Apac Smartcities Report Jun2019

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Smart Cities Success:

Connecting people, proptech and real estate

03 Foreword

04 Findings in brief

05 A world of cities

06 What does ‘smart city’ mean to you?

07 How would you define a smart city?

08 The role of real estate in smart cities

16 Can we deliver on the smart city promise?

23 Smart city opportunities in Asia Pacific

29 Moving towards a collaborative future

32 Where next for smart cities?

33 APPENDIX 1: Applying smart cities solutions

37 APPENDIX 2: Viewpoints

42 References
What does it mean to live in a smart city? How many of us
are benefitting from smart city innovations designed to make
our lives more connected, efficient and sustainable? Are
government and corporate investments in these technologies
paying off? Has the ‘smart city’ concept finally evolved from
buzzword to reality?
This report addresses each of these questions. At JLL, we
understand cities and the ambitions and concerns of the
people who live, work and invest in them. To make sense
of the burgeoning smart city movement and how it’s
transforming urban spaces, we collaborated with proptech,
smart cities and Internet of Things (IoT) expert Charles Reed
Anderson, consulted governments, real estate investors,
developers and technology experts, and combined their
insights with our own deep knowledge.
What we discovered challenged our preconceptions, and
also made us excited about the pivotal role real estate has to
play in future cities. Just as real estate is at the heart of cities,
real estate technology will be at the heart of smart cities.
We believe proptech – the convergence of property and
technology – will be key to powering the cities of tomorrow.
Our clients – real estate investors and corporate occupiers
alike – have told us that they want to better understand
smart cities and the opportunities on offer. As the ways we
live and work change, there is an urgency to prepare for this
fast approaching future where our experience of real estate is
transformed by the use of sensors, the IoT, virtual reality (VR)
and much more.
It’s time to look beyond the hype to see the challenges and
opportunities of delivering on the smart city promise.
We hope you enjoy the report and look forward to discussing
it with you.

Dr Megan Walters
Head of Research, Asia Pacific, JLL

Smart Cities | 3
Findings in brief
Smart cities are not a new concept, yet their potential continues to excite and confound governments
and businesses worldwide. The positive and negative aspects of smart cities have been explored
extensively – in Alphabet’s Toronto-based Sidewalk Labs project, for example, and in Seoul’s efforts
to tackle the challenges of high-density living. Some commentators are questioning whether the term
‘smart city’ is still meaningful or whether it has lost its currency. We consulted experts across the Asia
Pacific region to better understand where we are in the development curve. These are our key findings:

People, not technologies, make a city smart. It’s people that enable smart cities to
reach their potential.
Resourcing and implementation are key factors holding back the development of smart cities. City
ecosystems must learn to collaborate or they will inevitably fail. Different city government agencies must
work together, learn to engage with the technology that will support their smart city solutions, and look
for ways to better serve the ultimate stakeholders: the citizens.

We need to ignore the hype and focus on what’s real today.

It’s easy to get caught up in the massive scale of the smart city market, but delivering tangible value – and
soon – requires working with the present reality. We already have technologies, solutions and use cases
that can deliver proven value in citizen engagement, streamlined operations and improved processes.
While it’s important to plan for the future, the main effort should focus on delivering solutions in the near
future that benefit existing cities, the businesses operating in them, and the people living, working and
playing in them.

Real estate is at the heart of any smart city. It’s time for the industry to take a
leading role.
The real estate industry has been viewed as a technology laggard for too long. Many of the best smart
city solutions now sit within its domain, capable of delivering tangible business, financial, strategic,
operational and community value.
The industry must lead by example. It should work closely with cities to create special interest groups
and identify new use cases and technologies that will influence the built environment. It should also look
to liaise between cities and the technology vendor ecosystem in all matters related to property. The real
estate industry has the opportunity to become a true smart city solution provider. It’s time to rise to the

Smart Cities | 4
A world of cities
According to the United Nations, 55 per cent of the world’s population currently lives in urban areas,
and that number is expected to rise to 68 per cent by 2050.1 This will have a significant impact in Asia,
where India’s urban population is expected to grow by 416 million and China’s is expected to grow by 255
million during that period.
It’s not just the region’s mega-cities that will experience this urban expansion. Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) expects that 90 million people will move into urban environments by 2030, 36
million (40 per cent) of them to middleweight cities – those with populations between 200,000 and 2
million residents.2
The number of governments declaring their intention to make their city ‘smart’ is staggering. More than
1,000 cities worldwide have begun deploying smart city initiatives, and half of those are in China alone.3
The Indian government has followed suit by launching its Smart Cities Mission, a five-year plan for its
central and state governments to provide US$14 billion of funding between 2017 and 2022, kickstarting
the development of 100 smart cities.4
It’s not just the number of smart city initiatives that’s growing at a spectacular rate. According to market
intelligence firm IDC, cities spent US$81 billion in 2018 on their smart city initiatives, and this figure will
nearly double to US$158 billion by 2022.5 Frost & Sullivan, another leading market intelligence firm,
predicts that smart city market opportunities will be worth US$2 trillion by 2025.6
Confused yet? These statistics illustrate one of the key challenges for the sector: the diversity of smart
cities and the ecosystems that support them. Because of this, what constitutes a smart city is different
for different stakeholders. That makes it very challenging for the market intelligence firms working to
forecast the opportunities for technology vendors, developers, solutions, businesses, citizens and the
cities themselves.
Smart city initiatives that are struggling or have failed are often overly focused on the technology instead
of providing practical solutions. In other words, they deployed an initiative because it was technically
feasible, not because it delivered a tangible benefit back to the city, or the people and businesses that the
city supports.
Despite some failures, governments, corporations and urban residents are realising that smart cities
could help solve some of our most pressing issues, such as overcrowding, ageing populations and
environmental degradation.
This brings us to an often-overlooked aspect of smart cities: real estate. The rise of proptech is allowing
the real estate industry to take a technological leap forward. Spurred by the momentum of broader urban
technology developments, proptech could finally bridge the gap between technologists and people,
enabling smart cities to be a functioning, meaningful and successful reality.

Smart Cities | 5
What does ‘smart city’ mean to you?
Any internet search will turn up dozens, if not hundreds of different definitions for the term ‘smart
city’. Why? For starters, cities are complex. Each has a variety of government agencies that operate as
‘businesses’ in the fields of transport, energy, public housing and tourism. Smart cities are even more
complex, with a wide range of stakeholders involved in designing, deploying, supporting and using smart
JLL defines a smart city as a set of policies and strategies using technology and data to deliver initiatives
• improve inclusiveness, services and quality of life for the people who live there
• drive efficiency, sustainability and improved decision making for government
• create a transparent, efficient and competitive environment for businesses.

Smart Cities | 6
How would you define a smart city?

“A smart city uses technology and data to enhance

its liveability, workability and sustainability.”
Adam Beck – Executive Director, Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand

“A city that utilises new technologies

and innovations to promote
productivity and efficiencies, reduces
waste and costs, and enhances
diversity and inclusion.”
Fiona Cho – Executive Director, Portfolio Management,
Prudential Global Investment Management

“Smart cities put data and

digital technology to work
to make better decisions
and improve the quality of
urban life.”
Jonathan Woetzel – McKinsey & Company

Smart Cities | 7
The role of real estate in smart cities
Real estate is at the heart of every city. It includes the homes we live in, the offices we work in and the
places where we spend our free time.
Although it’s been viewed as a technology laggard, the real estate industry is catching up fast, and it has
the potential to revolutionise smart city ecosystems.
We are witnessing the increasing prominence of proptech: technology hardware, software and services
focused on the investment, construction, management and sale or lease phases of a building’s life cycle.
Venture capital (VC) firms have helped drive this market globally. In 2018, the proptech industry received
VC funding anywhere between US$4 billion and US$20 billion.7 This fast-paced growth has continued into
2019, with proptech firms raising US$4.5 billion in the first quarter of 2019 alone.8 CB Insights, which has
tracked proptech funding since 2012, first reported annual proptech funding at US$221 million only seven
years ago.9
Clicks and Mortar: The Growing Influence of Proptech, a collaborative report by JLL and technology news
website Tech in Asia, revealed that 179 proptech start-ups in the Asia Pacific region raised more than half
(US$4.8 billion) of the US$7.8 billion invested globally from 2013 to 2017.10
Proptech innovations have a material impact on cities, driving efficiency, sustainability and improved
decision making, and creating more transparent and competitive business environments. The
discussions we held in preparing this report found these impacts are being felt throughout eight key
stages in the urban life cycle.

Smart Cities | 8
1. Enhancing build and construction
The construction phase presents many opportunities to use technology in ways that drive productivity
and increase worker safety. We learned from many industry leaders that they are focused on using cloud-
based collaboration platforms to share construction plans, track project delivery and determine cost
benchmarks. Sharing data and progress drives operational efficiency and leads to financial benefits for
real estate firms and, in turn, for their clients.
The industry is increasing its use of VR to streamline the design process, enhance the customer
experience and identify design flaws early in the process, limiting expensive change orders. It has used
3D modelling for years, but combining building information modelling (BIM) technology with VR headsets
means architects and clients can now completely enter the virtual environment, experiencing a truly
immersive scene.
Another solution that has gained much interest is the use of ‘wearables’ for construction site workers.
These devices can give workers updates on safety and compliance issues; geofence areas to alert workers
they are entering a restricted or dangerous area; and track workers’ movements.

Smart Cities | 9
2. Managing and optimising spaces
Unsurprisingly, nearly everyone interviewed for this report listed predictive maintenance, energy
management and environmental sensors as the smart building solutions they have deployed to date.
These proven solutions help facility managers drive operational efficiency by intelligently monitoring
assets, equipment and environments. Results are tangible: managers use captured data to reduce
energy costs, minimise asset downtime, increase the life of assets, and ensure a healthy and comfortable
workplace. These benefits also enhance business performance and employee productivity.
Smart technology is key to workplace transformation for many developed economies and countries that
have smart city ambitions. Every year, building managers are deploying more sensors in the workplace,
generating ‘heat maps’ that support occupancy planning, lease negotiations or workspace redesigns,
optimising usage and productivity.
However, there’s no point deploying sensors just for the sake of it. Where sensors are used, it’s vital that
the data they produce are used to improve operations and worker.

“Smart technology has made its way into many of our homes. It is inevitable that
people now expect workplaces to have the same standard and infrastructure. With
this in mind, we created our “Smart Building Strategy” to enhance our employee
workplace experience and help us achieve our sustainability goals. By leveraging
big data, we’re able to make informed decisions that meet our employee’s needs
while being prudent in the use of resources. It’s not simply about deploying sensors,
connectors and automation systems, it’s about knowing how to build a better
workplace for our employees.”
Erwin Chong – Head of Corporate Real Estate, DBS Bank

Smart Cities | 10
3. Merging different tools

Innovative technologies can help deliver value to a city’s real

estate portfolio. Drones, for instance, can be used to conduct
building inspections during the build and management

“Drones can be used to enhance safety, increase

accessibility and expedite data collection for
difficult and challenging locations.”
Bernard Leong – Vice President, Airbus Aerial Asia

Many building owners and facility managers use artificial

intelligence (AI) to analyse captured data from existing and
new sensors and cameras, and then develop actionable
insights. This data would previously be captured by multiple
platforms and analysed in silos, but now can be aggregated
by integrated systems, helping us create more self-managing
and self-healing buildings in the future.
Adopting more AI can also alter the organisational structure
of a city’s facility management teams and other business
owners. For example, more human resources will be required
to create, operate and customise these technologies for most
effective use within their organisations.

“You need to train new people to understand the

technology and I suspect most organisational
charts still haven’t got a data scientist as part
of the building management team. In five years,
they all will.”
Jack FitzGerald – Senior Development Manager,

Smart Cities | 11
4. Enabling greater investment
Smart building solutions exist, but what value do real estate investors and developers see in them?
Some solutions can deliver ‘hard’ benefits, such as reduced costs by better managing smart lighting
and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) solutions, or using office space more effectively.
However, many other benefits are less tangible and considered ‘soft’ benefits – such as delivering a better
working environment or driving long-term sustainability. These solutions deliver value, but aren’t always
immediately measurable.

“Much of Asia is behind Europe and North America in terms of these smart building
considerations but quickly catching up. Landlords, tenants and investors are
increasingly valuing not only the economic benefits of smart buildings solutions, but
also the environmental and social merits in their underwriting of deals.”
Fiona Cho – Executive Director, Portfolio Management, Prudential Global Investment Management

“Smart building features do contribute to a price premium in the market, albeit

indirectly. The savings generated from lower utility consumption will indirectly
translate to a higher price for the building as compared to a similar building which
has no savings from smart features.”
Thomas Kong – Deputy Chairman, APM Property Management (ARA Group)

It’s vital that the real estate industry learns how to understand the value of deploying smart building
solutions. Without smart buildings, there can be no smart cities. We need smart cities to drive our
A more efficient and sustainable city – where buildings are smart and connected – will attract
entrepreneurs and companies, create jobs and generate business opportunities. Governments have
realised this – it’s a major reason why so many are investing in smart cities and technology. Consider
the Indonesian city of Bandung. Its smart city efforts are spearheaded by its former mayor – and now
governor of West Java – Ridwan Kamil. Under his charge, the city is greener and more connected, and
boasts innovations such as an IBM-enabled command centre for monitoring traffic.11

Smart Cities | 12
5. Improving transparency
Proptech offers tools to better track, collect and analyse data, improving
quality, consistency and reliability. As highlighted by JLL’s 2018 Global Real
Estate Transparency Index, these new platforms and services will enable more
manageable data sets and boost transparency. This in turn creates conditions for
better decision making by investors, tenants and property managers, who demand
access to trustworthy information.12
Data transparency – coupled with clear, fair practices and high professional
standards – also allows businesses and investors to proceed with confidence when
deciding what types of space to build and when.
With the rise of proptech, emerging cities may be able to leapfrog the traditional
timelines for improving transparency, accelerating towards being smarter, more
transparent urban centres.

6. Driving sustainability
Sustainability and environmental impact measures play an increasingly important
role in investment and corporate strategies, but also in measuring the success of
smart cities. This is especially important to cities in the Asia Pacific region, many of
which are grappling with the effects of overcrowding. These cities need solutions to
pressing everyday issues, from real-time traffic control to waste management and
water systems.
Cities manage large real estate portfolios, including government buildings and
offices, industrial parks, public housing and public spaces. This scale presents a
massive opportunity to cut costs through potential energy savings; more efficient
use of resources to support building and site operations; and the increased lifespan
of better maintained assets. The good news for cities is that most solutions on the
table are not cost prohibitive.

“Some smart building technology is well tested and relatively

inexpensive, and can be retrofitted into existing buildings. In many
cities, the built environment is responsible for a large share of the
overall carbon emissions, and wide adoption of smart building
technology can help cities reduce energy consumption and achieve
their sustainability targets.”
Jeremy Kelly – Director, Global Research Programmes, JLL

Smart Cities | 13
7. Supporting happy people and intuitive spaces
Real estate can also deliver the most important outcomes of a smart city: improved
inclusivity, services and quality of life for people.
So far, the benefits discussed relate largely to operational gains. But smart
buildings – and the real estate industry in general – can help cities reach these core
citizen-centric objectives too.
For example, houses and aged care facilities can be equipped with sensors, visual
analytics and connected medical devices to improve overall safety. This equipment
can also access emergency services and offer preventative care for the elderly.
Australia’s Science Research Agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO), is currently conducting trials for a ‘Smart and Safer
Homes’ system in 70 residences. One of the system’s developments is the ability
to monitor a person’s daily routine and raise an alert if there is any deviation that
might indicate illness or injury.13 As people live longer, countries across the Asia
Pacific region will struggle with aged care. Making our buildings smarter can help
alleviate some of the burden.

Smart Cities | 14
8. Redefining cities

Finally, we must remember that real estate’s contribution to smart cities isn’t limited to buildings. It’s
also about the development and redevelopment of a city’s districts, in a way that can reignite economic
growth and offer fresh community spaces.
Research from JLL’s City Momentum Index 2019 shows that real estate can set a city’s future development
path through urban transformation, regeneration and placemaking. For instance, neighbourhoods and
mixed-use developments can seed new businesses and improve lives, while large-scale infrastructure
projects can combat problems such as congestion.14
Lendlease’s urban regeneration project for Singapore’s Paya Lebar area is one example. The multibillion-
dollar project includes building three office towers (with close to a million square feet of office space),
residential towers and a stand-alone retail shopping centre. With the support of Singapore’s Urban
Redevelopment Authority (URA), Paya Lebar may be a key catalyst in achieving some of Singapore’s long-
term goals, such as providing jobs closer to homes, cutting congestion and reducing commute times.
The URA’s masterplan is to turn the suburb into a “new city precinct and a dynamic sub-regional business
hub”. 15
Public–private partnerships (PPPs) like this are redefining cities across the region. For example, a
Singapore–Sichuan partnership is developing the high-end industrial and residential Hi-Tech Innovation
Park in Chengdu.16 The Mitsubishi Estate is redeveloping the 120-hectare Marunouchi, Otemachi and
Yurakucho districts in Tokyo to create a globally competitive urban area.17 In Australia, Western Sydney’s
Aerotropolis will feature a new airport, and the surrounding area will form a ‘second city’ in Sydney,
projected to generate 200,000 new jobs.18
The real estate industry goes beyond constructing and managing buildings and facilities. It helps cities
redefine themselves and creates sustainable urban environments for future generations.

Smart Cities | 15
Can we deliver on the smart city promise?
While the promise of a smart city is attractive, delivering it is
not so easy.
More than 1,000 smart city initiatives have been announced
worldwide, but a March 2019 report from global consulting
firm, Roland Berger, found that only 153 have an official
smart city strategy. Of the roughly 500 initiatives for cities
with populations over 1 million, only 49 had a strategy.19 Only
15 of these cities, or 10 per cent, have what the report refers
to as a comprehensive strategy including detailed targets
and activities. Only eight cities, or 5 per cent, went as far as
including a means of implementation.20
There are myriad overlapping reasons why smart cities are
still underdeveloped or struggling to take off. To deliver true
value, the smart cities ecosystem needs to address six key

Smart Cities | 16
1. Cities are complicated

The size and scale of cities create many organisational challenges. Shanghai, for instance, is home to
more than 24 million people and is divided into 16 districts, three counties, 205 towns and 99 subdistrict
committees, with 33 city government agencies.21 Creating a unified smart city strategy to incorporate all
those stakeholders would be a logistical nightmare. Although Shanghai may be larger than most cities, its
complex structure is far from unique.

“Cities have a multitude of needs to satisfy multiple areas such as mobility, energy,
buildings and public locations, safety and security, as well as administration
and population engagement. We have found that even within one city, different
authorities often have significantly different requirements and preferences regarding
IoT projects. Hence, smart city projects are complex.”
Thomas Jakob – Asia Pacific Regional President, Bosch Software Innovations

One city that has taken great steps to simplify its structure is Singapore. In 2017, it created the Smart
Nation and Digital Government Office, which plans and prioritises key Smart Nation initiatives, drives the
government’s digital transformation, and engages with citizens and businesses to drive adoption and
This centralised project management office structure presents a single point of contact for 16 relevant
government ministries to engage with, from which their initiatives are incorporated into the wider Smart
Nation strategy. This structure also benefits the technology vendor ecosystem that supports the delivery
of Smart Nation projects.

Smart Cities | 17
2. Cultural change is difficult

Dealing with cities involves bureaucracy. Many government agencies have not adapted their business
and operating models in years, which can make them risk-averse and resistant to new ideas, even when
presented with innovative ways to improve existing services.
Changing this bureaucratic mindset is a significant challenge. It’s vital that cultural shifts be driven from
the top, and that cities have a strong executive champion to combat resistance to change.

“Culture is the first thing you need to deal with when you want to implement
something different in the public sector. Technology is not the most difficult part.
Chen-Yu Lee – Director, Taipei Smart City Project Management Office and Secretary General,
GO SMART Secretariat

For example, Taipei City’s Mayor Ko Wen-je spearheaded the Smart Taipei initiative. To overcome
the government’s risk-averse mindset, he created an environment where failures are accepted and
professional knowledge is respected. This involved a ‘living lab’ concept where start-ups, small
businesses and large enterprises could use government platforms to trial new smart city solutions.23
Mayor Ko Wen-je also focused on citizen-centric solutions to increase engagement.

“Technologies and industry solutions play only a small ‘enabling’ portion of

realising smart city outcomes. At least 99 per cent of the transformation work
comes from disrupting traditional mindsets and bridging silos across organisational
cultures, processes, governance structures, policies, regulations and expectations.”
Gerald Wang – Head of Government & Health Insights, IDC Asia Pacific

Smart Cities | 18
3. Governance is essential

Smart city governance uses technology to facilitate better decision making; plan, deliver and support
smart city implementations; and share real-time data among governments, businesses and citizens.
Without these platforms, cities will struggle to effectively manage their operations, break down
departmental and agency silos, and engage with their citizens.

“Smart cities and the process to evolve governance directly with technology is
reshaping how we all live, do business and connect as humans,”
Josh Sattler, General Manager of Innovation, Growth and Development Services, City of Darwin,

Critical to this is applying transparency in what has been traditionally siloed. The more we are open and
connected, the better the efficiencies we can gain. One key action that cities need to manage effectively is
tracking policies and initiatives through their life cycle. In 2016, Tokyo set 360 policy targets with four-year
work schedules as part of its ‘New Tokyo. New Tomorrow. The Action Plan for 2020’ initiative.24 To track
progress against these targets, Tokyo implemented a plan-do-check-act cycle to formulate plans (plan),
implement policies and programs (do), manage progress and evaluate programs (check), and improve
and review programs (act).25 This cycle makes complex policy targets manageable and has led to Tokyo
being viewed as a world leader in smart city governance.26

“There are national and international standards that clearly articulate processes
and methodologies to advance smart city action. There is no need to have to ‘guess
it’ and create your own methodology.
Adam Beck – Executive Director, Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand

Smart Cities | 19
4. Solutions are complex

After overcoming the organisational challenges, cities are left with their biggest challenge yet: identifying
and deploying a solution that can be scaled successfully.
Although smart city concepts have been around for years, cities still struggle to identify and deploy use
cases, or to have the means to scale them. Many proven use cases deliver tangible value back to the city
and its people, including mobility (bike sharing and congestion pricing), security (disaster early warning
systems and smart surveillance) and energy (smart meter and water quality monitoring) solutions.
However, we are still in the early stages. Many more use cases will be needed to help cities confidently
implement effective, smart city initiatives.
Further complicating this is the rapidly changing technology and solution landscape. Cities are rightly
concerned about backing a solution that may be out of date in years or months due to the advent of new
The good news is that technology is not holding the industry back. There are technologies to develop
and secure any solution. What holds us back is stakeholder collaboration among government agencies,
technology vendors, and users.

“Define the problem that you’re trying to solve

and have a clear ambition with measurable
targets. The roadmaps and strategies can follow
after that.”
Joelle Chen – Director, Global Partnerships &
Marketing, Mann+Hummel

“The rapidly evolving and changing solutions

landscape creates too many choices and options
for decision makers. Before they can make a
call on a major commitment to an initiative,
something else gets proposed and it’s back to
the drawing board for the team.”
Alex Tan – Chief Innovation Officer, M1 Limited

Smart Cities | 20
5. The vendor ecosystem needs to be re-examined
Finding the perfect technology vendor to partner with can be like finding a needle in a haystack. To put it
in perspective, there are more than 340 industrial IoT vendors in China alone27 – not including enterprise-
or consumer-focused IoT vendors. Globally, there are at least 450 IoT platform vendors.28

The Smart City Solution Ecosystem


Security Support

Things Connectivity Platforms Application

Data Data Data



Source: Charles Reed Anderson & Associates

This fragmented vendor ecosystem is also immature, which is not ideal for smart
city teams looking to roll out effective new solutions. To start, cities must identify
products or solutions that deliver their promised value. They then face the
interoperability challenge – each vendor’s product must be able to ‘communicate’
with the other vendor products as part of an integrated solution. Finally, they must
be able to support the solution – and all the vendors that compose it – once it goes

“No one entity is capable of doing everything that is needed in

smart cities – so consortiums are key. Cities should consider
owning the role of the “Master System Integrator” and work with
multiple partners to enable smart cities.”
Ani Bhalekar – McKinsey & Company

Smart Cities | 21
6. Funding is limited

While smart city market opportunities are very attractive to technology vendors, their complexities and
high levels of risk can inhibit further development.

“Building up a smart city is really a continuous exercise at finding the right balance
between investment, time and benefits.”
Shin We Yeow – Business Director, G Element

Few – if any – cities can write blank cheques to support the full cost of technology proofs of concept.
They face a dilemma: either scale back the project, meaning it will have less impact, or find partners to
help jointly fund these initiatives via PPP.
In recent years, PPPs have become the preferred model for funding large-scale initiatives. As of
September 2018, China alone had 14,220 PPP projects with a total value of US$2.7 trillion.29 Asia is also
home to one of the largest smart city PPP initiatives, the US$35 billion Songdo development. Billed as
the world’s ‘smartest city’, the 1,500-square-acre city was developed through a partnership between the
South Korean government and private developers.30
However, PPPs do not guarantee success. Many miss deadlines and have unclear ownership structures,
inflexible contracts and cost overruns.

“In many cases, we don’t need to focus on ‘emerging’ technologies. I believe that as
a general trend, technology adoption and processes around its use have been slower
than the technology itself. Mobile payments, smart metering, video analytics, and
air quality sensors are all examples of technology products that are already working
and well-validated, but in many parts of Asia, they are waiting for adopters to
design a plan to use them.”
Anthony Liu – New Ventures Lead, Swire Properties

Smart Cities | 22
Smart city opportunities in Asia Pacific
Drawing direct comparisons of smart cities across the Asia Pacific region is difficult due to the diverse
demographics, political systems and economic fundamentals of its countries. We interviewed 30 regional
smart city leaders to assess the unique sets of challenges and opportunities in some of Asia Pacific’s
leading smart city markets.

Smart Cities | 23
Opportunities Challenges
• There is strong interest in smart city initiatives within • Local governments are highly fragmented, which
city sub-sectors, such as Western Sydney’s Aerotropolis complicates private sector engagement.
initiative. • Public trust is at an all-time low; only 31% of the
• Strong competition between cities is driving innovation population trust the federal government.31
as they compete for the next wave of urban dwellers. • Smart city initiatives could be at risk whenever a new
• A government-run AU$50 million Smart Cities and party wins an election.
Suburbs Program is supporting projects that apply
innovative technology-based solutions to urban

Smart Cities | 24
Opportunities Challenges
• Proptech is about to skyrocket in China. The joint efforts • Increased PPP governance and transparency is needed
from traditional stakeholders and start-ups are expected to overcome issues that led to the 2,400 PPPs put on
to drive and speed up the development of smart cities. hold in 2018.
• The government’s ‘Five-Year Plan’ sets clear targets for • The government needs to create a forward-thinking
technological advancement. regulatory environment that promotes responsible use
• The large number and scale of in-country smart city of AI applications (for example in the country’s social
initiatives has produced a vibrant technology vendor credit system).
ecosystem. • China’s data protection and cybersecurity regulations
• There is a strong start-up and entrepreneurial have lagged, despite the country being at the forefront of
environment. Chinese firms receive large amounts of data collection.
venture capital funding, at similar levels to American

Smart Cities | 25
Opportunities Challenges
• Nodal special-purpose vehicles (SPVs) set up by the • Engaging with SPVs involves long sales and monetisation
Indian government create a centralised body that studies cycles.
citizen needs, allocates budgets and streamlines the • SPV requirements are open-ended, fragmenting
decision-making process. definitions of a smart city and what solutions are
• There is a strong information and communications required.
technology ecosystem – including systems integrators • There is limited availability and sharing of government
and start-ups – to support smart city initiatives. data to support smart city solutions.
• Largely in-country manufacturing and delivery of smart • Capacity building remains a big hurdle due to change-
city solutions means solutions are priced at a point that averse mindsets, a dearth of technical training and a lack
meets local market requirements. of skill building.
• There is a uniform process of bidding for smart city • The increasing use of technology in various aspects of
projects, managed by each city’s SPV. smart city programs is challenging data security.
• More than 5,000 smart cities projects with investments • Co-ordination is hindered by the presence of multiple
valued at over INR₹2 trillion were in various stages of government bodies that have overlapping jurisdictions,
implementation as of January 2019.32 programmes and resources.
• Efforts have been made to invite foreign partnership in
developing smart cities. Deals have been signed to build
eight cities — three with Germany, three with the United
States and one each with Spain and Singapore.

Smart Cities | 26
Opportunities Challenges
• The 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo is driving • Urbanisation trends are leaving some cities with
experimentation and innovation in smart city solutions, underutilised buildings and declining populations.
especially in areas such as security and tourism. • Japan is struggling to overcome the ageing and shrinking
• Tier 2 cities such as Fukuoka and Toyama City are population, as well as deflationary risks.
leveraging smart city initiatives in an effort to attract • The country is lagging behind other developed
talent from megacities like Tokyo and Osaka. economies in cybersecurity and adoption of IoT
• Japan’s ‘Society 5.0’ initiative to create a new social solutions.
contract and economic model by leveraging technology
and innovation across infrastructure, fintech, healthcare,
logistics and AI.

Smart Cities | 27
Opportunities Challenges
• Political stability allows for a long-term smart city • A conservative approach to smart city trials could benefit
strategy with minimal risk of the project being from an appetite for calculated risk and the acceptance
abandoned by a change in political leadership. of failed projects.
• The business-friendly environment attracts leading • Recent data breaches have increased citizen awareness
technology vendors and talent. of cybersecurity risks to their personal data.
• Singapore is one of the global leaders for smart mobility, • There are skills shortages in emerging technologies,
healthcare, safety and digital citizen services. including AI, big data and robotics.

Smart Cities | 28
Moving towards a
collaborative future

Innovation through collaboration

Innovation in smart cities is about more than technology. Cities are increasingly embracing collaboration
with other cities and the technology vendor ecosystem to help drive innovation.
Surveys regularly show that diverse teams lead to better decision making. Responding to the complexity
and number of decisions that cities have to make, diverse teams use collaborative initiatives to engage
wider stakeholder audiences and help ensure that decisions minimise the risk of failure.

“Governments and private partners should work together to ensure adequate

infrastructure is laid, data sources are regulated and properly exposed to partners,
and most importantly, problem statements are validated through public dialogue.
Only then can the work of creative start-ups, service designers and engineers
Sangwon Park – CEO, Favorite Medium

Smart Cities | 29
ASEAN Smart Cities Network
One example of collaboration comes from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a group
of 10 member countries that encourages political, economic and social co-operation across the region.
While the individual ASEAN member states may not be as large as India or China, combined they have a
population of over 630 million people and represent the sixth largest economy in the world.33
In 2018, they launched the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN), which brings together 26 pilot cities
working towards the common goal of smart and sustainable urban development.34 The initiative’s
primary goal is to improve the lives of its citizens using technology.
This platform provides guidelines for smart city governance and strategies at a regional level, and can
also be implemented at the city level. Best practice sharing will allow the cities in the network to set up
their initiatives efficiently, share learnings, and identify new and innovative use cases. This in turn will
deliver a higher quality of life for citizens, a competitive economy and a sustainable environment.

Global Organisation of Smart Cities

Another example of collaboration is the Global Organisation of Smart Cities (GO SMART) led by Taipei
City. It is a global network of smart cities working to accelerate sustainable city development by building
a city-centred online platform for sharing information and resources. More importantly, the network
encourages international co-operation between cities in developing inter-city proof of concept projects.35
This collaborative initiative also benefits technology vendors – from multinational companies to start-
ups – that support smart city programmes, by showcasing the solutions they have already delivered,
exposing the company and its solutions to a much wider audience.

“Cities globally have their own successful,

and sometimes less successful, approaches to
developing smart city solutions. We believe
there is a lot of potential for cities to share
the lessons learned, to facilitate the exchange
of smart city solutions between cities, and to
accelerate smart city innovations.”
Chen-Yu Lee – Director, Taipei Smart City Project
Management Office and Secretary General,
GO SMART Secretariat

Smart Cities | 30
China’s PATH Initiative
It’s not just governments that are getting on board with these collaborative efforts. In August 2018, the
PATH initiative launched in China. Backed by leading Chinese corporations Ping An, Alibaba, Tencent and
Huawei, its objective is to work with 500 cities across China to create the world’s largest smart city testing
Each of these vendors will provide a specific set of technologies and solutions:
Ping An
the ‘1 + N’ smart city platform, based on smart recognition, AI, blockchain and cloud computing
the mobile and online payment platform Alipay, to support businesses and consumers
a communications platform
the core hardware, smartphones and networking equipment.
These companies will work together to help identified cities address 10 smart city solution profiles: smart
administration, insurance, security, transportation, ports, financial trade, finance, education, healthcare,
real estate, environmental protection and elderly care.
As these co-operative groups all demonstrate, smart cities are complex, and no city or vendor should
attempt the challenge alone. Multi-city and multi-vendor collaboration is the only way forward.

Smart Cities | 31
Where next for
smart cities?
Smart cities are already upon us. Technology is
being adopted rapidly in real estate. We need to
take stock of what this means for our buildings and
spaces, and how cities can be smarter and better for
the people who live in them.
It’s easy to get caught up by the hype – the
incredible scale and variation in market forecasts;
the bleeding-edge technology that will someday
transform our cities; and the constant barrage of
new initiatives.
But as we think about what the development of
smart cities means for individuals, companies and
governments, we must ask ourselves the following
questions: Do the benefits of smart city living
outweigh the drawbacks? Can technology make a
city more sustainable, equitable and competitive? Is
the city putting human experience at the core of its
plan for the future?
We firmly believe the answers to these questions
should be a resounding ‘yes’. Real estate has a
crucial role to play in realising the potential of smart
cities in Asia Pacific and beyond. Many of the most
valuable urban innovations sit within our industry’s
domain, capable of delivering tangible business,
financial, strategic, operational and community
It’s time for real estate to take its place at the heart of
smart cities. We look forward to working with you to
help make this a reality.
APPENDIX 1: Applying smart city solutions
A smart city has hundreds of solutions deployed across a diverse range of government agencies,
making it difficult to grasp where and which solutions are applicable. To simplify this complex solution
landscape, we have grouped applications into seven categories.

Smart Cities | 33
Cities own and manage various types of property, such as residential and
commercial buildings, and recreational and agricultural land.
• Wearables for construction site • Transparent property ownership
safety systems
Property • AR/VR for site and office build-outs • Wayfinding services for sites or
• Predictive maintenance for building offices
management systems • Fingerprint or facial biometric
• Drones for site inspections access
• Sensors and visual analytics for
spatial mapping and workspace

Tracking air quality, waste water and noise pollution, combined with green
initiatives, can help cities secure a smarter, livable and sustainable future.
• Real-time air and water quality • AI to create ambient intelligence
monitoring platforms
Environmental • Smart recycling initiatives • Disasater monitoring
• Smart streetlights • Tracking urbanisation impact on
• Sustainability measuring city wildlife (e.g.bees)
• Sharing economy initiatives
to reduce unnecessary asset

It will be necessary to transform the method of operation and support for major
utilities, including energy, gas and water.
• Water, electricity and gas smart • Dynamic utilities pricing
meters • Smart irrigation
Utilities • Leakage detection • Real-time demand-based energy
• Smart refuse containers production
• Optimised refuse collection • Predictive maintenance on assets

“Mobility is the most commonly adopted smart city application globally. With the
rising middle class in India and China, strains on mobility systems are likely to
become acute, increasing the opportunity to deliver cleaner, safer and cheaper
transport through digital technologies. Sharing, predictive and additive technologies
will transform the transport and mobility value chains, and in doing so deliver on
the promise of 20-minute access to all needed services for all urban residents.”
Jonathan Woetzel – McKinsey & Company

Smart Cities | 34
New technologies can improve patient care though in- and out-patient diagnostics
and treatment.
• Telemedicine • Body sensors to monitor chronic
• Wearables for remote patient conditions
Healthcare diagnostics • Digital patient flow management
• Elderly care management solutions systems
• Electronic health records • Infectious disease surveillance
• General health and fitness

Smart technologies can enhance public transportation, vehicle sharing and uptake
of autonomous vehicles.
• Real-time information on public • Congestion charging
transportation and traffic • Smart parking service
Mobility • Digital payments for public (e.g. availability, booking)
transport • Smart navigation services
• Shared vehicle services • Autonomous vehicles for public
(e.g. cars, bikes, scooters) transportation
• Intelligent traffic signals

Using surveillance and analytics to monitor the safety of government sites can help
ensure public safety and reduce crime.
• Smart surveillance • Emergency services bodycams
• Predictive policing • Emergency response optimisation
Safety • Crime mapping • Disaster detection systems
& Security • Gunshot detection • Citizen disaster alerting systems

Digital platforms can increase inclusiveness by better engaging citizens in politics,

society and government.
• Citizen engagement through social • AI-driven tailored education
Citizen media channels programmes
Services • Digital services (e.g. tax filing, • eCareer centers
retirement planning) • Digital training and education
• AR/VR sightseeing applications • Blockchain linked universal identity
• Open data initiatives card

Smart Cities | 35
Cities will continue to implement many new innovation-enabling technologies, and they must keep an
eye on the emerging technologies that will drive innovation in the future. But it is important they also
focus on delivering value in the near term. Here are some ways new technologies can be – or already are
being – used.
These and other innovation enablers will drive the next wave of smart city solutions, including
autonomous vehicles and enhanced digital services. While they will create exciting opportunities, they
will also generate significant risks due to the level of data they capture, analyse and act on. Because of
this, it is vital that cities underpin their solution deployments with end-to-end security.

Augmented Reality (AR)

“Augmented reality is a visualisation tool that bridges the imagination gap. It
has the potential to significantly improve the communication of ideas and co-
ordination of information between smart city stakeholders, and thereby contribute to
productivity gains.”
Matthias Krampe – Managing Director, auggd

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

“AI and image recognition technologies have the opportunity to kickstart smart
cities. As advancements take place, city infrastructure will be able to self-manage
and self-correct in real time.”
Anuj Nangpal – Asia Pacific Lead, JLL Spark

“Blockchain can streamline the land registry process, secure payments between
people and organisations, and provide citizen identity management for elections.”
Jeremy Kelly – Director, Global Research Programmes, JLL

“5G will play a pivotal role in the progress of smart cities, as it forms the
technological backbone for industries such as intelligent transportation and public
safety, along with resilient energy solutions for communities.”
Danial Mausoof – Global Head, Enterprise Services, Nokia

Smart Cities | 36
APPENDIX 2: Viewpoints

Mitsubishi Estate is committed to resolving social issues relating to
energy, the environment and disaster prevention by promoting joint
urban development projects. One such project, with landlords and the
government, is in the urban area spanning close to 120 hectares across
Otemachi, Marunouchi and Yurakucho district (OMY Area).
The world has experienced significant changes in recent years, with
greater work–life integration against a backdrop of sweeping technological
innovations. To realise a smart city that addresses diverse urban issues, we
must consider how to introduce the advanced technologies we currently
have to urban planning, and prepare for their implementation. As such,
we are aiming to turn the OMY Area into an “open innovation field”, a
place where different people and enterprises can gather, interact and
collaborate to create solutions.
We are providing the OMY Area for demos of leading-edge
technologies and their applications in urban planning.
For example, we tested our “omotenashi service” in
collaboration with several companies in January 2018.
(“Omotenashi” refers to the Japanese value of providing
heartfelt reception and services.) The test involved
automatically detecting people needing help (for
example, they looked lost or ill) and sending
notifications to the mobile phones of security staff
in the area, who would respond according to the
In addition to enhancing customer service, the
trial is expected to improve security in the area
and reduce labour costs for building management
We hope to see greater government support for
realising functional and sophisticated smart cities
through deregulation and establishing new rules
and safety standards to demo and pilot new
At the same time, raising awareness of the
shared vision for urban landscapes, and
increasing collaboration between the public
and private sectors will be essential for citizens
to truly understand and embrace smart cities.

Jun Imai
Associate, Urban Planning Office,
Urban Development Promotion Department
Mitsubishi Estate Co., LTD.

Smart Cities | 37
As smart access providers, it is imperative that cities operate the solution provides real-time, scalable remote manage-
in environments that are efficient and effective for their com- ment and monitoring of perimeter access for distributed
munities. These are smart cities. infrastructure. We adopt carrier-grade Internet of Things (IoT)
technologies and rely on Singtel’s narrowband IoT cellular
Smart cities are urban organisms – similar to biological sys-
network to deploy our locks to manage cell towers around
tems where each part affects another, performing functions
the city. We plan to expand to base stations and network
successfully. This interoperability between various systems
infrastructure management.
allows cities to be agile, flexible and sustainable.
The opportunities don’t stop there. If needed, data could be
Managing and monitoring different aspects of cities, from air
extracted to spot trends and patterns over specific periods,
and water quality to transportation and waste management,
to identify bottlenecks and improve processes. For example,
and ensuring efficient running, is not an easy feat. The com-
maintenance personnel who enter monthly could be identi-
plexities of the different systems and scales needed present a
fied and granted access in advance.
challenge to integration, which may take years.
Smart access goes beyond opening doors. It’s also about an-
Yet integration is increasingly urgent, particularly for the in-
alytics and insights into everything from gateways (for items
formation and technology sector. This is due to the need for
as small as lockers and safes) to whole industries such as real
connectivity and data transfer as data-driven strategies are
estate and utilities management.
the new bedrock of successful businesses and cities. Smart
access is the first touchpoint. It opens up a host of opportuni- Of course, these ambitions are expected to bring challeng-
ties. Whether it’s about shared spaces for commercial entities es. Emerging technologies and protocols may face teething
or tracking logistics for businesses, there are plenty of ways issues that require further testing and user trust before
that smart access supports the ambitions of smart cities. becoming reliable, viable platforms of choice.
On a small scale, it is useful for reducing costs and streamlin- With long lead times for integrating and stabilising systems,
ing processes. But its real value becomes more evident with we sometimes encounter the issue of redundancy as new
dramatically increased scale. When large numbers of people technologies emerge. We need to continuously keep up to
rapidly access different areas of a city at any given time, it’s speed with research and development, to ensure that we are
important to trace who’s been where, when and for how long. ahead of the game.
Such data could help complete audit trails, trace movements,
This innovation and the continual search for better and more
ease congestion and improve productivity. Of course, where
effective solutions to urban issues across multiple industries
necessary, surveillance can also contribute to higher levels of
drive the evolution of smart cities. In this rapidly changing
security and greater peace of mind.
landscape, cities will be better able to adapt and build on
We are already making the vision of a more efficient city into competitive advantages to be true smart cities.
reality. In Singapore, igloohome has teamed up with Singtel,
a leading Asian communications technology group, to launch Anthony Chow
connected perimeter access solutions. Using our technology, Founder and CEO, igloohome

Smart Cities | 38
Alibaba Cloud’s ET City Brain was developed to make cities more intelligent and
intuitive. Using Alibaba Cloud’s proprietary AI platform and its big data processing
and analytic capabilities, the City Brain provides urban planners and city officials
with tools and information to upgrade their public services with cloud technology
and AI.
Alibaba first implemented City Brain in Hangzhou in September 2016. Since then,
it has become an indispensable traffic management solution for the city. It covers
a total area of 420 square kilometres, including more than 1,300 traffic lights. In
addition, 200 traffic officers are connected via mobile phones, enabling them to
receive real-time alerts for traffic-related emergencies.
City Brain analyses data in real time to co-ordinate traffic, prevent gridlock and
ease congestion. The technology is also able to predict traffic flow, detect accidents
and give instant feedback. The results are impressive. In two years, Hangzhou
dropped from fifth to 57th on the list of China’s worst congested cities. The initiative
has increased traffic speed by 15 per cent and achieved an average time saving of
three minutes per vehicle.
City Brain has halved the average travel time for ambulances and fire trucks.
The system can also optimise the city’s firefighting efforts by providing crucial
information to firefighters, such as water pressure, the number and position of fire
hydrants in a given area, the location of gas pipes and other details.
City Brain is more than just about traffic management – it’s also
about empowering cities to think with data-driven governance
to make a city more liveable, such as by tracking water supply
quality, or the level of air pollution. In fact, City Brain has been
used in Beijing’s Tongzhou district to provide real-time air
pollution monitoring. Companies have also worked with
Alibaba Cloud to use City Brain for sewage management
and environmental evaluation.
In the past two years, Alibaba rolled out City Brain in
Macau and Kuala Lumpur. We believe cloud technology
will serve citizens and businesses, providing more
efficient urban public services and demonstrating better
use of public resources.

Derek Wang
General Manager, Alibaba Cloud Singapore

Smart Cities | 39
What I learnt that has been challenging about fulfilling Darwin’s journey – or really
any city’s journey – in becoming a smart city is the false perception that it’s a race
or competition.
It’s not about being the smartest or fastest; I believe it is about having the most
trusted community and a belief that there is an open and honest system that
provides the best outcomes possible for the cities we operate. Upfront smart
city architecture is infrastructure-driven and costly, but what comes next is very
community-driven, and return on investment is implied through efficiencies.
However, our community has a deep-seeded mistrust in all levels of government.
We face a huge challenge in educating our community, and in many cases we
question the viability of doing so in the early stages of smart city development until
the verifiable outcomes are completed.

Josh Sattler
General Manager, Innovation, Growth and Development Services, City of Darwin

Smart Cities | 40
With a young and rapidly growing population, India is headed
towards mass urbanisation. The challenge for the Indian
Government is to manage this rapid urban growth by providing
improved infrastructure and ensuring sustainable economic
Today, India has one of the world’s most recognised smart city
programmes, which will drive technological innovation to usher
in economic development and citizen engagement. Core to
the smart cities is a network of solution providers that are not
just looking at new market opportunities but are committed to
building smart solutions to improve the quality of citizens’ lives.
This is no easy task. Each city is unique in terms of its geography,
sociology, culture and political environment. These are critical
factors that warrant studies to better understand citizens’
requirements and inform the government’s engagement
level against these components. We believe in a framework
where efficient public and commercial services are delivered
to individuals through connected devices, to make services
more accessible, reduce environmental impact and empower
communities. Hence, having a technology base that is secure,
scalable and future-ready is crucial to the success of any smart
city initiative.
In India, we’re seeing faster adoption of new technologies, and
an increasing number of system integration companies, start-ups
and technological companies with innovative products entering
the market. This bodes well for the overall growth and use cases.
The success of these cities lies in building an ecosystem through
public–private partnerships, and in the private sector, to provide
services that will improve the quality of life for citizens.

Anthony Bartolo
Executive Vice President, Chief Product Officer
Tata Communications

Smart Cities | 41
1. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, says UN, 16 May 2018
2. Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN Smart Cities Framework, 15 November 2018
3. Chia Je Lin, “Five Chinese smart cities leading the way”, GovInsider, 10 July 2018
4. Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India
5. IDC, IDC Forecasts Smart Cities Spending to Reach $158 Billion in 2022, with Singapore, Tokyo, and New York City Among Top Spenders, 23 July 2018
6. “Frost & Sullivan Experts Announce Global Smart Cities to Raise a Market of More Than $2 Trillion by 2025”, aftermarketNews, 6 April 2018
7. Franco Faraudo, “The Truth About Proptech Funding”, Propmodo, 26 February 2019
8. Cameron Sperance, “CRE Is Putting Up Major Money To Develop Technological Advancements”, Bisnow Boston, 13 May 2019
9. CB Insights, Real Estate Tech Funding Reaches New Highs In 2016, 18 January 2017
10. JLL, Clicks and Mortar: The Growing Influence of Proptech
11. Arya Dipa, “West Java to help IKEA acquire land in West Bandung”, The Jakarta Post, 21 March 2019
12. JLL, Global Real Estate Transparency Index 2018
13. CSIRO, Living at home longer
14. JLL, City Momentum Index 2019
15. Lendlease, Paya Lebar Quarter
16. Chong Koh Ping, “Singapore-Sichuan Hi-Tech Innovation Park taking shape in Chengdu”, The Straits Times, 17 August 2018
17. Marunouchi, About page
18. Austrade, Japanese multinationals commit to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, 6 November 2018
19. Claudia Russo, Smart City Index: Vienna and London lead the worldwide ranking, Roland Berger, 8 March 2019
20. Ibid.
21. Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, A to Z list of agencies
22. Smart Nation Singapore, Formation of The Smart Nation and Digital Government Group in the Prime Minister’s Office
23. Gina Lai and Adam Hwang, “Taipei mayor outlines smart city concepts”, Digitimes, 5 October 2018
24. Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, New Tokyo. New Tomorrow. The Action Plan for 2020
25. Ibid.
26. SmartCitiesWorld news team, “Tokyo named most reputable city”, SmartCitiesWorld, 27 August 2018
27. IoT ONE list of suppliers
28. IoT Analytics, How to stand out as an IoT Platform Vendor
29. Reuters, China overhauls $2.69 trillion public-private projects as debt fears rise, 16 November 2017
30. DXC Technology, “How the private sector can partner on smart cities”, GovInsider, 21 June 2018
31. https://theconversation.com/australians-trust-in-politicians-and-democracy-hits-an-all-time-low-new-research-108161
32. Press Information Bureau Government of IndiaMinistry of Housing & Urban Affair
33. Atlas, ASEAN is the world’s sixth largest economy
34. Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Centre for Liveable Cities, ASEAN Smart Cities Network
35. Lee I-chia, “New smart cities group established at Taipei summit”, Taipei Times, 28 March 2019
36. Smart Cities World Forums, Huawei and Alibaba lead new smart city initiative in China, 27 August 2018

Smart Cities | 42
About Charles Reed Anderson & Associates
CHARLES REED ANDERSON is a globally-recognised IoT, smart cities and proptech industry
thought leader who has presented at over 200 industry events. His company, CRA &
Associates, provides technology- and vendor-agnostic advice to governments, enterprises
and technology vendors on how to successfully navigate the increasingly complex
technology solution ecosystem.
With over 25 years of experience, Charles’ in-depth knowledge of emerging technologies and
solution vendors, combined with his understanding of the market demand, allows him to
separate industry hype from reality.
He has helped technology vendors navigate their role in the ecosystem, develop go-to-
market strategies and partnerships, understand the customer buying decision criteria, and
engage their employees, partners and customers.
He also works with customers and governments to identify use cases that deliver tangible
business value, evaluate which technologies and vendors best meet their requirements, and
engage their internal and external stakeholders.
Charles sits on the Advisory Boards of technology start-ups and the GO SMART (Global
Organisation of Smart Cities) initiative. In addition, he has served as a Mentor since 2015 with
one of the world’s leading accelerator programmes – SparkLabs (Korea & Taiwan).

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only to the extent necessary for its evaluation. It is not to be shown to any third party without the prior written
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