Be Eat Find Fly Meet Ride: How Long Have You Been Out of College?

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Student’s name: _Angella Marcela Perez Martelo___________

I-Complete these questions with the past participles of the verbs in the
box. Then answer the questions.

be eat find fly meet ride

Have you ever . . .

1. been on television? No, I haven’t.
2. ridden a horse? No, I haven´t.

3. eaten Indian food? No, I haven´t.

4. met a famous person? No, I haven´t

5. Flown in a helicopter? No, I haven´t

6. Found money in the street? Yes, I have

II-Use the words and phrases to write information questions in the present

1. How long / you / be / out of college?

How long have you been out of college?

2. Where / you / travel / to?

Where you have traveled to?

3. How many people / she / invite?

How many people she has invited?

4. Who / be / to China?
Who has been to China

5. Why / you / choose / that book?

Why you have chosen that book

6. How long / Larry / live / there?

How long Larry has live there?

7. What / you / prepare / for lunch?

What have you prepared for lunch

8. How much money / you / spend / this week?

How much money have you spent this week?
III-Complete these time expressions and time clauses with for or since. Then
write FIVE TRUE sentences in present perfect.
Example: My mother has been on a diet for three days
1. for three days

2. Since 3 o’clock

3. For a long time

4. For a moment

5. Since last month

6. For a month

7. Since he was a boy

8. Since 1988

IV-Write TRUE PRESENT PERFECT SENTENCES about you, your family, your friends. Use
the phrases below. Include words like: never, always, for…, since…, yet, already, many

Example: My sister has always wanted to be a beauty queen.

Want to

travel abroad = My brother has traveled abroad.

play the accordion = I haven't played the accordion.

win a contest = My father has won a contest.

find money = I've never been lucky to find money

eat oyster = My father has eaten oysters

live in Barranquilla = I live in Barranquilla since 2019.

study English = I haven't finished studying English yet.

read “El Principito” = I have never read “El principito”

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