5 Ecosystem

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Detailed Lesson Plan

In Biology for Grade 7

Prepared By: Marer Grace G. Boaquina
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Pamela Salazar

I. Learning Competencies
After 60 minutes, students must:
1. Differentiate biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem
2. Describe the different ecological relationships found in an ecosystem
3. Predict the effect of changes in one population on other populations in the ecosystem
II. Learning Content
A. Topic: Ecosystem
B. References
K to 12 Curriculum Guide pp 115-116
Science Learner’s Material pp146-164
Science Teacher’s Guide pp147-164
Code S7LT-IIh-9 & S7LT-IIh-10
C. Instructional Materials
D. Concepts
Interaction between organisms and their environment are a familiar sight, organism interact with each other and
their environment to meet their basic needs and survive. Some interactions are beneficial while others are harmful.
There are also interactions in which populations of organisms are neither benefited nor harmed. All these
interactions takes place in an ecosystem.
E. Skills: Defining, Differentiating, Observing, Identifying
F. Values Integration
III. Learning Strategy
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Good morning class! Hows your day? Were fine ma’am

That’s good to hear then. Let’s pray first (After praying) Before you sit, please (Learners do the what the teachers say)
pick up some pieces of paper, arrange your chairs
(Checking of attendance and assignments)
Okay, so what’s our topic last meeting? It’s all about the types of sexual and
asexual ma’am

What are the types of Asexual Reproduction class? Budding, Spore formation, Fission,
Vegetative Propagation, Fragmentation

What about the Sexual Reproduction? Pollination, Fertilization, Conjugation

Very good. Are there any other questions class regarding our topic last No ma’am

Okay, now let’s proceed to our topic last meeting. Were already done
discussing how organisms reproduce right? They are organisms that can
produce asexually and sexually while there are also organisms that can
reproduce both asexually and sexually.
So, this organism, in reproducing, they should interact with the other Yes ma’am
organisms or other components of the ecosystem, Just like in the Sexual
reproduction, they interact with the other organisms in order for them to
reproduce. Also, some organisms should interact with other organisms so
that they can survive, because some of it serves as their shelter protection
and even food. Understand?

So, Before we tackle our lesson for today, I have here a mini game. Have you Yes ma’am
ever played 4 pics 1 word?

Okay, so to those who are not familiar with these, 4 pics 1 word is a guessing Yes ma’am
game wherein you’ll have to guess what are those 4 pictures intended to
mean, you don’t have to worry because there are scrambled letters that will
served as your hint or clue to answer the word picture. Understand class?

For example. (The teacher will show 4 pictures consisting Sun, Lighter, Candle (Learners will answer the example
and Bulb which intend to light) It’s easy right? Now I have here just only one word picture)
word picture, the first one who can answer by raising his/her hands will Yes ma’am
receive a prize from me next meeting. Understand?

(The teacher will show a word picture, consisting Environment, plants and (Learners will answer the word picture)
animals and a human system, which intend to Ecosystem)
Why did you say that that word picture is an Ecosystem? Because there is an environment, as
well as the plants and animals and also
there is a human system there.

Very good Now, what can you say about Ecosystem, or what is an ecosystem? Just like what my classmate had told
you ma’am, ecosystem is where plants
and animals interacts

Yes it is, so today obviously our topic for today will be all about Ecosystem. (Learners read the objectives)
Now, everyone please read our objectives for today.
So, I hope these two objectives, will be fulfilled at the end of our discussion. Yes ma’am
Let’s start unlocking some terms (the teacher will post the definition of terms
in the board and explain the words one by one) Do you understand it?

Now that were done unlocking the terms, let’s proceed now. Are you familiar Biotic ma’am are the living components
with the words Abiotic and Biotic class? and the abiotic are the non living

Very good. In our definition of terms, organisms are the example of Biotic Yes ma’am
components like the plants and animals. While the abiotic is the physical
environment, like the soil, air, water and etc. Understand?

Now, let me show you some examples.

Ants and aphids
Orchid in a tree
Caterpillar in a leaves
Tiger and a deer
Sheep and kangaroo
So, these pictures are all example of the biotic component right? Yes ma’am

Remember the definition of Community class? What is it again? Community is where the populations
live in the same place and interact with
each other.

Very good, interaction between organisms. Just like the picture that I have (Learners will answer)
showed you, there is an interaction happening between those organisms.
Let’s re-look (Ants and aphids) So, what do you think happen in this picture?
Aphids are small insects that suck liquid containing sugar from the conducting Yes ma’am
tissues of a plant (example the guava plant), these aphids gets a certain
amount of sugar and other nutrients from these liquid. However much of the
liquid called honeydrew is released through the aphids anus. The ants
consume this honeydrew as food. The ants in turn , protect the aphids from
their insects predator. So, from what I say, these two organism, ants and the
aphids are both benefited from each other. Understand?
So, how are they benefited again? (Learners will explain how the ants and
aphids benefited from each other)

So, from that, they are both mutual in a way that they can help each other, Yes ma’am
they benefit each other. So the relationship of ants and aphids is called
Mutualism. Ma’am what is mutualism? Mutualism is a type of an ecological
relationship where two organisms benefit from each other. Understand?

Very good! Can you give me some example that shows Mutualism class? Flower and the bee ma’am. The bee
harvest nectar from the flower as
source of food. The bee therefore
benefit from the flower. Likewise the
flower also benefit from the bees
because as the bee harvest nectar,
some of its pollen grains attach to its
hairy body and if this bee goes to
another flower, the pollen attach to it
will be transferred in the stigma of the
flower, thereby enabling pollination

Very good! Now, let’s go to the next picture (Orchids in a tree) What happen
in this picture?
Okay! This picture shows an ecological relationship called Commensalism Yes ma’am
wherein one organism benefited while the other is neither harmed or
benefited. So, in this the orchids are called epiphytes, when we say epiphytes
they grow in other plants, they do not harm the plants on which they grow.
The trees served as the shelter of the orchids, trees also helped the orchids to
get enough sunlight so that the orchids can be able to do photosynthesis.
While in the trees, they are not harmed nor benefited. Only the orchid.
Can you give me some example of Commensalism class? A spider ma’am building a web in a
tree. The spider benefited from the
tree because the tree serves as their
shelter while the tree is not harmed
nor benefited.

Yes very good. Also the cattle egret and a cows. Cattle egret is a type of bird, Yes ma’am
the egret and a cow shows commensalism because whenever cows are in the
fields, they tend to move insects that have been nestling on the grass. The
cattle egret then catches them. So from these, it can be seen that the egret
benefited from the cow while the cow remains unaffected or unharmed.

Now, let’s go to the next ecological relationship which is Parasitism. Yes ma’am
Parasitism is where one organism benefited while the other one is harmed.
So, if in commensalism the other one is unharmed nor benefited, here in
Parasitism, the other one is harm. Understood?
In parasitism, parasite is the term called to those organism who benefited,
while to those organisms that are harmed are called host.
Can you give me some examples of Parasitism class? Mosquito and a human ma’am.

Yes very good. Another one? Dog and tick ma’am

So, the mosquito and the tick are the parasite because they benefited from Yes ma’am
the other organism. While the human and the dog are the host because they
are harmed. Just like in the picture shown recently, the caterpillar and a
leaves. As you can see in the picture the caterpillar lives in the lives and tend
to damage the leaves by eating them. Understood?

Okay, the next one is Predation. What is Predation, please read the definition (Learners read the definition of
of Predation. Predation)
Yes thanks you, it is where the organism benefits which is called the predator Rat and snake ma’am. The rat is the
while the other organism is eaten which is called as prey. Example the tiger prey while the snake is the predator
and a deer. The tiger is the predator because he’s the one eating the deer
while the deer is the prey. Can you give me some examples of tiger and a
deer class?

Very good. Because of these relationship, where organism eat another Yes ma’am
organism, it affects the population of the prey, there will be a change in
population. For example in this case of tiger and a deer, if the tiger
continuously eat the deer, the deer population will be greatly affected, it will
lessen. Understood?

Now let’s go to the last ecological relationship which is Competition where in Yes ma’am
from it’s word compete, the organisms compete for the resources such as
food, water and etc. Populations living or species living in the same
environment may require the same resource. When the resources are
limited, competition occurs among species. The more similar needs of the
species, the more intense the competition. Understood?

Very good. Just like in the picture the sheeps and kangaroos. They both eat Yes ma’am
grass right, and if let’s say in that place, grass will be worn out, and there will
be a limited of grass in there will be a competition happen for food between
the sheep and kangaroos. Even the cheetahs and lions, they have the same
prey right, meats. When there will be a scarcity happens in their place,
competition will be happens between the cheetah and lion. Understood?

Okay so, when will competition happen again class? When there is scarcity or limit of
resources happen ma’am

Now that were done discussing the 5 ecological relationship of organisms and Yes ma’am!
about who eats whom, we can say that food if life right? Just like us humans
were very fond of eating right? We have 3 meals in a day, breakfast, lunch
and dinner, we even have snacks deserts and even appetizers right, we love
eating right?
So, the question is why does we need food? To appease our hunger ma’am and also
to get energy from it

Yes energy. Did you know that energy is transferred in the ecosystem? But Yes ma’am
before we tackle how energy is transferred in the ecosystem. Lets tackle first
the characters. There are organisms that can provide us with food right? Like
the plants they provide us the vegetables, there are also animals like pig,
cows, chicken that also served as delectable meals in our tables.

Green plants make their own food using materials from their nonliving Photosynthesis is the process where
environment. Ever heard of photosynthesis class? plants make their own food…

Yes it is, plants need sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to live. They take They produce their own food ma’am
these 3 components and use chlorophyll to help convert these things into
food, and by that plants can make their own food. So from these Plants can
be called as Producers because?

Yes very good. If the plants are producers what about the animals? Consumers ma’am

Why did you say that animals are called consumers? Because they consume food from other
animals as well as the plants ma’am

Very good. So consumers they are classified into three which are the Herbivore are the ones who eats plants
herbivore, Carnivore and Omnivore. Now can you tell me what is the only, while the carnivore are the ones
difference between the 3 class? who eat meat or other animals while
the omnivore are the ones who eat
both plants and animals ma’am

Very good. That’s are the 3 classifications of consumers okay. Yes ma’am
Not all plants and animals die because they are eaten, there are some die Decomposers ma’am
because their lifespan is over. Dead plants and animals become food from
others. So, those organisms that get their food by breaking down the final
remains of living things are called as?

Very good. Now that were done discussing the characters which is the Yes ma’am
producers, consumers, and decomposers, lets go on how the energy is
transferred in ecosystem. Are you familiar with these class? ( web and a

Okay. So these picture is related on how the energy is transferred in the Yes ma’am
ecosystem. Now lets start with a chain, there’s this model that shows how
food energy passes from one organism to another feeding pathway that we
called Food chain. A food chain is a linear network of links, so when we say
linear, it is arranged in a line right?

So, this is a food chain. What do you think happen in the food chain? From that picture ma’am the rat eats
the plant while the rat is eaten by an
another animal which is the snake and
the snake is eaten by an eagle.

Very good. Each organisms in a food chain depends on the organism before it Its start with the energy source ma’am
in the chain, that’s how food chain works. Just like what I say about the which is the sun, and the next in link is
ecological relationships, food chain also shows who eats whom. They also the producer because through the
shows how the energy is passes from one organism to the other organism. sunlight or energy form the sun they’re
Understand? How is the energy passes again from these food chain? able to make their own food. When a
herbivore eats a plant, the food energy
that is stored in the plant is passes into
the herbivores body. And when the
herbivores body is eaten by an another
consumer, the food energy that is
stored in the herbivores body is passes
into the next consumer or eater

Very good. Also, the rat is also considered as the first order consumer or Yes ma’am
primary consumer, while the snake is considered as the second order
consumer or the secondary consumer and the last which is the snake, they
are called as the third order consumer or tertiary consumer. Understood?
So that’s how easy energy passed in the ecosystem. So to continue the energy Yes ma’am
flow, during the decomposition process, decomposers release nutrients from
the organic materials back into the soil, making the soil available to plants
and other producers. Understand?

So, from these we can see the interaction between the abiotic and biotic Yes ma’am
components of the ecosystem right?

So, where does the interaction happen? It starts from the sun ma’am where it
gives sunlight so that the plants can
make their own food.

Very good. Now, what is the reason why plants and animals need energy? Plants and animals need energy ma’am
to enable them to move, reproduce,
grow and etc.

Very good. So, also another representation is the food web. Food web is a Yes ma’am
system of interlocking and interdependent food chains or let’s say several
food chain connected together. Just like this (teacher will post a picture in the
board) Just like how a spider web looks like, its also the same with the food
web, the different is it shows organisms eat other organisms. Understood?

Remember, as energy is transferred from producer to consumers, less energy

is received. Why less energy? Its because the organisms uses that energy for
them to move, reproduce and grow, that’s why only minimum energy is only
received by the next consumer.
Are we clear so far class? Yes ma’am

Okay, let’s proceed to our activity. I’ll give you an activity sheet, this will be Yes ma’am
not a group activity, you will answer this individually okay? I’ll give 5 minutes
to answer this. Okay?
(The teacher will give the activity sheet to the students) (Learners will do their activity)
(After 5 minutes)
Okay, I’ll pick only 3 students to report their output in the front (Teacher will (Learners will report their output)
call 3 students to report their output)
Okay thank you for sharing your output, everyone please pass your paper in
the front. And then get another sheet of paper, 1/4 sheet of paper will do
(After taking the quiz) (Learner will get 1/4 sheet of paper and
take a quiz)
Please exchange with your classmates.
(Checking of the paper) (Learners check their paper)
Who got a perfect score? Okay very good. Please pass your papers in the
Okay for your assignment, please study for upcoming summative test this Good bye ma’am
Wednesday and for your exam this Thursday and Friday. Good bye class.

IV. Evaluation (1/4 sheet of paper)

1. Which of the following is considered as a biotic component of the ecosystem?
1. Flood b. Sunlight c. Temperature d. Wildlife
2. Which of the following represents an abiotic component of the environment?
1. Grass on the field b. Sprouting mongo seeds c. see cow nursing its young d. temperature in a mountain
3. Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between an orchid and a tree?
a. The orchid is benefited while the tree is harmed
b. The orchid is harmed while the tree is benefited
c. The orchid is benefited while the tree is unaffected
d. The orchid and the tree both benefit from the relationship
4. Which of the following relationships exhibits mutualism?
a. Algae-fungi b. rats-cats c. rice bird-hawk d.worms-humans
5. The following are abiotic factors that may affect the population of organisms except:
1. Drought b. earthquakes c. predators d. typhoons

V. Assignments
Study for the upcoming summative test this Wednesday and Upcoming exam this Thursday and Friday

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