In Physics For Grade 7 Students Acceleration

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Physics for Grade 7 Students

Prepared by: Leizl H. Moncada
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Marita Manguilimotan
Cooperating School: Iligan City National High School
I. Objective
At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to:
 Describe the motion of an object in terms of acceleration
 Interpret visual representation of motion graphs involving acceleration

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Acceleration
B. References:
Science Grade 7 K-12 Learner’s Guide, Internet resources
Textbook: Grade 7 Science; Learner’s Material
C. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids
D. Value Integration:
Determination, Patience, Honesty
E. Concept

Acceleration refers to the rate of change in speed or velocity of an object.

The concept of acceleration is introduced as due to the change in the speed or
direction of a moving object. So, even if there is no change in speed but there
is a change in direction, acceleration is achieved.

F. Skills Processed: Defining, Critical Thinking

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am Leizl
How are you today class? We are good Ma’am.
That’s good to hear then.
Kindly arrange your chairs properly and pick up some
pieces of paper. (Learners will do what the
teacher say)

May I request someone to lead the prayer. Are you ready to pray
(After Praying) classmate?
Please be seated. Yes, we are ready.
Anybody absent today?
Very Good, perfect attendance. All are present Ma’am!

B. Review Lesson

What was the topic last meeting class? It was all about Speed and
Very good, it was all about Speed and Velocity. Mr? Can you
tell us what is speed and what is the equation for this? Speed is defined as distance
divided by the time travel.
Very good. How about the Velocity? Yes Ms?
Velocity is referred as the speed
with direction
Thank you! Let’s go back to the first topic that we had.
Remember that we tackled about How far did the object
travel right? That’s why we come up to know Distance and
Displacement. Right after we tackled about How fast right?
That’s why we came up to know Speed and Velocity. Am I

But what if change happen? Like there is a change in speed?

Or a change in velocity? What will we call it?

(Learners will guess)

C. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation
Before we start our discussion, let me ask you this question.
Have you ever played basketball? Or watched a basketball
game? Yes Ma’am

That’s good to hear then, can you tell me what happen in

playing basketball? The players are running ma’am,
shooting the ball and etc.
Yes it is. How about driving a car? Or watching someone
driving a car? In movies ma’am or when we
ride a jeepney, we can see the
driver the jeepney
Yes in movies right? Or in an arcade?
Yes ma’am
What have you noticed on the things that I have told you
Now, Let us relate these things to our new topic today.
(Learners will answer)
2. Presentation

Today, our lesson will be all about Acceleration.

(Posting the title on the board)
And for our objectives in today’s lesson.
(Posting the objectives)
Please read the objectives
At the end of this lesson,
the learners should be able to:
 Describe the motion of
an object in terms of
 Interpret visual
representation of
motion graphs
involving acceleration
Thank you!
Today, you will be describing motion of an object in terms of
acceleration. Also, you will be interpret visual
representation of motion graphs involving acceleration.

3. Discussion
Acceleration refers to the rate
What is acceleration? Do you have any idea class? of change in speed or velocity of
an object.
Okay, Going back to what I’ve said a while ago.
In playing basketball, there are times you run so

fast, sometimes you are steady in your place because your

contemplating if you’ll run or not or your waiting for the ball
to be passed by your teammates. Sometimes, you’ll turn
right or left depending where the ball is. Now, we noticed
there is a change in movement. In speed or in direction. Just
like how you played in basketball.

Or even in driving a car, or just simply riding a jeepney.

When the driver feels like the road is empty, he’ll drive fast,
but if there is a traffic or someone wants to move out on the
car, the driver will slow down. And when the road is a Yes ma ‘am
curved one, the car goes curved as well right?

Then, these three (3) things involved change in speed and

change in direction or in short there is a change in velocity, Yes ma’am
am I right?

And, these change in speed, change in direction or for short

change in velocity is called as ACCELERATION. It refers to
the rate of change in speed or velocity of an object.
Understand? Yes ma’am

The equation for calculating acceleration is:

Acceleration = time

A= Vf-V
Which is Vf is the final velocity while Vi is the initial velocity
and t is for the time. What does this final velocity and initial
velocity means? Example (Teacher will draw a diagram in
the board to show)
In point A to B the final velocity is 20 m/s while the initial
velocity is 0 m/s so therefore we will minus 20 m/s to 0 m/s
which equals to 20 m/s. In terms of time, it showed an initial
and final time, so therefore let’s get the initial and final
time. The final time is 2.0s while the initial time is 0s, so we
will minus 2.0s (final time) to 0s (initial time) which results
to 2.0s.
And then we will divide the velocity over the time, so 20 m/s
divided by 2.0s equals to 10 m/s2

Also, always remember this will be the SI unit for Yes ma’am
acceleration, m/s2. Understand?

Now, when an object is changing in velocity by a constant

amount over time, this called constant acceleration. An
object with constant positive acceleration will be going
faster and faster. Its velocity will be increasing constantly.

And when the velocity of an object decreases or going slow

down , this called a negative acceleration or deceleration.
This means that the direction or vector of the acceleration is
pointing in the opposite direction of the movement of the

This time, I will show you a diagram which is a motion

graphs involving speed, velocity and acceleration for you to




Okay let’s check your understanding. Acceleration refers to the rate

of change in speed or velocity of
What is acceleration? an object.

Acceleration is the change in

What is the equation for calculating acceleration? velocity divided by the time.

What do you call , if a velocity of an object decreases or
going slow down?

Very Good! Okay, Acceleration can be also interpret using

motion graphs, in that way we can understand the
relationship between speed, velocity and acceleration. We
can identify when an object accelerating or decelerating.
Acceleration is said to be positive (+) if the speed increases;
Negative (-) if the speed decreases; or zero if there is no
change in speed. In common terms, a car is accelerating if
the speed increases or the gas pedal is pressed; A car is said
to decelerating if the car’s brakes are used. The acceleration
of a car moving at a constant speed is zero because there is Yes ma’am
no change in speed. Understand?
Goodbye Ma’am Leizl
Goodbye Class!

I. Evaluation (1/2 crosswise)

1. Define Acceleration
2. Describe the motion of a car

3. Is the moon accelerating? Why or why not?

II. Assignment

In a short bond paper, draw three (3) things that shows acceleration. On the
bottom part of the drawing, explain why does it shows acceleration.

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