Foundation of Social Studies OBTLP PDF

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Professor : Dr Frederick W Gomez
College : Education
Department : Social Studies
School Year/Semester : 2019 – 2020 / 1st Sem
Lecture Hall/Rm Nos : 12A
LET Number : 1100345
Cell Phone No : 09266584071
E-mail Add : [email protected]
Consultancy Hours : MW8-10/TTH8-10/1-4/F8-12/1-5
Publication : (PoS, Res, Philo, Hist, Educ)
Tutorial/Personal Hours : by appointment
Tutorial/ Virtual Hours : Yahoo-messenger/Skype

Course Title FSS1
Subject Discription Foundation of Social Studies
Course Description CMO No. 75, s. 2017
This course focuses on the study of the nature, history, philosophical and theoretical persopectives in social studies/science as a body of knowledge. It also deals with the comparative analyses and
relationships of the various social sciecne disciplines.
Course Credits 3units
Contact Hours/week 3hours/week
Prerequisite Minor subjects
Course Outcomes /Program 1. Utilize appropriate various sociocultural and historical materials in explaining current issues;
Outcomes 2. Organize communities towards self-reliance and self-sufficiency;
3. Demonstrate leadership skills that will help in teaching or training students who will empower their communities;
4. Integrate local and global perspectives in teaching the principle of the common good;
5. Employ the principle of sustainable development in teaching and learning;
6. Show scholarship in research and further learning; and
7. Display the qualities of an innovative teacher who has mastery f the subject matter.


Course Objectives / Performance Indicators Summative Assessment Task Details

CMO No. 75, s. 2017
1. a. Relate current events with available historical data to help students In the over-all assessment task student will submit the As the study focuses on the nature, history, philosophical and theoretical persopectives
develop critical perspectives towards social studies; accumulated individual task through activity and assignment in social studies/science as a body of knowledge. It also relates, draw, design, train, acces,
b. Draw the connections between and among people, events and using the IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY. Submit roadmap initiate, participate, integrate and produce the comparative analyses and relationships of
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
places to analyze local and global social issues; (Portfolio) peoples, events and places interaction and the various social studies/ science disciplines according to how the inhabitants interact and
2. a. Design community – based activities to help learners achieve an development. And, analyze local and global social produce a just, dynamic, social and just humane society.
integrated view of social development; issues/concern using the IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY.
b. organized student clubs/activities for community outreach project; It should be inserted in the Portfolio kit and content them. The While the students are required to submit their individual IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY
and rubrics tool shall be design to measure the effectiveness and portfolio, they are also required to submit their outcomes – based researches (titled
c. Conduct public assemblies to increase social awareness. efficiency (accuracy) of the student work/activitiy. according to their own preferences).
3. a. Train students to be involved in community-related activities;
b. Established lingkages with govenemnt and non-government Thus, the following criteria must be measured in the The publishable paper that the student to be submited must have the following criteria:
organizations to promote public welfate. rubric:
4. a. Access information from local and foreign media about social 1. Content 1. Title heading (minimum of 8 words to the maximum of 15 words)
issues to enhance teaching; 2. Experience 2. Below the title are the names of the team researcher;
b. distinguish truthful from false presentation of information from 3. Reflection 3. Below the name of the researcher is the indented abstract (center);
social media. 4. Application/action 4. Below the indented abstract is the key words / short title;
5. a. Initiate advocacy campaigns towards the attainment of sustainable 5. Evaluation 5. Below the key words is the Introduction;
development goals; (Problem, Importance, Literature review, Objectives & Time-bounded/time
b. Organize initiatives for stweradship of natural resources; Midterm and Final Exam frame)
c. Participate in activities that promote environmental consciousness; 6. Methods will follow after the two (2) to three (3) paragraph introduction;
and Publishable Paper are also design in order to translate theory 7. Results and Discussion will follow to the methods (four (4) to five (5)
d. integrate the environmental principles in lerning and teaching. into practice and is measured according to the following paragraphs);
6. a. Participate in research to improve the teaching and learning of criteria: 8. Conclusions and Recommendation will follow after the Results and
social studies; and 1. Introduction; Discussion (one (1) or two (2) paragraphs);
b. Join seminars, trainings, workshops and related activities to 2. Methods; 9. References (fifteen (15) to twenty five (25) recognized books/journals/etc. ref.
improve the teaching and larning of the social studies. 3. Results and Discussion; materials.
7. a. design innovative strategies that heighten students engagemtn in 4. Conclusions and Recommendtions; and
the social studies classroom; and 5. References This publishable paper shall be submitted one week before the final exam.
b. Produce assessment materials to measure student’s performance.


Week Course Content / Subject Matter

PART l Land, People, Places, Environment & Identity
Week 1 Introduction to the foundation of Social Studies (Man, Family, Community & Country)
Week 2 Nature, history, philosophical and theoretical perspective (Culture, Time, Continuity, and Change)
Week 3 CHED/DepEd Mandates/legal Bases (Rationale)
Week 4 Comparative analyses and relationship to other social sciences (Land, People, Places, Environment & Identity)
PART 11 Power, Authority & Governance
Week 5 Social Studies as a body of knowledge (Power, Authority & Governance)
Week 6 Qualitative and quantitative science of social studies (Production, Distribution & Consumption)
Week 7 Science, Technology & Society
Week 8 Global Connection
PART lll Idealism and Civic Efficiency

VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
Week 9 Civic Idealism & Practice (Nationalism & Patriotism)
Week 10 Social studies issues and human interaction
Week 11 Social Studies Construct
PART lV Research
weeks 12 - 17 Preparation on the Publishable Paper
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results and discussion
4. References


Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/ Teaching and Lerning Activities (TLAs) Assessment Task Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter References (ATs) Materials Table
Conduct, collect and gather the Introduction to the Collaborative team activity & Computer Aided The team were ask to
different RRLS that has significant Instruction. The 10 minutes encounter of the teacher is observe their surrounding or Computer/printer/
bearing on the foundation of social foundation of Social klima/ BODYSOUL.HTM required. The teacher will introduce the foundation of environment and write notes internet connection
studies particularly “data” available Studies (Man, Family, social studies as the center of all social sciences/ studies. how social studies interplay in
within their immediate surrounding. Community & Country) https://www.dominicana The Venn diagram will be introduce interconnectedly their day to day daily life Maps, globes, Week 1
Make a Collage paper to show the so to explain the interrelatedness of all social sciences (student will submit an compass & ruler
most likely, desired and dream Man, 18n3stthomashisteaching and its interaction. individual IGNATIAN
Family, Community & Country by onfamily.. Likewise, cooperative or collaborative approach PEDAGOGY using the
showing the Collage abstract. was utilize in order that the team of seven (7) member CERAE “think piece” ).
https://www.sociologyguide. will explore and discover “variables” on the creation of
com/basic- man. Ponder that “man was created “not to be isolated This is to be done in a one (1)
concepts/Community.php but to form a community” and he/she became the whole short size bondpaper
“crown” of creation. that entails on the Content, The team are expected to discover that leadership, Experience, Reflection,
communityengagement/pce_ authority, membership, objectives and common means to Application/ Action and
concepts.html attain are essential elements in forming a community. Evaluation (CERAE) and an
Lastly, at this juncture the team were taught that IV individual Collage paper to be
(Independent Variables) & DV (Dependent Variables) submitted at the end of the
are present in Man, Family, Community and Country to week to reflect about man,
be identified and listed down as potential researchable family, community and
problem. For now, the member of a team is required to country.
submit an individual personal vision and mission that
reflect on his dream profession. Quiz & Major Exam

Explore, identify and determine Nature, history, Collage Making & Computer Aided Instruction. Computer/printer/
the high significant, appropriate and The 10 minutes encounter of the teacher is required. The Submit output internet connection
related theoretical perspective in philosophical and notes-on-concept--nature- teacher will discuss and explain the nature, history, Week 2
understanding the role of culture and theoretical of-sst-pedagogy-i philosophical and theoretical perspective of the course so Maps, globes,
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
the relative issues found in the place perspective (Culture, as to build-up tacit knowledge and draw comparative compass & ruler
where we live by listing down/ Time, Continuity, and analyses and relationship in teaching learning social
noting the independent and Change) Whatishistory/munslow6.html sciences/studies by relating the RRLS into the way we
dependent variables. And, make a live in our home of mankind. The team of seven (7)
collage paper that shows on the IV https://www.worldatlas. member are instructed to make a collage paper that
through the visible abstract “form” com/articles/what-is- shows on the IV (Independent Variable) pictorial whose Quiz & Major Exam
either in the Culture, Time, distance-decay.html abstract is very visible in our learning environment. Put
Continuity, and Change issues. this in a one (1) whole short size bondpaper.

Revisit and relate provisions on CHED/DepEd CMO No. 20, s. 2013; CMO Inquiry-based Instuction & Computer Aided Computer/printer/
the CMOs / DepEd orders as social No. 27, s. 2017; CMO No. 75, Instruction. The 10 minutes encounter of the teacher is Submit output internet connection Week 3
studies disciplines and as a course. Mandates/legal s. 2017 required. Down load pdf on the GEC CMO No. 20, s.
Bases (Rationale) 2013, CMO No. 27, s. 2017 & CMOs No. 75, S. 2017 Maps, globes, for the major subjects so as to guide the team direction compass & ruler
stable/20067366?seq=1 on this study while preparing their own publishable
paper. The team also are required to “lift” constitutional provisions that convey on the essence of “patriotism”
/Redefining_Filipino_Nat’lism_ and “nationalism” and write in “toto” and make an
Introduction_The_Ge. IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY using the CERAE “think Quiz & Major Exam
piece” paper in a one (1) whole short size bondpaper.

Relate all major subjects of Comparative Buzzing & Computer Aided Instruction. The 10 Computer/printer/
social studies and explain to the https://ij-healthgeographics. minutes encounter of the teacher is required. The team of Submit output internet connection
class regarding their subject analyses and seven (7) member are instructed to prepare drawing and Week 4
outcomes and specific objectives relationship to other 10.1186/ 1476-072X-9-54 coloring materials. They are told/inform in advance in Maps, globes,
within the week or period of time. social sciences (Land, order to allow them to prepare the most preferred compass & ruler
Draw and color your dream People, Places, Environment https://www.nap. landscape, peoples and events that they wanted to revisit
Landscape, People events, & Identity) edu/read/1435/chapter/6 and portray in their team collage pictorial casting. They
Environment & Identity. are quided on the question why they choose these cast? Quiz & Major Exam
https://peopleplacespace. And, what made the team decided to have these cast? &
org/toc/section-8/ what attributes that attracts the team to come-up these
1. cast?And, why different places, peoples and events
varied in terms of their way of life?
The team are required to submit this cast in a one (1)
whole short size bondpaper.
Explore and discuss the Social Studies as a Collaborative and cooperative activity and Computer Computer/printer/
interrelatedness of all social Themesofsocial studies.weebly. Aided Insruction. The 10 minutes encounter of the Submit output internet connection
sciences/studies discipline to other body of knowledge com/power- authority-and- teacher is required. Tell the team of seven (7) member to Week 5
allied sciences and orient the team (Power, Authority & governance.html revisit the ten (10) flatteners of Thomas Freidman on the Maps, globes,
how tacit knowledge was build-up Governance) “world is flat” and choose only one “flattener” for the compass & ruler
and became part of their material team to “tackle” (discuss/share) where power, authority
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
and non-material culture. Likewise, site/socialstudiesresources and governance are all together present. Do the
how it became the roadmap of 01/power-authority-and- IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY using the CERAE “think
power, authority and governance. governance piece” in a short size bondpaper. And, reflect during Quiz & Major Exam
your exchange of ideas/insight about the rugged
https://www.socialstudies. geographic regions of the countryside how it would be
org/powerauthority possible to be flatten and how do they do it? What make
andgovernance a difference?

Discuss and relate the qualitative Qualitative and Collage Making in Quali-Quanti Approach in Computer/printer/
to quantitative approach in Research and Computer Aided Instruction. The 10 Submit output internet connection
understanding the “variables” of quantitative science Frederick-W-Gomez-the-ABC- minutes encounter of the teacher is required. Tell the Week 6
social studies into “quali-quanti” of social studies on-the-Methods-of-Educ... team of seven (7) member to read in advance for Maps, globes,
‘paradigm’ and use the important (Production, Distribution & Production, Distribution & Consumption trend and compass & ruler
elements of capital, labor and Consumption) issues so that the team be able to use the RRLS as bases
services such as: production, /37423410/Research- for “ideas,” “opinion,” “suggestion,” and
distribution and consumption Methods_IG.pdf “recommendation.” It may be in arriving the conclusion.
(micro-macro economics approach) Likewise, in coming-up an intelligent visual on the
to the everyday living of mankind. uploadedtrend.unblocked2. collage construction. Quiz & Major Exam
club/.../dr._frederick_w._gomez... Tell the team to divide the short size bondpaper into
the_abc_of_the_method.. three (3) for production, distribution, and consumption.
1. Portray and convey the team message to their respective
collage with a dominant abstract for decision-making.
Explore and discover how social Science, Technology Drawing and Coloring activity and Computer Aided Computer/printer/
studies orientation interplay in the Instruction. The 10 minutes encounter of the teacher is Submit output internet connection
building-up of knowledge and social & Society en/politica_estera/ required. Let the team of seven (7) member visualize Week 7
interaction in the just and dynamic cooperscientificatecnologica through one (1) short size bondpaper by conveying and Maps, globes,
social order having science and /riset.html portraying what is in the mind of the team regarding the compass & ruler
technology in our day to day role of “science and technology” in the lives of mankind.
undertaking. Let it be made simple and natural but can be understood Quiz & Major Exam by the viewer. Bring the team on the issue of the film
/national-agency-science-and- “Ringgo,” the “world I flat,” and “Lexus and the Olive
techn... Tree.” And allow the team to relate the issue on Science,
1. technology and society.” Why do they (we) do it and
how do they (we) do it?
Point-out and enumerate Global Connection Individual analyses (activity) and Computer Aided Computer/printer/
essential elements as an indicator for Instruction. The 10 minutes encounter of the teacher is Submit output internet connection Week 8
globalization, internationalization, required. Let the student read the book written by
nationalization, commercialization Thomas Freidman “the world is flat” and “Lexus and the Maps, globes,
and industrialization in the book of Olive Tree.” Let the student prepare their IGNATIAN compass & ruler
Thomas Freidman PEDAGOGY using the CERAE “think piece in a short
size bondpaper and allow them be guided the questions Quiz & Major Exam
on: What is all about the world is flat? and the lexus and
the olive tree? Can these concepts help us in the
roadmaping toward globalization, internationalization,
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
nationalization, commercialization and industrialization?
What made a difference? And, How do they do it?
Discuss, explain and relate Civic Idealism & Team Solving Problem and Computer Aided
indicators that will point-out the role https://www.socialstudies. Instruction. The 10 minutes encounter of the teacher is Submit output Computer/printer/
of person, family, community and Practice (Nationalism & org/standards/strands required. Let the team of seven (7) member discuss and internet connection Week 9
nation in teaching, inculcating, Patriotism) write their output in an IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY using
fostering and building the value of https://www.teachers the CERAE “think piece” format. Let them submit in a Maps, globes,
nationalism and patriotism. one (1) whole short size bondpaper. Let the team be compass & ruler
guided to think about the policy of the state on what to
https://www.pinterest. teach, inculcate and foster to an individual so that the
com/drew9068/civic- value of nationalism and patriotism be promoted. The Quiz & Major Exam
ideals-and-practices/ team should refer the https://www.officialgazette. constitution/particularly
https://www.officialgazette. Articles ll, lll, lV,X,Xl,Xll,Xlll,lVX,XV aside of having other RRLS. How social and economic legislation help
constitution/ promoting “filipinization?”

Explore and read different RRLS Social studies issues

materials that would ‘shedlight’ on https://courses.lumenlearning. Inquiry-based Instruction & Computer Aided Submit output Computer/printer/
the modern trend issues and concern and human com/boundless.../chapter/ Instruction. The 10 minutes encounter of the teacher is internet connection
of the time on “human interaction” interaction understanding-social-interaction/ required. Let the team of seven (7) member Identify, Week 10
and draw an independent mind for classify and determine the quantitative and qualitative Maps, globes,
the analyses and interpretation of the variables on the “human interaction” happened within compass & ruler
“data.” Identify, classify and ~kdevlin/Papers/HPI_ the immediate surroundings. How interaction interplay Quiz & Major Exam
determine the quantitative and SocialSciences.pdf in the social, political, economic, education, cultural, and
qualitative variables by listing down religious behaviour of mankind?
in a short size bond paper. However, the most preferred “human interaction” it
stable/10.7758/9781610442985 has something to do on the use of “power,” “authority,”
and “governance.”
Submit five (5) researchable title Social Studies Research Activity and Computer Aided Instruction.
potential to come-up publishable This time the team of seven (7) member must submit Submit output Computer/printer/
paper and submit names of the Construct /13034/chapter/5 potential researchable “problem” as their “construct.” internet connection Week 11
collaborator/author of the said Meaning, an idea or theory containing various
“consttruct.” Do this in a short size conceptual elements that the team must “draw” their Maps, globes,
bondpaper. sites/default/.../essential-social- “problem” either 1) pofilling? 2) descriptive or compass & ruler
studies-skills-and-strategies.pdf inferential? And 3) statistical? If they are not yet Quiz & Major Exam
prepared of having this context? So, simple problem will
https://www.encyclopedia. do by submitting five (5) researchable title for coaching,
com/social-sciences- mentoring, peer-teaching and other relative academic parenting.

Preparation on the Consultation/Reading and Writing. Team teaching, Computer/printer/ Weeks team coaching, peer mentoring, cooperating and Submit output in a ring bound internet connection 12-17
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
Publishable Paper /35598249/TAWA_tawa.docx collaborating in the writing of the publishable paper. one week before the final RRLS materials
1. Introduction exam
2. Methods ›
3. Results and discussion Documents › Personal Growth
4. References
F. Suggested Readings and References
Bettez, S. C. (2013). Community Building in Social Justice Work: A Critical Approach Educational Studies, 49, 45-66

Gomez, Frederick W. (2017). effectiveness of euphorphia hirta (tawa-tawa) teain promoting thrombocytosis in mice_ /35598249/tawa_tawa.docx
(2018).Teacher and Principal Clinical Classroom Supervision, Instruction and Management.
(2016). Research-Methods ig.pdf | frederick w gomez -
(2018). TheABC on the Methods on the Educational Research.
Government of British Columbia. (2014). Accessibility 2024: Making B.C. the Most Progressive Province in Canada for People with Disabilities by 2024. Retrieved from
Mahar, A., Cobigo, V. & Stuart H. (2013). Conceptualizing belonging. Disability and rehabilitee, 35 (12), 1026-1032
Rodriguez, J. (2013) Narrating Dementia: Self and Community in an Online Forum. Qualitative Health Research, 23 (9), 1215-1227
United Nations. (2015). CRPD and Optional Protocol Signatures and Ratifications. Retrieved. /disabilities/documents/maps/enablemap.jpg
Study.Com. (2019). Foundation in Social Studies.
G. Course Requirements
◘ Reaction/Think Piece Paper (IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY – CERAE) in every major exam (Prelim, Midterm & Semi-final) APA format; font size & style (TNR 12);
◘ Option - One Journal Notes (Community Involvement) Major exam (Prelim, Midterm & Semi-Final) APA format; font size & style (TNR 12)
◘ Research Paper (to be submitted one week before the final exam.APA format…font size & style TNR 12)
◘ Reaction/Think Piece Paper (IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY – CERAE) in every major exam (Prelim, Midterm & Semi-final) APA format; font size & style (TNR 12);
◘ Option - One Journal Notes (Community Involvement) Major exam (Prelim, Midterm & Semi-Final) APA format; font size & style (TNR 12)
◘ Research Paper (to be submitted one week before the final exam.APA format…font size & style TNR 12)
Community involvement activity:
◘ Individual visit on the Barangay Disaster Reduction Group (BDRG) and assess or evaluate their preparedness;
◘ Document domestically geographic incidence and recommend solution (pictorial / qualitative or quantitative research)
Evaluation approaches and methods:
◘ Attendance (related appearances or actual participation designed in the syllabus)
◘ Assignment (related activity designed in the syllabus as feedback to connect the Past & Present )
◘ Class participation (individual and group activity designed in the syllabus)
◘ Quizzes (long & short: Announce and Un-announce measures designed in the syllabus)
◘ Project (Mapping; transectorization; documentary; portfolio; collage; CERAE; Journal; output)
◘ Major exams (Periodical Exam: Prelim, Midterm, Semi-final and Final)
Grading standards:
Class Standing (CS):
◘ Projects (individual and Group Paper) - 5%
◘ Recitation (Asking & Answer Questions) -10%
◘ Assignments -2%
◘ Attendance - 3%
◘ Quizzes (long & short) -40%
◘ Major Exams (periodical; P/M/SF/F) -40%
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
Formula of the Grading system:
Each total raw score must be converted into equivalent percentage by using the following formula:
Period Exam = 1/3 of the grades
Class Standing (CS) = 2/3 of the grades
Prelim Grade = CS X 2 + Prelim Exam
Midterm Grade = CS X 2 + Midterm Exam + Prelim Grade
Semi Final Grade = CS X 2 + Semi final Exam + Midterm Grade
Final Grade = CS X 2 + Final Exam + Semi final Grade
Rubric Measurement Guideline
1. General Rating on the submitted CERAE paper
1. Content 20pts
2. Experience 20pts
3. Reflection 20pts
4. Application 20pts
5. Evaluation 20pts
TOTAL…………………. 100
2. General Rating on the submitted COLLAGE paper
1. Abstract 20pts
2. Theme (pics) 20pts
3. Neatness 20pts
4. Organize 20pts
5. Visualization 20pts
TOTAL…………………… 100
3. General Rating on the INDIVIDUAL & GROUP presentation
1. Punctuality 20pts
2. Content 20pts
3. Trend 20pts
4. Presentation 20pts
5. Activities/interaction 20pts
TOTAL……………………. 100
4. General Rating on the submitted drawing/demo paper
1. Manila paper size 20pts
2. 1 ½ to 2 inches letter size 20pts
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
3. Replica (image) to reality 20pts
4. Modulated voice 20pts
5. Preparedness & mastery 20pts
TOTAL……………………. 100
1. General Rating on the submitted Publishable Research Paper
A. Overall Quality of the paper Covers 40%
1. Clarity of objectives/problems 5%
2. Soundness of the theoretical/conceptual framework 13%
3. Appropriateness of Research Design/ Statistical Tool 12%
4. Coherence of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations 10%
B. Relevance and Significance of the Study 25%
C. Organization of the paper 20%
D. Novelty and Originality 15%
H. Classroom Policies
◘ For the MWF classes allowable absences is only up to 10 absences
◘ For the TTH classes allowable absences is only up to 7 absences
◘ Class Hours Lost by Late registration are considered as absences
◘ Unjustifiable late & cuts are considered absent

VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)

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