Trends in The Advertising Industry

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Trends in the Advertising Industry

QR codes are just one way small businesses can capitalize on new trends in

Advertising trends have evolved from the quintessentially traditional print ads and
TV spots to new marketing strategies that include QR codes, co-branding, content
marketing and online advertising. While print and TV are steadfast in the ad
industry, new technology is opening new avenues to reach consumers. For
businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve with interactive advertising, these
trends can do just the trick.

QR Codes
A QR code, or a “quick response” code, is a two-dimensional symbol akin to the
UPC (Universal Product Code, or “bar code”). A QR code elicits a digital action
when scanned by a QR code reader. In advertising, it has gained traction as an
interactive tool in which consumers can scan the code to retrieve additional
information about the product or promotion. When scanned by a smartphone, a QR
code can initiate several actions, such as opening a website, making a phone call or
sending an SMS message. Make a free QR code online using the QR Code
Generator (see Resources) and place the symbol on your company’s business
cards, brochures, coupons, print ads and even TV spots.

Co-branding is a joint venture that combines the advertising efforts of two or more
brands to create a new consumer product. Recent examples of co-branding include
Isaac Mizrahi and Target, Crest Plus Scope, Ford F150 trucks and Harley
Davidson motorcycles, and Apple and Nike. These brands have worked together to
create new consumer products that elevate brand awareness while creating
heightened consumer interest in newly launched products. Small businesses can
take a cue from national brands by launching a co-branded ad campaign with
another recognized, locally-owned company. For example, a car service center can
partner with a detail shop to create mutual coupons for use at both businesses. This
maximizes the use of advertising dollars while simultaneously creating a stronger
promotion for the consumer.

Content Marketing
Content marketing is a term that began gaining popularity around 2003 with the
birth of social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Content marketing
includes advertorials (newspaper or magazine articles that are written editorially to
promote your product), blogs or any other kind of content that is published on the
web for promotional purposes. As a form of advertising, content marketing is
effective at creating awareness when it comes to brand storytelling. Since the rise
of social media, content marketing has strengthened connections between
consumers and brands while creating a new advertising vehicle. Small businesses
can capitalize on the power of content marketing by running advertorials or hosting
a blog on their Web site.

Online Advertising
Consumers use the web to find many things, including businesses and brands.
When it comes to capitalizing on reaching consumers, advertisers are using tools
such as Google AdWords to create online advertising campaigns. AdWords is a
Google product that allows small businesses to create online advertisements with
keyword and budget parameters to target their primary customers. Other trends in
online advertising include marketing efforts such as search engine optimization
(SEO – the process of using keywords to get a website to rank higher in results as
opposed to using AdWords); social media; mobile devices such as iPads and other
handhelds; display ads; and website banner ads.

1. Quality – One of the primary reasons consumers choose to buy a product is

that they know it works. Whether they have come to know the product
through household use or demonstration advertising they have seen the
results and purchase that brand for the known quality. In order to produce a
product of quality a company must utilize state of the art formulation
services to devise the product’s formula. Method Development and
Validation are also necessary to ensure that the manufacturing processes are
consistent and continually producing a top-notch product.

2. Claims – Consumers also place high value on a product’s marketing

claims. Everything from “fragrance free” and “all-natural” to “cleans in less
than 3 minutes” all are valuable information that can trigger a purchase from
someone searching for a product that meets their specific priorities and
needs. False claims, however can quickly diminish brand loyalty. In order to
make the best claims on the market companies should pursue an independent
laboratory to certify product claims and confirm product efficacy.

3. Innovation – Sometimes the product that their grandmother used will be

perfectly fine for generations of consumers, but more often everyone is
looking for the next best thing. Innovation is paramount in keep an
audience’s attention and generating new customers. Innovation is also one of
the hardest aspects for companies to personally implement as it requires
product knowledge on a fundamental level. Companies looking to keep their
products fresh use custom analytical laboratories to revise and improve
current formulas through reformulation, as well as create next-gen products.
Such laboratories use analytical chemistry to create products that have an
increased efficacy, improved look, longer shelf-life and other desired
4. Safety – Whether a product is “all-natural” or “highly-flammable” safety
testing and labeling is vital in ensuring consumer safety and brand trust.
Specialized analytical laboratories provide verification studies to confirm
claims as well as stability testing to push products to their breaking point
and pinpoint any potential hazards. They also provide reformulation services
for products needing formulation revision and failure analysis services to
discover manufacturing defects as in the case of product recalls.

5. Competitor Comparison – While the other attributes on this list focus

on consumers wanting their purchased products to be effective and
trustworthy, none of that will matter if a competitor’s product is best in
every way. Competitor product analysis provides valuable insight into
marketing claims and determines why the competing product is more
effective, brighter, stronger, longer-lasting and many other aspects so that it
can be reformulated to achieve the desired results.

Measures of advertising effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of advertising programme in the limited market area is
one of the important task of the advertising manager. If different media and
different advertisements are used in different markets, the effectiveness of the
different media and advertisement can be evaluated. These measures will help the
manager to adjust the budget to obtain the most effective media scheduling.

 Evaluating individual advertising messages in order to assess their relative

 Evaluating the achievement of awareness-and-attitude objectives;
 Evaluating the impact of advertisement as reflected in the sales reports.

Kinds of tests to measure effectiveness of advertising


In order to be effective, an advertisement must gain exposure, i.e., how many

consumers have seen or heard about the message. Without exposure, advertising is
doomed to failure. Whether the media used has exposed the idea can be found out
by: Examining its circulation or audience data (i.e., number of print copies sold,
persons passing billboards or riding in city buses, persons living in radio-listening
area, etc.); or

Conducting readership or “listenership” surveys.


Advertisement cannot be effective unless they get the attention of target

consumers. This attention getting response can be obtained by asking consumers to
indicate the degree to which they recognize or recall each advertisement. Various
mechanical devices provide indices of attention.


Consumers utilize advertisements as a means of obtaining information. They

cannot be informed unless they comprehend the message. Marketers use various
tests of comprehension, such as recall tests, i.e., consumers will recall what they
comprehend. They may also ask consumers how much they comprehend of a
message they recently heard or viewed.

Attitude Change

Attitudes towards the product or organization, both before and after the appearance
of an advertisement, are measured by measuring instruments which normally
contains 15 to 20 sales.


Advertising aims at stimulating action or behavior. The intention can be measured

by instruments, and the answers to certain questions may be analyzed to find out
the future trends in purchasing.

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