Motivating Employees

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INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer in each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer on each item by putting a circle
corresponding to the letter of your choice.
1. The effective supervisor will recognize the difference
between giving subordinates a desire to produce well because of
high job satisfaction and trying to force them to do so,
deviously or otherwise; and in personnel management, this is
motivation versus manipulation.
A. motivating employees B. motivating personnel
C. motivating resources D. motivating subordinates

2. This is a high level of discipline in its broadest sense in

an organization is perhaps the best mark of good organizational
leadership; and ordinarily, if it is present, high level of
esprit de corps and morale will result together with increased
A. leadership ethics
B. indicators of leadership
C. all of these
D. psychology of leadership

3. The approach of listing leadership qualities, which is often

termed,__________, assumes certain traits or characteristics will
tend to lead to effective leadership. Although this theory has an
intuitive appeal, difficulties may arise in proving its tenets,
and opponents frequently challenge this approach.
A. trait theory B. latent theory
C. none of these D. social theory

4. It is a special form of police relations, and its specifics

lies in coordinating the conduct and actions of police personnel
and in serving to establish such relations as are required for
successful joint activity.
A. police integrity B. police courtesy
C. police honesty D. police discipline

5. This are made on the basis of established policies, rules or

procedures, for example, when police supervisor receives a
request for a transfer of assignment of subordinate and approves
A. programmed decisions
B. non-programmed decision
C. all of these
D. none of these

6. This type of model in decision-making process is relatively

simple to make, but it is not easy to change. It is difficult to
manipulate the variables in this model because its elements are
relative concrete.
A. descriptive model B. analogue model
C. symbolic model D. leadership model

7. It is a human relations or leadership approach whereby

subordinates enthusiastically follow the leader’s will because of
some possible gain, reward or satisfaction they expect to get
such as feeling of achievement, sense of responsibility,
appreciation, promotion, etc.
A. positive motivation B. positive encouragement
C. positive influencing D. positive rewarding

8. It is the best known theory of motivation probably, and it

is hypothesized that within every human being there exists a
hierarchy of five basic needs.
A. all of these
B. hierarchy of needs theory
C. theory X and theory Y
D. motivation hygiene theory

9. It is a form of calculative, psychological hedonism in which

the ultimate motive of every human act is asserted to be the
maximization of pain.
A. equality theory B. expectancy theory
C. integrated theory D. occupancy theory

10. This recognizes that individuals are concerned not only with
the absolute rewards they receive for their efforts, but also
with the relationship of these rewards to what others receive.
A. equity theory B. fairness theory
C. equitable theory D. justice theory

11. This ignores the inner state of the individual and

concentrates solely on what happens to a person when he or she
takes some action. Because it does not concern itself with what
initiates behavior, it is not strictly speaking, a theory of
A. strengthening theory B. supportive theory
C. fortification theory D. reinforcement theory

12. It does not always mean destructions. It can also include

transfer of records to a historical archive, to a museum, or even
to a private party.
A. discarding of record
B. disposition of records
C. administering record
D. recording of records

13. This records are maintained by the police station, and which
is required for all persons arrested; and it is made out in full
in each person arrested.
A. arrest records B. booking records
C. all of these D. none of these

14. It is the heart of any records system of the police

organizational hierarchy; and it is the basis for an analysis of
criminal offenses and the methods of operations by which they are
A. case record B. criminal record
C. incident record D. accident report

15. This consists of photographic records of known criminals,

and this shall describe the method of operation of a criminal
classified and filed in such a way as to aid in identifying the
A. modus operandi file B. rogues gallery
C. criminal records D. mug files

16. The number of applicant for initial screening shall not be

more than __________ of the recruitment quota allocated to the
particular unit as duly approved by the National Police
A. 150% B. 200%
C. 50% D. 100%

17. It is given to determine whether or not the police applicant

possess the required coordination, strength and speed of movement
necessary in the police service.
A. drug test B. physical agility test
C. neuro-psychiatric test D. physical & medical test

18. The following shall be the appointing authorities to the rank

of Police Officer I, EXCEPT:
A. Chief, PNP for applicants at the national level
B. RD, PRO for applicants at the regional level
C. Director, NSU for applicants in such particular unit
D. Chairperson, Civil Service Commission

19. It shall be issued to a Police Officer I after the completion

of the required PNP Field Training Program for twelve (12) months
actual experience and assignment in patrol, traffic, and
A. permanent appointment B. temporary appointment
C. absorption orders D. regular appointment

20. A PNP member who is assigned to a position lower than what

is established in the staffing pattern and who shall not be
assigned to a position commensurate to such rank within 18 months
after his/her demotion shall be retired or separated, and this
A. attrition by demotion
B. attrition by separation
C. attrition by retirement
D. attrition by other means

21. The City/Municipal Mayor has the authority to choose the

Chief of Police (COP) from a list of _____ eligibles recommended
by the Provincial Director (PD), preferably from the same
province, city or municipality.
A. 3 B. 5
C. all of these D. none of these

22. This is to be applied in the sense that length of service is

merely one of the various factors specified in the factors
considered for promotion which shall be used to determine
preference in promotional status.
A. priority rule B. third rule
C. none of these D. seniority rule

23. It refers to the retirement or separation from the police

service of PNP uniformed personnel pursuant to any of the means
mentioned in Sections 24 to 29 of R.A. No. 8551.
A. attrition B. demotion
C. promotion D. separation

24. It refers to any impairment of the body which renders PNP

member indefinitely incapable of substantially performing the
mandated duties and functions of his position.
A. total permanent physical disability
B. compulsory retirement
C. optional retirement
D. all of these

25. This refers to the number of crimes committed in a given

area over a period of time, and it is refers to the total number
of crime incidents reported to the attention of police or any
other law enforcement agencies.
A. total crime volume B. monthly crime rate
C. arrest rate D. crime solution efficiency

26. This refers to the frequency of crime occurrence by month

for every 100,000 population in particular location.
A. monthly crime rate B. population density
C. crime volume D. crime density

27. This refers to the frequency of occurrence of a particular

crime incident committed in a given area over a period of time,
it is also known as crime clock.
A. crime statistics B. frequency of crime
C. all of these D. occurrence of crime

28. A plan to be effectively carried out must be accepted by all

personnel concerned at the appropriate level of the plans
development, and that is?
A. briefing of the plan B. classification of plan
C. selling the plan D. strategic action plan

29. This is only authorized and shall be established only in

conjunction with ongoing operations. Only official and marked
vehicles shall be used in establishing it.
A. blocking operations B. chokepoints
C. mobile checkpoints D. checkpoints

30. In case of unlawful aggression, only __________ may be

employed to prevent, and the employment of tear gas and water
cannons shall be made under the supervision of Ground Commander.
A. arrest of leaders B. dispersal of assembly
C. dialogue with crowds D. reasonable force

31. It is any position within the government, police, military,

the occupant of which could bring about by virtue of the position
a material adverse effect to national security.
A. sensitive position
B. confidential agent
C. security officer

D. intelligence authority
32. It is primarily designed to enable the office of unit to
achieve and maintain a sound and effective security system.
A. security education B. security orientation
C. scty. indoctrination D. security reminders

33. The subject is followed so closely, that surveillant and

subject are almost in lock step.
A. close surveillance B. open surveillance
C. loose surveillance D. mustard plaster

34. Are those items of information regarding criminals or

subversives, and that needs to be collected or processed to meet
the intelligence requirements of police executives.
A. other information requirements
B. priority intelligence requirements
C. orders and request
D. intelligence indicator

35. Also called as a plant or fixed surveillance, here the

surveillant remains essentially in one position or locale.
A. tail gating B. stakeout
C. convoy D. undercover

36. It is a device which provides a means of systematic

arrangement of information by type of subject.
A. intelligence journal
B. enemy situation map
C. intelligence workbook
D. order of battle

37. It is an individual who provides information because of

purely monetary consideration.
A. informer B. source
C. eye witness D. informant

38. In police operational intelligence, those who do not meet

the requirements of need to know means what?
A. without clearance B. black lists
C. outsiders D. outside elements

39. This are information or material in any form, the

safeguarding of which is necessary in the interest of national
A. documents B. classified matters
C. security clearance D. vital information

40. It is the assigning of an information or material to one of

the four security classifications.
A. classify B. declassify
C. classification D. compartmentation

41. It is the granting of access to classified document or

A. compartmentation
B. need-to-know
C. cleared individual

D. security officer
42. Information or material the unauthorized disclosure of which
would cause exceptionally grave damage to the nation.
A. restricted B. confidential
C. secret D. top secret

43. It encompasses measures taken by an office or group to

protect itself against espionage, enemy observations, sabotage,
or subversion.
A. police security B. civil security
C. special operation D. censorship

44. It is the control and examination of communications to

prevent the transmission of information that may fall to the hand
of the enemy.
A. police security B. civil security
C. special operation D. censorship

45. Individuals who are simultaneously employed by two or more

friendly intelligence collection agencies, and usually motivated
by economic gains.
A. dual agents B. double agents
C. informers D. informants

46. It is known a doctrine of law wherein an individual is said

to be maintaining on his premises, business or residential a
condition, instrumentality that is dangerous to young children.
A. persons & things B. attractive nuisances
C. hazardous places D. none of these

47. This is a patrol activity which consists of driving around

the district, and waiting for something to happen.
A. reactive patrol B. foot patrol
C. police patrol D. police visibility

48. To be effective, modern police patrol must perform three (3)

major sphere of activity-often simultaneously relatively with
patrol operations, EXCEPT:
A. they must handle calls for service
B. they must participate in tactical responses
C. they must eliminate actual opportunity
D. they must engage in strategic-problem solving efforts

49. It is important because time is of the essence in most

police work.
A. constant availability B. patrol operations
C. police visibility D. patrol officers

50. The first and foremost in the police officers preparation

for patrol duty is __________.
A. behavior preparation B. general preparation
C. attitude preparation D. pre-patrol preparation

51. It is the function that most completely describes the patrol

officer’s jobs, because most of his duties depend on this, and
that is by the use of his visual sense.

A. observation B. uses of senses

C. investigation D. first responders
52. Its objective is for the patrol officer to survey the
situation and condition of the boundaries of his area of
A. crisscross B. freewheeling
C. counterclockwise D. clockwise

53. It is generally accomplished whether having officers present

at specific locations maintaining a highly visible profile or by
publicizing highly active undercover operations.
A. omni-presence B. repression of crime
C. law enforcement D. crime prevention

54. It is really nothing new, and in today’s parlance, one can

say that it is simply the “Koban of Japan”, the “Neighborhood
Watch of Singapore,” etc.
A. police patrol operation B. detective beat system
C. New COPS on the Block D. police beat system

55. It is a new policing concept that combines the familiarity,

thrust and sense of belongingness characterized by the “beat cop”
with the expertise of the professional policing model.
A. community-oriented policing system
B. problem-oriented policing system
C. New COPS on the Block
D. police beat system

56. It is the backbone of the police tactics.

A. police patrol operations
B. police communication systems
C. police intelligence analysts
D. police-community relations

57. It is a simple activity whereby policemen who have just

finished, as well as those due to start of their tour of duty are
made to stand in formation at the police unit or office.
A. announcements of duties B. de-briefing
C. roll call training D. guard mounting

58. Its need cannot be over emphasized, owing to the fact that
the police cannot single-handedly solve the problem of
criminality in the country considering its deficiencies in
organic manpower and resources.
A. police-community relations
B. citizen-police partnership
C. effective patrol operations

D. neighborhood anti-crime watch

59. It is the breaking of a code or a cipher.

A. cryptography B. deciphering
C. decoding D. cryptanalysis

60. It is used by the radio operator to spell difficult words

and thereby prevent misunderstanding on the part of the receiving

A. semantic alphabet B. phonetic alphabet

C. prowords & keywords D. phonetic number
61. They devised an elaborate police system in which each castle
town had a military samurai warrior who served as town
magistrate, judge, and chief of police.
A. the shogun ruler of 17th century feudal Japan
B. the doriki and doshin
C. the chuzaiso and koban
D. none of these

62. This was a private system of social obligation in which all

adult males were responsible for the good conduct of all others.
A. watch and wards system
B. hue and cry system
C. Frankpledge System of Social Obligation
D. tithing and hundred-man’s system

63. This police system was totally different from the English
system; and it is organized financed and controlled by the
government, they were actually the personal political police of
the king.
A. French Police B. Paris Police
C. British Police D. England Police

64. It was one of the most significant police reform experiments

of the time, the first regular professional police force in
London, and was organized to curb the thefts that plagued the
world’s largest port.
A. British River PoliceB. England River Police
C. Thames River Police D. American River Police

65. This mandated the establishment of police in the provinces,

police departments spread throughout England, and provincial
police were funded by both local and central governments.
A. Act 5618 B. Act 1865
C. Act 6518 D. Act 1856

66. In addition to giving police an ideal to strive for, he also

helped consolidate the International Association of Chiefs of
Police (IACP) into a truly national police organization.
A. Joseph Fouche B. Francis Vidocq
C. August Vollmer D. O.W. Wilson

67. In US, it involves holding both individual police officers,

as well as law enforcement agencies responsible for effectively
delivering basic services of crime control and maintaining order,
while treating individuals fairly and within the bounds of the
rules of the law.
A. police discipline B. police integrity
C. police loyalty D. police accountability

68. In addition to the ranks of police in Japan, this position

is awarded to Junsa, who has a wealth of working experiences and
whose performance of duties is very good.
A. Koan Linkai B. Junsa Cho
C. Chuzaiso D. Koban

69. __________, the TNPD is headed by a Director General who

holds the rank of police general, and assisted by three deputy
director generals and five assistant director generals, all of
whom with the rank of police lieutenant general.
A. military in character
B. civilian in character
C. quasi-military in character
D. semi-military in character

70. It is a part of the security forces structure in Malaysia.

The force is a centralized organization with responsibilities
ranging from traffic control to intelligence gathering.
A. Police in Malaysia B. Police Diraja Malaysia
C. National Police D. Malaysia Royal Police

71. When large parts of Indonesia were under Dutch colonial

occupation until 1940s, police duties were performed by either
military establishments or colonial police known as the
__________ or the field police.
A. polizia B. veldpolitie
C. police D. politeia

72. It has a heritage almost as old as that of modern Singapore,

having been formed in 1819 with a skeleton force of 11 men.
A. Royal Malaysia Police B. Singapore Police Force
C. Thai National Police D. Hong Kong Police Force

73. It is the world's second and Asia's first police agency to

operate with a modern policing system, and it was formed with
strength of 32 officers.
A. Hong Kong Royal Police Force
B. Royal Hong Kong Police Force
C. Hong Kong Police Force
D. Hong Kong National Police Force

74. The RHKPF is commanded by the _________ who is assisted by

two deputy commissioners - a "Deputy Commissioner – Operations”
and a "Deputy Commissioner – Management."
A. Director General of Police
B. Commissioner General of Police
C. Inspector General of Police
D. Commissioner of the Police

75. This is required by effective law enforcement, and it comes

with the job because without it, police officers cannot
effectively compel citizens to obey the law.
A. mandate B. power
C. police laws D. authority

76. It is a type of perimeter barrier made of chain link with

mesh openings not larger that two inches square, and made or #9
gauge wire or heavier.
A. clear zone B. bodies of water
C. building wall D. wire fence

77. An unobstructed area maintained on both sides of the

perimeter barrier.
A. clear zone B. bodies of water
C. building wall D. wire fence

78. It is the key elements in the security survey system of a

plant or installation.
A. security guard B. human guard
C. company guard D. agency guard

79. It is a term used in England for lock pickers, safecrackers,

and penetrators of restricted rooms or areas.
A. doppler effect B. duress code
C. Peterman D. fail safe

80. The extinguishment of fire by using water solution, and the

temperature is lowered below the burning point.
A. smothering B. starving
C. cooling D. all of the above

81. These fire results from the burning of wood, paper, textiles
and other carbonaceous materials.
A. Class “A” Fires
B. Class “B” Fires
C. Class “C” Fires
D Class “D” Fires

82. The regular license is good for how many years?

A. 1 year B. 2 years
C. 6 months D. 1 year & 6 months

83. The stock of ammunitions of the PSAs shall not exceed a

basic load of how many rounds per unit of duly licensed firearms.
A. 20 B. 12
C. 50 D. 25

84. It is the only instances wherein PDAs & PSAs may be allowed
to use high powered firearms.
A. upsurge of lawlessness and criminality
B. upsurge of bank and armored bank robbery
C. transporting big amount of money
D. providing security to VIPs

85. There are two different ways in which security guards are
hired or employed in the local setting, and that is, the company
guard and the other one is:
A. government guards
B. private security agency
C. proprietary guards
D. in-house guards

86. They are any person who offers or renders personal service
to watch or secure either residential or business establishment
or both.
A. private detective B. security guards
C. propriety guards D. company guards

87. Are any person who is not a member of the AFP or PNP, but
involved in detective work.
A. private detective B. security guards
C. propriety guards D. company guards

88. It is a government agency involved in the personal

supervision of the internal affairs of the PSAs, PDAs, CSFs and

89. Merger of PSAs/PDAs is commonly known as ______ in the

industrial security management.
A. Kabit System B. Illegal Operation
C. Merger of Security D. Moribund Security

90. They have the authority to conduct inspection to

C. PD, PPO D. SOSIA Officer

91. The word “police” originated from the Greek word

“__________” meaning government of a city. It applied to civil
officers and not necessarily policeman. The Romans changed the
word to “police” and applied it those person who actually
enforced the law.
A. politeia B. patrollier
C. cops D. polis

92. If the patrol officers observe the commission of a crime, he

may be able to __________ at once. In fact, this is his primary
duty when he is called to scene of a crime.
A. search the offender B. arrest the offender
C. conduct hot pursuit D. all of these

93. The scriptures named the twelve intelligence agents whom the
Lord directed Moses to send into the Land of Canaan, and records
that all those men were “__________.”
A. Mossad of Israel
B. Philistinian Agent
C. Heads of the Children of Israel
D. Intelligence Service, AFP

94. It is the determination of the pertinence or significance of

the information relative to police operations, reliability of the
sources or agency, and the accuracy of the source of information.
A. analysis B. recording
C. evaluation D. integration

95. This is the establishment of the formal structure of

authority through which work subdivisions of the police
organization are arranged, and coordinated for the defined
objective, goal and purpose.
A. organizing B. directing
C, controlling D. planning

96. This is the whole personnel function of bringing in and

training the staff and maintaining favorable conditions of work
inside and outside of the organization.
A. directing B. staffing
C. coordinating D. reporting

97. By the coming of the Spaniards who ruled the country by

using the sword after the cross, the country’s police system
started; the police were then called, as follows, EXCEPT:
A. Cuardillo
B. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad Republica
C. Guardia Civil
D. politeia

98. To attain the equitable distribution of new Police Officer I

recruit, the allocation of quota at the city/municipal levels
shall be based on the set of criteria, as follows, EXCEPT:
A. police-to-population ratio
B. peace and order conditions
C. actual demand of the service
D. state of lawlessness and criminality

99. Applicants for Private Security Agency (PSA) license to

operate shall be required to present a minimum capitalization of
how much amount, in order to start its business operation.
A. P1,000,000.00 B. P500,000.00
C. P750,000.00 D. P1,500,000.00

100. Moribund but previously licensed private security agencies,

A. dying PSA B. viable PSA
C. new PSA D. renewing PSA


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