Assignment Brief BTEC Level 4 5 HNC HND

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Assignment Brief

BTEC Level 4-5 HNC/HND Diploma (QCF)

To be filled by the Student

Name of the Student : Huge Ryan Shanilka Perera

Edexcel No : Registration No:COL/E 001137 Batch No: 046

Unit Assessment Information

Qualification : Higher National Diploma in Business Management

Unit Code & Title : Unit 01: Business Environment

Assessment Title & No’s : Report on “Analysis of banking industry in Sri Lanka and its environment”

Learning outcomes and grading opportunities:

LO 01: Understand the organizational purposes of businesses
Learning Outcomes AC1.1 AC1.2 AC1.3
LO 02: Understand the nature of the national environment in which businesses operate
Learning Outcomes AC2.1 AC2.2 AC2.3
LO 03: Understand the behavior of organizations in their market environment
Learning Outcomes AC3.1 AC3.2 LAC3.3
LO 04: Be able to assess the significance of the global factors that shape national business activities.
Learning Outcomes AC4.1 AC4.2 AC4.3 AC4.4 AC4.5

Merit and Distinction Descriptor

M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3

Date Issued : Date Due :

Date of Submission:

Assessor : Date Assessed:

Internal Verifier (IV): Date of IV:

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
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Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
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Student’s Signature: …………………………… Date:.……………

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Student signature Date

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment

I would like to thank everybody who helped me to complete this assignment

successfully and specially my lecturer Mr.Haseer who led me the correct path
to do this business environment project/assignment. Also my parents, they did
a major role while I’m completing my assignment with creating a comfortable
environment to be with. Thank you all Esoft staff members for delivering us
good deeds for our own future.

Thanking you,

Mr. Huge Ryan Shanika Perera

E soft student

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Task 01

1.1 Compare the purpose of different types of organizations such as private company,
public company, government, voluntary organization, charitable, cooperative etc…

 An organization is a social unit which approaches to their goal and at the mean
time which led to succeed needs and wants of people in that particular item or

According to aat (2013, p.09).Business organization can be categorized into two parts as
private and public, private sector is divided as sole traders, partnership, joint ventures,
companies, cooperatives and clubs/societies. And public sector as government
departments, governments co operations, government companies and business acquired
by government.

Private limited companies are the companies whose shareholders are offered limited
liability. The shareholders cannot sell their shares on stock exchange to the public, a fixed
number of individuals are considered to be shareholders.

Sole proprietorship can be explained as the only type of organization which has only
single owner. As in the aat (2013, p.10) it is a type of business organization where an
individual makes the capital and controls the business on his own by decision making. .
Also according to Sarath (2011) sole proprietor, bears the risk and also enjoys the profit
or suffers the loss.

Some advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship,

Advantages are, single firm can be improved and can be easily run, all of the profit goes
to the owner and owner can make direct links among customers. And the disadvantages
are, temporary opportunities are made cause the firm is not permanent, owner cannot take
any risk because its single owned and loses should be faced along and owner cannot be
controlled every things since work struggles.

Your article library (2015) a person who has managerial skills but may have capital and
another person who is a good manager but does not have capital. When these people
come together, contribute their capitals, skills and organize a business, it’s a partnership.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
There are many advantages and disadvantages of partnerships aat (2013, p.17)
such advantages are easy to begin, can expand the business and liability is divided among
partners and disadvantages are personal decisions cannot be made, disagreement among
members and as the maximum number of partners is 20.

According (accounting tools, 2015) Joint ventures are a business deal which two
or more parties contribute resources in order to achieve a common goal.

The purpose of joint ventures is (legal dictionary, 2010) the organizations try to
increase the competitive advantage by minimizing risk.

Public limited company is known as that it can trade on stock exchange and the
shares can be sold by any member of the public.

Companies like john keels are public limited companies. Also mahaweli reach hotel
(Annual report of mahaweli reaches hotel 2009-2014) is another company which has 20
members of largest shareholders such as Universal enterprises, gold investments etc.

Government organizations are the organizations or authorities which have control over
some particular companies the word government can be defined as the organization,
machinery or agency through which a political unit exercise authority and performs
functions and which is usually classified according to the distribution of power within it.

Voluntary organizations are (Collings dictionary, 2003-2015) organizations that are

composed of or functions with help of volunteers and provide aid to the services, groups
or individuals.

(Susan, 2015) suggests that charitable are organizations which are non-profited and it
can be run privately or publically. Creation of charities can be made around religious,
educational or even public interest activities.

 Organization’s for public benefits for the relief of poor

 Educational organization’s for specially local schools which they are poor
in resources
 Charitable organizations which are engage in creation of monuments.
 Social service charities.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Organization Purpose Advantages disadvantage Example
Sole To enjoy the profit Has the Has to face the (,2015
proprietorship alone, and everyone complete debts alone and ) suggests E BAY
who deals with sole control over the there will be no before it went
proprietor will be business and support or ideas public it was a
done their decision making from partners as small
transactions with a power the owner wish proprietorship
single person(every company
transaction) Founder is Pierre

Partnerships With the Start-up costs Unlimited liability

collaboration of are low than And (Ralli, 2010)
more minds the sole disagreements confirms that
business which is propriership and within partners can WARNER BROS
be conflict to the was a partnership
meant to be started two minds are
business in present organization.
will ensure a better than one or in the future.
profitable outcome for a success.
unless it’s a success.
Joint ventures To uplift the Provide Partners might TATA motors and
business and companies with not provide the FIAT group
minimize the risk the opportunity required automobile
which the both to gain new partnerships (ICMR,2010)
parties raise the capacity and
competitive expertise.
Incorporated For liability Ownership of Double taxations (National
companies protection and ease the business can and separation of post,2010)
of growth be easily finances illustrates some
transferred to information’s
another by regarding VIA rail
selling stock Canada
Charitable For social services Funds they No profit gained The video (smile
non profited but for received can be among members train,2015)is a
own imagination used for yearly or leader world famous
enjoyment if charity which help
only the mission poor children and
has been disabled
Non-government No link with the They have the The video (a
government ability partnership of hope)
organizations transactions and communicate at is a video which
created with natural or all levels, from shows about the
legal participation. the neibouhood procedure which
till the top level take place in birdlife
of government international

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
1.2 Describe how CPC meets the objectives of the various stakeholders.

Stakeholders are the parties who affect the organization.stakehoders can be categorized as,

Internal stakeholders-employees, managers and owner

External shareholders-suppliers, society, government, creditors, shareholders, customers,

distributers and competitors.

As mentioned in cpc(2012) Ceylon petroleum cooperation has established on 1962 along with
other oil companies at that the time of 1964 cpc has been able to dominate the market by
purchasing of imports and sales of oil products within the country.

Cpc has both internal and external stakeholders as other companies.

The objectives of cpc in different stakeholders.

Different stakeholders have different objectives. Internal and external both stakeholders have
individual objectives provide by the CPC.

Owners- as mentioned in (cpc,2011) the current chairmen of CPC Mr.D.H.S Jayewardene has
the main objectives to fulfill the companies mission and also work on transactions
done within the company and foreign companies are been handled by the owner.

Managers- the mangers and their of CPC has been categorized as,

Marketing manager- who has the control over the marketing decisions and market share.

Finance manager- objective to be fulfill in cpc is to record all the inflows and outflows,
payments, salaries, profit and loss etc. Also every monetary transactions happens through
financial managers.

Engineering manager-all the storing and oil trucks, oil filling in tanks are been prepared
by the engineers in CPC.

Employees- the objectives are been given to employees to fulfill and satisfy on their work.

At CPC employee are concerned about the strength of the company over years and the salary
given by the company, leaving benefits, fair treatment to every employees, good working
condition and training opportunities given by the CPC.

Objectives made by CPC for employees are good job security provided, promotion opportunities,
lend loans since cpc is on government.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Suppliers- Arabia is one of the main suppliers of oil for Sri Lanka and payments given by the
government for Arabia is exchange of money and also goods. Suppliers has proposed some
credit period For CPC to which payments are done. Also in this case there many legal law

Customers- customers who engage with CPC or any other company regarding petroleum ,diesel
or even kerosene , the price, reliability and the quality of the oil are been compared. Outlets
should be well defined in order to attract customers and satisfy their wants.

Government- Sri Lankan government is the only oil importers in the country which is done
through cpc which is public company. Other companies such as laughs and IOC purchase oil
from Ceylon petroleum. The license should be taken by the Sri Lankan government from other
countries in order to do transactions. Policies and taxation also applied by government.

Competitors- currently CPC is not in a good position in the competition list the profit of the
company is on loss and the facilities provided by the cpc to consumers are not in good qualities
as other companies. Poor service stations, unskilled employees, small land for vehicles,
expansions of competition outlets led the cpc down. The objectives which cpc stands for should
be changed in order to up come the market.

Society – Sri Lankan culture do not affect the petroleum in industry but there are moments where
CPC or another company should be aware of. Since people of Sri lanka at least have one vehicle
in a family the transactions done with CPC is high .In that case there are some rules influenced
such as, do not smoke within fuel stations, in/out should be followed when entering and exiting,
any of the oil cannot be carried out by any unsafe bottles etc. Likewise there are objectives which
CPC meets when engaging with society.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
1.3 Explain the responsibility of CPC to meet the stakeholder’s objectives and the strategies used
to fulfill them.

The responsibility of CPC on stakeholders.

As mentioned in cpc (2010) there are principles /rules which are been taken by CPC order to full
fill the stakeholders wants.

Responsibility of cpc is mostly considered on benefits of people. .All Sri Lankan companies
implements for achieving stakeholder’s objectives. The responsibilities are,
Considering the growth of the business.
Allocation of duties made for each stakeholders is a main responsibility. For an example –CPC
has its own engineers which has the responsilibty of planning the fuel filling, adding chemicals
and more, the employees also has been categorized in cpc in service stations, accounting,
marketing etc.
Identification of rules and regulations that will uphold the stakeholders in first place.
Co coordinating the stakeholders in a fair way which led the company to achieve its goals from
an example-hiring well trained employees and a good leader who can control ups and downs.
CPC deals seminars to employee regarding the company in each year.
Allocation of shareholders benefits are the main responsibilities which CPC defines.

General principles which influence CPC

As mentioned in cpc (2012) the principles activities which cpc responsible of,





Human resource of CPC

As mentioned in cpc (2012) CPC has been able to work on their mission as a reality due to the
human capital obtained and the employees are well trainees even at oversees to ensure to achieve
the goals of company.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
CPC responsibilities

Suppliers-working Competitors-CPC‘s Customers- Employees

with reliable main competitor is
suppliers as IOC which has over Treating customers Safety options are been
Arabia makes CPC 100 outlets as well. fairly. provided by cpc.
on a good
Working with Being carefully in Male employees are
respecting money transactions used in service stations
Paying the competitors with customers so that any unfair sex
suppliers on time. violation may not occur.
Expand the business Service should be
Ensuring the oil is more than the 100% good in service Bonus and overtime is
taken only form competitors. stations. given to employees.
Language should be Fair shifts are been
Work under the used politely by arranged by cpc to
contract within employees . employees.
two countries.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Task 2

2.1 Explain how the Sri Lankan Economic System attempt to allocate resources in the country.
Sri Lanka is a well know island which has more natural resources than even bigger countries in
the mentioned in (Scribd, 2016) economy of Sri Lanka is depends on agricultural
resources which are tea, rubber and coconut and manufacturing wise textiles, cement, vegetables
oils are the main sources. Allocation of this resources are done in many ways which are been
exported as well as exchange goods for goods within countries.

Sri Lankan allocation of resources in the country

Land /natural resources– Sri lanka is rich in natural resources such as water, fish in ocean,
forests, gems etc… each of these categories has been allocated in to different sectors which bears
an income to the country. And also which hold strong the economy.

Negambo- fish industry

Rathnapura –gems

Nuwara Eli/badulla -tea

Each of the cities provide different natural resources where Sri Lankans Exports the best quality.

Laboring- the jobs opportunities are not a negative aspect in Sri lanka .Every city has many job
vacancies but at some level salary is not much satisfies.Teachers,doctors,architectures and many
more occupations are available which any individual can work their ambition. Allocation of jobs
are done by three sectors,

Government sectors- laboring related with government is one type. Teaching in Government
School, working in communities e.g. (CTB, Ceylon cashew cooperation, central hospital etc.)

Private sectors- companies which are approved by government and society which the jobs can be
same as in government but with different conditions .e.g.-salary, rules and regulations, culture

Individuals- own employment which is a very first stage in becoming and organization or
continuing as individual .e.g.-ODEL, munchee, maliban etc.

Educational level, individual’s talent, hiring employees decides the allocation of labor for jobs.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Capital- all the equipment’s and building which is used by organization’s not for own use but for
other reasons.equipments in organizations which as manufactured in Sri Lanka or imported from
other countries are been allocated for day to day use.

Basic economic problems in Sri Lanka is currently the value of products. To have a good
economy in a country needs should be affordable such as food, water, cloths etc. But in Sri
Lanka needs and wants are not well organized.

Three types of economies

Command economy- where the government takes the main role in pricing, production,
distribution etc. Russia is a country which has a command economy which eliminated most of
sole business.

Market economy- every country has a market economy which has the consumer buying
decisions, demand and supply .Government stabilize the market in order make a good market

Mixed economy- is the economy type which Sri Lanka possess. Planned economy and market
economy both take parts in county all the public an private sector companies impact on economy
in the country.

Medicine-local drugs (spmc) and international drugs (gsk)

Arrack-DCSL (local) and international brands (vodka, napoleon etc.)

Likewise the economy of Sri Lanka has been allocate according to mixed economy.

Transitional economy-is the open economy where the government removes the trade barriers
where the pricing are done with organizations rather than governments.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
2.2 Explain how the monetary and the fiscal policy of Sri Lankan government affect CPC

As mentioned in (inside, 2013) the monetary and policy in a Sri Lanka is controlling the funds effects short term and long term rates. Fiscal policy is influenced by the taxations and
government expenditure.

How does fiscal and monetary policies effect CPC?

Fiscal and monetary policy affect cpc directly and indirectly as the tax been increased the cycle
of cpc will affect the timing and size of the business, the economy will be changed in Sri lanka
customer expenditure will be increased, employment will be loses and cpc sales will be
decreased. Fiscal policies also affect a countries saving rate whether it’s private or public.

If the fiscal and monetary policy as in good condition by lowering the taxations then the will
increase income, more customer will be attended on CPC than IOC due to the tax advantage
since CPC is a public company.
Monetary policy involves actions to affect Sri Lankans money supply; changes in short term
interest rates impact long-term interest rates such as loan rates. Low interest charges mean lower
interest expense for businesses, higher income for customers, controls inflation and higher
business profits. High interest rates impact for businesses higher interest expenses, lower sales to
customers and lower profits. Interest rate changes can impact on customer expenditure.
Since cpc is the only company who purchase oil, Taxes applied for transportations/taxes on ships
will effect CPC when purchasing oil. Also in situations like above the pricing may change
according to the Value added on tax.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
2.3 Evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanism on CPC

Competition policy is used to make business compete with internationally and domestically.
Impact of competitive policy and regulatory mechanism of CPC,

In a competitive business the strategy is to serve the consumer at its best level with lower
price and with great quality .these strategies attract more consumers and enlarge the market of
CPC. Since petroleum and diesel are main two categories of cpc the competition regarding the
product (oil) is not difference but the price may different.

In a competitive business as cpc and IOC the competition of their products that offer balance
price and quality to customers, to produce better products. There is no dominant competition
among cpc and IOC because cpc is the company which distribute oil.

As mentioned in (dailynews,2001) there has been moment where Indian oil cooperation tries to
join with other filling stations in Sri Lanka but it was not legal according to the government 2002 a filling station in Gamapaha has being purchased by CPC due to the competitive
advantages of CPC.

In Sri Lankan competency policy CPC-IOC agreements have been able to made IOC to compete
with CPC where it had buy CPC filling stations. Also due to the pressure of competition cpc has
handed over some business to their main competitor IOC.

Aims of Sri Lankan competency policy

Promotes competitions among companies therefore the products or service will be more flexible
and reliable.

Each of the industries and its competitors has equal law applied.

Since CPC is the backbone of oil industry it does not mean there is no competition in Sri Lanka.
The other companies can legally come to market by purchasing oil through CPC and have their
own conditions when selling or marketing it within Sri Lanka.

Importance of competition to the consumer

As mentioned above the Sri Lanka government’s idea is to give the customers the best oil service
in Sri Lanka. For that competition is meant to happen.

IOC vs. CPC led consumers to

Make independent choice so that customer can transact with the best service

Comparison of price can be done. Customers can go for the cheapest service.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Facilities provide to consumers such as service stations, pump gas, availability of credit card
payments etc.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Task 03

3.1 You are the marketing manager of CPC; explain the pricing policy of the company and how
it is governed by the government policy

As the marketing manager of CPC the pricing strategies should be made according to the
international prices.

Pricing –Pricing cannot be done regular special in oil industry since oil is not a natural resource
in Sri Lanka the purchasing price decides the ups and downs of the price and cannot be increased
as the company wish.

Effects can arise in pricing

As (Sunil,2010) suggests the Growth of vehicle population in Sri lanka-as the marketing
manager of Sri lanka the pricing can be differ from the vehicle population since the oil is been
purchased with less profit ,the more vehicles may require more oil which still the company can
earn profit. For an example Sri Lanka has imported more heavy vehicle as lorries and trucks and
even trains which can be filed by CPC instead of other marketing manager earning
profits by making cpc as a reliable product /service to consumers .suggesting out stations near
train garages and bus stations will be a good marketing strategy.

Tax and prices of auto fuel- the fuel pricing has been increased specially for countries which
imports for companies such as, IOC, shell gas, Caltex etc.

Since the CPC is a semi government company it has many pricing issues due to the income tax,
turn over tax, vat etc. Which has been added. Change of pricing will be effects also by policy
makers, politicians, vehicle owners and also government.

As the marketing mangers the price can be changed as the consumers and the franchisers
suggests by controlling the production cost, distributional charges, selling price, cost of maintain
ice and competitive price.

Under the government and international policies cpc cannot change the domestic price as they
wish. For an example – in 1986 the international price of oil were down and that time there were
governmentally rules added to cpc and fellow companies in order to reduce the sailing price.
Likewise the pricing will be done according to the international prices and as marketing manger
the strategy in pricing is less according to cpc business in my opinion,

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
3.2 Analyze and state how market forces CPC to respond in situations and give examples.
Cpc has been forces by market in several occasions,

Change in the demand and supply over existing price-as Sunil (2012) explains that in in 2002 Sri
Lankan government changes the pricing policy in auto fuel according to the international market
which force cpc to change the price.

Import Tax on CPC- as Sunil (2012) says the tax added for liter of petrol is Rs.25.74 and for
Diesel Rs.5.36 in 2000 and by 2002 again the market was good for consumers because the vat
was reduced to rs.24.41 (petrol) and rs.3.21 (diesel) respectively.

Environmental change –Sunil (2012) the pollution make by vehicles should be environ friendly
.CPC had too many issues in 2001 over the quality of their oil due to the engineering problems
.which was examined by NBRO (national building research organization).

Market in advanced technology- by now cpc us struggling with their profit and business due to
the new teahnologycial benefits which had offered to consumers. For an examples in America,
Great Britain, Australia, Canada etc. Has introduced new types of vehicles which do not need the
petrol/diesel energy so that the petroleum co operations is on a disadvantage .electric is the new
type of energy source which has been introduced. CPC does not possess electrical energy
providing that the CPC is being forced to change the path of energy source form
petrol/diesel to electric vehicles.

Cultural transition-where the consumers adapt to new cultural changes .shifting of service
stations and searching for wants .for an example –when consumer arrives to CPC he/she will
examine the facilities they provide, the quickness, language, price, conformability etc.. So the
cultural change from time to time where the cpc has to adapt to it where its god for the company
or bad or else the marketing changes will be low.

Government- the change of government is another factor which will force to change the market
share of CPC and the change of rules and regulations of local government and the suppliers will
effect too.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
3.3 How do you expect CPC to shape its operations in compliance with Sri Lankan culture and
prevailing business environment?

The managers of CPC should care about CPC employee behaviors which are, communication,
working conditions, fair treatment etc. Also the Sri Lanka cultural environment will influence the
mangers in CPC. The change of government is a good example. The rules and value given by the
cpc to its employees will be changed according to the culture. Operations in cpc is affected also
by employee’s behaviors. Employee inspiration, motivating should be handles by mangers in
order to successfully retain in Sri Lankan culture, nationally, sex, skin colors will not matter in
any of these reason. The emotions of employees should be understand by the cpc higher
management do that the employees will help in decision making.
The conclusion will be the international prices done according to their cultures Sri Lankans do
not advanced in technology as other countries do it will take time during that time cpc or any
other company can work in according to their culture and be ready for the cultural differences to
be made for an example the transfer of petrol vehicles to electrical vehicles.
The political culture- the political culture is unstable in Sri Lanka so that the cpc has to be not
one of a kind in political parties because the current government will take decision regarding the
tax and legal issues.

Sri Lanka is a small island which the population and needs and wants are less than other
countries so to manage the situations /adaptations according to the culture in any business is not
hard. But the competition also will be another factor which will affect the culture.

Rules and policies –rules and policies will affect any of organizational culture. The rules will be
changed if the culture also changed. The culture cannot be changed unless the rules are made.

CPC –Ceylon petroleum cooperation has adapted for Sri Lankan culture as,

Environment friendly

Local employee management

Government friendly

The backbone of oil distribute in the country.

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment

Task 01

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Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
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Sarath, P. (2011) Business studies g.c.e a/l.1st ed.champika press.

Smile train (2014) power of smile (online). [Accessed on 20 February 2015]. Available at;

Susan Davis, Demand media (2015) CHRON, small business. Hearst (online) [accessed on 27 February
2015]. Available at ;<>

The law dictionary (2008) information literacy: a definition (online).England :( Accessed 27 January
2015).Available at;>

The law dictionary (2008) information literacy: a definition (online).England:[ Accessed 27 January
2015].Available at;>

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Task 02

Scribd, (2016) the present economic condition in Sri Lanka: a definition (online).Sri Lanka
[Assessed on 08th August 2016].Available at ;<>.

Cpc (2011) annual report: a definition (online). [Accessed on 10th August 2016].Available at ;<>.

Task 03

Inslideshare 2013, a definition (online) [accessed on 08th August 2016].Available


Sunday time 2016, a definition (online).[Accessed on 08th August 2016].Available


Sunil, C (2010),a definition(online)[Accessed on 08th August 2016].Available at;<

Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment
Ryan Shanilka Perera
Business Environment

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