Application of Genetic Engineering For Chromium Removal From Industrial Wastewater

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International Journal of Chemical and Biological Engineering 3:3 2010

Application of Genetic Engineering for Chromium

Removal from Industrial Wastewater
N. K. Srivastava*, a, M. K. Jha a, I. D. Mall b, Davinder Singh c

Abstract—The treatment of the industrial wastewater can be The heavy metals are transported by runoff water and
particularly difficult in the presence of toxic compounds. Excessive contaminate water sources downstream from the industrial
concentration of Chromium in soluble form is toxic to a wide variety site. All living things including microorganisms, plants and
of living organisms. Biological removal of heavy metals using natural animals depend on water for life. Heavy metals can bind to the
and genetically engineered microorganisms has aroused great interest
surface of microorganisms and may even penetrate to the
because of its lower impact on the environment. Ralston
inside of the cell.
metallidurans, formerly known as Alcaligenes eutrophus is a L-
Proteobacterium colonizing industrial wastewater with a high content The treatment of the industrial wastewater can be
of heavy metals. Tris-buffered mineral salt medium was used for particularly difficult in the presence of toxic compounds.
growing Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141). The cells were Chromium is largely present in the industrial wastewater
cultivated for 18 h at 30 oC in Tris-buffered mineral salt medium coming from tanning industry, electroplating industry, metal
containing 3 mM disodium sulphate and 46 mM sodium gluconate as fabrication and finishing industry, textile dyeing industry, steel
the carbon source. The cells were harvested by centrifugation, industry and wood preservation [6]-[8]. Both Hexavalent
washed, and suspended in 10 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.0, containing 46 Chromium Cr(VI) and Trivalent Chromium Cr(III) exist in
mM sodium gluconate, and 5 mM Chromium. Interaction among
wastewater, but Cr(III) is 500 times less toxic and less soluble
induction of chr resistance determinant, and chromate reduction have
than Cr(VI) [9]-[12]. Excessive concentration of Chromium in
been demonstrated. Results of this study show that the above bacteria
can be very useful for bioremediation of chromium from industrial soluble form is toxic to a wide variety of living organisms,
wastewater. from bacteria to humans. Chromium is a known mutagen, with
Cr(VI) causing mitotic inhibition, reduction of cell growth and
Keywords—Chromium, Genetic Engineering, Industrial
cell death. Chromium is considered by IARC as a powerful
Wastewater, Plasmid carcinogenic agent that modifies the DNA transcription
process causing important chromosomic aberrations. In
I. INTRODUCTION humans, it causes irritation and corrosion of skin and
respiratory tract and is suspected to be responsible for lung
M OST heavy metals are well-known toxic and
carcinogenic agents and when discharged into the
wastewater represent a serious threat to the human population
carcinoma. Chromate is also hazardous to flora and fauna in
natural aquatic ecosystem [13]-[18].
Due to severe toxicity of Cr(VI), the Agency for Toxic
and the flora and fauna of the receiving water bodies. Living
Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR) classifies Cr(VI)
organisms require trace amounts of some heavy metals,
as the top eighteenth hazardous substance and the Minimal
including cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum,
National Standards (MINAS) upper limit of Chromium in
vanadium, strontium and zinc. Excessive levels of essential
industrial wastewater is 0.1 mg/L. The USEPA has set the
metals, however, can be detrimental to the organism. Non-
maximum contaminant level for Cr(VI) in domestic water
essential heavy metals of particular concern to surface water
supplies to be 0.05 mg/L [19]. Hexavalent Chromium toxicity
systems are cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, arsenic and
to wastewater treatment system is significantly influenced by
antimony. Heavy metals which are relatively abundant in the
abiotic variables such as salinity, pH and temperature of water
Earth’s crust and frequently used in industrial processes or
and is not removed from the wastewater by conventional
agriculture are toxic to humans. These can make significant
treatment systems and strongly reduces microbial activity of
alterations to the biochemical cycles of living things [1]. Most
the wastewater bodies [20]-[22].
of the point sources of heavy metal pollutants are industrial
Several physico-chemical methods have been widely used
wastewater from mining, metal processing, tanneries,
for Cr(VI) removal from industrial wastewater, such as ion-
pharmaceuticals, pesticides, organic chemicals, rubber and
exchange, activated charcoal, chemical precipitation, chemical
plastics, lumber and wood products, etc. [1]-[5].
reduction, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, ultrafiltration and
adsorption etc. [23]-[26]. The conventional methods used for
the treatment of heavy metals from industrial wastewater
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology
present some limitations. There are still some common
Jalandhar-144011, Punjab, India problems associated with these methods such as incomplete
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology metal removal, high reagent and energy requirement, cost-
Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand, India expensiveness and can themselves produce other waste
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology
Jalandhar-144011, Punjab, India
products that require careful disposal, which in turn have
* Corresponding Author: [email protected] limited their industrial applications [27]-[29].

International Journal of Chemical and Biological Engineering 3:3 2010

II. MATERIIALS AND METTHODS The bacterial strains and thhe plasmid useed in this studdy have
Ralstonia metallidurans,
m formerly knnown as Alcaaligenes been mentionedd. Tris-buffereed mineral sallt medium waas used
euutrophus andd thereafter as a Ralstonia eutropha, iss a L- forr growing Alccaligenes eutrrophus and Allcaligenes eutrrophus
Prroteobacterium m colonizingg industrial sediments, soils or AEE104 (pEBZ1141). Solid Trris-buffered media
m containned 2%
wastes with a high content of heavy meetals. The typee strain (w
w/v) agar [31].
CH H34 carries two large plaasmids (pMO OL28 and pM MOL30)
beearing a vaariety of geenes for metal m resistan
nce. A B. Industrial Waastewater
chhronological overview
o desscribes the prrogress made in the Artificial inddustrial wasttewater was composed of o the
knnowledge of thhe plasmid-boorne metal ressistance mechanisms, folllowing compponents (per littre):
thhe genetics off R. metallidurrans CH34 annd its taxonom my, and 10 mg of aniiline, 5 mg off nitrobenzol, 10 mg of pheenol, 2
thhe applicationns of this straain in the fiellds of environnmental mgg of toluene, 50
5 mg of acetone, 50 mg off ethanol, 1000 mg of
reemediation and microbial ecology. The sequence
s drafft of the isoopropanol, 3000 mg of metthanol, 29 mg of urea, 6.5 g of
geenome of R. metallidurans
m hhas now become available. chhloride anions,, 138 mg of niitrate anions, 1.7 mg of phoosphate
R. metallidurrans strain coontains at leasst eight determminants annions, and 3.5 g of sulphate anions. Thee artificial inddustrial
enncoding resisttance to heavvy metals, loocated either on the waastewater reseembles in itss composition from that of an
baacterial chrom mosome or on one of the t two indiigenous inddustrial plant [30].
megaplasmids p
pMOL28 and pMOL30. Chhromate resisttance in
R.. metalliduranns is based on o chromate efflux catalyyzed by C. Chromium Reduction and Uptake
ChhrA efflux pumps. The bbacterium harbbours two chhromate The cells werre cultivated ffor 18 h at 300 oC in Tris-bu
reesistance deterrminants, the previously
p knnown chr1 on plasmid
p miineral salt medium containiing 3 mM dissodium sulphaate and
pMMOL28 (genees chrI, chrB1, chrA1, chrrC, chrE, chrF F1) and 466 mM sodium gluconate as the carbon source. The cellls were
chhr2 on the chromosome
c (genes chrB2, chrA2, chrF rF2). R. haarvested by cenntrifugation, w
washed, and suspended
s in 10
1 mM
metallidurans strains AE E128 (pMOL L30) and AE126 Trris HCl, pH 7..0, containing 46 mM sodiu um gluconate,, and 5
(ppMOL28) conntain only one o of the two megaplasmids, mM M Chromium. The hexavallent Chromium m in the superrnatant
reespectively annd strain AE1104 is plasmiid free. The plasmid
p waas measured with diphenyylcarbazide as a described in the
boorne characteer of the resistance to Cr((VI), Cd(II), Co(II), liteerature.
Cuu(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Hg(II)) and Zn(II) [330].

Fig. 3 SEM im
mage of Chromiium deposition of AE104 (pEB
Fig. 1 Map off the chromate sensor plasmidd pEBZ141. Thhe genes on Granulated Acctivated Carbonn (GAC)
enncoding resistannces to tetracycline (tet) and kaanamycin (kan)) and the
chhrBA’::lux gene fusion are indicated. Restriction endonnucleases
weere SalI (S), XbaI
X (A), BamH HI (B), PstI (P)), KpnI (K), SaacI (Sc),
EccoRI (E), and XhoI
X (X). 9
6 10

3 100
0 20 40 60 80
bation time (h)

Fig. 2 Inserrtion points of T

Tn5-lacZ transpposons in the cn
region of plasmid
p pMOL228 Fig. 4 pH forr different Chrommium concentrration for Alcaliigenes
eutropphus AE104
A.. Bacterial Strrains and Groowth Conditionns

International Journal of Chemical and Biological Engineering 3:3 2010

pH % Chromium Removal

10 70

% Chromium removal
6 10
10 40

4 60 30
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Incubation time (h) Incubation time (h)

Fig. 5 pH for different Chromium concentration for Alcaligenes Fig. 10 % removal for different Chromium concentration for
eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141) Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104
pH % Chromium Removal

10 100

8 80

% Removal
6 20 60 10

4 70 40 20

2 20

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Incubation time (h) Incubation time (h)

Fig. 6 pH for different Chromium concentration for Alcaligenes Fig. 11 % removal for different Chromium concentration for
eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141) Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141)
pH % Chromium Removal

9 100
7 80
% Removal

30 60 30

4 80 40
2 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Incubation time (h) Incubation time (h)

Fig. 7 pH for different Chromium concentration for Alcaligenes Fig. 12 % removal for different Chromium concentration for
eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141) Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141)
pH % Chromium Removal

9 80
8 70
7 60
% Removal

5 40 50

4 90 60
2 20
1 10
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Incubation time (h) Incubation time (h)

Fig. 8 pH different Chromium concentration for Alcaligenes Fig. 13 % removal for different Chromium concentration for
eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141) Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141)
pH % Chromium Removal

9 70
8 60
% Removal

5 50 40 70

4 100 30 80
1 10
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Incubation time (h) Incubation time (h)

Fig. 9 pH for different Chromium concentration for Alcaligenes Fig. 14 % Chromium removal for different Chromium
eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141) concentration for Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141)

International Journal of Chemical and Biological Engineering 3:3 2010

% Chromium Removal A. Cell growth

60 Bacterial growth was measured by measuring optical
50 density at 540 nm using UV-Visible spectrophotometer
% Removal

(Perkin Elmer model Lambda 35). Optical densities have been

100 measured at every two hours interval time till one day. The
10 maximum growth was observed during first 8-20 h
0 acclimatization time. Recombinant cells showed higher
0 20 40 60 80
Incubation time (h)
growth rate in Nutrient Broth medium than in Nutrient Agar.
The plasmid free strain Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 had
Fig. 15 % Chromium removal for different Chromium taken 24 h of cultivation time to reach stationary phase where
concentration for Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141)
as recombinant bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104
(pEBZ141) came to stationary phase in 18 h.
Configuration: 1 (0.1A) Counts: 83270
B. Calibration curves
Cell Type: Magnetic S.N.F.: 1.00
The calibration curves have been plotted by measuring
Sample Type: Regular S.D.U.: 3760
absorbance by spectrophotometer for different Chromium
Acq. Range: 0 - 300 Solids: 2.67e-005 %
concentrations from 0 to 100 mg/L using diphenylcarbazide
Acq. Mode: S.Size(2) Conc.: 1.20e+006 #/ml
method. The Potassium Dichromate stock solution has been
Acq. Time: 75 Sp.Area:7.21e+004cm²/ml
prepared by dissolving 141.4 mg of Potassium Dichromate in
Number Density Graph (Full scale)
1 L of distilled water. The 10 ml of Potassium Dichromate
Mean(nl): 0.67µm
S.D.(nl): 0.26µm stock solution has been diluted 10 times to prepare 100 mL of
Concent.:1.2E+006 #/ml Conf(nl):100.00%
30 Potassium Dichromate standard solution. 1 mL of the above

24 standard solution is equivalent to 5 µg Chromium.

18 The colour development is produced by transferring 95 ml

12 of the extract into 100 ml volumetric flask and adding 2 mL of

diphenylcarbazide. Sulphuric acid is added to get the pH value
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 of 2.0 and distilled water is added to make up the volume upto
Size in Microns
100 mL. The extract was allowed to stand for 10 min. for the
development of full colour. The absorbance is measured at
Fig. 16 Particle size analysis of the treated industrial wastewater
sample of Chromium concentration of 50 mg/L after 72 h incubation 540 nm using UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The calibration
time by Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 curves have been plotted by making different dilutions of
Chromium. The absorbance of standard solutions of
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chromium was nearly as reported in the literature. The liner
Configuration: 1 (0.1A) Counts: 63327 equations and the R2 values have been taken to calculate the
Cell Type: Magnetic S.N.F.: 1.00 concentration of the unknown Chromium in the treated
Sample Type: Regular S.D.U.: 96 wastewater.
Acq. Range: 0 - 300 Solids: 4.26e-006 %
Acq. Mode: S.Size(2) Conc.: 1.75e+004 #/ml C. Scanning electron microscopic image of bacteria
Acq. Time: 1474 Sp.Area:1.64e+004cm²/ml To get the Scanning Electron Microscopic images of the
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bacteria, washing is done to remove any foreign contaminant.
Fixing is done with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M phosphate
buffer pH 7.2-7.4 for 24-48 hours. Washing is again done with
Number Density Graph (Full scale)
Median: 0.71µm Mean(nl): 0.83µm
0.1M phosphate buffer for 15 minutes. The bacteria were
Mode: 1.00µm
Concent.:1.7E+004 #/ml
S.D.(nl): 0.76µm
Conf(nl):100.00% rinsed with distilled water for 15 minutes. Various ethanol
30 concentration were used for dehydration of the bacteria, first

in 50% ethanol 20 minutes, then in 70% ethanol 20 minutes, in
80% ethanol 20 minutes, 90% ethanol 20 minutes, in 95%

ethanol 20 minutes and finally in 100% ethanol for 2 hours.

Samples were then ready for Critical Point Drying. It was
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0
Size in Microns
dried in air for 15 min. These plates were analyzed by
COLLECTING scanning electron microscope (SEM, U.K).
Fig. 17 Particle size analysis of the treated industrial wastewater The SEM image of the 2-5 mm granulated activated carbon
sample of Chromium concentration of 50 mg/L after 72 h incubation particles has been taken. The point-to-point length has been
time by Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141) shown of the CAG particle in the image. The deposition of the
Chromium on CAG alone has been taken at Chromium
concentration of 50 mg/L. The Chromium deposition is clearly
visible in the SEM image. The comparison of the deposition of

International Journal of Chemical and Biological Engineering 3:3 2010

the Chromium has been taken after treatment of Chromium incubation time for various Chromium concentrations have
concentration of 50 mg/L after 72 hours of incubation time. been plotted. Results show that the biosorption of Chromium
The deposition on recombinant strain Alcaligenes eutrophus increases with various Chromium doses with incubation time
AE104 (pEBZ141) was more pronounced than that of plasmid from 0 to 72 hours. The removal of Chromium ranges from
free strain Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104 as shown in SEM 48% to 93% for the recombinant strain than those of 41% to
images of Chromium deposition. This shows the enhanced 60% for the plasmid-free strain after the incubation period of
absorption capacity of recombinant bacterium Alcaligenes 72 hours for various Chromium concentrations. It can be
eutrophus AE104 (pEBZ141) than that of plasmid free strain concluded that the rate of Chromium binding with the biomass
Alcaligenes eutrophus AE104. increases gradually and remains almost constant after an
optimum period. The obtained results are in good agreement
D. Chromium concentration with the previous results. As a result, it can be concluded that
The optical density of the wastewater after treatment with this strain can be used successfully in the removal and
plasmid free strain grown on GAC for different Chromium recovery of Chromium from the wastewater containing higher
concentrations of 10, 50 and 100 mg/l have been taken than levels of Chromium ions. Further studies are needed to
those of recombinant strain for different Chromium increase the biosorption capacities of biomass and to develop
concentration of 10-100 mg/L. The optical densities of the appropriate technologies applicable in the treatment of
treated wastewater have been plotted at different incubation industrial wastewater.
times of 0, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. The optical density data
has been found as expected. The concentration of Chromium REFERENCES
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