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Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Aluminium 6061 Based Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites

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Mechanical and tribological properties of aluminium 6061 based hybrid metal matrix composites

Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) and Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites (HMMCs) have
emerged as advanced materials for several prospective applications. As they have high
specific strength and stiffness, superior wear and seizure resistance, they are used in
automotive, aircraft and other engineering industries. The reinforcement materials in
aluminium alloys improve the mechanical and wear properties irrespective of load and
speed. Aluminium alloys are widely used in automobile industries, ship yard and aerospace
applications due to their mechanical properties, low density, low co-efficient of thermal
expansion, better corrosion resistance and wear as compared with conventional metals and
The low production cost and better mechanical properties of composites makes them very
useful for various applications in many areas from technological point of view. The aim
involved in designing aluminium based metal matrix composite by combining different
percentage of particulates in the mixture. Present study is focused on the fabrication of
copper based aluminium metal matrix composites reinforced with boron carbide, graphite by
stir casting method to determine hardness, impact, compression and tensile strength of metal
matrix composites will be performed on the samples obtained by stir casting method.


Composite material is a combination of two or more constituent materials with significantly
different physical or chemical properties that when combined produce a material with
characteristics different from the individual components. The individual components remain
separate and distinct within the finished structure, differentiating composites from
mixtures and solid solutions.
The main advantage of the composites is to make stronger, lighter and less expensive when
compared to traditional materials.
In order to form composites by combining different reinforcements, this is done by casting.
Composites generally improve the property of base metal by adding reinforcements. The range
of composites is wide in modern manufacturing technologies.

Department of Mechanical, MCE, HassanPage 1

Their applications are wide in different areas such as constructions, aerospace, manufacturing of
automotive parts and also have very good range of applications in different temperature ranges.
Unlike the convectional materials, composites can have multiple properties not often found in
single materials. Composites also provide design flexibility because many of them can be
molded into complex shapes. The downside is often the cost although the resulting cost is more
efficient. The raw materials are often expensive.



Polymer metal matrix composites Metal matrix composites

2 Ceramic matrix
3 composites

Thermosets composites cements

Alloys( aluminium ,steel)

Thermosetting plastics composites


Fig1.2 classification of composites.


 Polymer matrix composites(PMC`s).
 Metal matrix composites(MMC`s).
 Ceramic matrix composites(CMC`s).
 Polymer Matrix Composite (PMC`S):

A polymer matrix composite (PMC) is a composite material composed of a variety of

short or continuous fibers bound together by an organic polymer matrix. PMC`s are designed to
transfer loads between fibers of a matrix. They are very popular due to their low cost and simple
fabrication methods.

Based on the polymer matrix composites it can be classified,

 Thermoset composites
 Thermosetting plastic composites.

 Metal Matrix Composites (MMC`s):

Metal Matrix Composites consist of fibers or particles surrounded by a metallic matrix.

Most metals and alloys can be used as matrices and they require reinforcement materials to be
stable over a range of temperature and should be non-reactive too. Processing of a metal-matrix
composite tend to be much more expensive than that of a polymer-matrix composite due to the
high processing temperature required.

 Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC`s)

Ceramic matrix composites are a subgroup of composite materials as well as a subgroup

of ceramics. This consist of ceramic embedded in ceramic matrix. These materials are those in
which one or more distinct ceramic phases are intentionally added to another, in order to enhance
some property that is not possessed by the Monolithic ceramic materials. Ceramics can be
describes as solid materials which exhibit very strong ionic bonding in general and in few cases
covalent bonding.


 Particulate composites
 Fibrous composites
 Laminar composites
Reinforcing Material Structure

Particulate composites Fibrous composites Laminar composites

Large Particle and Continuous Fibers and Laminates

Dispersoids Discontinue Fibers and Sandwich Panels

Fig. 1.22: Classification of Composite Material based on Reinforcement Material.

 Particulate composites:

Particulate Composites consist of a matrix reinforced by a dispersed phase in form of

particles. They are generally used to enhance performance at high temperature. They are not very
fracture resistance unlike fibrous composites. Particles tend to increase the stiffness of material
but do not have so much influence on composites strength.

 Fibrous Composites:

They have fibers of reinforcing materials suspended in binding matrix. Unlike

particles, a fiber has high length to diameter ratio and further its diameter may be close to its
crystal size. These reinforcing phases may have random orientation where they are randomly
distributed in all direction or may have preferred orientation where these are aligned to a specific
direction. On the basis of fiber length, they can be further classified as, Short-fiber reinforced
composites and Long-fiber reinforced composites.

 Laminar composites:

A laminar composite is composed of several two dimensional sheets/layers with

different fiber orientations cemented together. These composites has relatively high strength in a
number of directions in the two dimensional plane.
There are wide range of metals one can choose to use as the matrix of a MMC. Some important
metallic matrices and their properties are given below.

 Aluminium alloys:

Aluminium alloys are alloys in which aluminium(Al) is the predominant metal. An alloy
is a chemical composition where other materials added to pure Al to enhance its properties. Al
alloys are used mainly in the aerospace industry because of their low density and high strength,
toughness and resistance to corrosion. To improve the strength of Al and its alloys without a loss
in ductility, ceramic particles can be added forming a composite material.

 Copper alloys:

Copper alloys are metal alloys that have copper has principal component. Copper has a
FCC (Face Cubic Center) crystal structure. It is used as an electrical conductor and has good
thermal conductivity. It can be easily cast and worked. It can be used in Devices, Copper plate,
Copper pipes, Heat sinks etc..

 Titanium alloys

Titanium alloys are alloys contain a mixture of of titanium and other chemical elements.
They are light in weight, have extraordinary corrosion resistance and the ability to with stand
extreme temperature. Ti alloys are also used in the aerospace industry due to their low density.
They retain strength to high temperatures and they have good oxidation and Corrosion resistance.
However it is an expensive material.

 Magnesium Alloys:
Magnesium and its alloys are also light materials. Among others its density is the
lowest. Magnesium castings are used in aircraft, gear housings, and electronic equipments.

 Super alloy matrix:

They are often cast as a single crystal while gain boundaries may provide strength at
low temperatures.
1.31 Aluminium metal matrix composites(A-MMC):

Aluminium Matrix Composite (AMC) is widely regarded as good matrix material because of its
abundant resources in earth’s crust reinforcement materials such as SiC, Graphite and Al2O3are
used in the forms of Particulates.

Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite (A-MMC) has emerged as promising material having
enormous space and avionics scopes, substituting existing aerospace components. These are
potential materials for various applications due to their good physical and mechanical properties.

1.32 Hybrid composites:

A Hybrid composites are more advanced composites as compared to connectional FRP

composites. Hybrid composites can have more than one reinforcing phase and a single matrix
phase with multiple matrix phase. They have better flexibility as compared to other reinforced
composites and mechanical properties of a hybrid composite can be varied by changing the
volume ratio and stacking sequence of different piles.

Hybrid metal matrix composites (H-MMC) is the one where more than one reinforcement is
used in order to increase the base material properties. Depending upon the type, size and
morphology of reinforcement particles, A-MMCs are manufactured by different processes such
as squeeze casting, stir casting, powder metallurgy.


 1xxx series alloys:

These are the alloys which are non treatable with ultimate tensile strength of 10 to 27 ksi. -
This series is often referred to as pure aluminium series because it is required to have 99%
minimum aluminium they are weldable these alloys have relatively poor mechanical properties.

 2xxx series alloys:

These are the alloys which are treatable with ultimate tensile strength of 27 to 62 ksi.
Copper are used as the principle alloying element and can be heat treatable. They have an
excellent strength over a wide range of temperature. These can be heat treated to obtain high
strength and toughness, but lower ductility, less corrosion resistant and are lighter in weight.
Therefore these alloys are usually painted for such exposures.

 3xxx series alloys:

These are the which are non-heat treatable with ultimate tensile strength of 16 to 41ksi.
These are the aluminium/manganese alloys and are of moderate strength, have good corrosion
resistance, good formability and are suited for use at elevated temperatures.

 4xxx series alloys:

These are the alloys which can be both heat treatable and also non heat treatable with
ultimate tensile strength of 25 to 55 ksi. These are the aluminium/silicon alloys

 5xxx series alloys:

These are the alloys which are non heat treatable with ultimate tensile strength of 18 to 51
ksi. These are the aluminium/magnesium alloys. This alloys series is readily weldable and for
these reasons they are used for the wide variety of applications.

 6xxx Series Alloys:

These are the alloys which are heat treatable with ultimate tensile strength of 18 to 58 ksi.
These are the aluminium/magnesium-silicon alloys and are found widely throughout the welding
fabrication industry and incorporated in many structural components.

 7xxx Series Alloys:

These series are commercial aluminium alloys offer higher strengths.These are the
aluminium/zinc alloys and comprise some of the highest strength aluminum alloys. These alloys
are often used in high performance applications.


6061 aluminum plate is one of the most versatile of the heat-treatable alloys. An Aluminium
Al-6061 series alloy is chosen because of its properties which include structural strength,
toughness, good surface finish, good corrosion resistance and easily weldable. Alloy 6061 set the
standard for a medium to high strength light weight economical material.
Aluminum matrix composite due to their high strength to weight ratio, low cost and high wear
resistance they are widely manufactured and used in structural applications along with aerospace
and automobile industry. Also, a simple and cost-efficient method for manufacturing of the
composites is essential for expanding their application.


Reinforcing constituents in composites as the word it indicates provide the strength that makes
the composite what it is. But also serve additional purposes of heat resistance or conduction,
resistance to corrosion and provide rigidity.

The reinforcement material is embedded into a matrix and it is key elements in a matrix because
by adding reinforcements to the parent material it improves the properties of the matrix materials
and also reinforcement does not always serve a purely structural task (reinforcing the

Reinforcement can be used either continuous or may be discontinuous it depends upon the
selection of base metal. Particulate is most commonly Graphite or B4C but others such as TiB2,
Al2O3, SiO2, etc., has been investigated. For Structural applications, reinforcement particle size
in diameter is in the range of 10–30 microns and about 10–30% volume percent of particles is
used. Never the less MMC’s in which these values are outside these ranges are also used and
available commercially.


1. Possible to achieve combinations of properties not attainable with metals, ceramics,

polymers alone.

2. Ratios of strength to weight and stiffness to weight are greater than steel or Al.

3. Improved dent resistance is normally achieved. Composite panels do not sustain damage as
easily as thin gauge sheet metals.

4. High resistance to fatigue and corrosion degradation.

5. Due to greater reliability, there are fewer inspections and structural repairs.
6. Fabrication and production is cheaper.

1. High cost of raw materials and fabrication.

2. Mechanical characterization of structure is complicated.

3. Composites are more brittle than wrought metals and thus are more easily damaged.

4. Repair of composites is not simple due to complicated structures.

5. Reuse and disposal may be difficult.

6. Flaws or cracks can go undetected.


1. Structural applications- Structural application refer to the application require mechanical

performance eg. Strength and vibration damping ability, In the material which may or may
not bear the load in the structure. In cases where the material bears the load the mechanical
property requirements are particularly straighten.
2. In Automotives – Composites are being considered to make low weight, safer and more fuel-
efficient vehicles.
3. In Aerospace – Approximately 50% components of aerospace is made from composites. The
primary benefits that composite components are reduced weight and assembly simplification.
4. In Medical – A composite is a non-viable material used in a medical device and intended to
interact with biological system.
5. In Sports – Composite materials are used in sports equipment because they offer ease of
transport, resistance, low weight, low maintenance and durability.


1) Stir Casting is a primary process of composite production in which continous stiring of
molten base metal is done followed by introduction of reinforcements.
2) Stir-casting is the simplest and most commercial method of production of MMCs. The stir
casting technique was used to fabricate the composite specimen as it ensures a more uniform
distribution of the reinforcing particles.
3) Reinforcement that are used in this casting are distributed homogenously because of stirrer
used. Stir casting is a liquid state method for the fabrication of composite materials, in which
a dispersed phase is mixed with a molten matrix metal by means of mechanical stirring. In
conventional Stir casting method, several factors that need to be considered including:
 Difficulty in uniform distribution of the reinforcement materials.
 Wettability between the two main substances.
 Porosity in the cast MMCs.
 Chemical reactions between reinforcement material and the matrix alloy.

Fig. 1.3: Stir Casting Process

In stir casting method, reinforced particulate is mixed into the aluminum melt by mechanical
stirring. Mechanical stirring is the most important element of this process. After this process, the
molten metal is directly transferred to a shaped mould prior to complete solidification.
Distribution of reinforcement depends on geometry of the stirrer, melt temperature and position
of the stirrer in the melt.
Some of the process parameters are:
 Stirring speed
 Stirring time
 Stirring temperature
 Reinforcement preheat temperature
 Preheated temperature of the mould
 Power feed rate.

Advantages of this casting are that it is simple, flexible, economical and suitable for mass
production. Also, we can obtain good matrix-reinforcement interface. This process can be
done if sufficient wetting of particles is obtained by liquid metal and to get a homogeneous
dispersion of the particulates.
Various advantages of Stir casting are:

 Simplicity and flexibility.

 Aplicability to large quantity.
 Near net shaping.
 Lower cost of processing.
 Easier control of matrix structure.
In order to know the recent trend at development in the material as well as the design of metal
matrix composites and to identify the problem for the project work to be carried out, the
following literature survey is made and is discussed in brief below.

1. Ibrahim Sabry(2020) :Has investigated the improvement in the mechanical properties of

composites is always an essential requirement for technological development. In this work,
hybrid aluminum matrix composites fabricated using the stir casting technique. Silicon
carbide and graphite used as reinforcement to improve the mechanical properties. Mechanical
properties of fabricated AMCs are evaluated and compared with Al6061 alloy. The results
discovered that the tensile strength and hardness increased from 490 to 710 MPa and 65VHN
to 85VHN respectively with the addition of silicon carbide and graphite particles.

2. Ashish kumar(2020): This article mainly focuses on development, characterization and

tribological performance of aluminium alloy matrix based hybrid composite strengthening
with silicon carbide and Graphite particles. The investigation is carry forward step by step
starts with development of hybrid composite, study all the properties to insure its utility in
automobile sector possible specially for cylinder blocks, pistons etc. All these are the areas
where sliding wear plays a predominant role. Hence Investigation has been done on sliding
wear characteristics of this composite developed by mechanical agitation casting route i.e.
aluminium alloy strengthened by 3 wt% and 6 wt% of silicon carbide addition with constant
2 wt% graphite particles.

3. Pratibha kumara(2018): This paper investigates about metal matrix composites

(MMCs) have significantly improved properties such as high specific strength, specific
modulus, damping capacity and high wear resistance compared to other reinforced alloys. In
the present work graphite and aluminium Al-6061 is used as predominant materials. The
present research has been focused on the utilization of large quantity available of graphite in
useful manner by dispersing it into Aluminum to produce composites by stir casting method.
In current work, the casting of three designed composites is being done. In this study,
Graphite is reinforced on Aluminum. Fabrication is done by the use of stir casting method.
Further, different mechanical testing like vicker Hardness test, Brinell hardness test and
Tensile test on Programmable UTM were performed. On the basis of the change in results of
mechanical testing, different conclusions were made.

4. B.Pavithran(2017):In the present work, efforts has been made to develop Aluminium
based HMMC with Silicon Carbide Particulates (50µm) and Graphite Powder (60µm) as
Particulate reinforcement using Stir – Casting Furnace by Proper Selection of Operating
Parameters for achieving enhanced properties. Hardness, Tensile strength, Compressive
strength and toughness are tested as per ASTM standards. Wear test has been carried out with
Pin on Disc dry sliding test rig with sliding velocity of 2 m/s and 4m/s under load of 30N and
50N.Wear test indicate better wear resistant properties of the composite as the percentage of
reinforcement increases. It is found that addition of SiC and Gr reinforcements have
enhanced the properties of the base aluminium.

5. Parashuram M. sonawane(2013): This paper presents an overview of stir casting

process, process parameter, & preparation of AMC material by using aluminium as matrix
form and SiC, Al2O3, graphite as reinforcement by varying proportion. Stir casting process
is mainly used for manufacturing of particulate reinforced metal matrix composite (PMMC).
Manufacturing of aluminum alloy based casting composite by stir casting is one of the most
economical method of processing MMC. Properties of these materials depend upon many
processing parameters and selection of matrix and reinforcements. The basic reason of metals
reinforced with hard ceramic particles or fibers are improved properties than its original
material like strength, stiffness etc.

6. Avinash Bhat(2019):Composite materials have the capability of being customised to

provide specific mechanical and tribological properties. This paper presents the manufacture
of a novel composite of Al6061 with 5% SiC (50 mm size) by the stir casting method.
Experimental investigations of mechanical and tribological properties of SiC and Gr
reinforced Al6061 are discussed. Investigations with a Rockwell hardness tester revealed that
this composite had enhanced hardness. Wear characteristics were investigated for Al6061.
The effect of crucial parameters such as load and RPM on the wear of the novel composite
were presented with sensitivity analysis. The results obtained are encouraging, showing the
novel composite having a lower wear rate.

7. Jaswinder Singh(2016): Improvement in surface properties and retainment of bulk

properties are essential requirements for the design of components for wear resistance
applications. This paper summarizes various features of Al/SiC/Gr hybrid composites that
can be employed in different tribological applications. The study has revealed that the
processing route plays a significant role in obtaining a homogeneous structure of these
composites. Hence the results were obtained.

8. Elango M.(2019):The objective of this work is to investigate the effect of graphite addition
to Al/SiC composites manufactured by stir casting process. The reinforcement content of
graphite was varied from 2.5 wt. % to 7.5 wt. %, for preparing three types of hybrid
composites. Al/SiC/Gr hybrid composites prepared by stir casting method have uniform
dispersion of SiC and Gr particle reinforcement.

9. Niranjan K N(2017): The hybrid metal matrix composite (HMMCs) materials are prepared
by using stir casting technique. Development of Al6061alloy based metal matrix Hybrid
composite reinforced with 6wt% of SiC and varying steps of graphite by 3wt%, 6wt%, and
9wt%. Experimental study was carried out to investigate the mechanical properties such as
hardness, tensile strength, compression strength. As a result hardness decreases with the
increase in the percentage of Gr, tensile strength and compression strength increases with the
increase in Gr particulates with the influence of SiC particles.

10.Ashok kumar mishra et.al(2012): The overview of this paper is that The wear
and frictional properties of the metal matrix composites was studied by performing dry
sliding wear test using a pin-on-disc wear tester. Hence elevated the behavior of Al-
6061/SiC.It is reported that mesh size of Sic influences the co efficient of wear rate.

 Recent developments in material technology help to find and fabricate new materials which
may replace existing materials on various applications. In view of above literature, it is found
that still scope for further development of the Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites for enhanced
mechanical and high temperature properties.
 Automobile, mineral processing industries, aerospace industries etc. extensively uses
aluminum and its alloys because of their enhanced mechanical properties like stiffness, low
density, and specific strength.
 But these Al alloys are not rich in Mechanical properties at elevated temperature so that for
further improvements of the alloy, ceramic particulates like Silicon carbide and Graphite
have been incorporated into Aluminum matrix so as to increase: stiffness, tensile,
compressive strength and other properties.
 This work aims at studying mechanical properties like hardness, tensile and compressive
strength of Aluminium 6061 and A6061+SiC+Gr MMCs.


 Development of the Aluminium Al-6061 hybrid Metal matrix (HMMC) by varying the
weight fractions of silicon carbide (SiC) and graphite particulate reinforcement.
 Study the hardness, tensile test and compression test of hybrid composite for varying
temperature range (as mechanical properties).
 Study the impact test and wear behavior of aluminium and its hybrid composites (as
tribological properties).
The various stages are involved in achieving the required objective are as follows:

1) Identifying the application.

2) The matrix material used for MMCs in this study is aluminum alloy (6061) . This alloy is
best suited for lightweight metal castings. 6061 has abundant benefits like formability,
corrosion resistance weld ability and low cost.
3) Al6061 alloy is chosen as base matrix reinforcement is done with graphite (Gr) and silicon
carbide (SiC).
4) Development of metal matrix composites is done by using stir casting set up.
5) The mould is prepared and liquid molten metal is poured into the cast prepared and they were
machined to the required machining standards.
6) Preparation of specimens according to the ASTM standards is done, Where ASTM stands for
American Soceity for Testing and Materials.
7) The hybrid composites which is prepared with Al6061 as base metal and reinforcements
added by stir casting technique.
8) In the present work mechanical and tribological properties of aluminium alloy 6061
enhanced by adding graphite powder and silicon carbide by stir casting method.
9) Some of testing are done to know the mechanical and tribological properties of the prepared
 Mechanical testing:-The mechanical testing is done to get the tensile and compression
strengths as well as hardness testing to get mechanical properties.
 The mechanical testing like tensile test (for varying temperature range) and
compression test are conducted on UTM which is universal testing machine.
 Hardness testing on brinells hardness test (BHN).
 Along with these wear test and impact tests also conducted in order to get tribological

Analysis of obtained results were recorded and conclusions were made.

Material selection

Development of A-MMC by stir


Preparation of speciemens using


Hardness, Compression test and

Tensile test

Impact test and Wear test

Analysis of obtained result


Fig 3.3 flow chart of methodology



 The base metal chosen as aluminium Al-6061 which is heat precipitation-hardened

aluminum alloy containing magnesium and silicon as its major alloying elements.
 The reinforcement is chosen as silicon carbide (SiC) and graphite (Gr).
 Silicon carbide (SiC) provides the attractive strengthening agent for aluminium
based composite alloys.
 Graphite (Gr) provides higher strength and better chemical stability at elevated
temperature as well as it has Self-lubricating property.
 With the base metal as aluminium Al-6061 the composite is fabricated with 0%, 2%, 4%,
6% volume of particulate reinforcements.


1) Aluminium Al-6061
2) Silicon Carbide (SiC)
3) Graphite (Gr)

4.2 Aluminium Al-6061:

Fig 4.2 Aluminium 6061billets used for preparation of

hybrid composite
Aluminum is the third richest component after oxygen and silicon. The matrix material selected
for the present investigation was based on the Al-Mg-Si and it is designated by American
association as Al-6061. This alloy is chosen as alloying element because of its extricable in
character, reveals reasonable excellence and surpassingly corrosion resistance. They have been
contemplated broadly in view of their mechanical significance and due to precipitation hardening
it as got their excellent increment in quality. Usually it is purchased in the form of blanks and
used for casting.. Features of AL-6061 is,

 Good Machinability and weldability.

 Impermeable and odorless.
 It has medium fatigue strength

4.21 Chemical Composition of Al-6061:

Table 4.21 Chemical composition of Al-6061 series

Aluminium Silicon Iron Copper Manganese Magnesium Chromium Zinc Titanium Aluminium
Al-6061 (Si) (Fe) (Cu) (Mn) (Mg) (Cr) (Zn) (Ti) (Al)

Composition 0.4 0.7 0.15 0.8 0.9 0.4 0.25 0.15 96.25
in %

4.22 Properties of aluminium Al-6061:

Table 4.22 Properties of aluminium Al-6061

Sl.no Properties values

1 Density 2.7g/cm3
2 Modulus of elasticity 10000
3 Poisson’s Ratio 0.33
4 Rockwell Hardness 40
5 Melting Point 5850 C
6 Crystal strcuture FCC

Fig 4.3 Silicon carbide (SiC) powder

Silicon carbide (SiC) can be utilized as reinforcement in the form of particulates, whiskers or
fibers to enhance the properties of the composite Silicon carbide is commonly called as
carborundum, is a compound silicon and carbon. . SiC certainly improves the overall strength of
the composite along with corrosion and wear resistance. The wear resistance of carbides is very
high, therefore the wear resistance of the composite material obtained is high. Also, the hardness
of the composites will increase. SiC is very hard as compared with Aluminum metals. The
addition of SiC will increase the stiffness of the material. But at the same time care must be
taken about the content of SiC in material as they will cause grain boundaries embrittlement and
crack formations.

4.31 Properties of Silicon carbide (SiC):

Table 4.31 Properties of Sic reinforcement

Sl.No Properties Values

1 Density 3.16 g/cm3

2 Melting point temperature 28300 C

3 Young`s modulus 401-700 Gpa

4 Poisson`s ratio 0.192

5 Thermal conductivity 360 w/mok

6 Crystal structure Tetrahedral

4.4 GRAPHITE (Gr):

Fig 4.4 Graphite (Gr) powder

Graphite is a crystalline form of carbon having a layered structure with basal parts planes or
sheets of close packed carbon atoms. Graphite is another polymorph of carbon. It has a
Rhombohedral crystal structure and in ambient temperature and pressure it is more stable than
diamond. Desirable properties of graphite are high strength, better chemical stability and high
thermal conductivity. It exhibits low coefficient of thermal expansion and low density compared
to aluminium.

4.41 Properties of Graphite (Gr):

Table 4.41 Properties of Graphite

Sl.no Properties Values

1 Density 2.23 g/cm3

2 Melting Point 3525ºC
3 Hardness 40 BHN
4 Tensile Strength 371 MPa
5 Thermal Conductivity 85 W/mK
6 Modulus of Elasticity 292 GPa
7 Crystal Structure Hexagonal


Fig.5.0 stir casting setup

 Stir casting is a casting process in a which mechanical stirrer is introduced to form a vortex
to mix reinforcement in the matrix material.

 The design of the stirrer is made in such a way that 3 flat blades with 1200 are welded at the
end of the steel shaft.

 Ideal stirring condition required for homogeneous distribution of reinforcements is 250-270

rpm. Here the Dc motor speed is varied with the help of battery eliminator when the speed of
the Dc motor ranges between 50-330 rpm.


 In the muffle furnace the heating coil used is kanthal (FeCrAl alloy) for use temperature upto
 Muffle is wrapped up in vast layers of insulation (glass wool) so as to prevent heat loss and
achieve high temperatures.
 The top portion of furnace is drilled and a K-type thermocouple is placed to measure the
temperature achieved by the furnace during casting process.
Fig. 5.1 Muffle Furnace

 The insulating material which is provided in the chambers acts as a muffle and stops the heat
from escaping out of the chamber. It usually works by wrapping high-temperature heating
coil around insulated material.
 The muffle furnace are more often utilized in laboratories as a compact means of creating
extremely high-temperature atmospheres.
 They are employed to test the characteristics of materials at extremely high and accurate
temperatures. A muffle furnace is also known as a retort furnace.
 The insulating material effectively acts as a muffle by preventing heat from escaping.
 Furnace usually heated to desired temperature by,
 Conduction
 Convection
 Blackbody radiation from electrical resistance heating elements.


 It is used for high temperature applications such as,

 Soldering, Brazing, Ceramics, Fusing glass and Creating enamel coatings.
 They are also used in many research facilities by chemists in order to determine the
proportion of a sample is non-combustible and non-volatile
 Advances in materials for heating elements facilitate more sophisticated metallurgical

Raw material as per

% weight

Pre heating

Melting process
Pre heating

Molten Al6061

MMC Al6061

Fig 5.2 stir casting process

1. The most widely available method of fabricating metal matrix composites is called stir
casting process. This process which is used in the quick production of composites widely
used in industries
2. Stir casting generally consist of prolonged liquid reinforcement contact which can cause
considerable interface reaction.
3. In this research we are aiming to study, the effect of Al-6061, Silicon Carbide and Graphite
on stir aluminium metal matrix composites.
4. Aluminium Al-6061 is selected as a matrix metal, Silicon carbide and graphite are utilized as
5. In this process Al-6061 billets are cut into ingots are placed and melted in a crucible by
heating it in a muffle furnace at 8000C for two to three hours.
6. These particles were preheated at certain temperature and then the temperature is raised
above the liquidus temperature of Al-6061 alloy to melt it completely and was then cooled
down just below the liquidus temperature to keep the slurry formed in a semi-solid state.
Hence the molten metal Al-6061 is formed.
7. Then the selected matrix metal melted properly which is then carried out continuous stirring
has been done for about 10 minutes at stirring rate of 300rpm before adding of reinforcement
8. The continuous stirring is employed in order to avoid the porosity in the casting, removal of
trapped gases is very important also oxide formation must avoided to achieve that the melt is
bubbled with some inert gases and to stop the formation of oxide layer degassing is done
with the help of nitrogen. Hence the required molten metal Al-6061 is formed.
9. On the other hand preheating of reinforcements which is side melt at a temperature about
3000C. (Reinforcements: SiC and Gr).
10. The mass of preheated silicon carbide (SiC) is added to the melt of 2%,4%,6% at suitable
intervals of 2wt% in steps of three is then added to the mixture of Al-6061 and stirred
continuously in order to achieve the uniform distribution of particles in the matrix.
11. Then the mass of preheated graphite (Gr) is added manually from the vortex to the mixture at
3wt% and the stirring process repeats as before.
12. As stirring plays a vital role over the final microstructure and mechanical properties of the
casted composites as it controls the distribution of reinforcements within the matrix.
Optimum mechanical properties can be attained by the uniform distribution of reinforcement.
13. The stirring was continued at a speed of 400 rpm for about 5 minutes. For manufacturing of
composite material by stir casting knowledge of its operating parameter are very essential. As
there is various process parameters if they properly controlled can lead to the improved
characteristic in composite material.
14. Some of the process parameters are: Stirring speed ,Stirring time ,Stirring temperature,
Reinforcement preheat temperature, Preheated temperature of the mould, Power feed rate.
15. After mixing the reinforcements (SiC and Gr) to the base matrix and the continuous stirring
process the mixture was poured into the metal mould which is preheated.
16. The preheating of metal mould is necessarily done to avoid the shrinkage of casting metal.
Mould is preheated at temperature 500°C before pouring of the molten slurry in the mould.
This makes sure that slurry is in molten condition throughout the pouring. While pouring the
slurry in the mould the flow of the slurry is kept uniform to avoid trapping of gas. Then it is
quick quenched with the help of air to reduce the settling time of the particles in the matrix.
17. Hence the mixture poured into the mould is allowed to solidify.
18. After solidification the casted specimen is removed from the mould and machined as per
ASTM standards.

5.21 Metal Matrix Composite Composition

Table 5.21 composition used for preparing the metal matrix composite.

Sl no Aluminium 6061 Silicon carbide Graphite

Specimen 1 100% 0% 0%

Specimen 2 95% 2% 3%

Specimen 3 93% 4% 3%

Specimen 4 91% 6% 3%

The above tabular column represents the composition which is used for the preparing of the
specimens. The percentage of reinforcements is varied along with the usage of base metal matrix.
Fig 5.21 Molten metal in Stir casting Fig 5.22 Cylindrical die used in casting
process process
Fig 5.23 Metal poured into the die to
form cast specimens Fig 5.24 Casted sample
The casted hybrid composite samples are prepared from aluminium-6061 alloy matrix with
boron carbide and graphite particulate reinforcement which are synthesized from stir casting
process were machined to prepare the test specimens for tensile, compression, hardness and
impact tests according to the ASTM standards.


Fig. 6.1: Universal Testing Machine

Compression test is normally for brittle materials such as stone concrete etc..Compression
properties indicate that how compressive properties indicate how the material will react to
applied compressive loads. A compression test is a fundamental mechanical test where a
carefully prepared specimen is loaded in a very controlled manner while measuring the applied
load and the compression of the specimen over some distance. The results of compression tests
are affected are affected by frictional force occurring at the ends of the speciemens.

Compression tests are conducted on UTM in accordance with ASTM E9 standards. In this test
the compression loads were gradually increased and the corresponding strain was measured until
the specimen failed in compression. Four sample specimens should be considered for each
27 Ø14

Fig 6.11 Geometry of compression model Fig 6.12 3-D cad compression model

Diameter of 14 mm and length 25 mm is considered based on the ASTM E9 standard and the
Length to Diameter ratio (L/D) of 1.75. As the L/D ratio prefers to be in between 1.25-2.5.


Tensile properties indicate how the material will react to applied tensile loads. A tensile test is a
fundamental mechanical test where a carefully prepared specimen is loaded in a very controlled
manner while measuring the applied load and the elongation of the specimen over some distance.
Various tensile properties like ultimate tensile strength, ductility, yield strength and young’s
modulus are evaluated using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The ultimate tensile strength
tests are done in accordance with ASTM E8 standards. Ductility of the specimens is evaluated in
terms of percentage elongation. Yield strength of the specimens should be expressed in MPa.
Five sample specimens should be chosen for each composition and average values of the
ultimate tensile strength, ductility, yield strength and young’s modulus are reported.

A tensile specimen has two shoulders and a gauge in between. The shoulders are large so they
can be rigidly gripped, whereas the gauge section as a smaller cross section so that the
deformation and failure can occur in this area. The tensile test specimens will be prepared
according to the ASTM standard E8 having diameter 12.5 mm and gauge length 50 mm as
shown in the figure.
Fig 6.21: Tensile Test Specimen Geometry

Fig. 6.2: 3-D CAD Model of Tensile Test Specimen


Hardness is a measure of the resistance of a material to localized surface plastic deformation.

The static indentation test has been conducted to examine the hardness of the specimens in
which a ball indent was forced into the specimens being tested. The relationship of the total test
force to the area or depth of indentation provides the measure of hardness.

The BHN can be calculated by using the formula,

𝑩𝑯𝑵 = 𝝅 𝑭
𝑫(𝑫 − √(𝑫𝟐 − 𝒅𝟐))

BHN=brinell hardness number, F=applied load in kg, D=diameter of indenter (mm)

d=diameter of indentation (mm)

Fig 6.3: Hardness Testing Machine

The hardness of the specimens is measured using Brinell hardness testing machine. The hardness
tests are conducted in accordance with the ASTM E18 standards. Hardness is determined by
taking the mean diameter of the indentation (two readings at right angles to each other) and
calculating the Brinell Hardness Number (BHN) by dividing the applied load, surface area of the
indentation. Since the degree of accuracy attained by the Brinell hardness test can be greatly
influenced by the surface finish of the work piece, the surface of the work piece are polished so
that the indentation are defined clearly enough to permit accurate measurement.

27 Ø14

Fig 6.31 Geometry of Hardness Test Specimen Fig 6.32 3-D cad hardness model

Fig. 6.4: Impact Test Specimen Geometry

The purpose of the impact testing is to measure an objects ability to resist high rate
loading. It is usually thought of in terms of two objects striking each other at high relative
speeds. A part, or material ability to resist impact often is one of the determining factors is the
service life of a part, or in the suitability of a designated materials for a particular application.
Impact resistance can be one of the most difficult properties to quantify. The ability to quantify
this property is a great advantage in the product liability and safety. The impact tests are of 2
types: Charpy impact test, Izod impact test These test also known as V-notch test, is a
standardized high strain rate test which determines the amount of energy absorbed by a material
during fracture. Impact test specimens will be prepared according to the ASTM standard E23 of
10 mm square rod and length 55mm in Charpy Test and length 75 mm in Izod Test as shown in
figure 6.41 & 6.42

Fig. 6.41: Charpy Test Specimen Geometry

Department of Mechanical, MCE, HassanPage 32
Fig. 6.42: izod Test Specimen Geometry

Fig 6.43 3-D cad model of cahrpy specimen

Fig 6.44 3-D cad model of izod specimen


6.51 WEAR TESTING: The wear test is carried out to predict the wear performance and to
investigate the wear mechanisms. Wear testing is carried out by the pin-on-disc apparatus. Pin-
on-disc wear testing is a universally used method for abrasive wear of the material. As the name
imply that the equipment consists of a “pin” in contact with the revolving disc.

Department of Mechanical, MCE, HassanPage 33

Fig. 6.51 Pin on Disc Wear Testing Machine

The contact surface of the pin will be flat, spherical or certainly of any suitable geometry, that of
exact wear component. In pin-on-disc experimentation, the coefficient-of-friction is constantly
observed for wear occurring, and the material removed is evaluated by weighing and /or
measuring the contour of the ensuing wear track. Changes in the coefficient-of-friction are
frequently investigative of a change in wear mechanism, even though marked variation are seen
during the stages of wear tests as symmetry conditions will be established.

Fig 6.6 4 samples of fabricated specimens used for testing

The 4 samples which are prepared according to the metal matrix composition as in table 5.21
which are casted and fabricated according to the ASTM standards. The samples used for the
testing is shown in fig 6.6



Compression strength of Al-6061 composites with the different wt. fractions of SiC and Gr
particles is as shown in figure,

Table 7.1 Variation of compressive strength with weight fraction of SiC and Gr

Sl.no Material composition Compression strength (MPa or

Specimen 1 Al-6061 alloy 165

Specimen 2 Al-6061/2%SiC/3%Gr 178

Specimen 3 Al-6061/4%SiC/3%Gr 184.81

Specimen 4 Al-6061/6%SiC/3%Gr 216

Fig 7.11 compression test specimen placed in UTM

Fig 7.12 before the compression test of Fig 7.13 After the compression test of
specimens specimens

Compression strength in MPa




50 Compression strength of MMC

vs reinforcement

percentage of Reinforcement

Fig 7.14 Variation of compressive strength with weight fraction of SiC and Gr

Compressive properties of alloy and its composites are shown in the figure.7.14. It is clear that
the compressive strength increased as the percentage of SiC particles increases in the alloy upto
6% weight fraction of SiC. The Al-6061 with 6% of SiC and 3% of Gr exhibits higher
compressive strength value of 216 MPa. This may be due to the hardening of the matrix by SiC
particles. Hence it is clear that there is a increase of compression strength with the increase of
reinforcements added.

Compression strength of Al-6061 composites with the different wt. fractions of

SiC and Gr particles is as shown in figure,

Load, P=250kgf, Indenter diameter=5mm

Sl.no Material composition Hardness number

Specimen 1 Al-6061 alloy 72.38(d=2.05mm)

Specimen 2 Al-6061/2%SiC/3%Gr 80.364(d=1.95mm)

Specimen 3 Al-6061/4%SiC/3%Gr 94.912(d=1.8mm)

Specimen 4 Al-6061/6%SiC/3%Gr 121.02(d=1.6mm)

Fig 7.21 Hardness test specimen placed in brinell

testing machine
Fig 7.22 Before the hardness test of specimens Fig 7.23 After the hardness test of specimens

Hardness number


% reinforcement

Fig 7.24 Variation of hardness number with weight fraction of SiC and Gr

The hardness test for Al-6061/SiC/Gr composites is as shown in the table 7.21.The
variation of hardness number with weight fraction of Sic and Gr through the graph
7.41. It is clear that hardness number increased as the addition of SiC particles
increases in the alloy upto 6% weight fraction of SiC. The Al-6061 with 6% of SiC and
3% of Gr exhibits higher hardness value of 121.02. This may be due to the hardening and
stiffness properties of the matrix by SiC particles. Hence it is clear that there is a increase of
compression strength with the increase of reinforcements added.

1. This report includes Al-6061 reinforced with Silicon carbide (SiC) and Graphite (Gr) to form
metal matrix hybrid composite (MMC). 4 different samples were prepared by stir casting
process. Based on this the results obtained from this work, the following conclusion were
2. Complete stir casting process and stir casting setup is demonstrated. As far as the recent
scenario of composite material manufacturing is concerned stir casting is most effective and
efficient in all aspects such as cost, simplicity, distribution of reinforced particles etc..
3. Experiments were conducted on Al-6061 alloy by adding various percentage of SiC and Gr
reinforcements were discussed.
4. The specimens were prepared subjected to mechanical testing like compression and hardness.
5. The mechanical properties of the proposed composite strongly depend on the weight fraction
of reinforcing particles of alloy substrate. Reinforcing enhances the material properties.
6. The compression strength of composite material increases with increase in wt% of SiC and
Gr reinforcement.The compression strength of composite (Al-6061/6%SiC/3%Gr) is
observed higher than the matrix material (Al-6061).
7. It has been found that the hardness of SIC-Gr reinforced MMC is better than that of Al alloy.
The increase in hardness from 72.35BHN of Al-6061 alloy to121.06 BHN of the newly
developed composite of Al-6061/6%SiC/3%Gr is encouraging.
8. Hence it can be concluded that hybrid particles considerably affect the properties of
Aluminium Al-6061 alloys.

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