AVMA - One Health PDF
AVMA - One Health PDF
AVMA - One Health PDF
1. Articulate a vision of One Health that will enhance the integration of animal, human, and
environmental health for the mutual benefit of all
5. Prepare a comprehensive written report for the Executive Board detailing its findings
and recommendations
One Health — a New Professional Imperative
One Health — a New Professional Imperative
2. Identify the areas where the integration of human, animal, and environmental
health exists
Numerous organizations have recognized the need for integration of human and animal health,
and the health of the environment and have taken steps to develop new programs and form new
partnerships to support that integration. Some examples are highlighted below:
• In 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of its reorga-
nization, created a National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne and Enteric Diseases
(NCZVED). This center has close to 1,000 employees focusing on infectious disease
ecology and a One Health mission. They have cross-cutting programs in food-borne,
water-borne, zoonotic, and vector-borne diseases, not to mention global health that
integrate human, animal, and environmental domains in the areas of research, disease
and outbreak investigations, laboratories, pathogen discovery, epidemiology, policy, and
• The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Envirovet Summer
Institutes, and National Science Foundation (NSF) have existing programs and research
projects that have purposefully and effectively brought issues such as environmental
degradation, pollution, climate change and ecological stress into the realm of both
human and animal health. Poor environmental health conditions may lead to negative
health consequences from contamination and pollution, and from the creation of envi-
ronments that are more conducive to the survival and emergence of new infectious
• The US military has historically linked their health operations in monitoring, surveillance,
and lab systems. The US Public Health Service (USPHS), some FDA programs, the US
Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), and the CDC have
integrated programs spanning human and animal health.
• The Global Center for One Health and the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases have
been established as focal points to bring disciplines, professions, and colleges together.
• Today, more than half of US veterinary colleges have formal dual Doctor of Veterinary
Medicine (DVM or VMD)/Master of Public Health (MPH) degree programs. This has
been a major change of emphasis and coordination just over the last five years.
• Many veterinary and human medical colleges have formed links with schools of public
health and created programs in comparative medicine and biomedical research, facilitat-
ing further collaboration across the health professions.
• Biomedical research and laboratory animal and comparative medicine examples also
highlight such integration. The development and use of animal models for research on
the treatment and cures for many human diseases has been a major success, particu-
larly with the development of genetically modified mouse models.
• Several laboratory systems are integrating diagnostics across health domains, including
the Integrated Consortium of Laboratory Networks, National Animal Health Laboratory
Network, Laboratory Response Network, Zoo Network, ArboNet, Global Avian Influenza
Network for Surveillance, the National Biosurveillance Integration System, and the Food
Emerging Response Network.
One Health — a New Professional Imperative
• Human and animal health corporations and pharmaceutical companies in the Kansas
City corridor are sharing capacities and innovations linking the biosciences and animal
health. In addition, many pharmaceutical companies have both animal and human health
products and Research and Development systems that utilize both human and veteri-
nary medical professionals collaboratively.
• One Health research, data, and programs are frequently highlighted in educational
journals such as Eco Health, the Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Zoonoses
and Public Health, the Public Health Reports Journal, and the International Journal of
Zoonoses. In addition, ProMed and the Canary Database provide disease reporting
based on One Health strategies.
• There are several outstanding wildlife surveillance and conservation projects, such
as the Global Avian Influenza Network for Surveillance operated by the Wildlife
Conservation Society as well as other surveillance and diagnostic systems, that are
working together to address both human and wildlife populations.
• Organizations such as the Delta Society have worked to promote human and animal
health through the human-animal bond, facilitating human interactions with pets for the
benefit of human health. The Delta Society has also worked to promote health benefits
of this interaction, such as lowered blood pressure and increased survivability from
heart attacks in people.
• At national and local levels, veterinarians, health care organizations, public health agen-
cies, and other stakeholders are collaborating in areas of mutual interest to both—for
example, awareness and prevention of pet and childhood obesity and exposure of pets,
pet-owners, and their children to secondhand tobacco smoke. As human health benefits
are more closely identified with animals in the home, other applications of One Health
will continue to involve companion animals.
Finally, natural disaster response and lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina have stimulated
more collaboration among animal, human and environmental communities and organizations.
Emergency preparedness, both locally and nationally, is much better coordinated today but can
still benefit from further integration.
One Health — a New Professional Imperative
However, once viewed through the lens of animal health, the same causative organism with an
exact laboratory finger-print match was found in cattle close to where the spinach was produced
in the Salinas Valley of California. This exact strain was recovered from wild hogs that ran through
the same fields. When considered through the lens of an ecologist and hydrologist, the ground
water and surface water in this high-production agricultural region were being mixed together
due, in part, to a drought followed by heavy rains, and a strain on the irrigation system which was
trying to keep up with intensified agricultural production.
The same E.coli organism recovered from both patient and animal sources was then found in
one of the water ditches close to the spinach fields in the area. Thus, when a One Health con-
struct was used, we were able to understand that the spinach field was likely contaminated
through irrigation water that contained E. coli from the infected hogs running through the fields,
and that the organism could survive in the spinach plant throughout processing and distribution.
Only by integrating our knowledge of the environment and ecology could this investigation be
completely understood. More importantly, only through this knowledge, can appropriate inter-
vention and prevention strategies be properly implemented. A purely human health approach
would have resulted in the focus on clinical care and individual treatment rather than on possible
sites for prevention of contamination and infection.
One Health — a New Professional Imperative
office or a human health lab. Yet, with a few exceptions, we approach these threats as sepa-
rate and disconnected events and only now are surveillance systems attempting to integrate
In the vast majority of veterinary practices, there is no standardized electronic medical record
keeping system. Therefore, the profession has not been able to establish a true, evidence-based
medical system. Veterinary medicine is unable to coordinate national monitoring or develop an
effective and comprehensive early detection system for the millions of companion animals across
the country. This inability to bring this growing population into a cross-species surveillance sys-
tem has created a barrier to One Health.
A recent article16 in Nature (Feb 2008; Jones, et al) reports that there have been 335 emerging
disease events since 1940. The report states that these events have been progressively increas-
ing over the decades, and, except for emerging antimicrobial resistant organisms, most have
originated in developing regions of the world and will likely continue this pattern well into the
Yet our existing surveillance systems have been developed and implemented with a bias toward
richer and developed countries. Thus, we fail to consider those areas of world at greatest risk
and with the highest probability of incubating the next emerging infection. The need to create
and establish good surveillance and monitoring systems in developing counties as an integrated
strategy and across domains is lacking at a time we need it most.
One Health — a New Professional Imperative
A moral obligation
Dr. Mirta Roses, Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), recently reported that
a substantial portion of the world’s disease burden was due to the environment, and poor popula-
tions are at much greater risk and face greater consequences to their health and quality of life.18
She stated, “Millions of families in the world exist—or struggle to survive—in wretched, over-
crowded and unsafe slums, shacks, tents, ghettoes, and settlements. They are exposed to harsh
weather. Rats and insects bring disease to their homes. Poor ventilation, little light and the need
for constant repair aggravate the tragedy. These conditions are especially oppressive for chil-
dren—their bodies, their growth, and development and their dreams. They live with no clean
water, decent sanitation or basic services that many in the world would enjoy daily and take for
granted. Yet they are our fellow human beings, a precious human capital and we have the mis-
sion to reduce the environmental hazards they face in order to improve their health.”19
Today, approximately 800 million livestock and poultry keepers worldwide— primarily women The concept of
and children—depend on their few animals for food, income and stability. Should these valuable
assets contract a zoonotic disease, not only is the family’s income at risk, but the keepers that One Health is
are intimately associated with the animals have a high probability of contracting the illness. In
addition, indigent populations suffer disproportionately from the negative consequences of envi-
very much a
ronmental degradation, pollution, poor sanitation, and the impact of adverse weather conditions.
strategy with a
Health is an outcome shaped by a wide range of social, economic, natural, man-made, and politi-
cal environments that form a complex and ever-changing dynamic. Understanding the epidemiol-
long-overdue bias
ogy, maintenance, and spill-over mechanisms between vectors and hosts are all part of complex
events found at the interface of human animal health and of health of the environment.
towards health
promotion and
4. Identify Barriers or Challenges to One Health
There are significant barriers to the adoption of the One Health concept, perhaps the most disease prevention
important being the need for key leadership to embrace the concept of One Health, to obtain
buy-in from medical, veterinary, industrial, and environmental partners, and to execute a change across the human,
program on a global basis.
animal, and
Success in adopting the One Health concept will require overcoming many other barriers, includ-
ing difficulty in changing the mindset of healthcare providers from one of “disease care” to one environmental
of preventive medicine, the bias towards clinical care, increasing specialization and fragmentation
of the field, as well as a general lack of awareness and education of physicians, and difficulty get-
ting busy practitioners on board.
While we have made progress, additional barriers include differences in organizational cultures,
competing priorities, and a lack of resources to promote and further develop One Health. In addi-
tion, we will have to address the need for a communication plan that could effectively influence
public awareness and motivate a campaign to help influence Congress and key policy makers,
the lack of effective models from which to build a national One Health program, and the lack of a
critical mass to help evolve and inculcate the concept.
One Health — a New Professional Imperative
towards health promotion and disease prevention across the human, animal, and environmental
The return-on-investment for this strategy is profound when we view the cost savings associ-
ated with prevention of diseases and the multiplier effect involved when we consider that a
positive impact in one domain is often transferred to a positive benefit in other domains. Thus,
One Health is a transformational strategy and is quite different from our traditional health care
system. This transformation can be threatening and goes against our current training and mind-
sets regarding medicine and health care. One Health might be categorized (unfairly) as a “fringe
or alternative medicine” because it is non-traditional and its precepts may be considered too
very much an strong bias, in both human and veterinary medicine, toward clinical care of individual patients
and a significant shift to areas of specialization. This professional orientation and interest will be
overarching difficult to overcome in order to embrace the broader vision of One Health. Therefore, academic
institutions will need to respond by adopting new ways to educate the next generation of health
concept that spans science professionals.
many disciplines, In addition, there is a growing emphasis in specialization and clinical practice focusing either on
humans or animals to the detriment of understanding and applying One Health principles. Yet,
professions, and practitioners in both human and veterinary practice can successfully practice One Health if they
have the mindset and educational background to appreciate the concept.
areas of interest.
In clinical settings, few One Health teams have been assembled to address the new challenges
brought about by the convergence of health domains. For instance, a special need exists today
for an integrated surveillance system that rapidly and accurately detects both potential patho-
gens and non-infectious threats such as toxicants and contaminants in human, animal, and envi-
ronmental domains.
Although some progress is being made, the separation of the human and animal health educa-
tion and training systems is still difficult to bridge. Health professionals continue to be educated
and trained in professional-centric academic institutions with seemingly little appreciation for the
integration and coordination of disciplines especially beyond their own professions.
Veterinary medicine is approximately one-tenth the size of the human medical profession and its
ability to be optimally and simultaneously successful in areas such as biomedical research, agro-
terrorism, food safety and security, and public health is challenging at best. Incorporating One
Health into their existing specialties will be daunting.
One Health — a New Professional Imperative
The successful adoption and implementation of One Health will be predicated on the leadership
ability of its advocates. In order to achieve buy-in across the domains of One Health, key leader-
ship will need to be established, engaged, and empowered.
In his book, “The New Rules,”21 John Kotter addresses the necessity to muster the courage to
overcome complacency, the knowledge and skills to envision a strategic future, and in our rapidly
changing world, make changes to the foundation of our culture. Leadership skills are fundamen- “...the protection
tal to the One Health vision and implementation.
of animal health,
5. Identify Potential Solutions to Overcoming Barriers or Meeting Challenges
We now stand at the precipice of health care transformation where disease prevention and health
the relief of animal
promotion in people, animals, and our environment have become a critical, strategic need. The most
pressing need for transformation is almost always vision and leadership. The OHITF recommendations,
suffering, the
found in the next section of this report, can serve as an action plan to guide individuals, institutions, and conservation of
professions during the process of change. But, most importantly, while the AVMA and AMA are eager
and willing to take the lead on this effort, we cannot succeed without support from others. livestock resources,
The opportunity to meet continuing challenges to health through the concept and implementa- the promotion of
tion of new strategies is both exciting and troubling. One Health has the potential to meet critical
societal needs and demands, but our health professionals might not appreciate or realize the public health, and
urgency or need to coalesce and confront the complex issues threatening health.
the advancement
We need to stop trying to figure what to do by looking at what we have always done, and now focus
on what is truly needed and possible. Most new opportunities do not fit neatly into existing organiza- of medical
tional boxes or departments. Yet at the intersection of differences can always be found opportunities
for creative ideas, innovations and profound transformation—One Health is that challenge. knowledge.”
Decisions made today impact events of tomorrow. We live in a world in which the difference between
what can be imagined and what can be accomplished has never been smaller. Veterinary medicine is in
a unique position. Veterinarians are well grounded in population health, comparative medicine, and pre-
ventive medicine. The profession has the potential to take a major leadership role in the efforts of One
Health. However, this is not a given, and a reluctance by our profession or by the other health sciences
to take this step, will, without question, be a lost opportunity that will be picked up by other groups.
The Veterinarian’s Oath, to which all veterinarians have pledged our professional lives, can be
considered a position description for One Health. Failure to assume the leadership role of One
Health is a decision not to uphold the principles of the oath, namely, “the protection of animal
health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of livestock resources, the promotion of
public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.”
Much of the responsibility sits clearly on our shoulders. The human medical profession is faced
with the same dilemma—it also must decide on its future role in One Health. Every profession
has its defining moments—special points in time when talented individuals work cooperatively
to influence the course of events for generations to come. For veterinary medicine and the other
health sciences — that time is now.