Studies On GS Road Pavement Structures PDF
Studies On GS Road Pavement Structures PDF
Studies On GS Road Pavement Structures PDF
pavement structures
K. Rajagopal*, S. Chandramouli, Anusha Parayil and K. Iniyan
Many of the pavement structures fail well before their design life owing to the poor quality of
construction materials, inadequate compaction, inadequate preparation of the subgrade, over-
loading, etc. Two options are available to improve the longevity of the pavement. The first option is by
increasing the thickness of different pavement layers and the other option is by increasing the rigidity
of the layers within the system so as to reduce the stresses transferred to the lower layers. Of these
two methods it has been widely observed that increasing the strength and rigidity of the pavement
layers is a more efficient method to lower the stresses on the pavement layers thereby increasing the
life of the pavement.
In the present research work, the improvement in the strength and stiffness of the subbase layer in a
flexible pavement system through the use of geosynthetic layers was investigated by conducting
field plate load tests and a series of laboratory plate load tests. The improvement in the strength of
the pavement is reflected by the increase in modulus of the section reinforced with geosynthetic
layers. This paper will describe the field and laboratory tests, interpretation of the data from these
tests, and the application of this data for design of flexible pavements and their economic analyses.
Keywords: Geosynthetics, Flexible pavements, Geogrids, Geocells, Geotextiles
4 Filling the geocell pockets with a dozer 6 Settlements observed in the unreinforced section
Geogrid-reinforced pavements
reinforced pavement sections after 9 months of traffic Two sections of a highway under construction near
loading are shown in Figs. 6–7 for comparison purposes. Chennai were reinforced with two different types of
The unreinforced pavement section had undergone geogrids (flexible and stiff). Both geogrids are biaxial type
severe surface depressions as indicated by the arrows. having tensile strengths in the same range. The flexible
On the other hand, the geocell-reinforced road section had geogrid was a knitted polyester geogrid having tensile
maintained a uniform surface. The trucks had to negotiate strength of 100 kN m21 at a strain of 10%. The stiff
the unreinforced sections at a slow speed while they could geogrid was an extruded and welded polyester geogrid,
maintain their normal speed in the reinforced sections. which is much heavier and stiffer. The stiff geogrid had a
This difference in the performance clearly shows the tensile strength of nearly 130 kN m21 at a strain of 6%.
improvement in the performance of the flexible pavements The geogrid layers were placed within the subbase layer of
with geocell reinforcement. The performance of the the pavement at a depth of 200 mm below the surface.
geocell-treated section is very good even 3 years after its These two trial stretches were constructed next to each
installation in 2010. The client has decided to reconstruct other so that the subgrade soil is similar. The subgrade soil
the entire stretch of their internal roads using geocell at this site has a soaked CBR value of 8%. The pressure–
reinforcement. settlement data of test performed at subgrade level is also
In order to differentiate the strength of the pavement shown for comparison. Two tests were performed on top
sections, plate load tests were performed at the site as per of 200 mm thick granular subbase material without any
geogrid reinforcement and one plate load test was having plan dimensions of 120061200 mm and height of
performed within each of the two different types of 1200 mm. The steel tank was made of 8 mm thick steel
geogrids. The observed pressure–settlement data is shown plate and supported around its periphery by a frame made
in Fig. 9. It could be seen that the response with the of 75 mm L-angles. The diameter of the plate used for
geogrid layers is stronger compared to the unreinforced loading was 150 mm and the thickness was 30 mm. The
sections. The observed pressures with stiffer geogrid are load was applied to the plate through a hydraulic jack
higher than those with flexible geogrid owing to the higher fixed against a rigid self-reacting frame.
modulus of the stiff geogrid. All the tests were performed by constructing 500 mm
thick subgrade made up of dry sand placed at 60% relative
Discussion on field test results density. The sand is uniformly graded coarse sand with
It is interesting to note the following points from the field angular particles having the properties listed in Table 2.
test results (Figs. 8 and 9): The sand was placed at 60% relative density in all the tests.
1. The improvement of the response with geogrid It was closely monitored in all the tests by collecting soil
reinforcement layers is practically nil at low settle-
ment levels.
2. The marginal improvement with geogrid layers is
Table 3 Properties of the granular subbase (GSB) material
seen only at large settlement levels.
3. The improvement with geocell reinforcement is Material type GSB (granular subbase)
substantial even at low settlements.
4. The improvement at large settlements is substantial Dry density 2.19 g cc21
Optimum 5.31%
with geocell reinforcement.
moisture content
CBR value 23%
Laboratory studies in loose state
Particle size .4.75 mm 71.6%
The laboratory plate load tests were performed under distribution 4.75–2.36 mm 5.2%
monotonic and cyclic conditions to examine the benefit of 2.36–0.075 mm 18.5%
the reinforcement layers under repeated loadings. The ,0.075 mm 4.7%
laboratory tests were performed in a rigid steel tank Shear strength properties c50, w565u
samples using steel containers buried in the soil at different compaction to achieve 60% relative density of the soil. The
depths. relative density achieved was carefully monitored by
The base course was constructed using GSB material of placing steel cups of known volume and collecting soil
coarse particles having the properties listed in Table 3. samples after each layer of compaction.
The GSB was placed in the test tank in a relatively loose The geosynthetic reinforcement (geotextile, geogrid, or
state by hand packing. The laboratory CBR value for this geocell) was placed on the prepared subgrade. While
packing was nearly 23%. placing the geocell, each pocket was stretched to at least
The base layers were reinforced with geocell or geogrid 180 mm size and the corners were filled with aggregate to
layers. In all the tests, the sand and GSB material were keep it in position. Then the other pockets of the geocell
separated by a woven geotextile layer. The properties of were carefully filled with GSB by hand packing. In case of
different geosynthetic materials are listed tables 4 and 5. geocell an additional 10 mm of GSB was provided over the
Three different heights of geocell layers 50, 100, and weld to prevent direct load application on to the geocell.
150 mm were used in this testing program. The schematic representation of testing is shown in
The geogrid used is a polyester knitted type geogrid Fig. 10. The settlements were measured using electronic
having the properties listed in Table 5. The tensile linear voltage differential transducers (LVDTs) and the
properties of the geogrid layer were determined as per load was measured using an electronic load cell. The load
ASTM D 6647-11. The strain corresponding to the was applied in small increments. The load increment was
ultimate strength is 10%. The same geocell used for field maintained constant until the settlements under that
tests was also used in the laboratory tests. increment cease to increase. Then the next increment of
The total thickness of the subgrade of 500 mm was load was applied. Since the subgrade is sand, settlements
prepared in four layers of thickness 150, 150, 100, and have become constant within 1 min of load application.
100 mm. The quantity of the sand required in each The test was terminated when the base could not continue
layer was pre-weighed and placed in layers with light to hold any further load increment.
Geotextile type Mass per unit area/g m22 Nominal thickness/mm Ultimate tensile strength/kN m21 Maximum Elongation/%
11 Pressure–settlement data from two tests performed on 100 mm thick granular subbase (GSB) layer
The consistency of the test results is very important measured pressure–settlement data, the ultimate bearing
when results from different tests are to be compared. capacities for different test configurations are obtained as
Several trials were made initially until achieving consis- shown in Table 6. The ultimate pressures were obtained by
tent pressure–settlement data. Typical pressure–settlement drawing tangent lines to the initial and the final parts of
data from two different tests with the same configuration the pressure–settlement responses. The ultimate pressure is
is shown in Fig. 11. It could be seen that the two pressure– given by the intersection point of these two tangent lines as
settlement responses are almost identical. Hence, it could illustrated in Fig. 12.
be concluded that the results from this testing program After each test was completed, the GSB layer was
are repeatable. Typical pressure–settlement responses for carefully removed to examine the settlement bowl at the
150 mm thick GSB layer and different forms of geosyn- surface of the subgrade. After the subgrade was exposed,
thetic reinforcement are illustrated in Fig. 12. From the the radial extent of the settlement bowl and the settlements
12 Pressure–settlement response with different types of reinforcements for 150 mm thick granular subbase (GSB) base layer:
UR: unreinforced; GT: geotextile; GGzGT: geogridzgeotextile; GCzGT: geocellzgeotextile
Table 7 Ratio of the diameter of settlement bowl and the loading plate
Maximum settlement/mm
A screen shot of the cyclic loading program is shown in Knowing the values of the applied load P, radius of the
Fig. 13. The green line shows the load calculated as per the loading plate a, and the settlement s, the modulus of
applied load and the red line shows the load measured by subgrade reaction can be calculated from the data as
the load cell in the actuator. It is seen that both are very
close to each other. M~ (1)
Typical data on the variation of settlement with p a2 s
different types of geosynthetic reinforcement layers for
50 mm thick GSB layer are shown in Table 8 and Fig. 14. The results showed that initially the modulus of the
From the above measured data, the modulus of subgrade is very high and as the settlement increased with
subgrade reaction can be estimated as the ratio of the number of cycles, the modulus value decreased and
applied pressure, the base area, and the settlement. reached a constant value toward the end of 20 000 cycles.
Modulus of subgrade
reaction/kN m23 Thickness of base course/mm Unreinforced Geotextile Geogridzgeotextile Geocellzgeotextile
16 Variation of modulus improve factor with the number of cycles for geocell case
The typical variation of the subgrade modulus with modulus improvement is higher for geocell-reinforced
different number of cycles is shown in Fig. 15 for cases and its value is higher for larger heights of the base
100 mm thick GSB layer. layers.
The modulus values obtained at the end of 50 000 cycles The modulus improvement factor was found to vary
are shown in Table 9.The geosynthetic reinforcement with the number of cycles. The modulus improvement
improved the modulus of subgrade reaction of the test factor was also found to be high initially and as the number
section for all thicknesses of the base course layer. The of load cycles increased, the value was found to decrease as
reduction in modulus value with increased base layer illustrated in Fig. 16. This decrease is mainly attributed to
thickness is due to the compressions within the base layer the loose state of the base layer, which has undergone
as it was placed in loose state. compressions due to repeated load applications.
The modulus improvement factor is defined as the ratio
of elastic modulus of the reinforced base course to that of Back calculation of elastic modulus of the
unreinforced base course of the same thickness. The
modulus of subgrade reaction values at the end of 50 000
cycles are used to calculate the modulus improvement Elastic finite element analyses were performed to estimate
factors for illustration purposes. The improvement factors the equivalent elastic modulus of the unreinforced and
thus obtained are given in Table 10. It can be seen that the reinforced pavement systems. The finite element analyses
Table 10 Modulus improvement factors from cyclic plate load test data
Table 11 Modulus of elasticity of granular subbase (GSB) from finite element analyses
Modulus of elasticity/kPa
Improvement factors
were performed by using axi-symmetric model and 15- improvement in the pavement performance as compared
node triangular elements. The rough, rigid footing was to the planar type products like geotextiles and geogrids.
simulated by applying uniform settlements at the nodes The modulus improvement factors obtained from both
corresponding to the footing and restraining their lateral monotonically applied tests and the cyclic load tests are
deformations. close to each other. Significant improvement is observed
The equivalent elastic modulus was determined by trial for all types of geosynthetic reinforcement systems. The
and error by matching the finite element calculated footing modulus improvement factor is seen to be higher for
pressure at 1?5 mm settlement (equal to 1% of plate monotonic loading as compared to the cyclic load tests.
diameter) with the measured pressures in the laboratory This could be due to the loose packing of the GSB layer in
tests. It is assumed that the response of the system at a laboratory tests leading to continuous compressions
small settlement equal to 1% of the footing diameter is within the GSB layer under cyclic loading.
within the elastic limit. The elastic modulus value of the
continuum was varied until the estimated pressure Ackowledgement
matches with the experimentally measured values. The
results of the monotonic plate load tests were used for The authors are grateful to the support from M/s PRS
these analyses. The elastic modulus values back calculated Mediterranean, Tel Aviv, Israel for their support in
for different cases are listed in Table 11. performing the field tests at a site near Pune and for the
The modulus improvement factor for the reinforced supply of the geocell materials free of cost.
cases is calculated as the ratio between the modulus of the
reinforced system and the corresponding modulus of the References
unreinforced cases. These values are reported in Table 12.
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