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International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 5, November 2009

Harmonics and Torque Ripple Minimization

using L-C Filter for Brushless DC Motors
A. Albert Rajan1, Dr. S. Vasantharathna2
School of Electrical Sciences, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India
[email protected].
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
[email protected]

Abstract—Brushless DC Motors (BLDCM) are widely used motor and to reduce the pulsating variation of line current
in automated industrial applications like Computer to the motor.
Numerical Control (CNC) machinery, aerospace Now a days researchers are trying to reduce the
applications and in the field of robotics. The dynamics of
this motor should be smooth for many industrial and
torque ripple and harmonics component in the BLDC
automated applications and free from unwanted motor. An active filter topology to reduce the torque
interference. But due high speed switching circuits used in ripple in synchronous motor is presenter in [1]. This paper
the commutation circuits, the BLDC motor voltage contains [1] discusses the hysteresis voltage control method. A
harmonics component and this causes high electromagnetic suspension control method of motor control method of
interference problems. During commutation the trapezoidal motor frame vibration and rotational speed vibration of
current pass through each phase causes pulsation in torque
during its operation. This work proposes an improved
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) by
methodology to reduce the high frequency harmonics utilizing feed forward compensation control signal that
components and torque ripples using a RC filter connected suppress the harmonics in d-q control signals by repetitive
at the input of the motor. This work is simulated using PSIM control and Fourier Transform is discussed in [2] and [3].
and the effect of filter is analyzed with FFT analysis. An A method for commutation torque ripple minimization
experimental setup is developed to analyze the performance in direct torque controlled PMBLDC drives is presented
of the drive with the proposed system and the experimental
outputs were compared with the simulated values and the
in [4]. This paper [4] describes the method of hybrid
improvement in performance is analyzed. commutation, both 60o and 120o electrical, combined that
the torque ripple can be minimized. FPGA
Index Terms—Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM), Electro- implementation of higher degree polynomial acceleration
Magnetic Interference (EMI), Zero Volt Switching (ZVS), profile for peak jerk reduction in servomotors is presented
Zero Current Switching (ZCS), Total Harmonic Distortion in [5]. A hardware polynomial based profile generator
(THD). was used for minimizing the torque. Novel resonant pole
inverter for Brushless DC motor drive system is presented
in [6].
The brushless dc motor (BLDCM) has found to be more The resonant converters are having higher complexity
efficient than the existing DC motor and induction motors in controllers and uses additional components to employ
Due to the simplicity in control scheme, high power ZVS and ZCS to enhance the performance of the inverter
density, reliability, and maintenance free operation, and increase the efficiency.
BLDC motors are used in the field of industrial This paper describes the implementation of a controller
automation, Computer numerical control machines and in with minimized torque ripple and EMI effects using a
the field of robotics. The mechanical losses are minimized filter placed at the input of the BLDC motor. The design
since no brushes and no mechanical commutator present of the filter components and the methodology of
in the motor. The dynamics for this motor should be reduction of harmonics components are simulated and
smooth for many industrial and automation applications. verified in real time application.
Due to the power electronic commutation, the usage of The BLDCM is energized by the three phase inverter
high frequency switching of power devices, imperfections through an inductor - capacitor filter for reducing the high
in the stator and the associated control system, the input frequency component. The capacitor voltage value has to
supply voltage to the motor contains various harmonics be selected in such a way that it can charge and discharge
components. During its operation, high frequency in an effective manner to reduce the high frequency
components present in the voltage input will cause serious component. The inductor present in series with each
electromagnet interference (EMI) problem and the phase will reduce the commutation current pulsation and
pulsating current input due to electronic commutation thereby reducing the jerk produced by commutation
causes torque ripple. So an efficient controller is required effects.
to reduce the harmonics present in the input voltage to the


International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 5, November 2009


The BLDC Motor requires a power electronic drive

circuit and a commutation system for its operation. The
Fig. 1 describes the functional units present in the drive
circuit and the associated commutation controller for the
BLDC Motor.


Figure.1. Controller for BLDC motor with filter (b).

Figure 2 (a) Circuit for simulation analysis, (b) equivalent LC
A 4 pole BLDC motor is driven by the inverter for 120 filter for one phase
degree commutation. The rotor position can be sensed by
a hall-effect sensor or slotted optical disk, providing three To design the reactive elements present in the filter, it
square wave signals with phase shift of 120o. These is assumed that the capacitor which is connected across
signals are decoded by a combinational logic to provide the load is large enough to charge and discharge, hence
the firing signals for 120o conduction on each of the three the capacitor voltage may be considered to be nearly
phases. The inverter voltage for the motor is filtered by constant. The inductor current rating should be equal to
the filter circuit provided, which minimizes the high the current ratings of the motor.
frequency switching voltage ripple component.
The inductor- capacitor filter for the proposed work is Now the peak inductor current equal to
connected in the interface of the drive and the motor. The
LC filter in this system acts as a low pass filtering circuit (1)
which offer high impedance to high frequency component
of the voltage and very minimum impedance to the power Where Zmin is the minimum value of load impedance, Vm
frequency voltage components and thereby minimizes is the peak magnitude of the phase voltage.
harmonics in the supply voltage to the motor and the The capacitance of the filter is
series inductance opposes the sudden changes in the
current due to electronic commutation and thereby (2)
reduces the torque ripple.
The switching frequency of the circuit is set as 5 KHz.
The dynamic duty ratio of the gating PWM signal is is the ripple voltage at the input of the filter.
controlled by the speed feedback from the motor and the is the switching frequency of the inverter power
current feedback from the DC line. The input voltage devices, that is equal to the ripple frequency.
from the source is set as 60V DC. A simulation analysis is t on and t off are the on time and off time of the power
made on this proposed work which is presented in Fig. 2. devices.
The value of the inductance is calculated as
The selection of LC component present in the filter
plays a major role in the performance of the drive. The (4)
charging and discharging of the capacitor improves the
quality of the voltage given to the motor.

International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 5, November 2009

Vs is the source Voltage of the filter and Vo is load


For this work, the source voltage to the filter (Vs) is 60

V and the load voltage (Vo) is 50 V, 10
approximately. For a 5 KHz switching frequency with
60% duty ratio, ton will be approximately 1.2x 10-4 sec.
The minimum impedance of the load Zmin = 30Ω. The
peak Current is calculated as Ipeak = 1.3 A. The calculated
inductance value L = 0.1mH, the calculated value of
Capacitance = 0.01µF.


Various simulations are done using simulation software

for the converter circuit presented in Fig 2.The simulation
values are set based on the sample calculation and
simulated results for the drive circuit is compared for the
system with filter and without filter. In this paper,
simulated and experimental results are presented as
A. Simulated Results for Without Filter Operation
Simulated results of the various parameters without (3d)
applying the filter are shown in Fig 3. (a) to (e). The
different phase voltages and the phase currents and the
associated harmonics are plotted with FFT analysis in
percentage values.


Figure 3. Current and Voltage analysis without filter (3a) Three

phase magnified voltage input to motor. (3b) the FFT analysis
for Phase -A voltage. (3c) the three phase current simulate
waveform. (3d) magnified phase current for phase-A. (3e) the
FFT analysis for line current in Phase –A.

Fig 3. (a) shows the magnified voltage of the motor input

voltage at the time of commutation. The three phase
voltages at any particular instant is shown in 3 colored
waveform. Fig. (3b) shows the harmonics present in the
phase-A of the voltage to the motor. The harmonics are
present in the switching frequency of the power devices
and the multiples of switching frequencies. Fig. (3c)
shows the combined waveform for the three phase current
input to the motor. The magnitude at the starting is
higher. Fig. (3d) shows the magnified line current (Ia) (e)
shows the FFT analysis of the harmonics presents in the
line current (Ia). At 5 KHz and 10 KHz the harmonics
component is around 30%. The line current varies
abruptly during commutation. This causes the jerk in the
motor due to sudden variation of torque. For higher speed
(3b) of operation this jerk causes vibration and acoustic noise.

International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 5, November 2009

B) Simulated Results for With Filter Operation harmonics analysis bar graph for the proposed work
Simulation results for voltage and current for the motor without filter. The Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is
with filter is presented and analyzed. Fig 4. (a) shows the measured in this bar graph for analysis. The THD for the
combined waveform for the line currents. Fig 4. (b) voltage is found to be high around 62.02%. Fig. 5. (b)
shows the harmonic analysis of line current (Ia). The shows the bar graph harmonics analysis for the line
harmonic components in the switching frequency are current without filter. The THD is 46.38%.
reduced. Fig. 3c shows the FFT analysis for the voltage
in Phase A. The high frequency switching harmonics are Waveform V2
23.26 Vrms, 62.01 %THD
reduced in the phase voltage.
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
21/01/2009 - 3:10:39.030 PM

(a) Waveform I2
14049.91 Arms, 46.38 %THD
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
1/21/2009 - 3:10:39.030 PM
Figure. 5 Experimental result of harmonics analysis for phase
voltage and line current without filter. (a) harmonic analysis for
the voltage. (b) harmonic analysis for line current. (X axis –
Harmonic order, Y axis- Magnitude in Percentage of

D) Experimental Results for With Filter Operation

The experimental results with filter are presented here
for the current and voltage. Fig 6(a) is the phase voltages
of the motor with filter. The harmonic components are
(c) greatly minimized by the filter. The Fig. 6(b) shows the
Figure. 4. Current and Voltage analysis with Filter (a) line harmonics bar graph of the voltage in phase 2. The THD
currents for the motor input (Y axis-Current). (b) FFT analysis is 30.46%. The Fig 6.(c) shows the bar graph harmonic
for line current (Y axis-Current) (c) FFT analysis for phase -A analysis of the line current. It is found that the THD is
voltage (Y axis-voltage) 14.97%.
While analyzing the outputs with and without filter, Fig. 6(d) expresses the currents in different phases of
Fig 3. (b) a and (e) with Fig 4. (b) and (c) the harmonic the motor. The profile of the current is been transferred
components are reduced from 30% to less than 5%. from trapezoidal profile to sinusoidal profile by the filter.
This improves the commutation effect of the motor. The
C) Experimental Results for Without Filter Operation drastic variation of the currents in each phases are
The experimental results of voltage and current with smoothened by the filter. This minimizes the
filter are compared with the results of voltage and current commutation losses of the drive and minimizes the torque
harmonics present without the filter. Fig 5.(a) is the ripple.

International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 5, November 2009
30.00 The harmonics components are greatly reduced by
applying the proposed filter in the interface of the inverter
15.00 and the motor. In Fig. 6. The harmonics components of
5.000 phase voltage and line current are shown. The THD for
phase voltage is 30.46% and the THD for line current is
-10.00 14.97%. Comparing the effect of filter, the total harmonic
-20.00 distortion is minimized from approximately 62% to 31%.
The line current harmonics is minimized from
-35.00 approximately 47% to 14.97%. The performance of the
02/02/2009 23.889 (mS) filter may be fine tuned for reducing the harmonics to
2:49:34.227 PM 4 mSec/Div
further minimum values. The torque ripples are reduced
(a) due to the smoothness of the current waveform since the
Waveform V2 inductor improves the current profile
26.02 Vrms, 30.45 %THD
80 In this paper the harmonics content of the voltage and
current for a BLDC motor is analyzed. From the
simulated results it is evident that the harmonics
components at the switching frequency and multiples of
30 switching frequency are reduce by the filter. From the
20 experimental results, it is found that more than half of the
10 harmonics components are reduced with filter. The
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
current waveforms are smoothened by the filter during the
02/02/2009 - 2:49:34.227 PM operation and the commutation frequency harmonics
(b) minimized and thereby the torque ripple is reduced.
Waveform I2
301.98 Arms, 14.97 %THD ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The author acknowledges the technical assistance
provided by Mr. Lebanon and Mr. Johnson Jeyasingh,
70 Technical Assistants, EEE Dept., Karunya University.
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3:33:24.212 PM 4 mSec/Div 3:33:24.23 peak jerk reduction in servomotors.”, Robotics and Computer-
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Figure. 6. Experimental result of harmonics analysis for phase 10.1016/j.rcim.2008.01.002)
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