Filler Replacement in Flexible Pavement
Filler Replacement in Flexible Pavement
Filler Replacement in Flexible Pavement
On the basis of the tests performed of the samples, it can be
concluded that marble powder shows very less strength
compare to fly ash though it has shown better flow value than
all. Micro silica and pond ash both have shown higher
strength than fly ash. But in micro silica it was observed that
its density is very low hence more bitumen is used. Pond ash
has higher strength and lower flow value than fly ash, but also
it’s more economical. Rice husk ash and GGBS samples were
failed before testing.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Civil
Engineering Department of Nirma University.
I would also like to thank all the people who directly or
indirectly helped to complete my research.
[1] Ravindar Tomar, R K Jain, and M K Kostha; “Effect of
filler in Bituminous Paving Mixes” IJERST Vol. 2, No.
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[2] Altaf Bhatt; “Effect of various filler on bitumen mix”
International Journal of Advance research in Education
and Technology(IJARET) Vol. 3, Issue 2, April-June
[3] Section 500
[4] ASTM D6927-05 Standard Test Method for Marshal
Stability and Flow of Bituminous Mixtures
[5] India Mar