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ZUCCHINI SCP Offering maximum versatility in demanding commercial and

industrial enviroments, SCP busbar is used to transport and

distribute high power from 630 to 6300 A and is a popular choice
for rising mains.

Compact design combined

with powerful performance makes
Zucchini SCP the intelligent choice
for demanding installations

super compact
high power busbar
Zucchini SCP busbar trunking systems are ideal for the distribution of high
power in industrial, commercial and service sector installations. Flexible and
safe, SCP is continually developed to offer maximum versatility for all power
applications, in any type of environment.
The high power, super compact Zucchini busbar range provides a complete
solution whether connecting power supply stations or transformers to the
main panel board, or transporting and distributing power around the building,
including rising mains applications.

Compact dimensions enhance SCP’s resistance to short circuit stresses.
Voltage drops can be controlled to reduce the impedance of the circuit and
enable installation of high power electrical systems in confined spaces.
The range is designed to be maintenance free with the exception of the
compulsory periodic inspections required by Standard IEC 60364. The
tightening torque inspection can be carried out when the busbar is energised.
Plug-in tap-off boxes provide connection and power supply of three phase
loads from 63 to 1250 A. Thanks to the galvanised metal sheet construction, the
boxes are suitable for heavy loads and for shielding the electromagnetic fields
generated by the passage of current.

fast, simple installation saves
time and money on site
Designed to work perfectly in conjunction with Zucchini EdM cast
resin transformers, the SCP busbar range offers quick, reliable
assembly with a vast combination of accessories for maximum
flexibility. Conductors are available in a choice of copper or

A comprehensive range of standard products is further enhanced
by Legrand’s technical expertise and ability to create bespoke
solutions tailored to any requirement. The SCP range can be
manufactured in standard, clean earth or 200% neutral versions.

Pre-installed monobloc
for fast, rigid and
reliable connections

Trunking lengths available Self-shearing bolts

with aluminium or copper ensure the correct
conductors and in single or torque is applied at
double sided versions the joint




Zucchini SCP has been selected by Land Securities as an approved high power busbar
system. Being one of the few manufacturers selected, this demonstrates Legrand’s
ability to provide solutions that meet the quality and specification requirements of
world leading property developers.
Land Securities is the UK’s largest commercial property company and a member
of the FTSE 100. The company owns and manages more than 29 million ft2
of property, including shopping centres and offices.
For more information visit www.landsecurities.com

SCP super compact busbar
aluminium conductors

Rating (A) Feeder lengths
Standard 3 m Bespoke dimensions 1 to 1·5 m Bespoke dimensions 1·5 to 2 m Bespoke dimensions 2 to 2·5 m Bespoke dimensions 2·5 to 3 m

630 60280100P 60280170P 60280120P 60280180P 60280150P

800 60280101P 60280171P 60280121P 60280181P 60280151P

1 000 60280102P 60280172P 60280122P 60280182P 60280152P

1 250 60280104P 60280174P 60280124P 60280184P 60280154P

1 600 60280106P 60280176P 60280126P 60280186P 60280156P

2 000 60280107P 60280177P 60280127P 60280187P 60280157P

2 500 60390104P 60390174P 60390124P 60390184P 60390154P

3 200 60390106P 60390176P 60390126P 60390186P 60390156P

4 000 60390107P 60390177P 60390127P 60390187P 60390157P


Double horizontal
Horizontal elbows Vertical elbows elbows
Rating (A) Standard dimensions Bespoke dimensions Standard dimensions Bespoke dimensions Bespoke dimensions
Right hand Left hand Right hand Left hand Right hand Left hand Right hand Left hand Left + right hand Right + left hand

630 60280300P 60280310P 60280320P 60280330P 60280400P 60280410P 60280420P 60280430P 60280350P 60280340P

800 60280301P 60280311P 60280321P 60280331P 60280401P 60280411P 60280421P 60280431P 60280351P 60280341P

1 000 60280302P 60280312P 60280322P 60280332P 60280402P 60280412P 60280422P 60280432P 60280352P 60280342P

1 250 60280304P 60280314P 60280324P 60280334P 60280404P 60280414P 60280424P 60280434P 60280354P 60280344P

1 600 60280306P 60280316P 60280326P 60280336P 60280406P 60280416P 60280426P 60280436P 60280356P 60280346P

2 000 60280307P 60280317P 60280327P 60280337P 60280407P 60280417P 60280427P 60280437P 60280357P 60280347P

2 500 60390304P 60390314P 60390324P 60390334P 60390404P 60390414P 60390424P 60390434P 60390354P 60390344P

3 200 60390306P 60390316P 60390326P 60390336P 60390406P 60390416P 60390426P 60390436P 60390356P 60390346P

4 000 60390307P 60390317P 60390327P 60390337P 60390407P 60390417P 60390427P 60390437P 60390357P 60390347P

Connection interfaces Connection interfaces + horizontal elbows

Rating (A) Standard dimensions Bespoke dimensions Bespoke dimensions

Type 1 male Type 2 female Type 1 male Type 2 female Type 1 female Type 2 female Type 3 male Type 4 male

630 60281010P 60281000P 60281030P 60281020P 60281300P 60281310P 60281320P 60281330P

800 60281011P 60281001P 60281031P 60281021P 60281301P 60281311P 60281321P 60281331P

1 000 60281012P 60281002P 60281032P 60281022P 60281302P 60281312P 60281322P 60281332P

1 250 60281014P 60281004P 60281034P 60281024P 60281304P 60281314P 60281324P 60281334P

1 600 60281016P 60281006P 60281036P 60281026P 60281306P 60281316P 60281326P 60281336P

2 000 60281017P 60281007P 60281037P 60281027P 60281307P 60281317P 60281327P 60281337P

2 500 60391014P 60391004P 60391034P 60391024P 60391304P 60391314P 60391324P 60391334P

3 200 60391016P 60391006P 60391036P 60391026P 60391306P 60391316P 60391326P 60391336P

4 000 60391017P 60391007P 60391037P 60391027P 60391307P 60391317P 60391327P 60391337P

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar 3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9; Single bar 8 4 5
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting Double bar 9 6 7
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown opposite

Distribution lengths lengths Transposition lengths Fire barriers
3 m – 3 + 3 outlets 2 m – 2 + 2 outlets 1 m – 1 + 1 outlets Phase transposition Neutral rotation Internal External

60280130P 60280260P 60280280P 60280290P 60287100P 60287140P 6531FB01 652EFB01

60280131P 60280261P 60280281P 60280291P 60287101P 60287141P – 652EFB01

60280132P 60280262P 60280282P 60280292P 60287102P 60287142P – 652EFB01

60280134P 60280264P 60280284P 60280294P 60287104P 60287144P – 652EFB01

60280136P 60280266P 60280286P 60280296P 60287106P 60287146P – 652EFB02

60280137P 60280267P 60280287P 60280297P 60287107P 60287147P – 652EFB03

60390134P 60390264P 60390284P 60390294P 60397104P 60397144P 6531FB01 653EFB02

60390136P 60390266P 60390286P 60390296P 60397106P 60397146P 6531FB01 653EFB03

60390137P 60390267P 60390287P 60390297P 60397107P 60397147P 6531FB01 653EFB04


Double vertical
elbows Vertical tees Horizontal tees

Bespoke dimensions Bespoke dimensions Bespoke dimensions

Left + right hand Right + left hand Right hand female Right hand male Left hand male Left hand female Right hand female Right hand male Left hand male Left hand female
300 to 1 499 mm 300 to 1 499 mm 300 to 1 499 mm 300 to 1 499 mm 550 to 1 049 mm 550 to 1 049 mm 550 to 1 049 mm 550 to 1 049 mm

60280450P 60280440P 60280800P 60280810P 60280820P 60280830P 60280700P 60280710P 60280720P 60280730P

60280451P 60280441P 60280801P 60280811P 60280821P 60280831P 60280701P 60280711P 60280721P 60280731P

60280452P 60280442P 60280802P 60280812P 60280822P 60280832P 60280702P 60280712P 60280722P 60280732P

60280454P 60280444P 60280804P 60280814P 60280824P 60280834P 60280704­­P 60280714P 60280724P 60280734P

60280456P 60280446P 60280806P 60280816P 60280826P 60280836P 60280706P 60280716P 60280726P 60280736P

60280457P 60280447P 60280807P 60280817P 60280827P 60280837P 60280707P 60280717P 60280727P 60280737P

60390454P 60390444P 60390804P 60390814P 60390824P 60390834P 60390704P 60390714P 60390724P 60390734P

60390456P 60390446P 60390806P 60390816P 60390826P 60390836P 60390706P 60390716P 60390726P 60390736P

60390457P 60390447P 60390807P 60390817P 60390827P 60390837P 60390707P 60390717P 60390727P 60390737P


Connection interfaces + vertical elbows End feed units End stops

Bespoke dimensions
Type 1 female Type 2 female Type 3 male Type 4 male Type 1 male Type 2 female

60281400P 60281410P 60281420P 60281430P 60281110P 60281100P 65283101P

60281401P 60281411P 60281421P 60281431P 60281111P 60281101P 65283101P

60281402P 60281412P 60281422P 60281432P 60281112P 60281102P 65283101P

60281404P 60281414P 60281424P 60281434P 60281114P 60281104P 65283101P

60281406P 60281416P 60281426P 60281436P 60281116P 60281106P 65283102P

60281407P 60281417P 60281427P 60281437P 60281117P 60281107P 65283104P

60391404P 60391414P 60391424P 60391434P 60391114P 60391104P 65393102P

60391406P 60391416P 60391426P 60391436P 60391116P 60391106P 65393103P

60391407P 60391417P 60391427P 60391437P 60391117P 60391107P 65393104P

SCP super compact busbar
copper conductors

Rating (A) Feeder lengths
Standard 3 m Bespoke dimensions 1 to 1·5 m Bespoke dimensions 1·5 to 2 m Bespoke dimensions 2 to 2·5 m Bespoke dimensions 2·5 to 3 m

800 65280100P 65280170P 65280120P 65280180P 65280150P

1 000 65280101P 65280171P 65280121P 65280181P 65280151P

1 250 65280103P 65280173P 65280123P 65280183P 65280153P

1 600 65280105P 65280175P 65280125P 65280185P 65280155P

2 000 65280106P 65280176P 65280126P 65280186P 65280156P

2 500 65280108P 65280178P 65280128P 65280188P 65280158P

3 200 65390105P 65390175P 65390125P 65390185P 65390155P

4 000 65390106P 65390176P 65390126P 65390186P 65390156P

5 000 65390108P 65390178P 65390128P 65390188P 65390158P


Double horizontal
Horizontal elbows Vertical elbows elbows
Rating (A) Standard dimensions Bespoke dimensions Standard dimensions Bespoke dimensions Bespoke dimensions
Right hand Left hand Right hand Left hand Right hand Left hand Right hand Left hand Left + right hand Right + left hand

800 65280300P 65280310P 65280320P 65280330P 65280400P 65280410P 65280420P 65280430P 65280350P 65280340P

1 000 65280301P 65280311P 65280321P 65280331P 65280401P 65280411P 65280421P 65280431P 65280351P 65280341P

1 250 65280303P 65280313P 65280323P 65280333P 65280403P 65280413P 65280423P 65280433P 65280353P 65280343P

1 600 65280305P 65280315P 65280325P 65280335P 65280405P 65280415P 65280425P 65280435P 65280355P 65280345P

2 000 65280306P 65280316P 65280326P 65280336P 65280406P 65280416P 65280426P 65280436P 65280356P 65280346P

2 500 65280308P 65280318P 65280328P 65280338P 65280408P 65280418P 65280428P 65280438P 65280358P 65280348P

3 200 65390305P 65390315P 65390325P 65390335P 65390405P 65390415P 65390425P 65390435P 65390355P 65390345P

4 000 65390306P 65390316P 65390326P 65390336P 65390406P 65390416P 65390426P 65390436P 65390356P 65390346P

5 000 65390308P 65390318P 65390328P 65390338P 65390408P 65390418P 65390428P 65390438P 65390358P 65390348P

Connection interfaces Connection interfaces + horizontal elbows

Rating (A) Standard dimensions Bespoke dimensions Bespoke dimensions

Type 1 male Type 2 female Type 1 male Type 2 female Type 1 female Type 2 female Type 3 male Type 4 male

800 65281010P 65281000P 65281030P 65281020P 65281300P 65281310P 65281320P 65281330P

1 000 65281011P 65281001P 65281031P 65281021P 65281301P 65281311P 65281321P 65281331P

1 250 65281013P 65281003P 65281033P 65281023P 65281303P 65281313P 65281323P 65281333P

1 600 65281015P 65281005P 65281035P 65281025P 65281305P 65281315P 65281325P 65281335P

2 000 65281016P 65281006P 65281036P 65281026P 65281306P 65281316P 65281326P 65281336P

2 500 65281018P 65281008P 65281038P 65281028P 65281308P 65281318P 65281328P 65281338P

3 200 65391015P 65391005P 65391035P 65391025P 65391305P 65391315P 65391325P 65391335P

4 000 65391016P 65391006P 65391036P 65391026P 65391306P 65391316P 65391326P 65391336P

5 000 65391018P 65391008P 65391038P 65391028P 65391308P 65391318P 65391328P 65391338P

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar 3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9; Single bar 8 4 5
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting Double bar 9 6 7
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown opposite

Distribution lengths lengths Transposition lengths Fire barriers
3 m – 3 + 3 outlets 2 m – 2 + 2 outlets 1 m – 1 + 1 outlets Phase transposition Neutral rotation Internal External

65280130P 65280260P 65280280P 65280290P 65287100P 65287140P 6531FB01 652EFB01

65280131P 65280261P 65280281P 65280291P 65287101P 65287141P – 652EFB01

65280133P 65280263P 65280283P 65280293P 65287103P 65287143P – 652EFB01

65280135P 65280265P 65280285P 65280295P 65287105P 65287145P – 652EFB02

65280136P 65280266P 65280286P 65280296P 65287106P 65287146P – 652EFB02

65280138P 65280268P 65280288P 65280298P 65287108P 65287148P – 652EFB03

65390135P 65390265P 65390285P 65390295P 65397105P 65397145P 6531FB01 653EFB02

65390136P 65390266P 65390286P 65390296P 65397106P 65397146P 6531FB01 653EFB03

65390138P 65390268P 65390288P 65390298P 65397108P 65397148P 6531FB01 653EFB04


Double vertical
elbows Vertical tees Horizontal tees

Bespoke dimensions Bespoke dimensions Bespoke dimensions

Left + right hand Right + left hand Right hand female Right hand male Left hand male Left hand female Right hand female Right hand male Left hand male Left hand female
300 to 1 499 mm 300 to 1 499 mm 300 to 1 499 mm 300 to 1 499 mm 550 to 1 049 mm 550 to 1 049 mm 550 to 1 049 mm 550 to 1 049 mm

65280450P 65280440P 65280800P 65280810P 65280820P 65280830P 65280700P 65280710P 65280720P 65280730P

65280451P 65280441P 65280801P 65280811P 65280821P 65280831P 65280701P 65280711P 65280721P 65280731P

65280453P 65280443P 65280803P 65280813P 65280823P 65280833P 65280703P 65280713P 65280723P 65280733P

65280455P 65280445P 65280805P 65280815P 65280825P 65280835P 65280705­­P 65280715P 65280725P 65280735P

65280456P 65280446P 65280806P 65280816P 65280826P 65280836P 65280706P 65280716P 65280726P 65280736P

65280458P 65280448P 65280808P 65280818P 65280828P 65280838P 65280708P 65280718P 65280728P 65280738P

65390455P 65390445P 65390805P 65390815P 65390825P 65390835P 65390705P 65390715P 65390725P 65390735P

65390456P 65390446P 65390806P 65390816P 65390826P 65390836P 65390706P 65390716P 65390726P 65390736P

65390458P 65390448P 65390808P 65390818P 65390828P 65390838P 65390708P 65390718P 65390728P 65390738P


Connection interfaces + vertical elbows End feed units End stops

Bespoke dimensions
Type 1 female Type 2 female Type 3 male Type 4 male Type 1 male Type 2 female

65281400P 65281410P 65281420P 65281430P 65281110P 65281100P 65283101P

65281401P 65281411P 65281421P 65281431P 65281111P 65281101P 65283101P

65281403P 65281413P 65281423P 65281433P 65281113P 65281103P 65283101P

65281405P 65281415P 65281425P 65281435P 65281115P 65281105P 65283102P

65281406P 65281416P 65281426P 65281436P 65281116P 65281106P 65283102P

65281408P 65281418P 65281428P 65281438P 65281118P 65281108P 65283104P

65391405P 65391415P 65391425P 65391435P 65391115P 65391105P 65393102P

65391406P 65391416P 65391426P 65391436P 65391116P 65391106P 65393103P

65391408P 65391418P 65391428P 65391438P 65391118P 65391108P 65393104P

SCP super compact busbar
feeder lengths

The SCP system is also avail-

able in 5 conductor versions
and up to 6 300 A (copper)
Single bar feeder length Contact us on
+44 (0) 370 608 9020

Selection charts p. 62-65

Dimensions and technical information p. 95
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
Designed to be maintenance-free, except for the periodic and compulsory inspections required by the Standard IEC 60364
Supplied with electrical junction monobloc system pre-installed

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7

SCP super compact busbar
distribution lengths

Single bar distribution length

Selection charts p. 62-65

Dimensions and technical information p. 95
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
Designed to be maintenance-free, except for the periodic and compulsory inspections required by the Standard IEC 60364
Supplied with electrical junction monobloc system pre-installed

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7


SCP super compact busbar

expansion and transposition lengths

2 N
3 3
N 1
1 N
2 1
3 2

Single bar phase

transposition length Single bar neutral
Single bar expansion length rotation length

Selection charts p. 62-65

Dimensions and technical information p. 95
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6 1
Designed to be maintenance-free, except for the periodic and compulsory inspections2
Nrequired by the Standard IEC 60364

Supplied with electrical junction monobloc system pre-installed N






Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7

SCP super compact busbar
fire barriers and end stops

Single bar external

fire barrier
End stop

Selection charts p. 62-65

Dimensions and technical information p. 96
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
Designed to be maintenance-free, except for the periodic and compulsory inspections required by the Standard IEC 60364
Supplied with electrical junction monobloc system pre-installed

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7

SCP super compact busbar
horizontal elbows

Single bar -
horizontal elbow

Selection charts p. 62-65

Dimensions and technical information p. 96
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
Designed to be maintenance-free, except for the periodic and compulsory inspections required by the Standard IEC 60364
Elbows are supplied with pre-installed monobloc and are able to change direction with standard or bespoke dimensions

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7

SCP super compact busbar
vertical elbows

Single bar –
vertical elbow

Selection charts p. 62-65

Dimensions and technical information p. 96
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
Designed to be maintenance-free, except for the periodic and compulsory inspections required by the Standard IEC 60364
Elbows are supplied with pre-installed monobloc and are able to change direction with standard or bespoke dimensions

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7

SCP super compact busbar
double elbows

Single bar –
double horizontal elbow
Single bar –
double vertical elbow

Selection charts p. 62-65

Dimensions and technical information p. 96-97
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
Designed to be maintenance-free, except for the periodic and compulsory inspections required by the Standard IEC 60364
Elbows are supplied with pre-installed monobloc and are able to change direction with standard or bespoke dimensions

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7
1 : Standard dimensions 300 + 300 + 300 mm

SCP super compact busbar
vertical tees

Single bar -
vertical tee

Selection charts p. 62-65

Dimensions and technical information p. 97
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
Designed to be maintenance-free, except for the periodic and compulsory inspections required by the Standard IEC 60364
Tees are supplied with pre-installed monobloc and are able to change direction with standard or bespoke dimensions

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7
1 : Standard dimensions 300 + 300 + 300 mm single bar
and 600 + 600 + 600 mm double bar

SCP super compact busbar
horizontal tees

Single bar -
horizontal tee

Selection charts p. 62-65

Dimensions and technical information p. 98
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
Designed to be maintenance-free, except for the periodic and compulsory inspections required by the Standard IEC 60364
Tees are supplied with pre-installed monobloc and are able to change direction with standard or bespoke dimensions

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7
1 : Standard dimensions 600 + 600 + 600 mm

SCP super compact busbar
connection interfaces

Single bar –
type 1 connection interface

For EdM cast resin transform-

ers compatibility table p. 101
Selection charts p. 62-65
Dimensions and technical information p. 98-99
Coverplate and bar drilling details p. 100
Technical data p. 112-117

High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
For connecting the busbar to the cabinet or transformer

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7

SCP super compact busbar
connection interfaces + horizontal elbows

Single bar – type 1

connection interface +
horizontal elbow

Selection charts p. 62-65

For EdM cast resin transform-
Dimensions and technical information p. 98 ers compatibility table p. 101
Coverplate and bar drilling details p. 100
Technical data p. 112-117
High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
For connecting the busbar to the cabinet or transformer

Key : How to select the correct configuration of bar

The 4th digit of an SCP Cat. No. determines the busbar configuration
All examples on this page show 4 conductor versions, ie. 8 or 9;
5 conductor and 200% neutral versions are available by substituting
the 4th digit with 4, 5, 6 or 7, as shown below
3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE+ PE 3L + 2N + PE
Single bar 8 4 5
Double bar 9 6 7

SCP super compact busbar
connection interfaces + vertical elbows and feed units

Single bar – type 1

connection interface +
vertical elbow

Selection charts p. 62-65 Single bar -

Dimensions and technical information p. 99 type 1 end feed unit
Coverplate and bar drilling details p. 100
Technical data p. 112-117
High power busbar from 630 A to 4 000 A with aluminium alloy conductors and from 800 A to 5 000 A with copper conductors
SCP complies with IEC EN 61439-6
For connecting the busbar to the cabinet or transformer
End feed units have rear cable input and aluminium gland plate(s) for cable entry – 170 x 410 mm. Single bar 1 plate, double bar 2 plates

SCP tap-off boxes : plug-in type 63-630 A
with AC21A disconnection on the door

Plug-in boxes can be fitted on With fuse carrier (fuses not included)
any length with tap-off outlets Tap-off rating Fuse carrier 3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE + PE 3L + 2N + PE
irrespective of rating and
conductor material 63 A CH22 65285031P 65245021P 65255031P
125 A NH00 65285032P 65245022P 65255032P
Cover with AC21A
disconnection 160 A NH00 65285033P 65245023P 65255033P
250 A NH2 65285034P 65245024P 65255034P
630 A NH3 65285036P 65245026P 65255036P

With switch disconnector (AC23) and fuse carrier (fuses not included)

4 Tap-off rating Fuse carrier 3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE + PE 3L + 2N + PE
63 A NH000 65285051P 65245041P 65255051P

125 A NH00 65285052P 65245042P 65255052P

160 A NH00 65285053P 65245043P 65255053P
Side cable 250 A NH1 65285054P 65245044P 65255054P
400 A NH2 65285055P 65245045P 65255055P
630 A NH3 65285076P 65245066P 65255076P

From 63 to 160 A Empty version

Tap-off rating 3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE + PE 3L + 2N + PE
63 A 65285011P 65245001P 65255011P
125 A 65285012P 65245002P 65255012P
160 A 65285013P 65245003P 65255013P
Cover with AC21A
disconnection 250 A 65285014P 65245004P 65255014P
630 A 65285016P 65245006P 65255016P

Fully fitted tap-offs c/w 4P Legrand MCCB with rotary handle1

Tap-off rating Breaker rating 3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE + PE 3L + 2N + PE
1 034

0 40 A 65285013PM4RB 65245003PM4RB 65255013PM4RB
63 A
63 A 65285013PM4RC 65245003PM4RC 65255013PM4RC

100 A 65285013PM4RD 65245003PM4RD 65255013PM4RD

125 A
125 A 65285013PM4RE 65245003PM4RE 65255013PM4RE
160 A 160 A 65285013PM4RF 65245003PM4RF 65255013PM4RF
Side cable
input 200 A 65285014PM4RG 65245004PM4RG 65255014PM4RG
250 A
250 A 65285014PM4RH 65245004PM4RH 65255014PM4RH
400 A 65285016PM4RI 65245006PM4RI 65255016PM4RI
From 250 to 630 A 630 A
630 A 65285016PM4RJ 65245006PM4RJ 65255016PM4RJ

Fully fitted tap-offs c/w FREE ISSUE MCCB

Tap-off rating Breaker rating 3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE + PE 3L + 2N + PE
40 A 65285011PMFB 65245001PMFB 65255011PMFB
63 A
63 A 65285011PMFC 65245001PMFC 65255011PMFC
100 A 65285012PMFD 65245002PMFD 65255012PMFD
125 A
125 A 65285012PMFE 65245002PMFE 65255012PMFE
160 A 160 A 65285013PMFF 65245003PMFF 65255013PMFF
200 A 65285014PMFG 65245004PMFG 65255014PMFG
250 A
250 A 65285014PMFH 65245004PMFH 65255014PMFH
400 A 65285016PMFI 65245006PMFI 65255016PMFI
630 A
630 A 65285016PMFJ 65245006PMFJ 65255016PMFJ
1 : For MCCB technical data, see p. 118-125

Dimensions and technical information p. 102-103

Technical data p. 112-117

SCP tap-off boxes : plug-in type 125-400 A
: bolt-on type 125-1 250 A

Plug-in tap-offs 125-1 250 A (remain live with door open)

Rear cable With switch disconnector (AC23) and fuse carrier (fuses not included)
Tap-off rating Fuse carrier 3L + N + PE 3L + N + FE + PE 3L + 2N + PE

125 A NH00 65282001P N/A N/A


250 A NH1 65282002P N/A N/A

85 54
400 A NH2 65282003P N/A N/A

Bolt-on tap-offs – with switch disconnector (AC23) and fuse carrier 125 A to 1 250 A (fuses not included)
The boxes cannot be installed simultaneously on both sides of the same junction
The bolted boxes are to be installed directly on the junction when the busbar is disconnected and not energised
Dimensions and technical information p. 103. Technical data p. 112-117
Busbar system – aluminium
Single bar Double bar
630 A
800 A
Tap-off rating/ 1 000 A
fuse carrier 1 250 A 1 600 A 2 000 A 2 500 A 3 200 A 4 000 A
125 A
65281811P 65281812P 65281814P 65391812P 65391813P 65391814P

250 A
65281821P 65281822P 65281824P 65391822P 65391823P 65291824P

400 A
B 65281831P 65281832P 65281834P 65391832P 65391833P 65291834P
630 A
65286041P 65286042P 65286044P 65396042P 65396043P 65396044P
800 A
65281851P 65281852P 65281854P 65391852P 65391853P 65291854P
1 000 A
65281861P 65281862P 65281864P 65391862P 65391863P 65291864P
1 250 A
65281871P 65281872P 65281874P 65391872P 65391873P 65291874P
Busbar system – copper
Single bar Double bar
800 A
Tap-off rating/ 1 000 A 1 600 A
fuse carrier 1 250 A 2 000 A 2 500 A 3 200 A 4 000 A 5 000 A
Dimensions of the box 125 A
Box rating 125-400 A 630 A 800-1 250 A 65281811P 65281812P 65281814P 65391812P 65391813P 65391814P
(A) mm 365 400 450
(B) mm 630 750 1 050 250 A
65281821P 65281822P 65281824P 65391822P 65391823P 65391824P
(C) mm 270 280 300
(D) mm 95 115 115
(E) mm
400 A 635 680 750 65281831P 65281832P 65281834P 65391832P 65391833P 65391834P
630 A
Rated insulating 65286041P 65286042P 65286044P 65396042P 65396043P 65396044P
AC voltage Ui (V) 1 000

Rated impulse Uimp (kV) 12 800 A

withstand voltage 65281851P 65281852P 65281854P 65391852P 65391853P 65391854P
Type of rated duty – AC23A
Rated conditional
(kA) 100 000 A
short circuit current 65281861P 65281862P 65281864P 65391862P 65391863P 65391864P
CEI EN 60947-3
1 250 A
65281871P 65281872P 65281874P 65391872P 65391873P 65391874P

Dimensions and technical information p. 103

Technical data p. 112-117

SCP super compact busbar
fixing supports for horizontal installation

Single bar – edgeways

fixing support Single bar – flat
fixing support

Dimensions and technical information p. 104

Fixing supports for fixing the busbar to the structure of the building

SCP super compact busbar
fixing supports for vertical installation

Fixing support with bracket and Fixing support with bracket Fixing support Fixing support –
springs with springs bracket only

Dimensions and technical information p. 105-106

Fixing supports for fixing the busbar to the structure of the building
For vertical installations and special applications

SCP super compact busbar SCP super compact busbar
fixing supports for vertical installation (continued) protective bellows

Protective covers for outdoor

applications available
on request
Contact us on
+44 (0) 370 608 9020
Fixing support for Naval
Protective bellows – single bar

Dimensions and technical information p. 105-106 Dimensions and technical information p. 107

SCP super compact busbar
transformer connections


Flexible braid connection

Installation example

Dimensions and technical information p. 108

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Standard versions

SCP line with 4 conductors

3L + N + PE, 3L + PEN, 3L + FE + PE
Note : for dimension H, see technical data
section p. 112-117
PE : Protection earth
FE : Functional earth (clean earth)

N L1 L2 L3 PE

single bar double bar

SCP5 line with 5 conductors

3L + N + FE + PE
Note : For dimension H, see technical data
section p. 112-117
PE : Protection earth
FE : Functional earth (clean earth)

FE N L1 L2 L3 PE

single bar double bar

SCP2N 200% neutral line

3L + 2N + PE
Note : For dimension H, see technical data
section p. 112-117
PE : Protection earth
FE : Functional earth (clean earth)

2N L1 L2 L3 PE

single bar double bar

Ue ≤ 1 000 V

630 < In < 5 000 A

36 < lcw < 160 kA

–5 < T < + 50 °C

IP = 55


Busbar material

800 < In < 5 000 A 630 < In < 4 000 A

Single bar Double bar Single bar Double bar

800 < In < 2 500 A 3 200 < In < 5000 A 630 < In < 2 000 A 2 500 < In < 4 000 A

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Joule effect losses in busbars

Losses due to the Joule effect are essentially caused by the electrical
resistance of the busbar
Lost energy is transformed into heat and contributes to the heating of
the conduit of the environment
The calculation of power loss is useful data for correct sizing of the
building air conditioning system

Three-phase regime losses are :

3 • Rt • Ib2 • L
Pj =
1 000
In single-phase regime :

2 • Rt •Ib2 • L
Pj =
1 000
Where :
Ib = utilisation current (A)
Rt = phase resistance for unit of length of the busbar trunking system,
measured at thermal regime (mΩ/m)
L = busbar length (m)

For accurate calculation, losses must be assessed trunk by trunk,

taking into account the transiting currents ; for example, in the case of
the distribution of the loads represented in the table below
Length Transiting Losses
1st trunk L1 I1+I2+I3 P1 = 3RtL1(I1+I2+I3)2
2nd trunk L2-L1 I2+I3 P2 = 3Rt(L2-L1) (I2+I3)2
3rd trunk L3-L2 I3 P3 = 3Rt(L3-L2) (I3)2
Total losses in the busbar trunking system Pt = P1 + P2 + P3


I1+I2+I3 I2+I3 I3

l1 l2 l3


n Losses based on the installation method

Thermal dispersion, rating and IP protection degree are independent
from the type of installation (edgeways, flat, vertical)
This means that it is possible to install the SCP busbar trunking system
as preferred, without having to consider a possible system downgrade
Edgeways Flat

n Overload protection
Busbar overload protection is ensured following the same criteria used
for cables. It will be necessary to check the relationship :

Ib ≤ In ≤ Iz

Where :
Ib = circuit utilisation current
In = switch rated current
Iz = rating at permanent cable regime
Ib Iz 1.45 Iz

The lb utilisation current in a 3 phase system is calculated based on the

following formula :
Ib = (A)
√3•Ue•cosj medium
Where :

P t = sum of the active powers of the loads installed (W)

d = power supply factor equal to 1 if the trunking is :
•only powered from one side
•powered from the centre or from both ends at the same time
Ue = operating voltage in (V)
cosjm = average power factor of the loads
Ib = utilisation current (A)
α = diversity coefficient of the loads (.)
β = coefficient of utilisation of the loads (.)

The ambient temperature where the busbar trunking system is installed

impacts on its rating
During the design stages, it is necessary to multiply the rating value
at the reference temperature by a correction coefficient referred to the
final operating temperature
All Zucchini products have been sized and tested for an average
ambient temperature of 40 °C. For installation in environments with
average daily temperatures lower than 40 °C, the rated current of
the busbar must be multiplied by a kt factor, which is higher than the
unit for temperatures lower than 40 °C, and lower than the unit if the
ambient temperature is higher than 40 °C

Iz = Iz0 · Kt

Where :
• Iz0 is the current that the busbar trunking system can carry for an
indefinite time at its reference temperature (40 °C)
• Kt is the correction coefficient for ambient temperature values other
than the reference temperature, as shown in the following table

Kt correction coefficient for ambient temperature other than 40°C

Ambient temperature (°C) 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
kt thermal correction factor 1·15 1·12 1·08 1·05 1·025 1 0·975 0·95 0·93 0·89

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Selection of the busbar trunking system based Calculation of the voltage drop with loads not
on voltage drop evenly distributed (continued)
If the line is particularly long (> 100 m), it will be necessary to check the The current distribution factor ‘b’ depends on how the circuit is fed and
value of the voltage drop. For systems with power factor (cosjm) not on the distribution of the electric loads along the busbar
lower than 0·8 the voltage loss can be calculated using the following
formulas : The distribution factor of the current ‘b’
Ib Ib
Three phase system b = 1 Supplies at one end and load
b•√3•Ib•L•(Rt•cosjm + x•sinjm) at the end of the line L

b = 2
∆v = Ib
1 000 Supplies at one end and with
load evenly distributed L

b = 4
Single phase system Ib Ib
Supplies at both ends and with
b•2•Ib•L•(Rt•cosjm + x•sinjm) load evenly distributed L
∆v =
b = 4
1 000 Ib
Central supply with loads
Ib Ib
The percentage voltage drop can be obtained from : at both ends
2 L 2

b = 8

∆v Central supply with load Ib
∆v% = •100 evenly distributed
Example : SCP 2 000 A Al for rising main feed
Where Vr is the system rated voltage

= 2 load evenly distributed

Ib = 1 600 A operating current
In order to limit the voltage drop in very long busbar trunking systems, it
is possible to allow for a power supply at an intermediate position, rather b
than at the terminal point k = 27·3, see technical data table, p. 112-117
(SCP 2 000 A Al cosϕ = 0·85)
Cosϕ = 0·85
L = 100 m line length
Vn = 400 V operating voltage
Loads Loads 27·3•10-6•1 600•100
∆v% = 1· ·100 = 1·09%
trunking system
intermediate power
supply point Legend:
Ib = the current that supplies the busbar (A)
Calculation of the voltage drop with loads not Vn = the voltage power supply of the busbar (V)
evenly distributed L = the length of the busbar (m)
If the load cannot be considered evenly distributed, the voltage drop ∆v% = the voltage drop percentage
may be determined more accurately using the relationships shown b = the distribution factor of the current
below k = corresponding voltage drop factor
For the distribution of three phase loads, the voltage drop is calculated a cosϕ (V/m/A) (see technical data table, p. 112-117)
using the following formula, on the assumption (generally verified) that cosϕ m = average power factor of the loads
the section of busbar trunking is consistent :
x = phase reactance by unit of length of the busbar (mΩ/m)
∆v = √3 [Rt (I1L1cosj1 + I2L2 cosj2 + I3L3 cosj3) + x (I1L1sinj1 + Rt = phase resistance by unit of length of the busbar
I2L2 sinj2 + I3L3 sinj3)] (mΩ/m)
cosϕ mi = i-th load average power factor
In general terms this becomes : li = i-th load current (A)
Li = distance of the i-th load from the origin of the busbar
√3(Rt•∑Ii•Li•cosjmi + x•∑Ii•Li•sinjmi) trunking system
∆v =

If the three phase system and the power factor are not lower than
cosj = 0·7, the voltage loss may be calculated using the voltage drop
coefficient shown in the table opposite
∆v% = 2b• ·100

l1 l2 l3



084_103 Zucchini 2018 v2.indd 88 14/02/2018 11:48

n Short circuit withstand n Short circuit withstand (continued)
The CEI 64-8 standard indicates that, for the protection of the circuits Analytical determination of short circuit currents
of the system, it is necessary to allow for devices aimed at interrupting In order to calculate the value of the estimated short circuit current
short circuit currents before these become dangerous due to the at any point of the circuit, it is sufficient to apply the formulas shown
thermal and mechanical effects generated in the conductors and the below, knowing the impedance calculated at the origin of the system
connections. In order to size the electric system and the protection up to the point being assessed. In the formulas shown below, the value
devices correctly, it is necessary to know the value of the estimated of the short circuit power is considered infinite and the short circuit
short circuit current at the point where this is to be created. This value impedance is equal to 0. This makes it possible to define short circuit
enables selection of the correct protection devices based on their own current values higher than the actual ones, but generally acceptable
tripping and closing powers, and to check the resistance to electro-
dynamic stress of the busbar supports installed in control panels, and/ L (m)
or of the busbar trunking systems

Characterisation of short circuit current

The estimated short circuit current at a point of the user system is the S (mm2)
current that would occur if at the considered point a connection of
negligible resistance was created between conductors under voltage. P (kVA)
The magnitude of this current is an estimated value that represents
the worst possible condition (null fault impedance, tripping time long RL = resistance of the line upstream (m)
enough to enable the current to reach the maximum theoretical values). Line resistance r = specific line resistance (m/m)
In reality, the short circuit always occurs with significantly lower effective RL = r • L L = upstream line length (m)
current values

Line reactance XL = upstream line reactance (m)
Short circuit current XL = x • L x = specific line reactance (m/m)
Current (I)
Unidirectional component

TRANSFORMER resistance RE = transformer secondary equivalent resistance (m)

1 000 Pcu Pcu = transformer COPPER losses (W)
RE =
In = transformer rated current (A)

3 In 2

Time (t) TRANSFORMER impedance ZE = transformer secondary equivalent impedance (m)

Vcc% V2c Vc = phase voltage (V)
ZE =
Vcc% = percentage short circuit voltage
100 P

P = transformer power (kVA)
Symmetric component
The intensity of the estimated short circuit current essentially depends XE = transformer secondary equivalent reactance (m)
on the following factorsreale
: XE = √ ZE2 – RE2

• power of the cabin TRANSFORMER, meaning that the higher the
power, the higher the current Short circuit impedance
• length of the line upstream the fault, in the sense that the longer the Zcc = total short circuit impedance (m)
Zcc = √(RL + RE)2 + (XL + XE)2

line, the lower the current

Estimated short circuit current
Current (I)
Vc Icc = symmetric component of the short circuit current
Icc =
2 Icc
√ 3 Zcc

Time (t) Aluminium
Rating kA kA kA kA
(A) 3 phase 3 phase 1 phase 1 phase
lcw1 lpk lcw1 lpk
630 36 76 22 48
In three phase circuits reale
Andamento with neutral it is possible to have three different
types of short circuit : 800 42 88 25 55
• phase-phase 1 000 50 110 30 66
• phase-neutral 1 250 75 165 45 99
• balanced three phase (most demanding condition) 1 600 80 176 48 106
The formula for the calculation of the symmetric component is : 2 000 80 176 48 106
E 2 500 150 330 90 198
Icc = 3 200 160 352 96 211
4 000 160 352 96 211
Where :
• E = the phase voltage Copper
• ZE = the secondary equivalent impedance of the TRANSFORMER Rating kA kA kA kA
measured between the phase and the neutral (A) 3 phase 3 phase 1 phase 1 phase
• ZL = the impedance of the phase conductor only lcw1 lpk lcw1 lpk
800 45 95 27 57
3 E
ZE IccFF = 1 000 50 110 30 66
2ZE + 2ZL
Icc3~ IccFN 1 250 60 132 36 79
ZE E 1 600 85 187 51 112
IccFN =
ZE + 2ZL
2 000 88 194 53 116
E 2 500 88 194 53 116
Icc3~ =
IccFF ZE + ZL 3 200 170 374 102 224
E = phase voltage 4 000 176 387 106 232
5 000 176 387 106 232
All: dimensions
lcw for 1 second
(mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

Measurement of harmonic distortion

carried out with a network analyser

Fundamental (50 Hz) Fifth harmonic (250 Hz)

Third harmonic (150 Hz) Resulting wave shape

Distortion of the individual harmonics

Total distortion (THD) = 25.5%

( )Uh
( ) ( )
23 11
H 2 2 2
THD% = 10 0 = 100 + = 25.5 %
h=2 U1 100 100

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 Hz

Choice of rating when in the presence of harmonics

When in the presence of harmonics, and when using the chosen
Int rated current, the SCP busbar to be used shall have the rating
specified in the table below

current (A) 630 A 800 A 1 000 A 1 250 A 1 600 A 2 000 A 2 500 A 3 200 A 4 000 A 5 000 A
SCP busbar to be used

THD ≤ 15% 630 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000
15% < THD ≤ 33% 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000 –
THD > 33% 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000 – –

200% neutral versions are available for systems with harmonics present on the neutral

n Measurement of magnetic induction n Measurement of magnetic induction (continued)
Since 1994, with a study carried out by Chalmers University of The high quality standard guaranteed by busbar trunking systems can
Technology of Goteborg, Legrand has taken an interest in the issues be further appreciated by comparing the emission values measured
linked with the electromagnetic emissions in their Zucchini products, against those of other commonly used equipment, as taken from table
keeping at the forefront of the latest legislative directive, which has only 7·1 of CEI 211-6 standard
recently imposed the quality standards that were already widely met by The measurements obtained on aluminium SCP busbar trunking
Zucchini busbar trunking systems systems with ratings of 2 500 A (carried out in compliance with the
The ACAE (Association for the Certification of Electric and Electronic requirements of the technical product standard IEC EN 61439-6), show
Equipment) certified internal laboratory is capable of carrying out the that the magnetic induction generated by the busbar is in the range of
measurement of the electromagnetic emissions of busbar trunking 1·5 - 2 μT at a distance of one metre from the busbar itself
systems. This measurement is nowadays one of the tests to which the These values also apply near the junction, which is considered the
products are subjected before they reach the market critical point due to the wider distance between the busbar conductors
in this position
The busbar trunking system in itself already minimises electromagnetic
emissions, which are much lower when compared with those
generated by cables with the same current intensity Levels of exposure to industrial frequency magnetic field sources
It is a well-known fact that the electromagnetic field is the result of the (table 7.1 from CEI 211-6 standard)
superimposition of two fields : the electric and the magnetic field
The first is totally shielded by the equipotential metal casing of the Magnetic
busbar trunking system, while the second is very low due to the Source induction Distance
intrinsic characteristic of the busbar trunking system. More precisely, (µT)
due to the fact that busbar conductors are extremely close inside
the busbar package, the three busbar conductors, crossed by three Electric shaver 150-240 on the face
balanced currents displaced by 120°, induce fields that tend to Hairdryer 1-13 10-20 cm
overlap, cancelling one another, therefore resulting in an extremely low
external impact Blender 0·9 40 cm
However, also in conditions of imperfect current balance, the metal 12 V, 20 W halogen lamp 0·5 30 cm
casing of the busbar trunking system is capable of reducing most Aerosol therapy equipment 20-50 20-30 cm
of the magnetic field, which otherwise would spread through the
surrounding environment Electric blanket 2 on contact
21 inch television set 0·3 50 cm
Testing at Legrand’s laboratory in Italy for the approval Washing machine 3·4 50 cm
certification of Zucchini SCP busbar trunking systems Dishwasher 0·05 50 cm
Electric oven 0·4 20 cm
600 W drill 2 on the chest
100 W welding machine 14·5 on the chest
225 W grinder 0·8 40 cm
1 100 W compressor 8·2 40 cm
2 150 W arc welding machine 23·2 40 cm
75 MW, 55-65 kA, 150 t arc oven 100-270 in proximity
Electric scalpel 2·9 in proximity
Battery charger 22·9 in proximity
Echograph 0·8 operator position
Projector 2·3 20 cm

One-dimensional trend of the magnetic induction near the junction.

The blue dash shows the ‘objective’ level and the red dash shows
the ‘quality objective’ required by law

B (μ T)
Objective level
The laboratory tests carried out show how the magnetic induction Quality objective level
emitted by SCP busbar trunking systems, measured at a distance of
approximately one metre, is well below the critical value of 3 μT
With Legislative Decree DPCM dated 8/7/2003, Italian law set the first 15
exposure limit at 100 μT
In addition, in locations where attendance is expected for no less than
four hours a day, an attention value of 10 μT has been set, to avoid
possible long term effects on health
In the decree, the 3 μT threshold is indicated as the ‘quality objective’.
However, as the product is intended for the European and world
market, low magnetic emission is a fundamental point that cannot be 5
disregarded, to ensure a presence in foreign countries : one example
of this is Germany, where for over 10 years the regulation has set a
cautionary limit of 3 μT as the maximum permitted threshold in certain 0
structures, for example hospitals, so much so that in these types of 20 40 60 80 100 120 CM
environments the busbar trunking system has become a mandatory
choice, as well as a high quality one

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Example of measurement of the level of the magnetic field

on the busbar

Transversal section (parallel to

the measurement plane) of the
SCP busbar on which the test is
carried out

Graphic representation of an SCP double busbar 3 m straight length

Shown in green is the orthogonal plane of the element on which the magnetic
inductions referred to in the following graphs are measured

Detailed view

n Magnetic induction graphs at 60 cm from the busbar n Magnetic induction graphs at 60 cm from the busbar
The graphs shown refer to the measurements carried out on the
aluminium SCP prefabricated electric busbar with rated load of 2 500 As it can be seen on the graph below, up to a distance of
A, crossed by a 2 500 A current approximately 40 cm from the axis of the busbar, the field appears
The measurements carried out at 60 cm from the junction are to be generated by two separate sources. This is due to the fact that the
considered as higher due to the magnetic induction generated by the busbar being analysed consists of two series of busbar conductors set
busbar power supply : in parallel at a distance of approximately 5 cm from each other
due to the intrinsic geometry of the measurement laboratory structure,
it must be assumed that the measurement area is also affected by a
magnetic induction of no less than 1·5 μT generated by the line power The cells making up the measurement grid are 20 cm squares
In view of this observation, in case of actual operating line the quality
objective indicated by Legislative Decree DPCM dated 8/7/2003 is
widely met at less than one metre from the axis of the busbar

3 dimensional development of magnetic induction around the

busbar at 60 cm from the junction
12 9·6
11 9·2
8 7·6
7 7·2
6 6·4
5 6
4 5·6
3 4·8
2 4·4
1 4
0 3·2
0 2·8
3 2 2·4

6 5 4 2
98 1·2
10 0·8 2 dimensional map of the magnetic induction around the busbar
1211 0·4
1413 at 60 cm from the junction
16 At the centre of the graphic is a schematic representation of the
12 9·2
11 8·8
10 8
9 7·6
8 6·8
7 6·4
6 5·6
5 5·2
4 4·4
3 4
8 9 3·6
2 10 11 3·2
1 12 13 2·8
14 2·4
0 15
16 2

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Graphs showing magnetic induction near the junction n Graphs showing magnetic induction near the junction
It is considered important to show, side by side with the results relating
to straight lengths, the results of the measurement carried nearby the 2 dimensional map of magnetic induction near the junction
electro-mechanic junction of the busbar length. This location may in At the centre of the graphic is a schematic representation of the
fact be considered critical, as here magnetic induction is higher due to busbar
the higher distance between the busbar conductors corresponding to
the various phases of the line

Tridimensional development of magnetic induction near the joint

22 18·4
21 17·6
19 16·8
18 16
16 15·2
15 14·4
13 13·6
12 12·8
10 12
9 11·2
6 9·6 y
4 8·8
3 8
1 7·2
0 6·4
4 x

23 21·6
22 20·8
21 20
20 19·2
19 18·4
18 17·6
17 16·8
16 16
14 13·6
13 12·8
12 12
11 11·2
10 10·4
9 9·6
8 8·8
7 8
6 7·2
5 6·4
4 5·6
3 4·8
2 4
1 3·2
0 2·4

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

n Feeder lengths 10
n Transposition lengths 2

In runs exceeding 100 m it is1 2recommended to include two


transposition lengths to balance 3

mutual phase reactance and electric
impedance (one at 1/3 and one at 2/3 distance of the run)

(L) Dimension H changes with the rating and is specified on p. 112-117
Neutral rotation can be used when the sequence of the distribution
board phases is different to that of the transformer

For more information please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020


Dimension H changes with the rating, and is specified on p. 112-117 1



Minimum and maximum dimensions of single and double bars
3 00
12 N
Aluminium 630 A to 4 000 A N
Copper 800 A to 5 000 A 3

(L) min./max. (mm) 1 000 / 3 000

n Distribution lengths

Phase transposition


0 0(
30 10


0 00
65 10 1



Dimension H changes with the rating, and is specified on p. 112-117
Neutral rotation

Minimum and maximum dimensions of single and double bars

Aluminium 630 A to 4 000 A

Copper 800 A to 5 000 A
(L) min./max. (mm) 1 000 / 3 000 n End stops
Maintain IP 55 protection at the end of a run
n Expansion lengths
Absorb the thermal expansion during normal use
that, on long runs, would otherwise cumulate and 10
put abnormal force on the connection points N
1 75
Expansion lengths should be placed

in straight runs of more than 40 m L)
and repeated every 40 m 0(
00 3

e.g. 70 m straight section e.g. 120 m straight section should

should contain 1 expansion contain 2 expansion lengths, spaced
length in the middle every 40 m
All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Fire barriers n Direction changes

No fire No fire Vertical elbow – standard dimensions
barrier barrier

Left hand

≥ 200 620 ≥ 200
Fig. 1 B



130 Right hand


H + 81 B

No fire

barrier 30 0
≥ 200 620 A
Dimension H changes with the rating, and is specified on p. 112-117
The dimensions refer to standard elbows (bold = double bar)

Vertical elbow – bespoke dimensions

Please specify required dimensions when ordering

Minimum and maximum dimensions of single bar

Aluminium 630 A to 2 000 A

When ordering, please specify the length that will be equipped with an Copper 800 A to 2 500 A
internal fire barrier
Due to the geometry of the models 800 A to 2 000 A in aluminium and (A) min./max. (mm) 300 / 1 299
1 000 A to 2 500 A in copper, the internal fire barrier is not needed (B) min./max. (mm) 300 / 1 299
The external fire barrier can be used on any trunking component in
compliance with the operating instructions specified in figures 1 and 2
Dimension H changes with the rating and is specified on p. 112-117 Minimum and maximum dimensions of double bar

Aluminium 2 500 A to 4 000 A

n Direction changes
Copper 3 200 A to 5 000 A
Horizontal elbow – standard dimensions
Right hand (A) min./max. (mm) 450 / 1 449
A B A B (B) min./max. (mm) 450 / 1 449
0 30
30 0

Double horizontal elbow – standard dimensions

C Right + left hand
Left hand 0 30 B B C
B 30 0 A

A 10
A 0

Left + right hand

Dimension H changes with the rating and is specified on p. 112-117
The dimensions refer to standard elbows
Horizontal elbow – bespoke dimensions A
Please specify required dimensions when ordering

Minimum and maximum dimensions of single and double bars

Aluminium 630 A to 4 000 A Dimension H changes with the rating, and is specified on p. 112-117
Copper 800 A to 5 000 A The dimensions refer to standard elbows
(A) min./max. (mm) 250 / 1 299
(B) min./max. (mm) 250 / 1 299 Double horizontal elbow – bespoke dimensions
Please specify required dimensions when ordering

Minimum and maximum dimensions of single and double bars

Aluminium 630 A to 4 000 A
Copper 800 A to 5 000 A
(A) min./max. (mm) 250 / 1 299
(B) min./max. (mm) 50 / 599
(C) min./max. (mm) 250 / 1 299

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

Double vertical elbow – standard dimensions Vertical tees – standard dimensions

Left + right hand 10

30 0

B 0
A 30 0
10 60


Right + left hand

0 B
30 0


30 0
45 C

Right hand - female Right hand - male
Dimension H changes with the rating, and is specified on p. 112-117
The dimensions refer to standard elbows (bold = double bar) A

Double vertical elbow – bespoke dimensions C

Please specify required dimensions when ordering

Left hand - male Left hand - female

Minimum and maximum dimensions of single bar

Aluminium 630 A to 2 000 A C C

Copper 800 A to 2 500 A
(A) min./max. (mm) 300 / 1 299 B
(B) min./max. (mm) 50 / 599 A
(C) min./max. (mm) 300 / 1 299

Minimum and maximum dimensions of double bar Dimension H changes with the rating, and is specified on p. 112-117
The dimensions refer to standard tees (bold = double bar)
Aluminium 2 500 A to 4 000 A
Copper 3 200 A to 5 000 A Vertical tees – bespoke dimensions
(A) min./max. (mm) 450 / 1 449 Please specify required dimensions when ordering
(B) min./max. (mm) 50 / 899
(C) min./max. (mm) 450 / 1 449 Minimum and maximum dimensions of single bar

Aluminium 630 A to 2 000 A

Copper 800 A to 2 500 A
(A) min./max. (mm) 250 / 1 299
(B) min./max. (mm) 200 / 599
(C) min./max. (mm) 300 / 1 299

Minimum and maximum dimensions of double bar

Aluminium 2 500 A to 4 000 A

Copper 3 200 A to 5 000 A
(A) min./max. (mm) 250 / 1 449
(B) min./max. (mm) 330 / 749
(C) min./max. (mm) 450 / 1 449

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Direction changes (continued) n Connection interfaces – in-line

Horizontal tees – standard dimensions Standard dimensions
10 0
B 10
A 0
600 C 0
0 30

A (2)

10 0
(1) U

Non-standard centre distance

D Dimensions to be
F provided when
requesting a non-
standard centre distance
Right hand – female Right hand – male
Type 1 – Type 2 – female


Left hand – male Left hand – female Dimension H changes with the rating, and is specified on p. 112-117
See p. 100 for dimensions of cover plate (1) and bars (2)
Connection interfaces – in-line bespoke dimensions
Please specify required dimensions when ordering
Minimum and maximum dimensions of single and double bars
Aluminium 630 A to 4 000 A
Copper 800 A to 5 000 A
Dimension H changes with the rating, and is specified on p. 112-117
The dimensions refer to standard tees (bold = double bar) (A) min. / max. (mm) 300 / 1 299
(U) min. / max. (mm) 150 / 400
Horizontal tees – bespoke dimensions
n Connection interfaces + horizontal elbows
Please specify required dimensions when ordering A
30 B
Minimum and maximum dimensions of single and double bars U 0
Aluminium 630 A to 4 000 A 10
Copper 800 A to 5 000 A
(A) min. / max. (mm) 550 / 1 049
(B) min. / max. (mm) 550 / 1 049 10

(C) min. / max. (mm) 550 / 1 049 10
0 (1)
0 (2)

Type 1 – female Type 2 – female Type 3 – male Type 4 – male


Dimension H changes with the rating and is specified on p. 112-117

The dimensions are referred to standard elements
See p. 100 for dimensions of cover plate (1) and bars (2)
Connection interfaces + horizontal elbows – bespoke dimensions
Please specify required dimensions when ordering

Minimum and maximum dimensions of single and double bars

Aluminium 630 A to 4 000 A
Copper 800 A to 5 000 A
(A) min. / max. (mm) 150 / 1 299
(B) min. / max. (mm) 250 / 1 299
All dimensions (mm) are nominal
(U) min. / max. (mm) 150 / 400

n Connection interfaces + vertical elbows n Feed units
End feed unit
30 0
0 10 B
20 C 0



(2) (1) H

Type 1 – female Type 2 – female


B For dimensions
U of holes for
see p. 100

Type 3 – male Type 4 – male Dimension H changes with the rating and is specified on p. 112-117
U Rear cable input
A Aluminium gland plate(s) for cable entry
170mm x 410mm
B Single bar : 1 plate
B Double bar : 2 plates

Type 1 – male Type 2 – female

Dimension H changes with the rating and is specified on p. 112-117
The dimensions refer to standard tees (bold = double bar)
See p. 100 for dimensions of cover plate (1) and bars (2)
Connection interfaces + vertical elbows – bespoke dimensions
Please specify required dimensions when ordering

Minimum and maximum dimensions of single bar

Aluminium 630 A to 2 000 A

Dimensions of the box
Copper 800 A to 2 500 A
(A) min. / max. (mm) 150 / 1 299 Aluminium 630 A to 1 250 A 1 600 A to 2 000 A 2 500 A to 4 000 A
(B) min. / max. (mm) 300 / 1 299 Copper 800 A to 1 250 A 1 600 A to 2 500 A 3 200 A to 5 000
(U) min. / max. (mm) 150 / 400 A
(A) (mm) 320 320 600
(B) (mm) 600 600 600
Minimum and maximum dimensions of double bar

Aluminium 2 500 A to 4 000 A

Copper 3 200 A to 5 000 A
(A) min. / max. (mm) 300 / 1 449
(B) min. / max. (mm) 450 / 1 449
(U) min. / max. (mm) 150 / 400

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Connection interfaces
Cover plate drilling details
Aluminium 630 A to 2 000 A Aluminium 2 500 A to 3 200 A Aluminium 4 000 A

90 110
Copper 800 A to 2 500 A Copper 3 200 A to 4 000 A Copper 5 000 A
Ø9 Ø9 Ø9
160 160










90 110 90 110

120 12021

15 100 100 100 100 15


90 110

120 160

100 100 100

15 100 15
15 100 100 100 100 15


160 190

Bar drilling details

90 9090 110
11090120 110
120 160 120 210
160 210210
160 21
Aluminium 630 A
Aluminium 800 A-1 000 A Aluminium 1 250 A Aluminium 1 600 A Copper 1 600-2 000 A
Copper 800 A Copper 1 000 A-1 250

9 x 30

160210 160
190 190

15 x 20

120 160






30 30 30 30 30

160 190
35 50 50 90 90

60120 210160 210

75 110 120 155 150

Aluminium 2 000 Copper 2 500 A

160160 190
Aluminium 2 500 A

160 160 190210 190

A Copper 3 200 A

9 x 30

15 x 20



30 30

50 50 50 50 50 50 90

190 210 210

150 70 150
205 200

190 Aluminium 3 200 A

Copper 4 000 A
Aluminium 4 000
Copper 5 000 A

9 x 30

210 210
15 x 20


50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50


180 70 180 205 60 205 200 70 200

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

n Compatibility with Zucchini SCP busbar 417 V secondary voltage
Transformer Busbar (aluminium)
The Zucchini SCP busbar trunking system and EdM cast resin Insulation 417 V
transformers have been designed in perfect synergy for a direct kVA class current IK 6 % Connection
(kVA) (kV) (A) (kA) Family component
The versions shown below represent just a few of the standardised 630 873 14·60 SCP 1 000 A 60281012P
solutions 800 1 108 18·50 SCP 1 250 A 60281014P
1 000 1 385 23·10 SCP 1 600 A 60281016P
400 V secondary voltage 12, 17·5,
1 250 1 731 28·90 SCP 2 000 A 60281017P
Transformer Busbar (aluminium) 24, 36
Insulation 400 V
1 600 2 216 37·00 SCP 2 500 A 60391014P
kVA class current IK 6 % Connection 2 000 2 770 46·20 SCP 3 200 A 60391016P
(kVA) (kV) (A) (kA) Family component
2 500 3 462 57·70 SCP 4 000 A 60391017P
630 910 15·20 SCP 1 000 A 60281012P
800 1 155 19·30 SCP 1 250 A 60281014P Transformer Busbar (copper)
1 000 1 444 24·10 SCP 1 600 A 60281016P Insulation 417 V
12, 17·5, kVA class current IK 6 % Connection
1 250 1 805 30·10 SCP 2 000 A 60281017P (kVA) (kV) (A) (kA) Family component
24, 36
1 600 2 310 38·50 SCP 2 500 A 60391014P 630 873 14·60 SCP 1 000 A 65281011P
2 000 2 887 48·20 SCP 3 200 A 60391016P 800 1 108 18·50 SCP 1 250 A 65281013P
2 500 3 609 60·20 SCP 4 000 A 60391017P 1 000 1 385 23·10 SCP 1 600 A 65281015P
12, 17·5,
1 250 1 731 28·90 SCP 2 000 A 65281016P
Transformer Busbar (copper) 1 600 224, 36 216 37·00 SCP 2 500 A 65391018P
Insulation 400 V
kVA class current IK 6 % Connection 2 000 2 770 46·20 SCP 3 200 A 65391015P
(kVA) (kV) (A) (kA) Family component
2 500 3 462 57·70 SCP 4 000 A 65391016P
630 910 15·20 SCP 1 000 A 65281011P
3 150 4 362 62·401 SCP 5 000 A 65391018P
800 1 155 19·30 SCP 1 250 A 65281013P
1 000 1 444 24·10 SCP 1 600 A 65281015P 433 V secondary voltage
12, 17·5,
1 250 1 805 30·10 SCP 2 000 A 65281016P
Transformer Busbar (aluminium)
1 600 224, 36 310 38·50 SCP 2 500 A 65391018P Insulation 433 V
kVA class current IK 6 % Connection
2 000 2 887 48·20 SCP 3 200 A 65391015P (kVA) (kV) (A) (kA) Family component
2 500 3 609 60·20 SCP 4 000 A 65391016P 630 841 14·10 SCP 1 000 A 60281012P
3 150 4 547 65·001 SCP 5 000 A 65391018P 800 1 067 17·80 SCP 1 250 A 60281014P
1 : 7% impedance 1 000 1 334 22·30 SCP 1 600 A 60281016P
12, 17·5,
1 250 1 667 27·80 SCP 2 000 A 60281017P
24, 36
1 600 2 134 35·60 SCP 2 500 A 60391014P
2 000 2 667 44·50 SCP 3 200 A 60391016P
2 500 3 334 55·60 SCP 4 000 A 60391017P

Transformer Busbar (copper)

Insulation 433 V
kVA class current IK 6 % Connection
(kVA) (kV) (A) (kA) Family component
630 841 14·10 SCP 1 000 A 65281011P
800 1 067 17·80 SCP 1 250 A 65281013P
1 000 1 334 22·30 SCP 1 600 A 65281015P
12, 17·5,
1 250 1 667 27·80 SCP 2 000 A 65281016P
1 600 224, 36 134 35·60 SCP 2 500 A 65391018P
2 000 2 667 44·50 SCP 3 200 A 65391015P
2 500 3 334 55·60 SCP 4 000 A 65391016P
3 150 4 201 60·101 SCP 5 000 A 65391018P
Transformer to busbar connection

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Tap-off boxes n Tap-off boxes

63 A to 630 A : plug-in type Empty tap-off box 63 A to 630 A

Polyester coated, galvanised steel structure. Metal boxes are suitable From 63 A to 160 A
for heavy loads and are used to shield electromagnetic fields caused
by flows of current
Fuses not included. Please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020 for
details of available fuses
Cover with AC21A
Connection terminals
With fuse carrier for cables max 50 mm2

From 63 A to 160 A 24


Cover with
AC21A 24
disconnection 4

Aluminium cable

entry plates on
both sides

From 250 A to 630 A

Side cable

With switch disconnector Cover with

From 250 A to 630 A AC21A

disconnection 41
78 286

Cover with
1 034

disconnection 41
78 Aluminium cable
entry plates on
both sides

Tap-off boxes can be pre-equipped with DPX MCCBs on request,

contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Can be installed and removed when the busbar is energized
To be used with components with any rating, with tap-off outlets

Side cable

These tap-off boxes are equipped with a switch disconnector (AC23)

and a fuse carrier. The disconnector switch is operated through a
rotary handle on the cover (not shown in the picture)
N.B. Cover with AC21A disconnection : it is not possible to open, close,
install or pull out the tap-off box if the switch is in ‘ON’ position
Can be installed and removed when the busbar is energized
To be used with components with any rating, with tap-off outlets
Fuses not included. Please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020 for
details of available fuses

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

n Tap-off boxes n Bolt-on tap-off boxes
With AC23A switch disconnector and fuse carrier, With AC23 switch disconnector and fuse carrier : 125 A to 1 250 A
125 A to 400 A : plug-in type
Rear cable






Can be installed and removed when the busbar is energized because

the protective earth makes contact before other conductors Please specify SCP type when ordering
To be applied on components with any rating, with tap-off outlets Boxes cannot be installed simultaneously on both sides of the same
For operating voltages (Ue) different from 400 V, please contact us on junction
+44 (0) 370 608 9020
Fuses not included. Please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020 for  he bolted boxes are to be installed directly on the
details of available fuses junction when the busbar is disconnected and not
Specification For operating voltages (Ue) different from 400 V please contact us on
+44 (0) 370 608 9020
Rated insulating AC voltage Ui (V) 1000 Fuses not included. Please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020 for
details of available fuses
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp (kV) 12
Type of rated duty AC23A
Dimensions of the box
Rated conditional short circuit current (kA) 100
CEI EN 60947-3 Box rating 125 A to 400 A 630 A 800 A to 1 250 A
(A) (mm) 365 400 450
(B) (mm) 630 750 1 050
(C) (mm) 270 280 300
(D) (mm) 95 115 115
(E) (mm) 635 680 750


Rated insulating AC voltage Ui (V) 1 000

Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp (kV) 12
Type of rated duty AC23A
Rated conditional short circuit current (kA) 100
CEI EN 60947-3

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Fixing supports
Suspension bracket for edgeways installation

00 )
2 0 3 000
a x.



Slot 9x20 A


Suspension bracket for edgeways installation

Single bar Double bar

Aluminium busbar rating (A) 630 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000
Dimension A (mm) 210 210 210 210 250 300 460 520 560 –

Single bar Double bar
Copper busbar rating (A) 630 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000
Dimension A (mm) – 210 210 210 250 250 300 460 520 560

Suspension bracket for flat installation

Flat length

00 )
2 0 3 000

100 100


Slot 9x20

Suspension bracket for flat installation

Single bar Double bar

Aluminium busbar rating (A) 630 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000
Dimension A (mm) 190 190 190 190 315 315 430 490 530 –

Single bar Double bar
Copper busbar rating (A) 630 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000
Dimension A (mm) – 190 190 190 315 315 315 430 490 530

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

n Fixing supports

Type A and B brackets are

used for wall installation,
while type C and D are used
for floor installation

Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E

With bracket Standard with With springs Bracket only Naval
and spring anti-seismic applications

1 : For single bar lengths, the standard bracket is also anti-seismic rated
For double bar loads there are two separate Cat. Nos. see p. 82

Fixing supports for vertical lengths – dimensions

Version 1 30 Version 3 4
Ø9 17
Ø9 Y

x x




26 21




Slot 9 x 30

Slot 9 x 30

Version 2
Ø9 30 Version 4
0 4
17 17
x Ø9 Y


x Y

X 30




30 0 4

7 21 56
0 17


Slot 9 x 30 Slot 9 x 30

X and Y dimensions of the brackets

Version 1 Version 1 Version 2 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 4
Aluminium 630 A to 1 000 A 1 250 A 1 600 A 2 000 A 2 500 A 3 200 A 4 000 A
Copper 800 A to 1 250 A 1 600 A 2 000 A 2 500 A 3 200 A 4 000 A 5 000 A
x (mm) 90 120 80 90 80 80 80
y (mm) - - - - 110 80 90

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Fixing in standard conditions

For vertical path sections of less than 2 m the use of standard
suspension brackets is sufficient
Horizontal installation fixing
Fixing recommended : 1 bracket every 1·5 m

Edgeways length Flat length

Vertical installation fixing (rising mains)

In the case of rising mains, in addition to the standard brackets, it will
also be necessary to use other screw fixed brackets to prevent the
busbar sliding
Due to their pre-loaded springs, the brackets absorb the forces
pressing on the busbar and direct any expansion in a precise direction
They therefore operate as a limitation, and support the traction and
compression forces of the busbar trunking system

• Section between 2 and 4 m

In the lowest point Type B vertical bracket if secured to the wall, or
Type D if secured to the floor and one edgeways installation bracket

• Section of over 4 m
In the lowest point Type A vertical bracket if secured to the wall, or
Type C if secured to the floor and one edgeways installation bracket
every 1·5 m of the path and one Type A or C bracket based on the
following table

Aluminium Copper

Rating (A) (m) Rating (A) (m)
630 17 – –
800 16 800 10
1 000 16 1 000 9
1 250 15 1 250 9
1 600 12 1 600 7
2 000 10 2 000 6
2 500 14 2 500 4
3 200 12 3 200 7
4 000 10 4 000 6
– – 5 000 5

n Fixing for installation in seismic environments

Vertical installation (section lengths > 2 m)
Fit 1 bracket every 1·5 m of the busbar
Every 2 anti-seismic brackets with bracket (Type B) use one bracket
with bracket and spring (Type A)

Edgeways length

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

n Protective cover for outdoor applications n Protective bellows
Covering accessory to be used for outdoor installations and wherever Recommended for protection
the standard IP 55 protection is not adequate of the interface connection A B
For more information, please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020 on panel boards, dry-type
transformers with enclosure
and oil-type transformers
For EdM cast resin

transformers, custom-made
connections are available
upon request (see p. 83)

15 215 150 150 215

Edgeways length Flat length Single bar
Cat. No.



600 (A)

760 (B)

15 145 150 150 150 150 145


Double bar
Cat. No.


710 (A)

920 (B)

Single bar Double bar

Aluminium 630 A to 2 000 A 2 500 A to 4 000 A
Cat. No. SF766040 Cat. No. SF927140
Copper 800 A to 2 500 A 3 200 A to 5 000 A
Cat. No. SF766040 Cat. No. SF927140

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
technical information

n Flexible braid connections n The system : the EdM transformer advantage

When ordering, please specify hole dimensions on transformer side The Legrand Group offer meets the needs of any installation. EdM cast
(A, B, Ø D) and length L resin transformers have specifically designed connections for Zucchini

The versions shown represent some of the standardised solutions

Holes on busbar side
see p. 100 For the outgoing busbar run from the transformer, see p. 98-100

Type A setup

Holes on transformer side

to be specified

Lv side
Type B setup
Example of a vertical connection

Lv side
The distance between the phases can
be designed according to your needs
Type C setup

Lv side

ATR connection interface

Cast resin transformer

A technical drawing of the transformer is needed when creating an

ATR connection interface
For EdM cast resin transformers contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar
installation guidelines

n Installation design

1 Use a right hand end feed unit (without monobloc)

To position the tap-off boxes correctly, the neutral L3
conductor of the riser mains must be on the left N L
side of the length

2 Use one or more suspension brackets for the 7

vertical lengths, according to the weight of the
whole riser mains
For risers that are shorter than 4 m, fix to the base
with type B brackets (see p. 81)
When longer, use a type A suspension bracket
(see p. 81) every 300 kg of riser (including boxes)
3 Use a standard suspension bracket to hang the
busbar every 2 metres of riser mains

4 Use lengths with tap-off outlets (see p. 66)

5 Use S120 fire barrier kit for each compartment floor
(see p. 69)

6 Tap-off boxes can be installed in the tap-off outlets

and near the connection between lengths
In both cases, the boxes extend downward

7 Position the IP 55 end cover at the end of the riser


For further information, 6

please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020

SCP super compact busbar
installation guidelines

n Minimum distance of the wall / ceiling lengths

Wall Ceiling Ceiling



Wall Wall

When there are tap-off units along the busbars, the minimum
distances depend on the dimensions of the tap-offs selected.


* * When there is

a tap-off box

Wall installed above

the busbar,
check the overall
dimension of the
open cover of the
tap-off unit used
(see p. 47-48)

Wall Ceiling





Minimum installation distance when there are several adjacent lines

Wall Ceiling



Minimum installation distance when there are several

overlapped lines

For further information, please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

n Installation sequence of the junction Measurement of trunking lengths
1 Installation instructions are included near the junction (Fig.1) The exact length to be ordered can be determined by measuring
Make sure that the contacts are clean before joining lengths the distance between the components (as shown below) and then
subtracting 270 mm
Fig. 1
Length = Q - 270 mm

Example : dimension measured = 2 500 mm

length required = 2 230 mm
30 mm


2 Make sure that the earth plate of the trunking length is inserted N
behind the front plate of the junction monobloc (Fig.2) 12

The positioning pin on the monobloc should be fitted into the

corresponding slot on the earth plate. Verify the distance between
lengths, 270 mm, before tightening the monobloc completely (Fig.3)
Fig. 2


Fig. 3 n Measurement of bespoke components

3 Horizontal elbow
3 Tighten the bolt of the monobloc until the 1st head breaks off
(Fig. 4) The exact length to be ordered can be determined by measuring the
dimensions Q1 and Q2 (as shown below) and then subtracting 70 mm
The bolt that tightens the monobloc has a second head which is from each dimension
used when carrying out operations or inspections on the line
The nominal tightening torque is 85Nm A = Q1 - 70 mm
B = Q2 - 70 mm

For further information, please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020

B = Q2 - 70 mm

Fig. 4 85Nm
A = Q1 - 70 mm

4 Install the junction covers (Fig. 5)

Completed IP 55 installation (Fig. 6)
For further information, please contact us on +44 (0) 370 608 9020


Fig. 5

Fig. 6

All dimensions (mm) are nominal

SCP super compact busbar – 4 conductor (aluminium)
technical data

n 3L + N + PE aluminium 130

N L1 L2 L3 PE

Aluminium Single bar Double bar

Rated current In [A] 630 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000
Casing overall dimensions L x H [mm] 130 x 130 130 x 130 130 x 130 130 x 130 130 x 170 130 x 220 130 x 380 130 x 440 130 x 480
Operating voltage Ue [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Frequency f [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Rated short-time current for three-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 36 42 50 75 80 80 150 160 160
Allowable peak current for three-phase fault Ipk [kA] 76 88 110 165 176 176 330 352 352
Rated short-time current for single-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 22 25 30 45 48 48 90 96 96
Allowable peak current for single-phase fault Ipk [kA] 48 55 66 99 106 106 198 211 211
Allowable specific energy for three-phase fault I2t [MA2s] 1 296 1 764 2 500 5 625 6 400 6 400 22 500 25 600 25 600
Phase resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·077 0·057 0·057 0·046 0·033 0·025 0·021 0·016 0·013
Phase reactance (50 Hz) X [mΩ/m] 0·023 0·017 0·017 0·015 0·014 0·011 0·006 0·006 0·006
Phase impedance Z [mΩ/m] 0·080 0·059 0·059 0·048 0·036 0·027 0·022 0·017 0·014
Phase resistance at thermal conditions Rt [mΩ/m] 0·084 0·063 0·068 0·055 0·039 0·030 0·024 0·019 0·016
Phase impedance at thermal conditions Z [mΩ/m] 0·087 0·066 0·070 0·057 0·041 0·032 0·025 0·020 0·018
Neutral resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·077 0·057 0·057 0·046 0·033 0·025 0·021 0·016 0·013
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE 1) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·125 0·125 0·125 0·125 0·113 0·101 0·075 0·069 0·065
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE 2) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·036 0·036 0·036 0·036 0·028 0·023 0·014 0·012 0·011
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE 3) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·050 0·050 0·050 0·050 0·041 0·033 0·021 0·018 0·017
Reactance of the protective conductor (50 Hz) XPE [mΩ/m] 0·080 0·078 0·078 0·048 0·039 0·028 0·020 0·015 0·016
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 1) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·209 0·188 0·193 0·180 0·152 0·131 0·099 0·088 0·081
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 2) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·120 0·099 0·104 0·091 0·067 0·053 0·038 0·031 0·027
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 3) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·134 0·113 0·118 0·105 0·080 0·063 0·045 0·037 0·033
Reactance of the fault loop (50 Hz) Xo [mΩ/m] 0·10 0·10 0·10 0·06 0·05 0·04 0·03 0·02 0·02
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 1) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·233 0·211 0·215 0·191 0·161 0·137 0·103 0·091 0·084
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 2) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·158 0·137 0·141 0·111 0·085 0·066 0·046 0·038 0·035
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 3) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·169 0·148 0·152 0·123 0·096 0·074 0·052 0·043 0·040
Zero-sequence resistance phase - N Ro [mΩ/m] 0·306 0·257 0·257 0·238 0·172 0·140 0·107 0·080 0·070
Zero-sequence reactance phase - N Xo [mΩ/m] 0·174 0·160 0·160 0·128 0·106 0·108 0·083 0·073 0·060
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - N Zo [mΩ/m] 0·352 0·303 0·303 0·270 0·202 0·177 0·135 0·108 0·092
Zero-sequence resistance phase - PE Ro [mΩ/m] 0·581 0·519 0·519 0·369 0·321 0·270 0·217 0·196 0·164
Zero-sequence reactance phase - PE Xo [mΩ/m] 0·263 0·229 0·229 0·191 0·175 0·212 0·155 0·148 0·146
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - PE Zo [mΩ/m] 0·638 0·567 0·567 0·416 0·366 0·343 0·267 0·246 0·22
cosϕ = 0·70 65·3 48·9 51·9 42·9 32·3 25·1 18·4 15·4 13·7
cosϕ = 0·75 67·9 50·9 54·1 44·6 33·4 25·9 19·2 16·0 14·1
Voltage drop factor with = 0·80
70·3 52·7 56·1 46·2 34·3 26·7 19·9 16·5 14·5
cosϕ load k [V/m/A]10-6 = 0·85
72·5 54·4 58·0 47·7 35·1 27·3 20·6 16·9 14·9
∆V = k.L.Ie.10-6 [V]
cosϕ = 0·90
74·3 55·8 59·6 48·9 35·7 27·7 21·2 17·3 15·1
cosϕ = 0·95 75·5 56·7 60·8 49·7 35·9 27·8 21·6 17·5 15·2
cosϕ = 1·00 72·9 54·9 59·1 48·0 33·8 26·2 21·0 16·7 14·3
Weight (PE 1) p [kg/m] 17·3 17·0 17·0 18·7 20·3 30·7 43·7 52·3 62·7
Weight (PE 2) p [kg/m] 20·8 20·5 20·5 23·2 24·9 36·7 53·9 64·3 75·7
Weight (PE 3) p [kg/m] 18·4 18·1 18·1 20·8 21·8 32·6 46·9 56·1 66·8
Fire load [kWh/m] 4·5 5·5 5·5 6·0 8·5 10·5 16·0 19·0 21·0
Degree of protection IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Thermal resistance class of the insulating materials – B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1
Joule effect losses at rated current P [W/m] 100 122 205 260 300 363 455 592 790
Min./max. ambient temperature [°C] -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50

Regulations and conformity : 1 : Class F thermal resistance (155°C) available on request -

IEC EN 61439-6; DIN VDE 0660 500 and 502 +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Product suitable for Constant/Cyclic Warm, humid climates : In : rated current referred to a room temperature of 40°C
DIN IEC 68 part 2-3; DIN IEC 68 part 2-30
Degree of protection :
IP 55; IP x7 carrying lines available with accessories, on request - +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Insulation and surface treatment of the conductors :
Insulated conductors for the whole length, aluminum copper-plated and tin-plated
Busbar casing material : PE 1 PE 2 PE 3
1·5 mm galvanised steel plate, pre-painted or stainless steel Standard version Extra earth - copper Extra earth - aluminium
(available, if required, with special paint and/or with thickness 2 mm)

SCP super compact busbar – 4 conductor (copper)
technical data

n 3L + N + PE copper 130

N L1 L2 L3 PE

Copper Single bar Double bar

Rated current In [A] 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000
Casing overall dimensions L x H [mm] 130 x 130 130 x 130 130 x 130 130 x 170 130 x 170 130 x 220 130 x 380 130 x 440 130 x 480
Operating voltage Ue [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Frequency f [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Rated short-time current for three-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 45 50 60 85 88 88 170 176 176
Allowable peak current for three-phase fault Ipk [kA] 95 110 132 187 194 194 374 387 387
Rated short-time current for single-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 27 30 36 51 53 53 102 106 106
Allowable peak current for single-phase fault [kA] 57 66 79 112 116 116 224 232 232
Allowable specific energy for three-phase fault I2t [MA2s] 2 025 2 500 3 600 7 225 7 744 7 744 28 900 30 976 30 976
Phase resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·039 0·030 0·030 0·022 0·018 0·014 0·011 0·009 0·007
Phase reactance (50 Hz) X [mΩ/m] 0·023 0·017 0·017 0·015 0·014 0·011 0·007 0·006 0·006
Phase impedance Z [mΩ/m] 0·045 0·035 0·035 0·027 0·023 0·018 0·013 0·011 0·009
Phase resistance at thermal conditions Rt [mΩ/m] 0·042 0·035 0·037 0·027 0·022 0·017 0·013 0·011 0·008
Phase impedance at thermal conditions Z [mΩ/m] 0·048 0·039 0·041 0·031 0·026 0·020 0·015 0·013 0·010
Neutral resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·039 0·030 0·030 0·022 0·018 0·014 0·011 0·009 0·007
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE 1) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·125 0·125 0·125 0·113 0·113 0·101 0·075 0·069 0·065
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE 2) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·036 0·036 0·036 0·028 0·028 0·023 0·014 0·012 0·011
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE 3) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·050 0·050 0·050 0·041 0·041 0·033 0·021 0·018 0·017
Reactance of the protective conductor (50 Hz) XPE [mΩ/m] 0·054 0·054 0·054 0·044 0·044 0·032 0·022 0·017 0·016
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 1) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·167 0·160 0·162 0·140 0·135 0·118 0·088 0·080 0·073
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 2) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·078 0·071 0·073 0·055 0·050 0·040 0·027 0·023 0·019
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 3) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·092 0·085 0·087 0·068 0·063 0·050 0·034 0·029 0·025
Reactance of the fault loop (50 Hz) Xo [mΩ/m] 0·077 0·071 0·071 0·059 0·058 0·043 0·029 0·023 0·022
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 1) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·184 0·175 0·177 0·152 0·147 0·126 0·093 0·083 0·077
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 2) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·110 0·100 0·102 0·081 0·077 0·059 0·040 0·033 0·029
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 3) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·120 0·110 0·112 0·090 0·086 0·066 0·045 0·037 0·034
Zero-sequence resistance phase - N Ro [mΩ/m] 0·170 0·155 0·155 0·115 0·120 0·098 0·083 0·071 0·062
Zero-sequence reactance phase - N Xo [mΩ/m] 0·159 0·151 0·151 0·114 0·098 0·065 0·056 0·055 0·042
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - N Zo [mΩ/m] 0·233 0·216 0·216 0·162 0·155 0·118 0·100 0·090 0·075
Zero-sequence resistance phase - PE Ro [mΩ/m] 0·507 0·429 0·429 0·331 0·283 0·221 0·177 0·178 0·144
Zero-sequence reactance phase - PE Xo [mΩ/m] 0·201 0·177 0·177 0·143 0·150 0·124 0·111 0·094 0·086
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - PE Zo [mΩ/m] 0·545 0·464 0·464 0·361 0·320 0·253 0·209 0·201 0·168
cosϕ = 0·70 39·9 31·5 33·0 25·6 22·1 17·1 12·2 10·5 8·9
cosϕ = 0·75 40·7 32·2 33·9 26·1 22·4 17·4 12·4 10·8 8·9
Voltage drop factor with = 0·80 41·3 32·8 34·6 26·5 22·6 17·5 12·6 10·9 9·0
cosϕ load k [V/m/A]10-6 = 0·85 41·7 33·3 35·1 26·7 22·7 17·5 12·8 11·0 9·0
∆V = k.L.Ie.10-6 [V]
cosϕ = 0·90 41·7 33·4 35·4 26·7 22·5 17·4 12·8 11·0 8·9
cosϕ = 0·95 41·1 33·1 35·1 26·2 22·0 17·0 12·6 10·9 8·6
cosϕ = 1·00 36·7 30·0 32·2 23·3 19·1 14·7 11·2 9·8 7·3
Weight (PE 1) p [kg/m] 31·0 31·0 31·0 42·0 46·0 69·0 84·0 101·0 126·0
Weight (PE 2) p [kg/m] 35·0 35·0 35·0 47·0 51·0 70·0 94·0 114·0 139·0
Weight (PE 3) p [kg/m] 33·0 32·0 32·0 44·0 48·0 66·0 87·0 105·0 130·0
Fire load [kWh/m] 4·5 5·5 5·5 8 8·2 10·5 16 19 21
Degree of protection IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Thermal resistance class of the insulating materials – B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1
Joule effect losses at rated current P [W/m] 81 104 174 207 265 319 399 541 636
Min./max. ambient temperature [°C] -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50

Regulations and conformity : 1 : Class F thermal resistance (155°C) available on request -

IEC EN 61439-6; DIN VDE 0660 500 and 502 +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Product suitable for Constant/Cyclic Warm, humid climates : In : rated current referred to a room temperature of 40°C
DIN IEC 68 part 2-3; DIN IEC 68 part 2-30
Degree of protection :
IP 55; IP x7 carrying lines available with accessories, on request - +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Insulation and surface treatment of the conductors :
Insulated conductors for the whole length, aluminum copper-plated and tin-plated
Busbar casing material : PE 1 PE 2 PE 3
1·5 mm galvanised steel plate, pre-painted or stainless steel Standard version Extra earth - copper Extra earth - aluminium
(available, if required, with special paint and/or with thickness 2 mm)

SCP super compact busbar – 5 conductor (aluminium)
technical data

n SCP technical data functional earth 140

clean earth / low noise SCP5C (3L + N + PE + FE)

FE N L1 L2 L3 PE

Aluminium Single bar Double bar

Rated current In [A] 630 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000
Casing overall dimensions L x H [mm] 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 170 140 x 220 140 x 380 140 x 440 140 x 480
Operating voltage Ue [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Frequency f [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Rated short-time current for three-phase fault (1 s) ICW [kA]rms 36 42 50 75 80 80 150 160 160
Allowable peak current for three-phase fault Ipk [kA] 76 88 110 165 176 176 330 352 352
Rated short-time current for single-phase fault (1 s) ICW [kA]rms 22 25 30 45 48 48 90 96 96
Allowable peak current for single-phase fault Ipk [kA] 48 55 66 99 106 106 198 211 211
Allowable specific energy for three-phase fault I2t [MA2s] 1 296 1 764 2 500 5 625 6 400 6 400 22 500 25 600 25 600
Phase resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·077 0·057 0·057 0·046 0·033 0·025 0·021 0·016 0·013
Phase reactance (50 Hz) X [mΩ/m] 0·023 0·017 0·017 0·015 0·014 0·011 0·006 0·006 0·006
Phase impedance Z [mΩ/m] 0·080 0·059 0·059 0·048 0·036 0·027 0·022 0·017 0·014
Phase resistance at thermal conditions Rt [mΩ/m] 0·084 0·063 0·068 0·055 0·039 0·030 0·024 0·019 0·016
Phase impedance at thermal conditions Z [mΩ/m] 0·087 0·066 0·070 0·057 0·041 0·032 0·025 0·020 0·018
Neutral resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·077 0·057 0·057 0·046 0·033 0·025 0·021 0·016 0·013
Functional earthing resistance (FE) R20 [mΩ/m] 0·077 0·057 0·057 0·046 0·033 0·025 0·021 0·016 0·013
Functional earthing reactance (FE) X [mΩ/m] 0·023 0·017 0·017 0·015 0·014 0·011 0·006 0·006 0·006
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 1) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·121 0·121 0·121 0·121 0·110 0·098 0·074 0·068 0·064
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 2) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·035 0·035 0·035 0·035 0·028 0·023 0·014 0·012 0·011
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 3) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·050 0·050 0·050 0·050 0·040 0·033 0·020 0·018 0·017
Reactance of the protective conductor (50 Hz) XPE [mΩ/m] 0·080 0·078 0·078 0·048 0·039 0·028 0·020 0·015 0·016
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 1) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·131 0·102 0·107 0·089 0·064 0·050 0·041 0·032 0·027
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 2) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·108 0·085 0·090 0·075 0·054 0·042 0·033 0·026 0·022
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 3) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·115 0·090 0·095 0·079 0·057 0·044 0·034 0·028 0·024
Reactance of the fault loop (50 Hz) Xo [mΩ/m] 0·10 0·10 0·10 0·06 0·05 0·04 0·03 0·02 0·02
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 1) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·167 0·139 0·143 0·109 0·083 0·064 0·048 0·038 0·035
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 2) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·149 0·128 0·131 0·098 0·076 0·057 0·042 0·034 0·031
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 3) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·154 0·131 0·134 0·101 0·078 0·059 0·043 0·035 0·032
Zero-sequence resistance phase - N Ro [mΩ/m] 0·306 0·257 0·257 0·238 0·172 0·140 0·107 0·080 0·070
Zero-sequence reactance phase - N Xo [mΩ/m] 0·174 0·160 0·160 0·128 0·106 0·108 0·083 0·073 0·060
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - N Zo [mΩ/m] 0·352 0·303 0·303 0·270 0·202 0·177 0·135 0·108 0·092
Zero-sequence resistance phase - PE Ro [mΩ/m] 0·468 0·387 0·387 0·246 0·213 0·173 0·113 0·107 0·070
Zero-sequence reactance phase - PE Xo [mΩ/m] 0·263 0·229 0·229 0·191 0·175 0·212 0·155 0·148 0·146
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - PE Zo [mΩ/m] 0·537 0·450 0·450 0·311 0·276 0·274 0·192 0·183 0·162
cosϕ = 0·70 65·3 48·9 51·9 42·9 32·3 25·1 18·4 15·4 13·7
cosϕ = 0·75 67·9 50·9 54·1 44·6 33·4 25·9 19·2 16·0 14·1
Voltage drop factor with = 0·80
70·3 52·7 56·1 46·2 34·3 26·7 19·9 16·5 14·5
cosϕ load k [V/m/A]10-6 = 0·85
72·5 54·4 58·0 47·7 35·1 27·3 20·6 16·9 14·9
∆V = k.L.Ie.10-6 [V]
cosϕ = 0·90
74·3 55·8 59·6 48·9 35·7 27·7 21·2 17·3 15·1
cosϕ = 0·95 75·5 56·7 60·8 49·7 35·9 27·8 21·6 17·5 15·2
cosϕ = 1·00 72·9 54·9 59·1 48·0 33·8 26·2 21·0 16·7 14·3
Weight (PE 1) p [kg/m] 21·6 21·3 21·3 23·4 25·4 38·4 54·6 65·4 78·4
Weight (PE 2) p [kg/m] 23·0 22·8 22·8 26·4 28·6 41·4 60·1 72·1 84·9
Weight (PE 3) p [kg/m] 20·6 20·4 20·4 24·0 25·5 37·4 53·1 64·0 76·0
Fire load [kWh/m] 5·6 6·9 6·9 7·5 10·6 13·1 20·0 23·8 26·3
Degree of protection IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Thermal resistance class of the insulating materials – B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1
Joule effect losses at rated current P [W/m] 100 122 205 260 300 363 455 592 790
Min./max. ambient temperature [°C] -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50

Regulations and conformity : 1 : Class F thermal resistance (155°C) available on request -

IEC EN 61439-6; DIN VDE 0660 500 and 502 +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Product suitable for Constant/Cyclic Warm, humid climates : In : rated current referred to a room temperature of 40°C
DIN IEC 68 part 2-3; DIN IEC 68 part 2-30
Degree of protection :
IP 55; IP x7 carrying lines available with accessories, on request - +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Insulation and surface treatment of the conductors :
Insulated conductors for the whole length, aluminum copper-plated and tin-plated
Busbar casing material : PE 1 PE 2 PE 3
1·5 mm galvanised steel plate, pre-painted or stainless steel Standard version Extra earth - copper Extra earth - aluminium
(available, if required, with special paint and/or with thickness 2 mm)

SCP super compact busbar – 5 conductor (copper)
technical data

n SCP technical data functional earth 140

clean earth / low noise SCP5C (3L + N + PE + FE)

FE N L1 L2 L3 PE

Copper Single bar Double bar

Rated current In [A] 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000
Casing overall dimensions L x H [mm] 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 170 140 x 170 140 x 220 140 x 380 140 x 440 140 x 480
Operating voltage Ue [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Frequency f [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Rated short-time current for three-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 45 50 60 85 88 88 170 176 176
Allowable peak current for three-phase fault Ipk [kA] 95 110 132 187 194 194 374 387 387
Rated short-time current for single-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 27 30 36 51 53 53 102 106 106
Allowable peak current for single-phase fault Ipk [kA] 57 66 79 112 116 116 224 232 232
Allowable specific energy for three-phase fault I2t [MA2s] 2025 2 500 3 600 7 225 7 744 7 744 28 900 30 976 30 976
Phase resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·039 0·030 0·030 0·022 0·018 0·014 0·011 0·009 0·007
Phase reactance (50 Hz) X [mΩ/m] 0·023 0·017 0·017 0·015 0·014 0·011 0·007 0·006 0·006
Phase impedance Z [mΩ/m] 0·045 0·035 0·035 0·027 0·023 0·018 0·013 0·011 0·009
Phase resistance at thermal conditions Rt [mΩ/m] 0·042 0·035 0·037 0·027 0·022 0·017 0·013 0·011 0·008
Phase impedance at thermal conditions Z [mΩ/m] 0·048 0·039 0·041 0·031 0·026 0·020 0·015 0·013 0·010
Neutral resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·039 0·030 0·030 0·022 0·018 0·014 0·011 0·009 0·007
Functional earthing resistance (FE) R20 [mΩ/m] 0·039 0·030 0·030 0·022 0·018 0·014 0·011 0·009 0·007
Functional earthing reactance (FE) X [mΩ/m] 0·023 0·017 0·017 0·015 0·014 0·011 0·007 0·006 0·006
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 1) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·125 0·125 0·125 0·113 0·113 0·101 0·075 0·069 0·065
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 2) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·036 0·036 0·036 0·028 0·028 0·023 0·014 0·012 0·011
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 3) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·050 0·050 0·050 0·041 0·041 0·033 0·021 0·018 0·017
Reactance of the protective conductor (50 Hz) XPE [mΩ/m] 0·054 0·054 0·054 0·044 0·044 0·032 0·022 0·017 0·016
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 1) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·072 0·059 0·062 0·045 0·038 0·029 0·023 0·019 0·015
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 2) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·061 0·051 0·054 0·039 0·033 0·026 0·019 0·016 0·013
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 3) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·064 0·054 0·056 0·041 0·035 0·027 0·020 0·017 0·013
Reactance of the fault loop (50 Hz) Xo [mΩ/m] 0·077 0·071 0·071 0·059 0·058 0·043 0·029 0·023 0·022
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 1) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·105 0·092 0·094 0·074 0·069 0·052 0·037 0·030 0·026
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 2) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·098 0·087 0·089 0·071 0·067 0·050 0·035 0·028 0·025
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 3) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·100 0·089 0·090 0·072 0·068 0·051 0·035 0·029 0·026
Zero-sequence resistance phase - N Ro [mΩ/m] 0·170 0·155 0·155 0·115 0·120 0·098 0·083 0·071 0·062
Zero-sequence reactance phase - N Xo [mΩ/m] 0·159 0·151 0·151 0·114 0·098 0·065 0·056 0·055 0·042
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - N Zo [mΩ/m] 0·233 0·216 0·216 0·162 0·155 0·118 0·100 0·090 0·075
Zero-sequence resistance phase - PE Ro [mΩ/m] 0·408 0·320 0·320 0·220 0·188 0·142 0·092 0·077 0·061
Zero-sequence reactance phase - PE Xo [mΩ/m] 0·196 0·158 0·158 0·126 0·135 0·136 0·104 0·088 0·075
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - PE Zo [mΩ/m] 0·453 0·357 0·357 0·254 0·231 0·197 0·139 0·117 0·097
cosϕ = 0·70 39·9 31·5 33·0 25·6 22·1 17·1 12·2 10·5 8·9
cosϕ = 0·75 40·7 32·2 33·9 26·1 22·4 17·4 12·4 10·8 8·9
Voltage drop factor with = 0·80 41·3 32·8 34·6 26·5 22·6 17·5 12·6 10·9 9·0
cosϕ load k [V/m/A]10-6 = 0·85 41·7 33·3 35·1 26·7 22·7 17·5 12·8 11·0 9·0
∆V = k.L.Ie.10-6 [V]
cosϕ = 0·90 41·7 33·4 35·4 26·7 22·5 17·4 12·8 11·0 8·9
cosϕ = 0·95 41·1 33·1 35·1 26·2 22·0 17·0 12·6 10·9 8·6
cosϕ = 1·00 36·7 30·0 32·2 23·3 19·1 14·7 11·2 9·8 7·3
Weight (PE 1) p [kg/m] 39·0 39·0 39·0 53·0 58·0 86·0 105·0 126·0 158·0
Weight (PE 2) p [kg/m] 41·0 41·0 41·0 55·0 60·0 83·0 111·0 134·0 174·0
Weight (PE 3) p [kg/m] 38·0 38·0 38·0 52·0 57·0 79·0 104·0 126·0 163·0
Fire load [kWh/m] 5·6 6·9 6·9 10·0 10·3 13·1 20·0 23·8 26·3
Degree of protection IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Thermal resistance class of the insulating materials – B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1
Joule effect losses at rated current P [W/m] 81 104 174 207 265 319 399 541 636
Min./max. ambient temperature [°C] -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50

Regulations and conformity : 1 : Class F thermal resistance (155°C) available on request -

IEC EN 61439-6; DIN VDE 0660 500 and 502 +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Product suitable for Constant/Cyclic Warm, humid climates : In : rated current referred to a room temperature of 40°C
DIN IEC 68 part 2-3; DIN IEC 68 part 2-30
Degree of protection :
IP 55; IP x7 carrying lines available with accessories, on request - +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Insulation and surface treatment of the conductors :
Insulated conductors for the whole length, aluminum copper-plated and tin-plated
Busbar casing material : PE 1 PE 2 PE 3
1·5 mm galvanised steel plate, pre-painted or stainless steel Standard version Extra earth - copper Extra earth - aluminium
(available, if required, with special paint and/or with thickness 2 mm)

SCP super compact busbar – double neutral (aluminium)
technical data

n Double neutral SCP2N (3L + 2N + PE) 140


2N L1 L2 L3 PE

Aluminium Single bar Double bar

Rated current In [A] 630 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000
Casing overall dimensions L x H [mm] 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 170 140 x 220 140 x 380 140 x 440 140 x 480
Operating voltage Ue [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Frequency f [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Rated short-time current for three-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 36 42 50 75 80 80 150 160 160
Allowable peak current for three-phase fault Ipk [kA] 76 88 110 165 176 176 330 352 352
Rated short-time current for single-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 22 25 30 45 48 48 90 96 96
Allowable peak current for single-phase fault Ipk [kA] 48 55 66 99 106 106 198 211 211
Rated short-time protection current (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 22 25 30 45 48 48 90 96 96
Protection circuit peak rated current Ipk [kA] 48 55 66 99 106 106 198 211 211
Allowable specific energy for three-phase fault I2t [MA2s] 1 296 1 764 2 500 5 625 6 400 6 400 22 500 25 600 25 600
Phase resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·077 0·057 0·057 0·046 0·033 0·025 0·021 0·016 0·013
Phase reactance (50 Hz) X [mΩ/m] 0·023 0·017 0·017 0·015 0·014 0·011 0·006 0·006 0·006
Phase impedance Z [mΩ/m] 0·080 0·059 0·059 0·048 0·036 0·027 0·022 0·017 0·014
Phase resistance at thermal conditions Rt [mΩ/m] 0·084 0·063 0·068 0·055 0·039 0·030 0·024 0·019 0·016
Phase impedance at thermal conditions Z [mΩ/m] 0·087 0·066 0·070 0·057 0·041 0·032 0·025 0·020 0·018
Neutral resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·039 0·029 0·029 0·023 0·017 0·013 0·011 0·008 0·007
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 1) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·121 0·121 0·121 0·121 0·110 0·098 0·074 0·068 0·064
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 2) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·035 0·035 0·035 0·035 0·028 0·023 0·014 0·012 0·011
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 3) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·050 0·050 0·050 0·050 0·040 0·033 0·020 0·018 0·017
Reactance of the protective conductor (50 Hz) XPE [mΩ/m] 0·080 0·078 0·078 0·048 0·039 0·028 0·020 0·015 0·016
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 1) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·205 0·184 0·189 0·176 0·149 0·128 0·098 0·087 0·080
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 2) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·119 0·098 0·103 0·090 0·067 0·053 0·038 0·031 0·027
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 3) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·134 0·113 0·118 0·105 0·079 0·063 0·044 0·037 0·033
Reactance of the fault loop (50 Hz) Xo [mΩ/m] 0·10 0·10 0·10 0·06 0·05 0·04 0·03 0·02 0·02
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 1) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·230 0·207 0·212 0·187 0·158 0·134 0·102 0·090 0·083
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 2) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·158 0·137 0·140 0·110 0·085 0·066 0·046 0·038 0·035
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 3) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·169 0·148 0·152 0·123 0·095 0·074 0·051 0·043 0·040
Zero-sequence resistance phase - N Ro [mΩ/m] 0·147 0·135 0·135 0·132 0·129 0·126 0·084 0·063 0·048
Zero-sequence reactance phase - N Xo [mΩ/m] 0·198 0·180 0·180 0·166 0·160 0·190 0·135 0·165 0·103
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - N Zo [mΩ/m] 0·247 0·225 0·225 0·212 0·206 0·228 0·159 0·177 0·114
Zero-sequence resistance phase - PE Ro [mΩ/m] 0·581 0·519 0·519 0·369 0·321 0·270 0·217 0·196 0·164
Zero-sequence reactance phase - PE Xo [mΩ/m] 0·263 0·229 0·229 0·191 0·175 0·212 0·155 0·148 0·146
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - PE Zo [mΩ/m] 0·638 0·567 0·567 0·416 0·366 0·343 0·267 0·246 0·220
cosϕ = 0·70 65·3 48·9 51·9 42·9 32·3 25·1 18·4 15·4 13·7
cosϕ = 0·75 67·9 50·9 54·1 44·6 33·4 25·9 19·2 16·0 14·1
Voltage drop factor with = 0·80
70·3 52·7 56·1 46·2 34·3 26·7 19·9 16·5 14·5
cosϕ load k [V/m/A]10-6 = 0·85
72·5 54·4 58·0 47·7 35·1 27·3 20·6 16·9 14·9
∆V = k.L.Ie.10-6 [V]
cosϕ = 0·90
74·3 55·8 59·6 48·9 35·7 27·7 21·2 17·3 15·1
cosϕ = 0·95 75·5 56·7 60·8 49·7 35·9 27·8 21·6 17·5 15·2
cosϕ = 1·00 72·9 54·9 59·1 48·0 33·8 26·2 21·0 16·7 14·3
Weight (PE 1) p [kg/m] 21·6 21·3 21·3 23·4 25·4 38·4 54·6 65·4 78·4
Weight (PE 2) p [kg/m] 23·0 22·8 22·8 26·4 28·6 41·4 60·1 72·1 84·9
Weight (PE 3) p [kg/m] 20·6 20·4 20·4 24·0 25·5 37·4 53·1 64·0 76·0
Fire load [kWh/m] 5·6 6·9 6·9 7·5 10·6 13·1 20·0 23·8 26·3
Degree of protection IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Thermal resistance class of the insulating materials – B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1
Joule effect losses at rated current P [W/m] 100 122 205 260 300 363 455 592 790
Min./max. ambient temperature [°C] -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50

Regulations and conformity : 1 : Class F thermal resistance (155°C) available on request -

IEC/EN 61439-6; DIN VDE 0660 500 and 502 +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Product suitable for Constant/Cyclic Warm, humid climates : In : rated current referred to a room temperature of 40°C
DIN IEC 68 part 2-3; DIN IEC 68 part 2-30
Degree of protection :
IP 55; IP x7 carrying lines available with accessories, on request - +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Insulation and surface treatment of the conductors :
Insulated conductors for the whole length, aluminum copper-plated and tin-plated
Busbar casing material : PE 1 PE 2 PE 3
1·5 mm galvanised steel plate, pre-painted or stainless steel Standard version Extra earth - copper Extra earth - aluminium
(available, if required, with special paint and/or with thickness 2 mm)

SCP super compact busbar – double neutral (copper)
technical data

n Double neutral SCP2N (3L + 2N + PE) 140


2N L1 L2 L3 PE

Copper Single bar Double bar

Rated current In [A] 800 1 000 1 250 1 600 2 000 2 500 3 200 4 000 5 000
Casing overall dimensions L x H [mm] 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 130 140 x 170 140 x 170 140 x 220 140 x 380 140 x 440 140 x 480
Operating voltage Ue [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Frequency f [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Rated short-time current for three-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 45 50 60 85 88 88 170 176 176
Allowable peak current for three-phase fault Ipk [kA] 95 110 132 187 194 194 374 387 387
Rated short-time current for single-phase fault (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 27 30 36 51 53 53 102 106 106
Allowable peak current for single-phase fault Ipk [kA] 57 66 79 112 116 116 224 232 232
Rated short-time protection current (1 s) Icw [kA]rms 27 30 36 51 53 53 102 106 106
Protection circuit peak rated current Ipk [kA] 57 66 79 112 116 116 224 232 232
Allowable specific energy for three-phase fault I2t [MA2s] 2 025 2 500 3 600 7 225 7 744 7 744 28 900 30 976 30 976
Phase resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·039 0·030 0·030 0·022 0·018 0·014 0·011 0·009 0·007
Phase reactance (50 Hz) X [mΩ/m] 0·023 0·017 0·017 0·015 0·014 0·011 0·007 0·006 0·006
Phase impedance Z [mΩ/m] 0·045 0·035 0·035 0·027 0·023 0·018 0·013 0·011 0·009
Phase resistance at thermal conditions Rt [mΩ/m] 0·042 0·035 0·037 0·027 0·022 0·017 0·013 0·011 0·008
Phase impedance at thermal conditions Z [mΩ/m] 0·048 0·039 0·041 0·031 0·026 0·020 0·015 0·013 0·010
Neutral resistance R20 [mΩ/m] 0·020 0·015 0·015 0·011 0·009 0·007 0·006 0·005 0·003
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 1) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·125 0·125 0·125 0·113 0·113 0·101 0·075 0·069 0·065
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 2) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·036 0·036 0·036 0·028 0·028 0·023 0·014 0·012 0·011
Resistance of the protective conductor (PE type 3) RPE [mΩ/m] 0·050 0·050 0·050 0·041 0·041 0·033 0·021 0·018 0·017
Reactance of the protective conductor (50 Hz) XPE [mΩ/m] 0·054 0·054 0·054 0·044 0·044 0·032 0·022 0·017 0·016
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 1) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·167 0·160 0·162 0·140 0·135 0·118 0·088 0·080 0·073
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 2) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·078 0·071 0·073 0·055 0·050 0·040 0·027 0·023 0·019
Resistance of the fault loop (PE 3) Ro [mΩ/m] 0·092 0·085 0·087 0·068 0·063 0·050 0·034 0·029 0·025
Reactance of the fault loop (50 Hz) Xo [mΩ/m] 0·077 0·071 0·071 0·059 0·058 0·043 0·029 0·023 0·022
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 1) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·184 0·175 0·177 0·152 0·147 0·126 0·093 0·083 0·077
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 2) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·110 0·100 0·102 0·081 0·077 0·059 0·040 0·033 0·029
Impedance of the fault loop (PE 3) Zo [mΩ/m] 0·120 0·110 0·112 0·090 0·086 0·066 0·045 0·037 0·034
Zero-sequence resistance phase - N Ro [mΩ/m] 0·128 0·125 0·125 0·121 0·117 0·094 0·088 0·065 0·046
Zero-sequence reactance phase - N Xo [mΩ/m] 0·184 0·152 0·152 0·143 0·127 0·122 0·078 0·076 0·073
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - N Zo [mΩ/m] 0·224 0·197 0·197 0·187 0·173 0·154 0·118 0·100 0·086
Zero-sequence resistance phase - PE Ro [mΩ/m] 0·507 0·429 0·429 0·331 0·283 0·221 0·177 0·178 0·144
Zero-sequence reactance phase - PE Xo [mΩ/m] 0·201 0·177 0·177 0·143 0·150 0·124 0·111 0·094 0·086
Zero-sequence Impedance phase - PE Zo [mΩ/m] 0·545 0·464 0·464 0·361 0·320 0·253 0·209 0·201 0·168
cosϕ = 0·70 39·9 31·5 33·0 25·6 22·1 17·1 12·2 10·5 8·9
cosϕ = 0·75 40·7 32·2 33·9 26·1 22·4 17·4 12·4 10·8 8·9
Voltage drop factor with = 0·80 41·3 32·8 34·6 26·5 22·6 17·5 12·6 10·9 9·0
cosϕ load k [V/m/A]10-6 = 0·85 41·7 33·3 35·1 26·7 22·7 17·5 12·8 11·0 9·0
∆V = k.L.Ie.10-6 [V]
cosϕ = 0·90 41·7 33·4 35·4 26·7 22·5 17·4 12·8 11·0 8·9
cosϕ = 0·95 41·1 33·1 35·1 26·2 22·0 17·0 12·6 10·9 8·6
cosϕ = 1·00 36·7 30·0 32·2 23·3 19·1 14·7 11·2 9·8 7·3
Weight (PE 1) p [kg/m] 39·0 39·0 39·0 53·0 58·0 86·0 105·0 126·0 158·0
Weight (PE 2) p [kg/m] 41·0 41·0 41·0 55·0 60·0 83·0 111·0 134·0 174·0
Weight (PE 3) p [kg/m] 38·0 38·0 38·0 52·0 57·0 79·0 104·0 126·0 163·0
Fire load [kWh/m] 5·6 6·9 6·9 10·0 10·3 13·1 20·0 23·8 26·3
Degree of protection IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Thermal resistance class of the insulating materials – B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1 B/F1
Joule effect losses at rated current P [W/m] 81 104 174 207 265 319 399 541 636
Min./max. ambient temperature [°C] -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50 -5/50

Regulations and conformity : 1 : Class F thermal resistance (155°C) available on request -

IEC EN 61439-6; DIN VDE 0660 500 and 502 +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Product suitable for Constant/Cyclic Warm, humid climates : In : rated current referred to a room temperature of 40°C
DIN IEC 68 part 2-3; DIN IEC 68 part 2-30
Degree of protection :
IP 55; IP x7 carrying lines available with accessories, on request - +44 (0) 370 608 9020
Insulation and surface treatment of the conductors :
Insulated conductors for the whole length, aluminum copper-plated and tin-plated
Busbar casing material : PE 1 PE 2 PE 3
1·5 mm galvanised steel plate, pre-painted or stainless steel Standard version Extra earth - copper Extra earth - aluminium
(available, if required, with special paint and/or with thickness 2 mm)


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