Notice of Violation Letter - 9.08.2020

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Office of City Manager

September 8, 2020

Nathan A. Brockbank JJR Ventures, LLC

Joshua J. Romney c/o Joshua J. Romney
2265 East Murray Holladay Road 2265 East Murray Holladay Road
Holladay, Utah 84117 Holladay, Utah 84117
natebrockbank@gmai l. com [email protected]
j romney@gmai I .com

N. Brockbank Investments, LLC Town of Hideout

c/o Nathan A. Brockbank c/o Polly McLean
2265 East Murray Holladay Road 395 Crestview Drive
Holladay, Utah 84117 Park City, Utah 84098
nate brockbank@gmail. com [email protected]
hi deo [email protected]
NB 248, LLC
RB 248, LLC
c/o Nathan A. Brockbank
Joshua J. Romney
2265 East Murray Holladay Road
Holladay, Utah 84117
[email protected]

Notice of Violation
Development Agreement for Flagstaff Mountain,
Bonanza Flats, Richardson Flats, The 20 Acre Quinn's Junction Parcel
and Iron Mountain, dated June 24, 1999 (as amended)

On behalf of Park City Municipal Corporation, I am writing to provide you with a copy of our August 6,
2020 letter wherein Park City raises several issues concerning your collaboration with Wells Fargo Bank
and REDUS Park City, LLC over the Richardson Flats property that is the subject of that certain
Development Agreement for Flagstaff Mountain, Bonanza Flats, Richardson Flats, the 20-Acre Quinn's
Junction Parcel and Iron Mountain dated June 24, 1999, by and between Park City and United Park City
Mines (UPCM), which was recorded in the Summit County Recorder's Office as Entry No. 00544835
(the "Development Agreement"). 1 Attached is a copy of the letter we provided to Wells Fargo/Redus

1 The Agreement was amended on or about March 1, 2007. The amendment was recorded with the
Summit County Recorder's Office as entry no. 0080610.

Park City Municipal Corporation• 445 Marsac Avenue• P.O. Box 1480 •Park City, UT 84060-1480
Phone (435) 615-5007 •FAX (435) 615-4901
Park City, LLC through its counsel Wade Budge, and to David Smith, as registered agent and putative
legal counsel for UPCM/Talisker.

Pursuant to Section 8 .1 of the Development Agreement, this letter applies equally to each of you either as
current or potential owners, potential successors in interest, or assignees to any portion of the Richardson
Flats property covered by the Development agreement. Additionally, it is the City's position that the
disposition of Summit County's challenges to the legality of the Hideout annexation attempt; the legality
of the subdivision; the constable's authority; and validity of the deed(s), are equally applicable and the
allegations amount to a violation of the Development Agreement.

Without any indication of sincere efforts to implement the Legislature's clear window for regional
cooperation to resolve this matter without continued litigation or waiting until the next full legislative
session, and without an oppo1iunity to communicate with you through other means, this letter notifies you
that Park City intends to protect its interests under the Development Agreement and defend against any
effort to deny Park City its contractual rights. This letter advises you that any attempt to interfere with
Park City's contractual rights will be met with strong opposition. Please note that Section 9.8 of the
Development Agreement entitles Park City to recover its attorney fees in the event of a dispute between
the parties. In the event Park City incurs fees and costs associated with protecting its rights under the
Development Agreement, the City, together with outside counsel, will seek to recover all such fees and

Park City remains open to good faith, transparent discussions about regional planning, including uses of
Richardson Flats that are consistent with the Development Agreement. I am certain that each of you
appreciate that Park City approved its largest annexation and approved significant commercial and
residential development as consideration for, among other terms, the contractual restrictions on
Richardson Flats. The City intends to hold all owners-including successors in interest or assignees-to
those restrictions.

Matt Dias
City Manager

cc: Park City Council via email Counci l_Mail

Tom Fischer, Summit County via email [email protected]
Wade Budge, Esq . via email [email protected]
David Smith, Esq . via emai l djsmithrn3
Office of City Manager

August 6, 2020

Via email: [email protected]


c/o Wade Budge, Esq .
Snell & Wilmer, LP
Gateway Towner West
15 West South Temple, Suite 1200
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101-154 7

Development Agreement Notice

Dear Wade:

On behalf of Park City Municipal Corporation, I am writing to raise several issues concerning your
clients', Wells Fargo Bank and REDUS Park City, LLC, apparent transactional maneuvering and
coordination with Josh Romney and Nate Brockbank to have the Town of Hideout surreptitiously attempt
to annex an area Wells Fargo/REDUS knows is subject to the Development Agreement for Flagstaff
Mountain, Bonanza Flats, Richardson Flats, The 20-Acre Quinn's Junction Parcel and Iron Mountain
dated June 24, 1999, by and between Park City and United Park City Mines (UPCM), which was
recorded in the Summit County Recorder's Office as Entry No. 00544835 (the "Development
Agreement,,). As Park City and Wells Fargo have discussed many times prior to the initiation of Wells
Fargo's judicial foreclosure action relating to Richardson Flats, the Richardson Flats property is subject to
certain binding covenants and restrictions concerning its use and development. [See Agreement, § III,

Specifically, UPCM, Wells Fargo's predecessor in interest 'unconditionally offered to annex Richardson
Flats" to Park City and, regardless of the annexation agreed to " restrict development of Richardson Flats
to one of three options as mitigation and inducement for Park City to enter into the Development
Agreement and grant ce11ain development rights. [Id.] Significantly, the parties agreed and
acknowledged that the provisions of the Development Agreement constih1ted " real covenants, contract
and property rights and equitable servitudes, which shall run with the land subject to [the .Development]
Agreement." [Id. § 8.1.] It further provides that the " burdens and benefits . . . shall bind and inure to the
benefit of each of the Parties and all successors in interest to the Parties hereto." [Id.]

The Agreement was amended on or about March 1, 2007, which amendment was recorded with the
Summit County Recorder's Office as entry no. 0080610.

Park City Municipal Corporation • 445 Marsac Avenue •P.O. Box 1480 ° Park City, UT 84060-1480
Phone (435) 615-5180 •FAX (435) 615 -4901
Based on the foregoing, and as successor in interest of UPCM, pursuant to Paragraph 9. 5 of the
Development Agreement, we are hereby putting you on notice of the following:

1. Request to Annex: Pursuant to Paragraph 3.1 of the Development Agreement, Park City has
the absolute right to annex Richardson Flats and hereby puts you on notice that it intends to
pursue such annexation. Hideout's attempt to annex this same area is in direct violation of
the Development Agreement and being pursued w ithout Park City ' s consent, which under the
terms of the Development Agreement would be required as party with rights in the property.
Further, any claim of a competing right to consent to have the property annexed by Hideout is
in violation of the " unconditional" offer and consent granted to Park City under the
Development Agreement. Accordingly, if you have provided such consent to Hideout (or
granted such authority to a third-party ) Park City respectfully requests that you immediately
withdraw such consent and notify Hideout. 3

2. Request to Grant Park City a Deed Restriction: Pursuant to Paragraph 3 .1 Option 3 of the
Development Agreement, the Developer (and Wells Fargo/REDUS as successor in interest)
did not obtain environmental approval to pursue recreational Options 1 or 2. As such, the
Developer (or Wells Fargo/REDUS and any other successor in interest), is required to deed
restrict Richardson Flats in a manner that prevents further development in perpetuity. [Id.
3.1.] Accordingly, Park City respectfully requests that Wells Fargo/REDUS cause the
restrictive deed to be recorded immediately upon passage of the redemption period on August
21 , 2020. Unless and until the deed restriction is affinned and made a matter of public
record, Park City reserves the right to advise the Planning Commission whether any pending
applications should be processed pending this non-compliance, including the hearing
scheduled for this Wednesday on Twisted Branch Subdivision.

3. Attorney's Fees: Section 9.8 of the Development Agreement entitles Park City to recover its
attorney fees in the event of a dispute between the parties. As I'm sure you and Bruce Baird
have informed your clients, the Development Agreement has been the subject of litigation in
both state and federal court already. Park City not only prevailed in enforcing the

The Development Agreement expressly provides that " [n]o other party shall have any right of action
based upon any provision of this Agreement whether as a third-pa11y beneficiary or otherwise." [Id. §
9.6.] Fmther, any transfer or assignment shall not relieve the successor in interest (i.e. Wells Fargo) from
complying with the covenants and restrictions set out in the Development Agreement. [Id. § 8.2]
Pursuant to UCA § 10-2-402(l)(c) a municipality may not annex an incorporated area if the area is
located "within the area of another municipality' s annexation policy plan." The very right granted to Park
City to annex the property into Park City has been part of its annexation plan since 1999, and as added to
the annexation ex pansion area in 2019. [See Attachment A: Park City Annexation Expansion Area Map]
4 . Development Agreement but was awarded fees in one such action due to the actions of the
plaintiff and its counsel. If compelled to protect Park City ' s rights under the Development
Agreement, the City, together with outside counsel, will do so and seek recompense from
Wells Fargo/Redus.

5. Third Party challenge- Indemnification : Pursuant to Paragraph 7.2, the City hereby
notifies Wells Fargo/REDUS of its obligation to coope_rate, hold harmless and indemnify
Park City in the event of a third party challenge as successor to Developer. In the event Park
City is compelled to file an action to protect its rights under the Development Agreement, it
will seek to be reimbursed and indemnified by your clients.

6. Subsequent Conveyance: Finally, it is our understanding that as a result of the sheriffs sale
that occurred in February 2020, that Wells Fargo/REDUS will be able to convey fee title as
early as August 21 , 2020. Any transfer of title or conveyance of property would be subject to
the Development Agreement, including the covenants and restrictions set fmih above. [Id. §

In closing, Park City remains open to discussions with you and your client. However, it must likewise
protect its rights in the very property Wells Fargo/REDUS has apparently sought to sell in a transaction
that flies in the good faith nature of not only our past negotiations, but the good faith nature of the patties'
negotiations that led to the Development Agreement in the first place.

Very truly yours,

cc : David Smith, UPCM

Park City Council
Tom Fisher, Summit County Manager

Park City Municipal Corporation

Attachment A

Coordinate Syslem: NAO 1983 StatePlane Utah Central FIPS 43-02 Feet
Date: 9111/2019 Projection: Lambert Conforma l Conic
0 Park City Municipal Boundary Ootum: North Americ;.'111 1983
Uuis_Fc-01US o O5 2 M ~es
0 2019Annexation ExpansionArea
-Count Boundaries

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