Xerox Phaser 6250 Parts Service

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Color Laser Printer

Phaser® 6250
Color Laser Printer
Service Manual

The following servicing instructions are for use by qualified service
personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not perform any servicing other
than that contained in the operating instructions, unless you are qualified to
do so.

First Printing: July, 2003

As an Energy Star® partner, Xerox Corporation has determined that this product meets the Energy Star
guidelines for energy efficiency. The Energy Star name and logo are registered U.S. marks.
Service Terms

Manual Terms
Various terms are used throughout this manual to either provide additional
information on a specific topic or to warn of possible danger present during a
procedure or action. Be aware of all symbols and terms when they are used, and
always read NOTE, CAUTION, and WARNING statements.

Common Acronyms:
The following list defines the acronyms that may be fournd in this manual.

ADC: Automatic Density Control MCU: Engine Control Board

BTR: Bias Transfer Roller NCS: Non-Contact Sensor
CRUM: Customer Replaceable Unit PHD: Imaging Unit
CTD: Toner Density Control PL: Corresponds to the FRU Parts List.
DRV: Motor Driver Board RMI: Routine Maintenance Item
ESD: Electrostatic Discharge ROS: Laser Scanning Unit
IDT: Intermediate Transfer Unit RTC: Charge Roller

A note indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice or condition
that is neccessary to efficiently accomplish a task.
A note can provide additional information related to a specific subject or add a
comment on the results achieved through a previous action.

A caution indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice or condition
that, if not strictly observed, results in damage to, or destruction of, equipment.

A warning indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice or
condition that, if not strictly observed, results in injury or loss of life.

Product Terms
Caution: A personal injury hazard exists that may not be apparent. For example, a
panel may cover the hazardous area.
Danger: A personal injury hazard exists in the area where you see the sign.

iv Phaser 6250 Color Printer

Symbols Marked on the Product

DANGER high voltage.

Protective ground (earth) symbol.

Hot surface on or in the printer. Use caution to avoid personal


The surface is hot while the printer is running. After turning off
the power, wait 30 minutes.
30 min.

Avoid pinching fingers in the printer. Use caution to avoid

personal injury.

Use caution (or draws attention to a particular component).

Refer to the manual(s) for information.

Service Manual v
Power Safety Precautions

Power Source
For 110 VAC printers, do not apply more than 140 volts RMS between the supply
conductors or between either supply conductor and ground. Use only the specified
power cord and connector. For 220 VAC printers, do not apply more than 264 volts
RMS between the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ground.
Use only the specified power cord. This manual assumes that the reader is a qualified
service technician.
Plug the three-wire power cord (with grounding prong) into a grounded AC outlet
only. If necessary, contact a licensed electrician to install a properly grounded outlet.
If the product loses its ground connection, contact with conductive parts may cause an
electrical shock.

Disconnecting Power
Turning the power off using the On/Off switch does not completely de-engergize the
printer. You must also disconnect the printer power cord from the AC outlet. Position
the power cord so that it is easily accessible during servicing so that you may power
down the printer during an emergency. Disconnect the power plug by pulling the plug,
not the cord.
Disconnect the power cord in the following cases:
■ if the power cord or plug is frayed or otherwise damaged,
■ if any liquid or foreign material is spilled into the case,
■ if the printer is exposed to any excess moisture,
■ if the printer is dropped or damaged,
■ if you suspect that the product needs servicing or repair,
■ whenever you clean the product.

vi Phaser 6250 Color Printer

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions
Some semiconductor components , and the respective sub-assemblies that contain
them, are vulnerable to damage by Electrostatic discharge (ESD). These components
include Integrated Circuits (ICs), Large-Scale Integrated circuits (LSIs), field-effect
transistors and other semiconductor chip components. The following techniques will
reduce the occurrence of component damage caused by static electricity.
Be sure the power is off to the chassis or circuit board, and observe all other safety

■ Immediately before handling any semiconductor components assemblies, drain

the electrostatic charge from your body. This can be accomplished by touching an
earth ground source or by wearing a wrist strap device connected to an earth
ground source. Wearing a wrist strap will also prevent accumulation of additional
bodily static charges. Be sure to remove the wrist strap before applying power to
the unit under test to avoid potential shock.

■ After removing a static sensitive assembly from its anti-static bag, place it on a
grounded conductive surface. If the anti-static bag is conductive, you may ground
the bag and use it as a conductive surface.

■ Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can generate electrical charges

sufficient to damage some devices.

■ Do not remove a replacement component or electrical sub-assembly from its

protective package until you are ready to install it.

■ Immediately before removing the protective material from the leads of a

replacement device, touch the protective material to the chassis or circuit
assembly into which the device will be installed.

■ Minimize body motions when handling unpackaged replacement devices. Motion

such as your clothes brushing together, or lifting a foot from a carpeted floor can
generate enough static electricity to damage an electro-statically sensitive device

■ Handle IC’s and EPROM’s carefully to avoid bending pins.

■ Pay attention to the direction of parts when mounting or inserting them on

Printed Circuit Boards (PCB’s).

Service Manual vii

Service Safety Summary

General Guidelines
For qualified service personnel only: Refer also to the preceding Power Safety
Avoid servicing alone: Do not perform internal service or adjustment of this
product unless another person capable of rendering first aid or resuscitation is present.
Use care when servicing with power: Dangerous voltages may exist at several
points in this product. To avoid personal injury, do not touch exposed connections and
components while power is on. Disconnect power before removing the power supply
shield or replacing components.
Do not wear jewelry: Remove jewelry prior to servicing. Rings, necklaces and
other metallic objects could come into contact with dangerous voltages and currents.
Power source: This product is intended to operate from a power source that will
not apply more then 264 volts rms for a 220 volt AC outlet or 140 volts rms for a 110
volt AC outlet between the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and
ground. A protective ground connection by way of the grounding conductor in the
power cord is essential for safe operation.

Warning Labels
Read and obey all posted warning labels. Throughout the printer, warning labels are
displayed on potentially dangerous components. As you service the printer, check to
make certain that all warning labels remain in place.

Safety Interlocks
Make sure all covers and the printer’s front panel are in place and all interlock
switches are functioning correctly after you have completed a printer service call. If
you bypass an interlock switch during a service call, use extreme caution when
working on or around the printer.


The Phaser® 6250 Color Laser Printer is certified to comply with Laser Product
Performance Standards set by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as
a Class 1 Laser Product. This means that this is a class of laser product that does not
emit hazardous laser radiation; this is possible only because the laser beam is totally
enclosed during all modes of customer operation. When servicing the printer or laser
unit, follow the procedures specified in this manual and there will be no hazards from
the laser.

viii Phaser 6250 Color Printer

Servicing Electrical Components
Before starting any service procedure, switch off the printer power and unplug the
power cord from the wall outlet. If you must service the printer with power applied,
be aware of the potential for electrical shock.

Turning the power off by using the On/Off switch does not completely de-
energize the printer. You must also disconnect the printer power cord from the
AC outlet. Position the power cord so that it is easily accessible during servicing.

Do not touch any electrical component unless you are instructed to do so by a
service procedure.


Servicing Mechanical Components

When servicing mechanical components within the printer, manually rotate drive
assemblies, rollers, and gears.

Do not try to manually rotate or manually stop the drive assemblies while any
printer motor is running.


Servicing Fuser Components

This printer uses heat to fuse the toner image to media. The Fuser Assembly is
VERY HOT. Turn the printer power off and wait at least 5 minutes for the Fuser
to cool before you attempt to service the Fuser Assembly or adjacent

Service Manual ix
Regulatory Specifications
Federal Communications Compliance
The equipment described in this manual generates and uses radio frequency energy. If
it is not installed properly in strict accordance with Xerox instructions, it may cause
interference with radio and television reception or may not function properly due to
interference from another device. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
■ Reorient or relocate the receiver (device being interfered with).
■ Increase the separation between the printer and the receiver.
■ Connect the printer into an outlet on a circuit different from that which the
receiver is connected.
■ Route the interface cables on the printer away from the receiver
■ Consult the dealer, Xerox service, or an experienced radio/television
technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Xerox can affect the emission
and immunity compliance and could void the user's authority to operate this product.
To ensure compliance, use shielded interface cables. A shielded parallel cable can be
purchased directly from Xerox at
Xerox has tested this product to internationally accepted electromagnetic emission
and immunity standards. These standards are designed to mitigate interference caused
or received by this product in a normal office environment. This product is also
suitable for use in a residential environment based on the levels tested.
In the United States this product complies with the requirements of an unintentional
radiator in part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference; (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions
from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian
Department of Communications, ICES-003.
Le présent appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruits radioélectrique dépassant les
limits applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe B prescrites dans le
Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministere des
Communications du Canada, NMB-003.

x Phaser 6250 Color Printer

Declaration of Conformity
Xerox Corporation, declares, under our sole responsibility that the printer to which
this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards and other
normative documents:

In the European Union

following the provisions of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and its

EN 60950 "Safety of Information Technology Equipment including Electrical

(IEC 950) Business Equipment"

following the provisions of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC

and its amendments:

EN55022:1998 "Limits and Methods of measurement of radio interference

(CISPR 22) characteristics of Information Technology Equipment." Class B.

EN61000-3-2:1995 “Part 3: Limits - Section 2: Limits for harmonic current emissions

+A1:1998+A2:1998 (equipment input current less than or equal to 16A per phase).”

EN61000-3-3:1995 “Part 3: Limits - Section 3: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker

(IEC61000-3-3) in low-voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current less
than or equal to 16A.”

EN55024:1998 "Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits

(CISPR 24) and methods of measurement. "

CISPR 24 Immunity
Phenomena Basic Standard Test Specification

Electrostatic Discharge IEC61000-4-2:1995 6kV Contact, 10kV Air

Radio-Frequency IEC61000-4-3:1995 80-1000 MHz, 3V/m, 80% AM @ 1KHz

Electromagnetic Field

Fast Burst Transients IEC61000-4-4:1995 5/50 Tr/Th ns, 5kHz Rep. Freq
0.5kV on Signal Lines
1kV on AC Mains

Line Surge IEC61000-4-5:1995 Combination wave

2.0kV Common mode
2.0kV Differential mode

Radio-Frequency IEC61000-4-6:1996 0.15 - 80 MHz, 3V, 80% AM @ 1kHz

Electromagnetic Field

Line voltage dips IEC61000-4-11:1994 >95% dip for ½ cycle @ 50 Hz

30% dip for 25 cycles @ 50 Hz

Service Manual xi
CISPR 24 Immunity
Phenomena Basic Standard Test Specification

Line voltage drop-out IEC61000-4-11:1994 >95% dropout for 250 cycles @ 50 Hz

This product, if used properly in accordance with the user's instructions is neither
dangerous for the consumer nor for the environment. A signed copy of the
Declaration of Conformity for this product can be obtained from Xerox.

xii Phaser 6250 Color Printer

ContentsService Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv
Symbols Marked on the Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Power Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vi
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Service Safety Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viii
Regulatory Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

1 General Information
Printer Introduction and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Printer Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Printer Memory and RAM Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Parts of the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Exterior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Phaser 6250 Front Panel Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Rear View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Image Processor Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Routine Maintenance Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Consumables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Consumable Life Counter Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Printer Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Physical Dimensions and Clearances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Functional Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Environmental Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Media and Tray Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14

2 Theory of Operation
Overview of the Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Theory of Operation . . 2-2
Summary of the Printing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Print Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Printer Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Paper Size Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Selective Control; Paper Pick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Laser Light Intensity Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Process Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
LED Light Density CTD (ADC) Control of Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Color Registration Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Transfer Roller Assembly Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Toner Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Fuser Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Paper Path of the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Paper Path Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15

Service Manual xiii

Major Assemblies and Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
Frame and Drive Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
Main Drive Assembly - Transmission Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Gear Layout - Print Engine and Tray 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
Paper Tray 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
Paper Feed - Tray 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
HCF Drive and Gears - Transmission Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
500-Sheet Feeder Drive and Gears - Transmission Route . . . . . 2-26
Retard Housing Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
Chute Assembly In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
Chute Assembly Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Chute Assembly Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
Duplex Motor Drive and Gear - Transmission Route . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Chute Assembly Registration (REGI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
Transfer Roller and Fuser Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33
Fuser Drive Assembly - Transmission Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
Xerographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35
Imaging Unit Charge Voltage Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
Toner Cartridge Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
Toner Cartridge Assembly - cont’d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
Toner Motor Drive Assembly - Transmission Route . . . . . . . . . 2-40
Developer Assembly Transmission Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40

3 Error Messages and Codes

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Servicing Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Using the Troubleshooting Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
General Notes on Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Voltage Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Service Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Service Diagnostic Front Panel Button Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Diagnostic Menu Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Service Diagnostic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Jam History Error Codes Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Error Messages and Codes Summary Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Jam Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
Jam at Fuser: Jam F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
Jam at Duplex: Jam D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
Jam at Registration Roller: Jam RR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Misfeed at Tray 1 (MPT): Jam T1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
Misfeed at Tray 2: Jam T2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
Misfeed at Tray 3: Jam T3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Misfeed at Tray 4: Jam T4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
Door and Cover Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
Close Front Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
Consumable Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37

xiv Phaser 6250 Color Printer

Install or Reseat Imaging Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Replace Imaging Unit or
Imaging Unit is Near End of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
Install or Reseat Transfer Roller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
Replace Transfer Roller or
Transfer Roller is at End of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Install or Reseat Fuser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41
Replace Fuser or Fuser is Near End of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
Install or Lock [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
Replace [Y] [M] [C] [K]Toner Cartridge or
[Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Is Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45
Dusty Density Sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47
Output Tray is Full, Unload Paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48
Remove Ribbon from [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge . . . . . . . . 3-49
Tray and Media Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50
Insert Tray [2] or Tray [2] Missing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50
Insert Tray [3] [4] or Tray [3] [4] Missing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52
Tray 2 Paper is Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54
Tray [3] [4] Paper is Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55
Out of Paper; Load Tray 1 (MPT) with [size] [type] . . . . . . . . . . 3-56
Out of Paper; Load Tray [2] [3] [4] with [size] [type]. . . . . . . . . 3-57
Wrong Paper Size; Load Tray 2 with [size] [type] . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58
Wrong Paper Size; Load Tray [3] [4] with [size] [type] . . . . . . . 3-60
Wrong Paper Type; Load Tray [1 (MPT)] [2] [3] [4]
with [size] [type] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62
Fatal Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-63
Laser Failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-63
Density Sensor Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-64
Fuser Failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-65
Fuser Failure (cont’d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66
Fuser Failure (cont’d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67
Fuser Fan Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-68
Rear Fan Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-69
Generic Fan Failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-70
Engine Firmware Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-71
Imaging Unit Firmware Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-72
Fuser Firmware Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-73
Controller to Engine Communications Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-74
Engine NVRAM Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-75
Replace [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76
[Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-77
Non-Phaser 6250 Fuser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-78
Non-Phaser 6250 Imaging Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-79
Environmental Sensor Failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-80

Service Manual xv
4 General Troubleshooting
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Printer Status Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Power-Up Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
System Start-Up and POST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
System Boot Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Power On Self Test (POST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
POST Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
LED Blink Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
POST Diagnostic Test Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Front Panel Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
No Front Panel Display after Power is Turned ON . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Front Panel LED is on, Front Panel Display is Blank. . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Front Panel Continually Displays “Warming Up...”. . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Front Panel Continually Displays "Install or Reseat Imaging Unit" 4-8
Fault Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Inoperable Printer Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Engine Power-Up Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Printer Does Not Come to a "Ready" State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Paper Size Switch Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
AC Power Supply Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
DC Power Supply Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Media Jams and the Paper Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Operating System and Application Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
Macintosh printing problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
Windows printing problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
Network Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19

5 Print-Quality Troubleshooting
Print-Quality Problems Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Defects Associated with Specific Printer Components. . . . . . . . . 5-3
Front Panel Test Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Test Print 1: CMYK Sample Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Test Print 2: RGB Test Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Service Test Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Test Print 3: Test Pattern Sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
600 x 600 Service Test Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
Print Engine Test Print. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Print-Quality Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Light Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Light Print in Only One Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
Blank Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
Black Prints with White Margin Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Solid Dark or Dirty Prints, No Border. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15

xvi Phaser 6250 Color Printer

Missing Band, Voids Or Streaks In a Single Color
or All Colors Parallel to the Leading Edge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16
Missing Band, Voids or Streaks in a Single Color
or All Colors in Direction of Paper Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
Repeating and/or Random Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19
Background Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20
Residual Image, Ghosting or Hot Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
Incomplete Fusing or Cold Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23
Mis-Registration, Color Layer not Correctly Registered
in the Process Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24
Dirty Vertical Streaks on the Edges of the Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25

6 Adjustments and Calibrations

Calibrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Color Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Margin Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Adjustments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Horizontal and Vertical Color Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Resetting NVRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
PostScript NVRAM Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Service Diagnostics PostScript NVRAM Resets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8

7 Cleaning and Maintenance

Service Preventive Maintenance Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

8 Service Part Disassembly

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Standard Orientation of the Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
General Notes on Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Notations in the Disassembly Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Removing Routine Maintenance Items and Consumables . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
Transfer Roller Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
Imaging Unit Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
Fuser Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
Toner Cartridge Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
Print Engine Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
Front Cover (PL 1.1.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
Front Panel (PL 1.1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
Fuser Fan (PL 1.1.7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
Top Main Cover (PL1.1.9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
Image Unit Top Cover (Door C) (PL1.1.10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
Right and Left Side Covers (PL1.1.24), (PL1.1.30) . . . . . . . . . . 8-11

Service Manual xvii

Rear Cover (PL 1.1.20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12
Left and Right Links (PL 1.1.23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-13
Tray 1 (MPT) (PL1.1.99) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-14
Front Right Cover (PL 1.1.25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-15
Front Left Cover Assembly (PL1.1.29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-16
Paper Feed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-18
Paper Feed Roller (PL 2.1.2) (Routine Maintenance Item). . . . . 8-18
Turn Chute Assembly (PL3.1.2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-19
Printer Chassis/Feeder Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-20
Paper Pick Assembly (PL3.3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-22
Right and Left Housing (PL 3.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-23
Temperature/Humidity Harness (PL3.2.1) and Sensor (PL3.2.2) 8-24
High-Capacity Feeder Harness (PL3.2.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-25
Paper Size Switch Assembly (PL3.2.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-26
Low Paper Lever (PL3.2.7), Indicator (PL3.2.8) and
Indicator Guide (PL3.2.10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-27
Paper Pick Rollers (PL3.3.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-29
No Paper Actuator (PL3.3.5), No/Low Paper Sensor (PL3.3.4) . 8-30
Link Actuator (PL3.3.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-32
Feed Solenoid (PL3.3.17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33
Turn Clutch Assembly (PL3.3.18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-34
Roll Turn Assembly (PL3.3.20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-35
Paper Feed Roller (Routine Maintenance Item) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-36
Retard Roller Housing Assembly (PL4.1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-37
Turn Roll (PL 4.1.2), Turn Clutch (PL 4.1.9),
and Friction Clutch Assembly (PL 4.1.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-38
Retard Roller Assembly (PL4.1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-39
Chute Assembly In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-41
Chute Assembly In (PL 5.1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-41
CTD (ADC) Sensor (PL 5.1.11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-42
Toner Full Sensor (PL 5.1.13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-43
Fuser Drive Assembly (PL 5.1.18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-44
Right Latch (Door A) (PL 5.1.21). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-45
Left Latch (PL 5.1.30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-46
Chute Assembly Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-47
Chute Assembly Out (PL6.1.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-47
Output Tray Full Actuator (PL 6.1.5) and
Full Stack Sensor (PL 6.1.4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-50
Duplex Actuator (PL 6.1.13) and Duplex Sensor (PL 6.1.4). . . . 8-51
Tray 1 Actuator (PL 6.1.37) and Tray 1 Sensor (PL 6.1.4). . . . . 8-53
Static Eliminator Assembly (PL 6.1.9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-55
Duplex Roller (PL 6.1.12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-56
Latch Plate (PL 6.1.17), Latch Out (PL 6.1.18),
Latch Holder (PL 6.1.19), and Latch Spring Out (PL 6.1.20) 8-57
Tray 1 Paper Pick Assembly (PL 6.1.27) (Roll Feed) . . . . . . . . . 8-58
Tray 1 Feed Solenoid (PL 6.1.40). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-59

xviii Phaser 6250 Color Printer

Tray 1 Shaft (PL 6.1.28). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-60
Tray 1 Bottom Plate (PL 6.1.42). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-61
Chute Assembly Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-62
Chute Assembly Exit (PL 7.1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-62
Exit Roller (PL 7.1.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-63
Mid Roller (PL 7.1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-64
Duplex Motor Assembly (PL 7.1.8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-65
Exit Actuator (Fuser) (PL 8.1.7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-66
Strap (PL 8.1.13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-67
Xerographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-68
Laser Unit (PL 9.1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-68
Housing Assembly Bias (PL 9.1.4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-69
Chute Assembly Registration (PL 9.1.6) and
Housing Assembly Electric (PL 9.1.11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-71
Registration Sensor Actuator (PL 9.1.9) and
Registration Sensor (PL 9.1.8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-73
OHP Sensor and Harness (Kit) (PL 9.1.12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-75
Toner Cartridge Holder Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-77
Toner Cartridge Holder Unit Assembly (PL 10.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-77
Toner Cartridge Holder Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-80
Toner Present Switch Bracket and Actuator
(PL 10.1.6 and 10.1.22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-82
Toner Low Sensor (PL 10.1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-84
CRUM Reader Box Assembly (PL 10.1.21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-85
EEPROM Board (PL 10.1.14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-86
Sub-High Voltage Power Supply Board (PL 10.1.15) . . . . . . . . . 8-87
Frame and Drive Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-88
Left Lever Plate (PL 11.1.1), Lever Bracket (PL 11.1.2),
Lever Link (PL 11.1.3), Lever Drum (PL 11.1.4), and
Lever Spring (PL 11.1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-88
Lever Plate Right (PL 11.1.7), Lever Bracket (PL 11.1.2),
Lever Link (PL 11.1.6), Lever Drum (PL 11.1.4), and
Lever Spring (PL 11.1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-91
Main Drive Assembly (PL 11.1.14). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-94
Developer Drive Assembly (PL 11.1.13). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-95
Actuator, I/L (PL 11.1.8) and Spring, I/L (PL 11.1.9) . . . . . . . . . 8-96
Earth Ground Circuit Board (PL 11.1.16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-97
Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-98
AC Switch Harness Assembly (PL 12.1.11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-98
Low-Voltage Power Supply (PL 12.1.10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-99
Motor Driver Board (PL 12.1.12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-101
Rear Fan (PL 12.1.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-102
Card Cage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-103
Housing Assembly Contact (PL 12.1.14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-106
Engine Control Circuit Board (PL12.1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-107
Image Processor Board (PL12.1.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-110

Service Manual xix

Optional High Capacity Feeder Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-111
Cover Front (PL14.2.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-111
Cover, Right (PL14.2.1) and Cover, Left (PL14.2.3) . . . . . . . . 8-112
Turn Chute Assembly (PL14.3.7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-113
Tray 3 Harness Assembly (PL14.5.3), Tray 4 Harness Assembly
(PL14.5.4), and HCF Plug Harness Assembly (PL14.5.2) . 8-114
Circuit Board, HCF (PL14.5.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-116
Drive Feeder Assembly (PL14.5.5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-117
Indicator Assembly (PL14.5.9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-118
Right Tray Guide (PL14.3.5)and Low Paper Lever (PL 14.5.8) 8-119
Left Tray Guide (PL14.3.3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-122
Link Actuator (PL 14.4.6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-124
HCF Paper Pick Assembly (PL14.4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-125
Idler Gear (PL14.5.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-126
No Paper, Low Paper Sensor (PL14.5.7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-127
Paper Size Switch Assembly (PL14.3.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-128
Casters, Locking (PL 14.2.5)/Non-Locking (PL 14.2.6) . . . . . . 8-129
Optional 500-sheet Feeder Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-130
Cover Front (PL15.2.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-130
Cover, Right (PL15.2.2) and Cover, Left (PL15.2.1) . . . . . . . . 8-131
Turn Chute Assembly (PL15.3.9). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-132
Tray 3 Harness Assembly (PL15.5.3) and
STF Plug Harness Assembly (PL15.5.2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-133
Circuit Board, STF (PL15.5.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-135
Drive Feeder Assembly (PL15.5.5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-136
Indicator Assembly (PL15.5.8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-137
Right Tray Guide (PL15.3.5)and Low Paper Lever (PL 15.5.7) 8-138
Left Tray Guide (PL15.3.3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-141
Link Actuator (PL 15.4.6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-143
STF Paper Pick Assembly (PL15.4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-144
No Paper, Low Paper Sensor (PL15.5.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-145
Paper Size Switch Assembly (PL15.3.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-146

9 Parts List
Serial Number Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Using the Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
Print Engine Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
PL 1.1 Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
PL 2.1 Universal Paper Tray. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
PL 3.1 Paper Feed I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
PL 3.2 Paper Feed II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
PL 3.3 Paper Feed III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
PL 4.1 Housing Assembly Retard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
PL 5.1 Chute Assembly In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16
PL 6.1 Chute Assembly Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-18
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-21

xx Phaser 6250 Color Printer

PL 7.1 Chute Assembly Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-22
PL 8.1 Transfer Roller & Fuser Assembly (RMIs) . . . . . . . . . . . 9-24
PL 9.1 Xerographics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-26
PL 10.1 Holder Toner Cartridge Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-28
PL 11.1 Frame and Drive Assemblies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30
PL 12.1 Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-32
PL 13.1 Harness Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-34
Optional High-Capacity Feeder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-36
PL 14.1 Paper Trays 3 & 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-36
PL 14.2 High-Capacity Feeder Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-37
PL 14.3 High-Capacity Feeder Guides and
Turn Chute Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-38
PL 14.4 Paper Pick Assembly Trays 3 & 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-40
PL 14.5 High-Capacity Feeder Harness, Board and Motor . . . . . 9-42
Optional 500-sheet Feeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-44
PL 15.1 Paper Tray 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-44
PL 15.2 500-sheet Feeder Covers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-45
PL 15.3 500-sheet Feeder Guides and Turn Chute Assembly . . . 9-46
PL 15.4 Paper Pick Assembly Tray 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-48
PL 15.5 500-sheet Feeder Harness, Board and Motor . . . . . . . . 9-50
Xerox Supplies and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-51

10 Wiring Diagrams
Plug/Jack Locator Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Map 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
Map 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
Map 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8
Map 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
High-Capacity Feeder Plug/Jack Locator Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10
Map 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
500-sheet Feeder Plug/Jack Locator Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12
Map 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13
Print Engine Wiring Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-14
Notations used in Wiring Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-14
Main Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15
Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16
Paper Tray 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-17
Drive Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18
Developer Section 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19
Developer Section 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20
Fuser Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21
Laser Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22
Xerographics 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23
Xerographics 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-24
Paper Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25
Image Processor Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-26

Service Manual xxi

Printer Options Wiring Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27
High Capacity Feeder Main Wiring Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27
Drive Section (HCF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-28
Paper Tray 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-29
Paper Tray 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-30
500-sheet Feeder Main Wiring Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31
Drive Section (STF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32
Paper Tray 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33

A Appendix
Printer Status Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2


xxii Phaser 6250 Color Printer

In this chapter...
■ Printer Introduction and Overview
■ Printer Configurations
■ Parts of the Printer
■ Phaser 6250 Front Panel Configuration
■ Image Processor Board
■ Routine Maintenance Items
■ Printer Specifications

Printer Introduction and Overview
The Xerox Phaser® 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual is the primary
document used for repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting the printer.
To ensure complete understanding of this product, participation in Xerox Phaser 6250
Service Training is strongly recommended.

Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer shown with the Optional High-
Capacity Feeder

1 [MPT]


Printer Configurations
The Phaser 6250 Printer combines a single-pass, tandem color laser design, with an
image processor supporting PostScript 3 and PCL5c page description languages. The
printer is a high performance, A4, 26 page per minute (ppm) desktop color laser
printer supporting resolutions up to 2400 x 600 dots-per-inch (dpi).
The Phaser 6250 comes in five configurations. The main differences are optional
networking, standard memory, optional high-capacity feeder, duplexing (2-sided
printing) capabilities, and optional internal hard drive.

1-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

A replaceable “Configuration Chip” holds configuration information that enables or
disables built-in features as described below.

Printer Configuration
6250B 6250N 6250DP 6250DT 6250DX

Max Print Speed 26 26 26 26 26

Memory (Mbytes) 128 256 256 512 512

PostScript Fonts 137 137 137 137 137

PCL Fonts 81 81 81 81 81

Embedded PCL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Job Pipelining No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Secure, Proof, and Saved No Opt* Opt* Opt* Yes

Print Jobs

PDF 1.4 support No Opt* Opt* Opt* Yes

Banner-Size printing No Opt* Opt* Yes Yes

Default Resolutions (dpi) 2400x600 2400x600 2400x600 2400x600 2400x600

Photo Mode No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Job Collation No Opt* Opt* Opt* Yes

Auto-Duplex No No Yes Yes Yes

Single Tray, 500-Sheet Opt Opt Opt Yes*** No

Tray 3

1000-Sheet High-Capacity Opt Opt Opt Opt Yes

Trays 3 & 4

Ethernet capabilities Opt Yes Yes Yes Yes

USB, Parallel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Hard Drive Opt** Opt Opt Opt Yes

* Requires optional hard drive

** Hard drive will work but does require N upgrade to support storage features
*** 500-Sheet Feeder is not stackable

General Information 1-3

Printer Memory and RAM Capabilities
The printer features two slots that accept 64, 128, and 256 Mbytes of SDRAM. All
combinations are allowed for 64, 128, 256, 320, 384, and 512 Mbytes. Memory
modules must have the following characteristics:
■ PC133 DRAM Standard
■ 144 Pin SODIMM
■ Serial Presence Detect
■ 3.3 Volt
The startup Page and the Configuration Page list the amount of RAM installed in the
If the memory does not meet the above specifications, it will be ignored by the printer.

1-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Parts of the Printer


2 7

3 8



1. Top Cover (Output Tray) 6. High-Capacity Feeder with Tray 3 and Tray 4

2. Control Panel (Front Panel) 7. Door Latch B

3. Front Cover 8. Door Latch A

4. Tray 1 (Multi-Purpose Tray) 9. Power On/Off Switch

5. Tray 2 (Universal Paper Tray)

General Information 1-5

Phaser 6250 Front Panel Configuration
The Front Panel contains one tricolor LED, a display window and six function
buttons. These buttons navigate the menu system shown in the display window,
perform various functions, and select modes of operation for the printer.

LED Indicators:

■ Green = Ready to Print or ■ Flashing Green = Receiving, Processing Data,

Printing Printing or Power Saver Mode
■ Flashing Yellow = Warning ■ Flashing Red = Error

Front Panel Button Descriptions

3 5

Phaser 6250

1 2 4 6 7 8 6250-022

1 LED (Power/Status) 5 Up Arrow Button - scrolls up the menu system

2 Graphic front panel display 6 Down Arrow Button - scrolls down the menu

3 Cancel Button 7 OK (select) Button

4 Back Button 8 Information Button - for additional explanation

or help

Front Panel Shortcuts

Mode Press this selection at Power On

Skip execution of POST diagnostics OK

Print Service Diagnostics Map INFO

Reset PostScript NVRAM BACK+OK

Password Bypass UP+DOWN

Enter Service Diagnostics BACK+INFO

1-6 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Rear View



1. Top Cover 5. Paper Tray Rear Cover

2. Toner Cartidges 6. USB Connector

3. AC Power Connector 7. Ethernet 10BaseT and 100Tx


4. Image Processor Board 8. IEEE 1284 Parallel Connector

Rear Panel Configuration Interfaces

■ IEEE 1284 Parallel
■ Ethernet 10BaseT and 100Tx

General Information 1-7

Image Processor Board
The components identified in the following figure need to be transferred from the old
board to the new board when installing a new Image Processor Board in the printer.
Data stored in the NVRAM can be transferred to the new board using the MCU
NVRAM Store/Restore functions instead of by moving the component. Detailed
information on the Store/Restore functions is available in "Service Diagnostic Tests"
on page 3-9.

pin 1

2 1 3 4 6250-023

1. Hard Drive (available option) 3. NVRAM

2. Configuration Chip 4. Memory (RAM) DIMM 1 and DIMM 2

(available option)

1-8 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Routine Maintenance Items
A printer part or assembly that has a limited life, and requires periodic replacement.

1 2

3 6250-020

1. Transfer Roller 3. Fuser Assembly

2. Imaging Unit

Consumables consist of the four toner cartridges used in the printer.


General Information 1-9

Consumable Life Counter Behavior
Internal counters track Consumables and Routine Maintenance Items life usage and
store the values in NVRAM. The image processor board monitors these counters in
order to display the near end-of-life and end-of-use messages.
Life ratings are based on A-size sheets at 5% coverage. Imaging Unit life ratings are
based on average 4 page job length.

Consumables Print Life

Toner Cartridges
High-Capacity 8,000
Standard Capacity 4,000

Routine Maintenance Items

Imaging Unit 30,000

Fuser Assembly 100,000

Transfer Roller and Waste Box 15,000

Feed Roller Kit* up to 100,000

* No life tracking for this item

1-10 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Printer Specifications

Physical Dimensions and Clearances

Print Engine Dimensions Value

Height: 445 mm (17.52 in.)

Width: 439 cm (17.28 in.)

Depth: 638 mm (25.12 in.)

Weight: Approximately 36.5 kg (80.5 lb.) Print engine

Approximately 56.5 kg (124.5 lb.) with Paper Tray(s) installed

Optional High-Capacity
Feeder Dimensions Value

Height: 336 mm (13.23 in.) Optional Paper Tray Assembly

Width: 439 cm (17.28 in.)

Depth: 563 cm (22.17 in.)

Weight: Approximately 15 kg (33 lb.) no Paper Tray(s) installed

Approximately 20 kg (44 lb.) with Paper Tray(s) installed

Optional 500-sheet
Feeder Dimensions Value

Height: 172 mm (6.77 in.) Optional Paper Tray Assembly

Width: 439 cm (17.28 in.)

Depth: 563 cm (22.17 in.)

Weight: Approximately 7 kg (15.4 lb.) no Paper Tray installed
Approximately 12 kg (26.4 lb.) with Paper Tray installed

Clearance Value

Top: 350 mm (13.78 in.)

Left: 100 mm (3.94 in.)

Right: 150 mm (5.91 in.)

Front: 600 mm (23.62 in.)

Rear: 200 mm (7.87 in.)

Mounting surface level Within 3 degrees of horizontal with all four feet in contact with
tolerance: the surface.

General Information 1-11

Functional Specifications
Functional Specifications

Characteristic Specification

Printing process Imaging System - 4-tandem drums, electro-photographic system

using intermediate drum transfer rolls (IDTs).
Exposure System - Semiconductor laser, simultaneous scanning
by 4 beams.
Development System - Dry type 2-component developer.
Fusing System - Heat fusing, free nip-belt system.

Color medium Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, and Black Toner Cartridges

Resolution / Draft 600 x 600 dpi

Addressability Enhanced 2400 x 600 dpi (Default)
Photo 2400 x 600 dpi*
* Not available on the Phaser 6250B.

Operating Modes Print Mode: Print Engine capable of making prints immediately.
Ready Mode: 20 seconds from completion of a print.
Sleep/ Low Power/ Power Saver Mode: Entered after a specified
period of Print Engine inactivity since completion of the last print.

Continuuous Mode Paper Size / wt g/m2 Simplex Duplex

Operating Printing 600/2400 dpi Letter / A4
Speed 65 -130 26/24 ppm 15 ipm
100-163 13/12 ppm 7.8 ipm
ppm = pages per 160-216 13/12 ppm N/A
ipm = inches per 600/2400 dpi Legal
minute 65 -130 19 ppm 16 ipm
100-163 10 ppm 7.8 ipm
160-216 10 ppm N/A

600/2400 dpi Envelope/Postcard

160-216 13 ppm N/A

600/2400 dpi Letter / A4 / OHP 8.6/8 ppm

Letter / A4
Photo Glossy Paper 8.6/8 ppm 5 ipm

Cleaning Cycle interval Print speed will be reduced if the print job is larger than the
for continuous printing cleaning cycle interval.
IU Print Volume Draft Enhanced Photo
Pages Pages Pages
0 - 5 K Pages 53 31 22
5 - 10 K Pages 35 26 18
10 - 15 K Pages 35 26 18
15 - 20 K Pages 35 26 18
20 - 25 K Pages 29 22 13
25 - 30 K Pages 29 22 13
>30 K Pages 29 22 13

1-12 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Functional Specifications (Continued)

Characteristic Specification

First Print-Out Mode Tray 1 Tray 2 Tray 3 Tray 4

(in seconds) Simplex, 600 dpi 14.5 15 16.5 18
(Letter/A4) Duplex, 600 dpi 23 23.5 25 26.5
(printer in Ready state) Simplex, half-speed 23.5 24.5 27.5 30.5
Duplex, half-speed 38.5 39.5 42.5 45.5

Warm-up time 30 seconds from cold start (power off condition)

Electrical Specifications
Characteristic Specification

Primary line voltages 110-127 V Printer - (90 - 140 V) 13 amp circuit

220-240 V Printer - (198 - 264 V) 7-8 amp circuit

Primary line voltage 100-120 V Printer - 50/60 Hz + 3Hz

frequency range 220-240 V Printer - 50/60 Hz + 3Hz

Power consumption at Mode Condition 100/120 VAC 220/240 VAC

rated voltage input Print Mode Max.. 1000 W or less 1000 W or less
Ready Mode Fuser On 180 W or less 180 W or less
Sleep Mode Fuser Off 45 W or less 45 W or less

Environmental Specifications
Characteristic Specification

Temperature: Optimal print-quality range: 17o to 26o C (62o to 80o F)

Operating 10o C to 32o C (50o F to 90o F)
Transportation -30o C to +50o C (-22o F to 122o F)
24 month maximum Normal: 0o C to 35o C (32o F to 95o F)
1 month maximum Severe: -20o C to 40o C (-4o F to 104o F)

Humidity Optimal print-quality range: 35% to 70%

Operating 10% - 85%
Transportation 30% - 85%
Storage 5% - 95%

Operating 0 - 2,500 meters (8,000 ft.)
Transportation 0 - 6,092 meters (20,000 ft.)

Acoustic Noise Printer Only With Feeder Option

Idle 35.0db or less 35.0db or less
Printing 55.0db or less (Full Speed) 55.0db or less (Full Speed)
52.0db or less (Half Speed) 53.0db or less (Half Speed)

General Information 1-13

Media and Tray Specifications
Specification Trays

Printable Minimum margins = 5 mm (0.2 in.) on all sides All Trays

Area Maximum paper size = 215.9 mm x 355.6 mm (8.5 in. x 14 in.)
Minimum paper size = 88.9 mm x 139.7 mm (3.5 in. x 5.5 in.)

Supported Paper Type Size

Media Sizes Letter 8.5 x 11 in. All Trays
Legal 8.5 x 14 in. All Trays
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 in. All Trays
Statement 5.5 x 8.5 in. Tray 1 Only
US Folio 8.5 x 13 in. All Trays
A4 210 x 297 mm All Trays
A5* 148 x 210 mm Tray 1 Only
A6 105 x 148 mm Tray 1 Only
B5 JIS 182 x 257 mm All Trays
ISO B5 176 x 250 mm Tray 1 Only
Custom Size & Banner 8.5 x 22.86 in. Tray 1 Only
Supported Type Weight
Media Types Plain Paper 64- 90 g/m2 (17 - 24 lb. Bond) All Trays
and Weights Heavy Plain Paper 85 - 130 g/m2 (22 - 28 lb. Bond) All Trays
Phaser 25-Series Premium
Transparency Film (Only) Tray 1 & 2
Thin Card Stock 100 - 163 g/m2 (26 - 60 lb. Cover) Tray 1 Only
Thick Card Stock 160 - 216 g/m2 (59 - 80 lb. Cover) Tray 1 Only
Labels N/A Tray 1 & 2
Letterhead 85 - 130 g/m2 (22 - 28 lb. Bond) All Trays
Glossy Coated Paper** 120 - 163 g/m2 (81 - 110 lb.) All Trays
Business & Greeting Cards N/A Tray 1 Only
CD/DVD Labels and InsertsN/A Tray 1 Only
Digital Photo Paper 163 g/m2 (60 lb. Cover) Tray 1 Only
Phaser Premium Post- 176 g/m2 (65 lb. Cover) Tray 1 Only
Phaser Glossy Trifold 176 g/m2 (65 lb. Cover) Tray 1 Only
Phaser Weatherproof 100 g/m2 (27 lb. Bond) Tray 1 & 2

Supported Envelopes Weight 20 - 24 lb. Bond Tray 1 Only

Envelopes* Commercial #10 4.12 x 9.5 in
Monarch Envelope 3.87 x 7.5 in
A7 Envelope 5.25 x 7.25 in
DL Envelope 110 x 220 mm
C5 Envelope 162 x 229 mm
C6 Envelope 114 x 162 mm
B5 Envelope 176 x 250 mm
Envelopes with hot melt type glue are not supported in this
printer. Do not use envelopes with windows or metal clasps.

* Some wrinkling and embossing may occur when printing envelopes.

1-14 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Specification Trays

Speciality Phaser 25-Series Premium Transparencies

Media Letter 216 x 279 mm 8.5 x 11 in. Trays 1& 2
A4 210 x 297 mm 8.27 x 11.69 in. Only
Other sizes will be handled through Tray 1 with use of the
custom size option.
Phaser Premium Postcards
Letter 216 x 279 mm 8.5 x 11 in. Tray 1 Only
A4 210 x 297 mm 8.27 x 11.69 in. Tray 1 Only
Phaser Glossy Trifold Brochures
Letter 216 x 279 mm 8.5 x 11 in. Tray 1 Only
A4 210 x 297 mm 8.27 x 11.69 in. Tray 1 Only
Weather Proof Paper
Letter 216 x 279 mm 8.5 x 11 in. Trays 1& 2
A4 210 x 297 mm 8.27 x 11.69 in. Only

Tray Capacity Universal Tray Tray 1/MPT

Standard Paper 500 Sheets 100 Sheets
Transparency 100 Sheets*** 50 Sheets
Envelopes N/A 10 each

* A5 paper is supported from all trays in Japanese models only

** Glossy paper can be used in all trays on the 6250
*** Tray 2 only

For duplex configured printers, auto duplex operation is available through Tray 1
(MPT) and Trays 2, 3, and 4. Refer to the Paper Tips page for information on
which paper types can be used for duplex printing.

General Information 1-15

1-16 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual
Theory of
In this chapter...
■ Overview
■ Printer Controls
■ Paper Path of the Printer
■ Major Assemblies and Functions

Overview of the Phaser 6250 Color Laser
Printer Theory of Operation

Summary of the Printing Process

The Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer is a ‘full-color laser printer’, that utilizes
electrophotographic recording principals to place a full color image onto the print
media. The system, contains a drum and developing unit for each color (yellow,
magenta, cyan and black (YMCK)), and places the toner image of each color onto
print media producing full-color prints through three transfer units (primary transfer
units IDT1 (2 ea) and secondary transfer unit IDT2 (1 ea)).
A summary description of the printing process is presented in the following Steps, see
the illustration on the following page as a reference:
1. Charging: The charge roller (RTC) is negatively charged by the high voltage
power supply (HVPS) and is kept in contact with the drum surface to provide a
uniform negative charge on the drum as it rotates at a constant speed. This occurs
simultaneously for YMCK. The refresher is a conductive brush that is also
negatively charged by the HVPS to pick off any toner particles left on the drum
after image transfer to the IDT.
2. Exposure: The laser unit emits laser beams in response to image data from the
Image Processor board. The laser beams are directed onto the drum surface
through a system of mirrors and lenses. A rotating polygonal mirror causes the
laser beams to scan the drum surface from end to end (axially) as it rotates. The
beams are turned on to print a pixel and off when no printing is required. The
negative charge on the drum surface is reduced at each point where the energized
laser beam strikes, to form an invisible electrostatic latent image on the drum
surface. This process is performed simultaneously for YMCK.
3. Development: Toner is electrostatically attached to the invisible latent image
on the drum surface to form the visible image on the drum. Toner is fed into the
developer using the agitator and auger. The toner and the carrier in the developer
form a homogeneous layer on the magnet roller in the developer. The magnet
roller turns against the surface of the drum and is kept at a constant negative
potential. At areas on the drum surface where the negative charge has not been
reduced by the impact of laser light, potential between the drum and the toner
particles is lower than that between the magnet roller and the toner particles. At
areas where the drum charge has been reduced, the potential between the
particles and drum is higher than between the magnet roller and toner particles
are attracted to the drum. A thin semiconductive sleeve on the magnet roller is
vibrated by an AC voltage to encourage migration of the toner particles to the
drum. When the toner particles attach to the drum, the negative charge of the
particles reduces drum potential at that point, thus reducing the attraction of
additional toner particles. This process is performed simultaneously for YMCK.
4. Primary Transfer (drum --> IDT1): The toner image formed on the individual
drum surface is transferred onto the surface of the IDT1 (intermediate Drum
Transfer 1: intermediate transfer roller 1). There are two IDT1’s: one for yellow
and magenta and one for cyan and black. IDT1 is conductive and receives a high
positive charge from the HVPS. The negatively charged toner image on the drum

2-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

surface is attracted by the high positive potential and transfers to IDT1. During
this transfer, the remaining negative charge on the drum is neutralized by the high
positive charge on IDT1.
5. Secondary Transfer (IDT1 --> IDT2): The toner images formed on both
IDT1 surfaces are then transferred onto the surface of IDT 2 to create a complete,
4-color toner image. IDT2 is also conductive and receives a positive voltage from
the HVPS. The received voltage puts IDT2 at a higher potential than IDT1 thus
attracting the toner image and facilitating the transfer.
6. Cleaning: The IDT1 cleaner consists of a conductive roller brush rotating in
contact with IDT1 after the point where the toner is transferred to IDT2. The
cleaner receives a high positive voltage from the HVPS allowing it to electrically
attract any toner particles remaining on IDT1. Toner remaining on both IDT1’s
after the image transfer to IDT2 is temporarily stored in the IDT1 cleaners.
7. Tertiary Transfer: The finished toner image on IDT2 is transferred onto the
print media using the voltage supplied by the transfer roller. The conductive
transfer roller receives a high positive voltage from the HVPS that puts it at a
higher potential than IDT2. Since the transfer roller is located behind the print
media, the 4-color toner image is attracted to the high potential and deposits on
the surface of the print media.
8. Cleaning: The IDT2 cleaner consists of a conductive roller brush rotating in
contact with IDT2 after the point where the toner is transferred to the print media.
The cleaner receives a high positive voltage from the HVPS allowing it to
electrically attract any toner particles remaining on IDT2. Toner remaining on
IDT 2 after the image transfer to the print media is temporarily stored in the IDT2
9. Static Elimination: The positive charge on the print media can cause image
quality problems by scattering toner. To prevent this, negative DC voltage from
the HVPS is applied to the back side of the print media by the Detack Saw,
located on the Transfer Roller Assembly. This negative charge neutralizes and
eliminates the charge on the print media resulting from the tertiary transfer.
10. Fixing: The finished toner image is unstable and easily smeared. To fix the
image, the print media goes through the Fuser Assembly where it passes between
a pressure belt and the heat roller. The toner is fused onto the print media by the
combination of heat and pressure.
11. Cleaning: During the general cleaning process, the voltage applied to the IDT
rollers and drums go through a cycle of changes to move the negative and
positive charged toner particles from the cleaners and IDTs and then the transfer
roller. The toner stored in the IDT1 cleaner, the IDT 2 cleaner and on the transfer
roller is removed and deposited into the transfer roller waste recovery bin. Toner
from the charge roller and refresher is also removed and deposited into the
transfer roller waste recovery bin. In each case the voltage at the point of
attraction is set high and the voltage at the point of disposal is set to 0V with the
result that the toner is moved to the high potential until at last it is deposited on
the transfer roller. Toner is removed from the transfer roller by the attached
cleaning blade and deposited in the attached recovery bin.

Theory of Operation 2-3

Drum Y Drum M Drum C Drum K

Charged Charged Charged Charged

(1) with (1) with (1) with (1) with
electricity electricity electricity electricity

(2) Exposure (2) Exposure (2) Exposure (2) Exposure

(3) Develop-
ment (3) Develop-
ment (3) Develop-
ment (3) Develop-

(4) Primary transfer (4) Primary transfer

(Drum → IDT1) (Drum → IDT1)

Intermediate Cleaning Intermediate Cleaning

(6) (6)
transfer unit ( IDT1) transfer unit ( IDT1)
( IDT1) ( IDT1)

(5) Secondary transfer

( IDT1 → IDT2)

(8) Cleaning ( IDT2)
transfer unit
( IDT2)
(7) Tertiary transfer Cleaning
( IDT2 → Paper) (general)

Paper (9) Static elimination

(10) Fixing

Printing Process Flowchart
RTC Refresher Drum(Y)
[(1) Changing with electricity] Refresher
[(1) Changing with electricity] [(4) Primary transfer]
Developer(Y) [(5) Secondary transfer]
[(3) Development] IDT1 Cleaner
[(6) Cleaning
(11) Cleaning]
Developer(M) IDT2 Cleaner
[(3) Development] [(8) Cleaning
(11) Cleaning]
[(1) Changing with electricity] IDT2
[(5) Secondary transfer]
Developer(C) [(7) Tertiary transfer]
[(3) Development]
Drum(C) [(4) Primary transfer]
RTC [(5) Secondary transfer]
[(1) Changing with electricity]
IDT1 Cleaner
Developer(K) [(6) Cleaning
[(3) Development] Drum(K) (11) Cleaning]
Refresher Refresher 6250-026

Printing Process Components

2-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Print Modes
There are three print modes: Draft mode, Enhanced mode, and Photo mode. These are
based on the resolution (600 dpi or 2400 dpi) and, depending on the media type, can
also be affected by process speed (full speed/half speed/one-third speed).
■ Draft mode: 600 X 600 dpi resolution. Used to check layout. Provides
reduced toner usage.
■ Enhanced mode: 2400 X 600 dpi resolution. General purpose mode for crisp
bright color prints. Recommended for most office use. It is the default mode
■ Photo mode: 2400 X 600 dpi resolution. Highest quality color print with
very smooth color shades. When using photo paper or OHP, gloss is raised
by setting the process speed to one-third.

Printer Controls

Paper Size Control

The paper size selection is controlled by three paper size switches located in each
paper tray slot. The switch condition is set by moving the paper guide in the tray. This
in turn sets the plastic “fingers” on the side of the paper tray to a specific postion that
activates the correct switch combination for the selected paper size.

Paper Size Switches are indicated as SW1, SW2, and SW3

Paper Size Switch

Paper Size






A5 (for reference only, supported in Tray 1 [MPT] OFF ON OFF




Theory of Operation 2-5

Selective Control; Paper Pick
Unless changed in printer setup, the default tray is Tray 2. Trays in the optional High-
Capacity Feeder are identified as Tray 3 and Tray 4. The tray in the optional 500-sheet
Feeder is identified as Tray 3.

Laser Light Intensity Control

The Laser Unit in the Phaser 6250 printer has four laser diodes: one each for yellow,
magenta, cyan, and black. The diodes control circuits adjust the light intensity for
each color automatically. Image data is transmitted to the laser diodes in the Laser
Unit as digital signals. The laser diodes convert the image data from digital signals to
optical signals. The laser assembly monitors and adjusts the light intensity of the laser
beams to attain a stable electrostatic image. Variations in drum sensitivity may
prevent the system from obtaining a proper electrostatic image.

Process Control
For stable printing, the parameters related to forming both the electrostatic and toner
image must be continuously monitored and adjusted by the printer. Parameter
correction and control over the entire printing process is called “process control”.
There are two main areas of control:
■ Bias Control
■ Toner Density Control
To supplement these two controls, the following are provided:
■ High-Area Coverage Mode Control
■ Admix Mode Control
■ Toner Density Control (CTD) Sensor (ADC - Automatic Density Control)
LED light density setting.

Bias Control
To attain stable image density, toner density is monitored for each color and the drum
charging voltage and biasing DC voltages are adjusted according to the monitored
results for each color.
The bias control adjustment is made immediately before the start of printing, if any of
the following conditions is satisfied:
■ First print produced after the power on.
■ Cumulative print count exceeds 16 since power on.
■ A cleaning cycle is executed during continuous printing.

2-6 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Bias control operates as follows:
1. The Temperature/Humidity Sensor sets the target values of the drum charging
voltage and biasing DC voltage.
2. Bias control test patches (see the adjacent figure for About 11mm
patch configuration) of each of the four toner colors
(yellow, magenta, cyan, and black) are generated and
transferred to the Transfer Roller. Y About 12mm

3. The CTD (ADC) Sensor compares an area on the About 3mm

Transfer Roller where no toner is present with the test M

patches to determine toner density for each of the four About 57mm

4. The density measured in Step 3 is compared with the
target value set in Step 1 and the resulting difference
is used to adjust the drum charging voltage and the K
biasing DC voltage for each toner color.

Toner Density Control

Toner density must be kept constant to attain a stable print image. To achieve this
goal, the rate at which toner is dispensed must be adjusted to exactly match the rate at
which it is consumed. There are two systems that work in conjunction to control toner
density: the Pixel Count Dispense Control (PCDC) and the Toner Density Control
(CTD). (The CTD uses data from the ADC sensor, measured as described in the
preceding paragraphs covering bias control.)
PCDC: The amount of toner consumed in the developing process is calculated by
counting the digital pulses applied to the Laser Unit. The toner motor is then driven
for a period determined by the calculated result to supply toner to the developer,
equivalent to the amount dispensed.
CTD (ADC): The toner test patches of each color (yellow, magenta, cyan, and black),
are generated and transferred to the transfer roller as specified in the Bias Control
section. The CTD (ADC) sensor measuers the density of each patch. The printer
adjusts the toner dispense time, which changes the quantity of toner to be dispensed.
This calculation is made separately for each color. The CTD adjustment is made
following completion of printing if either of the following conditions is satisfied:
■ Cumulative print count since power on exceeds 16 pages.
■ When a cleaning cycle is executed during continuous printing.
If either of the preceding control calculations results in an adjustment to the toner
quantity to be dispensed, the result is calculated in terms of number of revolutions of
the Toner Motor. For this description, this value is called the dispense count.
The dispense count calculated as specified above, is implemented over the next 8
prints. If 16 dispense counts are required as a result of low toner density during the
CTD calculation, 2 dispense counts are added during each of the next 8 prints. This is
in addition to any counts added or subtracted during each print as a result of PCDC.

Theory of Operation 2-7

If toner density is too great (excess toner) and 16 dispense counts are required to
subtract this amount, the adjustment is accomplished by subtracting 2 counts from the
calculated PCDC count over each of the subsequent 8 prints. If the excess amount
cannot be subtracted in 8 print cycles, it is subtracted in the ninth and subsequent

Total dispense counts 4 5 3 4 2 2 3 4 3 2

Even allotment in first 8 prints

Correction amount by ADC +16

Dispense counts by PCDC 2 3 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 2

Correction amount by ADC -8

Total dispense counts 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2


High-Area Coverage Mode

Continuous printing of an image with density exceeding the toner dispense capability
causes the toner density in the developer to be lowered below the target toner density.
The high area coverage mode delays feeding of the next page, and dispenses toner
during this time so that the toner density time reaches the specified value during
continuous printing.

Admix Mode
If the high area coverage mode can not deal with the reduction of toner density in the
developer or if the machine is moved to an environment with a different humidity
level, the reference value for the toner density will change. This causes a large
discrepancy between the measured values from the CTD sensor and the referenced
value for the toner density.
Admix mode dispenses the toner immediately to prevent low-toner density. If the
patch density result measured by the CTD Sensor is lower than the reference value
from the toner density control, then the admix mode is initiated.

LED Light Density CTD (ADC) Control of Sensor

The CTD (ADC) sensor is a reflective sensor that emits light from an LED in the
sensor and detects the reflected light from the transfer roller. For exact density
measurement, the sensor output value (reflected light density) must be the specified
value when no toner is put on the Transfer Roller. The reflected light density varies

2-8 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

depending on the Transfer Roller surface condition or dirty condition of CTD (ADC)
sensor surface. The light density emitted from the LED is controlled so that the
reflected light density meets the specified value.
This control is implemented in two ways:
■ Sets the light density so that the light reflected satisfies a specific value.
■ Adjusts the subsequent light density to be within a specific tolerance value.

1. Light Density Setting

The reflected light density can vary greatly if the transfer roller has been replaced or
the CTD (ADC) sensor has been cleaned. To deal with this variance the light density
is reset when the power is turned on or the front cover is opened and closed.
The intensity of the LED increases gradually and the set value is adjusted when the
output of the CTD (ADC) sensor does not meet the specified value. If the output of
the CTD (ADC) sensor does not reach the specified value, even though the light
density is increased to the maximum limit, the controller signals the sensor is dirty. If
the sensor output is extremely high, the controller will signal that the sensor is faulty.

2. Light Density Adjustment

At the execution of automatic density control, the light density adjustment is made
just before the patches for toner density control are generated.
Light is emitted from the LED using the current light density setting, to check if the
output value of the CTD (ADC) sensor is within the specified range. If the output
value is low, light density is increased. If the output value is high, the light density is
If the output value is less than the first lower limit, the controller signals the sensor as
dirty and generates a warning. If the output value is less than the second lower limit,
the controler signals that the sensor is faulty and stops the printing.

Color Registration Control

The printer uses a quad system where drums and developers are used exclusively for
each of the four colors (yellow, magenta, cyan, and black). Images are formed on the
drums, in the respective colors, and then layered to form one image. To avoid a
positional shift between the different color images, the color registration control
calculates how much the registration has shifted by comparing each of the other color
patches in the registration string to the black bar that precedes it. Shift is corrected by
adjusting the laser write timing to compensate.
Color registration control is made depending on the internal temperature and print
count at the execution of process control.

Theory of Operation 2-9

+n of this control is outlined below:
1. With no toner on the Transfer Roller, the output value of Sensor, CTD (ADC) is
measured to determine the threshold value.
2. Patches for color registration control are
generated on the Transfer Roller. These 10mm K
patches are composed of 10mm lines of K
each toner color in the following order: K, C
C, K, M, K, and Y with each color K
dispensed in the amount of four dispense M
counts. The string of patches is led by a
black trigger patch that is larger than the
registration patches.
About one turn of BTR
3. The density of patches generated by the
CTD (ADC) sensor is measured.
4. The amount of registration shift is
calculated from the threshold value
determined in Step 1 and the patch density
measured in Step 3.

5. The laser write timing is changed to

compensate for the amount of registration

2-10 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Transfer Roller Assembly Control

Detecting the Installation of the Transfer Roller Assembly

Although there is no seperate sensor for this, the output of the CTD Sensor is used to
detect installation or absence of the Transfer Roller when power to the printer is
turned on, or the front cover is opened and closed.
Light emits from the LED of the CTD sensor with the specified intensity and if the
output of the CTD Sensor is greater than the specified value the controller signals that
the Transfer Roller is present (installed).
If printing is stopped by a jam, the toner image will be placed on the Transfer Roller.
In this case the sensor output result is low, causing the controller to report the Transfer
Roller as missing. To prevent this, the Transfer Roller is rotated a half turn if output is
lower than the specified value. If the output of the CTD sensor is than greater than the
specified value, the controller reports installation of the Transfer Roller. If the output
remains less than the specified value, the controller reports that the Transfer Roller is
not installed.

Detecting the Life of the Transfer Roller Assembly

The Transfer Roller Assembly consists of a bias transfer roller and a waste toner
recovery space. End of life of the Transfer Roller is detected when the waste toner
recovery space becomes full.
The full waste toner recovery space is detected by the Toner Full Sensor.
1. Status of the waste toner recovery space is checked:
■ When the power is turned on.
■ When the front cover is opened and closed.
■ When paper exits the print engine.
2. “Transfer Roller is at End of Life” error message is generated when the toner full
sensor detects the waste toner recovery space is full.
3. “Replace Transfer Roller ” warning message is generated if the print count and
the toner dispense time are counted and the total count exceeds 15,000 prints.
4. “Transfer Roller is at End of Life” error/ “Replace Transfer Roller ” warning
messages are reset if the toner full sensor does not detect a full waste toner
recovery space when power is turned on, or the front cover is opened and closed.

Theory of Operation 2-11

Toner Control
Toner Cartridge installation is detected by the Toner Present (CTG-In) Switch, and the
presence of toner is detected by the Toner Low Sensor. These switches and sensors are
provided for each toner color (CMYK), and detection is made for each individually.

Toner Low Sensor

The toner low sensor checks one color every 3.5 seconds, requiring 14 seconds to
detect all four colors.
The toner low sensor is attached to the Toner Cartridge Holder Assembly. It detects
toner dispensed by the toner motor from the toner cartridge into the auger tube.
The toner low sensor can make a false detection if toner has stuck to the surface of the
sensor. To prevent this, a film attached near the auger in the toner cartridge holder
assembly cleans the sensor surface whenever toner is dispensed. This film rotates with
the auger as toner is dispensed, scraping toner off the toner low sensor surface.
The toner low sensor may detect toner even if toner is not present or may not detect
the toner even if toner is present, depending on the film position when the toner motor
stops. This is avoided by the printer’s internal toner presence control.

Toner Presence Control

1. Checks for toner presence when the power is turned on, or after the front cover is
opened and closed. Checks every 14 seconds when printing.
2. The "Toner Empty” warning is displayed when the counter on the Customer
Replaceable Unit Monitor (CRUM) indicates that the toner is empty.
3. The "Toner Empty” error is displayed when the toner low sensor detects that
toner is empty.
4. When a new toner cartridge is installed (“Toner Empty error” not being
generated), toner is dispensed for 1.7 seconds. At the next toner control timing, if
the toner low sensor detects toner present, the “Toner Full”, "Toner Empty
Warning", and "Toner Empty Error" are reset. When toner is dispensed and the
toner low sensor detects toner present three or more times consecutively, the
controller regards this status as "Toner Present".
5. If the toner low sensor does not detect toner present, toner will be dispensed for
1.7 seconds again 5 seconds later. If toner present is not detected after executing
toner dispense three times and if toner cartridge dispense time shows 0, “Remove
Ribbon From ‘x’ Cartridge” error is displayed.

2-12 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Fuser Control

Fuser Temperature Control

During fuser temperature control the printer’s target temperature is set. The heat roller
surface temperature is controlled to match the target temperature by turning the heater
lamp on/off.
The heat roller surface temperature is detected by two sensors. A non-contact sensor
in the middle of the roller is checked for 60ms and the Temperature Sensor at the edge
of the roller is checked for 20ms to maintain an even temperature across the roller. If
the results of the 80ms cycle show the temperature is higher than the target, the heater
lamp is turned off. If the detection result is low, the heater lamp is turned on.
For the target temperature, different temperatures are set for standby, printing, and
process control. The target temperature is also changed according to the inside
temperature detected with the temperature/humidity sensor, print count, print mode,
input power supply voltage and paper type.

Cool Down
During printing, the temperature distribution of the heat roller becomes uneven
between paper and non-paper. To make the heat roller temperature as even as
possible, a wait time is provided and the heater lamp is kept off. This is called the cool
A cool down is executed according to the number of sheets continuously printed when
a set, printing with a certain type and size of print media is completed, and when the
print media type or size is changed. The cool down, which results in a pause, occurs
evenly in the middle of several hundred sheets of continuous printing.

Theory of Operation 2-13

Paper Path of the Printer

: Laser beam
: Paper path
: Paper sensors



















2-14 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Paper Path Route

Paper Tray 4 Paper Tray 3 Paper Tray 2
Tray 1 (MPT)

Paper feed by Paper feed by Paper feed by

Paper feed by
"Paper Pick Assy (T4)" "Paper Pick Assy (T3)" "Paper Pick Assy (T2)"
"Tray1 Feed Roller"
"Paper Feed (Retard) Roller"

Paper feed by Paper feed by Paper feed by

"Paper Feed Rollers" "Paper Feed Rollers" "Paper Feed Rollers"
(Nudge and Retard) (Nudge and Retard) (Nudge and Retard)
(Tray 4) (Tray 3) (Tray 2)
Paper transfer by
"Turn Roll"
Paper transfer by "Pinch Roll"
"Tray 4 Turn Roll"
"Tray 4 Turn Chute Assy"

Paper transfer by "Tray 3 Turn Roll"

and "Tray 3 Turn Chute Assy"

Paper transfer by the "Tray 2 Turn Roll"and "Tray 2 Turn Chute Assy"

Paper transfer by the "Chute Assembly, Registration (REGI) (Metal and Registration Rolls)

Paper transfer by the "Imaging Unit IDT2" and "Transfer Roller"

Paper transfer by the "Fuser Assembly" (Heat Roll and Fuser Belt)

Paper transfer by the "Fuser Assembly "Exit Roll" and "Pinch Roll"

Paper transfer by the "Chute Assembly, Exit" and "Chute Assembly, Out"

Print output Paper transfer to duplex path by

reversing "Exit Roll" and "Mid Roll"

Paper transfer by "Duplex Rollers"

to Print Output


Theory of Operation 2-15

Major Assemblies and Functions
The following section details all major components of the printer and their relative

Frame and Drive Assemblies


1. Developer Drive Assembly: Supplies the drive to the Imaging Unit

2. Main Drive Assembly: Supplies the drive to the following parts:
■ Paper Feeder
■ Retard Housing Assembly
■ Chute Assembly, Out (MPT position)
■ Chute Assembly, Registration
■ Imaging Unit (IDT 1, IDT 2, Drum)
■ Transfer Roller

2-16 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Main Drive Assembly - Transmission Route












Drum (4)



Theory of Operation 2-17

Gear Layout - Print Engine and Tray 1
The drawing below shows the location of the various components specified in the
Transmission Route Block Diagram on the preceding page.

6 7

2 9


13 6250-052

1. Retard Housing 9. Turn Clutch Assembly

2. Tray 1 Gear 10. Gear Idler Feed
3. Registration Chute Assembly 11. Gear Feed 1
4. Registration Clutch 12. Gear Feed H1
5. Transfer Roller 13. Paper Pick Assembly (Tray)
6. Chute Assembly Out 14. Gear Idler
7. Imaging Unit 15. Gear Idler In
8. Main Drive Assembly 16. Turn Clutch

2-18 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Paper Tray 2



1. Paper (Retard) Feed Roller: The paper retard feed roller prevents more than
1 sheet at a time from printing. The paper feed retard roller and the paper feed
nudge roller are interchangeable parts in all trays.
2. Side Guides Right and Left: The side guides move against media to align or
register the width of print media in the paper feed direction.
3. Rear Guide: The rear guide moves to determine the length of print media in the
paper feed direction. The paper size switch uses this rear guide to detect the paper

Theory of Operation 2-19

Paper Feed - Tray 2

2 4

1 5





1. Temperature/Humidity Sensor: Detects temperature and humidity inside the

printer to adjust the charge voltage (the voltage supplied to the transfer roller and
the developing bias).
2. No Paper Sensor: Detects presence or absence of print media in the tray based
on the position of the Actuator.
3. Paper Pick Rollers: When the feed solenoid energizes, the spring feed force
engages the gear feed and the gear idler feed to turn and feed the paper from the
paper tray. This activates the pick-up assembly. After completion of one turn,
determined by a cutout in the gear feed, the gear feed and the gear idler feed are
disengaged stopping the paper retard feed roller. This allows one sheet to be fed
at a time.
4. Turn Clutch Assembly: Transfers the drive energy from the main drive
assembly to the roll turn assembly.
5. Paper Size Switch: Detects print media size and installation of the paper tray.
6. Gear Feed: See Paper Pick Rollers.
7. Spring Feed: See Paper Pick Rollers.

2-20 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

8. Gear Idler Feed: See Paper Pick Rollers.
9. Feed Solenoid: Controls the operation (rotation/stop) of the Feed Roller
Assembly by controlling the rotations of the Gear Feed.
10. Low Paper Sensor: The actuator lowers as print media is used in the tray.
When the actuator lowers to a pre-determined postion, it blocks the sensor beam
to trigger a low paper status. The actuator position can be seen from the front of
the paper tray allowing confirmation of the print media quantity.
11. Paper Feed Roll: See paper Pick Rollers.
12. Roll Turn Assembly: The roll turn assembly receives drive energy from the
main drive through the turn clutch and transports the print media out of the paper
tray to the registration roller.

High-Capacity Feeder Trays 3 and 4

The callouts in the following figure refer to the identifying numbers in the
preceding paragraphs. The T3 and T4 in the callouts identify the tray.
Tray 2 paper pick assembly has a different part number than the HCF Tray 3 and
Tray 4 paper pick assembly.




Theory of Operation 2-21

500-Sheet Feeder Tray 3
Tray 2 paper pick assembly has a different part number than the 500-Sheet
Feeder, Tray 3 paper pick assembly.



11T3 9T3

2-22 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual


3(T3) 2



1. HCF Feeder Circuit Board: Controls the paper pick-up operation of each tray
based on communication with the Engine Control Board and information from
the sensors and switches.
Major Functions:
■ Communicates with the Engine Control Board.
■ Receives information transmitted from the sensors and switches.
■ Controls the Feeder Drive Assembly.
■ Controls the paper pick process.
■ Distributes the DC voltage power supplied from the print engine to each
2. Feeder Drive Assembly: Supplies the drive to the Tray 3 and 4.
3. Low Paper Sensor: The actuator lowers as print media is used in the tray.
When the actuator lowers to a pre-determined postion, it blocks the sensor beam
to trigger a low paper status. The actuator position can be seen from the front of
the HCF allowing confirmation of the print media quantity.

Theory of Operation 2-23



1. 500-Sheet Feeder Circuit Board: Controls the paper pick-up operation of

tray 3 based on communication with the Engine Control Board and information
from the sensors and switches.
Major Functions:
■ Communicates with the Engine Control Board.
■ Receives information transmitted from the sensors and switches.
■ Controls the Feeder Drive Assembly.
■ Controls the paper pick process.
■ Distributes the DC voltage power supplied from the print engine to each
2. Feeder Drive Assembly: Supplies the drive to the tray 3.
3. Low Paper Sensor: The actuator lowers as print media is used in the tray.
When the actuator lowers to a pre-determined postion, it blocks the sensor beam
to trigger a low paper status. The actuator position can be seen from the front of
the 500-Sheet Feeder allowing confirmation of the print media quantity.

2-24 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

HCF Drive and Gears - Transmission Route




















Theory of Operation 2-25

500-Sheet Feeder Drive and Gears - Transmission Route












2-26 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Retard Housing Assembly


1. Roll Turn: The roll turn is rotated by the main drive assembly, through the turn
clutch to feed paper from Tray 1 to the registration chute, (Registration Roll - See
“Xerographics” on page 2-35.).
2. Turn Clutch: Transfers drive energy from the main drive assembly to the roll
turn through a friction clutch.

Theory of Operation 2-27

Chute Assembly In



1. CTD (ADC) Sensor: Detects the presence of the Transfer Roller and monitors
the density of toner on the surface of the transfer roller then feeds it back to the
process control.
2. Fuser Assembly: See “Transfer Roller and Fuser Assembly” on page 2-33.
3. Waste Toner Full Sensor: Detects when the waste toner collect space in the
transfer roller assembly is full.
4. Fuser Drive Assembly: Supplies the drive to the Fuser Assembly.

2-28 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Chute Assembly Out



7 6250-059

1. Full Stack (Output Tray Full) Sensor: Detects a full output tray (over
accumulation of print media) by the position of the actuator. This is only checked
when the paper is feeding into the exit.
2. Duplex Jam Sensor: Detects when print media has reached and passed
through the duplex roller based on the position of the actuator.
3. Duplex Roller: The duplex roller rotates under drive from the duplex motor and
feeds the print media returned from the chute assembly exit to the roll turn in the
retard housing assembly.
4. Gear (Main Drive): See Feed Roll Assembly.
5. Tray 1 Gear: See Feed Roll Assembly.
6. Feed Roll Assembly: When the Tray 1 feed soleniod energizes, the Tray 1
gear and the idler gear are engaged by the force of the spring solenoid. The feed
roll rotates from the drive of the Main Drive Assembly and feeds paper from

Theory of Operation 2-29

Tray 1. After rotating one turn, the Tray 1 gear and the gear idler are disengaged,
the drives and feed roll stop, allowing only one sheet of paper to be fed through at
a time.
7. Tray1 No Paper Sensor: Actuator detects whether print media is present. No
paper sensor beam is interrupted.
8. Tray1 Feed Solenoid: Controls the operation (rotation/stop) of the Feed Roll
Assembly by controlling the rotations of the Tray 1 Gear.

Chute Assembly Exit

2 3


1. Duplex Motor: Supplies the drive to the exit roller, mid roller, and duplex roller.
2. Mid Roller: See Exit Roller.
3. Exit Roller: Rotates through the drive from the Duplex Motor and drives the
fused print media partially into the output tray where it then reverses in duplex
mode and feeds the print media (fused on one side) in the direction of the
Registration Chute.

2-30 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Duplex Motor Drive and Gear - Transmission Route


GEAR 40/42 GEAR 40/42








5 6 7







1. Chute Assy Out 4. Gear 40/42 7. Motor Duplex 10. Gear 42

2. Chute Assy Exit 5. Gear Roll 8. Gear 48 11. Gear 30
3. Gear 48 6. Gear Roll 9. Gear 40/42

Theory of Operation 2-31

Chute Assembly Registration (REGI)

5 6250-496

1. Registration Roller (Rubber): Receives drive energy from the main drive
assembly through the registration clutch. Works with the registration metal roller
to correct media skew and transport the media from paper tray 1 or 2.
2. Registration Roller (Metal): Works in conjuction with the rubber roller.
When the leading edge of the paper arrives at the registration rubber roller/metal
roller, the rollers are not turning and the paper buckles against the rollers to
correct any skew at the leading edge.
3. OHP (Transparency) Sensor: Paper reflects radiated light and the OHP
sensor can sense reflected light and identify the print media as paper. If the OHP
sensor cannot sense reflected light, it identifies the print media as OHP
4. Registration Sensor: Detects the when the print media leading edge has
reached the Registration Chute.
5. Registration Clutch: Transmits the drive from the main drive assembly to the
registration rollers once media skew has been corrected.

2-32 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Transfer Roller and Fuser Assembly


4 6250-061

1. Fuser Assembly: Using heat and pressure, the fuser assembly fixes the
transferred toner onto print media.
Parts of the Fuser Assembly:

■ Heat Roll ■ Heat Lamp

■ Thermostat ■ Temperature Sensor
■ Belt Unit ■ Exit Roll Assembly
■ Exit Sensor ■ CRUM

2. Exit Sensor: Detects passage of the print media after fusing.

3. Fuser Fan: Cools the fuser assembly to prevent overheating.
4. Transfer Roller: Consists of the transfer roller and a waste toner recovery
system. The transfer roller transfers the image from IDT2 in the imaging unit
onto the print media.

Theory of Operation 2-33

Fuser Drive Assembly - Transmission Route


Heat Roll

Gear Exit

Exit Roll Assy


2-34 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual



1. Imaging Unit: The Imaging Unit carries out the operations of the printing
process, such as charging, developing, and primary transfer. The Imaging Unit
consists of the following parts:

■ Drum (Y M C K ) ■ Developer (Y M C K )
■ Charge Roller (Y M C K ) ■ Refresher (Y M C K )
■ IDT1 (2) ■ IDT2
■ IDT1 Cleaner (2) ■ IDT2 Cleaner

2. Laser Unit: The Laser Unit receives image data and generates laser beams to
form an electrostatic latent image on the surface of each of the four imaging unit
drums. The Laser Unit Assembly consists of the following parts:
LD Assembly Scanner Assembly
SOS Board Lens
Mirror Window
3. Chute Assembly Registration: See “Chute Assembly Registration (REGI)”
on page 2-32.

Theory of Operation 2-35

Imaging Unit Charge Voltage Contacts


8 6250-072

1. Charge Voltage
2. Developer Voltage
3. IDT2 Voltage
4. IDT2 Refresher/Cleaner
5. IDT1 Voltage
6. IDT1 Refresher/Cleaner
7. Drum Refresher/Cleaner
8. Drum Ground Contacts

2-36 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual


7 6 5 6250-073

Imaging Unit - Left Side View

1. IDT2
2. IDT2 Refresher/Cleaner
3. IDT1
4. IDT1 Refresher/Cleaner
5. Drum Refresher/Cleaner
6. Developer
7. Charge Roller

Theory of Operation 2-37

Toner Cartridge Assembly

2 3 (Y)
3 (M)
1 3 (C)
3 (K)

6 4 (K)

4 (C)
5 (Y)

5 (M) 4 (M)
5 (C)
4 (Y)
5 (K) 6250-063

1. Sub-High Voltage Power Supply Board: Supplies high-voltage to the

Transfer Roller and the Detack Saw for the ‘tertiary transfer’ and ‘static elimination’
part of the printing process.
2. CRUM Reader: The Customer Replaceable Unit Monitor (CRUM) detects toner
usage and provides a front panel monitor of remaining levels for each color.
3. Toner Cartridge [Y] [M] [C] [K]: Individual toner bottles containing toner
4. Toner Cartridge Holder Assembly and Toner Motors [Y] [M] [C] [K]: The
Toner Cartridge Holder Assemblies each contain a toner motor which supplies the
drive to the Agitator in the Toner Cartridges and to the Auger in the Toner Cartridge
Holder, supplying toner to the developer in the Imaging Unit.
5. Low Toner Sensor [Y] [M] [C] [K]: Detects level of toner in each auger tube.
6. Circuit Board, EEPROM: Consumable use (Fuser and Imaging Unit NVRAM
Data) information is stored and communicated to the Engine Control Board.

2-38 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Toner Cartridge Assembly - cont’d

4 3 1 2

1. Agitator Assembly
2. Toner Motor
3. Auger Assembly
4. Auger Tube

Theory of Operation 2-39

Toner Motor Drive Assembly - Transmission Route

Toner Motor



Auger Gear

Film Agitator



Developer Assembly Transmission Route


Developer (Y) Developer (M) Developer (C) Developer (K)


2-40 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual





1. Engine Control Board: Controls printing operation based on the

communication with the Image Processor Board and input from the sensors and
switches. Incorporates functions of the High-Voltage Power Supply.
Major Functions:
■ Communicates with the Image Processor Board
■ Receives information from the sensors and/or switches.
■ Controls the Laser Unit.
■ Supplies high-voltage to the Imaging Unit to perform charging,
development, primary transfer and secondary transfer
2. Image Processor Board: Receives data from the workstation or host,
rasterizes the data and passes it on to the Engine Control Board. The
microprocessors on the Image Processor Board, generate the control signals used
by the Engine Control Board. The system NVRAM chip is also located on this
board and stores several printer parameters.
3. Motor Driver Board: Controls motors through the signals received from the
Engine Control Board and sends information from the sensors and switches to
the Engine Control Board. Power from the low-voltage power supply is supplied
to the Engine Control Board through the Motor Driver Board. The interlock
switch is mounted on the Motor Driver Board.

Theory of Operation 2-41

Major Functions:
■ Receives information from the sensors and switches.
■ Controls the motor in the Main Drive Assembly, Developer Drive Assembly,
Fuser Drive Assembly, Duplex Motor Assembly and the Holder Toner
Cartridge Motor Assembly.
■ Distributes the low-voltage DC power from the Low-Voltage Power Supply.
■ Controls the 24 VDC circuit through the interlock switch.
4. Rear Fan: Removes heat from the printer to prevent over-heating.
5. Low-Voltage Power Supply Board: Supplies AC power from the power
source to the Fuser Assembly heater. Generates and supplies stable low-voltage
DC power (+3.3 VDC, +5 VDC, and +24 VDC) to be used for the logic and other
circuits within the printer.
6. AC Switch Harness Assembly: Consists of the main switch and harness.
Controls the supply of AC power from the power source to the Low-Voltage
Power Supply.

2-42 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Error Messages
and Codes
In this chapter...
■ Introduction
■ Servicing Instructions
■ Service Diagnostics
■ Error Messages and Codes Troubleshooting Procedures Table

This section provides troubleshooting information related to the Phaser 6250 Color
Laser Printer’s front panel error messages and codes. Only jams and fatal errors will
produce an associated numeric code. Error messages and codes are generally specific,
making it important that service personnel and users record error messages as
displayed, and provide that information when reporting problems with the printer.
Any code associated with an error message or jam can be viewed by pressing the
INFO button and scrolling to the bottom of the help text displayed on the front panel.
Some procedures require running service diagnostic test functions to verify a specific
printer part is operating correctly. For information on Service Diagnostics and all
internal printer test functions, see the table "Service Diagnostics" on page 3-9
To troubleshoot problems, such as start up and power on, media, paper path, print-
quality or image problems, and electrical failures not associated with a front panel
message or code, refer to the section "Troubleshooting" on page 4-1.
If an error message or code is not visible on the front panel, the usage profile report
and fault history list errors reported by the printer.
Jam error histories have a slightly different format than other error codes. The
correlation between the Jam Error Help Text and the equivalent Fault History Code is
given in the "Jam History Error Codes Table" on page 3-16
When an error first occurs, record the error message and code then cycle power to the
printer to see if the error recurs. These can be accessed one of three ways:

Accessing Fault History

1. Print (if possible) the Printer Status Page from the printer’s front panel
Troubleshooting Menu --> Service Tools. The fault history is listed on the
second page of the report.
2. View the printer’s fault history on the front panel. Go to Troubleshooting
Menu --> Service Tools --> Engine Error History.

Definitions of the fault codes that appear in the fault history are given in
"Printer Status Codes" on page A-2.

3. If the printer is connected to a network and has a TCP/IP address, view the
printer’s web page using a web browser.
a. Open a web browser.
b. Enter the printer’s IP address as the URL.
c. Select the Support Tab/Troubleshooting/Diagnostics Logs and the fault
history will be displayed.
4. If additional information is required, print the Service Usage Profile from the
printer’s front panel Troubleshooting Menu --> Service Tools.

3-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Servicing Instructions
The Service Flowchart below is an overview of the path a service technician should
take when servicing the printer and printer optional equipment.

Step 1 - Identify the Problem

1. Verify the reported problem does exist. Verify failure symptoms/behavior/noises
with cusotmer/end user.
2. Check for any error codes and write them down.
3. Print normal customer prints and service test prints.
4. Make note of any print quality problems in the test prints.
5. Make note of any mechanical or electrical abnormalities present.
6. Make note of any unusual noise or smell coming from the printer.
7. Print a Printer Status Page, if the printer is able to print.
8. View the fault history under the Service Tools Menu
9. Verify the AC input power supply is within proper specifications by measuring the
voltage at the electric outlet while the printer is running.
Step 2 - Inspect and Clean the Printer
1. Switch OFF printer power.
2. Disconnect the AC power cord from the wall outlet.
3. Verify the power cord is free from damage and is connected properly.
4. Remove the Imaging Unit and protect it from light.
5. Inspect the printer interior and remove any foreign matter such as paper clips,
staples, pieces of paper, dust or loose toner.
■ Do not use solvents or chemical cleaners to clean the printer interior.
■ Do not use any type of oil or lubricant on printer parts.
■ Use only an approved toner vacuum.
6. Clean all rubber rollers with a lint-free cloth, dampened slightly with cold water.
7. Inspect the interior of the printer for damaged wires, loose connections, toner
leakage, and damaged or obviously worn parts.
8. If a toner cartridge appears obviously damaged or empty, replace with a new one.
Step 3 - Find the Cause of the Problem
1. Use the Error Messages and Codes troubleshooting procedures to find the cause
of the problem.
2. Use Diagnostics to check printer and optional components.
3. Use the Wiring Diagrams and Plug/Jack Locator to locate test points.
4. Take voltage readings at various test points as instructed in the appropriate
troubleshooting procedure.
5. Use the "Print Engine Test Print" on page 5-9, to isolate problems to the Engine or
the Image Processor Board.
Step 4 - Correct the Problem
1. Use the Parts List to locate a part number.
2. Use the Disassembly Procedures to replace the part.
Step 5 - Final Check
1. Test the printer to be sure you have corrected the initial problem and verify there
are no additional problems present.

Error Messages and Codes 3-3

Using the Troubleshooting Procedures
1. Each Step in a Troubleshooting Procedure instructs you to perform a certain
action or procedure. The Steps are to be followed sequentially in the order given
until the problem is fixed or resolved.
2. The Actions and Questions box contains additional information and/or additional
procedures you must follow to isolate the problem.
3. When a procedure instructs you to test a component using service diagnostics,
See "Service Diagnostics" on page 3-6 for the detailed Steps and functions for
testing parts of the printer.
4. The action is followed by a question. If your response to the question is “Yes”,
then follow the instructions for a “Yes” reply. If your response to the question is
“No”, then follow the instructions for a “No” reply.
5. Troubleshooting Procedures may ask you to take voltage readings or test for
continuity at certain test points within the printer. For detailed diagrams, refer to
the section "Plug/Jack Locator Maps" on page 10-2 and "Wiring Diagrams" on
page 10-12 for complete information on test point locations and signal names.
6. Troubleshooting Procedures often ask you to replace a printer component. The
section "Service Parts Disassembly" on page 8-1 provides detailed Steps for
removing and replacing all major parts of the printer. The section "Parts List" on
page 9-1 details the location, quantity and part number for all spared parts of the

General Notes on Troubleshooting

1. Unless indicated otherwise, the instruction “switch ON printer main power”
means for you to switch ON printer power and let the printer proceed through
Power On Self Test (POST) to a ‘Ready’ condition.
2. Conventions used in this manual to represent connectors
Plug Jack


3. When instructed to take voltage, continuity or resistance readings on wiring

harness, proceed as follows; Check P/J 232–1 to P/J 210–5 by placing the red
probe (+) of your meter on pin 1 of P/J 232, and place the black probe (–) of your
meter on pin 5 of P/J 210.
4. When you are instructed to take resistance readings between “P/J 232 <=> P/J
210” (without specified pin numbers), check all pins. Refer to the the section
"Wiring Diagrams" on page 10-1 for the location of all wiring harnesses and pins.
5. When you are instructed to take a voltage reading, the black probe (–) is
generally connected to a pin that is either RTN (Return) or SG (Signal Ground).
You can substitute any RTN pin or test point in the printer, and you can use FG
(frame ground) in place of any SG pin or test point.

3-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

6. Before measuring voltages make sure the printer is switched ON, the Imaging
Unit and the paper trays are in place, and the interlock switches are actuated,
unless a troubleshooting procedure instructs otherwise.
7. All voltage values given in the troubleshooting procedures are approximate
values. The main purpose of voltage readings is to determine whether or not a
component is receiving the correct voltage value from the power supply and if
gating (a voltage drop) occurs during component actuation. Gating signals may
be nothing more than a pulse, resulting in a momentary drop in voltage that may
be difficult or impossible to read on the average multi-meter.
8. When a troubleshooting procedure instructs you to replace a non-spared
component and that component is part of a parent assembly, you should replace
the entire parent assembly.
9. Ensure that you are using a supported media size and type, refer to "Media and
Tray Specifications" on page 1-14.

Voltage Measurements
1. Power and signal grounds are connected to the frame ground. All circuit
troubleshooting can be performed using the metal frame (chassis) as the
grounding point. To locate connectors or test points, refer to the section "Plug/
Jack Locator Maps" on page 10-2 or "Wiring Diagrams" on page page 10-12 for
more information.
Unless otherwise specified, the following voltage tolerances are used within this

Stated Measured

+3.3 VDC +3.135 to +3.465 VDC

+5.0 VDC +4.75 to +5.25 VDC

+24.0 VDC +21.6 to +26.4 VDC

0.0 VDC Less than +0.5 VDC

Error Messages and Codes 3-5

Service Diagnostics
The Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer has built-in diagnostics to aid in troubleshooting
problems with the printer. The Service Diagnostics Menu provides a means to test
sensors, motors, switches, clutches, fans and solenoids. Diagnostics also contain
built-in test prints, cleaning procedures, printer status and some NVRAM access.
Service diagnostics are executed through the front panel by a certified service
technician only. Service Diagnostics can be entered one of two ways:

Entering without rebooting the printer:

1. From the printer’s main menu, scroll to the Troubleshooting Menu, press OK
and then scroll to the Service Tools Menu and press OK.
2. Hold down the Up Arrow button and press the Down Arrow button, this will
display the Hidden Service Menu. Scroll to Run Service Diagnostics and
press OK.

Entering by rebooting the printer:

1. Turn the printer power OFF.
2. Hold down the Back and Information buttons simultaneously and turn the
printer back ON.
3. Continue to hold the buttons until the following mesage is displayed on the front
panel: Service Diagnostics V#.##, Initializing..., and then release the
4. The front panel displays the Service Diagnostics Menu.
You can print a Service Diagnostics Menu Map by highlighting Print Service
Menu Map, and press OK. The printer will run through POST and return to Ready.
You will need to re-enter service diagnostics.

3-6 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Service Diagnostic Front Panel Button Descriptions
Button Function

BACK Returns to the prior higher level menu structure, if available.

If help text is displayed on the front panel, pressing BACK will restore the current
menu item and remove the help text.

CANCEL Terminates the current test.

Cancels current INFO display.

INFO Provides help information, if available.

Pressing INFO again restores the current menu item and removes the help text.

UP Scrolls up one menu item within a menu list. This control does not ‘wrap’.
Used to increment data in tests requiring user input.
DOWN Srolls down one menu item within a menu list.
This control does not ‘wrap’, the end of a menu list is designated by three
Used to decrement data in tests requiring user input.

OK Enters the highlighted menu. Executes the current test item.

Used to select a data value entered by the user.

Error Messages and Codes 3-7

Diagnostic Menu Map

Phaser® 6250 Service Diagnostic Menu Map

Print Service Menu Map Prints a service diagnostic menu Sensor/Switch Tests -cont’d-
map and exits service diagnostics. Tray 1 (MPT) No Paper Sensor
Tray 2 No Paper Sensor
General Status Provides the following print engine status. Tray 3 No Paper Sensor
Tray 4 No Paper Sensor
Status Transfer Roller Toner Full Sensor
Engine Board ROM Version Image Unit Installed/Not Installed
Printer Configuration Fuser Fan Alarm Sensor
Ambient Temp/Humidity Rear Fan Alarm Sensor
Fuser Temperature ADC (CTD) Sensor
Fault History OHP Sensor
Fuser Center Temp Sensor
Test Prints Prints Test Prints stored in the MCU. The prints are
Fuser Edge Temp Sensor
used by service personnel to identify, repair, and validate the Fuser Center Temp Amplifier Sensor
operability of the printer. Fuser Temp Compensation Sensor
Blank Page Print
Standard Test Print Clutch Tests Tests the functionality of the clutches by giving
Custom Test Print service personnel the ability to energize/de-energize one clutch at
Current Custom Test Print Set-up a time.
Custom Test Print Parameters Registration Clutch
Tray 1 (MPT) Turn Clutch
Motors/Fans Tests Tests the functionality of motors and fans Tray 2 Turn Clutch
by giving service personnel the ability to energize/de-energize the Tray 3 Turn Clutch
motor and fans one at a time. Tray 4 Turn Clutch
Main Motor
Duplex Motor Solenoid Tests Tests the functionality of the solenoids by giving
Fuser Motor service personnel the ability to energize/de-energize one solenoid
Developer Motor at a time.
HCF/LTA Motor Tray 1 (MPT) Feed Solenoid
Toner Motor Yellow Tray 2 Feed Solenoid
Toner Motor Magenta Tray 3 Feed Solenoid
Toner Motor Cyan Tray 4 Feed Solenoid
Toner Motor Black
Rear Fan Maintenance Cleans the IDT rollers within the Imaging Unit.
Fuser Fan
Clean Imaging Unit IDT Rollers
Sensor/Switch Tests Test the functionality of sensors and
NVRAM Access This menu lets you read, set, or reset the
switches by giving service personnel the ability to input actuation
following values:
and state changes of all sensors and switches.
PostScript NVRAM Reset
Interlock Switch
MCU NVRAM Store/ Restore
Registration Sensor
Toner Install Dates
Exit Sensor
Toner CRUM Check
Duplex Sensor
CRU Life Reset
Full Stack Sensor
CRU Life Read
Black Toner (K) Low/Empty Sensor
Cyan Toner (C) Low/Empty Sensor IP Controller Diagnostics Tests the basic functions of the
Magenta Toner (M) Low/Empty Sensor
Image Processor Controller Board.
Yellow Toner (Y) Low/Empty Sensor
Black Toner Cart Present Switch RAM Read/Write Test
Cyan Toner Cart Present Switch
Magenta Toner Cart Present Switch Exit Exits service diagnostics and reboots the printer.
Yellow Toner Cart Present Switch
Black Toner CRUM Sensor
Cyan Toner CRUM Sensor For Authorized Service Personnel Use Only. Service Menu
Magenta Toner CRUM Sensor functions are to be used by Xerox service personnel and
Yellow Toner CRUM Sensor authorized service providers only. The printer can be damaged by
Tray 2 Low Paper Sensor improper use of the built-in service tests.
Tray 3 Low Paper Sensor
Tray 4 Low Paper Sensor

3-8 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Service Diagnostic Tests

Test Front Panel Display and Test Definition

Print Service Menu Map - Prints the service diagnostics menu map and exits service

General Status - Provides the following print engine status:

Status <No Status to Report> No Status to Report = the printer

is online and ready to print.
NOTE This is current status since
entering diagnostics only. It is Displays an engine status that will
not a Fault Log. If Ready is prevent printing. Status is
reached, the register is displayed sequentially, one line at
a time.

Engine Board Engine FW: #.#.# Displays the engine firmware

ROM Version version installed.

Printer Memory: ###MB Displays current memory installed.

Configuration Hard Drive: Not Installed or Detects presence of Hard Drive
Installed option.
HCF: Installed Detects presence of High-Capacity
Not Installed Feeder option.

Ambient Temperature: XX oC Displays the current Temperature

Temperature/ Humidity: ## % and Humidity for the printer.

Fuser Temperature: XX oC Displays the printers current Fuser

Temperature temperature.

Fault History Device Status Displays Fault occurrence since

Jams last power cycle.
Hardware Errors
Firmware Errors
Fan Motors
CTD (ADC) Sensor Errors
Fuser Failure
Laser Failure
Life Over

Test Prints - Prints test prints stored in the Engine Control Board. The prints are used by
service personnel to identify, repair and validate the operability of the printer.

Error Messages and Codes 3-9

Test Front Panel Display and Test Definition

Blank Page Continuously prints blank pages See "Front Panel Test Prints" on
Print until stopped by the user. page 5-4, "Adjustments" on
page 6-3, and "Resetting NVRAM"
Standard Test Continuously prints the Step pattern on page 6-4, for specific test print
Print until stopped by the user. information.

Custom Test Prints the test pattern using the

Print custom print parameters defined by
the user until stopped by the user.

Current Test Displays the print setup for the

Print Set-Up Current Test Print.

Custom Test Allows various print parameters to

Print be changed for the Custom Test
Parameters Print.

Motors/Fans Tests - Tests the functionality of motors and fans by giving service personnel
the ability to energize/de-energize the motor and fans one at a time.

Main Motor Normal Speed Audible verification of motor

Half Speed functionality.
One Third Speed The motor tests are pulsed or
Normal Speed Continuous continuous.
Half Speed Continuous
One Third Speed Continuous

Duplex Motor Forward Normal Speed Audible verification of motor

Forward Half Speed functionality.
Forward Double Speed
Reverse Normal Speed
Reverse Half Speed
Reverse Double Speed
Fwd Normal Speed Contiuous
Fwd Half Speed Contiuous
Fwd Double Speed Contiuous
Rev Normal Speed Contiuous
Rev Half Speed Contiuous
Rev Double Speed Contiuous

Fuser Motor Normal Speed Audible verification of motor

Half Speed functionality.
One Third Speed
Normal Speed Continuous
Half Speed Continuous
One Third Speed Continuous

3-10 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Test Front Panel Display and Test Definition

Developer Normal Speed Audible verification of motor

Motor Half Speed functionality.
One Third Speed Caution: Only run the developer
Caution: motor test once per power cycle to
Do NOT allow avoid excessive amounts of toner
this motor to being forced inside the developer
run any longer resulting in possible damage.
than necessary
to verify

HCF/LTA Motor Normal Speed Audible verification of motor

Half Speed functionality.
Normal Speed Continuous
Half Speed Continuous

Toner Motor Normal Speed Audible verification of motor

Yellow functionality.
Toner Motor Caution: Only run the Toner Motor
Magenta tests once per power cycle to avoid
Toner Motor toner spillage inside the Imaging
Cyan Unit cavity and packing the auger
Toner Motor tubes with toner.

Rear Fan High Speed Audible verification of motor

Low Speed functionality.
High Speed Continuous Check for airflow.
Low Speed Continuous

Fuser Fan High Speed Audible verification of motor

Low Speed functionality.
High Speed Continuous Check for airflow.
Low Speed Continuous

Sensor/Switch Tests - Tests the functionality of the sensors and switches by giving service
personnel the ability to input actuation and state changes of all sensors and switches.

Interlock Sensor is: ON Front Door OPEN

Switch Sensor is: OFF Front Door CLOSED

Registration Sensor is: OFF This test continuously cycles paper

Sensor Sensor is: ON through the printer.
The sensor state changes from off
to on as the paper passes through
the Registration Chute.
Note: This test can also be used
as a paper path transport test
when troubleshooting Jam

Error Messages and Codes 3-11

Test Front Panel Display and Test Definition

Exit Sensor Sensor is: OFF Actuate/de-actuate the Exit

Sensor is: ON Actuator (PL8.1.7) located in the
Fuser to toggle the sensor state.

Duplex Sensor Sensor is: OFF Actuate/de-actuate the Duplex

Sensor is: ON Actuator (PL6.1.13) located on the
Chute Assembly Out to toggle the
sensor state.

Full Stack Sensor is: OFF Actuate/de-actuate the Output Tray

Sensor Sensor is: ON Full Actuator (PL6.1.4) at the
output tray to toggle the sensor

Black Toner (K) Toner is Low Displays current state of the

Low Toner is NOT Low sensor.
Cyan Toner (C)
Magenta Toner
(M) Low
Yellow Toner
(Y) Low

Black Toner Toggle the Toner Cartridge In

Cartridge switch (PL 10.1.22) for the
Present appropriate color to change the
Cyan Toner sensor state.
Cartridge Sensor is: OFF Toner Cartridge is in the LOCKED
Present position.
Magenta Toner Sensor is: ON Toner Cartridge is in the
Cartridge UNLOCKED position.
Yellow Toner

Black Toner Remove the appropriate toner

CRUM Sensor cartridge and depress the Toner
Cyan Toner Cartridge In switch (PL 10.1.22) to
CRUM Sensor change the sensor state.
Magenta Toner Sensor is: OFF Toner Cartridge is in the LOCKED
CRUM Sensor position.
Yellow Toner Sensor is: ON Toner Cartridge is in the
CRUM Sensor UNLOCKED position.

3-12 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Test Front Panel Display and Test Definition

Tray 2 Low Size: XXXX Move the Rear Guide in the paper
Paper tray to the desired paper size and
Tray 3 Low verify the sensor output matches
Paper the paper size selected.
Tray 4 Low
Paper Paper is Not Low Insert and fill Tray [2] [3] [4] with
paper to the fill line.
Paper is Low Insert one sheet of paper in Tray
[2] [3] [4] to change the sensor

Tray 1 (MPT) Paper is Not Present Insert Paper into Tray 1. Toggle the
No Paper Paper is Present Tray 1 No Paper Actuator
Sensor (PL6.1.37) to change the state.

Tray 2 No Paper is Not Present Insert Tray [2] [3] [4] with an
Paper Sensor Paper is Present adequate amount of paper.
Tray 3 No Toggle the No Paper Actuator.
Paper Sensor
Tray 4 No
Paper Sensor

Transfer Roll Toner Waste [Not] Full Block the Toner Full Sensor
Toner Full (PL5.1.13) to change the sensor
Sensor state.

Image Unit Not Image Unit is [Not] Present Open Door C to change the state
Installed of the Switch.

Fuser Fan Fuser Fan Alarm Sensor is: OK Status only

Alarm Sensor Failure Note: Perform a test print
immediately prior to performing
this test.

Rear Fan Rear Fan Alarm Sensor is: Status only

Alarm Sensor OK Note: Perform a test print
Failure immediately prior to performing
this test.

CTD (ADC) Dark Value: # Status only

Sensor Light Value: ### Remove the transfer roller to
Sensor OK observe change of state.

Error Messages and Codes 3-13

Test Front Panel Display and Test Definition

OHP Sensor OHP Reports “Paper” if opaque media is

Absence of Media present.
Paper Reports “OHP or Absence of
Media if OHP or no media is
Manually insert a sheet of paper
backwards through the
Registration Chute Assembly
(PL9.1.6) until the state of the
sensor changes to “Paper”.

Fuser Center <Fuser Center Temp Sensor> Remove fuser to change sensor
Temp Sensor Fuser (Not) Ready state.
Sensor (Failure) is OK

Fuser Edge <Fuser Edge Temp Sensor> Remove fuser to change sensor
Temp Sensor Fuser (Not) Ready state.
Sensor (Failure) is OK

Fuser Center <Fuser Center Temp Amplifier> Remove fuser to change sensor
Temp Amplifier Fuser (Not) Ready state.
Temperature Amplifier (Failure) is

Fuser Temp <Fuser Temp Compensation> Remove fuser to change sensor

Compensation Fuser (Not) Ready state.
Compensation (Failure) is OK

Clutch Tests - Tests the functionality of the clutches by giving service personnel the ability to
energize/de-energize one clutch at a time.

Registration Clutch is: ON Audible verification of Clutch

Clutch Clutch is: OFF functionality. You should hear the
Tray 1 (MPT) clutch engage and disengage
Turn Clutch (click) on and off continuously until
Tray 2 Turn test is ended by pressing Cancel.
Tray 3 Turn
Tray 4 Turn

Solenoid Tests - Tests the functionality of the clutches by giving service personnel the ability
to energize/de-energize one solenoid at a time.

3-14 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Test Front Panel Display and Test Definition

Tray 1 (MPT) Solenoid is: ON Audible verification of the Solenoid

Feed Solenoid Solenoid is: OFF function.
Tray 2 Feed
Tray 3 Feed
Tray 4 Feed

Maintenance - Cleans the Intermediate Transfer Unit within the Imaging Unit.

Clean Imaging Printing..... “Printing” is displayed on the Front

Unit IDT 1 Panel during the IDT cleaning
Clean Imaging cycle.
Unit IDT 2 The test continuously cycles paper
through the printer until the Cancel
button is pressed.

NVRAM Access - This menu lets you read, set or reset the following values:

PostScript Resetting PostScript NVRAM... Restores the Printers setup values

NVRAM Reset Are you sure? to their factory defaults. For more
Yes information on resetting NVRAM,
NO See “Resetting NVRAM” on
page 6-4.

MCU NAVRAM Save Engine NAVRAM Saves critical engine parameters;

Store/Restore printer installation date, printer
page count, imaging unit life count,
transfer roller life count to Image
Processor Board before replacing
the Engine Control Board.
Restore Engine NAVRAM Restores previously saved critical
engine parameters to the Engine
Control Board after replacement.

Toner Install Black Toner Install Date Allows toner cartridge install dates
Dates Cyan Toner Install Date to be viewed, or to be changed
Magenta Toner Install Date when current value is corrupted or
Yellow Toner Install Date obviously incorrect.

Toner CRUM (<Color> Not) Genuine Xerox Toner Verifies that genuine Xerox toner is
Check installed in the printer.

CRU Life Sets life count of transfer roller to Resets the life count stored in
Reset unused. NAVRAM.

Error Messages and Codes 3-15

Test Front Panel Display and Test Definition

CRU Life Read Black Toner (K) Life Accesses the various life counts
Cyan Toner (C) Life stored in NAVRAM and allows
Magenta Toner (M) Life values to be saved when the
Yellow Toner (Y) Life Engine Control Board is changed.
Transfer Roller Life
Read Printer Page Count
Imaging Unit
Count 1: number of sheets fed
through imaging unit
Count 2: Drum rotations
Count 3 - 6: [Y] [M] [C] [K]
dispense time
Fuser Life
Save Engine NAVRAM

CRU Life Restore Engine NAVRAM Used after Engine Control Board
Restore replacement to restore the
previously saved life values to

IP Controller Diagnostics - Tests the basic functionality of the Image Processor Board.

RAM Read/ Executing..... Does an extended memory test on

Write Test Passed the Image Processor Board.
Note: Cycle power to the printer
after executing this test.

Exit - Exits service diagnostics and reboots the printer.

Jam History Error Codes Table

Jam History, located in the Troubleshooting/Service Tools menu on the Front Panel,
uses a two field format. The first field represents the Jam location. The second field
indicates the page count when the jam occurred.

Jam History
Front Panel Message Help Text/Code Code

Misfeed at Tray 1 (MPT) Jam T1/155 1

Misfeed at Tray 2 Jam T2/156 2

Misfeed at Tray 3 Jam T3/157 3

Misfeed at Tray 4 Jam T4/158 4

Jam at Fuser Jam F/152 5

Jam at Duplex Jam D/153 6

Jam at Registration Roller Jam RR/154 7

3-16 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Error Messages and Codes Summary Table
Error Type Front Panel Message Help Text/Code

Jam Errors
Jam at Fuser Jam F/152

Jam at Duplex Jam D/153

Jam at Registration Roller Jam RR/154

Misfeed at Tray 1 (MPT) Jam T1/155

Misfeed at Tray 2 Jam T2/156

Misfeed at Tray 3 Jam T3/157

Misfeed at Tray 4 Jam T4/158

Door and Cover Errors

Close Front Door

Consumable/Routine Maintenance Item Errors

Install or Reseat Imaging Unit

Replace Imaging Unit or Imaging Unit is at End of Life

Install or Reseat Transfer Roller

Replace Transfer Roller or Transfer Roller is at End of


Install or Reseat Fuser

Replace Fuser or Fuser is at End of Life

Install or Lock [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge

Replace [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge or

[Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge Empty

Dusty Density Sensor

Remove Ribbon From [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge

Tray and Media Errors

Output Tray is Full, Unload Paper

Insert Tray [2] or Tray [2] missing

Insert Tray [3] [4] or Tray [3] [4] missing

Tray [2] Paper is Low

Tray [3] [4] Paper is Low

Tray 1 (MPT) Out of Paper/Load Paper

Tray [2] [3] [4] Out of Paper/Load Paper

Error Messages and Codes 3-17

Error Type Front Panel Message Help Text/Code

Media Mismatch Errors

Wrong Paper Size/Load Tray 1 (MPT) with [size] [type]

Wrong Paper Size/Load Tray [2] [3] [4] with [size]


Fatal Error Messages and Codes

Laser Failure 07, 08, 09, 10, 11

Density Sensor Failure or Low Density Failure 13, 14, 15, 16

Fuser Failure 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,

45, 46, 47

Fuser Fan Failure 50

Rear Fan Failure 51

Generic Fan Failure 52

Engine Firmware Failure 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,

77, 78, 79

Imaging Unit Firmware Failure 75

Fuser Firmware Failure 76

Controller to Engine Communications Failure 81

Engine NVRAM Failure 83

[Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge Failure 86, 87, 88, 89

Replace [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge 90, 91, 92, 93, 96,
97, 98, 99

Non-Phaser 6250 Fuser 94

Non-Xerox Imaging Unit 95

Environment Sensor Failure 102

3-18 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Jam Errors

Jam at Fuser: Jam F

■ Reseat the Fuser.
■ Remove the Fuser and check for any obstructions, media or debris.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Fuser, PL 8.1.1 “Drive Section” on page 10-18

Exit Sensor/Actuator, PL 8.1.7 “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21

Motor Driver Board, PL 12.1.12 “Map 1” on page 10-6

To avoid the potential of electric shock, ensure the power to the printer is off
and the power cord is disconnected from the wall outlet prior to performing
Step 2 of the following troubleshooting procedure..

Troubleshooting Procedure

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault or Replace the Go to Step 2.

damage: part(s) concerned.
Exit Actuator & Sensor, PL 8.1.7
Fuser Assembly, PL 8.1.1
Front Cover, PL 1.1.2
Chute Assembly In, PL 5.1.1
Transfer Roller, PL 8.1.12
Imaging Unit, PL 9.1.3

2 Remove the Fuser and check for broken or Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
bent pins. concerned.

3 Reinstall the Fuser. Go to Step 4. Complete.

Does error recur after the Fuser Assembly
has been replaced?

4 Use service diagnostics to test the Exit Go to Step 9. Replace the

Sensor. Fuser Assembly.
Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step 5.

5 Does error recur after the Fuser is replaced Go to Step 6. Complete.

Error Messages and Codes 3-19

Troubleshooting Procedure (Continued)

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

6 Insert a sheet of paper into the Fuser Go to Step 8. Go to Step 7.

Verify the voltage on the Fuser Harness
P138-3 <=> P138-2 is 0VDC.

7 Check all pins on the FSR 2 (Fuser) Go to Step 8. Replace the

Harness Assembly PL5.1.10 for continuity. Assembly,
Harness FSR 2
PL 5.1.9.

8 Check all pins on the Harness Assembly Go to Step 9]. Replace the
Front 1A for continuity. Harness
Assembly Front
1A, PL 13.1.7.

9 If possible print one sheet of paper. Replace the Go to Step 10.

Does the Fuser Motor Turn? gear(s) if
Inspect the gears for damage. defective.

10 Use service diagnostics to test the Fuser Replace Engine Go to Step 11.
Motor. Control Board,
Does the Fuser Motor function correctly? page 8-107.

11 Verify the voltage between P 52-1 <=> P Go to Step 12. Replace the
60-2 on the Motor Driver Board is +24 Motor Driver
VDC. Board,
page 8-101.

12 Replace the Fuser Drive Assembly Complete Go to Step 13.

PL 5.1.18. Does the Fuser Motor function

13 Check the DRV 1 Harness for continuity. Replace the Replace the
Engine Control DRV 1 Harness,
Board, PL 13.1.2.
page 8-107.

3-20 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Jam at Duplex: Jam D
■ Check for any obstructions or debris in the duplexer or paper path.
■ Cycle printer power
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.
Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Duplex Sensor, PL 6.1.4 “Drive Section” on page 10-18

Actuator Kit, PL 15.1 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

Chute Assembly Exit, PL 7.1.7 “Map 1” on page 10-6

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault Replace the Go to Step 2.

or damage: damaged part.
Chute Assembly Exit, PL 7.1.7
Duplex Motor Assembly, PL 7.1.8
Duplex Sensor, PL 6.1.4
Duplex Actuator, PL 6.1.5
Chute Assembly Out, PL 6.1.1

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Duplex Go to Step 7. Replace the

Sensor. sensor and
Does the sensor function correctly? Go to Step [3].

3 Does the printer function correctly after Complete Go to Step 4.

the Duplex Sensor is replaced?

4 Block the Duplex Sensor and verify the Go to Step 6. Go to Step 5.

voltage between J 139-3<=>J 139-2 is
0 VDC.

5 Check the Front 2 Harness for continuity. Go to Step 6. Replace the

See “Paper Feed” on page 10-25. Front 2 Harness
Assembly, PL

6 Check P 139<=>J 13 on the Front 1A Replace the Replace the

Harness for continuity. Engine Control Assembly, Front
See “Paper Feed” on page 10-25. Board, 1A, PL 13.1.7.
page 8-107.

7 If possible, print 1 sheet of paper in Replace the Chute Go to Step 8.

Duplex Mode and check to see if the Assembly Exit,
sheet has reversed in the printer. page 8-62.

Error Messages and Codes 3-21

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

8 Use service diagnostics to test the Duplex Replace the Chute Go to Step 9.
Motor. Assembly Exit,
Actuate the Interlock Switch during the page 8-62.

9 Verify the voltage between Go to Step 10. Replace the

P 50-1<=>P 60-2 on the Motor Driver Motor Driver
Board is +24 VDC. Board,
page 8-101.

10 Check J 131<=>J 50 on the Duplex Got to Step 11. Replace the

Harness for continuity. Duplex Harness
See “Drive Section” on page 10-18. Assembly,
PL 6.1.23.

11 Does the error recur after replacing the Go to Step 12. Complete
Duplex Motor?

12 Check J 12 <=> J 42 pins on the DRV 2 Replace the Replace the

Harness for continuity. Engine Control Assembly,
See “Drive Section” on page 10-18. Board, Harness DRV2-
page 8-107. 2,
PL 13.1.3.

3-22 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Jam at Registration Roller: Jam RR
■ Check the paper path especially in the area of the registration roller and turn
chute assembly for obstruction or debris.
■ Try picking paper from a different tray.
■ Ensure the media being used is a supported type.
■ Remove, fan, and reload the media.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

In some instances the error code will clear after power is cycled to the
printer, but will reappear with the next print. Check for a piece of paper fan-
folded behind the turn chute assembly or below the registration roller.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Chute Assembly Registration, PL 9.1.6 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Action and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault Clean or replace Go to Step 2.

or damage. the parts
Registration Actuator, PL 9.1.9 concerned.
Chute Assembly Registration, PL 9.1.6

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Go to Step 6. Go to Step 3.

Registration Sensor.
Does sensor function correctly?

3 Check that the connection between the Go to Step 4. Reconnect

Harness and the Registration Sensor is properly.
properly connected and seated.

4 Check J181 <=> J18 on the Registration Go to Step 5. Replace the Chute
Clutch Harness for continuity. Assembly
See “Paper Feed” on page 10-25. Registration,
page 8-71.

5 Verify the voltage between P/J 18-3 <=> Go to Step 6. Replace the
P/J 18-2 on the Engine Control Board is Registration
0 VDC. Sensor,
page 8-73.

Error Messages and Codes 3-23

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)

Steps Action and Questions Yes No

6 Use service diagnostics to test the Go to Step 8. Go to Step 7.

Registration Clutch.
Close the Interlock Switch during the test.
Does the clutch function correctly?

7 Remove the connector J18. Go to Step 8. Replace the Chute

Is J 18-4 <=> J 18-5 less than 200Ω? Assembly
page 8-71.

8 Verify the voltage between P 18-4 <=> P Replace the Chute Replace the
18-2 on the Engine Control Board is Assembly Engine Control
+24 VDC. Registration, Board,
Close the Interlock Switch while checking page 8-71. page 8-107.
the voltage.

3-24 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Misfeed at Tray 1 (MPT): Jam T1
■ Ensure that Tray 1 is securely attached to the printer.
■ Try picking paper from a different tray.
■ Check the paper path for obstructions or debris.
■ Ensure that the media guides are set correctly.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Roll Feed Assembly, PL 6.1.27 “Paper Tray 1” on page 10-17

Paper Present Sensor, PL 6.1.4 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

MPT Actuator, PL 6.1.37 “Drive Section” on page 10-18

MPT Feed Solenoid, PL 6.1.40 “Main Wiring Diagram” on page 10-15

Chute Assembly Registration, PL 9.1.6

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following parts for fault or Replace any Go to Step 2.

damage: damaged or
Tray 1 (MPT) excessively worn
Registration Sensor PL 9.1.8 parts.
Main Drive Assembly PL 11.1.14
Remove any foreign objects or debris in
the paper path.

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Go to Step 6. Go to Step 3.

Registration Sensor.
Does the sensor function normally?

3 Check that the connection between the Go to Step 4. Connect or

Harness and the Registration Sensor is replace the faulty
properly connected and seated. part.

4 Check J 18-4 <=> J 18-5 on the Go to Step 5. Replace the

Registration Clutch Harness for Registration
continuity. Chute Assembly,
See “Paper Feed” on page 10-25. page 8-71.

Error Messages and Codes 3-25

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

5 Verify the voltage between P/J18-3 <=> Replace Sensor, Go to Step 6.

P/J18-2. This measurement point can be Registration,
accessed under the electric housing page 8-73.
assembly (See page 8-71) on the Engine
Control Board is0 VDC.

6 If possible, print a sheet of paper from Go to Step 16 Go to Step 7

the MPT.
Does the Main Drive motor function

7 Use service diagnostics to test the Main Replace the Go to Step 8.

Drive Motor. Engine control
Does the Main Drive Motor turn? Board, page 8-107.

8 Verify the voltage between P/J50-1 <=> Go to Step 12. Go to Step 9.

P/J60-2 on the Motor Driver Board is
+24 VDC

9 Use service diagnostics to test the Go to Step 10. Replace the ,

Interlock Switch. Motor Driver
Does the Interlock switch function Board,
correctly? page 8-101.

10 Verify the voltage between SW-1 <=> Replace the , Go to Step 11.
P/J60-2 and SW-2 <=> P/J60-2 on the Motor Driver
Motor Driver Board is +24 VDC. Board,
Close the Interlock Switch. page 8-101.

11 Check the power supply by verifing the Replace the Motor See “DC Power
voltage between P/J60-1 <=> P/J60-2 on Driver Board, Supply
the Motor Driver Board is +24 VDC. page 8-101. Troubleshooting”
on page 4-12.

12 Check the power supply by verifing the Go to Step 13. Go to Step 14.
voltage between P/J61-8 <=> P/J61-7 on
the Motor Driver Board is +5 VDC.

13 Check the power supply by verifing the Go to Step 15. Go to Step 14.
voltage between P/J61-6 <=> P/J61-5 on
the Motor Driver Board is +3.3 VDC.

14 Check the LVNC3 Harness for continuity. See “DC Power Replace the
See “Main Wiring Diagram” on Supply Harness LVNC3
page 10-15. Troubleshooting” PL 13.1.1.
on page 4-12.

15 Check the DRV 1 Harness for continuity. Replace in the Replace the
See “Drive Section” on page 10-18. following order: DRV 1 Harness
Main Drive Assembly,
Assembly, PL 13.1.1.
page 8-94,
Engine Control
Board, page 8-107.

3-26 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

16 Perform Steps 1 through 3 on page 8-19. Go to Step 19. Go to Step 17.

Open and close the front door.
Observe the Turn Roller.
Does the Turn Roller turn while the
machine is warming up?

17 Using service diagnostics, test the Tray 1 Check the Clutch Go to Step 18.
Turn Clutch. for slip or the gear
Does the Turn Clutch Assembly function for damage.
normally? Replace if
In the test, actuate the Interlock switch. necessary.

18 Remove the clutch connector J19. Replace the Replace the

Check the following pins; Engine Control MPT Turn
Is J19-1 <=> J19-2 less than 200Ω? Board, page 8-107. Clutch,
page 8-34.

19 Does the Feed Gear in Tray 1 turn when Check parts for Go to Step 20.
printing 1 sheet of paper? damage or
obstructions in the
paper path.

20 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray 1 Check the spring Go to Step 21.
Feed Solenoid. and stopper of the
Does the solenoid actuate? Feed Solenoid.
In the test, actuate the Interlock Switch.

21 Remove the Tray 1 Feed Solenoid Go to Step 22. Replace the Tray
connector J132; 1 Feed Solenoid.
Is J132-1 <=> J132-2 less than 100Ω?

22 Check the Front 2 Harness for continuity. Replace the Replace Front 2
Engine Control Harness
Board, page 8-107. Assembly, PL

Error Messages and Codes 3-27

Misfeed at Tray 2: Jam T2
■ Try picking paper from a different tray.
■ Ensure that Tray 2 is free from defects and installed properly.
■ Remove, fan, and reload media in Tray 2.
■ Remove any obstructions or debris in the paper path.
■ Ensure that the media in Tray 2 is a supported type and size.
■ Ensure that the tray guides are set correctly.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Paper Pick Roller Kit, PL 3.3.3 “Paper Tray 1” on page 10-17

Paper Feed Roller Kit, PL 3.3.23 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

Paper Pick Assembly, PL 3.3.1 “Drive Section” on page 10-18

Chute Assembly Registration, PL 9.1.6 “Main Wiring Diagram” on page 10-15

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following parts for fault or Replace any Go to Step 2.

damage: damaged or
Check for worn or damaged rollers and excessively worn
gears on the Paper Pick Assembly and parts.
the Feed Roller on Tray 1.
Check Tray 1 for damage.
Registration Sensor PL 9.1.8
Main Drive Assembly PL 11.1.14

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Go to Step 6. Go to Step 3.

Registration Sensor.
Does the sensor function normally?

3 Check that the connection between the Go to Step 4. Connect or

Harness and the Registration Sensor is replace the faulty
properly connected and seated. part.

4 Check the Registration Clutch Harness Go to Step 5. Replace the

for continuity. Registration
See “Paper Feed” on page 10-25. Chute Assembly,
page 8-71.

3-28 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)
5 Is the voltage between P/J18-3 <=> P/ Replace Go to Step 6.
J18-2, located under the electric housing Registration
assembly (see page 8-71) on the Engine Sensor,
Control Board is 0 VDC. page 8-73.

6 If possible, print a sheet of paper from Go to Step 16. Go to Step 7.

Tray 1.
Does the Main Drive Motor function

7 Use service diagnostics to test the Main Replace the Go to Step 8.

Drive Motor. Engine control
Does the Main Drive Motor turn? Board,
page 8-107.

8 Verify the voltage between P/J50-1 <=> Go to Step 12. Go to Step 9.

P/J60-2 on the Motor Driver Board is
+24 VDC

9 Use service diagnostics to test the Go to Step 10. Replace the ,

Interlock Switch. Motor Driver
Does the Interlock switch function Board,
correctly? page 8-101.

10 Verify the voltage between SW-1 <=> Replace the , Go to Step 11.
P/J60-2 and SW-2 <=> P/J60-2 on the Motor Driver
Motor Driver Board is +24 VDC. Board,
Close the Interlock Switch. page 8-101.

11 Check the power supply by verifing the Replace the Motor See “DC Power
voltage between P/J60-1 <=> P/J60-2 on Driver Board, Supply
the Motor Driver Board is +24 VDC. page 8-101. Troubleshooting”
on page 4-12.

12 Check the power supply by verifing the Go to Step 13. Go to Step 14.
voltage between P/J61-8 <=> P/J61-7 on
the Motor Driver Board is +5 VDC.

13 Check the power supply by verifing the Go to Step 15. Go to Step 14.
voltage between P/J61-6 <=> P/J61-5 on
the Motor Driver Board is +3.3 VDC.

14 Check the LVNC3 Harness for continuity. See “DC Power Replace the
See “Main Wiring Diagram” on Supply Harness LVNC3
page 10-15. Troubleshooting” PL 13.1.1.
on page 4-12.

15 Check the DRV 1 Harness for continuity. Replace in the Replace the
See “Drive Section” on page 10-18. following order: DRV 1 Harness
Main Drive Assembly,
Assembly, PL 13.1.1
page 8-94
Engine Control
page 8-107.

Error Messages and Codes 3-29

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)
16 Perform Steps 1 through 3 on page 8-19. Go to Step 21. Go to Step 17.
Open and close the front door.
Observe the Turn Roller.
Dose the Turn Roller turn while the
machine is warming up?

17 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray 1 Check the clutch Go to Step 18.
Turn Clutch. and gears for
During the test, close the Interlock damage.
Switch. Replace if

18 Verify the voltage between P/J47-13<=> Go to Step 19. Replace the

P/J60-2 on the Motor Driver Board is Motor Driver
+24 VDC. Board,
page 8-101.

19 Check the Feeder Harness for continuity. Go to Step 20. Replace the
Feeder Harness
Assembly, PL

20 Remove the clutch connector J475. Go to Step 21. Replace the

Is J475-1 <=> J475-2 less than 200Ω? Paper Pick
Assembly, PL

21 If possible print one sheet of paper. Check parts for Go to Step 22.
Did the paper attempt to feed? damage or
obstructions in the
paper path.

22 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray 1 Check the spring Go to Step 23.
Feed Solenoid. and stopper on the
Does the solenoid actuate? Feed Solenoid.
During the test actuate the Interlock

23 Verify the voltage between P/J47-11 <=> Go to Step 24. Replace the
P/J60-2 on the Motor Driver Board is Motor Driver
+24 VDC. Board,
page 8-101.

24 Check the Feeder Harness for continuity. Go to Step 25. Replace the
Feeder Harness
Assembly, PL

25 Remove the Solenoid connector J474. Go to Step 26. Replace Feed

Is J474-1 <=> J474-2 less than 100Ω? Solenoid, PL

26 Check the DRV2-2 Harness for continuity. Replace the Replace the
Engine Control DRV2-2 Harness
Board, Assembly,
page 8-107. PL 13.1.3.

3-30 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Misfeed at Tray 3: Jam T3
■ Try feeding paper from another tray.
■ Ensure that the paper path is free of obstructions and debris.
■ Ensure that tray is installed correctly.
■ Remove, fan, and reload the media in the tray.
■ Ensure that the media in Tray 3 is a supported type and size.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Paper Pick Roller Kit, PL 14.4.3 “Paper Tray 3” on page 10-29

(HCF) or PL 15.4.3 (STF)

Paper Feed Roller Kit, PL 14.1.2 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

(HCF) or PL 15.1.2 (STF)

HCF Paper Pick Assembly, PL “Drive Section” on page 10-28 (HCF) or page 10-32
14.4.1 (HCF) or PL 15.4.1 (STF) (STF)

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Does the printer feed paper correctly from Go to Step[2. See "Misfeed at
Tray 2? Tray 2 Jam T2"
on page 3-28.

2 Does the lower tray assembly (LTA) (HCF or Go to Step 9. Go to Step 3.

STF) Motor run when printing one sheet?

3 Use service diagnostics to test the LTA Motor. Replace the Go to Step 4.
Does the LTA motor function correctly? Engine Control
page 8-107.

4 Verify the voltage between P/J84-3 <=> P/ Go to Step 7. Go to Step 5.

J81-1 on the Lower Feeder Circuit Board is
+24 VDC

5 Verify the voltage between P/J81-2 <=> P/ Replace the Go to Step 6

J81-1 on the Lower Feeder Circuit Board Lower Feeder
(LTA) is +24 VDC. Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1 or PL

Error Messages and Codes 3-31

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

6 Verify the connector between the LTA and the Replace the Go to Step 7.
printer is connected properly and not damaged part.

7 Replace the LTA Motor. Does the error recur Go to Step 8. Complete
after the LTA Motor has been replaced with a
new one?

8 Perform Steps 1 through 3 on page 8-113. Go to Step 13. Go to Step 9.

Open and close the front door.
Observe the Turn Roller.
Does the Turn Roller turn while the machine
is warming up?

9 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray 3 Turn Check the Go to Step 10.
Clutch. During the test close the Interlock Clutch for
Switch. Does the Tray 3 Turn Clutch function slipping or the
correctly? gear for

10 Verify the voltage between P/J82-13 <=> P/ Go to Step 11. Replace the
J81-1 on the Lower Feeder Circuit Board Lower Feeder
(LTA) is +24 VDC. Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1 or PL

11 Check the Tray 3 Harness Assembly for Go to Step 12. Replace the Tray
continuity. 3 Harness
See “Paper Tray 3” on page 10-29. Assembly,
PL 14.5.3 or PL

12 Remove the clutch connector J825. Go to Step 13. Replace the Tray
Is J825-1 <=> J825-2 of the Tray 3 Turn 3 Turn Clutch
Clutch Assembly less than 200 ohms? Assembly,
PL 14.4.18 or PL

13 Does the Feed Gear in the Tray 3 Feeder turn Check the Tray 3 Go to Step 14.
when printing one sheet of paper? Feed Solenoid
for damage.

14 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray 3 Check the Go to stop 15.
Clutch Solenoid. stopper on the
Does the solenoid function correctly? feed solenoid
and replace if

15 Verify the voltage between P/J82-11 <=> P/ Go to Step 16. Replace the
J81-1 on the Lower Feeder Circuit Board is Lower Feeder
+24 VDC. Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1 or PL

3-32 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

16 Remove the Tray 3 Feed Solenoid connector Go to Step 17. Replace the Tray
J824; 3 Feed
Is J824-1 <=> J824-2 less than 100 ohms? Solenoid,
PL 14.4.17. or
PL 15.4.17

17 Verify the voltage between P/J83-11 <=> P/ Go to Step 18. Replace the
J81-1 on the Circuit Board LTA is +24 VDC. Lower Feeder
Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1 or PL

18 Check the OPT Feeder Plug Assembly to the Replace the Replace the
LTA Main Assembly to the Tray 3 Harness Engine Control open Harness
Assembly for continuity. Board, Assembly.
See “Paper Tray 3” on page 10-29. page 8-107.

Error Messages and Codes 3-33

Misfeed at Tray 4: Jam T4
■ Try feeding paper from another tray.
■ Ensure that the paper path is free of obstructions and debris.
■ Ensure that tray is installed correctly.
■ Remove, fan, and reload the media in the tray.
■ Ensure that the media in Tray 3 is a supported type and size.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.
Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Paper Pick Roller Kit, PL 14.4.3 “Paper Tray 4” on page 10-30

Paper Feed Roller Kit, PL 14.1.2 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

HCF Paper Pick Assembly, PL 14.4.1 “Drive Section” on page 10-28

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Does the printer feed paper correctly from Go to Step 2. See "Misfeed at
Tray 2? Tray 2 Jam T2"
on page 3-28.

2 Does the HCF Motor run when printing one Go to Step 10. Go to Step 3.

3 Use service diagnostics to test the HCF Replace the Go to Step 4.

Motor. Engine Control
Does the HCF motor function correctly? Board,
page 8-107.

4 Verify the voltage between P/J84-3 <=> P/ Go to Step 7. Go to Step 5.

J81-1 on the Lower Feeder Circuit Board is
+24 VDC

5 Verify the voltage between P/J81-2 <=> P/ Replace the Go to Step 6

J81-1 on the Lower Feeder Circuit Board HCF Lower Feeder
is +24 VDC. Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1.

6 Verify the connector between the HCF and Replace the Go to Step 7.
the printer is connected properly and not damaged part.

7 Does the error recur after the HCF Motor has Go to Step 8. Complete
been replaced with a new one?

3-34 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

8 Perform Steps 1 through 3 in page 8-113. Go to Step 12. Go to Step 9.

Open and close the front door.
Observe the Turn Roller.
Dose the Turn Roller turn while the machine
is warming up?

9 Does the Tray 4 Turn Clutch Assembly Go to Step 14. Go to Step 10.
function correctly when feeding 1 sheet of

10 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray 4 Turn Check the clutch Go to Step 11.
Clutch. for slip or the
Does the clutch function correctly? gears for

11 Verify the voltage between P/J83-13 <=> P/ Go to Step 12. Replace the
J81-1 on the Lower Feeder Circuit Board is Lower Feeder
+24 VDC. Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1.

12 Check the Tray 4 Harness for continuity. Go to Step 13. Replace the Tray
See “Paper Tray 4” on page 10-30. 4 Harness
PL 14.4.

13 Remove the Assembly, Clutch Turn Tray 4 Go to Step 14. Replace the Tray
connector J835. 4 Turn Clutch
Is J835-1 <=> J835-2 less than 200 ohms? Assembly,
PL 14.4.18.

14 Does the Feed Gear in the Tray 4 Feeder turn Check the Go to Step 16.
when feeding 1 sheet of paper? Solenoid for

15 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray 4 Check the Go to Step 17.
Clutch Solenoid. stopper on the
Does the solenoid function correctly? feed solenoid
and replace, if

16 Verify the voltage between P/J83-11 <=> P/ Go to Step 17. Replace the
J81-1 on the Lower Feeder Circuit Board is Lower Feeder
+24 VDC. Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1.

17 Remove the Tray 4 Feed Solenoid connector Go to Step 18. Replace the Tray
J834. 4 Feed
Is J834-1 <=> J834-2 less than 100 ohms? Solenoid,
PL 14.4.17.

18 Check the OPT Feeder Plug Assembly to the Replace the Replace the
HCF Main Assembly to the Tray 4 Harness Engine Control open Harness
Assembly for continuity. Board, Assembly.
See “Paper Tray 4” on page 10-30. page 8-107.

Error Messages and Codes 3-35

Door and Cover Errors

Close Front Door

■ Ensure that the front door is free of obstructions and fully closed.
■ Verify that the interlock switch tab actuator is not broken.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Front Cover, PL 1.1.2 “Main Wiring Diagram” on page 10-15

Motor Driver Board, PL 12.1.12 “Drive Section” on page 10-18

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault Replace the parts Go to Step 2.
or damage: concerned.
■ Motor Driver Board, PL 12.1.12
■ Interlock Switch on Motor Driver
■ Actuator tab on the Front Cover
■ CAM I/R on the Top Imaging
Unit Cover Acutator I/L, PL

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Replace Engine Go to Step 3.

Interlock Switch. Control Board,
Does the Interlock Switch function page 8-107.

3 Verify the voltage between P/J41-35 <=> Replace Engine Replace the Motor
P/J41-22 on the Motor Driver Board is 0 Control Board, Driver Board,
VDC. page 8-107. page 8-101.
Close the Front Cover during the check.

3-36 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Consumable Errors

Install or Reseat Imaging Unit

■ Remove and reseat the Imaging Unit.
■ Ensure that Door C is fully closed.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Imaging Unit, PL 9.1.3 “Laser Unit” on page 10-22

“Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Remove the Imaging Unit. Remove foreign Go to Step 2.

Inspect the printer cavity for damage, materials.
foreign material and loose toner under the Vacuum out loose
auger area which could prevent the toner if found.
Imaging Unit from being seated properly.
Is there foreign material or damage?

2 Inspect and reseat the Imaging Unit Replace the Imaging Go to Step 3.
checking for possible defects or damage. Unit, PL 9.1.3.

3 Remove the left cover. Damage can occur if Go to Step 4.

Check the Gear Slide and the Rack V for the Gear and Rack are
damage or misalignment. not in the proper
See “Toner Cartridge Holder Unit position. With Door C
Assembly (PL 10.1)” on page 8-77 for open, push the Rack V
more information. up as far as it can go
and then reinstall the
gear slide.

4 Verify the CRUM connector is not Replace the Plate Go to Step 5.

damaged or improperly connected. Dispenser Left,
PL 10.1.9.

5 Check the CRUM Harness for continuity. Go to Step 6. Replace CRUM

See “Laser Unit” on page 10-22. Harness Assy,
PL 10.1.15.

6 Check the EEPROM Harness for Replace the Engine Replace

continuity. Control Board, EEPROM
See “Laser Unit” on page 10-22 page 8-107. Harness Assy,
PL 13.1.10.

Error Messages and Codes 3-37

Replace Imaging Unit or
Imaging Unit is Near End of Life
■ Print the Supplies Usage page and verify life remaining and date Imaging
Unit was installed.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

The “Imaging Unit is Near End of Life” is a warning. “Replace Imaging Unit” is
a hard stop.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Imaging Unit PL 9.1.3 “Laser Unit” on page 10-22

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following parts for evidence of Replace the parts Go to Step 2.
fault or damage: concerned.
Imaging Unit PL 9.1.3
CRUM Connector on the Plate Dispenser

2 Replace the Imaging Unit . Go to Step 3. Complete

Does the error recur?

3 Verify the CRUM Harness is properly Go to Step 4. Replace the

connected. CRUM Harness
See “Laser Unit” on page 10-22. Assembly,
PL 10.1.15.

4 Check CRUM Harness Assembly for Go to Step. 5. Replace the

continuity. CRUM Harness
See “Laser Unit” on page 10-22. Assembly,
PL 10.1.15.

5 Check the EEPROM Harness for Replace the Replace EEPROM

continuity. Engine Control Harness
See “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21. Board, Assembly,
page 8-107. PL 13.1.10.

3-38 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Install or Reseat Transfer Roller
■ Ensure the CTD (ADC) Sensor is clean.
■ Ensure that the Transfer Roller Assembly is correctly installed.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

CTD (ADC) Sensor Assembly , PL 5.1.11 “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23

Transfer Roller Assembly, PL 8.1.12

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following parts for damage and Complete Go to Step 2.

replace if defective:
Transfer Roller PL 8.1.12
CTD (ADC) Sensor, PL 5.1.11

2 Clean the CTD (ADC) Sensor to remove Complete Go to Step 3.

any toner build up.
Does this fix the problem?

3 Use service diagnostics to test the CTD Go to Step 4. Go to Step 5.

(ADC) Sensor.
Does the sensor function correctly?

4 Replace the Transfer Roller. Go to Step 5. Complete

Does the error recur?

5 Is the CTD (ADC) Harness connected to Go to Step 6. Connect properly

the CTD (ADC) Sensor correctly?

6 Check J 136 <=> J 1361 on the CTD Go to Step 7. Replace the CTD
(ADC) Harness for continuity. (ADC) Harness,
RRP 5.2.

7 Check J 1361 <=> J 13 on the Front 1A Go to Step 8. Replace the Front

Harness for continuity. 1A Harness
PL 13.1.7.

8 Verify the voltage between P/J136-5 <=> Replace the CTD Replace the
P/J136-3 on the Front 1A Harness (ADC) Sensor, Engine Control
Assembly is 0 VDC. page 8-42. Board,
page 8-107.

Error Messages and Codes 3-39

Replace Transfer Roller or
Transfer Roller is at End of Life
■ Print the Supplies Usage page to verify the remaining life and Transfer
Roller install date.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

Look at the clear plastic window on the Transfer Roller. If toner is present in the
center of the window the Transfer Roller is at end of life and needs to be
replaced. If no toner is visible, try cleaning the CTD (ADC) Sensor.

The “Transfer Roller is at End of Life” is a warning. “Replace Transfer Roller” is

a hard stop.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Toner Full Sensor, PL 5.1.13 “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault Replace the parts Go to Step 2.
or damage: concerned.
Transfer Roller PL 8.1.12
Toner Full Sensor PL 5.1.13

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Replace the Go to Step 3.

Transfer Roller Toner Full Sensor. Engine Control,
Does the Transfer Roller Toner Full Board,
Sensor function correctly? page 8-107.

3 Remove the Transfer Roller Assembly. Go to Step 5. Go to Step 4.

Verify the voltage between P/J141-2 <=>
P/J141-1 on the Transfer Roller Toner Full
Sensor Harness is 0 VDC.

4 Verify the voltage between P/J141-3 <=> Go to Step 5. Replace Assy,

P/J141-1 on the Transfer Roller Toner Full Harness EEPROM
Sensor Harness is + 5 VDC. PL 13.1

5 Check theTransfer Roller Toner Full Replace the Toner Replace the Toner
Sensor Harness for continuity. Full Sensor, Full Sensor
See “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23. page 8-43. Harness,
page 8-43.

3-40 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Install or Reseat Fuser
■ Ensure that the Fuser is fully seated.
■ Ensure that the Fuser latches are in the fully latched position.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Fuser Harness (FSR 4), PL 5.1.9 “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21

To avoid the potential of electric shock, ensure the power to the printer is off
and the power cord is disconnected from the wall outlet prior to performing
Step 2 in the following troubleshooting procedure..

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Cycle power to the printer. Go to Step 2. Complete

Does the error recur?

2 Check the Fuser Assembly for fault or Replace the Fuser Go to Step 3.
damage. Assembly,
PL 8.1.1
Power cycle the
printer after
replacing the Fuser.

3 Does the error recur after replacing the Go to Step 4. Complete

Fuser Assembly?

4 Check the Fuser Harness (FSR4) for Go to Step 5. Replace the

continuity. Fuser Harness,
See “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21. FSR 4 PL 5.1.9.

5 Check theFRONT 1A Harness for Replace the Engine Replace the

continuity. Control Board, FRONT 1A
See “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21. page 8-107. Harness
PL 13.1.7.

Error Messages and Codes 3-41

Replace Fuser or Fuser is Near End of Life
■ Print the Supplies Usage page to verify remaining life and Fuser install date.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

The “Fuser is Near End of Life” is a warning. “Replace Fuser” is a hard stop.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

EEPROM Board, PL 10.1.16 “Laser Unit” on page 10-22

CRUM Harness Assembly, PL 10.1.15 “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21

To avoid the potential of electric shock, ensure the power to the printer is off
and the power cord is disconnected from the wall outlet prior to performing
Step 1 in the following troubleshooting procedure..

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the connector to the Fuser Connect properly Go to Step 2.

Assembly for damage. or replace the
parts concerned.
Power cycle the

2 Does the error recur after the Fuser has Go to Step 3. Complete
been replaced with a new one?

3 Replace the EEPROM Board. Troubleshoot using Complete

Does the error recur? the wiring diagram
“Fuser Assembly”
on page 10-21
Replace the
Engine Control
page 8-107.

3-42 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Install or Lock [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge
■ Ensure that the Toner Cartridges are fully seated and locked into position.
■ Ensure that all ribbon tape has been removed from the cartridges.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

Follow this troubleshooting procedure using the Y, M, C or K Steps as
appropriate for the color indicated by the front panel error message.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Toner Present Switch Actuator, “Developer Section 1” on page 10-19

PL 10.1.22

Toner Present Sensor Bracket, “Developer Section 1” on page 10-19

PL 10.1.6

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Use service diagnostic to test the toner Replace the Engine Go to Step 2.
present switch of the problem color. Control Board,
Does the Toner Present Switch (YMCK) page 8-107.
function normally?

2 Check the following for evidence of fault or Complete Go to Step 3.

damage, replace the assembly if
Toner Present Sensor Bracket (YMCK),
PL 10.1.6.
Toner Present Switch Actuator (YMCK),
PL 10.1.22.

3 Check the output of the pertinent color Go to Step 7. Go to Step 4.

from the Motor Driver Board P/J51-13PIN
<=> P/J51-14, 15, 16, or 17PIN for 0V DC.

4 Check the output of the pertinent color Go to Step 6. Go to Step 5.

from the CRUM Reader Board P/J342-
5PIN <=> P/J342-1, 2, 3, or 4PIN for

Error Messages and Codes 3-43

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

5 Check the pertinent color’s switch on the Go to Step 6. Replace Box Assy,
CRUM Reader Board P/J342-5PIN <=> P/ CRUM Reader,
J342-1, 2, 3, or 4PIN for continuity. page 8-85
Depressing the switch should change its
logic state.

6 Check the Harness Assembly TNR4 J51 Go to Step 7. Replace Harness

<=> J342 fro continuity. Assy TNR4
PL 10.1.11.

7 Check the output for the pertinent color Go to Step 8. Replace the Motor
from the Motor Driver Board P/J42-3, 4, 5, Driver Board,
or 6 PIN <=> P/J42-14 PIN for 0VDC. page 8-101.

8 Check the output for the pertinent color Replace the Engine Go to Step 9.
from the Engine Control Board P/J12-25, Control Board,
26, 27, or 28 PIN <=> P/J12-17 PIN for page 8-107.

9 Check the harness Assembly DRV2-2 J12 Replace the Engine Replace the
<=> J42 for continuity. Control Board, Harness Assy
page 8-107. DRV2-2, PL

3-44 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Replace [Y] [M] [C] [K]Toner Cartridge or
[Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Is Low
■ Print the Supplies Usage page to verify remaining life and Toner Cartridge
install date.
■ Replace the cartridge.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

“[Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Is Low” is a warning condition. “Replace [Y] [M] [C]
[K] Toner Cartridge” is a hard stop error condition.
An empty cartridge or a fatal error within the cartridge or printer can cause the
hard stop condition. Check for an error code in the help text prior to
troubleshooting this error message. If a code is present in the help text, go to the
fatal error troubleshooting procedure for "Replace [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner
Cartridge" on page 3-76.
When no jobs are being sent to the printer, an additional low toner warning
message “[Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge Empty” will be displayed on the front
panel. This allows continued printing (Run Black) in black and white mode for a
short period of time. Once the color cartridges are empty, the message changes to
“Replace [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge”, a hard stop.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Toner Low Sensor, PL 10.1.5 “Developer Section 1” on page 10-19

Motor Driver Board, PL 12.1.14 “Drive Section” on page 10-18

Toner Cartridge Holder Assembly, PL 10.1

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Verify replacement of the Toner Cartridge Go to Step 2. Complete

for the problem color.
Does the error recur after the toner
cartridge is replaced?

Error Messages and Codes 3-45

Troubleshooting Procedure Table (Continued)

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Toner Go to Step 3. Complete

Low Sensor. If the test fails check the
sensor connector, if the connector is ok
replace the Toner Low Sensor for the
problem color.
Does the error recur?

3 Use service diagnostics to test the Toner Check the toner Go to Step 4.
Motor. stirring auger or
Caution: Run this test for ONLY 5 gear for damage.
seconds to avoid packing the toner.
Does the Toner Motor function correctly?

4 Replace the Toner Motor. Complete Go to Step 5.

Does this fix the problem?

5 Verify the auger tube of the problem color Go to Step 6. Inspect the toner
is full of toner near the hopper end. cartridge for

6 Verify that the voltage between P/J 51-21 Go to Step 7. Replace the Motor
<=> P/J 60-2 on the Motor Driver Board is Driver Board,
24 VDC page 8-101

7 Troubleshoot using the wiring diagrams: Replace the Complete

See “Developer Section 1” on Engine Control
page 10-19. and See “Drive Section” on Board,
page 10-18. page 8-107.
Replace any defective parts.
Does the error still appear?

3-46 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Dusty Density Sensor
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

CTD (ADC) Sensor Assembly , PL 5.1.11 “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Clean the CTD Sensor to remove any Complete Go to Step 2.

toner build up.
Does this fix the problem?

2 Check the following for evidence of fault Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
or damage: concerned.
Transfer Roller Assembly, PL 8.1.12
CTD (ADC) Sensor Assembly , PL 5.1.11

3 Is the CTD (ADC) Harness properly Go to Step 4. Reconnect or

connected to the CTD (ADC) Sensor? replace the

4 Replace the CTD (ADC) Sensor. Go to Step 5. Complete

Does the error still appear after replacing
the sensor?

5 Check the CTD (ADC) Harness for Go to Step 6. Replace the

continuity. CTD (ADC)
See “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23. Harness
PL 5.1.10.

6 Check the Harness Assembly Front 1A for Replace Engine Replace

continuity. Control Board, Harness
See “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23. page 8-107. Assembly Front
1A, PL 13.1.7.

Error Messages and Codes 3-47

Output Tray is Full, Unload Paper
■ Ensure that the ouput tray is empty.
■ Ensure that the output tray full flag is in the correct position.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Actuator Kit, PL 6.1.5 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

Full Stack Sensor, PL 6.1.4 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault Replace the parts Go to Step 2.
or damage: concerned.
Actuator, Full Stack PL 6.1.5
Full Stack Sensor PL 6.1.4

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Full Replace Engine Go to Step 3.

Stack Sensor. Control Board,
Does the sensor function correctly? page 8-107

3 Replace the Full Stack Sensor. Go to Step 4. Complete

Does the sensor report an error once

4 Troubleshoot the wiring using the wiring Replace defective Replace Engine
diagram “Paper Feed” on page 10-25. parts. Control Board,
page 8-107.

3-48 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Remove Ribbon from [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge
■ Remove the Toner Cartridge and ensure that the ribbon tape has been
completely removed.
■ Inspect the mouth of the toner auger for obstructions or debris.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Pertinent Toner Cartridge,

PL 10.1.7, 8, 9, or 10

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Has the shipping ribbon been removed Go to Step 2. Remove the

from the Toner Cartridge? ribbon and power
cycle the printer.

2 Does the error clear after Door A is Complete Refer to “[Y] [M]
opened and closed? [C] [K] Toner
Cartridge Is Low”
page 3-45.

Error Messages and Codes 3-49

Tray and Media Errors

Insert Tray [2] or Tray [2] Missing

■ Remove Tray 2 and inspect the tray cavity of the printer to ensure that it is
free of obstructions or debris.
■ Reinstall the tray.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Paper Size Switch Assembly, PL 3.2.4 “Paper Tray 2” on page 10-17

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault or Replace the Go to Step 2.

damage: parts concerned.
Paper Size Switch Tray [2], PL 3.2.4
Actuators on the right side of Tray [2]

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray [2] Replace Engine Go to Step 3.
Paper Size Switches. Use the table below Control Board,
for reference. page 8-107.
Do the switches function correctly?

3 Verify the pertinent voltages on pins Go to Step 4 Replace the

P/J47 – 1 <=> P/J47 – 3 Paper Size
P/J47 – 2 <=> P/J47 – 3 Switch
P/J47 – 4 <=> P/J47 – 3 page 8-26.
Correspond to the paper size switch
position chart below.

4 Verify the pertinent voltages on pins Replace Engine Replace the

P/J42 – 16 <=> P/J42-15 Control Board, Motor Driver
P/J42-17 <=> P/J42-15 page 8-107 Board
P/J42-18 <=> P/J42-15 page 8-101.
Correspond to the paper size switch
position chart below.

3-50 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Paper Size Switches are indicated as SW1, SW2, and SW3

Paper Size Switch

Paper Size






A5 (Provided for reference only. Supported by Tray 1 OFF ON OFF

(MPT) only.)



Error Messages and Codes 3-51

Insert Tray [3] [4] or Tray [3] [4] Missing
■ Remove Tray [3] [4] and inspect the tray cavity of the printer to ensure that it
is free of obstructions or debris.
■ Reinstall the tray.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Paper Tray 3 can refer to either the High Capacity Feeder (HCF) or 500-
sheet Feeder. Part list and page references are provided for both units.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Paper Size Switch Assembly, PL 14.3.6 “Paper Tray 3” on page 10-29 or page 10-33
or PL 15.3.6

“Paper Tray 4” on page 10-30

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault or Replace the Go to Step 2.

damage: parts concerned.
Paper Size Switch Tray [3] [4], PL 14.3.6 or
PL 15.3.6 Actuators on the right side of the

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray [3] Replace Engine Go to Step 3.
[4] Paper Size Switches. Use the table Control Board,
below for reference. page 8-107.
Do the switches function correctly?

3 Verify the pertinent Tray 3 voltages on pins: Go to Step 4. Replace the

P/J82 – 1 <=> P/J47 – 3 Paper Size
P/J82 – 2 <=> P/J47 – 3 Switch
P/J82 – 4 <=> P/J47 – 3 page 8-128 or
Or Tray 4 voltages on pins: page 8-146
P/J83 – 1 <=> P/J47 – 3
P/J83 – 2 <=> P/J47 – 3
P/J83 – 4 <=> P/J47 – 3
of the Lower Feeder Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1 or PL 15.5.1, correspond to the
paper size switch position chart below.

3-52 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

4 Verify the pertinent Tray 3 voltages on pins: Replace the

P/J81 – 11 <=> P/J47 – 23 Circuit Board,
P/J81 – 12 <=> P/J47 – 23 Lower Feeder
P/J81 – 13 <=> P/J47 – 23 page 8-116 or
Or Tray 4 voltages on pins: page 8-135
P/J81 – 8 <=> P/J47 – 23
P/J81 – 9 <=> P/J47 – 23
P/J81 – 10 <=> P/J47 – 23
of the Lower Feeder Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1 or PL 15.5.1, correspond to the
paper size switch position chart below

5 Check the OPT Feeder Plug PL 14.5.2 or Replace Engine Replace the
PL 15.5.2, Harness Assy, Tray 3 PL 14.5.3 Control Board, affected
or PL 15.5.3, and Harness Assy, Tray 4 PL page 8-107. Harness Assy.
14.5.6 for continuity.

Paper Size Switches are indicated as SW1, SW2, and SW3

Paper Size Switch

Paper Size






A5 (Provided for reference only. Supported by Tray 1 OFF ON OFF

(MPT) only.)



Error Messages and Codes 3-53

Tray 2 Paper is Low
■ Remove Tray 2 and ensure that it is at least half full of paper.
■ Inspect the tray for obstructions or defects.
■ Reinstall the tray.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Low Paper Sensor, PL 3.3.4 “Paper Tray 2” on page 10-17

Low Paper Lever, PL 3.2.7

Troubleshooting Procedures Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Fill the tray with paper. Go to Step [2]. Complete

Does the error occur if the tray is full?

2 Check the following for evidence of fault or Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
damage: concerned.
Low Paper Sensor; PL 3.3.4
Low Paper Lever, PL 3.2.7

3 Use service diagnostics to test the Replace the Go to Step 4.

Tray 2 Low Paper Sensor. Engine Control
Do the sensor and actuator function Board,
properly? page 8-107.

4 Verify the voltage between pins Go to Step 6. Go to Step 5.

P/J 47-10 <=> P/J 47-9 on the Motor Driver
Board is +3.3 VDC.

5 Verify the voltage between pins Replace the Motor Replace the
P/J 42-20 <=> P/J 42-15 on the Motor Driver Board, Engine Control
Driver Board is +3.3 VDC. page 8-101. Board,
page 8-107.

6 Verify the voltage between pins Replace the Replace the

P/J 47-8 <=> P/J 47-9 on the Motor Driver Sensor No Paper, Motor Driver
Board is +3.3 VDC. page 8-30. Board,
page 8-101.

3-54 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Tray [3] [4] Paper is Low
■ Remove Tray [3] [4] and ensure that it is at least half full of paper.
■ Inspect the tray for obstructions or defects.
■ Reinstall the tray.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Paper Tray 3 can refer to either the High Capacity Feeder (HCF) or 500-sheet
Feeder. Part list and page references are provided for both units.
In the following procedures, diagnose the part that correlates directly to the Tray
receiving the error.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Low Paper Sensor, PL “Paper Tray 3” on page 10-29 or page 10-33

14.5.7 or PL 15.5.7

Low Paper Lever, PL 14.5.8 “Paper Tray 4” on page 10-30

or PL 15.5.8

Troubleshooting Procedures Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Fill the tray with paper. Go to Step 2. Complete

Does the error occur if the tray is full?

2 Check the following for evidence of fault or Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
damage: concerned
Low Paper Sensor; PL 14.5.7 or 15.5.7
Low Paper Lever, PL 14.5.8 or 15.5.8

3 Use service diagnostics to test the Replace the Go to Step 4.

Tray [3] [4] Low Paper Sensor. Engine Control
Do the sensor and actuator function Board,
properly? page 8-107.

4 Does the printer function correctly after Complete Go to Step 5.

replacing the Circuit Board, Lower Feeder?

5 Troubleshoot using the Paper Tray [3] [4] Complete Replace the
wiring diagrams. Engine Control
Does the printer function correctly after Board,
replacing any defective parts? page 8-107.

Error Messages and Codes 3-55

Out of Paper; Load Tray 1 (MPT) with [size] [type]
■ Remove Tray 1 and inspect the tray cavity of the printer to ensure that it is
free of obstructions or debris.
■ Ensure that the tray is loaded with supported media.
■ Ensure that the media guides are properly adjusted.
■ Reinstall the tray.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

MPT No Paper Sensor, PL 6.1.4 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

MPT actuator, PL 6.1.37

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Fill Tray 1 (MPT) with paper. Go to Step 2. Complete.

Does the error occur even if Tray 1 is full?

2 Check the following for evidence of fault Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
or damage: concerned.
MPT No Paper Sensor, PL 6.1.4
MPT actuator, PL 6.1.37

3 Use service diagnostics to test the MPT Replace the Go to Step 4.

No Paper Sensor Engine Control
Does the Sensor function correctly? Board, page 8-107

4 Replace the MPT No Paper Sensor. Go to Step 5. Complete.

Does the error recur after the sensor is

5 Troubleshoot using the wiring diagram Replace the Complete

“Paper Feed” on page 10-25. Engine Control
Does the problem recur after any Board, page 8-107
defective parts are replaced?

3-56 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Out of Paper; Load Tray [2] [3] [4] with [size] [type]
■ Remove Tray [2] [3] [4] and inspect the tray cavity of the printer to ensure
that it is free of obstructions or debris.
■ Ensure that the tray is loaded with supported media.
■ Ensure that the media guides are properly adjusted.
■ Reinstall the tray.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

No Paper Sensor, PL 3.3.4 (Tray “Paper Tray 2” on page 10-17, “Paper Tray 3” on
2) PL 14.4.4 or 15.4.4 Trays 3 & 4) page 10-29, or page 10-33 “Paper Tray 4” on page 10-30

Link Actuator, PL 3.3.6 (Tray 2)

PL 14.4.6 or 15.4.6 Trays 3 & 4)

No Paper Actuator PL 3.3.5 (Tray

2) PL 14.4.5 or 15.4.5 Trays 3 & 4)

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Fill Tray. Go to Step [2]. Complete

Does the error occur even if the tray is full?

2 Check the following for evidence of fault or Replace the Go to Step 3.

damage: parts
No Paper Sensor, PL 3.3.4 (PL 14.4.4 or PL concerned.
No Paper Actuator, PL 3.3.5 (PL 14.4.5 or PL

3 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray No Replace Engine Go to Step 4.

Paper Sensor. Control Board,
Does the sensor function correctly? page 8-107.

4 Does the printer function correctly after replacing Complete Go to Step 5.

the Engine Control Board?

5 Troubleshoot using the wiring diagram “Paper Complete Replace the

Tray 2” on page 10-17, “Paper Tray 3” on Engine Control
page 10-29 or page 10-33, “Paper Tray 4” on Board,
page 10-30. page 8-107.
Does the printer function correctly after replacing
any defective parts?

Error Messages and Codes 3-57

Wrong Paper Size; Load Tray 2 with [size] [type]
■ Remove Tray 2 and inspect the tray cavity of the printer to ensure that it is
free of obstructions or debris.
■ Ensure that the tray is loaded with supported media.
■ Ensure that the media guides are properly adjusted.
■ Reinstall the tray.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

This is a media SIZE mismatch error.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Paper Size Switch Assembly, PL 3.2.4 “Paper Tray 2” on page 10-17

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault Replace the parts Go to Step 2.
or damage: concerned.
Paper Size Switch Tray [2], PL 3.2.4
Actuators on the right side of Tray [2]

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray Replace Engine Go to Step 4.

[2] Paper Size Switches. Use the table Control Board,
below for reference. page 8-107.
Do the switches function correctly?

3 Does the printer function correctly after Complete Go to Step 4.

replacing the Engine Control Board?

4 Verify the pertinent voltages on pins Go to Step 5. Replace the Paper

P/J47 – 1 <=> P/J47 – 3 Size Switch
P/J47 – 2 <=> P/J47 – 3 page 8-26.
P/J47 – 4 <=> P/J47 – 3
Correspond to the paper size switch
position chart below.

3-58 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

5 Verify the pertinent voltages on pins Replace Engine Replace the Motor
P/J42 – 16 <=> P/J42-15 Control Board, Driver Board
P/J42-17 <=> P/J42-15 page 8-107 page 8-101.
P/J42-18 <=> P/J42-15
Correspond to the paper size switch
position chart below.

Paper Size Switches are indicated as SW1, SW2, and SW3

Paper Size Switch

Paper Size






A5 (Provided for reference only. Supported by Tray 1 OFF ON OFF

(MPT) only.)



Error Messages and Codes 3-59

Wrong Paper Size; Load Tray [3] [4] with [size] [type]
■ Remove Tray [3] [4] and inspect the tray cavity of the printer to ensure that it
is free of obstructions or debris.
■ Ensure that the tray is loaded with supported media.
■ Ensure that the media guides are properly adjusted.
■ Reinstall the tray.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below.

This is a media SIZE mismatch error.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Paper Size Switch Tray [3] [4] PL 14.3.6 “Paper Tray 3” on page 10-29 or page 10-33 and
or 15.3.6 “Paper Tray 4” on page 10-30

Troublshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault or Replace the Go to Step 2.

damage: parts
Paper Size Switch Tray [3] [4], PL 14.3.6 or 15.3.6 concerned.
Actuators on the right side of the Tray

2 Use service diagnostics to test the Tray [3] [4] Replace Engine Go to Step 4.
Paper Size Switches. Use the table below for Control Board,
reference. page 8-107.
Do the switches function correctly?

3 Does the printer function correctly after replacing Complete Go to Step 4.

the Engine Control Board?

4 Verify the pertinent Tray 3 voltages on pins: Go to Step 5. Replace the

P/J82 – 1 <=> P/J47 – 3 Paper Size
P/J82 – 2 <=> P/J47 – 3 Switch
P/J82 – 4 <=> P/J47 – 3 page 8-128 or
Or Tray 4 voltages on pins: page 8-146
P/J83 – 1 <=> P/J47 – 3
P/J83 – 2 <=> P/J47 – 3
P/J83 – 4 <=> P/J47 – 3
of the Lower Feeder Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1 or 15.5.1, correspond to the paper size
switch position chart below.

3-60 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troublshooting Procedure Table (Continued)

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

5 Verify the pertinent Tray 3 voltages on pins: Go to Step 6. Replace the

P/J81 – 11 <=> P/J47 – 23 Circuit Board,
P/J81 – 12 <=> P/J47 – 23 Lower Feeder
P/J81 – 13 <=> P/J47 – 23 page 8-116 or
Or Tray 4 voltages on pins: page 8-135.
P/J81 – 8 <=> P/J47 – 23
P/J81 – 9 <=> P/J47 – 23
P/J81 – 10 <=> P/J47 – 23
of the Lower Feeder Circuit Board,
PL 14.5.1 or 15.5.1, correspond to the paper size
switch position chart below.

6 Check the OPT Feeder Plug PL 14.5.2, or 15.5.2 Replace Engine Replace the
Harness Assy, Tray 3 PL 14.5.3 or 15.5.3, and Control Board, affected
Harness Assy, Tray 4 PL 14.5.6 for continuity. page 8-107. Harness Assy.

Paper Size Switches are indicated as SW1, SW2, and SW3

Paper Size Switch

Paper Size






A5 (Provided for reference only. Supported by Tray 1 OFF ON OFF

(MPT) only.)



Error Messages and Codes 3-61

Wrong Paper Type; Load Tray [1 (MPT)] [2] [3] [4] with
[size] [type]
■ Remove tray and inspect the tray cavity of the printer to ensure that it is free
of obstructions or debris.
■ Ensure that the tray is loaded with supported media.
■ Reinstall the tray.
■ Cycle printer power.
■ If the problem persists, follow the procedure below

This is a media TYPE mismatch error indicating an OHP Sensor malfunction.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

OHP Sensor Kit PL 9.1.12 “Paper Feed” on page 10-25

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault or OHP Sensor and Go to Step 3.
damage: Harness page 8-75.
OHP Sensor and Harness PL 9.1.12 Assembly, Chute
Chute Assembly Registration PL 9.1.6 Registration
Replace parts as required . page 8-71

2 Does printer function correctly? Complete Go to Step 3.

3 Using service diagnostics, test the OHP Replace Engine Go to Step 5.

Sensor. Control Board,
Does the OHP Sensor function correctly? page 8-107.

4 Does printer function correctly? Complete Go to Step 5.

5 Check voltage between P/J32-2 <=> P/J Go to Step 6. Go to Step 8.

32-1 on Engine Control Board is 0VDC.

6 Block the OHP Sensor. Has P/J32-2 <=> P/ Replace Engine Go to Step 8.
J32-1 changed from 0 VDC to +3.3 VDC? Control Board,
page 8-107.

7 Does printer function correctly? Complete Go to Step 8.

8 Verify the voltage between P/J32-3 <=> P/ Replace the OHP Replace Engine
J32-1 on the Engine Control Board is Sensor, page 8-75. Control Board,
+5 VDC. page 8-107.

3-62 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Fatal Errors

Laser Failure
Code 07: Laser power has failed
Code 08: SOS (start of scan) failure 1
Code 09: SOS failure 2
Code 10: Warm up failure
Code 11: This is the generic laser fault used by the engine if a lower level error
cannot be reported to the controller.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Laser Unit, PL 9.1.1 “Laser Unit” on page 10-22

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check and reseat P/J151 on the Laser Complete Go to Step 2.

Does the printer function correctly if the
harness is reseated?

2 Replace the Laser Unit. Go to Step 3. Complete

Does the error recur after the Laser Unit
has been replaced?

3 Check the Laser Harness for continuity or Replace the Replace the
damage. (ROSKA) Harness Engine Control
See the wiring diagram “Laser Unit” on Assembly, Board,
page 10-22. PL 13.1.5. page 8-107.

Error Messages and Codes 3-63

Density Sensor Failure
Code 13: Density Sensor Failure.
Code 14: Density Limit Over Output.
Code15: Density Limit.
Code 16: This is a generic density sensor error that is generated when a code 13, 14
or 15 is not specifically triggered.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

CTD (ADC) Sensor Assembly , PL 5.1.11 “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Clean the CTD (ADC) Sensor to remove Complete Go to Step 2.

any toner build up.
Does this fix the problem?

2 Use service diagnostics to test the CTD Go to Step 4. Go to Step 3.

(ADC) Sensor.
Does the sensor function correctly?

3 Replace the CTD (ADC) Sensor, see Go to Step 4. Complete

page 8-42.
Does the error recur after the CTD (ADC)
Sensor has been replaced?

4 Check the CTD (ADC) Harness for Go to Step 5. Replace the

continuity: CTD (ADC)
See “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23. Harness
PL 5.1.10.

5 Check the Harness Assembly Front 1A for Replace the Replace the
continuity. Engine Control Harness
See “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23. Board, Assembly Front
page 8-107. 1A PL 13.1.7.

3-64 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Fuser Failure
Code 40: The temperature sensor sensed an overheat condition.
Code 41: The temperature sensor sensed a low temperature condition.
Code 42: Temperature sensor not providing an output.
Code 43: Warm up failure, the temperature sensor does not detect the correct
temperature within 60.4 seconds after the fuser lamp has been turned on.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Low-Voltage Power Supply, PL 12.1.10 “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21

FSR 2 Harness Assembly, PL 5.1.9

To avoid the potential of electric shock, ensure the power to the printer is off
and the power cord is disconnected from the wall outlet prior to performing
Step 2 of the following troubleshooting procedure..

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Ensure the correct Fuser (110v/220v) is Replace the parts Go to Step 2.

installed in the printer, verify against the concerned.
label on the Fuser Assembly.
Check the Fuser Assembly for evidence
of fault or damage.

2 Remove the Fuser Assembly and check Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
for broken or bent pins. concerned.

3 Does the error recur after the Fuser Go to Step 4. Complete

Assembly has been replaced with a new

4 Replace the Low-Voltage Power Supply, Go to Step 5. Complete

page 8-99. Does the error recur after the
LVPS has been replaced?

5 Check the Fuser Harness for continuity. Go to Step 6. Replace the Fuser
See the wiring diagram“Fuser Assembly” Harness,
on page 10-21. FSR 2 PL 5.1.9.

6 Check the Front 1A Harness for Replace the Replace Front 1A

continuity. Engine Control Harness
See the wiring diagram“Fuser Assembly” Board, page 8-107. Assembly,
on page 10-21. PL 13.1.7.

Error Messages and Codes 3-65

Fuser Failure (cont’d)
Code 44: Indicates a failure in the Fuser Lamp circuit.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Low-Voltage Power Supply, PL 12.1.10 “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21

Fuser Harness Assembly, PL 5.1.9

To avoid the potential of electric shock, ensure the power to the printer is off
and the power cord is disconnected from the wall outlet prior to performing
Step 2 of the following troubleshooting procedure..

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the Fuser Assembly for evidence Replace the parts Go to Step 2.
of fault or damage. concerned.

2 Remove the Fuser Assembly and check Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
for broken or bent pins. concerned.

3 Does the error recur after the Fuser Go to Step 4. Complete

Assembly has been replaced with a new

4 Replace the Low-Voltage Power Supply Go to Step 5. Complete

page 8-99. Does the error recur after the
LVPS has been replaced?

5 Troubleshoot using the wiring diagram Complete Go to Step 6.

“Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21.
Does the printer function correctly after
replacing any defective parts?

6 Verify the voltage of P/J61-4 on the Motor Replace the Go to Step 7.

Driver Board is 2.8 VDC. LVNC3 Harness
Assembly, PL

7 Verify the voltage of P/J42-11 on the Replace the Motor Go to Step 8.

Motor Driver Board is 2.8 VDC. Driver Board,
page 8-101.

8 Verify the voltage of P/J12-20 on the Replace the Replace Front 1A

Engine Control Board is 2.8 VDC. Engine Control Harness
Board, page 8-107. Assembly,
PL 13.1.7.

3-66 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Fuser Failure (cont’d)

Fuser CRUM Failure

Code 45: CRUM data revise failure
Code 46: CRUM setting value failure
Code 47: This is the generic fuser code displayed when the printer cannot generate a
specific error. This error code can represent any fuser error code from 40 through 46.
In this instance, all of the Fuser Failure troubleshooting procedures need to be
completed until the error is resolved..

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

EEPROM Board, PL 10.1.16 “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21

FSR 2 Harness Assembly, PL 5.1.9 “Laser Unit” on page 10-22

To avoid the potential of electric shock, ensure the power to the printer is off
and the power cord is disconnected from the wall outlet prior to performing
Step 2 of the following troubleshooting procedure..

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the Fuser Assembly for evidence Replace the parts Go to Step 2.
of fault or damage. concerned.

2 Remove the Fuser Assembly and check Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
for broken or bent pins. concerned.

3 Does the error recur after the Fuser Go to Step 4. Complete

Assembly has been replaced with a new

4 Troubleshoot using the wiring diagram Go to Step 5. Replace the

“Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21. Assembly,
Does the printer function correctly after Harness Fuser PL
replacing any defective parts? 13.1.

5 Troubleshoot using the wiring Replace the Replace

diagrams“Laser Unit” on page 10-22 and Engine Control EEPROM
“Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21 for the Board, page 8-107. Harness
EEPROM Harness. Assembly,
PL 13.1.10.

Error Messages and Codes 3-67

Fuser Fan Failure
Code 50

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Fuser Fan, PL 1.1.7 “Drive Section” on page 10-18

Motor Driver Board, PL 12.1.12

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the Fuser Fan for evidence of fault Replace the Fuser Go to Step 2.
or damage. Fan, page 8-8.

2 Does an error recur after the Fuser Fan Replace the Go to Step 3.
has been replaced? Engine Control
Board, page 8-107.

3 Does the error recur after the Motor Go to Step 4. Complete

Driver Board has been replaced?

4 Troubleshoot using the wiring diagram Complete Go to Step 5.

“Drive Section” on page 10-18.
Replace any defective parts.
Does the printer function correctly after
replacing any defective parts?

5 Print one sheet. Replace the DRV2- Replace the

Verify the voltage between P/J12-4<=>P/ 2 Harness Engine Control
J12-17 on the Engine Control Board is Assembly, PL Board,
+3.3 VDC. 13.1.3. page 8-107.

3-68 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Rear Fan Failure
Code 51

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Rear Fan, PL 12.1.2 “Main Wiring Diagram” on page 10-15

Low-Voltage Power Supply, PL 12.1.10

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the Rear Fan for evidence of fault Replace the Rear Go to Step 2.
or damage. Fan, page 8-102.

2 Does an error occur after the Rear Fan is Go to Step 3. Complete


3 Replace the Low-Voltage Power Supply Go to Step 4. Complete

Board, page 8-99.
Does the error recur after the LVPS is

4 Troubleshoot using the wiring diagram Complete Replace the

“Main Wiring Diagram” on page 10-15. Engine Control
Replace any defective parts. Board,
Does the printer function correctly after page 8-107.
replacing any defective parts?

Error Messages and Codes 3-69

Generic Fan Failure
Code 52: This is a generic fan error, generated by the Rear Fan or the Fuser Fan

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Fuser Fan, PL 1.1.7 “Main Wiring Diagram” on page 10-15

Rear Fan, PL 12.1.2 “Drive Section” on page 10-18

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the following for evidence of fault Replace the Go to Step 3.

or damage: defective fan.
Rear Fan, PL 12.1.2
Fuser Fan, PL 1.1.7

2 Does problem recur following part Go to Step 3 Complete


3 Isolate the problem fan by running service Go to the If both fans pass
diagnostics testing both the Rear Fan and troubleshooting diagnostics
Fuser Fan. procedure for the replace the
Did one of the fans fail? specific fan. Engine Control
page 8-107.

3-70 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Engine Firmware Failure
Code 70: Task Table overflow
Code 71: Timer Table overflow
Code 73: Queue Buffer overflow
Code 74: Communications buffer overflow
Code 78: ESS Video data fail
Code 79: This is a generic Engine Firmware Failure code generated when any other
Engine Firmware Failure code fails to report to the controller properly.

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Is the problem application related? Forward the Go to Step 2.

information to ESS
for evaluation.

2 Turn printer power off and then back on. Replace the Engine Complete
Does the error recur? Control Board,
page 8-107.

Code 72: NVRAM verify error

Code 77: NVRAM data error

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Remove and reinstall the Fuser and Go to Step 3. Complete

Imaging unit. Does the error recur?

2 Are P/J 144 and P/J 145 on the EEPROM Go to Step 3. Replace the
Board properly seated and defect free? EEPROM
page 8-86.

3 Turn printer power off and then back on. Replace the Complete
Does the error recur? Engine Control
page 8-107.

Error Messages and Codes 3-71

Imaging Unit Firmware Failure
Code 75: This is an Imaging Unit CRUM data error.

Protect the imaging unit from exposure to light by covering the unit or placing in
a light proof bag.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Plate Dispenser Assembly “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21

PL 10.1.13

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the Imaging Unit for defects or Replace the parts Go to Step 2.
possible damage. concerned.

2 Does the error recur if the Imaging Unit is Go to Step 3. Complete


3 Is the CRUM Harness connector Replace the Plate Go to Step 5.

damaged or improperly connected. Dispenser
PL 10.1.13.

4 Does the error recur after the Plate Go to Step 5. Complete

Dispenser is replaced?

5 Remove the left cover. Damage can occur Go to Step 7.

Check the Gear Slide and the Rack V for if the Gear and
damage or misalignment. Rack are not in the
Is the Rack V out of alignment? proper position.
See page 8-77 for more information. With Door C open,
push the Rack V up
as far as it can go
and then reinstall
the gear slide.

6 Does the error recur after the aligning the Go to Step 7. Complete
Gear and Rack?

7 Check J710 <=> J71 on the CRUM Go to Step 9. Replace the

Harness for continuity. CRUM Harness
Use the wiring diagram “Fuser Assembly” Assembly,
on page 10-21. PL 10.1.12.

8 Does the error recur after the replacing Go to Step 9. Complete

the CRUM harness?

3-72 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

9 Check J71 <=> J140 on the EEPROM Replace the Engine Replace the
Harness Assembly for continuity. Control Board, EEPROM
Use the wiring diagram “Fuser Assembly” page 8-107. Harness
on page 10-21. Assembly,
PL 13.1.10.

Fuser Firmware Failure

Code 76: The CRUM firmware has failed.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

EEPROM Board, PL 10.1.14 “Fuser Assembly” on page 10-21

FSR 4 Harness Assembly, PL 5.1.9 “Laser Unit” on page 10-22

To avoid the potential of electric shock, ensure the power to the printer is off
and the power cord is disconnected from the wall outlet prior to performing
Step 2 of the following troubleshooting procedure..

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the Fuser Assembly for evidence Replace the parts Go to Step 2.
of fault or damage. concerned.

2 Remove the Fuser Assembly and check Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
for broken or bent pins. concerned.

3 Does the error recur after the Fuser Go to Step 4. Complete

Assembly has been replaced with a new

4 Are P/J 144 and P/J 145 on the EEPROM Go to Step 5. Replace the
board properly seated and defect free? EEPROM board
page 8-86.

5 Check continuity of Harness Assembly Go to Step 6. Replace the

(FSR4) between J145 <=> J232. Refer to Assembly,
the wiring diagram “Fuser Assembly” on Harness (FSR4)
page 10-21. PL 5.1.9.

Error Messages and Codes 3-73

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

6 Check continuity of Harness Assembly Replace the Replace

EEPROM between J144 <=> J140. Engine Control EEPROM
Board, page 8-107. Harness
PL 13.1.10.

Controller to Engine Communications Failure

Code 81: This is a communication failure between the Image Processor Board and
the engine control board.

When replacing the Image Processor Board, the NVRAM, memory,
configuration chip (‘i’ button), and hard drive must be transferred to the new
Image Processor Board. When replacing the Engine Control Board the Store/
Restore functions can be used to transfer data from the NVRAM to the new board
instead of transferring the NVRAM.

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Cycle power to the printer. Is the error Complete Go to Step 2.


2 Is the error cleared by reseating the Complete Replace the

Image Processor Board to Engine Control Image Processor
Board. Board,
page 8-110.

3 Is the error cleared after replacing the Complete Replace the

Image Processor Board? Engine Control
See note above. Board,
page 8-107.

3-74 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Engine NVRAM Error
Code 83: Engine NVRAM is corrupted or receiving wrong data from a CRUM.

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Cycle power to the printer. Go to Step 2. Complete

Does the error still appear?

2 Remove and reinstall the Imaging Unit Go to Step 3. Complete

and Fuser Assembly. Does the error recur
after the power has been turned off and
then on?

3 Does the error recur if the Imaging Unit is Go to Step 4 Complete

replaced and the power has been turned
off and then on?

4 Does the error recur if the Fuser Go to Step 5 Complete

Assembly is replaced and the power has
been turned off and then on?

5 Does the error recur if the EEPROM Replace the Engine Complete
board is replaced and the power has Control Board,
been turned off and then on? page 8-107

Error Messages and Codes 3-75

Replace [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge
The CRUM reader detected a CRUM ID error or Non-Xerox toner cartridge installed
in the printer.
Code 90: Cyan CRUM I.D. Error
Code 91: Magenta CRUM I.D. Error
Code 92: Yellow CRUM I.D. Error
Code 93: Black CRUM I.D. Error
Code 96: Non-Xerox Cyan toner detected
Code 97: Non-Xerox Magenta toner detected
Code 98: Non-Xerox Yellow toner detected
Code 99: Non-Xerox Black toner detected

An empty cartridge, Non-Xerox Toner Use, or a fatal error within the
cartridge or printer can cause this error condition. Check for an error code in
the help text prior to troubleshooting. If a code is not present in the help text,
go to the troubleshooting procedure for "Replace [Y] [M] [C] [K]Toner
Cartridge or [Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Is Low" on page 3-45. The “Non-Xerox
Toner Detected” errors (Codes 96 ~ 99) are triggered when the customer gets
the “[Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge is Not a Genuine Xerox Product”
warning message and chooses not to use it by selecting “Do Not Use” on the
front panel.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Genuine Xerox toner cartridge "Developer Section 1" on page 10-19

(consumable) PL 10.1.7~10

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Remove top cover and ensure that Complete Go to Step 2.

cartridge is locked in position. Does the
error clear after locking the cartridge?

2 Does the error recur after the pertinent Go to Step 3. Complete

toner cartridge has been replaced with
genuine Xerox toner.

3 Check the connection of the CRUM Go to Step 4. Reconnect the

Reader Board to the CRUM Harness harness to the
connector J341. Is the harness properly CRUM reader
connected? board

3-76 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

4 Does the error recur after the CRUM Go to Step 5. Complete

Reader board PL 10.1.21 has been

5 Check continuity of the harness RFID2 Go to Step 6. Replace the

(J341 - J3411) Does the harness show CRUM harness
continuity? RFID2 PL

6 Check continuity of the harness RFID Replace the Replace the

(J34 - J3411) Does the harness show Engine Control harness assembly
continuity? Board, page 8-107. RFID PL 13.1.13.

[Y] [M] [C] [K] Toner Cartridge Failure

Code 86, 87, 88, 89: A CRUM error occurred in the yellow, magenta, cyan, or
black toner cartridge.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Genuine Xerox toner cartridge "Developer Section 1" on page 10-19

(consumable) PL 10.1.7~10

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Remove top cover and ensure that Complete Go to Step 2.

cartridge is locked in position. Does the
error clear after locking the cartridge?

2 Does the error recur after the pertinent Go to Step 3. Complete

toner cartridge has been replaced?

3 Check connection of the CRUM reader Go to Step 4. Reconnect CRUM

board to CRUM harness connector J341. reader board to
Is the harness properly connected? the harness .

4 Replace the CRUM reader board PL Go to Step 5. Complete

10.1..21. Does the error recur after the
CRUM reader board has been replaced?

5 Check J341 <=> J3411 of CRUM harness Go to Step 6. Replace CRUM

RFID2 for continuity harness RFID2
PL 10.1.19.

Error Messages and Codes 3-77

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Step Actions and Questions Yes No

6 Check J34 <=> J3411 of CRUM harness Replace the Replace CRUM
RFID for continuity. Engine Control harness RFID
Board, page 8-107. PL 13.1.13.

Non-Phaser 6250 Fuser

Code 94: CRUM I.D. error. A non-Phaser 6250 Fuser has been detected in the

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Fuser Assembly PL 8.1.1 “Fuser” on page 10-21

"Laser Unit" on page 10-22

To avoid the potential of electric shock, ensure the power to the printer is off
and the power cord is disconnected from the wall outlet prior to performing
Step 4 of the following troubleshooting procedure..

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the part number on the Fuser. Is it Go to Step 2. Replace the

a genuine Xerox Phaser 6250 part. Fuser, page 8-4.

2 Check the Fuser assembly for evidence of Replace the parts Go to Step 3.
fault or damage. concerned.

3 Remove and reinstall the Fuser assembly. Go to Step 4 Complete

Does the error recur?

4 Remove the Fuser assembly and check Replace the parts Go to Step 5.
for broken or bent pins. concerned.

5 Does the error recur after the Fuser Go to Step 6. Complete

assembly is replaced with a new one?

6 Are P/J 144 and P/J 145 on the EEPROM Go to Step 7. Replace the
board properly seated and defect free? EEPROM board,
page 8-86.

7 Check continuity between J145 <=> J232 Go to Step 8. Replace

of Harness assembly FSR4. Refer to Assembly,
wiring diagram "Fuser Assembly" on Harness FSR4,
page 10-21. PL 5.1.9.

3-78 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

8 Check continuity between J144 <=> J140 Replace the Engine Replace
of Harness assembly EEPROM. Refer to Control Board, Assembly,
wiring diagram "Laser Unit" on page 8-107. Harness
page 10-22. EEPROM
PL 13.1.10.

Non-Phaser 6250 Imaging Unit

Code 95: CRUM I.D. error. A non-Phaser 6250 Imaging Unit has been detected in
the printer.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Imaging Unit PL 9.1.3 "Xerographics 2" on page 10-24

"Laser Unit" on page 10-22

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Check the part number listed on the Go to Step 2. Replace the

Imaging Unit. Is it a genuine Xerox Imaging Unit.
Phaser 6250 part?

2 Remove and reinstall the Imaging Unit. Go to Step 3. Complete

Does the error recur?

3 Remove the Imaging Unit and check for Replace the Go to Step 4.
broken or bent pins on the connector. Imaging Unit,
page 8-4.

4 Does the error recur after the Imaging Go to Step 5. Complete

Unit is replaced with a new one?

5 Is the Imaging Unit connector P/J710 on Replace the Plate Go to Step 6.

the Plate Assembly Dispenser, PL Assembly
10.1.13, damaged? Dispenser,
page 8-77.

6 Check the connection of the CRUM Go to Step 7. Reconnect the

Harness, PL 10.1.12, to the connector harness.
block. Is the harness properly connected?

Error Messages and Codes 3-79

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

7 Replace the EEPROM board, PL 10.1.14. Go to Step 8. Complete

Does the error recur after the EEPROM
board, has been replaced?

8 Check J710 <=> J71 of the CRUM Go to Step 9. Replace the

Harness for continuity. CRUM Harness,
PL 10.1.12.

9 Check J71 <=> J140 of the EEPROM Replace the Engine Replace the
Harness for continuity. Control Board, EEPROM
page 8-107. Harness,
PL 13.1.10.

Environmental Sensor Failure

Code 102: Indicates an error was detected in the environment sensor circuit.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Temperature/Humidity Sensor, PL 3.2.2 “Xerographics 1” on page 10-23

Temp/Humidity Harness, PL 3.2.1 “Xerographics 2” on page 10-24

Troubleshooting Procedure Table

Steps Actions and Questions Yes No

1 Use service diagnostics to test the Go to Step 2. Replace the Temp/

Temperature/Humidity Sensor. Hum Sensor,
Does the sensor function correctly? page 8-24.

2 Does the error recur after replacing the Go to Step 3. Complete

Temperature/Humidity Sensor?

3 Troubleshoot using the wiring diagrams Complete Replace the

“Xerographics 1” on page 10-23 and Engine Control
“Xerographics 2” on page 10-24 Baord,
Is the problem resolved? page 8-107.

3-80 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

In this chapter...
■ Introduction
■ System Start-Up and POST
■ Front Panel Troubleshooting
■ Fault Isolation
■ Inoperable Printer Troubleshooting
■ Paper Size Switch Assembly
■ AC Power Supply Troubleshooting
■ DC Power Supply Troubleshooting
■ Media Jams and the Paper Path
■ Operating System and Application Problems
■ Network Problems

This chapter covers the general start-up, Power On Self Test (POST), and power
supply operations of the printer to aid in troubleshooting problems not associated with
a front panel error message or error code. For troubleshooting problems associated
with an error code or front panel error message, notes on how to use the
troubleshooting procedure tables, and how to use service diagnostics, see Chapter 3
"Error Messages and Codes" on page 3-1. The Printer Status page also contains useful
troubleshooting information. This page provides general printer information, life
information for all consumables, color registration/calibration information.
Troubleshooting procedures will isolate a problem to a specific component or
subassembly, in some cases including the wiring harness. If you go through the
procedures in a troubleshooting table and still are unable to solve the problem, re-read
the Theory of Operations for the problem area and ensure that you understand how
that section of the printer is supposed to function.

Printer Status Page

The Printer Status Page is a two page printout that provides a great deal of useful
troubleshooting information. Go to Troubleshooting/Service Tools/Printer
Status Page and press OK to print these pages.
The first page includes general information about the printer including firmware
versions, page count, feature set, and consumables installation dates and remaining
life. This page also provides color registration, calibration, and print target examples.
The second page provides a rolling log of the last 50 printer faults with date, page
count, description, and fault code. For troubleshooting information related to fault/
error codes, refer to "Error Messages and Codes Summary Table" on page 3-17. For
additional information, refer to the "Printer Status Codes" on page A-2.

Power-Up Modes
Connector J160, on the back edge of the Image Processor board allows selection of
various power-up modes of operation that can be used for troubleshooting purposes.
To access these modes, turn off the power and connect a jumper between the pin or
pins indicated with an X in the following table and either of ground pins (G) 1 or 6.

Power-Up Mode Selection

Mode Selection 1 2 3 4 5 6

4-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Power-Up Mode Selection

Mode Selection 1 2 3 4 5 6

Printer Reset G X G

Customer G G

Service/Diagnostic G X X G

Disaster Recovery G X X G

System Start-Up and POST

System Boot Sequence

1. When the main power switch is turned on, the health LED on the Image
Processor Board turns on.
2. The front panel Graphics Display is reset (addressable area turns grey).
3. The front panel LED cycles: Green, Yellow, Red, (approximately 1/3 second
each) and then off.
4. The backlight is turned on (high intensity) with a nominal contrast display.
5. The Grapics Display is turned on with all ones (black) for 1 second and then
6. The backlight is turned on with nominal intensity.
7. The Power On Self Test Vn.nn message appears and tests are quickly executed. If
any test fails, the front panel screen freezes with the name of the test displayed
and another line is posted: “Call Customer Service”.
8. The Xerox “splash screen” displays on the front panel and PostScript begins

General Troubleshooting 4-3

Power On Self Test (POST)
The following tests are performed when the printer is powered on, after the boot
loader runs, and before the operating system is loaded and initialized.
POST diagnostics are intended to provide a quick means of isolating a defective
subsystem associated with the Image Processor Board, SDRAM, and ROM. POST
returns control to the boot loader and the operating system is loaded. The operating
system then loads the imaging processing software. If POST detected any soft errors,
a message is printed in a red box on the start page. If the start page has been turned
off, POST forces a start page to be printed. If POST detects any hard errors, both the
front panel and health LED blink the error code pattern, see "LED Blink Patterns" on
page 4-6.

POST Startup indications

■ At power-on, the hardware default is to turn on the Image Processor (IP) Board
‘health’ LED.

■ The IP Board ‘health’ LED is turned off.

■ The front panel display is reset (addressable area becomes “gray”).

■ The Green LED turns on for 1/3 second.

■ The Yellow LED turns on for 1/3 second.

■ The Red LED turns on for 1/3 second.

■ The front panel LED is turned off.

■ The backlight is turned on (high intensity), with nominal contrast display.

■ The front panel display area is turned on, dark black for 1 second.

■ The front panel display is cleared.

■ The backlight is turned on with nominal intensity.

■ The POST Vn.nn message appears, and tests are quickly executed in the order
shown in the Post Test Sequence table.

■ If any tests fail, the front panel screen freezes with the name of the test displayed
and the line posted is “Call Customer Service”.

■ After the POST tests have finished running, the Xerox ‘splash screen’ is posted to
the front panel and PostScript begins initialization.

4-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Post Test Sequence

Seq. Code Test Name Type Comments

1 1 SDRAM Hard Run by Bootloader

2 14 Real Time Clock Soft Initial time check for


3 3 I/O ASIC Hard Checks I/O capability

4 4 Memory Soft

5 5 Configuration Chip Hard

6 7 Extended Memory N/A Autorun test only

7 10 EEPROM Hard

8 11 Ethernet Hard

9 12 CPU Interrupts Hard

10 13 USB Hard

11 14 Real Time Clock Soft Tests RTC operation

12 15 RAM DIMM Soft Bootloader test reported in


13 16 Min RAM Limit Hard Checks for sufficient RAM

14 17 Max RAM Limit Soft Checks for excess RAM

15 20 IDE Disk Soft

16 22 Engine Command Hard

17 26 Engine Fuser Warmup Soft Check Engine/Fuser


18 14 Real Time Clock Soft Compares RTC time to

CPU time base register

General Troubleshooting 4-5

POST Faults
There are two kinds of faults: soft and hard.
A soft fault is any fault that is discovered by POST, but does not prevent the operating
system from initializing and becoming available as a tool for troubleshooting. These
POST faults do not stop execution and are reported on the StartPage in a red box after
the system is running.
A hard fault is any fault discovered by POST that prevents the operating system from
initializing successfully. A hard fault prevents the system from further execution and
is halted with blinking LEDs (front panel and health LED). The test name of the test
that failed is displayed on the front panel.

Fault Reporting Devices

There are four fault presentation devices.

■ All soft faults are printed on the StartPage.

For hard faults:

■ The health LED flashes according to the fault code.

■ The front panel LED flashes in unison with the health LED.

■ The last posted message to the graphic front panel is present.

LED Blink Patterns

For faults identified as hard faults, the POST firmware causes the IP health LED to
blink in a particular pattern to identify the fault. There are short and long blinks. A
long blink is worth 5 and a short blink is worth 1. If a fault blink pattern is flashed as
long, long, short, short, this is fault code 5+5+1+1=12, which indicates a failure in the
CPU interupt test. See “POST Diagnostics Test Descriptions” on page 4-7.
The exception to the above pattern is a RAM test error. The RAM tests have a special
blink pattern and the front panel displays “RAM Error”. During power up the front
panel LED is on. If the RAM tests fail, the Image Processor Board health LED is
turned off, and the front panel LED is red. At 1/2-second intervals, the health LED
and the front panel LED toggle continuously.

4-6 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

POST Diagnostic Test Descriptions
Test Code Description

SDRAM (Hard) This test fails if the boot loader finds no RAM
present or faulty RAM. (Run prior to POST.)
Boot loader posts the message “RAM error” to the front
panel and blinks the front panel LED.
I/O ASIC (Hard) This test determines if the I/O chip is functioning
3 properly and also makes a preliminary check of front
panel functionality.

Memory (Soft) Checks installed memory above diagnostics code

4 and data addresses.
Front panel displays “Memory” if a fault occurs.

“i” Button (Hard) This test checks to see if the “i” button
(Configuration (configuration chip) is present. If no chip is present the
Chip) test will fail and the front panel message “Please Install “i”
button” will display.

Extended Memory This test does a write compare test to each 32-bit word in
extended memory.

EEPROM 10 (Hard) This test checks addressing of the EEPROM.

Ethernet 11 (Hard) This test checks the ethernet core.

CPU Interrupts (Hard) This test checks that each interrupt source to the
CPU is functioning.

USB (Hard) This test checks that the USB core is functioning

Real Time Clock 14 (Soft) The real time clock is tested.

RAM DIMM (Soft) This test examines bad or incompatible RAM

Presence DIMMs.

Minimum RAM (Hard) Checks that there is at least 128 Mbytes installed.
Limits Front panel displays “Install More RAM” on failure.

Maximum RAM (Soft) Checks that there is no more than 512 Mbytes
Limits installed.

IDE Disk (Soft) Checks for presence of hard drive, then checks the
20 disk controller core, and runs a DIAGNOSE command on
the hard drive.
Engine Command (Hard) Runs multiple engine commands to verify proper
22 operation. Displays “22:Reseat Controller Board” and
“Call Customer Support” on failure.
Engine Fuser (Soft) Checks for normal fuser operation. Failure will result
Warmup in a red box on the StartPage with “Hardware Failure”.

General Troubleshooting 4-7

Front Panel Troubleshooting

No Front Panel Display after Power is Turned ON

1. Remove and reseat the Image Processor Board, page 8-110.
2. Run the Print Engine Test Print, see page 5-9.
3. Replace the Image Processor Board page 8-110 (if Step 2 passes).
4. See “DC Power Supply Troubleshooting” on page 4-12.
5. Replace the Front Panel wiring harness page 8-6.
6. Replace the Front Panel page 8-7.

Front Panel LED is on, Front Panel Display is Blank

1. Remove and reseat the Image Processor Board page 8-110.
2. Replace the Front Panel wiring harness page 8-6.
3. Replace the Front Panel page 8-7.
4. Replace the Image Processor Board page 8-110.

Front Panel Continually Displays “Warming Up...”

1. Verify the correct Fuser (110 V vs 220 V) is installed in the printer.
2. See the Engine Power-Up Sequence on page 4-9.

Front Panel Continually Displays "Install or Reseat

Imaging Unit"
1. See “Install or Reseat Imaging Unit” on page 3-37.
2. Realign Rack V, see "Toner Cartridge Holder Unit Assembly (PL 10.1)" on
page 8-77

4-8 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Fault Isolation
Isolate a fault to the Printer or to the Image Processor Board by running the Print
Engine Test Print, see page 5-9.
■ If the printer sucessfully prints the Print Engine Test Print, replace the Image
Processor Board.
■ If the Printer fails the Print Engine Test, troubleshoot the Print Engine
starting with the "AC Power Supply Troubleshooting" on page 4-11.

Inoperable Printer Troubleshooting

Engine Power-Up Sequence

1. Engine Control Board logic check
2. Imaging Unit (Missing, NVRAM (CRUM) Error, CRUM ID, Life Over)
3. Fuser (Missing, NVRAM(CRUM) Error, Life Over)
4. Toner Cartridge (Missing, Life Over)
5. Transfer Roller (Missing, Life Over)
6. CTD Sensor (Error)
7. All paper sensor (Jam)
8. OHP sensor (Jam)
9. Door(s) (Open)
10. Environment Sensor (Error)
11. NVRAM (NVRAM error)
12. Image Processor Board POST Diagnostic check

Printer Does Not Come to a "Ready" State

■ ·See “AC Power Supply Troubleshooting” on page 4-11.
■ See "Fault Isolation" on page 4-9

General Troubleshooting 4-9

Paper Size Switch Assembly
Paper size and tray installation is detected by a combination of ON/OFF statuses of
the upper, middle, and lower switches of the Switch Paper Size Assembly. Inability of
the printer to detect the paper size loaded, or to detect the presence of the paper tray
can be the result of a bad switch.

Paper size Switches

Upper Middle Lower






A5 (for reference only, supported in Tray 1 only) OFF ON OFF



Power Supply
Low-voltage Power Supply Overcurrent Protection Circuit
This circuit stops all outputs if the 24 VDC, 5 VDC or 3.3 VDC power supply is
shorted. The circuit is reset when the short is removed, the power is turned off and
then on again.

Low-voltage Power Supply Overvoltage Protection Circuit

This circuit stops all outputs if the 24 VDC, 5 VDC or 3.3 VDC power supply
exceeds the specified voltage. The operating point is 32 VDC or more for 24 VDC,
7 VDC or more for 5 VDC, or 6 VDC or more for 3.3 VDC.

Fan Output Circuit

For the Fan Rear ON (H) signal, the output voltage varies depending on the status of
FAN LOW signal and FAN STOP signal from the Fan Control circuit on the LVPS
(refer to "Power Supplies" on page 10-16).

4-10 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

+24 VDC Output Stopped By Interlock Switch
Opening Door A, B or C opens the front cover interlock switch. This shuts off the +24
VDC supplied by the Motor Driver Board to the motors, clutches and solenoids.

AC Power Supply Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting References

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Low Voltage Power Supply, PL 12.1.10 "Power Supply" on page 10-16

AC Switch Harness Assembly, PL 12.1.11 "Drive Section" on page 10-18


Step Action and Questions Yes No

1 1. Check the voltage at the AC wall outlet. Go to Step 2. Notify the

Is there approximately 110 VAC (or 220 VAC customer of
if the printer is a 220 V model) at the AC wall improper AC
outlet? output from the

2 1. Check the power cord for defects or a loose Replace or Go to Step [3].
connection. reseat the
power cord.

3 1. Disconnect the Power Cord and turn the AC Replace the Replace the AC
switch ON. Low-Voltage Switch Harness
2. Check the AC Switch Harness for continuity. Power Supply, Assembly,
See “Drive Section” on page 10-18. page 8-99. page 8-98.

General Troubleshooting 4-11

DC Power Supply Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Reference

Applicable Parts Wiring and Plug/Jack Map References

Low Voltage Power Supply, PL 12.1.10 "Power Supply" on page 10-16


Step Action and Questions Yes No

1 Perform the AC power supply troubleshooting procedure first, if this does not fix the
problem go to Step 2.

2 Turn the AC power Switch OFF. Replace the Low- Go to Step 3.

Is the fuse (F001) on the low-voltage Voltage Power
power supply board open? Supply Board,
page 8-99.

3 Disconnect the connectors J163, J164 Go to Step 4. Replace the Low-

and J165 from the LVPS, turn the AC Voltage Power
power switch on and verify the DC Supply Board,
voltages between the following pins on page 8-99.
the Low Voltage Power Supply board.
P163-1 <=> P163-2 = +24 VDC?
P164-1 <=> P164-2 = +3.3 VDC?
P165-1 <=> P165-2 = +5 VDC?
P165-3 <=> P165-4 = +3.3 VDC?

Be careful not to touch any other
pins during these measurements or
you may blow the fuse (F001) on the

4 Turn the AC power switch OFF. Go to Step 7. Go to Step 5.

Connect J164 to the LVPS then turn the
AC power switch ON.
P/J164-1 <=>P/J164-2 = +3.3 VDC?

5 Check the following parts for fault or Replace if Go to Step 7.

damage: damaged or
■ LVRPG Harness Assembly for defective.
damage or if it is shorted to the
■ Engine Control Board.

6 Does the problem recur? Go to Step 7 Complete

4-12 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Procedure (Continued)

Step Action and Questions Yes No

7 Turn the AC power switch OFF. Go to Step 10. Go to Step 8.

Connect J165 to the LVPS then turn the
AC power switch ON.
P/J165-1 <=> P/J165-2 = +5 VDC?
P/J165-3 <=> P/J165-4 = +3.3 VDC?

8 Check the following parts for fault or Replace if Go to Step 10.

damage: damaged or
■ LVNC Harness Assembly defective.
■ Motor Driver Board

9 Does the error recur? Go to Step 10. Complete

10 Turn the AC power Switch OFF Complete Go to Step 11.

Connect J163 to the LVPS then turn the
AC power switch ON.
P/J163-1 <->P/J163-2 = +24 VDC?

11 Check the following for fault or damage: Replace if Complete

■ 24V Harness Assembly damaged or
■ Motor Driver Board defective.

General Troubleshooting 4-13

Media Jams and the Paper Path
Media-Based Problems
1. Check that the correct type of media is being used; for the correct media types
and weights, see "Printer Specifications" on page 1-11. The customer should be
using a quality laser printer paper. The printer may have trouble picking slick-
finish paper.
2. Only Phaser 25-Series Premium Transparency Film can be used in this printer.
3. Inspect the paper for bent, torn, or folded corners.
4. Check the paper path for obstructions or debris.
5. Ensure that the correct media type is set in the front panel.
6. Ensure that the paper guides are set correctly.
7. Ensure that the media is a supported type for the tray. See “Media and Tray
Specifications” on page 1-14, for the correct media types, sizes and weights for
each tray.
8. Load a fresh ream of paper in the tray.

Multiple-Sheet Pick
1. Ensure that the paper is in good condition and appropriate for a laser printer;
quality office laser printer paper works best.
2. Ensure that the printer is printing within its environmental specifications by using
the Printer Status Page.
3. Remove the tray and remove, fan, and reload the media. Ensure that the guides
are securely against the paper and the tray has not been over filled.
4. Try loading paper from a fresh ream, fan the paper, and then insert into the tray or
flip existing paper over.
5. Check the tray’s retard roller for damage.
6. Clean the pick rollers with a clean, dry, lint-free wipe.
7. Replace the paper pick rollers.
8. Replace the paper tray.

1. Check that the correct type of media for the tray is being used and the paper
guides are set correctly.
2. Remove, fan, and reload the media. Ensure that the tray has not been over filled.
3. Try loading paper from a fresh ream, fan the paper, and then insert into the tray or
flip existing paper over.
4. Clean the pick rollers with a clean, dry, lint-free wipe.
5. Troubleshoot the paper pick roller assembly.

4-14 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Skewed Image
1. The image area is not parallel with the sides of the page but the printer neither
jams nor displays an error code.
2. Remove the tray and ensure the paper guides are set correctly.
3. Check that the correct type of media for the tray is being used.
4. Ensure that the tray has not been over filled. (Skewed images are a common
defect when Tray 1 (MPT) is overfilled.)
5. Verify the paper pick rollers are installed correctly.
6. Clean the pick rollers with a clean, dry, lint-free wipe.
7. Troubleshoot the paper pick roller assembly.

Damaged Prints
The printed page exits the printer either wrinkled, creased, or torn. The printer neither
jams nor displays an error code.
1. Stop the page at various points in the paper path to determine where the media
becomes damaged. See “Paper Path Route” on page 2-15 for more information.
2. Try using the next heaviest type of paper. For more information print the Paper
Tips Page from the printer’s Printable Pages Menu.
3. Feed paper through the printer from each of the available trays. Is the paper
damaged when fed out of one tray but not when fed out of the others? If so,
inspect the tray for damage, ensure that the media guides are set correctly and
verify that the proper media is being used.
4. If media shows damage from all trays, check for problem in registration roller
5. Inspect the paper tray and path for debris or broken components.

Fuser Jams
1. Ensure the paper is in good condition and is the correct type for the printer. See
“Media and Tray Specifications” on page 1-14 for the correct media types, sizes
and weights for each tray. Try loading new media from a fresh ream.
2. For OHPs, ensure that only Phaser 25-Series Premium Transparency Film is
being used.
3. Check that the Fuser is properly seated, locked and the gearing operates
4. Check that the printer is operating within its environmental specifications by
using the Printer Status Page.
5. Ensure that the loaded media matches the front panel settings.
6. Are the margins on the page greater than 5 mm?
7. Check the Fuser area for debris.
8. Visually inspect the Fuser baffle for burrs.

General Troubleshooting 4-15

9. Test the fuser motor using service diagnostics.
10. See “Jam at Fuser Jam F” on page 3-19 for troubleshooting Fuser Jams.

Exit jams
1. Ensure the paper is in good condition and is the correct type for the printer. See
“Media and Tray Specifications” on page 1-14 for the correct media types, sizes
and weights for each tray.
2. Ensure the printer is within its operating environmental specifications.
3. If media is showing excessive curl when exiting, try loading new media from a
fresh ream or a different type of media.
4. Ensure that the loaded media matches the front panel settings.
5. Is the jam caused by a heavy, stiff paper being used for two-sided printing? In
such cases, a lighter grade of paper should be used, see the printer’s Paper Tips
6. Clean all exit locations in the Fuser and the Assembly, Chute Exit with a clean,
dry, lint-free wipe, if debris is visible.
7. Does the Exit Roller turn? Test the Duplex Motor using service diagnostics. For
information on service diagnostics, see "Service Diagnostics" on page 3-9.
8. See “Jam at Duplex Jam D” on page 3-21 for troubleshooting duplex jams if the
Duplex Motor test fails.

4-16 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Operating System and Application Problems
Print an internal test print from the printer’s front panel to ensure the problem is not
printer related. See “Print Engine Test Print” on page 5-9. Troubleshooting tips and
additional information are also available on the Xerox web site at:
office/support. Information on software and other problems is available on the
InfoSMART web site at:

Macintosh printing problems

Image never prints

The following steps are for diagnosing a networked printer running Mac
OSX 10.2.6 or later, and assume that CentreWare® access is enabled. If you
are using Mac OSX 10, but an earlier version than 10.2.6, upgrade first.

1. Cycle power to the printer Off and On and try printing again.
2. Determine the printer IP from the front panel or startup page. Return the front
panel to the initial menu, and check to make sure it indicates “Ready to Print”. If
it does not indicate “Ready to Print”, correct that first.
3. Make sure you can connect to the printer via network from the host: Open a safari
or internet explorer window to the printer IP address. Once you have established
basic network connectivity, proceed to Step 4.
a. If you can not see the CentreWare IS page from the printer CWIS web
server, the printer may be off, on a different network, or the host is not
networked correctly. Try Steps b through f to correct the problem. If you
make any changes to the network, try printing the job again.
b. Open System Preferences, select Network, and select the TCP/IP tab. Make
sure you have a valid IP address. The IP address for the host must be on the
same subnet as the printer (the test in Step e can determine if subnet is set
correctly). Correct the settings and retry if needed.
c. If you are on a network with a proxy server, ensure the local connections are
excluded from the proxy. Check System Preferences, Proxies tab – in the
Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts and Domains, to ensure the local
network devices are excluded from proxy redirection.

For example: If you open Safari to the printer IP, and get an error message
similar to “Error – the request item could not be loaded by the proxy.”, you
are probably accessing the proxy server for a local address. This is incorrect.
d. Open the Terminal tool, and select New Window. Once you have a prompt,
try network connectivity using the Ping command.

For example: ping will check for echo replies from the printer
with that IP address.

General Troubleshooting 4-17

e. In the Terminal tool, try using Traceroute to determine if you are on the same
subnet as your printer.

For example: traceroute should produce exactly one hop before
completing the trace. Correct as needed, and retry your print job.
f. If you still cannot connect to the printer via network, try another computer.
4. In MAC OSX, open Print Center. Check to make sure the printer status does not
indicate “Stopped”. If it does, check your network and insure the host system is
on the same subnet as the printer. Correct if needed. Delete all jobs in the queue
for the printer by double-clicking the printer name, selecting each job, and
clicking Delete. Restart the print queue by clicking Start Jobs. Try your print job
5. In the Print Center, select your printer. In the Printers menu, select Show Info.
From the pull down menu in Printer Info, make sure the model number shown for
the printer is correct. If the model number is wrong, click the model pull down,
and re-install. Check the Installable Options and make sure they match the
printer’ configuration. If any changes are made, retry your print job.
6. If there is still no output, try printing from a simple application. Open TextEdit,
select New File, and create a small test document. Select Print from the File
7. If an error message displays or there is no output, try turning on the PostScript
error status from CentreWare IS or the printer front panel. PostScript will now
output an error page if an error occured during the print job, assuming the printer
received it.
8. Try printing again using the TextEdit tool. Once you have opened a document or
created a new document, select Print from the File menu . Click on the Printer
pull down and select Edit Printer List. Click the add button, or pick Add Printer
from the Printers menu (The add button is configurable, so it may not be there).
Select IP Printing from the pulldown menu. Put the IP address your printer in the
Printer’s Address text area. Click on the Printer Model pulldown, and select
XEROX. A scrolling list should appear. Pick the correct Xerox Phaser 6250
model. You can check the exact model from the startup page upper right corner.
The new added printer will be shown in bold on the printer list, indicating it is the
default printer. When you are done adding thenew printer, close the printer list
dialog. Now select your printer from the Printer pulldown and click Print in the
dialog box.
9. If you can print from the TextEdit tool, but cannot print from your application,
the problem is likely in your application. Check for upgrade availability or
contact the application vendor for further diagnosis.

4-18 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Windows printing problems

Image never prints

1. Try printing a test page from the printer driver’s properties dialog box.
2. Try printing from another application.
3. Try printing to another network/PostScript printer.
4. Try printing from another computer.
5. If the error returns, turn ON the PostScript error handler through the front panel
PostScript Error Info in the Support menu, or CentreWare IS and print the
document again. Take note of the information on the error page that just printed.

Network Problems
The Phaser 6250 printer maintains six logs in memory detailing network functions.
The logs contain TCP/IP, NetWare, and AppleTalk initialization and runtime events.
The logs can also be accessed remotely via CentreWare IS.
The logs list events chronologically. The log is limited in length; when the log is full
the printer stops recording data to the log. The logs are stored on the Hard Drive so
only new data is stored each time the printer’s power is cycled.
There is a Connection Setup Page, Configuration Page, and a network reset available
for troubleshooting Network problems.

To print an Start Log, Runtime Log or Configuration Page:

1. Enter normal ‘Customer Mode’.
From the main menu, highlight Printer Setup menu for the Configuration Page
or Troubleshooting menu for the logs and press OK.
1. Highlight Configuration Page on the Printer Setup menu and press OK, the
Configuration Page will print. Or scroll to highlight Network Log Pages on
the Troubleshooting menu and press OK.
2. Highlight the appropriate menu item from the list and select OK.
3. The selected log page will print.

General Troubleshooting 4-19

4-20 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual
In this chapter...
■ Print-Quality Problems Overview
■ Front Panel Test Prints
■ Service Test Prints
■ Print Engine Test Print
■ Print-Quality Troubleshooting

Print-Quality Problems Overview
Print-quality defects can be attributed to printer components, consumables, media,
internal software, external software applications, and environmental conditions. To
successfully troubleshoot print-quality problems, as many variables as possible must
be eliminated. The first Step is to generate prints using printable pages embedded in
the printer on laser paper from the supported media list. The paper should be from an
unopened ream that has been acclimated to room temperature and humidity.
See the supported media list in "Xerox Supplies and Accessories" on page 9-51 for
media that has been tested and approved for use in the Phaser 6250 printer. If the
print-quality defect is still present when printing on approved media from an
unopened ream, then software applications and environmental conditions need to be
Print the Printer Status Page or Service Usage Profile to determine the temperature
and humidity under which the printer is operating. Compare this to the environmental
specifications for the printer found in "Environmental Specifications" on page 1-13 of
this manual. Temperature and humidity extremes can adversely effect the
Xerographic and fusing characteristics of the printer.
The Phaser 6250 printer uses an Imaging Unit that contains all the imaging drums and
developers for all four colors in one Routine Maintenance Item. Print-quality defects
can be isolated to one particular component in the print engine, See the Repeating
Defects chart under "Defects Associated with Specific Printer Components" on
page 5-3 or print the Repeating Defects Page from the front panel. When a single
component of the Imaging Unit is causing a print-quality defect, the entire Imaging
Unit must be replaced.
When analyzing a print-quality defect, first determine if the defect occurs in all colors
or only one color and if it is repeating or random. Defects occurring in only one color
are usually attributable to the Imaging Unit. Continuous defects in the process
direction, such as voids and lines, are the most difficult to diagnose. The visible
surfaces of all rollers should be inspected for obvious defects. If no defects are
observed, the Imaging Unit, Transfer Roller and Fuser should be changed one at a
time until the defect has been eliminated.

5-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Defects Associated with Specific Printer Components
Some print-quality problems can be associated with specific assemblies, the most
common problems and the associated assemblies are listed below. Also, refer to the
specific print-quality troubleshooting procedure for more information.

Imaging Unit
■ Streaks
■ Fine Lines
■ Banding in Process Direction
■ Uneven Density
■ Voids
■ Repeating Defects

Transfer Roller
■ Toner on the back side of the printed page (simplex mode)
■ Light Prints
■ Repeating Defects

■ Hot or Cold Offsetting
■ Repeating Defects

Repeating Defects

Maintenance Item Component Distance between Defects

Imaging Unit Developer Roller [YMCK] 28 mm (1.10 in.)

Drum [YMCK] 62 mm (2.44 in.)

Drum Charge Rollers 25 mm (1 in.)

IDT 1 (Y and M, C and K) 132 mm (5.20 in.)

IDT 2 all colors together 132 mm (5.20 in.)

Transfer Roller Transfer Roller 64 mm (2.52 in.)

Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly 82 mm (3.23 in.)

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-3

Front Panel Test Prints
A variety of test prints are available to aid in determining the quality of output from
the printer and to assist in troubleshooting problems. This section shows how to select
and analyze all test prints available.
From the printers front panel display, select Troubleshooting menu, select
Service Tools Menu and then select Service Test Pages.

Test Print 1: CMYK Sample Page

This page consists of four 25% tint primary
color bands.

Analyzing the Test Print

■ Repeating defects

■ Missing Color(s)

■ Streaks

■ Voids

■ Banding Xerox Phaser 6200DP

Service Prints[Page 1/3]
Media Type: Paper, Letter


5-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Test Print 2: RGB Test Print
This page consists of 80% solid fill in
RGBK Bands.

Analyzing the Test Print

■ Wrinkling

■ Creases

■ Roller marks

■ Scratches

■ Cold Offset Xerox Phaser 6200DP

Service Prints[Page 2/3]
Media Type: Paper, Letter


Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-5

Service Test Prints

Test Print 3: Test Pattern Sample

6 6

4 1

6 2 6

Analyzing the Test Print

1. Color Registration (Horizontal): The colored lines should match up as shown
below. Perform the color registration procedure. See "Horizontal and Vertical
Color Registration" on page 6-3.

Good Good Bad


5-6 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

2. Color Registration (Vertical): The colored lines should match up as shown below.
Vertical printing issues are corrected automatically when the Color Registration
page is printed.




3. Uniform RGB: The secondary color squares should be uniformly colored with no
4. Density: The color bars should have even density from top to bottom.
5. Margins: Should be 8 mm from the edge of the paper to the line.
6. Image Size: the image height should be 261 mm between the top and bottom
lines. The image width should be 192 mm between the left and right lines.

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-7

600 x 600 Service Test Print
This test print is used to verify margins and color registration. The colors should be
aligned vertically and horizontally.

Black (K)
Yellow (Y)
Cyan (C)
Magenta (M)
128 dot
About 2 mm

128 dot

About 2 mm


5-8 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Print Engine Test Print
Print-quality and engine logic or hardware problems can be easily isolated to either
the Image Processor Board or the Print Engine by running the Print Engine Only Test
1. Turn printer power OFF.
2. Remove the Image Processor Board.
3. Turn printer power ON.
4. Look inside the Image Processor Board cavity, on the rear of the Engine Control
Board locate jumper pins 1 and 2 on connector P31. See figure below or "Map 3"
on page 10-8 for P31 location.
5. With a long screwdriver, touch the pins to short and start the test process, the pins
must remain shorted to execute the test.
6. The printer will begin to print the 600 x 600 engine test print unless an error
status from the Engine Control Board is present. Printing will continue until the
jumper is removed from pin 1 to 2. The prints that are in process will be

Power to the front panel is disabled during this test. The front panel graphics and
all LED’s are off.

P 31


Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-9

Print-Quality Troubleshooting

Light Prints

Initial Actions:
■ Verify the printer is not in Draft mode.

■ Verify the media used is supported by this

printer. "Media and Tray Specifications" on
page 1-14. lists correct media types, sizes,
and weights for each tray.

■ Verify the media settings are correct at the

front panel.

■ Run the color calibration routine prior to

using this troubleshooting procedure.

Troubleshooting Procedure S6200-283

Step Check Yes No

1 Check the Imaging Unit, Fuser Replace or reinstall Go to Step 2.

Assembly and Transfer Roller for the affected
correct installation, damage or component.
contamination, and life remaining.

2 Does the image quality improve if the Complete. Go to Step 3.

Imaging Unit is replaced?

3 Does the image quality improve if the Complete Go to Step 4.

Transfer Roller is replaced?

4 Check the Front 1A Harness for Go to Step 5. Replace the defective

continuity. harness.
P/J5030 <=> Transfer roller.
P/J5020 <=> Transfer roller

5 Does the image quality improve if the Complete Go to Step 6.

Laser Unit is replaced?

6 Does the image quality improve if the Complete Go to Step 7.

SUB-HVPS is replaced?

7 Check the FRONT 1A Harness for Go to Step 8. Replace the Front 1A ,

continuity. Harness Assembly
PL 13.1.7.

8 Does the image quality improve if the Complete Replace the Engine
Fuser is replaced, PL 8.1.1 Control Board,
page 8-107.

5-10 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Light Print in Only One Color
Only one color; yellow, magenta, cyan, or black, is too light on the printed image. The
test print is 25% coverage.

Initial Actions
■ Verify that color calibration has been
performed prior to using this
troubleshooting procedure.


Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Is the affected color(s) toner supply Replace Toner Go to stop 2.

empty? (Check the top of the auger Cartridge, PL 10.1
tube for the affected color.)

2 Check the Imaging Unit for correct Replace the Go to Step 3.

installation, damage or Imaging Unit . PL
contamination. 9.1.3.
Verify the shipping seals are
completely removed.

3 Inspect the Developer Bias Plunger Go to Step 4. Replace the Housing

Stud of the affected color for proper Assembly Bias
spring pressure, compare to the page 8-69.
other colors.
Check for contamination.

4 Check for foreign objects or Remove object and/ Go to Step 5.

contamination present in the laser or contamination.
beam path between the Laser Unit
and the Imaging Unit.

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-11

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

5 Check the following pins between Go to Step 6. Replace the Housing

the Engine Control Board and the Assembly Bias
Housing Assembly Bias for page 8-69.
continuity, depending on the color
J 601<=>DEVE Y contact
J 602<=>DEVE M contact
J 603<=>DEVE C contact
J 604<=>DEVE K contact

6 Replace the Laser Unit, Complete Replace the Engine

page 8-68. Control Board,
Does the image quality improve if the page 8-107.
Laser Unit is replaced?

5-12 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Blank Prints
The entire image area is blank

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Ensure that the Laser Unit is Seat the Laser Unit Go to Step 2.
properly seated in the chassis. correctly or remove
Check for any obstructions in the the obstruction.
laser beam path between the Laser
Unit and the Imaging Unit.

2 Replace the Imaging Unit PL 9.1.3. Complete Go to Step 3.

Does the image quality improve if the
Imaging Unit is replaced?

3 Replace the Transfer Roller PL Complete Go to Step 4.

8.1.12. Does the imaging quality
improve if the Transfer Roller is

4 Replace the Laser Unit, page 8-68. Complete Go to Step [5].

Does the image quality improve if the
Laser Unit is replaced?

5 Run the 600 x 600 test print see Replace the Image Replace the Engine
"Print Engine Test Print" on Processor Board Control Board,
page 5-9. page 8-110. page 8-107.
Does the output match the example
on page 5-8?

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-13

Black Prints with White Margin Border

The entire image area, except the margins, are



Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Run the 600 x 600 test print see Replace the Image Go to Step 2.
"Print Engine Test Print" on Processor Board,
page 5-9. page 8-110.
Does the output match the example
on page 5-8?

2 Block the laser path with a sheet of Replace the Engine Go to Step 3.
paper. Does the image change? Control Board,
page 8-107.

3 Replace the Imaging Unit, PL 9.1.3. Complete Go to Step 4.

Does the image quality improve if the
Imaging Unit is replaced?

4 Replace the Laser Unit, page 8-68. Complete Replace the Engine
Does the image quality improve if the Control Board,
Laser Unit is replaced? page 8-107.

5-14 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Solid Dark or Dirty Prints, No Border

The prints appear very dirty and brown over

the entire page.
This print-quality symptom is a composite
image of all colors with no margin. This is
caused by a charge voltage failure. For
information on the Imaging Unit charge
contacts, see "Theory of Operation" on
page 2-1.


Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Is the problem resolved after Complete Go to Step [2].

replacing the Imaging Unit?

2 Inspect the Imaging Unit charge Complete Go to Step [3].

voltage contacts (PL9.1.5) and the
Bias Housing Assembly (PL 9.1.4) in
the printer for any damage or
defects. See "Imaging Unit Charge
Voltage Contacts" on page 2-36.

3 Is the problem resolved after Complete Replace the Engine

replacing the Sub-High Voltage Control Board,
Supply Board, page 8-87? page 8-107.

After replacing any component in Step 2 or 3, run the Clean the Imaging Unit
from the Maintenance section of Service Diagnostics. See "Service Diagnostic
Tests" on page 3-9.

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-15

Missing Band, Voids Or Streaks In a Single Color or All
Colors Parallel to the Leading Edge
There are areas of the image that are extremely light
or missing entirely. These missing areas form bands
parallel to the leading edge.


Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Is the 600 x 600 test pattern, printed Replace the Image Go to Step 2.
as specified in "Print Engine Test Processor Board,
Print" on page 5-9, correct? page 8-110.

2 Is the paper wrinkled, dimpled or Complete Go to Step 3.

show any signs of having a high
moisture content? Is the problem
resolved by loading fresh dry paper?

3 Print a Repeating Defects Page. Replace the Go to Step 4.

Do the defects correspond to a indicated Routine
Routine Maintenance Item? Maintenance Items.
See "Repeating Defects" on
page 5-3

4 Replace the Imaging Unit PL 9.1. Complete Go to Step 5.

Does the image quality improve if the
Imaging Unit is replaced?

5 Replace the Transfer Roller, Complete Go to Step 6.

PL 8.112. Does the image quality
improve if the Transfer Roller is

6 Replace the Fuser Assembly, Complete Go to Step 7.

PL 8.1.1. Does the image quality
improve if the Fuser is replaced?

7 Check the following pins for Go to Step 8. Replace the defective

continuity; J5030 and J5020 <=> wire.
Transfer Roller.

5-16 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

8 Replace the Sub-HVPS, page 8-87. Complete Go to Step 9.

Does the image quality improve if the
Sub-HVPS is replaced?

9 Replace the Laser Unit, page 8-68. Complete Replace the Engine
Does the image quality improve if the Control Board,
Laser Unit is replaced? page 8-107.

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-17

Missing Band, Voids or Streaks in a Single Color or All
Colors in Direction of Paper Travel

There are areas of the image that are extremely light

or missing entirely. These missing areas form bands
that run along the paper from the leading edge to
the trailing edge, in the direction of paper travel.

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Print the 600 x 600 test print and Go to Step [2]. Replace the Image
evaluate the print. Processor Board,
Are there defects in the print? page 8-110.

2 Check for an obstruction in the laser Remove the Go to Step 3.

beam path between the Laser Unit obstruction or
and the Imaging Unit. debris.
Lay Imaging Unit on it’s back with the
IDT Rollers facing up and rotate the
developer gears to remove any loose

3 Replace the Imaging Unit, PL 9.1.3. Complete Go to Step 4.

Does the image quality improve if the
Imaging Unit is replaced?

4 Replace the Transfer Roller Complete Go to Step 5.

PL 8.1.12. Does the imaging quality
improve if the Transfer Roller is

5 Replace the Fuser Assembly, PL Complete Go to Step 6.

8.1.1. Does the image quality
improve if the Fuser is repalced?

6 Replace the Laser Unit, page 8-68. Complete Replace the Engine
Does the image quality improve if the Control Board,
Laser Unit is replaced? page 8-107.

5-18 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Repeating and/or Random Spots
Spots of toner are randomly scattered across the
page or at a fixed repeating interval.

Depending on the type of paper and
environmental conditions, some light
amount of random background spotting
(backgrounding) is normal. The whiter and
glossier the paper, the more noticeable it
will be.


Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Print the Repeating Defects Page Replace the Go to Step 2.

from the Troubleshooting<-> Print indicated Routine
Quality Problems Menu. Maintenance Item.
Do the defects correspond to a
Routine Maintenance Item?
See "Repeating Defects" on
page 5-3.

2 Replace the Imaging Unit, PL 9.1.3. Complete Go to Step 3.

Does the image quality improve if the
Imaging Unit is replaced?

3 Replace the Transfer Roller, Complete Go to Step 4.

PL 8.1.12. Does the image quality
improve if the Transfer Roller is

4 Replace the Fuser Assembly, Complete Go to Step 5.

PL 8.1.1. Does the image quality
improve if the Fuser is replaced?

5 Replace the SUB-HVPS, page 8-87. Complete Go to Step 6.

Does the image quality improve if the
SUB HVPS is replaced?

6 Replace the Laser Unit, page 8-68. Complete Replace the Engine
Does the image quality improve if the Control Board,
Laser Unit is replaced? page 8-107.

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-19

Background Contamination

There is toner contamination on all or most

of the page. The contamination appears as a
very light gray dusting. The printer displays
no error code. Before using this procedure,
Ensure the TekColor correction is not set to
“None” in the printer’s dialog box. Ensure
the customer is making less than 2,000
prints per day. Making more than 2,000
prints a day exceeds the duty cycle
specifications for the printer.


Depending on the type of paper and environmental conditions, some light
amount of random background spotting (backgrounding) is normal. The
whiter and glossier the paper, the more noticeable it will be.

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Check the Imaging Unit, Fuser Replace or reinstall Go to Step 2.

Assembly and the Transfer Roller for the affected
correct installation, damage or component.

2 Inspect the surface of the Transfer Replace the Go to Step 4.

Roller for wast toner. The roller Transfer Roller,
should appear black and shiny. Is the page 8-4
roller contaminated with waste

3 Does the image quality improve if the Complete Go to Step 4.

Transfer Roller is replaced?

4 Replace the Imaging Unit, PL 9.1.3. Complete Go to Step 5.

Does the image quality improve if the
Imaging Unit is replaced?

5 Replace the Fuser Assembly, Complete Go to Step 6.

PL 8.1.1. Does image quality
improve if the Fuser is replaced?

6 Check the following pins to the Go to Step 7. Replace the defective

transfer roller contacts for continuity: harness.
J5030 <=> Transfer Roller
J5020 <=> Transfer Roller

5-20 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

7 Replace the Laser Unit, page 8-68. Complete Go to Step 8.

Does the image quality improve if the
Laser Unit is replaced?

8 Repalce the Sub-HVPS, page 8-87. Complete Go to Step 9.

Does the image quality improve if the
Sub-HVPS is replaced?

9 Check J 5011 <=> J13 for continuity. Replace the Engine Replace the Front 1A ,
Control Board, Harness Assembly
page 8-107 PL 13.1.7.

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-21

Residual Image, Ghosting or Hot Offset

There are faint, ghostly images appearing

on the page. The images may be either from
a previous page or from the page currently
printed. The printer displays no error code.
Hot Offset: A light image of the print is
repeated and offset 82 mm. See "Repeating
Defects" on page 5-3.

This type of artifact can be related to
the percent coverage called out in the
file being printed. Verify that Color
Correction is not set to “None” mode. S6200-284

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Was the customer printing numerous Avoid long runs of Go to Step 2.

copies of the same image? the same image.

2 Set the paper to the next heaviest Complete Go to Step 3.

type. Does this resolve the problem?

3 Does the ghosting appear in only Replace the Go to Step 4.

one or 2 colors? Imaging Unit,
PL 9.1.3.

4 Does the image quality improve after Complete Go to Step 5.

the Fuser has been replaced?

5 Does the imaging quality improve if Complete Go to Step 6.

the Transfer Roller is replaced?

6 Does the image quality improve if the Complete Go to Step 7.

LVPS is replaced? (The fuser control
circuit is located on the LVPS)

7 Print a Printer Status Page, do the Replace the Engine Replace the
temperature and humidity values Control Board, Temperature/Humidity
reported seem to agree with the page 8-107. Sensor, page 8-24.
actual conditions?

5-22 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Incomplete Fusing or Cold Offset
■ Incomplete Fusing: The toner is not completely fused to the paper and easily
rubs off.

■ Cold Offset: Portions of the image are not fully fused and flake or rub off.

Xerox Phaser 6200DP

Service Prints[Page 2/3]
Media Type: Paper, Letter

S6200-224 S6200-286

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1 Is the problem resolved by running Complete Go to Step 2.

“Remove Print Smears” from the
Troubleshooting <=> Print Quality
Problems Menu on the printer’s front
Is the problem resolved by changing
the paper type setting on the printer?
Hot offset: One type lighter.
Cold offset / Incomplete fusing: One
type heavier.

2 Replace the Fuser Assembly. Replace the LVPS, Complete.

Does the problem recur after the page 8-99.
Fuser is replaced?

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-23

Mis-Registration, Color Layer not Correctly Registered
in the Process Direction
The four colors of the image are not
registered correctly into one image.

Initial Actions:
■ If the mis-registration is in the
horizontal direction, perform the color
registration adjustment. See
"Horizontal and Vertical Color
Registration" on page 6-3.

■ If the mis-registration is in the vertical

direction, clean the CTD (ADC)
Sensor, then print the Color
Registration Page. This forces the
printer to perform a vertical registration
adjustment. Check to see if the problem still appears before using this procedure.

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1. Reseat the Imaging Unit. Ensure Complete Go to Step 2.

Door C is fully closed and latched.
Ensure Transfer Roller is fully seated
and clipped in place.
Is the problem resolved?

2. Clean the CTD Sensor and cycle Complete Go to Step 3.

power to the printer.
Is the problem resolved?

3. Replace the CTD Sensor. Complete Go to Step 4.

Is the problem resolved?
4. Print the 600 x 600 Service Test Replace the Image Go to Step 5.
Print. Processor Board,
page 8-110.
Are all the colors aligned both
vertically and horizontally?

5. If only one color is affected, replace Complete Go to Step 6.

the Imaging Unit.
Does this solve the problem?

6. If Laser Unit is not properly seated, Complete Replace the Engine

reseat. If it is properly seated, Control Board,
replace the Laser Unit, page 8-68. page 8-107.
Does this solve the problem?

5-24 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Dirty Vertical Streaks on the Edges of the Page
Simplex Print: Streaks are on the back side
of the page.
Duplex Print: Streaks are on both sides of
the page.

The most likely cause of this artifact is
high clay content paper. This
component in the paper gums up the
Transfer Roller cleaning blade. It can
also be caused by a full Transfer Roller
waste bin and other problems.

Troubleshooting Procedure

Step Check Yes No

1. Is the problem resolved by using Complete Replace the Transfer

different media? Roller, page 8-4.
2. Check for reversed wiring to the Replace the Correct wiring error.
toner motors. Imaging Unit.
Is the wiring correct?

Print-Quality Troubleshooting 5-25

5-26 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual
Adjustments and
In this chapter...
■ Calibrations
■ Adjustments
■ Resetting NVRAM
■ Service Diagnostics PostScript NVRAM Resets


Color Calibration
Color calibration procedures adjust the printer for optimal color output. Color settings
may need adjustment:
■ On initial printer setup.
■ When Toner Cartridges and Imaging Units are replaced.
■ When the printer environment changes.
■ If the printer has been stored for some time.
■ If the printer has not received significant use.
There are two procedures; Lighten/Darken Colors and Balance Colors.
If the overall image appears either too light or dark, use the Lighten/Darken colors
procedure. If a finer adjustment of the primary colors, cyan, magenta and yellow, is
needed, continue with the balance colors procedure.
Print the Calibrate Colors Tutorial Page from the printer’s front panel
Troubleshooting <=> Print Quality Problems Menu and follow the
instructions detailed on the page.

Margin Calibration
The Calibrate Margins Menu allows you to adjust the printer’s imaging area relative
to the edges of the paper. The imaging area is shown as a dashed rectangle on the front
side of the print, the printer will not print outside this rectangle. The dashed rectangle
should line up with the solid rectangle printed on the back side of the page. Hold up to
strong light for verification.
Print the Calibrate Margins Page from the printer’s front panel
Troubleshooting <=> Print Quality Problems Menu and follow the
instructions detailed on the page.

6-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual


Horizontal and Vertical Color Registration

Horizontal Color Registration

This procedure must be performed whenever the
Laser Unit has been removed or replaced.
The Color Registration Menu allows you to
adjust the printer's cyan, magenta and yellow


against black to ensure that the colors are
properly aligned.
You can adjust the settings from -7 to +7 units.
(left to right). See the images on the left.
0 is always the printer's current color registration
Print the Color Registration Page from the
printer’s front panel Troubleshooting <=>
Print Quality Problems Menu.


Vertical Color Registration
This adjustment is performed automatically
when the Color Regisrtation Page is printed.



Adjustments and Calibrations 6-3

Resetting NVRAM
Resetting NVRAM returns all the Image Processor Board NVRAM-stored
parameters to their factory default values. The print counts and the Adobe firmware
serial number are not affected by this reset. You can reset the PostScript NVRAM
using the Customer Menu or the Service Diagnostics Menu.

PostScript NVRAM Resets

Restore Factory Settings (Registration)

1. You can reset settings for color registration to the factory-default values.
2. From the Main Menu, highlight Troubleshooting and press OK.
3. Highlight Print Quality Problems and press OK.
4. Highlight Color Registration and press OK to display Color Registration Menu.
5. Highlight Restore Factory Settings and press OK to reset the color settings to
factory defaults.

Restore Factory Settings (Color)

1. You can reset settings for density and color balance to the factory-default values.
2. From the Main Menu, highlight Troubleshooting and press OK.
3. Highlight Print Quality Problems and press OK.
4. Highlight Calibrate Colors and press OK.
5. Highlight Restore Factory Settings and press OK to reset the color settings to
factory defaults
6. .Highlight Restore Factory Settings NOW and press OK to reset the color settings
to factory defaults.

Restore Previous Settings (Color)

You can return the color settings to the ones that existed before you saved the last
color balance adjustments.
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Troubleshooting and press OK.
2. Highlight Print Quality Problems and press OK.
3. Highlight Calibrate Colors and press OK.
4. Highlight Restore Previous Settings and press OK to restore the previous color
5. Highlight Restore Previous Settings NOW and press the OK to reset the color
settings to the previously set values.

6-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Restore Factory Settings (Margins)
You can reset margin settings to the factory-default values.

Use caution when resetting your margins to the factory-default settings.
Changing these settings back to factory defaults may not be the last-saved
settings if you have previously calibrated your margins.

1. From the Main Menu, highlight Troubleshooting and press OK.

2. Highlight Print Quality Problems and press OK.
3. Highlight Calibrate Margins Menu and press OK.
4. Highlight Restore Factory Settings and press OK to reset the margin settings.

Resetting Connection Setup Defaults

Resetting the Connection Setup values sets TCP/IP address, TCP/IP address menu
settings (gateway, broadcast, etc.), CentreWare IS, EtherTalk, Netware, set IPX frame
type, IPP, Ethernet speed, Wait Timeout, Page Description Language, and Port
selection for both Parallel and USB Ports to their default values.

Make note of the current network settings or print a configuration page to provide
a record of the customer’s current network settings before resetting the
connection setup to the factory default values.

1. From the Main Menu, highlight Printer Setup and press OK.
2. Highlight Connection Setup and press OK.
3. Highlight Reset Connection Setup and press OK to reset connection defaults.

Resetting Paper Handling Defaults

Resetting the Paper Handling defaults resets the paper source, 2-sided printing, tray
setup, load paper timeout, tray sequence, custom units and jam recovery settings to
their default values.
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Printer Setup and press OK.
2. Highlight Paper Handling Setup and press OK.
3. Highlight Reset Paper Handling Setup and press OK.
4. Highlight Reset Paper Handling Setup NOW and press OK to reset the paper
handling defaults.

Adjustments and Calibrations 6-5

Resetting Postscript Setup Defaults
Resetting the Postscript setup values resets Postscript Error Information, Print-
Quality Mode, TekColor Correction, and Image Smoothing, to their default values.
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Printer Setup and press OK.
2. Highlight Postscript Setup and press OK.
3. Highlight Reset Postscript Setup and press OK.
4. Highlight Reset Postscript Setup NOW and press OK to reset the postscript

Resetting PCL Setup Values to Default

Resetting the PCL setup values resets the default font, pitch, size, symbol set,
orientation, form length, and line termination settings to their default values.
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Printer Setup and press OK.
2. Highlight PCL Setup and press OK.
3. Highlight Reset PCL Setup and press OK.
4. Highlight Reset PCL Setup NOW and press OK to reset the PCL defaults.

Resetting Front Panel Setup Values to Default

Resetting the Front Panel Setup values resets the front panel language, brightness,
contrast and accessibility controls to their default values.
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Printer Setup and press OK.
2. Highlight Front Panel Setup and press OK.
3. Highlight Reset Front Panel Setup and press OK.
4. Highlight Reset Front Panel Setup NOW and press OK to reset the Front Panel

Resetting Printer Controls Values to Default

Resetting the Printer Controls values resets the startup page, power saver timeout, low
toner warning level, date and time, intelligent ready, metric defaults, and power saver
to their default values.
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Printer Setup and press OK.
2. Highlight Printer Controls and press OK.
3. Highlight Reset Printer Controls and press OK.
4. Highlight Reset Printer Controls NOW and press OK to reset the Front Panel

6-6 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Resetting All Printer Default Settings (PostScript NVRAM)
Resetting the NVRAM restores all printer values stored in the IP controller NVRAM
including network, printer setup, job defaults, color, margin, and calibrations to their
factory default values. The print counts and the Adobe firmware serial number are not
affected by this reset
1. From the Main Menu, highlight Troubleshooting and press OK.
2. Highlight Service Tools and press OK.
3. Highlight Reset NVRAM and press OK.
4. Highlight Reset NVRAM and Reset Printer NOW and press OK to reset all the
settings to their factory default values.

Adjustments and Calibrations 6-7

Service Diagnostics PostScript NVRAM Resets
Resetting the NVRAM restores all printer values stored in the IP controller NVRAM
including network, printer setup, job defaults, color, margin, and calibrations to their
factory default values. The print counts and the Adobe firmware serial number are not
affected by this reset.
1. Enter Service Diagnostics.
2. Highlight NVRAM Access and press OK.
3. Highlight PostScript NVRAM Reset and press OK.
4. Resetting NVRAM! Are you sure? is displayed. Highlight Yes and press OK.
The printer now exits Service Diagnostics and reboots. While booting, NVRAM is

6-8 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Cleaning and
In this chapter...
■ Service Preventive Maintenance Procedure
■ Recommended Tools
■ Cleaning

Service Preventive Maintenance Procedure
Perform the following procedures whenever you check, service, or repair a printer.
Cleaning the printer, as outlined in the following Steps, assures proper operation of
the printer and reduces the probability of having to service the printer in the future.
The frequency of use, Average Monthly Print Volume (AMPV), type of media printed
on, and operating environemnt are factors in determining how critical cleaning the
machine is and how often it is necessary. Record the number of sheets printed.

Recommended Tools
■ Toner vacuum cleaner
■ Clean water
■ Clean, dry, lint-free cloth
■ Black, light protective bag

Never apply alcohol or other chemicals to any parts in the printer. Never use a
damp cloth to clean up toner. If you remove the Imaging Unit, place it in a light
protective bag or otherwise protect it as exposure to light can quickly degrade
performance and result in early failure.

1. Record number of sheets printed.

2. Print several sheets of paper to check for problems or defects.
3. Turn off the printer.
4. Remove the Toner Cartridges, Imaging Unit and both side covers before
5. Remove the front cover and clean the Fuser Fan with a brush or dry cloth to
remove excess dust.
6. Remove the rear cover and clean the Rear Fan with a brush or dry cloth to remove
excess dust.
7. Ensure that all cover vents are clean and free of obstructions.
8. Remove any debris or foreign objects from the Transfer Roller, Fuser Assembly,
Laser Unit and Imaging Unit.
9. Vacuum any loose toner from the interior of the printer using a Type II toner
vacuum only.
10. Open the left side door and clean up any toner inside.

7-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

11. Remove and clean the paper trays.
12. Clean all rubber rollers with a clean, lint-free cloth, slightly dampened with cold

Cleaning and Maintenance 7-3

7-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual
Service Parts
In this chapter...
■ Overview
■ General Notes on Disassembly
■ Removing Routine Maintenance Items and Consumables
■ Print Engine Disassembly
■ Optional High Capacity Feeder Disassembly
■ Optional 500-sheet Feeder Disassembly

This section contains the removal and replacement procedures for selected parts of the
printer listed in the Parts List. Not all Replacement Procedures are included in this
Service Manual. In most cases, the replacement procedure is simply the reverse of the
Removal Procedure. In some instances, additional Steps are necessary and are
provided for replacement of the parts. For specific assemblies and parts, refer to the
"Parts List" on page 9-1.

Standard Orientation of the Printer

When needed, the orientation of the printer is called out in the procedure as an
aid to locating printer parts. Refer to the following printer orientation graphic to
identify the right, left, front, and back sides of the printer.






8-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

General Notes on Disassembly

Before you begin any removal and replacement procedure:
1. Switch OFF the printer power and disconnect the power cord from the wall
2. Remove the Imaging Unit and protect it from exposure to light by covering it
with a light proof bag or by placing it in a light-tight container. Disconnect all
computer interface cables from the printer.
3. Wear an electrostatic discharge wrist strap to help prevent damage to the sensitive
electronics of the printer circuit boards.
4. Remove the Fuser Assembly or wait at least 5 minutes after you have switched
OFF printer power for the Fuser to cool before you work on or around the Fuser.

Names of parts that appear in the removal and replacement procedures may not
be exactly the same as the names that appear in the Parts List. For example; a part
called the Registration Chute Assembly in a removal procedure may appear on
the Parts List as Assembly, Chute REGI. When working on a removal and
replacement procedure, ignore any prerequisite procedure if you have already
removed that part.

Many parts are secured by plastic tabs DO NOT over Flex or force these parts.
Do not over torque the screws threaded into plastic parts.

Always use the correct type and size screw. Using the wrong screw can damage
tapped holes. Do not use excessive force to remove or install either a screw or a
printer part.

Unplug the AC power cord from the wall outlet before removing any printer part.

Notations in the Disassembly Text

■ The notation “(item X)” points to a numbered callout in the illustration
corresponding to the disassembly procedure being performed.

■ The notation “PLX.X.X” indicates that this component is listed in the Parts List.

■ Bold arrows in an illustration show direction of movement when removing or

replacing a component.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-3

Removing Routine Maintenance Items and
Routine Maintenance Items include the Transfer Roller, Imaging Unit, and Fuser
Assembly. The Paper Feed Rollers are also Routine Maintenance Items, but
individual procedures for their removal and replacement are provided on page 8-18
and page 8-36. Consumables consist of the four toner cartridges.

Transfer Roller Removal

If the printer has been in operation recently the Fuser may be hot. Be careful
when you release the latches on the Transfer Roller not to come into contact with
the hot Fuser.

1. Power down the printer.

2. Open Door A.
3. Squeeze the latch at each end of the Transfer Roller and pivot the latch up.
4. Lift the Transfer Roller out of the printer.

Imaging Unit Removal

1. Power down the printer.
2. Open Door A.
3. Open Door C.
4. Grasp the handle on the top of the Imaging Unit and lift it out of the printer.
5. Place the Imaging Unit in a light proof bag or other light proof container.

Leaving the Imaging Unit exposed to light for periods in excess of a few minutes
can quickly degrade its performance and result in early failure.

Fuser Removal
The Fuser may be hot. Turn off power and allow at least 5 minutes for the Fuser
to cool before removal.

1. Power down the printer.

8-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

2. Open Door B.
3. Open Door C.
4. Release the lock on each side of the Fuser, grasp the green handles and lift the
Fuser straight up off the mounting studs.

Toner Cartridge Removal

Clean up any toner spills using a Type II Toner Vacuum only. Never use a damp
cloth to clean up spilled toner.

If you are removing a toner cartridge to facilitate removal of other components,

replace the toner cartridge as soon as those components have been removed.
Keeping the toner cartridges locked into place prevents contamination of the
toner system and also prevents spillage.

1. Power down the printer.

2. Using the lips on both sides, lift the Top Cover (Output Tray) off of the printer.
3. Rotate the locking lever on the end of the cartridge (or cartridges) being removed
to the back unlocked (closed) position and lift the cartridge out of the printer.

Some toner will probably adhere to the bottom of the cartridge, so do not set the
cartridge on any surface that will be damaged by the toner.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-5

Print Engine Disassembly
Dissasembly procedures for the print engine are presented in the following
paragraphs and are subdivided by major functional assembly.


Front Cover (PL 1.1.2)

1. Open Door B.
2. Remove the two front cover retaining clips.
3. Release 4 retainer hooks securing the Front Cover to the Chute Assembly Out.





Do not separate the Front Cover from the Chute Assembly Out until the two
wiring connectors have been disconnected.

8-6 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

4. Slightly separate the Front Cover from the printer and remove connector P/J220
from the Front Panel and P/J 137 from the Fuser Fan..
5. Remove the Front Cover

Reinstall the front cover retaining clips (A) as shown when reinstalling the
Front Cover.

Front Panel (PL 1.1.1)

1. Remove the Front Cover (1) (page 8-6).
2. Release the 3 hooks securing the Front Panel (2) to the Front Cover and remove
the Front Panel.


1. Front Cover 2. Front Panel

Service Parts Disassembly 8-7

Fuser Fan (PL 1.1.7)
1. Remove the Front Cover (page 8-6).
2. Remove the 2 screws securing the Fuser Fan Holder (item #1) to the rear of the
Front Cover and remove the Fuser Fan Holder.
3. Disconnect P/J137 from the Fuser Fan Holder.
4. Release the 4 tabs securing the Fuser Fan (item #2) to the Fuser Fan Holder and
remove the Fuser Fan.



1. Assemble in reverse order.

When replacing the Fuser Fan note the airflow direction. The label on the fan
should face out.

8-8 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Top Main Cover (PL1.1.9)
1. Remove the Imaging Unit and protect it from light.
2. Remove all the Toner Cartridges.
3. Open Door A.
4. Open Door C (Top Image Unit Cover PL1.1.10).
5. Remove the 2 screws securing the Top Main Cover (item 1) to the printer.
6. Release the 4 tabs securing the Top Main Cover to the printer.
7. Raise the Top Main Cover slightly from the printer, flexing both the front edges
then lift off by moving the cover toward the rear of the printer.

When the cover is off, reinstall the toner cartridges to prevent contamination of
the toner system and spillage of toner.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-9

Image Unit Top Cover (Door C) (PL1.1.10)
1. Remove the Top Main Cover (page 8-9).
2. Open Door A.
3. Open Door C.
4. Remove the Left Cover (page 8-11).
5. Remove the right and left Stud Top Hinge pins (item #2 PL1.1.21) from the
Image Unit Top Cover (item #1) and remove the cover.

2 2


8-10 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Right and Left Side Covers (PL1.1.24), (PL1.1.30)
1. Remove the Top Main Cover (page 8-9).
2. Remove 1 screw securing the Right Side Cover (item #1) and/or Left Side Cover
(item #2) to the printer.
3. Release the tab at the front of the printer securing the Right Side Cover and/or
Left Side Cover to the printer.
4. Flex the cover slightly and slide it off to the rear to remove it from the printer.



Service Parts Disassembly 8-11

Rear Cover (PL 1.1.20)
1. Remove the Right and Left Side Covers. (page 8-11).
2. Raise the Rear Cover(item #1) slightly to release the 7 tabs securing the cover to
the printer and remove the cover.

8-12 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Left and Right Links (PL 1.1.23)
To disengage the links from the printer without removing the link, release
the end of the link from the retaining clip and leave the spring connected to
the printer.

1. Remove the Right and Left Side Covers (page 8-11).

2. Remove the upper end (eye) of the spring (item #1) from the printer.
3. Open Door A.
4. With a flat blade screwdriver, spread apart both sides of the metal retaining clip
holding the Link (item #2) to the Front Cover Assembly and remove the Link and
Spring together.


1 2



Service Parts Disassembly 8-13

Tray 1 (MPT) (PL1.1.99)
1. Open Tray 1.
2. Flex the right and left side of the Tray 1 Slide (item #1) (PL 1.1.27) to seperate
the base from the slide.
3. With the Tray 1 Slide at a 90 degree angle, pull the slide out of the printer.
4. To remove the Tray 1 Base (item #2) (PL 1.1.28) from the printer, push down on
the center of the Tray 1 Lift Plate, press in on the base, lift up, and pull out from
the printer.


The base must be re-installed at a 90 degree angle to align the tabs properly.

5. With the base at a 90 degree angle with the printer and the lift plate pushed down
in the center, ensure the tabs are on the outside, push down and then pull forward
to re-install.

8-14 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Front Right Cover (PL 1.1.25)
1. Remove Right and Left Side Covers, see page 8-11.
2. Remove the right side Link Spring (item #3).
3. Open Door A.
4. Remove the link retaining stud and rotate the link out of the way. Then reinsert
the stud.
5. Remove the 2 screws securing the Front Right Cover (item #1).

2 3


6. Remove the Front Right Cover

Service Parts Disassembly 8-15

Front Left Cover Assembly (PL1.1.29)
1. Remove Tray 1 (page 8-14).
2. Remove the Front Cover (page 8-6).
3. Remove the Front Right Cover (page 8-15).
4. Remove the left Link Spring (item #2).
5. Open Door A.
6. Remove the left Link Retaining Stud (item #2), move the Link (item #3) out of
the way, and reinstall the Stud.
7. Close Door A.
8. Open Door B.
9. Remove the 2 screws securing the Front Left Cover (item #1) to the Chute
Assembly Out.

3 4


8-16 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

10. Release the 2 tabs securing the Front Left Cover to the Chute Assembly Out and
remove the Front Left Cover from the printer.




Service Parts Disassembly 8-17

Paper Feed

Paper Feed Roller (PL 2.1.2) (Routine Maintenance

1. Pull the paper tray out of the printer.
2. Release the tab securing the Feed Cover to the Paper Tray and open the Feed
Cover (item #1).
3. Carefully release the hook securing the Paper Feed Roller (item #2) to the Retard
4. Slide the Paper Feed Roller off the shaft to remove.

The Paper Feed Roller Kit contains two rollers. One roller for the Paper Tray
and one Roller for the Paper Feeder (PL 3.3.23). The Paper Feed Rollers are


When installing the Paper Feed Roller, ensure that the locking tab on the
roller locks into the notch on the Retard Shaft as shown in the preceding

8-18 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Turn Chute Assembly (PL3.1.2)
1. Pull the paper tray out of the printer.
2. Push in on the Turn Chute Assembly (item #1) to releae the 2 tabs.
3. Rotate the Turn Chute Assembly 90 degrees downward from the Paper Feeder.


4. Release the tabs securing the right and left shaft of the Turn Chute Assembly to
the Paper Feeder.
5. Pull out the Turn Chute Assembly from the Paper Feeder to remove.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-19

Printer Chassis/Feeder Assembly
1. Remove the Imaging Unit and protect it from exposure to light.
2. Remove the Link Actuator (page 8-32).
3. Remove the Top Main Cover (page 8-9).
4. Remove the Right and Left Side Covers (page 8-11).
5. On the left side of the printer, disconnect P/J2361 (gray) from the Printer Chassis.
6. On the right side of the printer, disconnect P/J210 (yellow) from the Printer
7. Disconnect P/J47 (yellow/blue) from the Motor Driver Circuit Board on the right
side of the printer.





8. Remove the 8 short screws securing the Printer Chassis (item #1) to the Feeder
Assembly (item #2).

It is easy to strip the long screws, use caution when removing and replacing.

8-20 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

9. Using a PZ1 Posi bit, remove the 4 long screws securing the Printer Chassis to
the Feeder Assembly.

The washers on the long screws are not captive and can easily be dropped
into the chassis during removal or replacement. Be careful not to drop the
washers when removing and replacing the long screws.

Before lifting the Printer Chassis, ensure that harness P/J24 (gray), P/J210
(yellow), and P/J47 (yellow/blue) are positioned to slide through the slots in
the chassis bottom plate without catching.

Lift the Printer Chassis off the Feeder Assembly by placing your hands into
the front and back cavity of the paper tray. The right and left sides of the
Printer Chassis are extremely sharp.

10. Lift the entire printer chassis off the Feeder Unit Assembly.

Replacement Notes
When replacing the Printer Chassis ensure that none of the wiring harnesses
between the Printer Chassis and Feeder Assembly are pinched.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-21

Paper Pick Assembly (PL3.3.1)
1. Remove the Printer Chassis from the Feeder Assembly (page 8-20).
2. Disconnect P/J471 (yellow) from the Paper Size Switch in the Feeder Assembly.
3. Carefully free the wires (yellow/blue) from their guides, noting the postion of the
wires for reassembly.
4. Remove the 2 screws securing the Paper Pick Assembly from the Feeder
5. Raise the Paper Pick Assembly (item #2) out of the Feeder Assembly (item #1).


Replacement Notes
Ensure that all wiring is dressed properly and secured under the retaining
tabs to prevent damage during reassembly.

8-22 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Right and Left Housing (PL 3.2)
1. Remove the Paper Pick Assembly (page 8-22).
2. Remove the 4 screws securing the Left/Right Housing to the bottom plate.
3. Lean the top of the housing in slightly towards the center, and release the 3
retaining hooks from the holes in the bottom plate.






Service Parts Disassembly 8-23

Temperature/Humidity Harness (PL3.2.1) and Sensor
1. Remove the Top Main Cover(page 8-9).
2. Remove the Left Side Cover (page 8-11).
3. Disconnect P/J2361 (gray) from the printer.
4. Remove the screw securing the Temperature/Humidity Sensor (item #1) and
remove the sensor.




Replacement Notes

Seat the sensor onto the Guide Pins with needle nose pliers then re-insert the
screw. Reconnect connector P/J2361.

8-24 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

High-Capacity Feeder Harness (PL3.2.3)
1. Remove the Printer Chassis from the Feeder Assembly (page 8-20).
2. Carefully free the HCF Harness (item #1) from the wire guides in the Right
3. Release the 2 tabs securing the harness connector to the Right Housing.
4. Pull the HCF Harness down from the Right Housing to remove.




Service Parts Disassembly 8-25

Paper Size Switch Assembly (PL3.2.4)
1. Remove the Printer Chassis from the Paper Feeder Assembly(page 8-20).
2. Disconnect P/J471 from the Paper Size Switch (item #1).
3. Remove 1 screw securing the Paper Size Switch to the Right Housing.
4. Rotate the front of the Paper Size Switch to free the tab and remove.


8-26 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Low Paper Lever (PL3.2.7), Indicator (PL3.2.8) and
Indicator Guide (PL3.2.10)

Removal - Indicator and Guide Indicator

1. Remove the Printer Chassis from the Paper Feeder Assembly (page 8-20).
2. Remove the Feeder Right Housing (page 8-23).
3. Grasp the tip of the Paper Level Indicator (item #1) using needle nose pliers, and
pull the Indicator forward to remove it from the Feeder Right Housing.
4. Release the 2 tabs securing the Shaft Holder (item #5) to the housing.
5. Lift the Shaft Holder, Guide Indicator (item #2) together with the Indicator
Spring (item #4) and Shaft Indicator (item #3) out of the housing assembly.

When reinstalling the indicator and guide components, ensure that the Low
Paper Lever (item 6) is positioned on top of the Guide Indicator before
installing the Paper Level Indicator.



Service Parts Disassembly 8-27

Removal - Low Paper Lever
1. Turn the Feeder Right Housing upside down.
2. Push the vertical retainer, securing the right end of the Low Paper Lever towards
the outside of the housing while pulling the lever upwards.
3. When the right end releases, pull the left end free of the retaining hole in the
inside wall of the housing.
4. Push the actuator end of the Low Paper Lever (item #1) through the slot in the
inside wall of the Feeder Right Housing (item #2) then raise the lever up and out
of the feeder.


Replacement Notes

Put the front end of the low paper lever on top of the left (round) arm of the
Guide Indicator when replacing the Guide Indicator. Hold the Guide
Indicator securely when replacing the Paper Level Indicator.

8-28 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Paper Pick Rollers (PL3.3.3)
1. Pull the paper tray out of the printer.

Remove and replace the Paper Pick Rollers (item #1) one at a time to
maintain the proper orientation.

2. Remove the Turn Chute Assembly (page 8-19).

3. Rotate the Feed Shaft so that the rubber surface of the Paper Pick Rollers faces
4. Pull the Paper Pick Roller off the shaft.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-29

No Paper Actuator (PL3.3.5), No/Low Paper Sensor

Removal - Actuator
1. Remove the Printer Chassis from the Paper Feeder Assembly (page 8-20).
2. Remove the Paper Pick Assembly (page 8-22) and turn it upside down.
3. Release the hook securing the No Paper Actuator (item #1) to the Paper Pick
Assembly and extract the left end of the shaft.
4. Pull the No Paper Actuator out and up to remove.


Left 6250-156

8-30 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Removal - No Paper Sensor

The sensors are interchangeable.

1. Remove the right Paper Pick Roller to gain access to the P/J472 (blue).
2. Disconnect P/J472 (blue) from the No Paper Sensor (item #1).
3. Lift up on the clear plastic lock to release 3 tabs securing the No Paper Sensor to
the Paper Pick Assembly and remove the No Paper Sensor.




Removal - Low Paper Sensor

1. Disconnect P/J473 (yellow) on the Low Paper Sensor.
2. Release 3 tabs securing the Low Paper Sensor to the Paper Pick Assembly and
remove the sensor.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-31

Link Actuator (PL3.3.6)
Perform this procedure from the rear of the printer.

1. Pull the paper tray out of the printer.

2. Remove the paper tray Rear Cover by pushing in on the left side until the cover
comes off the left mounting tab, then remove it from the right tab.
3. Reach in through the rear of the printer and spread the tabs of the Link Actuator
(item #1) apart and disconnect it from the Actuator No Paper (item #2).
4. Remove the link actuator from the bracket in the printer and remove.


8-32 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Feed Solenoid (PL3.3.17)
1. Remove the Printer Chassis from the Paper Feeder Assembly (page 8-20).
2. Remove the Paper Pick Assembly (page 8-22).
3. Remove 1 screw securing the Feed Solenoid to the Paper Pick Assembly.
4. Separate the Feed Solenoid slightly and shift the harness to disconnect P/J474
5. Remove the Feed Solenoid.




Service Parts Disassembly 8-33

Turn Clutch Assembly (PL3.3.18)
1. Remove the Printer Chassis from the Paper Feeder Assembly (page 8-20).
2. Remove the Paper Pick Assembly (page 8-22).
3. Release the tab securing the Stopper Clutch (item #2) to the shaft on the right
side of the Paper Pick Assembly.
4. Pull out the Stopper Clutch.
5. Disconnect P/J475 (blue) from the Turn Clutch Asssembly.
6. Pull out the Turn Clutch Assembly (item #1).


RIGHT 6250-160

8-34 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Roll Turn Assembly (PL3.3.20)
1. Remove the Printer Chassis from the Paper Feeder Assembly (page 8-20).
2. Remove the Paper Pick Assembly (page 8-22).
3. Remove the Clutch Turn Assembly (page 8-34).
4. Release the tab securing the Gear Feed 2 (item 2#) to the shaft of the Paper Pick
Assembly and pull out the Gear Feed 2.
5. Pull out the Idler Gear (item #1) and Idler Gear In (item #3) from the Paper Pick
6. Remove the right and left e-rings securing the shaft of the Roll Turn Assembly to
the Paper Pick Assembly.
7. Remove the metal bearing (item #6) securing the right shaft end of the Turn Roll
8. Remove the black bearing (item #4) securing the left shaft end of the Roll Turn
9. Remove the shaft (item #5) from the Paper Pick Assembly.

3 1

Replacement Notes
Ensure that metal bearing is replaced on the clutch end of the shaft.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-35

Paper Feed Roller (Routine Maintenance Item)
1. Pull paper tray out of the printer.
2. Release 1 tab securing the Paper Feed Roller (item #1) to the feed shaft (item #2).
3. Slide the Paper Feed Roller off the left side of the feed shaft.

The Paper Feed Roller Kit contains two rollers. One roller for the Paper Tray
and one Roller for the Paper Feeder Assembly (PL 3.3.23). The Paper Feed
Rollers are interchangeable.

1 2


8-36 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Retard Roller Housing Assembly (PL4.1.1)
1. Remove the Registration Chute Assembly (page 8-71).
2. Disconnect P/J19 (blue) from the Engine Control Board.
3. Remove the 3 screws securing the Retard Roller Housing Assembly to the
printer, lift the left end, and remove the assembly to the left.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-37

Turn Roll (PL 4.1.2), Turn Clutch (PL 4.1.9), and
Friction Clutch Assembly (PL 4.1.4)
1. Remove the Retard Roller Housing Assembly (page 8-37)
2. Remove the e-ring securing the Turn Clutch (item #1) to the shaft and remove the
3. Remove the e-ring securing the left end of the Turn Roll shaft (item #2) to the
Retard Roller Housing Assembly (item #3) .
4. Remove the metal (item #4) and plastic (item #5) bearings.
5. Slide the shaft to the right and remove to the left of the assembly.


3 1

Replacement Notes
Ensure that metal bearing is replaced on the clutch end of the shaft.

8-38 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Retard Roller Assembly (PL4.1.5)
1. Open Door A and Door C.
2. Remove the Imaging Unit and protect it from exposure to light.
3. Rotate the Retard Roller Assembly (item #1) up, slide to the right and remove to
the left of the printer.



Service Parts Disassembly 8-39

4. Release the tab securing the Retard Roller Shaft (item #2), raise the right end and
remove the Retard Roller.


8-40 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Chute Assembly In

Chute Assembly In (PL 5.1.1)

1. Remove the Chute Assembly Out (page 8-47).

P/J162 is located behind the Motor Driver Board cable retainer. Release the
retainer from the chassis to access the connector.

2. On the right side, remove P/J162 from the LVPS board‘.

3. Remove 1 screw securing the ground wire (green) to the right side of the chassis.
4. Carefully remove the harness items in the previous Steps from the wire guides
along the bottom right side of the chassis.

Remove the Chute Assembly In slowly and carefully, ensuring that the
wiring harness does not catch and sustain damage during removal.

5. Release latch A (Door A) and pull the Chute Assembly In forward to remove it
from the printer chassis.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-41

CTD (ADC) Sensor (PL 5.1.11)
1. Open Door A.
2. Remove the Transfer Roller Assembly (Routine Maintenance Item) (page 8-4).
3. Release the 4 tabs securing the CTD Sensor Assembly (item #1) to the Chute
Assembly In (item #2) .

The CTD Sensor is under spring tension, be careful not to damage or lose the

4. Raise the sensor slightly to disconnect P/J136 (yellow) from the Chute Assembly
5. Remove the CTD Sensor.
6. Remove the springs (item #3) from the Sensor CTD (ADC) Assembly.


Replacement Notes

The left spring has an aligning post on the Chute Assembly In.

8-42 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Toner Full Sensor (PL 5.1.13)
1. Open Door A.
2. Remove the Transfer Roller Assembly (Routine Maintenance Item) (page 8-4).
3. Disconnect P/J142 from the Chute Assembly In.
4. Release 2 tabs securing the Toner Full Sensor with a small screwdriver.
5. Remove the Toner Full Sensor from the Chute Assembly In.



Service Parts Disassembly 8-43

Fuser Drive Assembly (PL 5.1.18)
1. Remove the Chute Assembly Out (page 8-47).
2. Remove the Chute Assembly In (page 8-41).
3. Remove Right Latch (Door A) (page 8-45).
4. Remove the 1 screw securing the fuser ground wire to the Fuser Drive Assembly.
5. Carefully remove the harness attached to the Fuser Drive Assembly from the
cable guides in the Chute Assembly In housing.
6. Remove the 3 screws securing the Fuser Drive Assembly to the Chute Assembly
7. Remove the Fuser Drive Assembly.


Replacement Notes

Note the routing of the wires for reassembly

8-44 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Right Latch (Door A) (PL 5.1.21)
1. Remove the Fuser Assembly (Routine Maintenance Item) (page 8-4).
2. Remove the Front Right Cover (page 8-15).
3. Open Door A.
4. Release the hook on the lower part of the spring (item 4) securing it to the Chute
Assembly In.
5. Release the tab securing Right Latch (item 3) to the Chute Assembly In.
6. Remove Right Latch from the Latch Shaft (item 2).


Service Parts Disassembly 8-45

Left Latch (PL 5.1.30)
1. Remove the Fuser Assembly (page 8-4).
2. Remove the Front Left Cover (page 8-16).
3. Open Door A.
4. Release the tab securing Left Latch (item #2) to the left side of the Chute
Assembly In.
5. Remove the Left Latch from the Latch Shaft.


8-46 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Chute Assembly Out

Chute Assembly Out (PL6.1.1)

1. Remove the Imaging Unit (Routine Maintenance Item) (page 8-4) and protect it
from exposure to light.
2. Remove the Transfer Roller (Routine Maintenance Item) (page 8-4).
3. Remove the Fuser Assembly (Routine Maintenance Item) (page 8-4).
4. Remove all Covers and Tray 1 (page 8-6, page 8-9, page 8-11, page 8-12,
page 8-14, page 8-15, and page 8-16).

Support the Chute Assembly Out (Door B) while removing the strap to
prevent damage to the printer.

5. Remove the strap (page 8-67).

6. Close the Chute Assembly Out (Door B) and the Chute Assembly In (Door A)
while disconnecting wiring harnesses to avoid damaging the printer.
7. Disconnect all connectors going to the front of the left side connector block.
8. Disconnect the lower (grey) connector (P/J145) from the EEPROM board.
9. Disconnect the two red wired spade lug connectors (P/J5020 and P/J5030) from
the Sub-HVPS board.
10. Remove 1 screw securing the ground wire to the left side of the printer.
11. Free the harness from the wire guides at the bottom of the Housing Assembly.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-47

12. On the right side of the printer, disconnect P/J50 and P/J52 from the Motor
Driver Board .






13. Free the wiring harness on the right side from the wire guides on the right side of
the printer housing.

8-48 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

14. Remove the e-rings (item #1) from the right and left Shaft Pivots securing the
bottom of the Chute Assembly Out to the printer.

2 6250-176

15. Open Door B and press on the solenoid latch-plate on the left side to release the
lower plate assembly. Ensure that the lower plate assembly raises up.

The plate assembly bottom may have sharp burrs, be careful when
performing the following Steps.

16. Using needle nose pliers, remove the left and right Shaft Pivots (item #2), pulling
them inward to remove.

Remove the Chute Assembly Out slowly and carefully ensuring that the
wiring harnesses do not catch and sustain damage during removal.

17. Release the latch at Door B and pull the Chute Assembly Out forward to remove.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-49

Output Tray Full Actuator (PL 6.1.5) and Full Stack
Sensor (PL 6.1.4)

Removal - Actuator, Output Tray Full

1. Remove the Front Cover (page 8-6).
2. Deflect the shaft of the Actuator Output Tray Full (item #1) from the top portion
of the Chute Assembly Out and remove the shaft from the left side.


Removal - Full Stack Sensor

1. Remove the Actuator, Output Tray Full.
2. Disconnect P/J134 from the Full Stack Sensor (item #2).
3. Release the 3 tabs securing the Full Stack Sensor and remove.


8-50 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Duplex Actuator (PL 6.1.13) and Duplex Sensor
(PL 6.1.4)

Removing the Duplex Actuator

1. Remove the Front Left Cover (page 8-16).
2. Release the 2 tabs securing the Actuator Cover, push in and remove the cover
from inside the Chute Assembly Out.
3. Release the tab on the left side of the Duplex Actuator.
4. Push the actuator to the left and remove out the right side removing the actuator
with the spring still on the shaft.

Note the position of the actuator spring during removal to ensure proper


Service Parts Disassembly 8-51



Removing the Duplex Sensor

1. Remove the Duplex Actuator (item #1).
2. Release the 3 tabs securing the Duplex Sensor and remove the sensor.
3. Disconnect P/J133 from the Duplex Sensor.


8-52 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Tray 1 Actuator (PL 6.1.37) and Tray 1 Sensor (PL 6.1.4)

Removal of the Actuator

1. Remove the Front Left Cover (page 8-16).
2. Push down on the Tray 1 metal plate and push the actuator in.
3. Slide the actuator (item #2) to the left and remove to the right.
4. Remove the spring (item #3) from the actuator.

Be careful not to lose or damage the spring. Note spring orientation for


Service Parts Disassembly 8-53

Removal of the Sensor
1. Remove the Tray 1 Actuator.
2. Open Door B.
3. From the back of the sensor (item #1), release the 3 tabs securing the sensor and
4. Disconnect P/J135 from the Tray 1 Sensor.


8-54 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Static Eliminator Assembly (PL 6.1.9)
1. Remove the Front Cover Assembly (page 8-6).
2. Remove 1 screw securing both the ground wire and the Static Eliminator
Assembly (item #2) to the Chute Assembly Out (item #1).
3. Raise the left end up to clear the locator pin and remove the Static Eliminator
Assembly by sliding it to the left.

1 2


Service Parts Disassembly 8-55

Duplex Roller (PL 6.1.12)
1. Remove the Front Left Cover (page 8-16).
2. Release the tab securing Gear 30 (item #4), see "Duplex Motor Drive and Gear -
Transmission Route" on page 2-31 and remove the gear.
3. Remove the bearing (item #5) securing the left end of the shaft.
4. Raise the left end of the roller and shift the right bearing (item #3) out then
remove the Duplex Roller (item #2).

2 1


Replacement Notes
Ensure that black bearing is placed on gear end of shaft during reassembly.

8-56 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Latch Plate (PL 6.1.17), Latch Out (PL 6.1.18), Latch
Holder (PL 6.1.19), and Latch Spring Out (PL 6.1.20)
1. Remove the Front Right Cover (page 8-15).
2. Remove the Front Left Cover (page 8-16).
3. Remove the Spring Out (item #3) from the Chute Assembly Out.
4. Release the 2 tabs from the inside of the Chute Assembly Out.
5. Slide the Holder Latch (item #2) to the right and remove.
6. Remove the Latch Out (item #1) from the Holder.

2 1

Service Parts Disassembly 8-57

Tray 1 Paper Pick Assembly (PL 6.1.27) (Roll Feed)
1. Remove the Front Left Cover (page 8-16).
2. Release the tab securing the roll core (item #1) to the shaft and slide right.
3. Push down on the Tray 1 metal plate (item #2) and feed roller.
4. Slide the Paper Pick Roller (item #3) to the right and pull out the front to remove.

2 6250-186

8-58 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Tray 1 Feed Solenoid (PL 6.1.40)
1. Remove the Chute Assembly Out (page 8-47).
2. Unhook the N/F Tray 1 spring (item #1) from the Solenoid Stopper (item #2).
3. Disconnect P/J132 (orange wires) from the Solenoid and shift the wires out of the
cable guides on the Chute Assembly Out.
4. Remove 1 screw securing the Feed Solenoid (item #3) to the Chute Assembly
Out and remove.



Reassembly Notes

Make sure the solenoid seats properly on the aligning pins. The pins are

Service Parts Disassembly 8-59

Tray 1 Shaft (PL 6.1.28)
1. Remove the Chute Assembly Out (page 8-47).
2. Remove the spring from the Solenoid Stopper (item #2).
3. Release the tab securing the Solenoid Stopper to the shaft and remove.
4. Release the tab on the Tray 1 Gear (item #5) and remove the gear.

Note the orientation of the springs for reassembly. A long eye hook attaches
to the shaft.

5. Remove the 2 springs (item #1 and #4) from the left and right sides of the shaft.

In the following Step, do not lose the pins when moving the CAMs.

6. Release the tab securing each CAM in position and slide the CAMs (item #3) in.
7. Slide the shaft to the right and remove.



5 6250-191

8-60 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Tray 1 Bottom Plate (PL 6.1.42)
1. Remove the Chute Out Assembly (page 8-47).
2. Remove the 2 screws securing the plate (item #1) to the Chute Out Assembly.
3. Remove the left and right springs from the Tray 1 Shaft.

In the following Steps, shift the actuator out of the hole in the Plate bottom
when removing the Plate.

4. Remove the Tray 1 Bottom Plate Assembly (item #2).



.Reassembly Notes

Ensure that Tray 1 Bottom Plate is properly seated on locator pins before
tightening the retaining screws, the locator pins are plastic and can be

Service Parts Disassembly 8-61

Chute Assembly Exit

Chute Assembly Exit (PL 7.1.1)

1. Remove the Front Cover (page 8-6).
2. Remove the Front Left Cover (page 8-16).
3. Disconnect P/J131 and shift the harness to the side of the Chute Assembly Out.
4. Remove the 2 screws, the upper screw is attached to the static discharge harness,
securing the Chute Assembly Exit to the Chute Assembly Out.




8-62 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Exit Roller (PL 7.1.4)
1. Remove the Chute Assembly Exit (page 8-62).
2. Release the tab securing the Gear Roll (item #1) to the shaft and remove the Gear
3. Remove the bearing from the left side of the shaft of the Exit Roller (item #2).
4. Remove the e-ring securing the right end of the shaft of the Exit Roller.
5. Remove the bearing (item #3).
6. Raise the right side of the shaft and pull the Exit Roller to the right and up to



Service Parts Disassembly 8-63

Mid Roller (PL 7.1.5)
1. Remove the Chute Assembly Exit (page 8-62)
2. Release the tab securing the Gear Roll (item #1) and remove the Gear.
3. Remove the bearing from the left side of the shaft.
4. Remove the e-ring and bearing (item #2) securing the right side of the shaft.
5. Raise the right side of the shaft and pull out the Mid Roll (item #3).

2 4


8-64 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Duplex Motor Assembly (PL 7.1.8)
1. Remove the Chute Assembly Exit (item #1) (page 8-62).
2. Rotate Gear 48 (item #2) to access 1 screw securing the Duplex Motor Assembly
(item #6) to the Chute Assembly Exit, then remove the other screw.
3. Remove the Duplex Motor Assembly from the Chute Assembly Exit.



1. Chute Assembly Exit 4. Gear Mid Roller

2. Gear 48 5. Gear Exit roller
3. Gear 40/42 6. Motor Assembly Duplex

Service Parts Disassembly 8-65

Exit Actuator (Fuser) (PL 8.1.7)
1. Open Door B and remove the Fuser Assembly.
2. Lift the tab that secures the bearing to the left side of the Fuser Exit Roller shaft
and remove the bearing.
3. Move the exit roller slightly out of the way.
4. From the outside of the fuser cover, push the Exit Actuator out of the retaining
clips being careful not to drop the spring into the fuser.
5. Remove the Actuator Spring.


Reassembly Notes

Ensure that the spring is positioned as shown in the figure.

8-66 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Strap (PL 8.1.13)
1. Open Door B.

Support Door B when removing the strap to prevent damage to the unit, and
continue to provide support or latch the door when the strap is removed.

2. Turn the top of the strap 90 degrees and remove top end of strap.
3. Push down on the strap retainer tab and slide the bottom end of the strap out of
the slot.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-67


Laser Unit (PL 9.1.1)

1. Remove the Toner Cartridge Holder Unit Assembly (page 8-77).
2. Remove the Rear Fan (page 8-102).
3. Disconnect P/J151 from the Laser Unit.
4. Unhook the springs from the left and right ends of the shaft.

Handle the Laser Unit carefully; avoid bumping or jarring the unit.

5. Remove 3 screws securing the Laser Unit to the printer and slide the unit back to
remove the assembly.


Replacement Notes
1. Align the Laser Unit with the printer (locator stud in the oval hole on the unit).
2. Replace the hook on each Laser Spring in the notch at each end of the shaft.
3. Replace the 3 screws that secure the Laser Unit to the printer.
4. Reconnect P/J151.

Perform the Color Registration procedure after replacing the Laser Unit.

8-68 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Housing Assembly Bias (PL 9.1.4)
The Imaging Unit must be removed to prevent loss of the biasing buttons.

1. Remove the Imaging Unit and protect it from exposure to light.

2. Remove the Left Side Cover (page 8-11).
3. Disconnect all the wires routed along the left side (including the ground wire)
and remove them from the wire guides.
4. Remove the 5 screws securing the Housing Assembly Bias.
5. Remove the Housing Assembly Bias by pulling it straight out to avoid damaging
the spring contacts.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-69

The biasing buttons fall out easily when touched from inside the printer, see
the following drawing for location. Avoid touching the biasing buttons while
the Housing Assembly Bias is removed from the printer.



Replacement Notes
To avoid equipment damage, move all wiring harnesses out of the way when
replacing. Ensure that all 8 biasing buttons (PL 9.1.5) are in place. Verify the
proper alignment of the biasing springs.

8-70 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Chute Assembly Registration (PL 9.1.6) and Housing
Assembly Electric (PL 9.1.11)
1. Remove the Imaging Unit and protect it from exposure to light.
2. Release the 2 tabs securing the Housing Assembly Electric cover to the printer
and lift straight up to remove.
3. Disconnect P/J18 (blue) from the Registration Chute Assembly to the Engine
Control Board.
4. Disconnect P/J32 (blue) from the OHP Sensor to the Engine Control Board.


5. Remove the 4 screws securing the Registration Chute Assembly.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-71

6. Raise the left side of the Registration Chute Assembly and pull towards the left
side of the printer to remove.


Replacement Notes

Ensure the mylar strip (item #1) is not bent or pinched but seated properly in
the middle cavity of the Registration Chute when reassembling.

When reinstalling the Registration Chute, ensure that the spring on the left
rear corner does not get damaged and that it makes contact with the electrical
connection on the Engine Control Board.

8-72 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Registration Sensor Actuator (PL 9.1.9) and
Registration Sensor (PL 9.1.8)

Removal of Actuator
1. Remove the Chute Assembly Registration (page 8-71).
2. Shift the actuator (item #1) to the left, lift up on the right side and remove.
3. Remove the actuator spring (item #2) from the Actuator.

Make note of the orientation of the spring for reassembly.




TOP 6250-207

Service Parts Disassembly 8-73

Removal of Sensor
1. Remove the Registration Actuator.
2. Disconnect P/J181.
3. Release the 3 tabs securing the Sensor to the Chute Assembly Registration and
remove the sensor.



8-74 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

OHP Sensor and Harness (Kit) (PL 9.1.12)
1. Remove the Chute Assembly Registration (page 8-71).
2. Remove the 2 e-rings securing the 2 Gears (items #4 & #5) and remove the gears.

When removing the Springs use caution, they spring off the shaft easily.

3. Remove both springs (item #1 & #6).

4. Pull out the bearing on the left side of the shaft (item #3).

4 6250-247

5. Remove 1 screw from the left side of the Chute Assembly (item #8) securing the
Bracket Assembly (item #7).
6. Pull off the black plastic bearing (item #2) securing the left side of the metal
registration roller (item #9) .


Service Parts Disassembly 8-75

7. Raise the left end of the shaft and remove with the right white plastic bearing


8. Pull back on the tabs on the bottom of the Chute Assembly to remove the OHP
Sensor Cover (item #10).
9. Lift the retaining tab and remove the OHP Sensor from the cover.
10. Disconnect P/J321 from the sensor.



Replacement Notes:

When reassembling, the white gear (item #5) goes on the metal roller, and
the black gear (item #4) goes on the rubber roller. Install the springs last.

8-76 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Toner Cartridge Holder Assemblies

Toner Cartridge Holder Unit Assembly (PL 10.1)

3 1


Use only a Type II Toner Vacuum to remove toner deposits before removing
the Toner Cartridge Holder Unit (item #1). When removing toner deposits,
be careful not to get toner into the sensors.

1. Remove the Imaging Unit and protect it from exposure to light.

2. Remove the Top Main Cover (page 8-9).
3. Remove the Right and Left Side Covers (page 8-11).
4. Remove the Rear Cover (page 8-12).

Reinstall the toner cartridges to seal the toner system and prevent spillage.

5. Disconnect P/J166 from the Low-Voltage Power Supply (item #2) to the rear fan
and remove the wiring harness from the wire guides on the right side of the
printer. Be very careful not to break the tabs on the wire guides.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-77

6. Disconnect P/J51 from the Motor Driver Board (item #3).
7. Disconnect P/J144 (yellow top) and P/J145 (gray bottom) from the EEPROM
Board (item #4).
8. Disconnect the third connector down (P/J71) from the connector block on the left
side of the printer.
9. Disconnect P/J5020, P/J5030, and P/J5011 from the Sub-High-Voltage Power
Supply Board (item #5).
10. Release P/J5011 from the clamp.

5 4


11. Open Door C to release the pressure on the rack and release the 2 tabs securing
the Gear Slide (item #6) and remove the slide and Rack V (item #7) from the
12. Reach under the Toner Cartridge Holder Unit from the rear and disconnect
P/J3411 from the CRUM Reader Board.

8-78 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

13. Remove the 8 screws securing the Toner Cartridge Holder Unit and carefully
remove the unit to the left. Flex the Dispenser Plate slightly during removal to
clear the locator pin and the clearance notch at the front.

The 4 screws on the right side of the printer are below the toner motors.


Replacement Notes
1. Replace in reverse order. Reconnect the ground wire using the front lower screw
on the left side.

An “Install or Reseat Imaging Unit” error can occur if the Gear and Rack V
are not properly aligned. With Door C open, push the Rack V as far up as it
can go, then replace the gear.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-79

Toner Cartridge Holder Assembly

(Y) (PL 10.1.1)

(M) (PL 10.1.2)
(C) (PL 10.1.3
(K) (PL 10.1.4)
1. Remove the Holder Toner Cartridge Assembly Unit (page 8-77).

Reinstall the toner cartridges to prevent spillage. The holders need to be
removed in Y, M, C, K order. There are small locking tabs between the
holders on each end that lock them together. Reinstall the cartridges in the
opposite order


You will need to disconnect all the connectors before removing the toner
holder in the next Steps.

8-80 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

2. Disconnect the following Plug/Jacks from each dispenser:
■ Y - P/J511 and P/J701
■ M - P/J512 and P/J702
■ C - P/J513 and P/J703
■ K - P/J514 and P/J704
3. Remove the harness from the cable guides on the side of the yellow Toner
Cartridge Holder Assembly.
4. Remove the harness from the cable guide on the end of each Toner Cartridge
Holder Assembly above the Toner Motor.
5. Remove the screw securing each Toner Cartridge Holder Assembly (Y, M, C, K)
to the Plate Dispenser and slide the Toner Cartridge Holder to the right to
6. In the Holder Toner Assembly Unit, release the tab securing the auger tube from
the Plate Dispensor (PL 10.1.13) with a small screwdriver and remove by sliding
to the right.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-81

Toner Present Switch Bracket and Actuator (PL 10.1.6
and 10.1.22)
1. Remove the Imaging Unit and protect it from exposure to light.
2. Remove the Top Main Cover, see page 8-9.
3. Remove the Left and Right Side Covers, see page 8-11.
4. Remove the Rear Cover, see page 8-12.
5. Remove the Cartridge Holder screws on each side working from the Yellow
cartridge back to the cartridge that is to be removed.

When removing the Black cartridge, remove only the screws for that

6. Disconnect P/J 51 from the Motor Driver Board.

7. Starting at the Yellow cartridge, disconnect the motor connector and remove
wires from the cable retainers.
8. Beginning with the Yellow, slide the toner holder slightly to the right just far
enough to clear the left alignment pin, then lift first the right end and then the left
end of the holder.

It may be necessary to disconnect the Toner Low Sensor connectors (P/J 701
Y, P/J 702 M, P/J 703 C, and P/J 704 K) to move the holder out of the way.

9. Move the holder out of the way and proceed with the next one until the desired
cartridge is reached.
10. Remove the Toner Cartridge.

Rotate the Toner Holder Assembly with the switch facing up before
removing the switch to prevent toner spills.

8-82 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

11. Carefully pry the tabs securing the Toner Present Switch Assembly with a small
screwdriver and remove the switch.



Service Parts Disassembly 8-83

Toner Low Sensor (PL 10.1.5)
1. Remove the Toner Cartridge Holder Assembly of the relevant color following the
procedure given for the "Toner Present Switch Bracket and Actuator (PL 10.1.6
and 10.1.22)" on page 8-82.

To prevent toner spills, leave the Toner Cartridge locked in place and rotate
the Toner Holder Assembly so the sensor is facing up before removing the

2. Push open the 4 tabs securing the Low Toner Sensor to the holder and remove the


8-84 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

CRUM Reader Box Assembly (PL 10.1.21)
1. Remove the Top Main Cover (page 8-9).
2. Remove the Right and Left Side Covers (page 8-11).
3. Remove the Rear Cover (page 8-12).
4. Disconnect P/J 342 and P/J 3411 from the CRUM Reader Box Assembly and
remove the wires from the cable holders.
5. Remove the 7 screws securing the CRUM Reader Box Assembly (item #1) to the
printer; 4 underneath the cartridge holders, 2 connecting the bottom of the
CRUM to the Dispenser Plate (item #2), and 1 inserted vertically through the
front of the CRUM.
6. Push in slightly on the Dispenser Plate to disengage the locator pins, lift the
CRUM slightly and slide it out to the left rear.




Replacement Notes

Support the CRUM Reader from underneath and slide it into position.
Position each cartridge holder, working from Yellow to Black and slide the
CRUM to the right to lock the cartridge holders in place.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-85

EEPROM Board (PL 10.1.14)
1. Remove the Left Side Cover (page 8-11).

The yellow and gray harnesses to the EEPROM Board contain the same
number of pins, but are NOT interchangeable. Make sure P/J144 (yellow) is
connected to the top connector and P/J145 (gray) is connected to the bottom

2. Disconnect P/J144 and P/J145 from the EEPROM Board on the left side of the
3. Remove 1 screw securing the EEPROM Board and remove the board.

When a new EEPROM Board is installed in the printer, the CRUM data
written to the EEPROM makes it unique to that printer. The EEPROM board
cannot be re-used in another printer.

LEFT 6250-219

8-86 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Sub-High Voltage Power Supply Board (PL 10.1.15)
1. Remove the Left Side Cover (page 8-11).
2. Disconnect P/J5011, P/J5030, and P/J5020 from the Sub-High Voltage Power
Supply Board.
3. Remove the 4 screws securing the board to the printer and remove the
Sub-High Voltage Power Supply Board.

LEFT 6250-220

Service Parts Disassembly 8-87

Frame and Drive Assemblies

Left Lever Plate (PL 11.1.1), Lever Bracket (PL 11.1.2),

Lever Link (PL 11.1.3), Lever Drum (PL 11.1.4), and
Lever Spring (PL 11.1.5)
1. Remove the Left Cover (page 8-11).
2. Remove the Top Imaging Unit Cover Door C (page 8-10).
3. Unhook the Left Link Spring (PL1.1.22).

2 6250-221

4. Remove the Housing Assembly Bias (page 8-69).

5. Remove the 4 screws securing the Left Plate Assembly (item #1).
6. Press on the aligning post in the upper right corner of the plate from inside the
cavity of the printer to remove the Plate Assembly.

8-88 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

7. Unhook the top end of each of the four lever springs (item #2) from the arm of
the drum lever where it extends through the lever link.



Service Parts Disassembly 8-89

8. Carefully remove the Left Link lever (item #4) from the printer chassis together
with the springs and the drum levers (item #3).


Do not accidentally knock out the stud plungers (bias contacts).

For reassembly ensure the drum levers are seated properly on the aligning

When replacing the Lever Link, ensure that the spring behind the Gear Press
(item #6) is aligned as shown in the figure on the preceding page when the
Lever Link is at the bottom of its travel as shown in the same figure.

8-90 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Lever Plate Right (PL 11.1.7), Lever Bracket
(PL 11.1.2), Lever Link (PL 11.1.6), Lever Drum
(PL 11.1.4), and Lever Spring (PL 11.1.5)
1. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-11).
2. Remove the Top Imaging Unit Cover (Door C) (page 8-10).
3. Remove the Right Link Spring (PL1.1.22)
4. Remove the Main Drive Assembly (page 8-94).
5. Remove the Motor Driver Board.


6. Remove the 4 screws securing the Right Plate Assembly (item #1).
7. Press on the aligning post in the upper left corner of the plate from inside the
cavity of the printer to remove the Plate Assembly.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-91

8. Unhook the top end of each of the four lever springs (item #2) from the arm of
the drum lever where it extends through the lever link.


8-92 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

9. Carefully remove the Right Link lever (item #3) from the printer chassis together
with the springs and the drum levers (item #4).


For reassembly ensure the drum levers are seated properly on the aligning

When replacing the Lever Link, ensure that the spring behind the Gear Press
(item #5) is aligned as shown in the figure on the preceding page when the
Lever Link is at the bottom of its travel as shown in the same figure.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-93

Main Drive Assembly (PL 11.1.14)
1. Remove the Cover Top Main (page 8-9).
2. Remove the Cover Front Right (page 8-15).
3. Remove the Cover Right (page 8-11).
4. Remove the Link: Right (page 8-13).
5. Disconnect the P/J48 from the Motor Driver Board.
6. Free the harness from the clamp on the Main Drive Assembly.
7. Remove the grounding screw.
8. Remove the 3 screws securing the Main Drive Assembly to the printer.
9. Remove the Main Drive (item #1).

1 6250-225

8-94 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Developer Drive Assembly (PL 11.1.13)
1. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-11)
2. Disconnect connector P/J49 from the Motor Driver Board
3. Remove the Motor Driver Board (page 8-101).
4. Remove the 4 screws securing the Developer Drive Assembly (item #1) and


Service Parts Disassembly 8-95

Actuator, I/L (PL 11.1.8) and Spring, I/L (PL 11.1.9)
1. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-11)
2. Remove the 4 screws on the Motor Driver Board and set the board to the side.
3. Remove the spring from the actuator.
4. Release the hook securing the actuator (item #1) to the shaft and remove.


8-96 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Earth Ground Circuit Board (PL 11.1.16)
1. Remove the Fuser Assembly.
2. Remove the Transfer Roll Assembly.
3. Remove the Chute Assembly Registration (page 8-71).
4. Remove the Housing Assembly Retard (page 8-37).

Loosen the screw securing the grounding strap at the left side of the board to
allow removal of the board without bending the grounding strap.

5. Remove the 2 screws securing the Ground Circuit Board (item #1) and remove
the board.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-97


AC Switch Harness Assembly (PL 12.1.11)

1. Remove the Top Main Cover (page 8-9).
2. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-11).
3. Remove the screw securing the ground wire to the LVPS (item #1).
4. Release the tabs securing the harness cable guide (item #2) to the AC Switch
bracket and move aside.
5. Disconnect P/J161 from the LVPS.
6. Press in on the tabs and push the AC connector to the rear, then to the side
through the notch in the chassis.
7. Press in on the tabs and remove the Harness Assembly AC Switch (item #3) from
the printer.


8-98 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Low-Voltage Power Supply (PL 12.1.10)
1. Remove the Imaging Unit (Routine Maintenance Item) and protect it from
exposure to light.
2. Remove the Top Main Cover (page 8-9).
3. Remove the Right and Left Side Covers (page 8-11).
4. Remove the Rear Cover (page 8-12).

Reinstall the toner cartridges to seal the toner system and prevent spillage.

5. Remove 4 screws above the LVPS, securing the Toner Cartridge Holder
6. Lift the Toner Cartridge Holder off the aligning tabs and move out of the way.
7. Disconnect P/J162, P/J163, P/J164, P/J165, P/J166, and P/J168 from the Low-
Voltage Power Supply Board.

P/J167 is not used.

8. Remove the 3 screws securing the LVPS to the printer and remove the Low-
Voltage Power Supply.
9. Remove the Harness Assembly AC Switch (page 8-98).


Service Parts Disassembly 8-99


Replacement Notes

The self tapping screw goes in the upper left corner of the LVPS

8-100 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Motor Driver Board (PL 12.1.12)
1. Remove the Top Main Cover (page 8-9).
2. Remove the Front Right Cover (page 8-15).
3. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-11).
4. Disconnect all the connectors on the Motor Driver Board.
5. Remove the 4 screws securing the Motor Driver Board to the printer and remove
the board.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-101

Rear Fan (PL 12.1.2)
1. Remove the Cover Rear (page 8-12).
2. Disconnect P/J166 from the Low-Voltage Power Supply board.
3. Carefully shift the harness out of the 4 hooks on the Toner Cartridge Holder
4. Remove the 2 screws securing the Rear Fan to the printer and remove the fan.

Replacement Notes

When replacing the fan note the airflow direction, the label side should face



8-102 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Card Cage
You do not need to remove the Laser Unit.

Remove the Chute Assembly Registration and the Housing Assembly Bias
PRIOR to removing the Card Cage to prevent damaging the Bias Springs.

1. Remove the Chute Assembly Registration (page 8-71).

2. Remove the Housing Assembly Bias (page 8-69).
3. Disconnect P/J151 from the Laser Unit.
4. Disconnect P/J3411 from the CRUM Reader located above the Card Cage.
5. Disconnect P/J210 from the Paper Tray Feeder on the right side of the printer.
6. Disconnect P/J 41 and P/J 42 from the Motor Driver Board.
7. Disconnect P/J 164 and P/J 168 from the LVPS.
8. Remove the cable guide retainers and remove the cable guide on the right side of
the printer above the power switch.
9. Remove P/J 5011 from the Sub-HVPS, and free it from the cable clamp.
10. Disconnect P/J19 (blue) from the Engine Control Board (under the Housing
Assembly Electric).


Service Parts Disassembly 8-103

11. Disconnect P/J 2361 (yellow wires) going to the Temperature/Humidity Sensor.
12. Disconnect P/J 144 (yellow wires) from the EEPROM Board (PL 10.1.14).
13. At the front of the card cage, remove the two screws from the metal of the card
cage, not the two screws secured in the plastic (see the following figure).


14. Remove the two mounting screws for the Rear Fan and move it out of the way.

Note the fan orientation for reassembly, the label should face out towards the
rear of the printer.

A total of 6 screws including the 2 removed in Step 13) secure the Card
Cage. The remaining 4 are located as follows: 2 on the rear under the card
cage, 1 on the left side below the Sub-HVPS board, and 1 on the right at the
rear of the LVPS.

15. Remove the 4 screws still securing the Card Cage to the printer and remove the
card cage.

8-104 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

16. Carefully slide the Card Cage free while ensuring that cables do not catch and get

Replacement Notes
When reinstalling the Card Cage, make sure the Chute Assembly
Registration and the Housing Assembly Bias are installed after reinstalling
the Card Cage to prevent damaging the bias springs.

The black connector P30 and the beige connector P23 on the Engine Control
Board are not used.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-105

Housing Assembly Contact (PL 12.1.14)
1. Remove the Card Cage Assembly (page 8-103).
2. Release the 2 tabs securing the Housing Assembly Contact to the Card Cage and
remove the Housing Assembly Contact.


Replacement Notes

Insert the rear tab first for easier reassembly. Ensure that the assembly is
fully seated.

8-106 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Engine Control Circuit Board (PL12.1.1)
Critical printer specific information is stored in the engine NVRAM. Save
this information to the Image Processor Board using the Service Diagnostic
NVRAM Access/MCU NVRAM Store/Restore function. Detailed
information is provided in "Service Diagnostic Tests" on page 3-9. If the
printer is not functional, or optionally even if it is, restore the information by
swapping the NVRAM following board replacement.

1. If the printer is functional, save the information in the engine NVRAM using the
Service Diagnostic NVRAM Access/MCU NVRAM Store function before
starting disassembly.

Observe proper ESD procedures (page 8-3) when removing any circuit board
from the printer.

2. Remove the Image Processor Board (page 8-110).

3. Remove the Card Cage (page 8-103).
4. Remove the Housing Assembly Contact (page 8-106).
5. Remove the 4 screws securing the Cover Engine Control Board to the Card Cage.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-107

6. Disconnect all connectors on the Engine Control Board.
7. Remove the 6 screws securing the Engine Control Board to the Card Cage and
remove the board.


Replacement Notes

After the Engine Control Board is replaced, NVRAM data saved prior to
replacement must be restored to the new board. Use the Service Diagnostic
NVRAM Access/MCU NVRAM Restore function to restore the data.
Detailed information is provided in "Service Diagnostic Tests" on page 3-9.
If the printer was previously not functional, or optionally even if it was,
move the NVRAM from the old board over to the new board.

8-108 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Re-install the Engine Control Board and the Card Cage prior to installing the
Chute Assembly Registration and the Housing Assembly Bias to prevent
damaging the bias springs.

Position the replacement board so that the alignment pin goes through the
hole next to the left rear screw hole in the board.

Ensure that all 3 tabs on the card cage are fully inserted when reassembling
the unit.

The black connector P30 and the beige connector P23 on the Engine Control
Board are not used.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-109

Image Processor Board (PL12.1.4)
Observe proper ESD procedures (page 8-3) when removing any circuit board
from the printer.

1. Turn the printer power off.

2. Disconnect any cables attached to the Image Processor board.
3. Loosen the 2 thumb screws securing the Image Processor board to the printer.
4. Holding both knobs on the Image Processor board, pull the board straight out
from the printer to remove.


Replacing the Board

The following items MUST be moved from the original Image Processor Board to the
new board. See "Image Processor Board' on page 9-32 for the exact locations of each
■ Memory
■ Hard Drive (if installed)
■ Configuration Upgrade Chip (‘i’ Button)
Print a Configuration Page after the new board is installed to ensure the customers
configuration is correct.

8-110 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Optional High Capacity Feeder Disassembly

Cover Front (PL14.2.4)

1. Remove Paper Trays 3 and 4.
2. Carefully pry up on the 3 tabs securing the Cover Front to the frame and remove
the Cover Front.



When replacing the Cover Front note the orientation. Align the edge with the
slit in the Feeder Frame.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-111

Cover, Right (PL14.2.1) and Cover, Left (PL14.2.3)
1. Remove Paper Trays 3 and 4.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-111).
3. Remove the 5 screws securing the Cover Right and the 5 screws securing the
Cover Left.
4. Holding both ends of the cover, lift the cover and move left and right, flexing
slightly, to release the tabs from the holes in the Feeder frame.
5. Slide the cover toward the front to remove the Indicator Assembly.

The Indicator Assembly flags will pop off.

6. Remove the Cover Right / Left.


8-112 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Turn Chute Assembly (PL14.3.7)
1. Remove both Paper Trays from the HCF.
2. Holding the Chute Asssembly Turn, grip at both ends, push it down and release
the 2 tabs from the hole in the Fame Top.
3. Release the tabs securing the Chute Assembly Turn to the Tray Guide Left and
Right and remove the Chute Assemlby Turn.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-113

Tray 3 Harness Assembly (PL14.5.3), Tray 4 Harness
Assembly (PL14.5.4), and HCF Plug Harness Assembly
1. Remove both Paper Trays from the HCF Assembly.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-111).
3. Remove the Cover Right (page 8-112).



8-114 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Harness Assembly Tray 3
1. Disconnect P/J82 (gray) from the HCF Circuit Board
2. Remove the Harness Assembly Tray 3.

Harness Assembly Tray 4

1. Disconnect P/J83 (blue) from the Power Feeder Circuit Board and remove the
Harness Assembly Tray 4.

Harness Assembly Feeder Plug

The wide slot in the middle of the plug faces outward. The tabs on the
bottom of J810 can be easily damaged during the removal process.

1. Disconnect P/J81 (yellow) from the Power Feeder Circuit Board.

2. Remove J810 by lifting out of the hole in the top of the HCF frame.
3. Lift the entire Harness Assembly Feeder Plug through the hole in the top of the
HCF frame.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-115

Circuit Board, HCF (PL14.5.1)
1. Remove both Paper Trays from the HCF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-111).
3. Remove the Cover Right (page 8-112).
4. Disconnect P/J81 from the Harness Feeder Plug Assembly.
5. Disconnect P/J82 from the Harness Assembly Tray 3.
6. Disconnect P/J83 from the Harness Assembly Tray 4.
7. Disconnect P/J84 from the Drive Assembly.
8. Remove the 3 screws securing the Power Feeder Circuit board to the HCF frame
and remove the board.


Replacement Notes

When replacing the Power Feeder Circuit Board, align the hole on the board
and the two tabs on the HCF Frame.

8-116 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Drive Feeder Assembly (PL14.5.5)
1. Remove both Paper Trays from the HCF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-111).
3. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-112).
4. Release the Tray 2 Harness Assembly (gray) from the cable restraints.
5. Disconnect P/J84.
6. Remove the 3 screws securing the Feeder Drive Assembly to the HCF and


Service Parts Disassembly 8-117

Indicator Assembly (PL14.5.9)
1. Remove both Paper Trays from the HCF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-111).
3. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-112).
4. Push down on the black bearing, on the top of the indicator shaft, lift up on the
shaft and pull out of the hole in the HCF frame.




The Indicator Assembly has to be below the Low Paper Lever.

8-118 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Right Tray Guide (PL14.3.5)and Low Paper Lever
(PL 14.5.8)

Guide Assembly Paper Tray Right

1. Remove both Paper Trays from the HCF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-111).
3. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-112).
4. Remove the Turn Chute Assembly (page 8-113) .
5. Remove the Feeder Drive Assembly (page 8-117).
6. Remove the Indicator Assembly (page 8-118).
7. Remove the HCF Circuit Board (page 8-116).
8. Remove the 1 screw securing the Low Paper Bracket to the HCF frame.
9. Remove the Bracket.


10. Remove the 5 screws securing the Right Tray Guide to the HCF frame.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-119

11. Release the 7 tabs securing the Right Tray Guide to the HCF frame.


12. Carefully remove the Low Paper Lever from the slit in the Right Tray Guide.

8-120 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

13. Remove the Guide Assembly Right by rotating the top in.
14. Repeat Steps 11 - 14 to remove the lower guide.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-121

Left Tray Guide (PL14.3.3)
1. Remove both Paper Trays from the HCF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-111).
3. Remove the Left Cover (page 8-112).
4. Remove the Turn Chute Assembly (page 8-113).
5. Remove the 5 screws securing the Left Tray Guide Assembly to the HCF frame.
6. Release the 6 tabs securing the Left Tray Guide Assembly to the HCF frame.


7. Remove the Guide Assembly by rotating the top inward.

8-122 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

8. Repeat Steps 1 - 7 to remove the lower guide.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-123

Link Actuator (PL 14.4.6)
1. Remove both Paper Trays from the HCF.
2. Remove the paper tray Rear Cover.
3. Reach in through the rear of the printer and spread the tabs of the Link Actuator
4. Remove the link actuator from the bracket in the printer.
5. Remove the actuator.

When replacing, positon the Actuator so that the wider portion is on the right
side viewe from the front. Replace it after passing the tip of the Link
Actuator into the hole in the HCF frame.


8-124 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

HCF Paper Pick Assembly (PL14.4.1)
1. Remove the Right and Left Tray Guide Assemblies (page 8-119) and
(page 8-122).
2. Remove the Link Actuator (page 8-124).
3. Remove the 2 screws securing the Paper Pick Assembly to the right side of the
HCF frame.
4. Release 2 tabs on the Paper Pick Assembly from the 2 slits and window on the
left side of the HCF frame.
5. Disconnect P/J824, P/J8220 and P/J825.
6. Remove the Paper Pick Assembly through the window.

When removing or replacing the the screws, be careful not to damage the
Gear or Spring with the screwdriver. When passing the Paper Pick Assembly
through the window, be careful not to damage the rubber parts.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-125

Idler Gear (PL14.5.6)
1. Remove the Tray 4 Guide Assembly Right and Left (page 8-119) (page 8-122).
2. Remove the Link Actuator (page 8-124).
3. Remove the Paper Pick Assembly for Tray 4 (page 8-125).
4. Remove the Gear Idler.

When replacing, the larger side of the gear must face the HCF frame.


8-126 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

No Paper, Low Paper Sensor (PL14.5.7)
1. Remove the Paper Trays.
2. Remove the Cover Front (page 8-111).
3. Remove the Cover Right (page 8-112).
4. Remove the Turn Chute Assembly (page 8-113).
5. Remove the Indicator Assembly (page 8-118).
6. Remove the Bracket Low Paper, upper and lower.
7. Remove the HCF Circuit Board (page 8-116).
8. Remove the Right Tray Guide (page 8-119).
9. Release the 3 tabs securing the Sensor to the HCF frame and remove the sensor.

Use caution, the Sensor tabs are easily broken.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-127

Paper Size Switch Assembly (PL14.3.6)
1. Remove the Right Tray Guide Assembly (page 8-119).
2. Remove the 1 screw securing the Paper Size Switch to the Right Guide Assembly
and remove the switch.


8-128 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Casters, Locking (PL 14.2.5)/Non-Locking (PL 14.2.6)
1. Remove both paper trays from the HCF.
2. Turn the HCF upside down to access the casters.
3. For the Locking (front) Casters only, remove 1 screw securing the Guide, Caster
(item #1) (PL 14.2.8) to the bottom of the HCF and remove the Guide.

4. Remove the 3 screws securing the Caster (item #2) (PL 14.2.5 or PL 14.2.6) to
the bottom of the HCF and remove the Caster.

Replacement Notes

When replacing the Locking (front) Casters, ensure that the Caster is facing
forward as shown in the preceding figure before replacing the Guide, Caster.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-129

Optional 500-sheet Feeder Disassembly

Cover Front (PL15.2.4)

1. Remove Paper Tray 3.
2. Carefully pry up on the 3 tabs securing the Cover Front to the frame and remove
the Cover Front.



When replacing the Cover Front note the orientation. Align the edge with the
slit in the Feeder Frame.

8-130 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Cover, Right (PL15.2.2) and Cover, Left (PL15.2.1)
1. Remove Paper Tray 3.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-130).
3. Remove the 4 screws securing the Cover Right and the 4 screws securing the
Cover Left.
4. Holding both ends of the cover, lift the cover and move left and right, flexing
slightly, to release the tabs from the holes in the Feeder frame.
5. Slide the cover toward the front to remove the Indicator Assembly.

Do not pull sideways on the cover as you may break the Indicator Mounting
Arm. The Indicator Assembly flag will pop off as the cover slides forward,
do not lose the flag.

6. Remove the Cover Right / Left.



The Indicator Assembly has to be below the Low Paper Lever. Push the
indicator about halfway down before inserting the flag.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-131

Turn Chute Assembly (PL15.3.9)
1. Remove the Paper Tray from the 500-sheet Feeder.
2. Holding the Chute Asssembly Turn, grip at both ends, push it down and release
the 2 tabs from the hole in the Frame Top.
3. Release the tabs securing the Chute Assembly Turn to the Tray Guide Left and
Right and remove the Chute Assemlby Turn.

8-132 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Tray 3 Harness Assembly (PL15.5.3) and STF Plug
Harness Assembly (PL15.5.2)
1. Remove the Paper Tray from the STF Assembly.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-130).
3. Remove the Cover Right (page 8-131).


Service Parts Disassembly 8-133

Harness Assembly Tray 3
1. Disconnect P/J82 (gray) from the STF Circuit Board
2. Remove the Harness Assembly Tray 3.

Harness Assembly Feeder Plug

The wide slot in the middle of the plug faces outward. The tabs on the
bottom of J810 can be easily damaged during the removal process.

1. Disconnect P/J81 (yellow) from the Power Feeder Circuit Board.

2. Remove J810 by lifting out of the hole in the top of the STF frame.
3. Lift the entire Harness Assembly Feeder Plug through the hole in the top of the
STF frame.

8-134 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Circuit Board, STF (PL15.5.1)
1. Remove the Paper Tray from the STF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-130).
3. Remove the Cover Right (page 8-131).
4. Disconnect P/J81 from the Harness Feeder Plug Assembly.
5. Disconnect P/J82 from the Harness Assembly Tray 3.
6. Disconnect P/J84 from the Drive Assembly.
7. Remove the 3 screws securing the Power Feeder Circuit board to the STF frame
and remove the board.


Replacement Notes

When replacing the Power Feeder Circuit Board, align the hole on the board
and the two tabs on the STF Frame.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-135

Drive Feeder Assembly (PL15.5.5)
1. Removethe Paper Tray from the STF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-130).
3. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-131).
4. Release the Tray 3 Harness Assembly (gray) from the cable restraints.
5. Disconnect P/J84.
6. Remove the 3 screws securing the Feeder Drive Assembly to the STF and


8-136 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Indicator Assembly (PL15.5.8)
1. Remove the Paper Tray from the STF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-130).
3. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-131).
4. Push down on the black bearing, on the top of the indicator shaft, lift up on the
shaft and pull out of the hole in the STF frame.



The Indicator Assembly has to be below the Low Paper Lever.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-137

Right Tray Guide (PL15.3.5)and Low Paper Lever
(PL 15.5.7)

Guide Assembly Paper Tray Right

1. Remove the Paper Tray from the STF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-130).
3. Remove the Right Cover (page 8-131).
4. Remove the Turn Chute Assembly (page 8-132) .
5. Remove the Feeder Drive Assembly (page 8-136).
6. Remove the Indicator Assembly (page 8-137).
7. Remove the STF Circuit Board (page 8-135).
8. Remove the 1 screw securing the Low Paper Bracket to the STF frame.
9. Remove the Bracket.


10. Remove the 5 screws securing the Right Tray Guide to the STF frame.

8-138 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

11. Release the 7 tabs securing the Right Tray Guide to the STF frame.


12. Carefully remove the Low Paper Lever from the slit in the Right Tray Guide.

Service Parts Disassembly 8-139

13. Remove the Guide Assembly Right by rotating the top in..


8-140 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Left Tray Guide (PL15.3.3)
1. Remove the Paper Tray from the STF.
2. Remove the Front Covers (page 8-130).
3. Remove the Left Cover (page 8-131).
4. Remove the Turn Chute Assembly (page 8-132).
5. Remove the 5 screws securing the Left Tray Guide Assembly to the STF frame.
6. Release the 6 tabs securing the Left Tray Guide Assembly to the STF frame.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-141

7. Remove the Guide Assembly by rotating the top inward.


8-142 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Link Actuator (PL 15.4.6)
1. Remove the Paper Tray from the STF.
2. Remove the paper tray Rear Cover.
3. Reach in through the rear of the STF and spread the tabs of the Link Actuator
4. Remove the link actuator from the bracket in the STF.
5. Remove the actuator.

When replacing, positon the Actuator so that the wider portion is on the right
side viewe from the front. Replace it after passing the tip of the Link
Actuator into the hole in the STF frame.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-143

STF Paper Pick Assembly (PL15.4.1)
1. Remove the Right and Left Tray Guide Assemblies (page 8-138) and
(page 8-141).
2. Remove the Link Actuator (page 8-143).
3. Remove the 2 screws securing the Paper Pick Assembly to the right side of the
STF frame.
4. Release 2 tabs on the Paper Pick Assembly from the 2 slits and window on the
left side of the STF frame.
5. Disconnect P/J824, P/J8220 and P/J825.
6. Remove the Paper Pick Assembly through the window.

When removing or replacing the the screws, be careful not to damage the
Gear or Spring with the screwdriver. When passing the Paper Pick Assembly
through the window, be careful not to damage the rubber parts.


8-144 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

No Paper, Low Paper Sensor (PL15.5.6)
1. Remove the Paper Tray.
2. Remove the Cover Front (page 8-130).
3. Remove the Cover Right (page 8-131).
4. Remove the Turn Chute Assembly (page 8-132).
5. Remove the Indicator Assembly (page 8-137).
6. Remove the Bracket Low Paper.
7. Remove the STF Circuit Board (page 8-135).
8. Remove the Right Tray Guide (page 8-138).
9. Release the 3 tabs securing the Sensor to the STF frame and remove the sensor.

Use caution, the Sensor tabs are easily broken.


Service Parts Disassembly 8-145

Paper Size Switch Assembly (PL15.3.6)
1. Remove the Right Tray Guide Assembly (page 8-138).
2. Remove the 1 screw securing the Paper Size Switch to the Right Guide Assembly
and remove the switch.


8-146 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Parts List
In this chapter...
■ Serial Number Format
■ Using the Parts List
■ Print Engine Parts
■ Harness Assemblies
■ Optional High-Capacity Feeder
■ Optional 500-sheet Feeder
■ Xerox Supplies and Accessories

Serial Number Format
Changes to Xerox products are made to accommodate improved components as they
become available. It is important when ordering parts to include the following
■ Component's part number
■ Product type or model number
■ Serial number of the printer
Serial numbering. Particular fields in the serial number indicate the modification
level of the printer, the date of its manufacture and the sequence number of the printer
produced on that day.

The serial number is coded as follows:

■ The text “S/N” followed by the serial number in the barcode.
■ The barcode does not include a field identifier.
■ The nine digit serial number is based on the following format:

PPP = Three digit alphanumeric product code

Product Model Voltage Product Code

6250 B, N, DP, DT, DX 110V PWG

6250V B, N, DP, DT, DX 220V PWH

R - Single numeric revision digit. To be rolled when a major product change occurs.
Code change is initiated with a change request.
SSSSS - Five digit numeric serial number.

Serial Number Example:

PWG = Product code for the 110V Printer
4 = Revision level
53072 = Serial number

9-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Using the Parts List
1. No.: The callout number from the exploded part diagram.
2. Part Number: The material part number used to order specific parts.

An asterisk following the part number identifies parts that are unique to the
Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer. All other part are common with the Phaser
6200 Color Laser Printer.

3. Qty: This number represents the parts per printer, not the number of parts
supplied in the actual part order.
4. Name/Description: Details the name of the part to be ordered and the number
of parts supplied per order.
5. Parts identified throughout this manual are referenced PL#.#.#; For example,
PL3.1.10 means the part is item 10 of Parts List 3.1.
6. A black triangle preceding a number followed by a parenthetical statement in an
illustrated parts list means the item is a parent assembly, made up of the
individual parts called out in parentheses.
7. The notation “with X~Y” following a part name indicates an assembly that is
made up of components X through Y. For example, “1 (with 2~4)” means part 1
consists of part 2, part 3, and part 4.
8. Two asterisks (**) following a part name indicates the page contains a note about
this part.
9. The notation (NS) next to a part indicates that pariticular part is not spared, but
contained in a kit or major assembly.
10. The notation “J1<>J2 and P2” is attached to a wire harness. It indicates that
connector Jack 1 is attached to one end of the wire harness and connector J2 is
attached to the other end that is plugged into P2.

Only parts showing part numbers are available for support. Parts not showing
part numbers are available on the parent assembly.


Identifier Meaning

C C-ring

E E-ring

KL K-clip

S Screw

Parts List 9-3

Print Engine Parts

PL 1.1 Covers


9-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 1.1 Covers - Service Parts List
No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 333-4405-00* 1 Control Panel (Front Panel Display)

2. 116-1357-00* 1 Cover Assembly, Front (with 3-7)

3. 1 Cover, Front (NS, part of PL 1.1.2)

4. 1 Holder, Lever Out (NS)

5. 1 Lever Out (NS)

6. 1 Con. Amp 175694-3 (NS)

7. 116-0004-00 1 Fan, Fuser

8. 116-1074-00* 1 Cover Assembly, Top

9. 116-1359-00 1 Cover, Top Main

10. 116-1360-00* 1 Cover Assembly, Top Image Unit (with11-19) (Door C)

11. 1 CAM I/R (NS)

12. 1 Cover, CAM (NS)

13. 1 Spring, CAM I/R (NS)

14. 116-0011-00 1 Latch, Top Right

15. 1 Handle, Top (NS)

16. 1 Shaft Latch, Top (NS)

17. 1 Spring, Handle (NS)

18. 116-1372-00* 1 Latch, Top Left

19. 1 Cover, Top Image Unit (Door C)(NS)

20. 116-0016-00 1 Cover, Rear

21. 116-0492-00 2 Stud, Top (1 per order)

22. 116-0586-00 2 Spring, Link (1 per order)

23. 116-0963-00 2 Link (1 per order)

24. 116-1373-00* 1 Cover, Side, Right

25. 116-1322-00 1 Cover Assembly, Front Right

26. 1 Cover, Tray 1 (MPT) (NS, part of Tray 1 99)

27. 1 Tray 1 Slide (NS, part of Tray 1 99)

28. 116-1375-00* 1 Assembly, Tray 1, Base

29. 116-1376-00* 1 Cover Assembly, Front Left

30. 116-1327-00 1 Cover, Side, Left

31. 116-1096-00* 1 Cover, Top Stopper

Parts List 9-5

PL 1.1 Covers - Service Parts List
No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

32. 116-1592-00* 1 Kit, Cover Front Retaining Clips

99 116-1377-00* 1 Tray 1, (MPT) (with 26 and 27)

9-6 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 2.1 Universal Paper Tray


PL 2.1 Tray, Univeral Paper - Service Parts List

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1378-00* 1 Universal Paper Tray (with 2~6)

2. 116-1331-00 2 Paper Feed Roller Kit*

*(2 interchangeable rollers per order)

3. 116-1332-00 1 Assembly, Friction Clutch

4. 1 Holder, Retard (NS)

5. 116-1632-00* 1 Spring, Retard


7. 116-1490-00 Chute, Guide Cover

Parts List 9-7

PL 3.1 Paper Feed I


9-8 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 3.1 Paper Feed I - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1335-00 1 Cover, Feeder, Front

2. 116-1336-00 1 Assembly, Turn Chute

3. 116-1491-00* 1 Cover, Paper Tray, Rear

4. 116-1338-00 3 Block (1 per order)

5. 212-0237-00 4 Long Screw (M3 x 85) Kit (2 per order)

99. 116-1631-00 1 Assembly, Feeder (with 1 - 4 & PL 3.2 & PL 3.3)

Parts List 9-9

PL 3.2 Paper Feed II


9-10 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 3.2 Paper Feed II - FRU Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1340-00 1 Assembly, Harness, Temperature/Humidity


2. 116-1341-00 1 Sensor, Temperature/Humidity

3. 116-1342-00 1 Asssembly, Harness, LTA (HCF) (J210~P810)

4. 116-1343-00 1 Assembly, Paper Size Switch

5. 116-1625-00 4 Printer Feet (4 per order)

6. --- - ---

7. 116-1345-00 1 Lever, Low Paper

8. 116-1346-00 1 Indicator, Paper Level

9. 1 Indicator, Holder, Shaft (NS)

10. 116-1348-00 1 Indicator, Guide

11. 1 Indicator, Spring (NS)

12. 1 Indicator, Shaft (NS)

13. 116-1351-00 1 Paper Tray Stopper

Parts List 9-11

PL 3.3 Paper Feed III


9-12 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 3.3 Paper Feeder III - Service Parts List

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1352-00 1 Assembly, Paper Pick (with 2~5 & 7~23)

2. 1 Shaft, Feed 1 (NS)

3. 116-1353-01 2 Paper Pick Roller Kit (2 per order)

4. 116-1354-00 1 Sensor, (No Paper, Low Paper)

5. 116-1355-00 1 Actuator, No Paper

6. 116-1356-00 1 Actuator, Link (not included with item 1)

7. 3 Bearing - Metal (NS)

8. 1 Gear, Feed 1 (NS)

9. 1 Spring, Feed 1 (NS)

10. 1 Spring, Feed H (NS)

11. 1 Gear, Feed H2 (NS part of 99)

12. 1 Gear, Feed H1 (NS part of 99)

13. 1 Gear, Feed 2 (NS part of 99)

14. 1 Gear, Idler Feed (NS part of 99)

15. 1 Gear, Idler (NS part of 99)

16. 1 Clutch Stopper (NS)

17. 116-1361-00 1 Feed Solenoid

18. 116-1362-00 1 Assembly, Clutch Turn

19. 1 Gear, Idler In (NS part of 99)

20. 116-1363-00 1 Assembly, Roll Turn

21. 3 Bearing - Black (NS)

22. 1 Shaft, Feed 2 (NS)

23. 116-1331-00 2 Paper Feed Roller Kit*

*(2 interchangeable rollers per order)

24. 116-1366-00 1 Assembly, Harness, Feeder (J47-J471/J472/J473/P474/

P475) (not included with item 1)

99 ) 116-1367-00 1 Paper Feed Gear Kit (with 8, 11~15 and 19)

Parts List 9-13

PL 4.1 Housing Assembly Retard


9-14 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 4.1 Assembly, Housing Retard - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1492-00* 1 Assembly, Housing Retard (with 2~13)

2. 1 Roll, Turn (NS)

3. 1 Shaft, Retard (NS)

4. 1 Assembly, Friction Clutch (NS)

5. 116-1371-00 1 Assembly, Retard Roll

6. 1 Holder, Retard (NS)

7. 1 Housing, Retard (NS)

8. 1 Bearing (NS)

9. 1 Turn Clutch (NS)

10. 1 Stud, Retard (NS)

11. 1 Spring, Retard 370 (NS)

12. 1 Cap, Retard (NS)

13. 1 Bearing, Ground (NS)

Parts List 9-15

PL 5.1 Chute Assembly In


9-16 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 5.1 Chute Assembly, In - Service Parts List Table
ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1 116-1493-00* 1 Chute Assembly, In (with 2~30)

2 116-1381-00 1 Assembly, Wiring 2nd BTR (J5020)(Transfer Roller)

3 116-1382-00 1 Spring, 2nd BTR

4 116-1383-00 1 Shaft, BTR IN

5 116-1384-00 1 Assembly, Wire Disk (J5030)

6 116-1385-00 1 Spring, DTC

7 116-1386-00 1 Stud, 2nd BTR

8 116-1387-00 1 Spring, Holder BTR

9 116-1575-00* 1 Assembly, Harness Fuser (FSR 4) (J232, J233, J162,

J138, J145, J2362)

10 116-1390-00 1 Assembly, Harness CTD (ADC)

11 116-1391-00 1 Assembly, Sensor CTD (ADC)

12 116-1392-00 1 Spring, ADC

13 116-1393-00 1 Sensor, Toner Full

14 116-1394-00 1 Assembly, Harness Toner Full SNS

15 116-1395-00 1 Spring, IDT

16 116-1396-00 1 Stud, IDT

17 116-1397-00 1 Holder, IDT

18 116-1588-00* 1 Assembly, Drive Fuser

19 116-1399-00 1 Spring, BTR

20 116-1400-00 1 Wire Assembly, FSR Earth GRND

21 116-1401-00 1 Right Latch

22 116-1402-00 1 Spring, Latch

23 1 Shaft, Latch (NS)

24 116-1403-00 1 Plate, In T/R

25 116-1404-00 2 Roll, Pinch Turn (1 per order)

26 116-1405-00 2 Spring, Pinch Turn (1 per order)

27 116-1406-00 2 Roll, Pinch Dup (1 per order)

28 116-1407-00 1 Spring, Pinch Dup

29 116-1408-00 1 Chute, In
30 116-1409-00 1 Left Latch

Parts List 9-17

PL 6.1 Chute Assembly Out


9-18 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 6.1 Chute Assembly, Out - Service Parts List Table

ID No Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1591-00* 1 Assembly, Chute Out (with 2~43 & PL 7.1)

2. 116-1411-00 1 Assembly, Harness, Front 2

3. 116-1593-00* 1 Assembly, Harness, Front Panel

4. 116-1413-00 3 Sensor, (Dup Jam, Full Stack, MSI No Paper) (1 per


5. 116-1414-00 1 Actuator, Output Tray Full (Full Stack)

6. 116-1634-00* 4 Spring, Pinch Exit (1 per order)

7. 116-1416-00 2 Roll, Pinch Exit (1 per order)

8. 116-1417-00 2 Roll, Pinch (1 per order)

9. 116-1418-00 1 Eliminator Assembly

10. 116-1419-00 1 Gear 30

11. 1 Bearing Ground (NS)

12. 116-1420-00 1 Roll, Dup (Duplex)

13. 116-1421-00 1 Actuator, Duplex

14. 116-1422-00 1 Actuator, Cover

15. 116-1423-00 1 Spring, Sensor Dup (Duplex)

16. 1 Bearing (NS)

17. 1 Latch, Plate (NS)

18. 1 Latch, Out (NS)

19. 1 Latch, Holder (NS)

20. 116-1425-00 1 Latch, Spring Out

21. 116-1426-00 2 Spring, N/F MPT 250GF (1 per order)

22. 116-1427-00 1 Gear, MPT

23. 116-1594-00* 1 Assembly, Harness Duplex

24. 2 Bearing, MPT (NS)

25. 116-1430-00 2 CAM, MPT (1 per order)

26. 116-1431-00 2 Core, Roll, MPT (1 per order)

27. 116-1432-00 1 Assembly, Feed Roll

28. 1 Shaft MPT (NS)



Parts List 9-19

PL 6.1 Chute Assembly, Out - Service Parts List Table

ID No Part Number Qty Name/Description




35. 116-1433-00 1 Plate, Out MPT

36. 116-1434-00 1 Sensor, Spring MPT

37. 116-1435-00 1 Actuator, MPT

38. 116-1436-00 1 Solenoid Stopper

39. 116-1437-00 1 Solenoid, Spring

40. 116-1438-00 1 Feed Solenoid, MPT

41. 1 Chute, Out (NS)

42. 116-1439-00 1 Assembly, Bottom Plate, MPT

43. 116-1440-00 1 Assembly, Wire, Earth GRND

9-20 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

(This Page Intentionally Left Blank)

Parts List 9-21

PL 7.1 Chute Assembly Exit


9-22 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 7.1 Chute Assembly, Exit - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1595-00* 1 Chute Assembly, Exit (with 2~13)

2. 2 Gear Roll (NS)

3. 2 Bearing Earth (NS)

4. 1 Roll, Exit (NS)

5. 1 Roll, Mid (NS)

6. 1 Chute, Exit Lower (NS)

7. 2 Bearing (NS)

8. 1 Assembly, Duplex Motor (NS)

9. 1 Gear, 42 (NS)

10. 2 Gear, 40/42 (NS)

11. 2 Gear, 48 (NS)

12. 3 Grommet (NS, part of PL 7.1.99)

13. 3 Sleeve (NS, part of PL 7.1.99)

99. 116-1596-00* 1 Kit, Bushing (with12, qty 3, 13 qty 3)

Parts List 9-23

PL 8.1 Transfer Roller & Fuser Assembly (RMIs)


9-24 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 8.1 Transfer Roller and Fuser - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1a 115R00029* 1 110 V Fuser, Phaser 6250 (with 7 and 8)
1b 115R00030* 1 220 V Fuser, Phaser 6250 (with 7 and 8)

2. --- ---

3. --- ---

4. --- ---
5. --- ---

6. --- ---

7. 116-1447-00 1 Actuator, Exit

8. 116-1448-00 1 Actuator, Spring

9. --- ---

10. --- ---

11. --- ---

12. 108R00592 1 Transfer Roller, (BTR)

13. 116-1449-00 1 Strap

14. 116-1528-00 2 E-Ring (part of E-Ring Kit )

15. 116-1450-00 2 Shaft, Pivot (1 per order)

Parts List 9-25

PL 9.1 Xerographics


9-26 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 9.1 Xerographics - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1597-00* 1 Laser Unit

2. 116-1452-00 2 Spring, ROS (1 per order)

3. 108R00591* 1 Imaging Unit, Phaser 6250

4. 116-1453-00 1 Bias Housing Assembly

5. 116-1454-00 8 Plunger, Stud (Biasing Buttons) (1 per order)

6. 116-1598-00* 1 Assembly, Chute Registration (with 7~10 and 12)

7. 1 Registration Clutch (NS)

8. 116-1413-00 1 Sensor, Registration

9. 116-1456-00 1 Actuator, Registration

10. 116-1457-00 1 Actuator Spring, Registration

11. 116-1458-00 1 Assembly, Housing, Electrical

12. 116-1459-00 1 OHP Sensor (with Harness) Kit

99. 116-1627-00 1 Kit, Registration Sensor Actuator and Spring

Parts List 9-27

PL 10.1 Holder Toner Cartridge Assembly


9-28 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 10.1 Toner Cartridge Holder Unit Assemblies - Service Parts List

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1599-00* 1 Holder, Toner Cartridge Assembly, Yellow

2. 116-1600-00* 1 Holder, Toner Cartridge Assembly, Magenta

3. 116-1601-00* 1 Holder, Toner Cartridge Assembly, Cyan

4. 116-1602-00* 1 Holder, Toner Cartridge Assembly, Black

5. 116-1603-00* 1 Sensor, No Toner

6. 116-1604-00* 1 Switch Bracket, Toner CTG-IN

7. 106R00670* 1 Yellow Toner Cartridge, Standard-Capacity
106R00674* 1 Yellow Toner Cartridge, High-Capacity

8. 106R00669* 1 Magenta Toner Cartridge, Standard-Capacity

106R00673* 1 Magenta Toner Cartridge, High-Capacity

9. 106R00668* 1 Cyan Toner Cartridge, Standard-Capacity

106R00672* 1 Cyan Toner Cartridge, High-Capacity
10. 106R00671* 1 Black Toner Cartridge, Standard-Capacity
106R00675* 1 Black Toner Cartridge, High-Capacity

11. 116-1606-00* 1 Harness Assy, TNR4 (J51-J511/J432/J512/J513/J514/


12. 116-1467-00 1 Assembly , Harness CRUM (J71-J710)

13. 116-1633-00* 1 Assembly, Plate Dispenser

14. 116-1468-00 1 **Circuit Board, EEPROM

15. 116-1469-00 1 Sub-High-Voltage Power Supply

16. 1 HSG Base, CRUM (NS, part of item 21)

17. 1 HSG Assy, Coil Reader (NS, part of item 21)

18. 1 Circuit Board, CRUM Reader (NS, part of item 21)

19. 1 Harness Assy, RF1D2 (J341~J3411)(NS, part of item 21)

20. 1 Cover, CRUM Holder (NS, part of item 21)

21. 116-1607-00* 1 Box Assy, CRUM Reader (with 16 ~ 20)

22. 116-1605-00* 1 Actuator, Toner CTG-IN

23. 116-1630-00 1 Kit, Rack V (Gear, Rack)

** When a new EEPROM Board is installed in the printer, the CRUM data
written to the EEPROM makes it unique to that printer. The EEPROM board
cannot be re-used in another printer.

Parts List 9-29

PL 11.1 Frame and Drive Assemblies


9-30 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 11.1 Frame and Drive Assemblies - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 1 Lever, Plate Left (NS)

2. 116-1471-00 2 Lever, Bracket (1 per order)

3. 116-1472-00 1 Lever, Link , Left

4. 116-1473-00 8 Lever, Drum (1 per order)

5. 116-1474-00 8 Lever, Spring (1 per order)

6. 116-1475-00 1 Link Lever, Right

7. 1 Lever, Plate Right (NS)

8. 116-1476-00 1 Actuator, I/L

9. 116-1477-00 1 Spring, I/L

10. 116-1478-00 2 Press, Gear IDL (1 per order)

11. 116-1479-00 1 Press, Gear Right

12. 116-1480-00 1 Spring, IDT Right

13. 116-1608-00* 1 Assembly, Developer Drive

14. 116-1609-00* 1 Assembly, Main Drive

15. 116-1483-00 1 Registration, Film

16. 116-1484-00 1 Circuit Board, Earth GRND (Ground)

17. 116-1485-00 1 Spring, IDT Left

18. 116-1486-00 1 Press, Gear, Left

98. 116-1610-00 1 Gear Assy, Press R (with 11 and 12)

99. 116-1611-00 1 Gear Assy, Press L (with 17 and 18)

Parts List 9-31

PL 12.1 Electrical


9-32 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 12.1 Electrical - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1 116-1612-00* 1 Circuit Board, Engine Control

2 116-1488-00 1 Rear Fan

3 116-1489-00 2 Harness, Clamp Guide (1 per order)

4 650-4271-01* 1 Image Processor Board, no configuration chip, no

memory, no NVRAM, no Hard Drive

4a 163-1459-00 IC, Memory NVRAM

Configuration Chip = “i” button
4b 163-1500-00 IC, Base Configuration Chip
163-1501-00 IC, Network Configuration Upgrade Chip
163-1502-00 IC, DP/DX Configuration Upgrade Chip

4c Memory
156-4838-00 64 MB, 8M x 64, PC133; Memory DIMM
156-4837-00 128 MB, 16M x 64, PC133; Memory DIMM
156-4663-00 256 MB, 32M x 64, PC133; Memory DIMM

4d 650-4281-00* Internal Hard Drive, Phaser 6250 Service Part

5 1 Plate, Rear, Image Processor Board (NS)

6 2 Spring, Ground, Image Processor Board (NS)

7 1 Guide Right - Engine Control Board (NS)

8 1 Guide Left - Engine Control Board (NS)

9 --- ---

10a 116-1613-00* 1 Low-Voltage Power Supply 110 V

10b 116-1614-00* 1 Low-Voltage Power Supply 220 V

11 116-1496-00 1 Assembly, Harness, AC Switch

12 116-1615-00* 1 Circuit Board, Motor Driver

13 --- ---

14 116-1498-00 1 Housing Assembly Contact

Parts List 9-33

PL 13.1 Harness Assemblies


9-34 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 13.1 - Harness Assemblies - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1616-00* 1 Assembly, Harness, LVNC (J165-61)

2. 116-1500-00 1 Assembly, Harness, DRV 1 (J11-J41)

3. 116-1617-00* 1 Assembly, Harness, DRV 2 (J12-J42)

4. 116-1502-00 1 Assembly, Harness, LVRPG (J164-311)

5. 116-1504-00 1 Assembly, Harness, ROSKA (J15-J151)

6. 116-1503-00 1 Assembly, Harness, 24 V (J60-J163)

7. 116-1505-00 1 Assembly, Harness, FRONT 1A (J13-P138/P139/P1361/

8. 116-1506-00 1 Assembly, Harness, OPF MAIN (J121-P210)

9. 116-1507-00 1 Assembly, Harness, OPEPANE OPA (J22-J168/P221)

10. 116-1508-00 1 Assembly, Harness, EEPROM (J140-P71/J144/P141)


12. 116-1618-00* 1 Assembly, Harness, TMPNCS (J24-J2361/P2362)

13. 116-1620-00* 1 Assembly, Harness, RFID (J34-P3411)


Parts List 9-35

Optional High-Capacity Feeder

PL 14.1 Paper Trays 3 & 4


PL 14.1 Tray 3 & 4, Univeral Paper - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1378-00* 1 Universal Paper Tray (with 2~6)

2. 116-1331-00 2 Paper Feed Roller Kit**
**(2 interchangeable rollers per order)

3. 116-1332-00 1 Assembly, Friction Clutch

4. 1 Holder, Retard (NS)

5. 116-1632-00* 1 Spring, Retard

7. 116-1490-00 Chute Guide Cover

9-36 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 14.2 High-Capacity Feeder Covers

PL 14.2 High-Capacity Feeder Covers- Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1510-00 1 Cover, Left


3. 116-1511-00 1 Cover, Right

4. 116-1512-00 3 Cover, Front (1 per order)

5. 116-0009-00 2 Casters, Locking (1 per order)

6. 116-0008-00 2 Casters, Non-Locking (1 per order)

7. 116-1514-00 2 Indicator, Paper (1per order)

8. 2 Guide Caster (NS)

Parts List 9-37

PL 14.3 High-Capacity Feeder Guides and Turn Chute


9-38 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 14.3 High-Capacity Feeder Guides and Chute - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. Guide Assembly, Left (with 3 and 8) (NS)

2. Guide Assembly, Right (with 5 and 6) (NS)

3. 116-1515-00 2 Guide, Tray Left (1 per Tray)


5. 116-1516-00 2 Guide, Tray Right (1 per Tray)

6. 116-1343-00 2 Assembly, Paper Size Switch (1 per Tray)

7. 116-1336-00 2 Assembly, Turn Chute (1 per Tray)

8. 116-1351-00 2 Paper Tray Stopper(1 per Tray)

9. 2 Cover, Rear (1 per Tray))

Parts List 9-39

PL 14.4 Paper Pick Assembly Trays 3 & 4


9-40 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 14.4 Paper Pick Assembly Trays 3 & 4 - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1517-00 1 Paper Pick Assembly, LTA (with 2~5, 7~23)

2. 1 Shaft, Feed 1 (NS)

3. 116-1353-01 2 Paper Pick Roller Kit (2 per order)

4. 116-1354-00 1 Sensor, No Paper, Low Paper

5. 116-1355-00 1 Actuator, No Paper

6. 116-1356-00 1 Actuator, Link (Not included with item 1)

7. 3 Bearing - Metal (NS)

8. 1 Gear, Feed 1 (NS)

9. 1 Spring, Feed 1 (NS)

10. 1 Spring, Feed H (NS)

11. 1 Gear, Feed H2 (NS part of 99)

12. 1 Gear, Feed H1 (NS part of 99)

13. 1 Gear, Feed 2 (NS part of 99)

14. 1 Gear, Idler Feed (NS part of 99)

15. 1 Gear, Idler (NS part of 99)

16. 1 Clutch Stopper (NS)

17. 116-1361-00 1 Feed Solenoid,

18. 116-1362-00 1 Assembly, Turn Clutch

19. 1 Gear, Idler In (NS part of 99)

20. 116-1363-00 1 Assembly, Roll Turn

21. 2 Bearing, Black (NS)

22. 1 Shaft, Feed 2 (NS)

23. 116-1331-00 2 Paper Feed Roller Kit**

**( 2 interchangeable rollers per order)

99. 116-1367-00 1 Paper Feed Gear Kit (with 8, 11~15 and 19)

Parts List 9-41

PL 14.5 High-Capacity Feeder Harness, Board and


9-42 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 14.5 High-Capacity Feeder Harness, Board, Motor - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1622-00* 1 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder

2. 116-1519-00 1 Assembly, OPT Feeder Plug

3. 116-1623-00* 1 Assembly, Harness, Tray 3

4. 116-1521-00 1 Assembly, Harness, Tray 4

5. 116-1624-00* 1 Assembly, Drive, Feeder

6. 1 Gear, Idler (NS, part of PL 3.3.99)

7. 116-1354-00 2 Sensor, No Paper, Low Paper (1 per order)

8. 116-1524-00 2 Lever, Low Paper (1 per order)

9. 116-1525-00 Assembly, Indicator

10. 116-1526-00 Assembly, Harness, NPRSJ

Parts List 9-43

Optional 500-sheet Feeder

PL 15.1 Paper Tray 3


PL 15.1 Tray 3, Univeral Paper - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1378-00* 1 Universal Paper Tray (with 2~6)

2. 116-1331-00 2 Paper Feed Roller Kit**
**(2 interchangeable rollers per order)

3. 116-1332-00 1 Assembly, Friction Clutch

4. 1 Holder, Retard (NS)

5. 116-1632-00* 1 Spring, Retard


7. 116-1490-00 Chute Guide Cover

9-44 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 15.2 500-sheet Feeder Covers


PL 15.2 500-sheet Feeder Covers- Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description
1. 1 Cover, Left (NS)

2. 1 Cover, Right (NS)

3. 1 Indicator, Paper (1per order) (NS)

4. 2 Cover, Front (1 per order) (NS)

5. 116-1626-00* 4 Kit, Feet (4 Feet and 4 screws)

Parts List 9-45

PL 15.3 500-sheet Feeder Guides and Turn Chute


9-46 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 15.3 500-sheet Feeder Guides and Chute - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. Guide Assembly, Left (with 3 and 4) (NS)

2. Guide Assembly, Right (with 5 and 6) (NS)

3. 116-1515-00 1 Guide, Tray Left

4. 116-1351-00 1 Paper Tray Stopper

5. 116-1516-00 1 Guide, Tray Right

6. 116-1343-00 1 Assembly, Paper Size Switch

7. 116-1336-00 1 Assembly, Turn Chute

8. 116-1491-00* 1 Cover, Paper Tray, Rear

Parts List 9-47

PL 15.4 Paper Pick Assembly Tray 3


9-48 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

PL 15.4 Paper Pick Assembly Tray 3 - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1517-00 1 Paper Pick Assembly, LTA (with 2~5, 7~23)

2. 1 Shaft, Feed 1 (NS)

3. 116-1353-01 2 Paper Pick Roller Kit (2 per order)

4. 116-1354-00 1 Sensor, No Paper, Low Paper

5. 116-1355-00 1 Actuator, No Paper

6. 116-1356-00 1 Actuator, Link (Not included with Item 1)

7. 3 Bearing - Metal (NS)

8. 1 Gear, Feed 1 (NS)

9. 1 Spring, Feed 1 (NS)

10. 1 Spring, Feed H (NS)

11. 1 Gear, Feed H2 (NS part of 99)

12. 1 Gear, Feed H1 (NS part of 99)

13. 1 Gear, Feed 2 (NS part of 99)

14. 1 Gear, Idler Feed (NS part of 99)

15. 1 Gear, Idler (NS part of 99)

16. 1 Clutch Stopper (NS)

17. 116-1361-00 1 Feed Solenoid,

18. 116-1362-00 1 Assembly, Turn Clutch

19. 1 Gear, Idler In (NS part of 99)

20. 116-1363-00 1 Assembly, Roll Turn

21. 2 Bearing, Black (NS)

22. 1 Shaft, Feed 2 (NS)

23. 116-1331-00 2 Paper Feed Roller Kit**

**( 2 interchangeable rollers per order)

99. 116-1367-00 1 Paper Feed Gear Kit (with 8, 11~15 and 19)

Parts List 9-49

PL 15.5 500-sheet Feeder Harness, Board and Motor


PL 15.5 500-sheet Feeder Harness, Board, Motor - Service Parts List Table

ID No. Part Number Qty Name/Description

1. 116-1622-00* 1 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder

2. 116-1519-00 1 Assembly, OPT Feeder Plug

3. 116-1623-00* 1 Assembly, Harness, Tray 3

4. 116-1526-00 1 Assembly, Harness, NPRSJ

5. 116-1635-00* 1 Assembly, Drive, Feeder (Single Tray)

6. 116-1354-00 1 Sensor, No Paper, Low Paper

7. 116-1524-00 1 Lever, Low Paper

8. 1 Assembly, Indicator (NS)

9-50 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Xerox Supplies and Accessories
Repair Kits, World Kits and Repacking Kits

Description Part Number

Kit, Gear, Paper Feed 116-1367-00

Kit, Bush, Exit Chute 116-1596-00*

Kit, OHP Sensor with Harness 116-1459-00

Kit, Registration Sensor Actuator and 116-1627-00*


Kit, Printer Feet 116-1625-00*

Kit Screw, Assorted 116-1527-00

Kit, Long Screw (M3 x 85) (2 each) 212-0237-00

Kit, E-Rings, Assorted 116-1528-00

Kit, Sensor Actuator, Assorted Actuators 116-1131-00*

Kit, Paper Feed Rollers 116-1331-00

(2 interchangeable Rollers per)

Paper Pick Rollers 116-1353-01

(2 interchangeable Rollers per)

Main Shipping Box, Phaser 6250 004-5317-00*

Phaser 6250, World Kit 061-4482-00*

Repackaging Kit, Phaser 6250 065-0625-00

Repackaging Kit, High-Capacity Feeder, 065-0611-00*

Phaser 6250

Repackaging Kit, 500 Sheet Feeder, 065-0627-00*

Phaser 6250

Power Cords

Description Part Number

Cable Assy, 3,18AWG, 115 V, 98, 0L 161-0066-00

Cable PWR EURO 220V , 99L 161-0066-09

Cable PWR U.K. 240 V, 96L 161-0066-10

Parts List 9-51

Power Cords

Description Part Number

Cable PWR AUST 240 V, 96L 161-0066-11

Cable Assy SWISS 220/240 V, 50 Hz 161-0154-00

Cable Assy PWR. DANISH, 250 V 161-0240-00

Cable Assy PWR, PRC 161-0304-00

Power, 240 V, ARGENTINA 161-0307-00

Upgrade Kits and Options

Description Part Number

Internal Hard Drive, Service Part 650-4281-00*

64 MB, 8M x 64, PC133; Memory DIMM 156-4838-00
128 MB, 16M x 64, PC133; Memory DIMM 156-4837-00
256 MB, 32M x 64, PC133; Memory DIMM 156-4663-00

High-Capacity Feeder w/ Trays 119-6474-00*

Casters Non-Locking 116-0008-00

Casters Locking 116-0009-00

500-sheet Feeder w/ Tray 119-6418-00*

Printer Feet 116-1344-00

IC, Base Configuration Chip 163-1500-00*

IC, Network Configuration Chip 163-1501-00*

IC, DP/DX Configuration Chip 163-1502-00*

IC, Memory NVRAM 163-1459-00*


Description Part Number

Toner Cartridges - Phaser 6250 all

Yellow Toner Cartridge, Standard-Capacity 106R00670*
Yellow Toner Cartridge, High-Capacity 106R00674*

Magenta Toner Cartridge, Standard Capacity 106R00669*

Magenta Toner Cartridge, High-Capacity 106R00673*

9-52 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual


Description Part Number

Cyan Toner Cartridge, Standard-Capacity 106R00668*

Cyan Toner Cartridge, High-Capacity 106R00672*

Black Toner Cartridge, Standard-Capacity 106R00671*

Black Toner Cartridge, High-Capacity 106R00675*

Routine Maintenance Items

Description Part Number

Imaging Unit, Phaser 6250 108R00591*

Fuser, Phaser 6250

110 V 115R00029*
220 V 115R00030*

Transfer Roller 108R00592

Universal Paper Tray (2, 3, 4) 116-1378-00*

Paper Feed Roller Kit 116-1331-00

Software and Documentation

Description Part Number

Printer Installer and Utilities CD-ROM Included in

World Kit

User Documentation CD-ROM Included in

World Kit

Service Manual 071-0869-00*

Phaser Media

Description Part Number

Phaser Premium Paper, A, 500 Sheets 016-1368-00

Phaser Premium Paper, A4, 500 Sheets 016-1369-00

Parts List 9-53

Phaser Media (Continued)

Description Part Number

Phaser Glossy Coated Paper, A, 016-1704-00

100 Sheets

Phaser Glossy Coated Paper, A4 016-1705-00

100 Sheets

Phaser Color Printing Labels, A, 30 per, 016-1812-00

100 Sheets

Phaser Color Printing Labels, A, 6 per, 016-1813-00

100 Sheets

Phaser Color Printing Labels, A4, 14 per, 016-1814-00

100 Sheets

Phaser Color Printing Labels, A4, 8 per, 016-1815-00

100 Sheets

Phaser Premium Cover Paper, A, 016-1823-00

100 Sheets

Phaser Premium Cover Paper, A4, 016-1824-00

100 Sheets

Phaser CD/DVD Label and Applicator; 016-1885-00

contains 1 Applicator & 1 Jewel Case

Phaser CD/DVD Labels and Inserts, 016-2011-00

1 Insert/Sheet, Letter (8.5 x 11 in.), 20
Sheets, 2 Labels per Sheet, 10 Sheets

Phaser CD/DVD Labels and Inserts, A4, 016-2026-00

(210 x 297mm) 1 Insert/Sheet, 20 Sheets,
2 Labels per Sheet, 10 Sheets

Phaser Premium Business Card Media, A, 016-1898-00

10 per 25 Sheets

Phaser Premium Business Card Media, A4, 016-1899-00

10 per 25 Sheets

Phaser 25-Series Premium Transparency 016-1948-00

Film, Letter (8.5 x 11 in.), 50 Sheets

Phaser 25-Series Premium Transparency 016-1949-00

Film, A4 (210 x 297mm), 50 Sheets

Phaser Premium Greeting Cards w/ 016-1987-00

Envelopes, A, 50 sheets

Phaser Premium Greeting Cards w/ 016-1988-00

Envelopes, A4, 50 sheets

Phaser Digital Photo Paper, A, 50 Sheets 016-2009-00

9-54 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Phaser Media (Continued)

Description Part Number

Phaser Digital Photo Paper, A4, 50 Sheets 016-2010-00

Phaser Premium Postcards, Letter (8.5 x 11 103R01016

in.), 100 Sheets

Phaser Premium Postcards, A4 (210 x 103R01017

297mm), 100 Sheets

Phaser Glossy Trifold Brochure, Letter (8.5 103R01018

x 11 in.), 100 Sheets

Phaser Glossy Trifold Brochure, A4 103R01019

(210 x 297mm), 100 Sheets

Phaser Weatherproof Paper, Letter 103R01020

(8.5 x 11 in.), 150 Sheets

Phaser Weatherproof Paper, A4 103R01021

(210 x 297mm), 150 Sheets

Parts List 9-55

9-56 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual
Wiring Diagrams
In this chapter...
■ Plug/Jack Locator Maps
■ Print Engine Wiring Diagrams
■ Printer Options Wiring Diagrams

Plug/Jack Locator Maps
Use the table and maps in this section to locate specific Plug/Jack (P/J) connectors
within the printer.
To find the location of a P/J within the printer:
1. Locate the P/J connector number in the first column of the P/J Location table.
2. Locate the corresponding map and location number, such as M2-5, in the second
3. With this information, go to the appropriate map (in this case, Map 2) and locate
item number 5.

Plug/Jack Locator Table

No. Map Connected to... Other end connected to...

11 3 Engine Control Board Motor Driver Board

12 3 Engine Control Board Motor Driver Board

13 3 Connects: Engine Control Board, Sub-HVPS, Fuser Harness

Assembly, Harness Assembly FRONT 1A and the CTD (ADC) Harness

14 3 Engine Control Board Image Processor Board

15 3 Engine Control Board Laser Unit

18 3 Engine Control Board Chute Assembly Registration

(Clutch and Sensor)

19 3 Engine Control Board Retard Housing Assembly

(Turn Clutch)

21 3 Engine Control Board HCF Main Harness Assembly

22 3 Engine Control Board Front Panel Harness Assembly

23 3 NC NC

24 3 Engine Control Board Fuser Harness, Temp/Hum Sensor

Harness Assembly

30 3 NC

31 3 NC (Test-Print)

32 3 Engine Control Board OHP Sensor

34 3 Engine Control Board CRUM Reader Harness

41 2 Motor Driver Board Engine Control Board

10-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Plug/Jack Locator Table (Continued)

No. Map Connected to... Other end connected to...

42 2 Motor Driver Board Engine Control Board

47 2 Connects: Motor Driver Board, Paper Pick Assembly ( No Paper

Sensor, Low Paper Sensor, Solenoid Feed, Clutch Turn) and Paper
Size Switch

48 2 Motor Driver Board Main Drive Assembly

49 2 Motor Driver Board Developer Drive Assembly

50 2 Connects: Motor Driver Board, Chute Assembly Exit (Duplex Motor

Assembly) and Front Cover Assembly (Fan Fuser)

51 2 Motor Driver Board Toner Cartridge Holder Assembly

(Toner Present Sensor, Low Toner
Sensor, Toner Motor, and CRUM
Reader Board)

52 2 Motor Driver Board Chute Assembly, In (Fuser Drive)

60 2 Motor Driver Board LVPS Assembly

61 2 Motor Driver Board LVPS Assembly

71 3 EEPROM Harness Assembly Plate Dispenser L Assembly

131 1 Chute Assembly, Exit Engine Control Board

(Duplex Motor Assembly)

132 1 Chute Assembly Out FRONT 1A Harness Assembly

(MPT Feed Solenoid)

133 1 Chute Assembly, Out FRONT 1A Harness Assembly

(Duplex Jam Sensor)

134 1 Chute Assembly, Out FRONT 1A Harness Assembly

(Full Stack Sensor)

135 1 Chute Assembly, Out (Tray 1 FRONT 1A Harness Assembly

(MPT) No Paper Sensor)

136 2 Assembly, Front In FRONT 1A Harness Assembly

(Sensor CTD (ADC) Assembly)

137 1 Front Cover (Fan Fuser) Motor Driver Board

138 3 FRONT 1A Harness Assembly Fuser Assembly

139 3 FRONT 1A Harness Assembly Chute Assembly, Out (Tray 1

(MPT) Feed Solenoid, Duplex Jam
Sensor, Full Stack Sensor,Tray 1
(MPT) No Paper Sensor)

Plug/Jack Locator Table (Continued)

No. Map Connected to... Other end connected to...

140 3 Connects: Engine Control Board, CRUM Harness Assembly, Toner Full
Sensor Harness Assembly, EEPROM Circuit Board.

141 3 EEPROM Harness Assembly Chute Assembly, In

(Toner Full Sensor)

142 2 Chute Assembly In EEPROM Harness Assembly

(Toner Full Sensor)

144 3 EEPROM Circuit Board (Yellow Engine Control Board

goes to top connector)

145 3 EEPROM Circuit Board (Grey Fuser Harness

goes to bottom connector)

151 2 Laser Unit Engine Control Board

161 2 LVPS Assembly Power Cord

162 2 LVPS Assembly Fuser Assembly

163 2 LVPS Assembly Motor Driver Board

164 2 LVPS Assembly Engine Control Board

165 2 LVPS Assembly Motor Driver Board

166 2 LVPS Assembly Rear Fan

167 2 NC NC

168 2 NC Engine Control Board

181 3 Chute Assembly, Registration Engine Control Board

(Registration Sensor)

210 2 Lower Feeder Harness Assy HCF-Plug

FPC* 1 Front Panel OPEPANE Harness Assembly

221 3 OPEPANE Harness Assembly Front Panel

231 4 Temp/Humidity Sensor Temp/Humidity Harness Assembly

232 2 Fuser Assembly FRONT 1A Harness Assembly

311 3 Engine Control Board LVPS Assembly

321 3 OHP Sensor Engine Control Board

341 1 CRUM Reader Board CRUM Reader Harness

*FPC = Front Panel Connector

10-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Plug/Jack Locator Table (Continued)

No. Map Connected to... Other end connected to...

342 1 CRUM Reader Board Motor Driver Board

471 4 Paper Size Switch Assembly Motor Driver Board

472 4 No Paper Sensor Motor Driver Board

473 4 Low Paper Sensor Motor Driver Board

474 4 Feed Solenoid Motor Driver Board

475 4 Clutch Turn Assembly Motor Driver Board

511 1 Holder Assembly MQ-Y Motor Driver Board

(Toner Motor)

512 1 Holder Assembly MQ-M Motor Driver Board

(Toner Motor)

513 1 Holder Assembly MQ-C Motor Driver Board

(Toner Motor)

514 1 Holder Assembly MQ-K Motor Driver Board

(Toner Motor)

701 1 Holder Assembly MQ-Y Motor Driver Board

(Toner Present Sensor)

702 1 Holder Assembly MQ-M Motor Driver Board

(Toner Present Sensor)

703 1 Holder Assembly MQ-C Motor Driver Board

(Toner Present Sensor)

704 1 Holder Assembly MQ-K Motor Driver Board

(Toner Present Sensor)

710 1 Plate Dispenser L EEPROM Harness Assembly

810 4 High-Capacity Feeder Engine Control Board

1361 3 FRONT 1A Harness Assembly Chute Assembly, In

(CTD (ADC) Sensor)

2361 3 Temp/Hum Harness Assembly Engine Control Board

2362 3 Fuser Harness Assembly Engine Control Board

3411 3 CRUM Reader Harness CRUM Reader Board

5011 3 Sub-HVPS Engine Control Board

5020 3 Sub-HVPS Chute Assembly, In

5030 3 Sub-HVPS Chute Assembly, In

Map 1



* FPC = Front Panel Connector

10-6 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Map 2


Map 3


10-8 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Map 4


High-Capacity Feeder Plug/Jack Locator Table

P/J No. Connect to... Other end connected to...

81 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder Assembly, Harness HCF-PLUG

82 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder Tray 3 Harness Assembly

83 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder Tray 4 Harness Assembly

84 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder Assembly, HCF Motor Harness

810 Assembly, Harness HCF Main Circuit Board, HCF

821 Switch, Paper Size (T3) Tray 3 Harness Assembly

822 Sensor, No Paper (T3) Tray 3 Harness Assembly

823 Sensor, Low Paper (T3) Tray 3 Harness Assembly

824 Solenoid Feed (Tray 3) Circuit Board, HCF

825 Assembly, Clutch Turn (T3) Circuit Board, HCF

831 Switch, Paper Size (T4) Tray 4 Harness Assembly

832 Sensor, No Paper (Tray 4) Tray 4 Harness Assembly

833 Sensor, Low Paper (T4) Tray 4 Harness Assembly

834 Solenoid Feed (Tray 4) Circuit Board, Lower Feeder

835 Assembly, Clutch Turn (T4) Circuit Board, Lower Feeder

8220 Assembly, Harness No Paper Circuit Board, Lower Feeder


8220 Assembly, Harness No Paper Circuit Board, Lower Feeder


10-10 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Map 5


500-sheet Feeder Plug/Jack Locator Table

P/J No. Connect to... Other end connected to...

81 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder Assembly, Harness STF-PLUG

82 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder Tray 3 Harness Assembly

83 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder Not connected

84 Circuit Board, Lower Feeder Assembly, STF Motor Harness

810 Assembly, Harness STF Main Circuit Board, STF

821 Switch, Paper Size (T3) Tray 3 Harness Assembly

822 Sensor, No Paper (T3) Tray 3 Harness Assembly

823 Sensor, Low Paper (T3) Tray 3 Harness Assembly

824 Solenoid Feed (Tray 3) Circuit Board, STF

825 Assembly, Clutch Turn (T3) Circuit Board, STF

8220 Assembly, Harness No Paper Circuit Board, Lower Feeder


10-12 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Map 6


Print Engine Wiring Diagrams

Notations used in Wiring Diagrams

Plug Jack



Optical Sensor


10-14 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Main Wiring Diagram

10-21 10-16
P/J162 P/J161
PL8.1.1 PL12.1.11
P/J232 PL12.1.1 P/J166
P/J2362 P/J24

P/J138 P/J13 MOTOR

LVPS P/J47 P/J471
P/J151 P/J15 PL12.1.10 PL3.2.4
P/J163 P/J60
IMAGING No Paper Sensor
UNIT PL3.3.4
PL9.1.3 DISPENSER L P/J710 P/J71 P/J140 P/J165 P/J61
CRUM Low Paper Sensor
P/J311 P/J164 P/J473
P/J145 P/J144
P/J11 P/J41 P/J474
P/J142 P/J141 P/J12 P/J42
P/J231 P/J2361 P/J24
P/J136 P/J1361 P/J13

Detack Saw P/J5030 P/J5011

ROLLER P/J5020 PL10.1.15
P/J50 P/J131
IDT2 P/J702

P/J51 P/J701
RFB P/J805 P/J702

HTC P/J804

DEVE M P/J602 P/J704


P/J34 P/J3411 P/J341

10-25 Dup Jam Sensor
P/J133 P/J139 P/J13

Full Stack Sensor


MSI No Paper Sensor



P/J132 Toner Motor(Y) 10-20
PL6.1.40 P/J511

Regi Sensor
P/J181 P/J18 Toner Motor(M)
PL9.1.8 P/J512
Regi Clutch
PL9.1.7 Toner Motor(C)
PL4.1.9 P/J14
BOARD PL12.1.4 Toner Motor(K)
P/J321 P/J32
P/J22 P/J221 P/J220
(No Connection) P/J35
P/J168 (No Connection)


Power Supplies

PL12.1.10 PL12.1.12 Interlock Interlock
+24VDC +24VDC
P/J41 P/J11
I/L Switch I/L +24VDC
P/J163 P/J60 17 24
+24VDC I/L +24VDC
1 1 18 23
35 6
P/J41 P/J11
Supply RTN
P/J163 P/J60 19 22
2 2 20 21

P/J165 P/J61 P/J41 P/J11
+5VDC 1 9 24 17
Supply 2 8
+3.3VDC +3.3VDC
P/J165 P/J61 P/J41 P/J11
+3.3VDC +3.3VDC
+3.3VDC 3 7 23 18
Supply 4 6 22 19
21 20
P/J42 P/J12
14 17
15 16
P/J165 P/J61 P/J42 P/J12
Fan 8 2 13 18
Control 6 4 12 19
7 3 29 2

RTN PL12.1.2

P/J164 P/J311
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

P/J162 232
Heater ACN 100V
4 3
Control ACN 220V
3 2
1 1

P/J161 1 FUSER



10-16 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Paper Tray 2


BOARD PL12.1.12 PL3.2.4
P/J12 P/J42 P/J47 P/J471
15 16 1 4
14 17 2 3
13 18 4 1
3 2


P/J47 P/J472
5 3
P/J12 P/J42 6 2
12 19 7 1



P/J47 P/J473
8 3
P/J12 P/J42 9 2
11 20 10 1
Interlock PL3.3.4

P/J47 P474 J474

I/L +24VDC
P/J12 P/J42 11 2 1
10 21 12 1 2
Interlock (Tray2)
+24VDC PL3.3.17

P/J47 P475 J475

I/L +24VDC
P/J12 P/J42 13 2 1
9 22 14 1 2


Drive Section


BOARD PL12.1.12
PL12.1.1 Interlock
DEVE F/H PL11.1.13
1 40 P/J49
2 39 Deve 1
3 38 Motor 2 M
4 37 3
5 36


P/J11 P/J41 ASSY
7 34 P/J48
8 33 Main 1
9 32 Motor 2 M
10 31 3
11 30


P/J11 P/J41 ASSY
12 29 P/J52
13 28 Fuser 1
14 27 Motor 2 M
15 26 3
16 25

P/J50 J131 P131 PL7.1.8
I/L +24VDC
1 6 1
I/L +24VDC
P/J12 P/J42 2 5 2
5 26 3 4 3
6 25 Dup 4 3 4
7 24 Motor 5 2 5
8 23 6 1 6
29 2

P/J12 P/J42
1 30 Fan P/J50 J137 P137
30 1 Control 7 3 1
4 27 8 2 2
9 1 3


10-18 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Developer Section 1

PL12.1.1 PL12.1.12
P/J51 P/J701
P/J12 P/J42 9 1
23 8 8 2
7 3
+5VDC PL10.1.5

P/J51 P/J702
P/J12 P/J42 6 1
22 9 5 2
4 3
+5VDC PL10.1.5

P/J51 P/J703
P/J12 P/J42 3 1
21 10 2 2
1 3
+5VDC PL10.1.5

P/J51 P/J704
P/J12 P/J42 12 1
24 7 11 2
10 3

P/J12 P/J42 P/J51 P/J342
27 4 14 4
26 5 15 3
25 6 16 2
28 3 17 1
13 5

P/J34 P3411 J3411 P/J341

2 1 2 1
1 2 1 2


Developer Section 2


CONTROL PL12.1.12 PL10.1.1
PL12.1.1 Interlock
+24VDC Toner Motor(Y)
P/J51 P/J511
I/L +24VDC
P/J11 P/J41 1 5
25 16 2 4
26 15 3 3 M
27 14 Control 4 2
28 13 5 1


+24VDC Toner Motor(M)
P/J51 P/J512
I/L +24VDC
P/J11 P/J41 6 5
29 12 7 4
30 11 8 3 M
31 10 Control 9 2
32 9 10 1


+24VDC Toner Motor(C)
P/J51 P/J513
I/L +24VDC
P/J11 P/J41 19 5
33 8 20 4
34 7 21 3 M
35 6 Control 22 2
36 5 23 1


+24VDC Toner Motor(K)
P/J51 P/J514
I/L +24VDC
P/J11 P/J41 24 5
37 4 25 4
38 3 26 3 M
39 2 Control 27 2
40 1 28 1


10-20 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Fuser Assembly

ENGINE BOARD P/J145 J232 P321 P/J144
3 B2 B6 3
PL12.1.1 +3.3VDC Fuser
2 B3 B5 2
+3.3VDC 1 B4 B4 1

P/J13 P138 J138 J232 P321 P323

17 5 1 A5 A1 3
18 4 2 A4 A2 2 Exit Sensor
20 2 4 A2 A4 1

P/J13 P138 J138 J232 P321 J322

19 3 3 A3 A3 2 Temp Sensor
21 1 5 A1 A5 1

P/J24 P2362 J2362 J232 P321 J331 P331

7 1 3 B5 B3 1 3
NCS_VC Fuser
6 2 2 B6 B2 2 2
5 3 1 B7 B1 3 1 (Non-
P/J12 P/J42 BOARD PL12.1.12
20 11
3 28


LVPS Heater
P/J165 PL12.1.10 P/J162 J232
AC N 100V
5 4 3 3
Heater AC N 220V
9 3 2 2
1 1 1

P/J161 1 2


J235 J234 J233 J232 P321

1 1 1 4 4


Note:P/J numbers within the Fuser block are all internal to the Fuser Assembly.

Laser Unit

BOARD P/J15 P/J151 P/J152 Motor
20 1 1
19 2 2
18 3 3
17 4 Quad 4 M
16 5 Beam 5
MO_B_M Laser
15 6 6
MO_C_C Diode
14 7 7
13 8
12 9
11 10 P/J153 SOS PWB
10 11 1
+5VDC 9 12 2
8 13 3
Interlock 7 14
+24VDC 6 15
5 16
I/L +24VDC
4 17
3 18
2 19
1 20


P/J140 P71 J71 P/J710
1 6 1 6
+3.3VDC 2 5 2 5
3 4 3 4
+5VDC 4 3 4 3
5 2 5 2
6 1 6 1

P/J140 P/J144 PL10.1.14 P/J145 J232 P/J145 J232
+3.3VDC 7 4 4 B7 1
8 3 3 B6 2 Fuser
+3.3VDC +3.3VDC
9 2 2 B5 3 EEPROM
10 1 1 B4 4



10-22 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Xerographics 1


P/J140 P141 J141 P/J142
13 1 3 1
12 2 2 2
11 3 1 3

+5VDC P/J13 P1361 J1361 P/J136
12 5 1 5
13 4 2 4
14 3 3 3
15 2 4 2
16 1 5 1

P/J24 P2361 J2361 J231
4 1 4 1
3 2 3 2
2 3 2 3
1 4 1 4

Xerographics 2


Interlock Sub-HVPS
+24VDC PL10.1.15
P/J13 P/J5011
I/L +24VDC
22 11
23 10
24 9
25 8
26 7
27 6
28 5
29 4
30 3
31 2
32 1

1 1 P/J5030 1 P/J5020


P/J601 PL8.1.12


10-24 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Paper Feed


P/J13 P139 J139 P/J133

1 11 1 3
2 10 2 2
3 9 3 1
P/J13 P139 J139 P/J134
4 8 4 3
5 7 5 2
6 6 6 1
P/J13 P139 J139 P/J135
7 5 7 3
8 4 8 2
9 3 9 1
Interlock PL6.1.4
P/J13 P139 J139 P132 J132
I/L +24VDC
10 2 10 2 1
+3.3VDC 11 1 11 1 2
PULL UP +3.3VDC PL6.1.40
1 3
2 2
3 1

P/J18 PL9.1.7
I/L +24VDC

2 PL4.1.9
P/J32 P/J321
3 1
2 2
SG PL9.1.12
1 3

(J35 No Connection)


Image Processor Board


PL12.1.1 PL12.1.4


P/J22 P/J221 J2211 P220
FP Gnd
1 1 1
2 2 2
FP Gnd
3 3 3
4 4 4
FP Gnd
5 5 5
6 6 6
FP Gnd
7 7 7
8 8 8
9 9 9
10 10 10
11 P/J168
12 11
13 LVDC Gnd
14 13
15 14
16 15 N/C
17 16
18 17
19 18
20 19
1 *FPC = Front Panel
SG Connector


10-26 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Printer Options Wiring Diagrams

High Capacity Feeder Main Wiring Diagram

PL12.1.1 PL14.5.1


P/J82 P/J821

P/J21 P/J210 P/J810 P/J81

No Paper Sensor (T3)

Low Paper Sensor (T3)

P/J131 P/J84




P/J83 P/J831

No Paper Sensor (T4)


Low Paper Sensor (T4)








PL12.1.1 Interlock PL14.5.5
P/J84 J131
I/L +24VDC
3 3
I/L +24VDC
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 4 4
20 A7 A7 B7 B7 7 1 1
21 A6 A8 B6 B8 6 Feeder 2 2
22 A5 A9 B5 B9 5 Motor 5 5
23 A4 A10 B4 B10 4 6 6
Drive Section (HCF)

13 B1 B13 A2 A13 14

P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81
I/L +24VDC
2 B12 B2 A13 A2 25
I/L +24VDC
25 A2 A12 B2 B12 2
1 B13 B1 A14 A1 26
26 A1 A13 B1 B13 1


P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81

3 B11 B3 A12 A3 24
4 B10 B4 A11 A4 23

P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81

24 A3 A11 B3 B11 3


Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

BOARD PL14.5.1 PL14.3.6
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 P/J82 P/J821
16 A11 A3 B11 B3 11 1 4
15 A12 A2 B12 B2 12 2 3
14 A13 A1 B13 B1 13 4 1
Paper Tray 3

3 2


P/J82 J8220 P8220 P/J822

5 3 1 3
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 6 2 2 2
11 B3 B11 A4 A11 16 7 1 3 1


P/J82 P/J823
8 3
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 9 2
9 B5 B9 A6 A9 18 10 1
Interlock SENSOR (T3)
+24VDC PL14.5.6

P/J82 P824 J824

I/L +24VDC
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 11 2 1
7 B7 B7 A8 A7 20 12 1 2
Interlock PL14.4.17

P/J82 P825 J825

I/L +24VDC
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 13 2 1
5 B9 B5 A10 A5 22 14 1 2


BOARD PL14.5.1 PL14.3.6
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 P/J83 P/J831
19 A8 A6 B8 B6 8 1 4
18 A9 A5 B9 B5 9 2 3
17 A10 A4 B10 B4 10 4 1
3 2
Paper Tray 4


P/J83 J8220 P8220 P/J832

5 3 1 3
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 6 2 2 2
12 B1 B12 A3 A12 15 7 1 3 1


P/J83 P/J833
8 3
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 9 2
10 B4 B10 A5 A10 17 10 1
Interlock SENSOR (T4)
+24VDC PL14.5.7

P/J83 P834 J834

I/L +24VDC
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 11 2 1
8 B6 B8 A7 A8 19 12 1 2
Interlock (T4)
+24VDC PL14.4.17

P/J83 P835 J835

I/L +24VDC
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 13 2 1
6 B8 B6 A9 A6 21 14 1 2

Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

500-sheet Feeder Main Wiring Diagram

PL12.1.1 PL15.5.1


P/J82 P/J821
(TRAY 3) PL15.3.6

P/J21 P/J210 P/J810 P/J81

No Paper Sensor (T3)

Low Paper Sensor (T3)

P/J131 P/J84





PL12.1.1 Interlock PL15.5.5
P/J84 J131
I/L +24VDC
3 3
I/L +24VDC
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 4 4
20 A7 A7 B7 B7 7 1 1
21 A6 A8 B6 B8 6 Feeder 2 2
22 A5 A9 B5 B9 5 Motor 5 5
23 A4 A10 B4 B10 4 6 6
Drive Section (STF)

13 B1 B13 A2 A13 14

P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81
I/L +24VDC
2 B12 B2 A13 A2 25
I/L +24VDC
25 A2 A12 B2 B12 2
1 B13 B1 A14 A1 26
26 A1 A13 B1 B13 1


P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81

3 B11 B3 A12 A3 24
4 B10 B4 A11 A4 23

P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81

24 A3 A11 B3 B11 3


Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

BOARD PL15.5.1 PL15.3.6
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 P/J82 P/J821
16 A11 A3 B11 B3 11 1 4
15 A12 A2 B12 B2 12 2 3
14 A13 A1 B13 B1 13 4 1
3 2
Paper Tray 3


P/J82 J8220 P8220 P/J822

5 3 1 3
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 6 2 2 2
11 B3 B11 A4 A11 16 7 1 3 1


P/J82 P/J823
8 3
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 9 2
9 B5 B9 A6 A9 18 10 1
Interlock SENSOR (T3)
+24VDC PL15.5.6

P/J82 P824 J824

I/L +24VDC
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 11 2 1
7 B7 B7 A8 A7 20 12 1 2
Interlock (T3)
+24VDC PL15.4.17

P/J82 P825 J825

I/L +24VDC
P/J21 P210 J210 P810 J810 P/J81 13 2 1
5 B9 B5 A10 A5 22 14 1 2

10-34 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual
■ Printer Status Codes

Printer Status Codes
Printer status codes that appear in the Service Usage Profile are defined in the
following table. The code listings are generally in numerical order although some
errors without assigned codes are interspersed in the list. Refer to the "Error Messages
and Codes Summary Table" on page 3-17 for additional information.

ServiceCode Description
7 Laser Failure 7
8 Laser Failure 8
9 Laser Failure 9
10 Laser Failure 10
11 Laser Failure 11
13 Density Sensor Failure 13
14 Density Sensor Failure 14
15 Density Sensor Failure 15
16 Density Sensor Failure 16
40 Fuser Failure 40
41 Fuser Failure 41
42 Fuser Failure 42
43 Fuser Failure 43
44 Fuser Failure 44
45 Fuser Failure 45
46 Fuser Failure 46
47 Fuser Failure 47
50 Fuser Fan Failure
51 Rear Fan Failure
52 Fan Failure
70 Engine Firmware Failure 70
71 Engine Firmware Failure 71
72 Engine Firmware Failure 72
73 Engine Firmware Failure 73
74 Engine Firmware Failure 74
75 Imaging Unit Firmware Failure
76 Fuser Firmware Failure
77 Engine Firmware Failure 77
78 Engine Firmware Failure 78
79 Engine Firmware Failure 79

A-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

81 Engine Communication Failure
83 Engine NVRAM Failure
86 Cyan Toner Cartridge Failure
87 Magenta Toner Cartridge Failure
88 Yellow Toner Cartridge Failure
89 Black Toner Cartridge Failure
90 Replace Cyan Toner Cartridge
91 Replace Magenta Toner Cartridge
92 Replace Yellow Toner Cartridge
93 Replace Black Toner Cartridge
94 Non-Phaser 6250 Fuser
95 Non-Xerox Imaging Unit
96 Replace Non-Xerox Cyan Toner Cartridge
97 Replace Non-Xerox Magenta Toner Cartridge
98 Replace Non-Xerox Yellow Toner Cartridge
99 Replace Non-Xerox Black Toner Cartridge
102 Environment Sensor Failure
150 Close Front Door
151 Dusty Density Sensor
152 Jam at Fuser
153 Jam at Duplex
154 Jam at Registration Roller
155 Misfeed at Tray [1(MPT)]]
156 Misfeed at Tray [2]
157 Misfeed at Tray [3]
158 Misfeed at Tray [4]
159 Insert Tray [2]
160 Insert Tray [3]
161 Insert Tray [4
162 Out of paper: Load Tray [1(MPT)] with [size] [type]
163 Out of paper: Load Tray [2] with [size] [type
164 Out of paper: Load Tray[3] with [size] [type
165 Out of paper: Load Tray [4] with [size] [type
166 Wrong paper size: Load Tray [1(MPT)] with [size] [type]
167 Wrong paper size: Load Tray [2] with [size] [type]
168 Wrong paper size: Load Tray [3] with [size] [type]
169 Wrong paper size: Load Tray [4] with [size] [type]
170 Wrong paper type: Load Tray [1(MPT)] [2] [3] [4] with
[size] [type]
171 Wrong paper type: Load Tray [1(MPT)] with [size] [type]

172 Wrong paper type: Load Tray [2] with [size] [type]
173 Wrong paper type: Load Tray [3] with [size] [type]
174 Paper not available: Load Tray [4] with [size] [type]
178 Output Tray Full
179 Cyan Toner Cartridge Empty
180 Magenta Toner Cartridge Empty
181 Yellow Toner Cartridge Empty
182 Black Toner Cartridge Empty
183 Replace Cyan Toner Cartridge
184 Replace Magenta Toner Cartridge
185 Replace Yellow Toner Cartridge
186 Replace Black Toner Cartridge
189 Replace Fuser
190 Replace Imaging Unit
191 Replace Transfer Roller
192 Install or Lock Cyan Toner Cartridge
193 Install or Lock Magenta Toner Cartridge
194 Install or Lock Yellow Toner Cartridge
195 Install or Lock Black Toner Cartridge
196 Install or Reseat Imaging Unit
197 Install or Reseat Transfer Roller
198 Install or Reseat Fuser
199 Remove Ribbon From Cyan Toner Cartridge
200 Remove Ribbon From Magenta Toner Cartridge
201 Remove Ribbon From Yellow Toner Cartridge
202 Remove Ribbon From Black Toner Cartridge
203 The Cyan Toner Cartridge is not a genuine Xerox
204 The Magenta Toner Cartridge is not a genuine Xerox
205 The Yellow Toner Cartridge is not a genuine Xerox
206 The Black Toner Cartridge is not a genuine Xerox
207 Cyan Toner Cartridge Empty
208 Magenta Toner Cartridge Empty
209 Yellow Toner Cartridge Empty
210 Replace Cyan Toner Cartridge t
211 Replace Magenta Toner Cartridge
212 Replace Yellow Toner Cartridge
213 Replace Black Toner Cartridge

A-4 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

Numerics CMYK Sample Page, 5-4
600 x 600 Service Test Print, 5-8 Color Calibration, 6-2
Color Registration, 6-3
Color Registration Control, 2-9
A Consumable Life Counter Behavior, 1-10
AC Power Supply Troubleshooting, 4-11 Consumables , 1-9
AC Switch Harness Assembly, 8-98 Controller to Engine Communications
Actuator, I/L, 8-96 Failure , 3-74
Adjustments, 6-3 Cover Front, 8-130
Cover, Right and Cover, Left STF, 8-131
Covers, 9-4
B CRUM ID Toner Error, 3-76
Background Contamination, 5-20 CRUM Reader Box Assembly, 8-85
Bias Housing Assembly, 8-69 CTD (ADC) Sensor , 8-42
Black Prints with White Margin Border,
Blank Prints, 5-13
DC Power Supply Troubleshooting, 4-12
Defects Associated with Specific Printer
C Components, 5-3
, 3-49 Density Sensor Failure or Low Density
Calibrations, 6-2 Failure , 3-64
Card Cage, 8-103 Developer Assembly Transmission
Casters, Locking/Non-Locking, 8-129 Route , 2-40
Chute Assembly Exit, 8-62, 9-22 Developer Drive Assembly, 8-95
Chute Assembly In, 8-41, 9-16 Developer Section 1, 10-19
Chute Assembly Out, 9-18 Developer Section 2, 10-20
Chute Assembly Out, Duplex, 8-47 Diagnostic Menu Map, 3-8
Chute Assembly Registration, 8-71 Disassembly, General Notes, 8-3
Chute Assembly Registration (REGI), Drive Feeder Assembly , 8-117, 8-136
2-32 Drive Section , 10-18
Chute Assembly, Exit, 2-30 Drive Section (HCF), 10-28
Chute Assembly, In, 2-28 Drive Section (STF), 10-32
Chute Assembly, Out (Duplex), 2-29 Duplex Actuator, 8-51
Circuit Board, HCF, 8-116 Duplex Motor Assembly, 8-65
Circuit Board, STF, 8-135 Duplex Motor Drive and Gear -
Cleaning, 7-2 Transmission Route, 2-31
cleaning the printer, 7-2 Duplex Sensor, 8-51
Close Front Door, 3-36 Dusty Density Sensor, 3-47

Service Manual Index – 1

E Route, 2-34
Earth Ground Circuit Board, 8-97 Fuser Failure, 3-65
Fuser Fan, 8-8
EEPROM Board, 8-85
Fuser Fan Failure, 3-68
Electrical, 2-41, 9-32
Fuser Firmware Failure, 3-73
Electrical Specifications, 1-13
Fuser Removal, 8-4
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Precautions, 1-vii
Engine Control Circuit Board, 8-107 G
Engine Firmware Failure, 3-71
Gear Layout - Print Engine and Tray 1,
Engine NVRAM Error, 3-75
Engine Power-Up Sequence, 4-9
General Notes on Disassembly, 8-3
Environmental Sensor Failure, 3-80
General Notes on Troubleshooting, 3-4
Environmental Specifications, 1-13
Generic Fan Failure, 3-70
Error Messages and Codes Summary
Table, 3-17
Exit Actuator (Fuser), 8-66 H
Exit Roller, 8-63
Harness Assemblies, 9-34
HCF Drive and Gears - Transmission
F Route, 2-25, 2-26
HCF Paper Pick Assembly, 8-125
Fault Isolation, 4-9
High Capacity Feeder Main Wiring
Feed Solenoid, 8-33
Diagram, 10-27
Feeder Assembly Unit, 8-23
High-Capacity Feeder Covers, 9-37
Feeder Cover Front, 8-111
High-Capacity Feeder Guides and Turn
Feeder Covers, Right and Left, 8-112
Chute Assembly, 9-38
Feeder Turn Chute Assembly, 8-113
High-Capacity Feeder Harness, 8-25
Frame and Drive Assemblies, 2-16, 9-30
High-Capacity Feeder Harness, Board
Friction Clutch Assembly, 8-38
and Motor, 9-42
Front Cover, 8-6
High-Capacity Feeder Plug/Jack Locator
Front Left Cover Assembly, 8-16
Table, 10-10
Front Panel, 8-7
Holder Toner Cartridge Assembly, 9-28
Front Panel Continually Displays "Install
Housing Assembly Bias, 8-69
or Reseat Imaging Unit", 4-8
Housing Assembly Contact, 8-106
Front Panel Continually Displays
Housing Assembly Electric, 8-71
“Warming Up..., 4-8
Housing Assembly Retard, 9-14
Front Panel LED is on, Front Panel
Housing Electric Assembly, 8-71
Display is Blank, 4-8
Front Panel Test Prints, 5-4
Front Panel Troubleshooting, 4-8 I
Front Right Cover, 8-15 Idler Gear, 8-126
Full Stack Sensor, 8-50 Image Processor Board, 1-8, 8-110,
Functional Specifications, 1-12 10-26
Fuser Assembly, 10-21 Image Unit Top Cover (Door C), 8-10
Fuser Control, 2-13 Imaging Unit Charge Voltage Contacts,
Fuser Drive Assembly, 8-44 2-36
Fuser Drive Assembly - Transmission

Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Index – 2

Imaging Unit Firmware Failure, 3-72 Link Actuator, 8-32, 8-124, 8-143
Imaging Unit is at End of Life, 3-38 Load Tray 1 with (size) (type), 3-58
Imaging Unit Removal, 8-4 Load Tray with (size) (type), 3-60, 3-62
Incomplete Fusing or Cold Offset, 5-23 Low Paper Indicator, 8-27
Indicator Assembly, 8-137 Low Paper Indicator Guide, 8-27
Indicator Assembly, Feeder, 8-118 Low Paper Lever, 8-27
Inoperable Printer Troubleshooting, 4-9 Low-Voltage Power Supply, 8-99
Insert Tray or Tray Missing, 3-50, 3-52
Install or Lock Toner Cartridge, 3-43
Install or Reseat Fuser, 3-41 M
Install or Reseat Imaging Unit, 3-37 , 3-49
Install or Reseat Transfer Roller, 3-39 Macintosh printing problems, 4-17
Introduction, 4-2 Main Drive Assembly, 8-94
Main Drive Assembly - Transmission
Route, 2-17
J Main Wiring Diagram, 10-15
Jam at Duplex or Jam D, 3-21 Major Assemblies and Functions, 2-16
Jam at Fuser or Jam F, 3-19 Manual Terms, 1-iv
Jam at Registration Roller or Jam RR, Map 1, 10-6
3-23 Map 2, 10-7
Jam History Error Codes Table, 3-16 Map 3, 10-8
Map 4, 10-9
Map 5, 10-11
K Map 6, 10-13
, 3-49 Margin Calibration, 6-2
Media and Tray Specifications, 1-14
Media Jams and the Paper Path, 4-14
L Mid Roller, 8-64
Laser Failure, 3-63 Misfeed at Tray 1 (MPT) or Jam T0, 3-25
Laser Light Intensity Control, 2-6 Misfeed at Tray 2 or Jam T1, 3-28
Laser Unit, 8-68, 10-22 Misfeed at Tray 3 or Jam T2, 3-31
Latch Holder, 8-57 Misfeed at Tray 4 or Jam T3, 3-34
Latch L, 8-46 Mis-Registration, Color Layer not
Latch Plate, 8-57 Correctly Registered, 5-24
Latch R (Door A), 8-45 Missing Band, Voids Or Streaks, 5-16
Latch Spring Out, 8-57 Missing Band, Voids or Streaks, 5-18
LED Blink Patterns, 4-6 Motor Control Circuit Board, 8-107
LED Light Density CTD (ADC) Control Motor Driver Board, 8-101
of Sensor, 2-8 MPT Paper Pick Assembly, 8-58
Left and Right Links, 8-13
Left Side Cover, 8-11
Left Tray Guide, 8-141 N
Left Tray Guide, Feeder, 8-122 Network Problems, 4-19
Lever Plate Right, 8-91 No Front Panel Display after Power is
Light Print in Only One Color, 5-11 Turned ON, 4-8
Light Prints, 5-10 No Paper Actuator, 8-30

Service Manual Index – 3

No Paper, Low Paper Sensor, 8-127, Phaser 6250 Front Panel Configuration,
8-145 1-6
No/Low Paper Sensor, 8-30 Physical Dimensions and Clearances,
Non-Phaser 6250 Fuser, 3-78 1-11
Non-Xerox Imaging Unit, 3-79 Plug/Jack Locator Maps, 10-2
POST Diagnostic Test Descriptions, 4-7
POST Faults, 4-6
O PostScript NVRAM Resets, 6-4
Operating System and Application Power, 4-2
Problems, 4-17 Power On Self Test (POST), 4-4
Optional High Capacity Feeder Power Safety Precautions, 1-vi
Disassembly, 8-111 Power Supplies, 10-16
Optional High-Capacity Feeder, 9-36 Power Supply, 4-10
Optional Single Tray Feeder, 9-44 Power-Up Modes, 4-2
Optional Single Tray Feeder preventive maintenance, 7-2
Disassembly, 8-130 Print Engine Disassembly, 8-6
Output Tray Full Actuator, 8-50 Print Engine Parts, 9-4
Output Tray is Full, Unload Paper, 3-48 Print Engine Test Print, 5-9
Overview, 8-2 Print Engine Wiring Diagrams, 10-14
Overview of Printer Theory of Operation, Print Modes, 2-5
2-2 Print Quality Troubleshooting, 5-10
Printer Chassis, 8-20
Printer Configurations, 1-2
P Printer Controls, 2-5
Paper Feed, 10-25 Printer Does Not Come to a "Ready"
Paper Feed - Tray 2, 2-20 State, 4-9
Paper Feed I, 9-8 Printer Introduction and Overview, 1-2
Paper Feed II, 9-10 Printer Memory and RAM Capabilities,
Paper Feed III, 9-12 1-4
Paper Feed Roller, Feeder, 8-36 Printer Options Wiring Diagrams, 10-27
Paper Feed Roller, Tray, 8-18 Printer Specifications, 1-11
Paper Path of the Printer, 2-14 Printer Status Page, 4-2
Paper Path Route, 2-15 Print-Quality Problems Overview, 5-2
Paper Pick, 2-6 Process Control, 2-6
Paper Pick Assembly, 8-22 Product Terms, 1-iv
Paper Pick Assembly Tray 3, 9-48
Paper Pick Assembly Trays 3 & 4, 9-40
Paper Pick Rollers, 8-29 R
Paper Size Control, 2-5 Rear Cover, 8-12
Paper Size Switch Assembly, 4-10, 8-26, Rear Fan, 8-102
8-128, 8-146 Rear Fan Failure, 3-69
Paper Tray 2, 2-19, 10-17 Registration Sensor, 8-73
Paper Tray 3, 9-44, 10-29, 10-33 Registration Sensor Actuator, 8-73
Paper Tray 4, 10-30 Regulatory Specifications, 1-x
Paper Trays 3 & 4, 9-36 Removal - Actuator, Output Tray Full,
Parts of the Printer, 1-5 8-50

Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Index – 4

Removal - Full Stack Sensor, 8-50 Service Test Prints, 5-6
Removing RMIs and Consumables, 8-4 Servicing Instructions, 3-3
Removing Routine Maintenance Items Single Tray Feeder Covers, 9-45
and Consumables, 8-4 Single Tray Feeder Guides and Turn
Removing the Duplex Actuator, 8-51 Chute Assembly, 9-46
Repeating and/or Random Spots, 5-19 Single Tray Feeder Harness, Board and
Replace Fuser or Fuser is at End of Life, Motor, 9-50
3-42 Single Tray Feeder Main Wiring
Replace Imaging Unit, 3-38 Diagram, 10-31
Replace Toner Cartridge or Toner Single Tray Feeder Plug/Jack Locator
Cartridge Empty, 3-45 Table, 10-12
Replace Transfer Roller, 3-40 Solid Dark or Dirty Prints, No Border,
Resetting NVRAM, 6-4 5-15
Residual Image, Ghosting or Hot Offset, Specifications
5-22 regulatory, 1-x
Retard Housing Assembly, 2-27 Standard Orientation of the Printer, 8-2
Retard Roll Assembly, 8-39 Static Eliminator Assembly, 8-55
Retard Roller Housing Assembly, 8-37 STF Paper Pick Assembly, 8-144
RGB Test Print, 5-5 Strap, 8-67
Right and Left Covers, Feeder, 8-131 Sub-High Voltage Power Supply Board,
Right Side Cover, 8-11 8-87
Right Tray Guide, 8-138 Summary of the Printing Process, 2-2
Right Tray Guide Feeder, 8-119 Symbols Marked on the Product, 1-v
Roll Turn Assembly, 8-35 Symbols, on product, 1-v
Routine Maintenance Items, 1-9 System Boot Sequence, 4-3
System Start-Up and POST, 4-3

Safety T
electrical components, 1-ix Temperature/Humidity Harness and
fuser components, 1-ix Sensor, 8-24
mechanical components, 1-ix Test Pattern Sample, 5-6
Power, 1-vi Toner Cartridge, 3-49
power source, 1-vi Toner Cartridge Assembly, 2-38
service summary, 1-viii Toner Cartridge Failure, 3-77
Selective Control, 2-6 Toner Cartridge Holder Assembly, 8-80
Serial Number Format, 9-2 Toner Cartridge Holder Unit Assembly,
Service Diagnostic Front Panel Button 8-77
Descriptions, 3-7 Toner Cartridge Removal, 8-5
Service Diagnostic Tests, 3-9 Toner Control, 2-12
Service Diagnostics, 3-6 Toner Full Sensor, 8-43
Service Diagnostics PostScript NVRAM Toner Low Sensor, 8-84
Resets, 6-8 Toner Motor Drive Assembly -
Service Preventive Maintenance Transmission Route, 2-40
Procedure, 7-2 Top Main Cover, 8-9
Service Safety Summary, 1-viii Transfer Roller & Fuser Assembly

Service Manual Index – 5

(RMIs), 9-24 Y
Transfer Roller and Fuser Assembly, Remove Ribbon from, 3-49
Transfer Roller Assembly Control, 2-11
Transfer Roller is at End of Life, 3-40
Transfer Roller Removal, 8-4
Tray 1 (MPT), 8-14
Tray 1 Actuator, 8-53
Tray 1 Bottom Plate, 8-61
Tray 1 Feed Solenoid, 8-59
Tray 1 Paper Pick Assembly, 8-58
Tray 1 Paper Pick Assembly (PL 6.1.27),
Tray 1 Sensor, 8-53
Tray 1 Shaft, 8-60
Tray 3 and Tray 4 Harness, 8-114
Tray 3 Harness Assembly, 8-133
Tray Empty, Load Paper, 3-57
Tray Paper is Low, 3-54, 3-55
Turn Chute Assembly, 8-19, 8-132
Turn Clutch, 8-38
Turn Clutch Assembly, 8-34
Turn Roll, 8-38

Universal Paper Tray, 9-7
Using the Parts List, 9-3
Using the Troubleshooting Procedures,

Voltage Measurements, 3-5

Windows printing problems, 4-19
Wrong, 3-58, 3-60, 3-62

Xerographics, 2-35, 9-26
Xerographics 1, 10-23
Xerographics 2, 10-24
Xerox Supplies and Accessories, 9-51

Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Index – 6


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