Training On Current Transformer

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Introduction To Current Transformer

Whenever the value of current in a power circuit is too

high to permit convenient direct connection of
measuring instruments or relays
relays, coupling is made
through transformers. Such measuring transformers are
required to produce a scaled down replica of the input
quantity to the accuracy expected for the particular
measurement; this is made possible by the high
efficiency of the current transformer.

Type of Current Transformers

Type based on Insulating medium

Oil Immersed Type
Gas (SF6) Insulated Type
Epoxy Moulded Type
Silicon Rubber Insulated Type

Type based on winding arrangement

Wound Primary Type
Bar Primary Type
Widow Type

Type based on tank Insulation

Dead tank type
Live tank type
How To Specify Current Transformers
Main Factors When Selecting Current Transformers Are:
¾ Standard (IEC
IS, IEEE or national)
¾ Rated Insulation Level (service voltage)
¾ Rated Primary Current
¾ Rating Factor (maximum continuous Current)
¾ Rated Secondary Current
¾ Short Time Current
¾ Dynamic Current
¾ Number of Secondary Cores
¾ Burdens (outputs) and Accuracies for each core
¾ Creepage Distance
¾ Altitude above Sea level (if > 1000m)
¾ Ambient Temperature

Rated Insulation Level (service voltage)
The current transformer must withstand the operational
voltage and over voltages in the network. Test voltages
are specified in the standards in relation to the system
voltage. These tests shall show the ability of a current
transformer to withstand the over voltages that can
occur in the network.

The dielectric strength of air decreases as altitude

increases. Consequently, for installation at an altitude
higher than 1000 m above sea level, the external
insulation (arcing distance) of the CT has to be adopted
to the actual site altitude.

Rated Primary Current
The current transformer must also withstand the rated
primary current in continuous operation. The primary
rated current should be selected to be approximately 10
to 40% higher than the estimated operating current,
which gives a higher resolution on the metering
equipment and instruments. In order to obtain several
current ratios, current transformers can be designed
with either primary or secondary tap or combination of
b th
Primary Tap CT
A usual way to change ratio is to have two separate
primary windings,
windings which can be connected,
connected either in
series or in parallel. The advantage is that the number
of ampere turn will be identical at all different ratios.
Thus output and class will also be identical at all
current ratios.
The most usual design is with two different ratios, in
relation 2:1, but three current ratios in relation 4:2:1 are
also available.
However, as the short time withstand current will be
reduced when the primary windings are connected in
series compared to the parallel connected windings, the
short circuit capability is reduced for lower ratios.

Secondary Tap CT
F high
For hi h rated
t d currents
t andd hi
h short
h t ti
time currents
t ((>
40kA) normally only one primary turn is used.
Reconnection is made with extra secondary terminals
(taps) taken out from the secondary winding.
winding In this
case the number of ampere-turns and also the output
will be reduced at the taps, but the short circuit
capacity remains constant. The accuracy rating applies
to the full secondary windings, unless otherwise
specified. 7
Rated Continuous Current or Rating Factor

The continuous rated thermal current is the current

which can be permitted to flow continuously in the
primary winding without the temperature rise exceeding
the value stipulated in the standard. Unless otherwise
specified it is equal to the rated primary current , i.e.
The rating factor is 1.0.

IIn applications
li ti where
h th
the actual
t l currents
t are hi
than the rated current, a rating factor must be specified.
With a rating factor of, for instance 1.2 then the current
transformer must withstand a continuous current of 1.2 12
times the rated current.

Rated Secondary Current
The secondary rated current can be 1 or 5A, but there is
a clear trend towards 1A.
As modern numerical protection and metering
equipment have relatively low burdens, the burden in
the cables are predominant one. The cable burden is
I2R, i.e. a 1A circuit has a cable burden 25 times lower
in VA compared to a 5A circuit. The lower burden
needed for 1A, reduces the size and the cost of current
f cores.

Short Time Current (Ith) & Dynamic current (Idyn)

This is the maximum current,
current which the current
transformer can withstand for a period of 1 second,
without reaching a temperature that would be
disastrous to the insulation medium of current
If the short time thermal current is not specified, it can
be calculated by using the formula:

I th =
Un x √ 3

Sk = the fault level in MVA at the point where the CT is
t b
to be iinstalled.
t ll d
Un = rated service voltage (line – line) in kV
Ith = short circuit current in kA.

The dynamic Current is 2.5 times of Ith for 50c/s system

and 2.6 times of Ith for 60c/s system.

Burden and Accuracy
In practice all current transformer cores, burden output
should be specially adopted for their application for
each station. Do not specify higher burden output
requirement than necessary. The output required from a
CT depends on the application and type of load
connected to it.

Standard value of burden output is

2 5 – 5.0
2.5 5 0 – 10 – 15 – 30VA
Value above 30VA may be selected to suit the

Standard accuracy class for measuring CT are:

0.1 – 0.2 – 0.2S – 0.5 – 0.5S – 1.0

To protect the instruments and meters from being
damaged by high currents during fault conditions, a
metering core be saturated typically between 5 and 10
times the rated current.

The rated instrument security factor (FS) indicates the

over current as a multiple of the rated current at which
the metering core will saturate. It is thus limiting the
d currentt tto FS times
ti the
th rated
t d current.
t Th
safety of the metering equipment is greatest when the
value of FS factors are 5 or 10. It is a maximum value
and only valid at rated burden.

Relation between current and error on measuring
current transformer

P t ti CT operate
t in
i the
th range above
b rated
t d
currents. The main characteristics of these CT are:
™ Low accuracy
™ High saturation voltage
™ Little or no turn correction

Standard accuracy class limit factor (Kssc) for

protective CT are:
5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 30

Standard accuracy classes for protective CT are:

The accuracy class is designed by the highest
permissible % composite error at the rated accuracy
limit primary current prescribed for the accuracy class
is concerned, followed by the letter ‘ P ‘ (meaning
Standard accuracy class for protective CT are:
5P and 10P
Limit of error for protective CT with accuracy class 5P
& 10P

Class PS protective current transformer

A CT of low leakage reactance for which knowledge of
the CT’s secondary y excitation characteristics,,
secondary winding resistance, secondary burden
resistance and turns ratio is sufficient to assess its
performance in relation to the protective relay system
with which it is to be used.

Rated knee point e.m.f (Ek)
The minimum sinusoidal e.m.f (rms) at rated power
frequency when applied to the secondary terminals of
the CT, all other terminals being open circuited, which
when increased by 10% causes the rms exciting current
to increase by no more than 50%.

Secondary winding Resistance (Rct)

As a protection CT may
y be required to deliver high
values of secondary current, the secondary winding
resistance must be made as low as possible.

A practical range will usually be between 1 and 3.5

Ω/1000 turns.

Calculation of knee point voltage (Ek) for P class CT.
The suitability of a standard protection current
transformer (5P/10P),
(5P/10P) can be checked against knee
point voltage requirement.
An estimated knee point voltage can be calculated as

VA x Kssc
Ek ≈ + Kssc x Isn x Rct

Calculation of VA requirement

VA = Isn2 (Rl +Rr)

Rl = resistance of single lead from relay to CT
Rr = resistance of relay circuit (VA/Isn2)
Current transformer Standards

IS 2705 (5P
(5P, 10P
10P, 15P & PS)
IEC 60044-1(5P, 10P, PR & PX)
IEC60044-6 (TPS, TPX, TPY & TPZ)
BS 3938 (5P, 10P & X)

Current Transformer Class as per IEC 60044-6

Class TPS
Low leakage flux CT for which performance is defined
by the secondary excitation characteristics and turns
error limits. No limit for remanent flux.
Differential and Distance protection with out A/R.

Class TPX
Accuracy limit is defined by peak instantaneous error
during specified duty cycle. No limit for remanent flux.
Differential and Distance protection with 1 short A/R
Class TPY
Accuracy limit is defined by peak instantaneous error
during specified duty cycle. Remanent flux not to
exceed 10% of the saturation flux.
Distance protection with multi short A/R
Class TPZ
Accuracy limit is by defined alternating current
component error during single energization with
maximum d.c. Offset at specified secondary loop time
constant. No requirement for d.c. Component error
limit Remanent flux to be practically negligible
limit. negligible.
Distance protection with multi short A/R 19
CT requirement for Relays of Leading Manufacturers.

Rct + Rb
Rct + R


Iscc (max)
K’SSC > Ktd x

The above formula is applicable generally for all type

of SIEMENS relays with minor variation.

For distance protection REL 501 to 531

For Line Differential Protection REL 551

For Distance Protection P441, 442 & 444

For Bus Bar Protection P741& P743

Typical CT Sizing Calculation (practical dimension)

Task: CT shall be dimensioned for the above


Step 1
Short circuit impedance shall be calculated.

Impedance based on 110kV

Un2 1102
Network, Zn = = = 4.03 Ω
Iscc 3000
Un2 Ut (%) 1102 12
Transformer, Zt = x = x = 36.3Ω
Pnt 100 40 100
Impedance based on 20kV

Un2 202
Network, Zn = = = 0.13 Ω
Iscc 3000
U 2
Un Ut (%) 202 12
Transformer, Zt = x = x = 1.2Ω
Pnt 100 40 100

Line, Zl = L x Z’ l = 8 x 0.4 = 3.2 Ω

For fault location F1 to F4 the following fault currents are
calculated for the 110 and 20kV side.
1.1x Un / √3
√ 1.1 x 110 /√3

If at F1(110kv) = = = 17.34kA
Zn 4.03
1.1 x Un / √3 1.1 x 110 / √3
If at F2(110kv) = = = 1.73kA
Zn + Zt 4.03 + 36.3
1.1 x Un / √3 1.1 x 20 / √3
If att F3(20k
F3(20kv)) = = = 9.55kA
9 55kA
Zn + Zt 0.13 + 1.2
1.1 x Un / √3 1.1 x 20 / √3
If at F4(20kv)
( )= = = 2.8kA
Zn + Zt + Zl 0.13 + 1.2 +3.2
Dimensioning of the CT for the transformer differential
110kV side:
The requirement of Ktd for 7UT61 relay is 0.75 and 1.2 for
internal and external fault respectively. 28
Condition-1 for internal fault, K’ssc
K ssc shall be
If at F1 17.34 x 1000
K’ssc = Ktd x = 0.75 x = 43.35
Ipn 300
C diti
Condition-22 for
f external
t l ffault,
lt K’
K’ssc shall
h ll b
If at F2 1.73 x 1000
K’ssc = Ktd x = 1.2 x = 6.92
Ipn 300
The CT dimension must be based on condition-1, because
43.35 > 6.92. We consider the CT data as 300/1A, 10VA, Rct =
2 Ω, R’b = 2.5 Ω & 5P(Kssc)
R t + R’b
Rct (2 + 2.5)
2 5)
Kssc = K’ssc x = 43.35 x = 16.26
Rct + Rb (2 + 10)
Consider the standard value of 20 instead of 16.26 calculated
∴The required accuracy class shall be 5P20
20kV side
A symmetrical dimensioning of CT is considered (same
Kssc) on both sides of the transformer as a basis for the
best stability in the event of external fault. Hence CT spec
to be 1200/1A, 10VA, Rct= 2Ω & 5P20 29
Dimensioning of the CT for the feeder differential protection:

The requirement of Ktd for 7SD61 relay is 0.5 and 1.2 for
internal and external fault respectively.
Condition-1 for internal fault, K’ssc shall be
If at F3 9.55 x 1000
K’ssc = Ktd x = 0.5 x = 23.88
Ipn 200
Condition-2 for external fault, K’ssc shall be
If att F4 2 8 x 1000
K’ssc = Ktd x = 1.2 x = 16.8
Ipn 200
The CT dimension must be based on condition-1,, because
23.88 > 16.8. We consider the CT data as 200/1A, 5VA, Rct = 1
Ω, R’b = 0.5 Ω & 5P(Kssc)
Rct + R’b (1 + 0.5)
Kssc = K’ssc x = 2323.88
88 x = 55.12
Rct + Rb (2 + 5)
Consider the standard value of 10 instead of 5.12
calculated above
∴The required accuracy class shall be 5P10

Hence CT spec to be 200/1A, 5VA, Rct= 1Ω & 5P10

Creepage Distance

For outdoor current transformers with ceramic

insulators susceptible to contamination, the creepage
distance according to IEC60044
1 for different pollution
levels are given below.


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