Resilient Modulus of Soils and Soil-Cement Mixtures

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Tiago P. Trindade, l Carlos A. B. Carvalho, 2 Clfiudio H. C. Silva, 3 Dario C.

de Lima,4 and
Paulo S. A. Barbosa5

Resilient Modulus of Soils and Soil-Cement Mixtures

Reference: Trindade, T. P., Carvalho, C. A. B., Silva, C. H. C., Lima, D. C., and
Barbosa, P. S. A., "Resilient Modulus of Soils and Soil-Cement Mixtures," ASTMSTP
1437, Resilient Modulus Testingfor Pavement Components, G. N. Durham, W. A. Marr,
and W. L. DeGroff, Eds., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

Abstract: Knowledge of the resilient modulus (MR)of the sub-grade soils and materials
that compose the layers of road pavements is mandatory for an efficient analysis of their
structural behavior as a whole. However, laboratory determination of MRrequires
employment of relatively sophisticated loading systems and data acquisition, besides
demanding considerable testing time. Therefore, it is desirable to look for standard test
methods that can be used to estimate this engineering parameter. This paper presents
geotectmical engineering parameters of two soils and their soil-cement mixtures, and
provides empirical correlations between CBR, unconfined compression strength
determined at 1% of axial strain, Young's tangent modulus, and measured values of MR
of these soils and mixtures.

Keywords: resilient modulus, repeated-loading triaxial test, CBR, unconfined

compression test, soils and soil-cement mixtures

J M.Sc. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Vigosa,

36571-000 Vi9osa, MG, Brazil.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Vi~osa,
36571-000 Vigosa, MG, Brazil.
3 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Vi~osa,
36571-000 Vigosa, MG, Brazil.
4 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Vigosa,
36571-000 Vigosa, MG, Brazil.
s Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Vigosa,
36571-000 Viqosa, MG, Brazil.

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(UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ((UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.


AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation

Officials DNER Brazilian National Highway Officials
HRB Highway Research Board
MCT Miniature, Compacted and Tropical
TRB Transportation Research Board
USC Unified Soil Classification
a, b Constants for determination of Young's tangent modulus
CBR California Bearing Ratio
ET Initial or Young's tangent modulus
KI, K2 Constants determined experimentally for each material
LL Liquid limit
LVDT Linear variable differential transformer
PI Plasticity index
PL Plastic limit
MR Resilient modulus
Su Unconfined compression strength at failure
Sul.O% Unconfined compression strength at 1% of strain
Wi ' Water content
Wopt Optimum water content
Sa Axial strain
3,a Dry unit weight
~'clm~ix Maximum dry unit weight
Ga Axial stress
O'd Deviator stress
Major principal stress
(J2 Intermediate principal stress
Minor principal stress, or confining pressure
0 Bulk stress


Regarding the Brazilian highway system, it is mandatory to analyze the resilient

behavior of the sub-grade soils, especially when considering the need for performing
pavement reinforcement of the paved road net. Data from 1999 disclosed that the
Brazilian paved road system amounted for approximately 160 000 km (nearly 8 % of the
total Brazilian road system). Research reported by Felipe (1999), and based on sampling
involving nearly 43 000 km of this net, states that at least 77.5 % were in poor or
deficient conditions, and require pavement maintenance and, mainly, reinforcement. An
elucidative information on the importance of this system to the Brazilian economy is that
this net is responsible for 65 % of all transported load and 95 % of all transported people
in the country, corresponding to, approximately, 70 % of the Brazilian Gross Domestic
Product (Reis, 2002).

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It is well known that the structural degradation of bituminous pavements, and even
of the cemented base layers, is strongly associated with the resilient response of the sub-
grade soils. Generally, determination of the resilient modulus (MR) of highway
engineering materials is based on laboratory repeated-loading triaxial testing.
Concerning the resilient response of soils, it is known that granular materials show
an increase in MR with an increase in the confining pressure; on the other hand, this
parameter is less influenced by the applied axial deviator stress, for stress levels below
those corresponding to failure (Fossberg, 1969). For cohesive soils, this author refers that
the confining pressure less influences the resilient modulus, and conversely, the axial
deviator stress plays a remarkable role in the resilient soil response.
In Brazil, research works directed to the determination of MR for pavement design
begun in 1978, with the agreement between the Brazilian Institute for Highway Research
(IPR) and the Post Graduation Program in Engineering at the Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro (COPPE-RJ), as reported by Motta and Mac~do (1998). The first procedure
for laboratory determination of MR was published by the Brazilian National Highway
Office-DNER, in 1986, under the designation DNER-ME 131/86 "Standard Method for
Determining the Resilient Modulus of Soils," and later revised by this Office in 1994
under the designation DNER-ME 131/94.
Historically, determination of MR for highway design purpose requires equipment
with relatively high degree of complexity that has been restricted to a few technical
institutions. This fact has led researchers to propose empirical correlations between MR and
other soil parameters more easily determined in laboratory, as internationally reported by
Jones and Witczak (1977), Drumm et al. (1990), Cardoso and Witczak (1991), and more
recently by Lee et al. (1997). Development of correlations obtained from Brazilian soils
database are reported by Medina and Preusller (1980), Motta et al. (1985), Franzoi (1990),
Nogami and Villibor (1995), Bemucci (1995), and Parreira et al. (1998).
Considering the importance of developing engineering correlations on a regional
basis, this paper focuses on two soils of the County of Vi~osa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil,
and presents correlations developed between MR and some geotechnical engineering
parameters of these soils (CBR and unconfined compression strength), and using
specimens prepared from plain soils and soil cement mixtures.

The two soil samples used in this study represent typical gneissic residual soils from
the County of Vigosa, located in the Southeast of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. In terms of
pedology, the first one is a mature sandy-silty-clayey soil classified as yellow and reddish
latosol, predominantly found in smooth slopes, and constituted basically of 1:1 clay
minerals, iron and aluminum oxides. The second one is a young clayey-silty-sandy soil,
classified as a saprolite, gray colored, constituted mainly by quartz with presence of mica.
Table 1 presents information regarding soil type, sample horizon and sampling depth;
Tables 2 and 3 show soils geoteclmical engineering index parameters, and Table 4 depicts
soils classification according to HRB (Highway Research Board) and USC (Unified Soil
Classification) systems, and according to the MCT (Miniature, Compacted and Tropical)
methodology (Nogami and Villibor, 1995).

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TABLE 1--Soil samples description.

Soil Designation Pedological Formation Soil Horizon Sampling Depth (m)
01 Yellow Reddish Latosol B 6.00
02 Saprolite C 11.20
TABLE 2--Grain size distribution.
Clay Silt Sand
Soil Designation
(% < 0.005 mm) (0.074 < % < 0.005 ram) (2 < % < 0.074 mm)
01 54 24 22
02 7 18 75
TABLE 3--Atterberg limits.
Soil Designation LL (%) PL (%) PI (%)
01 68 35 33
02 30 19 11
TABLE ~-Soil classification systems: HRB, USC, and MCT ~ogami and Villibor,
Soil Classification Systems
Soil Designation
01 A-7-5 (20) MH LQ'
02 A-2-4 (0) SM-SC NA'

Compacted soil specimens prepared from soils and soil-cement mixtures were used
throughout this study. The cement used in the mixtures was the Brazilian Portland CPII-
E-32 type. Optimum cement contents referred to soil dry weight determined according to
the Brazilian standards released by DNER (Ferraz, 1994) were added to the soils, as
follows: 11% to soil 01, and 5 % to soil 02. Specimen preparation and testing procedures
were carried out as follows:
9 CBR tests: Compaction of specimens at the AASHTO Intermediate compaction
effort, and determination of CBR and Expansionc~R curves. Specimen acceptance
criteria were: water content of(Wi + 0.3 %), and compaction degree of(100 + 0.3 %);
9 Unconfined compression and repeated-loading triaxial tests:
9 Compaction of specimens 10 cm high and 5 cm in diameter at the
AASTHO Intermediate compaction effort, at water contents of Wopt-2 %,
Wopt and Wopt+ 2 %. Specimens acceptance criteria were: sample height
of 10 + 0.05 cm, sample diameter of 5 cm, water content of Wi + 0.3 %,
and degree of compaction of 100 + 0.3 %;
9 After molding, the specimens were involved in plastic bags, in order to
maintain their water content, and properly stored in wet chamber until
beginning of tests;

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9 Unconfined compression tests of soils and soil-cement mixtures were

performed at the strain rate of 1 mm/min. Soil specimens were tested right
after being molded, while soil-cement mixtures were tested after a 7 days
curing period. Unconfined compression strengths (Su) are referred to 1%
strains and failure stresses, following methodology proposed by Lee et al.
(1997). For each specimen water content, three specimens were tested and
the final value of Su was adopted as the average;
9 Repeated-loading triaxial tests were performed according to the following
sequence: (1) placement of the specimen involved by a latex membrane in
the triaxial chamber; (2) installation of displacement transducers
(LVDT's); (3) final setup adjustments and recording of initial readings
regarding specimen position; (4) performing of tests according to DNER-
ME 13 U94, as presented in Table 5.

TABLE 5--Repeated-loading triaxial test steps according to the Brazilian Standard

DNER-ME 131/94.
Type of soils Sample conditioning Strain registration
t~ 3 (kPa) ~d (kPa) ~3 (kPa) ~ d (kPa)
21 21
21 35
21 52.5
Clayey and
21 70 21 70
silty soils
21 105
21 140
21 210
21 21
21 42
21 63
35 35
35 70
35 105
52.5 52.5
52.5 105
Sandy and 70 70
52.5 157.5
gravelly soils 70 210
70 70
105 315
70 140
70 210
105 105
105 210
105 315
140 140
140 280
140 420

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The Brazilian Standard DNER-ME 131/94 is based on the AASHTO "Standard

Method of Test for Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soils (AASHTO T 274-82)."
However, it uses twenty cycles and loading time of 0,1 s for each loading sequence. The
soil specimen is conditioned by applying two hundred repetitions of the specified
deviator stress at a certain confining pressure. After conditioning, the soil specimen is
subjected to different deviator stress sequences at the same confining pressure as
informed in Table 5. Figure 1 depicts the Federal University of Vigosa (UFV)'s repeated-
loading triaxial testing apparatus, which was funded by the Minas Gerais State Research
Funding Agency, Brazil, through the grant TEC 2431/97.

FIG. I--UFV's Repeated-loading triaxiat test apparatus.

Data Analysis

Tables 6 and 7 present soils and soil-cement mixtures testing data regarding the
following parameters: maximum dry unit weight (Tdmax),optimum water content (Wopt),
CBR and expansion determined in the CBR tests. Individual testing data analyses are as

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Compaction and CBR Testing Data

Testing data presented in this work show that addition of cement promotes a slight
increase in Wopt, and a small decrease in ?din*x,as depicted in Tables 6 and 7. It is also
noticeable significant increases in CBR of the tested soil-cement mixtures compared to
the soils up to 730 % and 530 % respectively for soils 01 and 02.

Unconfined Compression Testing Data

Many conventional devices used in common geotechnical laboratory testing practice

are neither able nor precise enough to measure very low strains and the respective loads
in order to assess the initial tangent modulus. Therefore, to overcome or minimize this
drawback the method described by Duncan and Chang (1970) was used in this study,
assuming a hyperbolic relationship between axial strains and stresses, as follows:

ga a+b.c, (1)
O" a

The initial tangent modulus can be approximated by:

E 0 = -a (2)

Figure 2 shows the results of unconfined compression tests, from which it can be
observed that soils stabilized with cement present substantial increases in theirs S~
measured at failure and at 1% of axial strain (So~.0~/o),as well as in theirs initial tangent
modulus compared to the corresponding values determined for plain soils. Textural soil
composition has revealed to be an important parameter to characterize the mechanical
response of soils and soil-cement mixtures. Figure 2 shows that soil 01 and its soil-
cement mixtures present maximum values of stress at failure, at 1 % of strain and initial
tangent modulus at the optimum water content, while soil 02 and its soil-cement mixtures
exhibit maximum values at the dry side of the compaction curve.

Repeated-Loading Triaxial Testing Data

MR of soils can vary widely mainly according to loading conditions, stress state and
soil type (Parreira et al., 1998). Models have been proposed to represent variation of MR
according to the variation o f the state o f stress. Such models, in their great majority, were
derived taking into account the soil type. For instance, there are specific models for
describing the behavior of sand and clay soils. In these models the most significant
variables are, respectively, the confining pressure and the deviator stress.

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(%)89~ (%)uo!su~ox3

~ ~ o

~ g
r ~.~
r N

~1 ' i ' I ' ~ ' I ' I ~ 1 ' r ' I '

(~m/N~l) +q~!+AX ~!Ufl ~ ( l

(%) ~19~) (%) uo!su~dx3

' i ' T ' I r I ' R J


m I ' 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ' 1 , 1 , 1 ~

~ ,..,, ~

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TABLE 7--Compaction and CBR testing data; AASHTO Intermediate compaction effort (Soil 02).
Soil a n d s o i l - c e m e n t m i x t u r e

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Soil a n d m i x t u r e p a r a m e t e r s
Soil 02 Soil 02 s t a b i l i z e d w i t h 5 % o f c e m e n t

180 -
30 o'~ "--I
~ 20.0
36 :i:4ol
24 "-" Z
140 2
Z 18
- 4 ~ CBR (%) , -~
19.6 ~19.6- 120- m
9 x.ansioo,%) m
100 2 -t
-!- Compaction '~19.2 ~ ,t Expansion(%) ~ 80 [
"~ 19.2- - - 100% Saturation Line 0 -~ 4,8 -0.5 >
- t l - - Compaction F
- - 100% Saturation Line
Plots k 4.~ .~
Lo.4 0
' ~ 18.8- 18.8- z

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Sep 13 19:25:18 EDT 2020
- 0.3 .~
. -_~
0.2 g
~1 18.4- 1.6 r 18.4-
0.1 7
0.8 ~1
18.0 i ~-- t i i 0.0 18.0 I [ I ] 0.0
6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0
Water Content (%) t-
Water Content (%)
~/dm~.x( k N / m 3) 19.0 18.8 Z
Wopt ( % ) 11.0 13.1
CBR (%) 33 173
Expansion (%) 0.9 0.1 m


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g~ Soil 01 0 Soil 02
,lk Soil 01 Stabilized with 11% o f Cement + Soil 02 Stabilized with 5% o f Cement

4000 4000 600000

3200 ~ ~ ~, 3200 ,~ \ 450000 - .---%

2400 ~,~ 2400 ~,~
X ~ '~ ~ 300000
= 1600 '= 1600
r~ ~" r~
800 A --'-'~--~ r~ 800 150000

0 ' L ~ , ~r" ""-]'~- ---..,r ,

o ~---~' --~ ' o
26 28 30 32 34 26 28 30 32 34 26 28 30 32 34
Water Content (%) Water Content (%) Water Content (%)
3000 3000 400000
0-... L I
2400 2400
300000 "~
200000 v
1200 1200 [...

600 O--- "--O--- -'-tD 600
0 i i i i 9-- ~ - - - m ,
0 o ~---~ '
8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16
Water Content (%) Water Content (%) Water Content (%)
FIG. 2--Unconfined compression testing data of soils and soil-cement mixtures."
Stress at failure, at axial strain o f l %, and initial tangent modulus

The following models were used in this study to represent variation o f MR of soils
and soil-cement mixtures:

9 Model referred by the method DNER-ME t 31/94, and here represented by equation
3, is directed to clayey soil and mixtures, while equation 4 is directed to sandy soil
and mixtures.

MR = K l "o'd K' (3)

MR = K I 9o'3K-' (4)

MR -= resilient modulus (kPa),

CYd = deviator stress (kPa),
~r3 = confining stress (kPa), and
K1 and K2 = constants determined experimentally for each material.

Figures 3 and 4 show repeated-loading triaxial testing data of soils and soil-cement
mixtures tested at water contents of Wopt- 2 %, Wopt and Wopt+ 2 % with the constants

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Kl and K2 that fits experimental data for equations 3 and 4. It is observed relatively high
coefficients of determination (R 2) in almost all of the tested soils and mixtures,
representing also the good quality of testing data. Molding water content of soils and
mixtures specimens affects MR, especially at the wet side of the compaction curve,
noticing a decrease in this parameter with corresponding increase in specimen water

M R = K l ~ d K2 ( D N E R 1 3 1 / 9 4 )

Legend ]
[] Soil 0t - Wopt -2% /
~ " 2000000 O Soil OI - Wopt |
A Soil 01 - Wopt +2% [
--~ Soil 01 Stabilized with I 1% of Cement - Wopt -2% ]
~oooooo Soil 01 Stabilized with 11% of Cement - Wopt |
800000 AL Soil 01 Stabilized with 11% of Cement - Wopt +2%)

400000 Equations

[] M R = 47,557,110.80"d-1"0597 and R 2 = 0.9757

200000 O M R = 278,269,190.4Gd-I-5128 and R 2 = 0.9966
A MR=728,330.9Gd ~ and R2 =0 . 8 4 8 1
Z MR = 20,836,100.2(~d"~176 and R 2 = 0.9952
~= M R = 38,364,620.50"d-~176 and R 2 = 0.9641
& MR = 35,757,531.8CYd-~ and R 2 = 0.9743
40 60 80 100 200 400
Deviator Stress (kPa)

FIG. 3--Resilient modulus versus deviator stress o f soils and mixtures.

9 Model described by Cardoso and Witczak (1991), and here presented in equation 5.

MR = 761.79. (CBR) '~ 9(0) L4383

(o-,)1,860 (5)


MR = resilient modulus (kPa),

CBR = California bearing ratio (%),
0 = ol + c2 + o3 = bulk stress (kPa), and
Ol = major principal stress (kPa).

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M R = K1G3I~ (DNER 131/94)

2000000 - -

f I 17 Soil 02 - Wopt -2% |

0 Soil 02 - Wopt |
t~x Soil 02 - Wopt +2% |
~,~ 800000 Soil 02 Stabilized with 5% of Cement - Wopt -2% |
.~ 600000 Soil 02 Stabilized with 5% of Cement - Wopt |
Soil 02 Stabilized with 5% o f Cement - Wopt + 2 % )
o 400000

E| M R = 17,800.10-3 ~ and R 2 = 0.8888
O M R = 10,994.9G30"5078 and R 2 - 0.8925
100000 ' M R = 3,996.30-30.7086 and R 2 = 0.9739
80000 M R = 488,665.20"3 ~ and R 2 = 0.8634
60000 M R = 408,920.70"3 o3823 and R 2 = 0.9623

I A M R = 100,551.40"30-6572 and R 2 = 0 . 9 1 3 6
40 60 80 100 200
Confining Stress (kPa)
FIG. 4--Resilient modulus versus confining stress of soils and mixtures.

9 Model proposed by Lee et al. (1997), and here represented by equation 6.

MR = 645.40(SuLovo ) - 0.86(S,Loo~)z (6)


MR = resilient modulus (kPa), for a given deviator stress, and

Sul.0% -- stress (kPa) causing 1 % of strain during the conventional unconfined
compression test.

9 Model proposed by Parreira et at. (1998), and here represented by equations 7 and 8.

4,523.12. (E r )o.3~58.(0)~.,393
M R -- (O'00"3436 (7)
MR = 848.15" (E T)~ + 1,147.24" (0) o.8630 (8)

MR ~- resilient modulus (kPa),

ET = Young's tangent modulus (kPa),
0 = bulk stress (kPa), and
Crd= deviator stress (kPa).

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In the present work, a statistical analysis was carried out to study the performance of
the above-mentioned models when applied to soils and mixtures experimental data.
Correlations between MR and CBR, stress determined at 1 % axial strain, initial tangent
modulus, deviator stress, first stress invariant and combinations o f these variables were
considered in the study, as presented in Table 8. Analysis o f the data presented in this
table shows that the variables considered in the analysis correlate well with the resilient
modulus, MR, o f soils and mixtures. The coefficient o f determination ranged from
0.8504 to 0.9567.

TABLE 8--Application of models for estimating the MR of soils and mixtures.

Coefficient of
Samples Representative model Determination (R2)
and Standard Error
1"1837 R2 = 0.9235
MR = F (0, SuLo~) MR (0)0.9902 Error = 0.1464
Soil 01
natural and 1,031,965.89. (ET)1"~176 R2 = 0.9567
MR = F (0, Ev) MR (0)0.9779 Error = 0.1137
with 11% of
cement 412,233.75. (CBR~5~ R2 = 0.9099
MR = F (0, CBR) MR = (0~,2396 Error = 0.1760

M, = F (0, t~d, Su,.oo/.) MR 48"78(0)~ R2 = 0.8504

Soil 02 (~d)0 ''2' Error = 0.1858
natural and 103.28.(0) 0"9110 .(Ev) 1-07'4 R2 = 0.9338
stabilized MR = F (0, (2rd,ET) MR =
with 5 % of (ad)~176 Error = 0.0839
cement R2
MR : F (0, Od, CBR) MR = 12"47(0)0"9T09 "(CBR~'7476 = 0.9249
(O'd)0 "4055 E r r o r = 0.1013

Note: MR = Resilient modulus (kPa), Sul.0%-- stress at 1 % of strain during the

conventional unconfined compression test (kPa), ET-- Young's tangent modulus
(kPa), CBR : California bearing ratio (%), 0 -- bulk stress (kPa), and 6d =
deviator stress (kPa).


It could be premature to make final conclusions based on data presented in this

study, mainly considering that it was carried out over only two soil types. However, on a
preliminary basis, analysis o f the laboratory testing program data suggests that:

Higher values o f CBR, unconfined compression strength, initial tangent modulus

and resilient modulus are related to soil and mixtures specimens compacted at the
optimum or at the dry side o f the compaction curve;

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Figures 3 and 4 show that resilient modulus decreases with the increase in water
content for the soils tested;

Applying DNER-ME 131/94 models, it can be seen that MR decreases with the
increase of deviator stress and increases with the increase of confining stress. Also,
MR always decreases with the increase in water content; and

Acceptable statistical correlations were developed between MR and the following

variables: stress at 1% of axial strain, initial tangent modulus, CBR, bulk stress,
and deviator stress.


The authors wish to express their gratitude to FAPEMIG, through the grant TEC
2431/97, UFV and CNPq that contributed with scholarships, materials, laboratory testing
devices and the required financial support to develop this study.


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