoil elements 2. As shown in FIG. 2, each of the spoke members 16
are interconnected by a spoked member, which in turn has a radially inward end connected to or formed inte
is coupled to the output shaft of a motor housed on or grally with a central member 26 comprising the hole 24,
within the inner shell. The motor drives the circular and a radially outward end connected to a respective
series of airfoil elements in rotation, within the annular 30 one of the airfoil elements 8.
space defined by the bottons of the two shell elements. The radial extent of the central member 26 and the
As each of the airfoil elements is moved through the spoke members 16 may vary reciprocally beyond what
air between the two shells, there is created a reduced is shown in FIG. 2. That is, the central member 26 may
pressure region on its upper surface, and a higher pres be of greater diameter, and the spoke members 16 of
sure region on its lower surface, as is known in the art. 35 lesser diameter; indeed, the central member 26 may
Within the structure according to the invention, the low extend radially all the way to adjacent the airfoil ele
pressure regions on the upper surfaces of the airfoil ments 8, such that the spoke members 16 only underlie
elements serve to draw air through the central opening the airfoil elements 8. At present, however, it is pre
of the outer shell and down into the space between the ferred to form the propeller unit as shown in FIG. 2, to
two shells, from whence it is expelled under high pres- 40 reduce the weight of the assembly. The propeller unit as
sure beneath the rotating series of airfoil elements, shown in FIG. 2 will also permit access, between a pair
thereby to create a thrust which displaces the VTOL of adjacent spoke members 16, to a hatch provided in
craft vertically. the floor plate 4.
The invention will be explained in greater detail with Although the propeller unit of FIG. 2 is shown com
reference to the accompanying drawings, which show 45 prising four airfoil units 8, it will be appreciated that the
two preferred embodiments according to the invention, number of airfoil units, and hence the number of spoke
and in which: members 16, may be varied at will depending on the size
FIG. 1 is an axial section through a VTOL craft and use requirements of the VTOL craft, from a mini
according to a first embodiment of the invention; mum of two airfoil units, up to any desired maximum
FIG. 2 is a plan view of the propeller structure used 50 number of airfoil units.
in the embodiment of FIG. 1; The airfoil elements 8 may be as described in the
FIG. 3 is an exploded view, partially in section, of a earlier U.S. Pat. No. 3,261,297 to the present inventor,
VTOL craft according to a second embodiment of the the entirety of which is hereby expressly incorporated
invention; and by reference to the extent not inconsistent herewith.
FIG. 4 is an assembled view, also partly in section, of 55 The airfoil elements 8 according to the embodiments of
the embodiment according to FIG. 3. FIGS. 1 and 2 differ from those depicted in U.S. Pat.
Referring now to the drawings, and more particu No. 3,261,297, in that the present airfoil elements are
larly to FIGS. 1 and 2, there is shown a first embodi curved in their horizontal plane, whereas those of the
ment of the VTOL craft according to the invention. As earlier U.S. patent are curved in their vertical plane.
seen in FIG. 1, the craft comprises a generally dome- 60 Each of the airfoil elements 8 comprises a leading
shaped outer shell 1, which is provided with a central edge 20 and a trailing edge 22, with the series of airfoil
opening 5 at its top and is open at its bottom. An inner elements 8 arranged such that the leading edges all face
shell 2 is disposed concentrically within the outer shell in the same direction about the circle.
and is rigidly secured thereto by means of struts 6. The The propeller unit of FIG. 2 is received in the overall
struts 6 must be capable of maintaining the inner and 65 structure shown in FIG. 1, such that the circular series
outer shells 1 and 2 as a unitary assembly, but should not of airfoil elements 8 occupies the lowermost region of
be so large or so numerous assignificantly to impede the the annular space defined by the outer shell and inner
airflow within the space between the two shells. shell 2.
The outer shell 1 and inner shell 2 are configured suitably slowing down the propeller and/or restricting
such that the space defined therebetween gradually the opening 5 with the damper 9, the descent of the craft
increases from the top of the shells to the bottom. That can also be effectively controlled.
is, the shells are closer together in the regions indicated The structure shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 provides for
A, and further apart in the regions indicated B, with the controlled vertical displacement of the VTOL craft. It
space between the shells progressively and continu will be appreciated, however, that the VTOL craft
ously widening between the regions A and B. More shown can also be equipped with conventional direc
over, as the shells 1 and 2 are symmetrical about an axis tional controls to provide controlled lateral movement,
containing the output shaft 12 of prime mover 10, the as is within the knowledge of those skilled in the art.
view of FIG. 1 would be produced by taking any axial O FIGS. 3 and 4 show a second embodiment according
section through this embodiment. to the invention, which operates in the same manner as
The craft of FIG. 1 further comprises a downwardly the embodiment of FIGS. 1 and 2.
depending annular skirt 7 attached to the lower edge of Referring to FIG. 3, outer shell 30 and inner shell 36
the outer shell 1. The skirt 7 may advantageously be are rigidly interconnected by strut members 34. Outer
formed of a rigid yet slightly resilient elastomer mate 15 shell 30 has a central opening 32 at its top, and at its
rial, to promote a more gentle landing of the craft. The bottom is secured to the annular skirt member 48. In this
skirt 7 may also serve as an interconnecting member, to embodiment, no damper is provided in the central open
interconnect the depicted twin shell structure with a ing 32, as the speed of ascent and descent can be ade
downwardly depending passenger or cargo compart quately controlled solely by varying the speed at which
ment. In this case, the interconnecting skirt would ap 20 the airfoils are rotated.
propriately be frusto-conical, extending radially in The inner shell 36 has a dome-shaped element 38 and
wardly down toward the attached passenger compart a floor plate 40, which together define an interior cabin
ment, which passenger compartment would then have a 44 suitable for receiving cargo and/or passengers. The
width about the same as the diameter of the inner shell floor plate 40 has a central hole 42 for passage of the
2. The inwardly sloping walls of the interconnecting 25 motor shaft, and also has in this embodiment an engine
skirt in this case would have openings to permit free mount 46 for supporting the engine above the hole 42.
passage of the air flow expelled by the propeller unit. FIG.3 also shows the propeller drive assembly of this
Indeed, it would be possible to attach to the intercon embodiment, comprising a central plate member 56
necting skirt a downwardly depending chain of passen having three spokes 54 radiating therefrom, each spoke
ger and/or cargo compartments, connected to one an 30 being connected to a respective airfoil unit 60. The
other in the manner of a railroad car, and with the low airfoil units 60 of the present embodiment are the same
ermost compartment having landing gear. as the airfoil units 8 of the preceding embodiment, ex
Disposed within the central opening 5 at the top of cept that the airfoil units 60 are three in number, rather
the outer shell 1, is an adjustable damper 9 by which the than four, and their arcuate extent has been correspond
amount of air drawn in through the opening 5 can be 35 ingly increased. Each of the airfoil units 60 comprises a
varied. That is, the damper 9 is controlled by the opera leading edge 62 and a trailing edge 64, with the series of
tor of the craft or by remote control, to cause the open airfoil units 60 being so arranged that the leading edges
ing 5 to be more or less obstructed, and thus to increase face the same direction in the circle. The central plate
or decrease the airflow through the opening 5. member 56 comprises a hole 58 in which is fixedly re
In operation, the VTOL craft according to the em 40 ceived the output shaft 52 of prime mover 50. It will be
bodiments of FIGS. 1 and 2 is started by operating the noted in this embodiment that the prime mover 50 with
prime mover 10, which rotates the propeller unit of its output shaft 52 will be joined to the plate member 56
FIG. 2 by way of its output shaft 12 which is rigidly only through the hole 42 of the innershell36; that is, the
secured to the propeller unit. As the propeller unit spins motor and propeller unit according to this embodiment
within the annular space defined between the bottom of 45 are not separable as an integrated unit from the twin
the outer shell 1 and inner shell 2, a region of low pres shell structure.
sure is created on the upper surfaces of the airfoil ele FIG. 3 also illustrates the manner of connecting the
ments 8, and a corresponding region of high pressure on spoke members 54 to the airfoil units 60. Specifically,
the lower surfaces of the airfoil elements 8. In response the connection of the spoke members to the air foils
to the low pressure, air is drawn in through the central 50 should not interfere with the aerodynamic characteris
opening 5 formed in the outer shell 1, from whence it tics of the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil units
flows downwardly from region A to region B. 60. Accordingly, the ends 66 of spokes 54 which are
According to a significant feature of the invention, connected to the airfoil units 60 are received in suitable
the closest distance between the outer shell 1 and inner cut-outs provided on the lower surface of the airfoil
shell 2 progressively increases from the region A and B, 55 units. Connection between the spoke members 54 and
such that the flow of air from region. A to region B is airfoil units 60 may also be had by bolts passing from the
progressively less constricted. In this manner, it has spoke members 54, or directly from a disc 56 of in
been found that the regions of low and high pressure creased diameter, through the side of the airfoil units 60.
above and below the propeller unit, respectively, can be FIG. 4 shows the embodiment of FIG. 3 in an assem
maintained even though the craft is open to the atmo bled state, from which it can be seen that, as in the
sphere at its top and bottom. previous embodiment, the plate member 56 and spokes
The low and high pressure regions, along with the 54 underlie the floor plate 40 of the inner shell 36, and
expulsion of air downwardly by the propeller unit, the airfoil units 60 occupy the annular space between
create a thrust which displaces the VTOL craft up the bottom of the inner shell 36 and outer shell 30. The
wardly through the air, in the direction indicated by the 65 manner of operation of the embodiment of FIGS. 3 and
arrows of FIG.1. The speed of ascent can be controlled 4 is as described for the embodiment of FIGS. 1 and 2.
by the speed at which the propeller unit is rotated, and Although the invention has been described in connec
also by the extent to which the damper 9 is opened. By tion with various preferred embodiments thereof, it will
be appreciated that the embodiments are given solely airfoil elements, thereby to rotate the circular series of
for purposes of illustration, and are not to be construed airfoil elements in unison.
as limiting the invention as set forth in the true spirit and 2. The aircraft according to claim 1, further compris
scope of the appended claims. ing a damper disposed within the central opening of the
What is claimed is: outer shell, and adjustable to vary the size of said open
1. A vertical take-off and landing aircraft, comprising ing.
an outer dome-shaped shell having a central axis and an 3. The aircraft according to claim 1, further compris
inner dome-shaped shell disposed concentrically within ing a downwardly depending annular skirt secured at
the outer shell, struts rigidly interconnecting the inner the lower edge of the outer shell.
and outer shells and maintaining a predetermined spac 10
4. The aircraft according to claim 3, wherein said
ing therebetween, said outer shell having an upper cen annular skirt is formed of an elastomer material.
tral opening and being open at its bottom, thereby to 5. The aircraft according to claim 1, wherein said
define an annular air space between the inner and outer circular series of airfoil elements comprises three airfoil
shells, the inner and outer shells being so configured as
to have a progressively widening space therebetween 5 elements.
moving centrally of the shells toward their bases; a 6. The aircraft according to claim 1, wherein said
circular series of airfoil elements disposed within the circular series of airfoil elements comprises four airfoil
annular air space adjacent the bottoms of the inner and elements.
outer shells, each of said airfoil elements extending 7. The aircraft according to claim 1, wherein said
along an arc of a circle centered at the central axis of the 20 inner shell defines an interior chamber receiving the
outer shell, said airfoil elements each having a width not OtOt.
exceeding the spacing between the bottoms of the outer 8. The aircraft according to claim 7, wherein said
and inner shells and said airfoil elements being disposed inner shell comprises a motor mount supporting the
between the outer and inner shells; and a motor motor and guiding its output shaft downwardly through
mounted on the inner shell and having an output shaft 25 the inner shell.
coupled by a plate member to the circular series of s