Lesson 1 History of Medical Technology or The Clinical Laboratory Science Profession
Lesson 1 History of Medical Technology or The Clinical Laboratory Science Profession
Lesson 1 History of Medical Technology or The Clinical Laboratory Science Profession
According to RA 5527, Medical Technology as an auxiliary branch of medicine which deals with
examinations using various chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, & other medical laboratory
procedures or techniques that will aid the physician in diagnosis, study, & treatment of disease & in
the promotion of health in general
~Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969
3 P’s of Diabetes
Polydipsia - an increase of thirst
Polyuria - frequent urination
Polyphagia - a rise in appetite
In the early 11th century, medical practitioners were not allowed to conduct physical
examination of the patient’s body
Greek Physicians made diagnoses by pouring urine on the ground, observing whether the urine
attracted insects. It if did, patient has boils
14th Century
Anna Fagelson confirmed the beginnings of Medical Technology when she correlated the cause
of Alexander Gillani (assistant to an Italian physician) to acquired-laboratory infection
17th Century
Anton Van Leeuwonhoek grinded and polished magnifying lenses leading to formation of a
new compound microscope. He is known as the Father of Microbiology
1821 - 1902
Rudolf Virchow studied diseases and infections at a cellular level using a microscope (Father of
Microscopic Pathology)
Richard Lower studied blood transfusion
MLS 101 Week 1: History of Medical Technology or the Clinical Laboratory Science Profession
First Laboratories:
In Britain: Guys Hospital ( introduced in wards)
USA: most labs were done by physicians with microscope at home or office; the first set up lab
was at University of Pennsylvania’s William Pepper Laboratory of Clinical Medicine (1895)
Dr. William Welch Opened a teaching lab in New York University Medical School
(Bacteriologist/ ( Bellevue Medical College)
Pathologist) 1 physician to teach at John Hopkin’s University;
In 1918:
o John Kolmer called for the development of the method that would certify medical
technologists on a national scale
o The state legislature of Pennsylvania enacted a law requiring all hospitals to have a fully-
equipped laboratory and employ a full time laboratory technician
In 1920:
o Laboratories are to be administered by chief physicians; only five sections were present back
then (serology, pathology, bacteriology, microbiology, and radiology
o ASCP: American Society of Clinical Pathologist was administered.
MLS 101 Week 1: History of Medical Technology or the Clinical Laboratory Science Profession