Abb Awin Gw100 Wirelesshart Gateway: Demonstrating The Value of Wireless Sensor Networks in Process Control

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O I L , G A S A N D C H E M I C A L S C A S E S T U DY

ABB AWIN GW100 WirelessHART Gateway

Demonstrating the value of wireless sensor
networks in process control

Using a Two-Phase Gravity System

test bed for research
Wireless Process Control Demonstrator with
ABB AWIN GW100 WirelessHART Gateway
creates a WirelessHART network.

Imperial College London

London, England

— Situation and project background A two-phase gravity separator was chosen as the
01 ABB developed a
test bed to investigate There is a substantial gap in the scientific knowledge most appropriate test bed to enable research by the
the value of wireless related to the adoption and use of wireless networks Adaptive Emergent Systems Engineering (AESE)
technology in applications,
such as process control. in process control applications. Most of the existing group at Imperial College London.
knowledge base for wireless sensor networks activity
is centered around non-critical systems and non- Research objectives
critical applications (such as condition monitoring). The principle research objective of S4 was to develop
the science of sensor systems which will enable the
The aim of this project was to investigate the value creation and operation of robust and reliable sensor
and suitability of wireless technology in more critical systems that combine cyber and physical aspects.
applications, such as process control.
The goal is to formalize the relationship between
To advance the science surrounding smarter sensor- system components, enabling us to design and
based systems, the Engineering and Physical develop wireless control systems that are robust
Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)-funded project enough to eliminate the failure of sensors and
referred to as Science of Sensor Systems Software communication links, ensuring plant stability.
(S4) was launched. One work package was to Arguably, the most reliability-sensitive applications
investigate the performance of process control for sensor systems are large control processes of the
quality using wireless sensor networks in control type used in industry and urban infrastructure.
loops. This created the need to build a test bed to
carry out the investigation and offer research The two-phase separator gave us a unique opportunity
opportunities in wireless process control – exploring to evaluate proof-of-concept protocols and controllers
the relationship between wireless networks, sensors on a test bed with a real physical phenomenon.
and controllers. As a project partner, ABB was tasked
with the design and procurement of the test bed.
— —
01 02

01 A two-phase gravity
Challenges Outcomes
separator demonstration • Build a test bed that is compact and mobile, Using the ABB wireless control solutions listed in the
system using wireless
yet safe for the students to use previous section, a two-phase gravity separator
was created for • Make the gravity separation process visible demonstration system was built in which oil and
student research.

• Use real-world wireless instrumentation for water were mixed in a feed tank and later successfully
02 The system allows oil process monitoring (in this case, level, temperature separated in a transparent separation tank.
and water to be mixed
in a feed tank and later
and pressure monitoring)
successfully separated • Ensure all instruments are battery powered For a better visualization, a soluble color (blue) was
in a transparent
separation tank.
• Create a wireless system that is reliable, simple, added to the water to give it a distinctive look
secure and easy to use compared to the transparent oil. The system was
• Make the system extensible so that researchers designed to operate via both the System 800xA
can make configuration changes operator workplace HMI and the physical operation
• Ensure simplicity, so that no special training is buttons on the front panel. The separation process
required to operate the system was calibrated and finetuned by ABB process
performance personnel. The water and oil level
Note: WirelessHART was shortlisted as a protocol of setpoints were precisely tuned to demonstrate the
choice for connecting wireless instrumentation to separation of the oil from the water, yet the system
control systems. was left unlocked so that students could experiment
with those levels to study the effects they have on
Solutions applied the process.
• ABB AWIN GW100 Gateway was selected to create
a WirelessHART network The two-phase gravity separator is currently located
• ABB AC800M controller was selected to run at the South Kensington Campus of Imperial College
control logic London. It is used by members of the S4 project to
• ABB ACS355 drive was selected for controlling confirm the reliability of sensor systems that blend
the ABB motor cyber and physical components and to demonstrate
• ABB Ability™ System 800xA was used with library the viability of wireless sensors in control systems. It
support for WirelessHART protocol also enables researchers from the Alan Turing
• ABB WirelessHART 266 series differential pressure Institute to evaluate a data-centric engineering
instrument was used for level monitoring approach to control systems.
• ABB WirelessHART 266 series gauge pressure
instrument was used for pressure monitoring
• ABB WirelessHART TTF300-W was used for
temperature monitoring
Benefits Endorsements and acknowledgments
• WirelessHART setup is made easy with the ABB On behalf of the S4 project team, Dr. Michael Breza
AWIN GW100 WirelessHART Gateway (Imperial College London) would like to thank ABB
• ABB WirelessHART devices connect with AWIN IAOG Norway for its help and guidance in this project.
GW100 effortlessly This test bed, and the research that it enables, would
• Wireless process measuring readings are available not have been possible without ABB IAOG Norway
in System 800xA, along with support of standard expertise and knowledge.
faceplates and graphic elements
• Bulk configuration of WirelessHART devices is We would also like to thank ABB Education, ABB
made possible using import/export of Technology and Innovation and ABB Process
configuration functionality, which reduces Performance departments for their contribution to
engineering effort and time the project. Moreover, we would also like to thank UK
• From an application point of view, there is no Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
difference between reading data from a wired (EPSRC) for their support of the project.
or wireless signal
• No special training is required to operate
the process

Wireless Process Control Demonstrator for Imperial College London

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document without prior notice. With contained therein. Any reproduction,
regard to purchase orders, the agreed disclosure to third parties or utilization of

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