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Bimodal IT is a concept developed by the Gartner Group in
2013, as a new way to manage IT services in organizations.
This definition differentiates traditional IT – known as Mode
1 - which focuses on stability, safety and accuracy, from non-
traditional IT, Mode 2, which is more exploratory, and focuses
on agility and speed to develop solutions in different situations.

After defining these two modes to identify and prepare the way
in which companies can manage their technological changes,
it’s worth to follow the details of each Mode separately. Mode
1 manages the existing corporate systems, ensuring that
all liabilities work coordinately, and Mode 2 aims to generate
innovation as a mission to face new challenges,
new horizons and conquer new markets.

In Mode 1, value generation is based on performance,

while Mode 2 focuses on revenue, brand and UX (user
experience). In seeking for new development partners,
Mode 1 builds alliances with corporate suppliers, while
Mode 2 develops partnerships with new and small
suppliers. In the search for talents, Mode 2 should find the
non-conventional, generalist types, while the conventional
and specialized ones continue to be talents for Mode 1.

Now, before we delve deeper into the subject, let’s take a good
look at the concept of technology and its application in the
business environment, influencing the business change process.

By definition, technology is the product of With this clear and updated concept of today’s
science that seeks to solve problems of any business world, information technology is no
nature. The correlation between knowledge longer set apart from the company’s business
and creativity transforms the environment, and starts to become the key part of the
whether in industry, engineering, medicine, corporate gear, moving the business in the
computer science or in arts. right direction. Technology is one of the keys
for success, but only when used with market
The interpretation of technology in the intelligence.
business environment allows us to decide
which action should be taken in order to solve Then, the challenge becomes finding or
a given problem, or to create a new solution. understanding what is the reality between
This technological knowledge makes room for the IT and the organization’s business,
new skills and new technologies that are even how they are interacting, if they are working
more innovative and revolutionary. with the same reasoning or if they are too
far from the main goal. The technique that
brought information technology to its current
stage is transforming as businesses evolve.

Once again, as we mention the business
world as an update of the digital business,
an analogy has to be analyzed. During the
industrial revolution, our society learned to
do business with the technologies available
at the time. It took decades of secret
negotiations before innovations could
handle the demands of the market.

A car could only be black, and for many years,

they were only made black. We evolved and
today the revolution is, what some specialists
call, “the knowledge era”, where information
that used to belong to a few, is now easily
spread to many.

Being digital is having a technological and

critical view of the business strategy and
then defining new ways to operate and
generate revenues.

Digital business is transforming people’s

and companies’ lives. Facebook, Apple, Uber,
Airbnb, are part of this knowledge era.
Born in the digital era, they use the
advantages brought by the digital life to
succeed. What about organizations that were
not born in the digital era? The world’s older
and major companies have already seen the
market potential in the digital life, and they
are prioritizing the improvements brought by
technological innovation to business
by enhancing the user’s experience.

It’s simple: even a thriving digital business regards to the development of new applications
model needs to manage innovation, bringing and due to the market’s competitiveness
it to the center of the companies’ technology with startups outside the company, mode 2
departments. This connection between earned its stripes and will demand different
the agility of startups with the safety of investments and goals from mode 1.
traditional IT departments requires a realistic
fusion to avoid unsettling the infrastructure Since it is an innovation company within
as we know today. The organizational another company, there is an extraordinary
operation depends on the responsibility range of benefits. With a ready infrastructure,
brought by traditional IT. budget allocated for the project, human
resources aware of the modes’ division,
IT impacts business results and cannot be which makes the recruitment of talents
remodeled overnight without investments easier and favors the qualification of new
and cultural change. This is one of the most talents, the Bimodal division becomes an
difficult factors to deal with when it comes ally for the companies’ businesses.
to technological innovation. We can conclude
that the change does not confirm the popular Merging the knowledge of the traditional IT
phrase, “you should not mess with a winning with the agile IT energy, modes 1 and 2 receive
formula”, but it is still necessary to have a a different attention from the organization’s CIO,
winning team that experiences the company’s transforming an IT area for business. This is
everyday activities and keeps everything in a new way for the IT department to develop
order, so new ideas and new projects may solutions for companies, and for companies to
be developed. find solutions for their needs and objectives.

Thus, developing the Bimodal IT was one

of the ways to make this transformation.
The solution was to transform two different
realities into mode 1 and mode 2, and put
both processes to work together. While mode
1 keeps accuracy and safety, mode 2 brings
agility and innovation. This does not imply that
mode 1 needs to stop innovating. This is not an
option. Innovation is a part of all the company’s
departments and it has to be cultural, but in 6
Every change goes through an approval and
adjustment process. This needs to occur in
all areas of the corporate system, involving
changes in culture, methods and tools.


Objective Reliability, SLA Agility

Value Performance Revenue, brand, UX

Approach Waterfall, V-Model Agile, Kanban

Governance By plan and approval Empirical, continuous

Partners Corporate suppliers New, small suppliers

Talent Conventional, specialists Non-conventional, generalists

Culture Centered in IT Centered in business

Time cycles Long (months) Short (days, weeks)


To make a change, it’s necessary to know the their creativity and innovative spirit.
organizational culture. The truth is that, in many This event shows an upgrade regarding
companies, IT is not considered a part of the Mode 1, which was already introjected
business, but a part of problem solving. by most of the professionals and master
In general, IT is focused in keeping the systems managers of a generation who built IT as
working, and this is why IT was managed the we know today. Hackatons help upgrade the
way it has been: as a centralized functionality. IT environment, which was programmed to
perform actions to keep safety and precision
All departments are integrated to some at the center of the daily balance.
degree with IT, but few business decisions
arise from it. With the arrival of the digital A PREPARED ENVIRONMENT IS
world, Mode 2 directs IT as part of the REQUIRED FOR IDEAS TO COME
business. This view must reach the traditional TO LIFE.
IT. If not, the communication failures between
the business world and the digital world are In order to establish Mode 2, we can also count
inevitable, bringing unsolvable problems to on innovation strategies, such as creating new
the corporate environment. and more suggestive installations, adding
next-generation talents to the team, such as
TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS those born after 1995, those who have been
THINKING WALK SIDE BY SIDE. experiencing the digital world since their
first steps.
+ Hackatons
Their ideas, inspirations, plans, and challenges
The company’s environment must also shift are different. It’s necessary to encourage
to Bimodal IT. A prepared environment is co-creation with different professionals,
required for ideas to come to life. An example while paying attention to unexplored markets.
of how this change can take place in the The judgment and style of such generations
organizational environment is the Hackaton, is going to change the organization, which will
a programming marathon where hackers, surely need Mode 1 to keep the application
programmers and developers in general meet. running, while new plans for Mode 2 are drawn.

The event is organized to bring the right

people and tools together for the appropriate
goals, allowing participants to optimize 8
+ Maker Spaces + Innovation Labs

A tool that has been well regarded abroad and In addition to the Maker Spaces, the Strategic
is gradually coming to Brazil is the Corporate Innovation Laboratory may serve as the
Maker Spaces. Maker Spaces are exciting for development environment for Mode 2,
the creative minds: as in an innovation garage, which, through the abductive thinking
it brings people with different profiles together used in the Design Thinking methodology,
in a physical space, with access to the for instance, allied with the ability to
resources necessary for designing concepts generate different views of the
and new products. This simple installation multidisciplinary teams, leads to the
may not leverage disruptive innovation perception of hidden opportunities
generation, but a culture that rewards (Download here our Innovation Lab e-book
innovation may be able to achieve this. and read more about it!).

The work methodology changes with the + Lean Startup
arrival of Bimodal IT. IT governance needs
to be limited to managing only a part of the Lean Startup promotes increased
area’s efforts, legitimizing innovation and success probability in disruptive business
clearing some space to more flexible methods implementation, since the approach seeks
and actions. to generate knowledge in an extremely
uncertain environment. It is not responsible
This step of the challenge will require for generating ideas, but it assumes that an
perseverance. Mode 2 works differently with idea can generate a new business.
space and time, in order to break down the
traditional barriers of the business, or to Aligned with Design Thinking, the Lean
simplify it for those who want to do things Startup method may design a much richer
differently. Some methodologies may be initial idea due to the methodology applied,
applied to understand the challenges of without demanding major financial and staff
this change: investments.

+ Design Thinking + Scrum

Design Thinking is a methodology focused Scrum is a methodology that lends flexibility
on the end user’s needs and it may be used and simplicity to the management of software
in several situations. In Bimodal IT, development projects (Agile Methods).
its application brings numerous benefits. It focuses on the perception of what is being
The method, which starts with an immersion, developed in that project, which provides a
enables direct observation of the problem that learning process to the team. This knowledge
needs to be solved, analyzing quantitative and is then applied to new Scrum phases. It is a
qualitative data, and assessing what are the dynamic methodology that may be used in
stakeholders’ difficulties and motivations. Modes 1 and 2.

Based on the analysis of the information

researched, a brainstorming session and
prototyping test are carried out, providing
fast and accurate assessment results.
Design Thinking’s mission is to identify the
real needs of the parties involved without
requiring an intermediary to do the job.

Bimodal IT model brings several innovations It is a great tool that speeds up the operation,
to the IT management. One of these and aims to greatly increase the company’s
tools is Cloud Computing, which opens a ability to deliver new products, including
huge opportunity to reduce complexity in an increase in deployment frequency and a
infrastructure management. decrease in failure rates of new releases,
as well as recovery time from disasters
+ Cloud Computing caused by launching problems.

Cloud computing solutions provide agility DevOps automates the cloud computing
by simplifying the operation and decreasing processes by making resources available in
expenses with infrastructure, allowing the instances (e.g., EC2) that may be created for
use of resources in other areas and making a single Hackaton, for instance. It may be shut
IT costs flexible. Cloud Computing makes down definitely, paused for adjustments,
much more with much less, and the time or for cost reduction. Other Cloud Computing
saved in application development enables the tools used in DevOps are the Elastic Map
creation of new projects with teams working Reduce and Elastic Load Balance from
collaboratively. Amazon’s Web Services.

Content storage and distribution are new

competitive advantages. Remote project
management or safe data transmission in
real time, such as streaming, lends agility
to training and communication flow between
branches and parent companies. One way
of applying the cloud as a Bimodal IT tool is
through DevOps;

+ DevOps

Used as part of the process in the Mode 1 of

the Bimodal IT, we have the DevOps, named for
its role in bringing developers and software
operators together. Moreover, DevOps also
provides great value in terms of cost reduction
for Mode 1, allowing its financial resources to
be redirected to Mode 2.
The Bimodal solution varies from case to
case and there is no feasible and definitive
solution to implement Bimodal IT. Identifying
the necessary changes and defining paths for
technological innovation are two of the most
important responsibilities of the current CIO.



The new IT is comprised by a team that has

fast absorption of the trends applied to the
development of new applications. They should
also be able to identify and try new business
models and new ways to find creative
solutions that change the business view,
overcoming adjacent barriers.

Performing tests and generating hypothesis

to find options in order to face the challenges
along the way has to be done constantly.
Today, IT has tools to produce quantitative
analyses that open a wide range of
possibilities of understanding never
seen before. The major benefits from
these analyses can be seen in the
business’ redirection. This information
should guide the way, lending more
precision and assertiveness to the results.


Since 1997, MJV Technology & Innovation has been working with
some of the world’s largest companies on their business challenges.
Based out of offices in Europe, the United States and Latin America,
the consultancy now has a multidisciplinary team of more than
300 members.

MJV is composed of three pillars structured in complete synergy:

- Business innovation: development and implementation of

innovative solutions to reduce costs, increase revenue and generate
new business models.

- Technology consulting: development and implementation of

costumized services on Business Intelligence (BI), IT and Internet
of Things (IoT).

- Digital strategy: Development and implementation of corporate

strategy and user experience in a way that the digital mindset
becomes intrinsic to the business model.

We believe innovation lies in the alliance of design principles and

technology. For us, empathy, creativity and user centered processes
lead to relevant and impacting solutions that generate real value
for business. MAURÍCIO VIANNA
Global CEO, PhD
Distinct challenges require diverse approaches. Therefore, [email protected]
we combine diverse expertise – Design Thinking, Service Design,
Gamification, User Experience, Big Data, Lean Methodology, Internet YSMAR VIANNA
of Things, among others – in order to transform complex challenges Chairman, PhD
into innovative solutions. [email protected]

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