Composite Manufacturing Pro

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Composite Manufacturing Processes

Jean Frank
Associate Professor of Industrial Technology & Mechatronics
Thomas Nelson Community College
Hampton, VA 23666
[email protected]


This module aims to provide students with a survey of methods of manufacturing fiber composite
materials. This knowledge is needed for the understanding of the different types of matrix and
reinforcement classifications and the materials used. Also included is how composites are considered,
selected and designed for a certain application, and why a certain manufacturing processes are chosen
for each application.

Student Learning Objectives:

● Describe the use of different types of fabrics and the importance of the fiber direction
● Describe the different types of matrix phases upon which composites are based
● Describe the function of the primary and secondary phase in a composite material
● Describe the characteristics and manufacturing of composite laminates
● Describe the properties and design factors which determines composite materials end-
● Identify some important manufacturing techniques for composites
● Demonstrate understanding of selecting a composite manufacturing method
● Consider further the advantages and disadvantages of using composites

MatEd Core Competencies Covered:

7C Describe the general nature of composite materials
11A Describe the structure and advantages of composite materials
11B Explain basic processing procedures for composite materials

Key Words: Composites, materials, manufacturing processes, fibers, reinforcement, resin, matrix.,
Type of Module: Intermediate level introduction to composite manufacturing processes discussion with
accompanying PowerPoint
Time Required: One 50 min. discussion session
Pre‐requisites: Completion of introductory composites modules and an intermediate level knowledge of
materials science
Target Grade Level: Grades 9 – 12, and introductory courses for Community College

Instructor Notes and Slide Information:

This module develops background understanding for students to be able to actually manufacture a
simple composite. It is meant for grades 9 – 12 and can also be used as an introductory course for a

college composite class. Lecture notes are included for the instructor for use with the accompanying
PowerPoint presentation, which describes some of the basic composite processes used in industry
today, with an explanation of each, and some examples of industry uses. This knowledge, plus the
module on Composite Manufacturing Healthy and Safety, is needed before undertaking a basic
composite manufacturing exercise such as the module Composite Layup Lab.

Composite Manufacturing Processes (slide 1 – 22)

Instructor should note that composite methods for manufacturing have two basic types of categories for
composite processes:
● Open molding – resin is impregnated into the fibers and they are placed in an open mold, where
they cure or harden.
o Relatively low cost due to little to no tooling (the mold)
o Allow for rapid product development cycles for prototyping – design changes are easily
o Wide part size potential
o Secondary finishing processes needed as only one side of the finished part will have a
good surface finish (the side that was against the mold)
o Best for low volume production (<1,500 parts per year) as well as large and complex
part geometries
● Closed molding - composite materials are placed in a two-sided mold, closed to the atmosphere
o Allows for more complex part geometries
o Produces better parts faster and more consistently than open molding processes
o Less waste produced
o More expensive due to tooling (mold) requirements

Open Molding Process – (slides 3 – 10)

There are three main methods for impregnating matrices/resins into reinforcement/fibers: hand or
spray method, and filament winding.

● Hand Layup – (slide 3 – 4) – fibers are layered and oriented onto a one sided mold. Resin is then
poured onto the fiber/fabric surface and brushed on or rolled out using a hand roller. This
manual rolling/brushing motion removes entrapped air, ensures complete wet out of the fabric,
and densifies the composite. A catalyst can be used to initiate curing (hardening) of the resin
system so the product can cure/dry without external heat. This is the simplest and easiest
method. Hand layup is typically used in low-volume production of usually larger structures such
as components for wind turbines.
o Students should understand that by layering and arranging the reinforcement and
matrix into different orientations, added strength and stiffness can result, that metal
cannot duplicate with the same weight savings.
o Students need to understand the different curing (drying/setting) methods: room
temperature, applying heat – oven, or applying pressure.
o Several curing (drying) methods are available:
▪ cure at room temperature for several hours with use of an initiator/accelerator
to the resin system
o The cure can be accelerated by applying heat:
▪ typically, an oven

▪ or with pressure - vacuum bagging or autoclave
o Examples - wind turbine blades, aircraft parts, car panels, and architectural moldings.

● Spray up - (slide 5 – 6) – Similar to hand layup but uses a chopper/spray gun to deposit chopped
fibers and room temperature curing resins on a low cost open mold. Manual rolling is then
used, just as in hand layup, to remove entrapped air, etc. This method is typically used for molds
with greater complexity than those used in hand layup and results in faster production. Ideal for
producing larger parts such as bath tubs/shower units and vent hoods. The fibers are short,
which compromises strength, and since resin is sprayed – low viscosity, strength and thermal,
properties are also compromised.
o Examples: showers and bathtubs

● Filament winding – (slide 7 - 8) – Used to produce round-form products that have a high degree
of structural integrity (tanks, pipes, pressure vessels, etc.). A rotating mandrel is used as the
mold and is automated. The rotating mandrel spins as fibers impregnated with resin are wound
around the mandrel (mold) into predetermined geometric pattern. Many fiber/resin systems
can be used in this process. Ensure students understand the advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages is that it is a very fast method, resin content is controlled, makes high weight to
strength laminates, can obtain high fiber weight percentages, and can achieve controlled fiber
orientation that gives directional strength characteristics. Disadvantages is that the shape is
limited to circular and oval products, mandrel may be expensive, and poor external surface
finish that may affect aerodynamics in some applications (thus needs a finishing process,
machining/sanding of exterior surface).
o Examples: sail boat masts, cement mixers, aircraft fuselages, tanks, chemical storage
tanks, gas and pressure cylinders.

Curing layups - can be done by exposing to air, heat – oven, or by vacuum bagging (see next section).

Closed Molding Process – (slides 11 – 24)

Fibers and resin cure inside a two-sided mold. Usually require automation and special equipment, for
high volume manufacturing.

● Vacuum bagging – (slides 9 – 10)

o a plastic film is placed over the wet hand layup, edges are sealed, and a vacuum is
drawn. Other materials inside the bag are: release film placed over the laminate,
followed by a bleeder ply to absorb the excess resin. A breather ply of non-woven fabric
is placed over the bleeder, with the vacuum bag encasing the entire laminate area.
o Vacuum uses a pump and atmospheric pressure to eliminate voids and force out excess
o Advantages to vacuum bagging allows better resin flow from applied pressure thus
reducing voids (chances for premature part failure).
o Disadvantages is labor costs and bagging material cost vs product curing in atmosphere,
and skill level of technician.

● Vacuum infusion – (slide 11) - The reinforcement and core materials are laid-up dry in the mold
by hand, then peel ply and vacuum bag materials cover the layup, it is encased by the mold and
the vacuum bagging process begins and resin infuses the mold. Used to manufacture large
structures. One side is finished. Sometimes referred to as Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer
Molding (VARTM) –
o Uses vacuum pressure to drive resin into laminate.
o Advantages are similar to the Resin Transfer Molding (RTM), except only one side has a
good surface finish. Produces strong, lightweight laminates, and larger products can be
o Obtains high resin-to-fiber ratios and virtually no voids making it one of the strongest
processes to fabricate a composite laminate.
o Helps reduce harmful chemical emissions from resins.
o Distinguishes itself in that it is the only closed mold process that uses only atmospheric
pressure to push the resin into the mold cavity.
o Lower tooling costs than other closed mold processes.
o Disadvantages are that it has slower cycle times, highly dependent on viscosity of the
resin, and higher consumables costs.
▪ Examples: boats, large auto body panels and aviation components.

● Resin transfer molding (RTM) – (slide 12 - 13) – used when you want both sides to have superior
surface finish. Layers of reinforcement are laid up in the tool cavity dry. The cavity determines
part thickness. Used for large and small components. Selective reinforcement and accurate fiber
management is achievable. Ability to build-in fiber volume fraction loadings up to 65%. Inserts
may be incorporated into moldings. Advantages include high dimensional tolerances and
stability, superior surface finishes, high production rates, high repeatability and lowest
variability from part to part. Post machining is rarely needed. Disadvantages include higher
tooling costs and longer times to make dimensionally precise tools.
o Examples: auto and aviation components

● Compression molding – (slide 14 - 19) – Most common option for high volume production of
composite parts. Matched metal dies (the tooling) are mounted in a hydraulic press and a
charge (molten material made up of the matrix and reinforcement with no distinct shape) is
placed into the dies and then closed under certain pressure and temperature for a certain
amount of time (cycle time). This combination quickly cures the material.
o A high volume, high pressure method.
o The process can be automated, and enables design flexibility of components.
o Produces high strength, complex parts in a broad range of sizes
o Molds are pressed by hydraulics or mechanical means and heated. There are several
types of compression molding:
▪ SMC – sheet molding compound
▪ BMC – bilk molding compound
▪ TMC – thick molding compound
▪ Wet layup compression molding
▪ ECM—Extrusion compression molding

● Pultrusion – (slide 19 – 22) Continuous automated process and is adaptable to both simple and
complex shapes with constant cross sections. Very cost effective in high production volume
settings. Standard shapes are I-beams, channels, angles, beams, rods, bars, tubing, sheets, etc.

Continuous fibers are pulled from several spools or creels through a resin bath and then into a
long heated die that has the desired end cross section shape. Upon exiting the die the material
is cured and then cured cross sections are cut down the production line to appropriate lengths.
High strengths are attainable. There are low labor costs involved as this system is majorly


The knowledge of the various methods for composite manufacture, plus the Module Composite
Manufacturing Healthy and Safety, is needed before undertaking a basic composite manufacturing
exercise such as the Module Composite Layup Lab.

Student Evaluation

1. How are the materials and structures manufactured?

2. Most widely used manufacturing method is?
3. How do fibers provide the primary strength of the composite structure?
4. Curing can be accomplished how?
5. Typical composite products produced by the pultrusion method are?

This work is part of a larger project funded by the

Advanced Technological Education Program of the
National Science Foundation DUE #1400619

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