(How To Draw-2) Two-Point Perspective
(How To Draw-2) Two-Point Perspective
(How To Draw-2) Two-Point Perspective
CourseTeacher: Mohammad Abdul Awal (B. Arch., MBA, Autodesk USA Certified), Adjunct Faculty, Department of BECM , KUET
Draw your horizon line
With 2point perspective, you need two vanishing points.
Your picture will look more realistic if you place them on the
edges of your horizon line.
When drawing in 2point perspective, you begin with the
corner of a building.
Go ahead and draw the corner of your building.
Draw a line to the vanishing point on the left
from each end of the line you drew.
Repeat by drawing two lines to the other vanishing point.
Decide how wide you want your building to be and draw
two vertical lines on either side of the first line you drew.
Erase the unneeded lines
Now, let's make a sidewalk.
Extend the bottom of your building out to the vanishing points.
Oops... I guess I shouldn't have just told you to erase those.
Make a small dot a little lower than the corner of your building.
This will be the corner of your sidewalk.
Draw two lines that connect that point to your vanishing points.
Extend the edges of the sidewalk that are adjacent to
your building to the opposite edge.
To draw the divisions in your sidewalk, you can line up the left side with the
right vanishing point.
You don't have to actually draw the line all the way across; just be sure to
line it up correctly before drawing each side walk division.
Remember that things get smaller as they get farther away, so your
sidewalk divisions should be getting closer together as they get further away.
Line up the sidewalk divisions on the right side with the
vanishing point on the left.
At this point, your drawing should look similar to this.
To make a door on your building, line the top of the door up with the
vanishing point that is on the same side of the building.
Draw 2 vertical lines to create the sides of the door.
To make a row of windows, decide where you want the top and bottom of the
windows to be, and line them up with the vanishing point on the same side.
Draw vertical lines to create the sides of your windows.
Erase the unneeded lines.
Add more buildings
To draw the other side of the road, make a dot right about here.
Connect the point to both of
the vanishing points
Make the other side of the
sidewalk the same way
you did before.
Draw in the sidewalk divisions.
Now, we're going to draw another
building in the foreground that is
closer to the viewer. Begin by
drawing the corner of the building.
'How To Draw' Series : Drawing in Two-Point Perspective
CourseTeacher: Mohammad Abdul Awal (B. Arch., MBA, Autodesk USA Certified), Adjunct Faculty, Department of BECM , KUET
Connect the top of your line to
each of the vanishing points.
Then, decide how wide you
want your building to be and
draw two vertical lines.
'How To Draw' Series : Drawing in Two-Point Perspective
CourseTeacher: Mohammad Abdul Awal (B. Arch., MBA, Autodesk USA Certified), Adjunct Faculty, Department of BECM , KUET
Connect the top of the two
vertical lines you drew to the
vanishing point on the
opposite side of the paper.
'How To Draw' Series : Drawing in Two-Point Perspective
CourseTeacher: Mohammad Abdul Awal (B. Arch., MBA, Autodesk USA Certified), Adjunct Faculty, Department of BECM , KUET
Erase your unneeded lines
Practicing !!
'How To Draw' Series : Drawing in Two-Point Perspective
CourseTeacher: Mohammad Abdul Awal (B. Arch., MBA, Autodesk USA Certified), Adjunct Faculty, Department of BECM , KUET