Pre-Assessment Grade 7

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Pre-Assessment Grade 7

One Day, Darang Magayon was bathing in the river when she slipped on the rocks. She
did not know how to swim. Fortunately, Panganoron, the son of Rajah Karilaya from the
Tagalogs, saw her calling for help in the Yaw river and saved her.
After saving her life, Panganoron started to court her. After some days she finally
accepted his proposal. Consequently, he decided to ask Darang Magayon’s father, Rajah
Makusong for her hand in matrimony. The father accepted Panganoron to be his daughter’s
When Pagtuga heard of the news that Darang Mmagayon was to be betrothed to
Pangaronon, he got very angry. Pagtuga kidnapped Rajah Makusong and took hin to the
mountains. Then he told everyone that he would release him only if Darang Magayong would
marry him. Afraid Pagtuga would marry him. Afraid that Pagtuga would hurt her father, she
accepted to be his wife.
When Pangaronon knew about the situation, he asked his warriors to follow him to the
mountains to fight against Pagtuga. The battle was fierce. Pangaronon killed Pagtuga, but he was
also eventually killed by an arrow thrown by one of Pagtuga’s warriors. Sadly, while Darang
Magayon ran to the arms of her beloved Pangaronon, an arrow pierced her heart and killed her.
After the battle was over, Rajah Makusong laid the bodies of both lovers in a single
grave. As days passed by, people who went to the grave to pay respect, saw that the grave was
rising and turning into a land form. They started to call it Mayon, short for Magayon.
Each time that the Mayon volcano would erupt, some would say that such eruptions are
songs of love between the lovers. People say that the spirit of Darang Magayon lives on the
volcano. On the hand, Pangaronon, whose spirit is believed to be living on the clouds above the
volcano, would disperse rain to keep its flowers and plants fresh, so it stays beautiful.

1. What does the reading selection manifest?

The story…
a. Mirrors almost exactly the origin of a particular volcano.
b. Depicts consequences of parental interventions.
c. Exemplifies heroic adventure of Pangaronon.
d. Poses a love story of genuine roots.

2. It is a story of ______________
a. Courage and faith
b. Honesty and hope
c. Love and courage
d. Hope and sacrifice
3. If the reading text were to explain the actions of gods and heroes or a natural
phenomenon, then it would be a sample of a _________
a. Myth
b. Legend
c. Epic
d. Folk tales

4. If you were to write an epic, what element should you consider?

a. Origin of a place
b. Moral of a story
c. Adventure of a hero
d. Love between the hero and heroine

5. What does indifferent mean as used in the sentence?

“Pedro, who seemed indifferent, refused to participate in class discussions about
Philippine folk literature.
a. Curious
b. Uninterested
c. Agitated
d. Quiet

6. Based on its structure, how do you classify the following sentence?

“People say that the spirit of Darang Magayon lives on the volcano?
a. Simple
b. Complex
c. Compound
d. Compound-complex

7. The reading text is a tale that was passed along by word of mouth. This means it is part of
the _________ of our country.
a. Culture
b. Oral tradition
c. Heritage
d. Customs

8. Which of the following is true?

Philippine Literature
a. Started during the coming of Spaniards in 1521
b. Is based on how ancient people talk
c. Traces its roots in oral tradition
d. Has an ethnic origin
9. Which of the comments below would you give if you were to assess the subject-verb
agreement in the sentence, “Each of the legends are interesting”? The subject-verb
agreement in the sentence is
a. Correct
b. Incorrect
c. Partly correct
d. Cannot be determined

10. Juana was asked to do an oral retelling text. Which statement below manifests that she is
doing it effectively?
a. She tells the story loud enough to make the listeners look at her intently.
b. She moves around the room while retelling the story so that she would catch the
attention of her audience.
c. She establishes eye contact with her audience, varies her voice for dramatic effect,
and uses simple and understandable language.
d. All of the above.

11. When Ella, was retelling a story, she used a monotonous voice and mispronounced many
words. Why it is important for her to articulate words clearly and correctly? It is
important in order___________
a. To communicate effectively
b. To impress her audience
c. To increase her word power
d. To enhance her reading comprehension

12. The choices below share the same meanings. In retelling a story, which word would you
use to describe your appreciation for a character’s trait?
a. Determined
b. Pig-headed
c. Stubborn
d. Unreasonable

13. Why it is important to know the right word in any writing situation? Knowing how a
word is used _____________
a. Shows mastery of the English language
b. Endears the readers to the writer
c. Determines its meaning
d. Impresses the readers

14. In doing a retelling of the origin of your locality, why should you consider your
a. To grab their attention
b. To know the big words that can truly amaze them
c. To leave a lasting impression of your storytelling ability
d. To know the content and language most suitable to them.

15. Why is there a need to study folk literature?

a. Folk literature should be given importance.
b. Folk literature is rarely appreciated in the 21st century
c. Folk literature offers enchanting stories about nature.
d. Folk literature provides insights into the people’s culture and beliefs.

16. You were asked by Philippine Daily Inquirer to tell a story which forwards a lesson and
uses characters that will be most interesting to young children. What tale would you
a. Myth
b. Legend
c. Epic
d. Fables

17. How would you revise the sentence, “Juan commanded the goat and shook it’s whiskers
until his mother and bothers had all the silver they could carry”?
a. “there” to “their.”
b. “he” to “it
c. “it’s” to “its.”
d. No revision is needed

18. Matanglawin Publication has asked you to do a written retelling of an existing legend.
Which of the choices below should you NOT consider? You should not use _______.
a. Words produce vivid imagery
b. Words with fewer syllables.
c. Sentences with varied structures.
d. Sentences that evoke vivid imagery

19. Complete the following analogies by choosing the correct answer.

Snake is to reptile as bear is to _________.
a. Mammal
b. Fish
c. Amphibian
d. Paws

20. Knight is to sword as wizard is to ________.

a. Castle
b. Princess
c. Wand
d. Hat

21. City is too country as planet is to _________.

a. Stars
b. Solar system
c. Earth
d. Comet

22. Choose what voice of verb is being used in the sentences.

The chocolate cake was made by Diane.
a. Active
b. Passive
c. Both a & b
d. None of this

23. He broke the pencil on the floor.

a. Active
b. Passive
c. Both a & b
d. None of this

24. Change the sentence below into an Active voice.

It was decided by my teachers to let us out early today.

a. My teachers decide to let us out early today

b. My teachers decided to let us out early today.
c. Our teachers decided to let us out early today.
d. Our teacher decide to let us out early today.

25. Change the sentence below into a Passive voice

The Yankees won the World Series

a. The World Series had won by the Yankees

b. The World Series has won by the Yankees
c. The World Series was won by the Yankees
d. The World Series were won by the Yankees

26. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past perfect of the verbs.
My students ____________ (raise) some money after they ___________ (see) a
documentary on TV about Africa.
a. Raised / sees
b. Raised / had seen
c. Raise / seen
d. Raised / has seen

27. He __________ (feel) very ill because he ____________ (not sleep) well.

a. Felt / hadn’t slept

b. Felt / hasn’t slept
c. Felt / hadn’t sleep
d. Felt / hasn’t sleep

28. Choose the correct answer.

At this time yesterday, I ______ an essay
a. Wrote
b. Was writing
c. Writing
d. Written

29. Change the given sentences into direct speech

Yes she said I love you

a. Yes? She said, “I love you.”

b. Yes! She said “I love you.”
c. Yes! She said, “I love you.”
d. Yes! She said, “I Love You.”

30. The library is closed he said

a. “The library is closed”, he said.
b. “The library is closed.”, He said.
c. “The library is closed.”, he said.
d. “The library is closed.” He said.

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