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Utilization of clay residue obtained from glass

manufacturing industry in partial replacement of

fine aggregate in concrete
Mr. Asif.
Asst. Professor, Gopalan College of Engineering and Karthik, Maruthi, Nithin kumar, Rahul kumar
Management, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Gopalan College of Engineering and Management,
Email: [email protected] Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Abstract— Concrete is an intimate mixture of construction material other type of the construction work is the need of the hour.
such as cement, sand, aggregate, water and chemical admixture. Concrete is the most undisputable and indispensable material
All these materials are very much needs to make a good and being used in infrastructure development throughout the world.
workable concrete. The main properties of fresh concrete are
Umpteen varieties of concretes were researched in several
workability, consistency, setting time etc. In concrete, fine
aggregate and coarse aggregate contributes 60% to 70% of total
laboratories and brought to the field to suit the specific needs.
volume. Therefore aggregate contributes more volume; the Numerous waste materials are generated from manufacturing
selection of both fine and coarse aggregate should be done processes, service industries and municipal solid wastes. The
carefully.The consumption of natural river sand is very much high, increasing awareness about the environment has tremendously
because of more usage of concrete. To overcome the demand of contributed to the concerns related with disposal of the
natural river sand, many research has been carried out and some of generated wastes. Ceramics is a diverse industry and contains
the alternative materials have already used as the fine aggregate. several categories of products, including sanitary ware, cement,
Grog clay is one of the good alternative materials to replace natural advanced ceramics and ceramic tiles. The ceramic industry has
sand. The source of grog clay is from glass manufacturing a long history, with the first instance of functional pottery
industry.In the present study, natural sand is replaced with grog
clay by 30%, 50% and 70% along with three different water content
vessels being used for storing water and food, being thought to
but the cement content was fixed constant. The mix was prepared be around since 9,000 or 10,000 BC. Solid waste management
and test was conducted on compression beams for 7days and is one of the major environmental concerns in the world. With
28days. It has been concluded from the results that, the the scarcity of space for land filling and due to its ever
compression increases with the percentage of grog clay increases. increasing cost, waste utilization has become an attractive
Therefore grog clay gives satisfactory results and can be adopted as alternative to disposal. Investigations are being carried out to
a fine aggregate. create an economical concrete with the utilization of waste
Keywords— Key Words: Grog. products as substitute.Clay bricks were also made around the
INTRODUCTION same time. The ceramic industry has been modernizing
Concrete is the most widely used construction continuously, by newer innovations in product design, quality
material used across the world in almost all types of civil etc. Many waste products are generated from ceramic
engineering works. Concrete is a manufactured product industries. Such waste products included in this paper are the
essentially consisting of cement, aggregates, water and rejects from ceramic industries, mainly quartz and grog. Such
admixtures. Among these cement which is generally made by waste products included in this paper are the rejects from
calcining lime and clay Cement is the critical ingredient in ceramic industries, mainly quartz and grog. Each of these
concrete, locking together the sand and gravel constituents in waste products has provided a specific effect on the properties
an inert matrix. In today’s world there is a huge market of fresh and hardened concrete. The use of waste products in
demand for cement due to which there has been a sizeable concrete not only makes it economical, but also helps in
depletion in the natural resources. At the same time disposal of reducing disposal Problem. Reuse of bulky wastes is
industrial waste or by-products has become a difficult task and considered the best environmental alternative for solving the
expensive as a result, there has been an increase in stringent problem of disposal. This paper presents a detailed review
environmental regulations and shortages of suitable, nearby about waste and recycled materials that can be effectively used
disposal sites. Industrial by-products also creates in concrete as a sand and cement replacement.
environmental hazard as they may be toxic for environment.
Therefore, taking into consideration of both these challenging
tasks there is an alarming need for an alternate solution. So the
usage of industrial by-products and solid waste materials as
aggregates in concrete and in the soil stabilization for road and
Weigh batching is done for all materials. All aggregates used in
The methodology used in this work can be summarized into a
the mix were weighed under surface dry conditions. Laboratory
series of steps as below:
mixer is used for mixing the components of concrete. Coarse
(1) A review on various paper on the study of the replacement
aggregate, fine aggregate and cement were added to the mixer
of concrete material is made.
and they are mixed thoroughly. Water is then added and is
(2) The materials are procured from various sources from
mixed for 5 minutes. Standard cubes, cylinders and beams
concrete mix.
were casted for all mixes in concrete
(3) Characterization of materials like aggregates, cement and
(4) The specimen are moulded cured and tested for 7 and
(1)The present study investigates the effect of sand
(5) Concrete mix design according to IS 10262 is been made.
replacement by grog clay required to obtain optimum strength
with satisfying workability, strength and durability required in
the concrete. Based on the test results of compressive strength
the following conclusions are drawn.
A. Coarse Aggregate
(2)This study demonstrated that it is possible to utilize grog as
The well graded angular shaped crushed aggregates of
partial replacement for fine aggregate in concrete.
size 20mm as per IS 383-1970 is used as coarse aggregate.
(3)When sand is replaced by grog the workability decreases,
hence to improve the workability we add admixtures
B. Cement
( superplasticisers )
53 grade Ordinary Portland cement of grade is used
(4)Result shows that concrete strength produced for all mixes
in the study. The properties of cement were tabulated in table 2
satisfy the minimum codal requirements as per Indian
Standard Codes.
C. Fine Aggregate
(5)Better value of bulk density and water absorption gives
Natural river sand is used as fine aggregate in this
clear indication of dense packing of materials and less porosity
study. The properties of fine aggregate are shown in Table 3
of concrete block made with addition of grog with clay.
(6)The study shows that as the replacement of grog percentage
D. Grog
increases the compressive strength reduces, however the
Grog is obtained as by product of glass industry .Grog,
strength was still higher than that of control mix which proves
also known as firesand and chamotte, is a ceramic raw material.
the efficiency of grog material in enhancing the characteristic
It has high percentage of silica and alumina. It can be produced
properties of concrete.
by firing selected fire clays to high temperature before grinding
(7)The reuse of grog waste in concrete production shows
and screening to specific particle sizes. The particle size
highly positive results in terms of environmental protection,
distribution is generally coarser in size than the other raw
waste management, and saving of raw materials for the
materials used to prepare clay bodies. It tends to be porous and
production of eco-friendly building material.
have low density.

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Mix details for m15 concrete : 1:2:4
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Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391.

Table 1 Coarse aggregate test observation


1 SIEVE ANALYSIS 3.21 IS : 460-1962


2 WATER 0.4% IS : 2386-1963 PART



4 AGGREGATE 28% < 30% IS : 2386 - 1963PART


Table 2:Cement test observation.


1 FINENESS TEST 1% 2250 IS 269-1976

2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.80 3.15 IS 269-1976

3 STD CONSISTENCY 32% 24-34 % IS 4031PART 4 -


4 SETTING TIME OF 30MIN <30MIN IS 4031-1988


Table 3: Fine aggregate test observation


2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 2.66 2.5 – 3.0 IS : 2386 PART III

3 BULK DENSITY 1.59g/cc 1.45-1.65g/cc IS : 2386 PART III

TABLE 4: Properties of grog

Properties Grog

Specific gravity 2.525

Bulk density 970 kg / m3

Percentage of voids 61.58%

Table 5: Laboratory tests

In the study work, the number of tests to be performed is given below:

% of sand 0% 30% 50% 70%

7 days 3 3 3 3

No of moulds 28 days 3 3 3 3

Table 6: Average Compressive Strength of concrete

Grog replacement
0% 30% 50% 70%

7 days 13.5 6.68 11.2 8.97

28days 20 14.71 19 16.4

Fig 2. Grading curve for grog

Graph showing percentage of grog replacement and strength

Fig 3 Grog replacement

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