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Assignment Cover Sheet

To be filled by the Student


Name of the Institute : CEYLON CAMPUS COLOMBO Registration

No:CCA2206003 Batch No:005

Assessment Information

Qualification : Diploma in Business management

Course Code : DIBM

Assessment Title & No’s : Module Assignment of “Global Business Environment” (Assignment 6 of 1)

Learning outcomes and grading opportunities:

LO 01: Understand and completion of each task
Achieved Level AC1.1 AC1.2 AC1.3
LO 02: Understand the real need of a business organization
Achieved Level AC2.1 AC2.2 AC2.3 AC2.4
LO 03: Critically evaluate the given tasks
Achieved Level AC3.1 AC3.2
LO 04: Understand how to implement a chosen strategy or method
Achieved Level AC4.1 AC4.2 AC4.3

Merit and Distinction Descriptor

D. M. P. F.

Date Issued : Date Due :

Date of Submission:

Assessor : Date Assessed:

Internal Verifier (IV): Date of IV:

General Guidelines
1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous
page as your cover sheet and be sure to fill the details correctly.
2. This entire brief should be attached in first before you start answering.
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5. Allow 1” margin on each side of the paper. But on the left side you will need to leave room for
6. Ensure that your assignment is stapled or secured together in a binder of some sort and attach the
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Word Processing Rules

1. Use a font type that will make easy for your examiner to read.
H1: Font Size 16 (Main Topic for the Report) & Bold
H2: Font Size 14 (section Heading/Sub Topics) & Bold
Body Content: Font Size should be 12 points, and should be in the style of Time New
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Important Points:
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5. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you
may apply (in writing) for an extension.
6. Failure to achieve at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL grade being given.
7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will
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8. Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you properly
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9. If you are caught plagiarizing you could have your grade reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you
could be excluded from the course.

Report Content

2| Page
1) Cover Page:
(Given 1st page – assignment Coversheet)

2) Student Declaration (find Bellow)

3) Title Page:
This should consist with a suitable topic for your report content. Example,
Importance of management in to the business / significant study of business management/
Proposed Business Plan for XXXXXXXXXXX

4) Executive Summary:
Give a short summary of your assignment context and objective of submission the report.

5) Table of Content:
Use suitable topics and sub topics for each tasks which gives the idea of the content

6) Content/ Answers for given Tasks

7) Conclusion:
Give a conclusion to your report and learning outcomes gains from the course and
explained how you can apply those learning outcomes in making your business plan.

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my
own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy another’s
1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.
2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Ceylon Campus Sri Lanka
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my own,
and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way.
5. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached
to the attached.

Student’s Signature: …………………………… Date: 26.01.2023 …………

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Program Diploma in Business Management
DIBMM06 Global Business Environment
Module Assignment Management Report

The Purpose and Context
This assignment will help you to develop your understanding of the module of Global Business
Environment and you will earn how different environmental factors affecting on international business
and trade and what will be the concerning operational factors in doing business in overseas.
Assignment Instructions
Answer all task questions given in the assignment with required type of answering
Please create a report for the management considering that you are hired as Business Consultant by a
Local Food Manufacturing firm which looks for your services in advising in Global Business context and
please include the following in your report.

Task 01
1. What do understand by the term Globalization
2. Give a brief introduction on Global Business Environment
3. Discuss the associate pros & Cons of Globalization
4. Identify and discuss the need of going to globalization

Task 02
1. Identify the features and Importance of International Businesses
2. Discuss major approaches in to International Business
3. Explain key barriers into International Business
4. Explain 5 Major Entry Strategies to International Business

Task 03
1. Identify the key areas covered by international Trade Originations
2. Briefly explain the major impact of International Trade Organization
3. Discuss the major reasons for rrecent growth in Int. Business
4. Give a brief account of Sri Lankan International business environment
Task 04
1. What do understand by the term Supply Chain and Logistics
2. Briefly Explain considering factors in Supply chain planning
3. Identify the role and importance of 3PL Business Model for today’s world
4. Discuss key issues and challengers in Supply chain management in Global context
Required word count 2000-2500

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In performing our assignment, I had to take the help and guideline of some respected persons, who
deserve our greatest gratitude. The completion of this assignment gives us much Pleasure. I would
like to thank my lecturer for your dedication for giving us a good guideline for assignment
throughout numerous consultations. And after that I would also like to expand our deepest
gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided me in writing this assignment. So, I
really thank you all for giving me this opportunity.
Thank you…

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Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Analysis of Global Business Environment ............................................................................................ 8
Opportunities........................................................................................................................................... 9
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 9
Task 01 ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
1. What do understand by the term Globalization......................................................................... 10
What is globalization? ...................................................................................................................... 10
Types of globalization: Economic, political, and cultural ............................................................. 14
2. Give a brief introduction on Global Business Environment ..................................................... 16
3. Discuss the associate pros & Cons of Globalization ................................................................... 17
What Is Globalization? ..................................................................................................................... 17
4. Identify and discuss the need of going to globalization ............................................................. 20
Task 02 ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
1. Identify the features and Importance of International Businesses ........................................... 21
Features of International Business .................................................................................................. 21
2. Discuss major approaches in to International Business ............................................................ 23
What is International Business? ...................................................................................................... 23
3. Explain key barriers into International Business ...................................................................... 26
4. Explain 5 Major Entry Strategies to International Business .................................................... 27
What are market entry strategies? .................................................................................................. 27
Task 03 ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
1. Identify the key areas covered by international Trade Originations ....................................... 29
2. Briefly explain the major impact of International Trade Organization .................................. 31
3. Discuss the major reasons for recent growth in Int. Business .................................................. 31
4. Give a brief account of Sri Lankan International business environment ................................ 32
Task 04 ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
1. What do understand by the term Supply Chain and Logistics ................................................. 33
2. Briefly explain considering factors in Supply chain planning .................................................. 33
Supply Chain Planning (SCP).......................................................................................................... 33
3. Identify the role and importance of 3PL Business Model for today’s world ........................... 36
5 Vital Roles of 3PL in Supply Chain .............................................................................................. 36
4. Discuss key issues and challengers in Supply chain management in Global context .............. 37
References .................................................................................................................................................. 39
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Table of Figures
Figure 1 Increased speed and bandwidth are among the benefits of 5G technology. ......................... 11
Figure 2 benefits of block chain technology............................................................................................ 12
Figure 3 Features of International Business ........................................................................................... 21

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Global business is an increasingly important component of success for many businesses today.
Companies are recognizing the potential of international markets and are seeking to capitalize on
the opportunity. However, international business can be complex, and it is important for businesses
to have a thorough understanding of the process of entering into international markets in order to
ensure success. This report is intended to provide the management of a local food manufacturing
firm with advice on how to approach global business opportunities and succeed in the international
As a Business Consultant, I am pleased to provide my expertise and services in offering Global
Business Advisory Services to your Local Food Manufacturing Firm. My aim is to help you
understand the complexities of the Global Business Environment, identify opportunities, and
develop strategies to successfully expand your business operations in the global market.

Analysis of Global Business Environment

The global business environment is highly competitive and ever-changing. Companies must be
flexible and agile in order to remain competitive and profitable. Companies must analyze the
political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental forces in the global economy
and develop strategies to remain competitive.

Identifying Opportunities
The global business environment provides numerous opportunities for companies to expand and
grow their business. Companies must identify potential markets and develop strategies to capitalize
on them. Companies must also assess potential risks and develop strategies to minimize them.

Developing Strategies
Once potential opportunities have been identified, companies must develop strategies to capitalize
on them. Companies must develop strategies for expanding into new markets, developing new
products, and increasing their market share. Companies must also develop strategies for managing
risks and minimizing costs

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1. Increased Market Size: The global food market is estimated to reach over $12 trillion by 2022,
providing a large opportunity for the firm to expand its reach and customer base.
2. Improved Brand Recognition: Expanding into the global market can help the firm build brand
recognition and loyalty.
3. Access to New Resources: Entering the global market can provide access to new resources and
suppliers, allowing for increased efficiency and cost savings.
4. Diversification of Products: The firm can take advantage of the global market to diversify its
product offerings and meet customer demands.

Executive Summary
This report is intended to provide the management of a local food manufacturing firm with advice
on how to approach global business opportunities and succeed in the international market. In order
to do this, the report provides an overview of the process of entering into international markets,
including the various strategies and tactics to consider when entering a new market. Additionally,
the report examines the various risks associated with global business and how to mitigate them.
Finally, the report outlines the various legal considerations that must be taken into account when
engaging in international business activities. Overall, it is the goal of this report to provide the
management with an overview of the various aspects of international business that must be
considered when establishing a presence in the global market.

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Task 01

1. What do understand by the term Globalization

What is globalization?
Globalization is the process by which ideas, knowledge, information, goods and services spread
around the world. In business, the term is used in an economic context to describe integrated
economies marked by free trade, the free flow of capital among countries and easy access to
foreign resources, including labor markets, to maximize returns and benefit for the common good.
Globalization, or globalization as it is known in some parts of the world, is driven by the
convergence of cultural and economic systems. This convergence promotes -- and in some cases
necessitates -- increased interaction, integration and interdependence among nations. The more
countries and regions of the world become intertwined politically, culturally and economically,
the more globalized the world becomes.

How globalization works

In a globalized economy, countries specialize in the products and services they have a competitive
advantage in. This generally means what they can produce and provide most efficiently, with the
least amount of resources, at a lower cost than competing nations. If all countries are specializing
in what they do best, production should be more efficient worldwide, prices should be lower,
economic growth widespread and all countries should benefit -- in theory.

Policies that promote free trade, open borders and international cooperation all drive economic
globalization. They enable businesses to access lower priced raw materials and parts, take
advantage of lower cost labor markets and access larger and growing markets around the world in
which to sell their goods and services.

Money, products, materials, information and people flow more swiftly across national boundaries
today than ever. Advances in technology have enabled and accelerated this flow and the resulting
international interactions and dependencies. These technological advances have been especially
pronounced in transportation and telecommunications.

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Among the recent technological changes that have played a role in globalization are the following:

Internet and internet communication

The internet has increased the sharing and flow of information and knowledge, access to ideas and
exchange of culture among people of different countries. It has contributed to closing the digital
divide between more and less advanced countries.

Communication technology
The introduction of 4G and 5G technologies has dramatically increased the speed and
responsiveness of mobile and wireless networks.

Figure 1 Increased speed and bandwidth are among the benefits of 5G technology.

IOT and AI
These technologies are enabling the tracking of assets in transit and as they move across borders,
making cross-border product management more efficient.
Block chain
This technology is enabling the development of decentralized databases and storage that support
the tracking of materials in the supply chain. Block chain facilitates the secure access to data
required in industries such as healthcare and banking. For example, block chain provides a
transparent ledger that centrally records and vets transactions in a way that prevents corruption
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and breaches.

Figure 2 benefits of block chain technology

Advances in air and fast rail technology have facilitated the movement of people and products.
And changes in shipping logistics technology moves raw materials, parts and finished products
around the globe more efficiently.
Advances such as automation and 3D printing have reduced geographic constraints in the
manufacturing industry. 3D printing enables digital designs to be sent anywhere and physically
printed, making distributed, smaller-scale production near the point of consumption easier.
Automation speeds up processes and supply chains, giving workforces more flexibility and
improving output.

Why is globalization important?

Globalization changes the way nations, businesses and people interact. Specifically, it changes the
nature of economic activity among nations, expanding trade, opening global supply chains and
providing access to natural resources and labor markets.

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Changing the way trade and financial exchange and interaction occurs among nations also
promotes the cultural exchange of ideas. It removes the barriers set by geographic constraints,
political boundaries and political economies.

For example, globalization enables businesses in one nation to access another nation's resources.
More open access changes the way products are developed, supply chains are managed and
organizations communicate. Businesses find cheaper raw materials and parts, less expensive or
more skilled labor and more efficient ways to develop products.

With fewer restrictions on trade, globalization creates opportunities to expand. Increased trade
promotes international competition. This, in turn, spurs innovation and, in some cases, the
exchange of ideas and knowhow. In addition, people coming from other nations to do business and
work bring with them their own cultures, which influence and mix with other cultures.

The many types of exchange that globalization facilitates can have positive and negative effects.
For instance, the exchange of people and goods across borders can bring fresh ideas and help
business. However, this movement can also heighten the spread of disease and promote ideas that
might destabilize political economies.

History of globalization
Although many people consider globalization a twentieth century phenomenon, the process has
been happening for millennia. Examples include the following:

1. The Roman Empire

Going back to 600 B.C., the Roman Empire spread its economic and governing systems through
significant portions of the ancient world for centuries.

2. Silk Road trade

These trade routes, which date from 130 B.C. to 1453 A.D., represented another wave of
globalization. They brought merchants, goods and travelers from China through Central Asia and

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the Middle East to Europe.

3. Pre-World War I
European countries made significant investments overseas in the decades before World War I. The
period from 1870 to 1914 is called the golden age of globalization.

4. Post-World War II
The United States led the effort to create a global economic system with a set of broadly accepted
international rules. Multinational institutions were established such as the United Nations (UN),
International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organization to promote international
cooperation and free trade.

The term globalization as it's used today came to prominence in the 1980s, reflecting several
technological advancements that increased international interactions. IBM's introduction of the
personal computer in 1981 and the subsequent evolution of the modern internet are two examples
of technology that helped drive international communication, commerce and globalization.
Globalization has ebbed and flowed throughout history, with periods of expansion and
retrenchment. The 21st century has witnessed both. Global stock markets plummeted after the
Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States, but rebounded in subsequent years.

Types of globalization: Economic, political, and cultural

There are three types of globalization

1. Economic globalization
Here, the focus is on the integration of international financial markets and the coordination of
financial exchange. Free trade agreements, such the North American Free Trade Agreement and
the Trans-Pacific Partnership are examples of economic globalization. Multinational corporations,
which operate in two or more countries, play a large role in economic globalization.

2. Political globalization
This type covers the national policies that bring countries together politically, economically and
culturally. Organizations such as NATO and the UN are part of the political globalization effort.

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3. Cultural globalization
This aspect of globalization focuses in a large part on the technological and societal factors that
are causing cultures to converge. These include increased ease of communication, the
pervasiveness of social media and access to faster and better transportation.

These three types influence one another. For example, liberalized national trade policies drive
economic globalization. Political policies also affect cultural globalization, enabling people to
communicate and move around the globe more freely. Economic globalization also affects cultural
globalization through the import of goods and services that expose people to other cultures

Examples of globalization
Multinational corporations are a tangible example of globalization. Some examples include the
1. McDonald's
had 39,198 fast-food restaurants in 119 countries and territories, according to its Securities and
Exchange Commission filing at the end of 2020. It employed more than 2.2 million people at that
time, the filing said.

2. Ford Motor
Company reported in 2021 that it works with about 1,200 tier 1 suppliers around the globe.

3. Amazon's
Recent expansion has it using tens of thousands of suppliers and employing more than nearly 1.3
million full- and part-time employees.

Through their influence on social and economic development in the countries that host them,
multinational corporations embody the contradictions of globalization. They bring jobs, skills and
wealth to the region they are investing or doing business in. But they also can destroy local
businesses, exploit cheap labor and threaten indigenous cultures. The benefits they offer are often
unsustainable because the loyalty of multinationals is to their investors and bottom lines and not
to the local people, economies and cultures where they are doing business.

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Future of globalization
Technological advances, particularly block chain, mobile communication and banking, are fueling
economic globalization.

Nonetheless, rising levels of protectionism and anti-globalization sentiment in several countries

could slow or even reverse the rapid pace of globalization. Nationalism and increasing trends
toward conservative economic policies are driving these anti-globalization efforts.

Global trade is also made more difficult and facing rising threats from other factors, such as these:
1. climate change
2. decaying infrastructure
3. cyber attacks
4. human rights abuses

2. Give a brief introduction on Global Business Environment

We live in a highly interconnected world where international business has expanded and
flourished, particularly since the 1980s when globalization started to become the norm. However,
trade’s share of global GDP peaked in 2008 and has consistently fallen in the last decade. Many
economists believe that since that point, we have been witnessing delocalization.

In 2020, Solita Marcelli, deputy Americas CIO at UBS Global Wealth Management, said, “De
globalization is a trend that is here to stay and will transform the next decade.”

When a company grows and expands beyond its home territory, it enters an international business
environment. This means that it’s operating in different sovereign countries and must align with
the different cultures of each external environment while carrying out business operations. The
human resources team plays a large part in integrating the company with local customs and culture,
as does the finance team, when it comes to regulations and compliance. Considerations for the
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entire company include the social, political, economic, regulatory, tax, technological, and legal
environments.( Diaz, D. (2022))

3. Discuss the associate pros & Cons of Globalization

What Is Globalization?

Globalization is defined as a process that moves businesses, organizations, workers, technology,

products, ideas and information beyond national borders and cultures. Supporters say that this is
making countries more interdependent on free trade. But critics maintain that it is also
concentrating wealth in the corporate elite, disrupting industries and making local economies more

This process has roots in ancient civilizations that traded for valuable commodities that were
unavailable in their homelands. But today, you can also see how large corporations similarly thrive
as multinational businesses with offices and supply chains stretching around the globe.
In the recent economy, trade agreements have become the cornerstones of globalization, creating
and expanding networks for trade and infrastructure. This is the case with NAFTA, which was
renegotiated by the Trump administration in 2020 as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
(USMCA). Initially, NAFTA incentivized U.S. businesses to relocate partially to take advantage
of low-cost labor in Mexico. However, the USMCA has added protections for U.S. workers against
this type of competition.( Lutkevich, B. (2021))

Globalization has also come under scrutiny with President Joe Biden’s recent $2.3 trillion
infrastructure and jobs plan. Many large multinational companies like Amazon were singled out
by Biden for taking advantage of tax loopholes to avoid paying federal income taxes. The President
said that he would raise corporate taxes and eliminate these loopholes and foreign tax credits to
fund his plan.

Advantages of Globalization
Globalization can provide greater access to goods to countries all around the world. It also provides
some economic benefits that financially benefit people that otherwise wouldn’t have enough
opportunity where they live. Here are the four largest advantages to globalization:

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1. Globalization Broadens Access to Goods and Services
It’s hard to argue with the point that globalization makes more goods and services available to
more people, often at lower prices. If you have disposable income and you’re buying a product
that comes from abroad, you’re benefiting from globalization to some extent. Business owners
also benefit by having access to a bigger market for their goods and services.

2. Globalization Can Lift People Out of Poverty

The argument that globalization has lifted people in developing countries out of poverty is
somewhat controversial because opinions differ as to the quantity – and quality – of the jobs
created by globalization. But the general wisdom is that globalization has increased job
opportunities in capital-scarce, labor-rich countries, i.e. developing countries.

3. Globalization Increases Cultural Awareness

Globalization’s defenders say it has increased cross-cultural understanding and sharing. A
globalized society boosts the rate at which people are exposed to the culture, attitudes and values
of people in other countries. That exposure can inspire artists, strengthen ties between nations and
dampen xenophobia.

4. Information and Technology Spread More Easily With Globalization

Art and culture aren’t the only things that spread more easily in a globalized society. The same
goes for information and technology. For example, see the rise of mobile banking in Kenya or the
practice of micro-lending. Civil society groups can look to other countries for inspiration and good
ideas can spread more easily.

Drawbacks of Globalization
Globalization may benefit many but it also has some large drawbacks to consider. From negatively
impacting some economies to benefiting only the largest corporations, it isn’t a perfect solution.
Here are the four largest drawbacks of globalization:

1. Workers Can Lose Jobs to Countries With Low-Cost Labor

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This first argument against globalization is the one that surfaces most frequently in U.S. political
discussions about NAFTA and other trade deals. When the U.S. competes with less-developed
countries, its big advantage is its access to capital, whereas less-developed countries’ big
advantage is their cheap labor.
Generally speaking, globalization increases the returns to capital in rich countries like the U.S. and
decreases the returns to labor in those same countries. That’s a fancy way of saying that low-skill
jobs in the U.S. can disappear as a result of globalization (though technology plays a big role in
this change, too). The result may be a decrease in the inequality between countries but an increase
in the inequality within countries.

2. Globalization Hasn’t Protected Labor, Environmental or Human Rights

In theory, globalization can be an opportunity to spread values and practices like environmentalism
and labor rights throughout the world. In practice, that spread has been slow and imperfect. For
example, rather than exporting the labor protections that a company might have to abide by in the
U.S., it might follow lower standards in another country where labor is not protected.
Some argue that globalization has caused a “race to the bottom” in which companies actively seek
the countries with the weakest labor and environmental protections and the lowest wages. And
while globalization has increased the flow of goods, services and capital, there are still plenty of
tax havens, meaning that much of the value added by globalization is not captured and redistributed
by governments.

3. Globalization Can Contribute to Cultural Homogeneity

Globalization might lead to more cultural homogeneity as people’s preferences converge and
products cannot compete with cheaper multinational ones. If everyone wears jeans, learns English
and watches Hollywood movies we may lose precious cultural practices and languages. Some
critics of globalization worry that it’s creating a mainstream monoculture while driving other
diverse cultures underground.

4. Globalization Empowers Multinational Corporations

Another criticism leveled at globalization is that it has empowered multinational corporations at
the expense of governments and citizens. This reduces state sovereignty and citizens’ ability to
hold their leaders accountable for conditions in their countries. It’s another reason that labor and

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environmental protections are harder to enforce than many critics of globalization would like.
Multinational corporations may also lobby for favorable provisions in trade agreements (this was
an argument invoked against the TPP).

4. Identify and discuss the need of going to globalization

Globalization is the process by which businesses and organizations develop international influence
or start operating on an international scale. It is an important trend in the modern business world,
and it has considerable implications for the way businesses operate. The need for globalization can
be attributed to several factors.

First, globalization provides businesses with access to new markets and customers. The increasing
global interconnectedness has made it easier for businesses to conduct business in different
countries and regions, thus allowing them to tap into new markets and increase their customer

Second, globalization has facilitated the exchange of knowledge and technology between
businesses. Through the sharing of ideas and resources, businesses have been able to come up with
innovative products and services that are of benefit to their customers.

Third, globalization has enabled businesses to take advantage of cost-saving opportunities. By

outsourcing certain operations or relocating production to countries with lower labor costs,
businesses can reduce their overall costs and improve their profitability.

Finally, globalization has made it easier for businesses to access capital and other resources. With
the emergence of global financial markets, businesses can more easily access funding from around
the world. This has enabled them to expand their operations and pursue new opportunities.

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Task 02
1. Identify the features and Importance of International Businesses
International Business conducts business transactions all over the world. These transactions
include the transfer of goods, services, technology, managerial knowledge, and capital to other
countries. International business involves exports and imports.
International Business is also known, called or referred as a Global Business or an International

An international business has many options for doing business, it includes,

1. Exporting goods and services.
2. Giving license to produce goods in the host country.
3. Starting a joint venture with a company.
4. Opening a branch for producing & distributing goods in the host country.
5. Providing managerial services to companies in the host country.

Features of International Business

The nature and characteristics or features of international business are:-

Figure 3 Features of International Business

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1. Large scale operations
In international business, all the operations are conducted on a very huge scale. Production and
marketing activities are conducted on a large scale. It first sells its goods in the local market. Then
the surplus goods are exported.

2. Integration of economies
International business integrates (combines) the economies of many countries. This is because it
uses finance from one country, labour from another country, and infrastructure from another
country. It designs the product in one country, produces its parts in many different countries and
assembles the product in another country. It sells the product in many countries, i.e. in the
international market.

3. Dominated by developed countries and MNCs

International business is dominated by developed countries and their multinational corporations
(MNCs). At present, MNCs from USA, Europe and Japan dominate (fully control) foreign trade.
This is because they have large financial and other resources. They also have the best technology
and research and development (R & D). They have highly skilled employees and managers because
they give very high salaries and other benefits. Therefore, they produce good quality goods and
services at low prices. This helps them to capture and dominate the world market.

4. Benefits to participating countries

International business gives benefits to all participating countries. However, the developed (rich)
countries get the maximum benefits. The developing (poor) countries also get benefits. They get
foreign capital and technology. They get rapid industrial development. They get more employment
opportunities. All this results in economic development of the developing countries. Therefore,
developing countries open up their economies through liberal economic policies.

5. Keen competition
International business has to face keen (too much) competition in the world market. The
competition is between unequal partners i.e. developed and developing countries. In this keen
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competition, developed countries and their MNCs are in a favourable position because they
produce superior quality goods and services at very low prices. Developed countries also have
many contacts in the world market. So, developing countries find it very difficult to face
competition from developed countries.

6. Special role of science and technology

International business gives a lot of importance to science and technology. Science and
Technology (S & T) help the business to have large-scale production. Developed countries use
high technologies. Therefore, they dominate global business. International business helps them to
transfer such top high-end technologies to the developing countries.

7. International restrictions
International business faces many restrictions on the inflow and outflow of capital, technology and
goods. Many governments do not allow international businesses to enter their countries. They have
many trade blocks, tariff barriers, foreign exchange restrictions, etc. All this is harmful to
international business.

8. Sensitive nature
01) The international business is very sensitive in nature. Any changes in the economic policies,
technology, political environment, etc. has a huge impact on it. Therefore, international
business must conduct marketing research to find out and study these changes. They must
adjust their business activities and adapt accordingly to survive changes.

2. Discuss major approaches in to International Business

What is International Business?

International Business is defined as any business that operates across Management International
boundaries and trade of goods, services, raw material, knowledge, and capital take place between
two or more nations.

International business provides an opportunity to facilitate the trade of goods and services outside
of the home country. It is very helpful there for those countries where domestic trade is not
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sufficient to fulfill Recent Comments domestic consumer's demands.(Pant, R. (2022)

Approaches of International Business

1. Ethnocentric Approach

2. Polycentric Approach

3. Regiocentric Approach

4. Geocentric Approach

1. Ethnocentric Approach
This approaches to International business focus on the values, ethics, and belief of the home
country. All the strategies first formulated for the domestic nation or domestic business focus on
the international business is secondary.

Businesses first cater to the demand of the domestic market and trade surplus is distributed to a
foreign nation. Overseas operations are operated from the head office of the domestic country by
domestic employees.
This approach is very beneficial for small businesses during the early days of internationalization
as the investment needed in business is low

There is no major modification in products that will export to a foreign nation and no marketing
research conducting. Businesses mainly rely on exporting goods to foreign nations.
Examples of Ethnocentric Approach
Indian clothes, dresses, food, and beverage are exported to foreign nations where a large number
of Indian live.

2. Polycentric Approach
As per this approach, the business focuses on each host country because they consider that each
country is unique in terms of customer demand, customer preference, and taste so if businesses
want to succeed in each country they should adapt according to the host country's requirements.

The business opens its subsidiary in each oversea market and businesses adopt different

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marketing plans and strategies as per the host country's needs.

The foreign subsidiary has decision-making power and their operation are decentralized.

Businesses appoint personnel the key positions from their home country, whereas the remaining
positions or vacancies are filled by the personnel of the host country.
Examples of Polycentric Approach
McDonald, Starbucks, Google Doodle

3. Regiocentric Approach
Under this approach, businesses divide the whole world into different regions based on their
common regional, social & cultural environment, economic, and political factors.

Marketing strategies and business plans are formulated in regional headquarters for the entire
group of counties or region

Managers are hired or transferred from different countries lying within the same region.

Example of Regiocentric Approach

Firms divide groups or regions on the basis of unique similarities like SAARC countries, the
Baltic region, and the Scandinavian region.

4. Geocentric Approach

According to the Geocentric approach, businesses consider the whole world is the same as one
country for their business operation.

Businesses select the best talent from the entire globe and operate with their large number of a
subsidiary that is located around the globe that coordinate with the head office.

This approach is used by big business giants which have large-scale business operations and a
significant presence around the globe.

The business following this approach has a uniform and standardized marketing strategy, HR
practices, and product design throughout the globe.

This international business approach help in building brand image and earning a great amount of
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Examples of Geocentric Approach

Apple, Coca- cola, Dell

3. Explain key barriers into International Business

1) Language and Cultural Barriers
Language and cultural differences can be major obstacles to successful international business.
Miscommunication can lead to costly mistakes and misunderstandings.

2) Legal and Regulatory Barriers

Countries have different laws and regulations that govern international business. Companies must
be familiar with the laws and regulations of the countries they are operating in to avoid costly
penalties and fines.

3) Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers

Tariff barriers are taxes on imports and exports that make products from other countries more
expensive. Non-tariff barriers are restrictions on imports and exports, such as quotas, which limit
the amount of products that can be imported or exported.

4) Economic and Political Risks

Political instability, economic downturns, and currency fluctuations can have a major impact on
international business. Companies must be prepared to respond to these risks in order to succeed.

5) Transportation and Logistics

The costs of transportation and logistics can add up quickly when dealing with international
business. Companies must be prepared to manage these costs in order to remain competitive.

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4. Explain 5 Major Entry Strategies to International Business
What are market entry strategies?
Market entry strategies are methods companies use to plan, distribute and deliver goods to
international markets. The cost and level of a company's control over distribution can vary
depending on the strategy it chooses. Companies usually choose a strategy based on the type of
product they sell, the value of the product and whether shipping it requires special handling
procedures. Companies may also consider their current competition and consumer needs.

To select an effective strategy, companies align their budgets with their product considerations,
which often improves their chances of increasing revenue. The three primary factors that affect a
company's choice of international market entry strategy are:

1. Marketing

Companies consider which countries contain their target market and how they would market their
product to this segment.

2. Sourcing

Companies choose whether to produce the products, buy them or work with a manufacturer

3. Control

Companies decide whether to enter the market independently or partner with other businesses
when presenting their products to international markets.

1. Exporting

Exporting is the most common entry strategy used by companies to enter an international market.
It involves selling your products directly to customers in a foreign country. This may involve
directly exporting your product or using an intermediary such as a distributor or agent.

2. Licensing

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Licensing involves granting a foreign company the right to use your brand, technology, or
intellectual property in exchange for a fee. This method is a great way to gain access to
international markets without the need for large investments or risks.

3. Joint Ventures

Joint ventures are partnerships between two or more companies. They provide a way for companies
to share resources, technology, and knowledge in order to enter a new market

4. Franchising

Franchising is a great way to enter a new market quickly. It involves granting a foreign company
the right to use your brand and business model in exchange for a fee. This can be a great way to
quickly expand into a new market.

5. Direct Investment

Direct investment involves investing directly in a foreign company, either by acquiring a stake in
their business or setting up a subsidiary in the country. This is a more costly and risky approach
but it can also provide greater control over operations and offer potential.

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Task 03
1. Identify the key areas covered by international Trade Originations
International trade is the purchase and sale of goods and services by companies in different
countries. Consumer goods, raw materials, food, and machinery all are bought and sold in the
international marketplace.
International trade allows countries to expand their markets and access goods and services that
otherwise may not have been available domestically. As a result of international trade, the market
is more competitive. This ultimately results in more competitive pricing and brings a cheaper
product home to the consumer.

Tariffs and Quotas

Tariffs are taxes or duties imposed on imported goods and services to make them more expensive
than the locally produced items. Quotas, on the other hand, are government-imposed restrictions
on the amount or quantity of a good or service that can be imported into a country. Quotas are used
to protect domestic industries and limit the influx of foreign goods and services. Tariffs and quotas
are used by governments to protect their domestic industries, raise revenue, and limit foreign

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) are public health and food safety measures used to
protect people and plants from diseases, pests, and contaminants. These measures are based on
scientific principles and include laws, regulations, standards, and procedures related to food safety,
animal and plant health, food additives, contaminants, and other aspects of food production and
handling. SPS measures are used to protect human and animal health, as well as plant health, and
are used by governments, international organizations, and private parties. These measures may
take the form of inspections, testing, certification, labeling, quarantine, and other restrictions.

Rules of Origin
Rules of Origin are the criteria used to determine the national source of a product. These criteria
are used to determine whether a product qualifies for preferential tariff treatment under a trade
agreement or other international trade arrangement. The rules are usually based on factors such as

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the amount of processing, the value added in the manufacturing process, and the percentage of a
product's components that originate in a particular country. Depending on the particular trade
agreement, the rules may also consider the nationality of the producer, the location of production,
or the country of shipment.

Export Controls and Embargoes

Export controls and embargoes are measures put in place by governments to control and restrict
the flow of goods and services out of their countries. These measures are often used in order to
protect a country's national security interests, prevent the spread of dangerous technologies, and
impose economic sanctions against other countries. Export controls and embargoes may include
restrictions on the types of goods and services that may be exported, restrictions on the countries
to which goods and services may be exported, and restrictions on the financial activities of
exporters. They may also include restrictions on the transfer of technology, the export of certain
raw materials, or the export of certain information. Export controls and embargoes can have a
significant impact on businesses, so it is important to understand the laws and regulations in place
in each country in which a business operates.

Intellectual property protection

Intellectual property (IP) protection is the legal recognition and enforcement of the rights of
inventors, authors, and businesses to control the use of their ideas, inventions, and creative works.
IP protection enables creators and innovators to be rewarded for their investments of time, money,
and creativity that lead to new products and services. IP protection is important because it
encourages innovation, protects the interests of inventors and authors, and helps maintain fair
competition in the marketplace. By protecting intellectual property, businesses can reap the
rewards of their investments in research and development, and authors and inventors can protect
the value of their work. To protect intellectual property, businesses can use a variety of approaches,
including copyrights, trademarks, and patents. Copyrights protect the expression of ideas, such as
books, music, and software. Trademarks protect symbols, words, and designs used to identify a
particular product or service. Patents protect inventions and processes.

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2. Briefly explain the major impact of International Trade Organization
The International Trade Organization (ITO) was an ambitious, post-World War II effort to create
a global body to regulate international trade. It was intended to replace the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which had governed international trade since 1947, and to serve as a
“third pillar” of the new global economic order, along with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
and the World Bank. The ITO was never established, however, due to opposition from the United
States and other countries. The ITO was intended to be a comprehensive body, with the power to
set and enforce global trade rules, adjudicate trade disputes, and impose trade sanctions. It would
have also overseen measures to promote economic development, including the reduction of tariffs
and the encouragement of foreign investment.

The establishment of the ITO would have had a major impact on the global economy. It would
have given the body the power to regulate international trade, helping to ensure a level playing
field for all countries. It would have also provided a forum for resolving trade disputes, which
would have reduced the risk of trade wars and other disruptive economic conflicts. Finally, it
would have provided a platform for promoting economic development, helping to lift millions

3. Discuss the major reasons for recent growth in Int. Business

International business has growth dramatically in recent years because of strategic imperatives and
environmental changes.

Strategic imperatives include the need to leverage core competencies, acquire resources, seek new
markets, and match the actions of rivals. Although strategic imperatives indicate why firms wish
to internationalize their operations, significant changes in the political and technical environment
have no doubt facilitated the explosive growth in international business activity that has since
World War 2. The growth of the internet and other information technologies is likely to redefine
global competition and ways of doing international business once again.

1. Increased Globalization
Globalization has increased the ease of international business, making it easier for companies to
establish offices, subsidiaries, and agreements in foreign countries. This increase in connectivity
has enabled new markets and opportunities to open up to companies of all sizes
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2. Technological Advancement
Technological advancements such as the internet, online payments, and automated processes have
allowed businesses to conduct international business more easily, quickly, and securely

3. Improved Communication
Improved communication technologies such as video conferencing and instant messaging have
made it easier for businesses to stay in touch with their overseas partners and customers. This has
helped to facilitate international business activities.

4. Lower Trade Barriers

Governments around the world have been reducing the number of tariffs, taxes, and other trade
barriers, which has made it easier for companies to conduct international business.

5. Increased Access to Financing

Companies have greater access to financing, such as venture capital, private equity, and
crowdfunding, which has enabled them to pursue international business opportunities.

4. Give a brief account of Sri Lankan International business environment

Sri Lanka's international business environment is characterized by a vibrant economy, a well-
developed infrastructure, a well-educated workforce, and a favorable location. The country has a
rapidly growing middle class, with a high rate of economic growth and political stability. The
country has a well-developed legal and regulatory framework which supports foreign investments,
with the Sri Lankan government providing incentives to encourage foreign investment.
Additionally, the government has invested in the development of a strong financial infrastructure
and efficient transportation networks which give businesses easy access to international markets.

Furthermore, Sri Lanka has a large and diverse workforce, with a high level of education and a
wide range of skills. The workforce is also relatively inexpensive, making it attractive to foreign
businesses looking to reduce costs. Overall, Sri Lanka is an attractive destination for international
businesses looking to invest in an emerging market with a strong legal, regulatory and financial
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Task 04
1. What do understand by the term Supply Chain and Logistics
Supply chain refers to the network of organizations, people, activities, information and resources
involved in the production and distribution of a product or a service from the supplier to the
customer. It involves the movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and
finished goods from one point to another. Logistics is the process of planning, implementing, and
controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from
the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of meeting customer requirements.
It involves the management of inventory, transportation, warehousing, and customer service.
Logistics also involves the integration of information, transportation, and inventory, warehousing,
material-handling, and packaging.

2. Briefly explain considering factors in Supply chain planning

Supply Chain Planning (SCP)
Supply chain planning (SCP) is the process of anticipating the demand for products and planning
their materials and components, production, marketing, distribution and sale.

Supply chain planning steps

The supply chain planning process almost always begins with demand planning, in which a team
consisting of people from sales, marketing and production creates a sales forecast based on
historical data and other information, such as data arriving from point-of-sale (POS) terminals. It
then analyzes the data in spreadsheets or specialized demand planning software or data repositories
to identify patterns that provide clues to future demand.

Demand planning often includes an attempt not just to forecast demand, but to influence it to some
degree, through such mechanisms as price cuts, product substitutions and special promotions. This
demand shaping is another tool that companies have available to more closely match demand with
the actual supply.

Once the demand plan is approved, it is translated into a corresponding production plan and,
eventually, carried out in the various steps of supply chain execution, such as distribution and order

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Key supply chain planning elements
At most companies, supply chain planning is accomplished with a collection of planning and
forecasting processes and software. There is usually no single supply chain planning software
system, though many applications and SCM suites are designed to facilitate end-to-end supply
chain planning by helping trading partners to collaborate.
Integration between different vendors' SCM systems and online procurement networks also
facilitates supply chain planning across geographic and corporate boundaries.
The main supply chain planning processes include the following:

1. Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is an effort to match a manufacturer's supply with
customer demand by having the sales department work with operations departments, such as
manufacturing, marketing and procurement, to develop a single production plan. The S&OP
team starts by gathering information, such as recent forecasts and sales and inventory data,
develops a demand plan and builds a production plan based on available manufacturing and
distribution capacity. The team then reconciles the demand and production plans with resource
constraints, such as finances, before meeting with executives to adjust the plan and obtain their
final approval.

Some companies employ S&OP in a broader integrated business planning (IBP) process that rolls
up the plans of other departments, such as finance and HR, into a single plan. In fact, IBP evolved
from S&OP.

2. Material requirements planning (MRP) is a method for calculating and planning the raw
materials and components needed to manufacture the products called for in the demand or
production plan. It involves taking inventory of materials and components, identifying others
that are needed and making plans to produce or buy them. MRP's critical role in the supply
chain is obvious, since it affects the supply coming into a manufacturer and leaving it in the
form of products continuing along the chain to distributors, retailers and ultimately to

Manufacturers have used MRP since it was developed in the '60s, and few manufacturers of any

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size do without it. Some also use a successor called manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)
that includes MRP, but broadens the concept to other operations of a manufacturer, such as shop-
floor scheduling, purchasing and financial management. MRP II was broadened in the late '80s to
work in industries outside manufacturing, and the Gartner research firm came up with a new name
-- enterprise resource planning (ERP) -- in 1990 to capture its appeal to any type of enterprise.
S&OP, IBP, MRP and MRP II all were processes before software vendors developed specialized
modules for them. Today, most vendors of ERP suites, especially those expressly serving the
manufacturing sector, have MRP modules, and a handful have S&OP software, and fewer still sell
IBP tools. There are dozens of niche MRP vendors.

3. Production planning addresses the details of manufacturing products, including the number
and types of products, their components, who will make them and which plants and machinery
will be involved. Production scheduling is a key part of production planning and the term is
sometimes used as a synonym for the entire process.

4. Advanced planning and scheduling (APS) goes beyond simple production planning in an
attempt to optimize more of the factors that can affect supply, especially materials, labor and
plant capacity. It can also incorporate demand management and, in theory, provides a much
finer-tuned mechanism for matching supply with demand. Major ERP vendors, including
Oracle and SAP, sell dedicated APS modules.

Importance of supply chain planning

Supply chain planning is a tactical approach that, when done well, helps optimize the manufacture
and delivery of products. It can lower production costs, increase sales and help manage
relationships with suppliers.
Supply chain planning provides other advantages, including the following:

A. Data collection having access to precise, real-time data can improve decision-making and
facilitate time-sensitive processes, such as just-in-time manufacturing.
B. Inventory management Up-to-date inventory data can enable lean production and lower
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C. Efficiency Accurate demand and production plans can help companies identify inefficiencies,
including raw materials waste and excess inventory.
D. Improved customer satisfaction tracking customer sentiment and product demand can
improve profit margins.
E. Product lifecycle management (PLM) Demand planning can help align product development
with consumer demand.

3. Identify the role and importance of 3PL Business Model for today’s world
The 3PL Business Model is a valuable tool in today's hyper-competitive business environment. It
is a way for companies to outsource their logistics, warehousing and supply chain management to
third-party logistics companies who specialize in these services. This allows companies to focus
on their core business operations and not have to worry about investing resources in managing the
logistics and supply chain. A 3PL provider can offer significant cost savings and better service
levels due to their expertise in the field. They can also provide access to a wide range of supply
chain services such as transportation, inventory management, order fulfillment, reverse logistics,
and more. This can allow companies to better manage their supply chain and reduce costs while
improving customer service. Additionally, 3PL providers can provide access to new markets,
technologies, and data insights, allowing them to make better decisions when it comes to their
supply chain operations. In summary, the 3PL Business Model is an important tool for companies
to consider in order to remain competitive in today's business environment. (Reid, H. (2022)

5 Vital Roles of 3PL in Supply Chain

1. Freight Consolidation: 3PLs can provide freight consolidation services by combining goods
from multiple suppliers for delivery to a single customer. This allows businesses to reduce their
shipping costs and improve their efficiency.

2. Inventory Management: 3PLs can manage a company’s inventory and ensure that goods are
stored and shipped in a timely manner. They can also provide detailed reports on inventory levels,
enabling businesses to make informed decisions regarding their stock levels.

3. Order Fulfillment: 3PLs can provide order fulfillment services such as picking, packing and
shipping goods. This can help businesses reduce their costs and increase their efficiency.

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4. Reverse Logistics: 3PLs can provide reverse logistics services such as tracking and returning
goods. This can help businesses reduce their costs and improve customer satisfaction.

5. Technology Integration: 3PLs can provide a variety of technology solutions to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain management. This includes integrating different
systems and technologies to ensure that the entire supply chain is running smoothly. These
solutions could include using radio frequency identification (RFID) tags to track shipments, using
cloud-based solutions to manage inventory, and using automated systems to streamline processes
and reduce manual errors. Additionally, 3PLs can provide analytics and data-driven insights to
help companies make informed decisions and optimize their supply chain operations.

4. Discuss key issues and challengers in Supply chain management in Global

Every industry has a network comprising suppliers, producers, intermediaries and customers
spread across the globe. In spite of perfect design assessment, cost management tools, demand-
supply estimation, a company cannot achieve success unless it follows Supply Chain Management.

Supply Chain Management- Management of the flow of goods, information and finances amongst
the business networks. The success of the Industry relies upon the fact of how well you manage
your supply chain at the global level. When we talk of Supply Chain Management, there are
unlimited challenges that each industry ought to face.

"The real competition is between supply chains, not companies." Martin Christopher

In order to ensure smooth functioning, supply chain managers should be well-aligned in advance
with all the challenges that are running in the competitive market

1. Visibility: Supply chains are becoming increasingly complex, making visibility, or the ability
to track goods and services along the supply chain, a major challenge. Poor visibility can lead to
delays, increased costs and an inability to respond quickly to fluctuations in demand.
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2. Risk Management: Global supply chains are highly exposed to a variety of risks, including
natural disasters, political instability, and cyber-attacks. The lack of a comprehensive risk
management strategy can lead to supply chain disruptions and increased costs.

3. Sustainability: Companies are increasingly being held accountable for the environmental,
social and economic impacts of their supply chains. This has led to a greater focus on sustainability,
with companies striving to reduce their environmental footprint, improve labor conditions, and
promote ethical sourcing.

4. Labor Shortages: The global labor market is becoming increasingly competitive, with
shortages of skilled workers in some sectors and regions. This can lead to increased costs and
longer lead times.

5. Technology: Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and advanced

analytics are transforming global supply chains. Companies need to ensure they have the right
infrastructure and resources in place to take advantage of these technologies.

38 |
Lutkevich, B. (2021) What is globalization? globalization explained, CIO. TechTarget. Available
at: https://www.techtarget.com/searchcio/definition/globalization
(Accessed: January 2, 2023).

Diaz, D. (2022) What is the Global Business Environment?, Keele University - Study online.
Available at: https://online.keele.ac.uk/what-is-the-global-business-environment/
(Accessed: January 2, 2023).

Josephson, A. (2022) The Pros and cons of Globalization, SmartAsset. SmartAsset. Available at:
(Accessed: January 2, 2023).

Reid, H. (2022) 5 vital roles of 3PL Logistics in the supply chain, DCL Logistics. DCL Logistics.
Available at: https://dclcorp.com/blog/3pl/3pl-logistics-supply-chain/
(Accessed: January 2, 2023).

What is Supply Chain Planning (SCP)

Available at: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techtarget.com/searcherp/definition/supply-

(Accessed: January 2, 2023).

Heakal, R. (2022) International (global) trade: Definition, benefits, criticisms, Investopedia.

Investopedia. Available at: https://www.investopedia.com/insights/what-is-international-trade/
(Accessed: January 2, 2023).

Akrani, G. (no date) What is international business? meaning, features and article, KALYAN
CITY LIFE BLOG. Available at: https://kalyan-city.blogspot.com/2011/09/what-is-international-
business-meaning.html (Accessed: January 2, 2023).

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Pant, R. (2022) Approaches of international business: Type, ethno,Regio, poly,geo, EduKedar.
Available at: https://edukedar.com/approaches-of-international-business/
(Accessed: January 2, 2023).

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