Prayer of A Student-Teacher

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Lugtu, Michaela V.


Dearest Lord God,

I thank you for all the things that you have given me, my cooperating

teacher and my students. Thank you for safely sending us all here today and for

guiding us always. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this school.

Lord, as I enter this field, I know that I will have more responsibilities.

Bless me with a humble heart and mind that will listen to all the things that my

cooperating teacher will advise me. May You give me obedience to always obey

the command of my cooperating teacher, other faculty members, administrators

and principal of my assigned school. May You give me strength to become a

better version of myself for my students and for You. Lord, I know I will never be

an effective practice teacher without You. With that, I pray that You grant me

enough knowledge, skills and attitude that will form me into a great teacher for

You. May You become the center of the things that we will be doing inside the

classroom. May You give me wisdom to impart knowledge to my students. May

You give me an unending patience to all of the students especially those who will

challenge me. I pray that you give me an open mind to understand that they have

different cultures as well as personalities. I pray that you turn me into a teacher

that my students need. I pray to be a mother, friend, mentor and sister when they

need one. Nevertheless, I hope that their respect for me as a teacher will always

a reminder for them to think of their limitations in our student-teacher relationship.

I ask these through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lugtu, Michaela V. E-401


Mikanism is my own philosophy of education. It is named after my

nickname. It is a mixture of progressivism and existentialism because these two

are student-centered which I believe are very suitable in K12. However, I like to

give more importance on progressivism. I can say that I am a progressivist

because I believe that students must be a great citizen of their own community

and country, and school has a big role in developing students to become one.

Someone is being mold into what he/she will be as a person in two places;

school and home. Therefore, to become a great person and citizen, the school

must careful and mindful their teachings to the students. Also, I have a huge

belief that students will learn more if the lessons are relevant to them. Students

also learn more if what they are about to learn is something they need or

something that catches their attention. Their willingness to listen to a listen that is

not relevant to them is so little. With that case, a teacher must always find a way

to make the lesson relevant to the students. Moreover, it is proven that students

enjoy a class wherein the teacher relates the lesson with their personal lives or

experiences. In fact, it is when students engage in the discussion more. They like

to express their own opinions and ideas to things that are relevant to them. A

teacher can use this as an instrument to know his/her students more and to know

what will make them learn more. It is also proven that students learn more by

doing. On the other hand, I am also an existentialist because I believe that a

teacher must guide students to discover themselves. They must find out what
they really want, who they are and what they want to do and be by themselves. A

teacher is just a facilitator of learning and he/she is not there to spoon feed

his/her students. The entire knowledge that students will get in the school must

not only come from him/her. Students must always be given a chance to express

their thoughts. However, the teacher will always have to step up and tell the

students what is right and wrong. Furthermore, the individuality of each students

must be recognize just like their different multiple intelligences. Also, students

must be educated holistically and not just cognitive. His/her mind, heart and hand

must be cultivated. Although, it is undeniable that there are times when the other

philosophies in education must be applied in the classroom. There will still be a

situation wherein the teacher must apply those. Nevertheless, a teacher should

know when is the right time to shift or go back to the philosophy that he/she

certainly believe in. I also think that a teacher must know the appropriate

philosophy for his/her students. After all, it is not just about what the teacher

believes, it is also about what is suitable for his/her students. A teacher may

believe in a certain philosophy but it may not what his/her students need.

Therefore, a teacher must set aside that and apply a philosophy that suits his/her

students. After all, at of the day students’ learning should be the priority of the


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