Lea Inter Agency Approach
Lea Inter Agency Approach
Lea Inter Agency Approach
Its Pillar:
POLICE/LAW ENFORCEMENT - "the initiators of action or the prime mover"
PROSECUTION - "the champion and the state representative"
COURT- "the center pillar & the final arbiter of justice"
CORRECTION - "the reformer and weakest pillar"
COMMUNITY - "the informal or the base pillar"
LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY - pertains to an organization responsible for enforcing the laws. The
collective term for professionals who are dedicated to upholding and enforcing the laws and statutes that are
currently in force in a given jurisdiction.
ADMINISTRATION – decision making, implementation of objectives and plans and internal operating agency.
Pertains to activity of higher level, developing plans.
MANAGEMENT – fulfill those objectives, process of deciding the best way to use an organizations resources
to produce goods or provide service.
ORGANIZATION - a group of persons working together for a common goal or objectives. A form of human
association for the attainment of a goal or objective.
POLICE ORGANIZATION - a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in
the achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life
and property, enforcement of the laws and the
prevention of crimes.
POLICE ADMINISTRATION - policy making, the process involved ensuring strict compliance, proper
obedience of laws and related statutes focuses on the policing process or how law enforcement agencies are
organized and managed in order to achieved the goals of law enforcement most effectively, efficiently and
PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT – other known Human Resource Management, part of management process
which is primarily concerned with the human constituents of an organization.
POLICE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT – (Human Resources Management) may be defined as that area of
manage concerned with human relations in the police organization.
6M’s – Men (most important), Money (bloodline), Methods, Materials, Machinery, Market
1. SPAN OF CONTROL – the ability of one man to direct, coordinate, and control immediate subordinates.
4. CHAIN OF COMMAND – the arrangement of officers from top to bottom on the basis of rank or position and
1. SPECIALIZATION – should be divided on the basis of qualification and skills. Groupings of activities and
segragation of line, staff and auxilliary.
2. FUNCTIONAL DEFINITION – division of work according to type, place and specialization. Horizontal growth
of organization, all the functions in a concern should be completely and clearly defined to the managers and
3. UNITY OF COMMAND – dictates that there should only be ONE MAN/SUPERIOR commanding
the unit to ensure uniformity in the execution of orders. One boss in ONE SITUATION. Backbone of any
organizational structure.
4. UNITY OF DIRECTION – implies that all activities with the same objectives must be directed by one boss or
leader, must be one plan.
6. CHAIN OF COMMAND – the arrangement of officers from top to bottom on the basis of rank or position
and authority.
a. Top Echelon - The top most level the chain where the overall responsibility authority over
subordinate commands and units.
b. Middle Echelon - next lower echelon constitutes a subordinate apportioned by the commander in
order to accomplish his tasks. Each of these subordinate commanders responsible to the common
superior for the accomplishment of his assigned task.
- Police Regional Offices/NSU's Top middle echelon
- Provincial/City Police intermediary middle District Offices
- Municipal Police Offices/Numbered Police Stations lower middle echelon
c. Lower Echelon – further apportion led by subordinate commanders, City and Muncipal.
7. SCALAR CHAIN – authority from flows to bottom, prescribes the vertical hierarchy of organizations. It
defines an unbroken chain or scale of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority.
a. Line of Authority and Chain of Command – suggest that communications should ordinarily go
upward through established channels in the hierarchy. Diverting orders, directives, or reports
around a level of command usually has disastrous effects on efficiency of the organization.
b. Unity of Command – subordinate is accountable to one and only one immediate superior.
c. Span of Control – number of subordinates a superior can effectively supervise. There is no exact
mathematical ratio in superior-subordinate relationships. 2:3 , 2:10 subirdinates
d. Delegation of Authority – conferring of certain specified authority by a superior.
8. PRINCIPLE OF EFFICIENCY - In enterprise different resources are used. These resources must be used in
effective manner. When the organization fulfill the objectives with minimum cost, it is effective. Organization
must always concentrate on efficiency. Cost effective
9. PRINCIPLE OF ORDER (Orderliness) - The means that in the organization everything should be in the
right place whether it is materials or people employees. This principle is crucial for reducing the wastage of
time and resources.
a. Line and Staff – Implies that a system of varied functions arranges into a workable pattern. The line
organization is responsible for the direct accomplishment of the objectives while the staff is responsible
for support, advisory or facilitative capacity.
b. Principle of Balance – States that the application of principles must be balanced to ensure the
effectiveness of the structure in meeting organization's objectives.
10. PRINCIPLE OF AUTHORITY – HIERACHY OF AUTHORITY, right and power, decision within the authority
POWER – ability to influence, command or apply force
AUTHORITY – tradition, delegation, legitimate exercise of power
RESPONSIBILITY – accountability
→ Law → Tradition → Delegation
TRADITIONAL AUTHORITY – continous use of political power (custom)
RATIONAL LEGAL AUTHORITY – government of laws not of people (law)
CHARISMATIC AUTHORITY – seen as a person of density who is inspired by unusual vision.
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE – the systematic arrangement of the relationship of the members, positions,
departments and functions or work of the organization. It is comprised of functions, relationships,
responsibilities and authorities of individuals within the organization
POLITEIA – Greek word which means government of the city
POLITIA – Roman word which means condition of the state or government
POLICE - French word which was later adopted by the English language, public order, administration or
Sworn Officer – The term referring to personnel of the police department who has taken oath of office and
possesses the power to arrest.
Superior Officer – One having supervisory responsibilities over officers to the lower rank, whether temporary
or permanent.
Ranking Officer – Refers to the officers having the highest rank or grade according to their date of
appointment to that grade.
Length of Service – The period of time elapsed since the oath of office was administered,
Active Service – shall refer to services rendered as an officer and non-officer, cadet, trainee or draftee in the
Security of Tenure – is a right of an employee and mandated by law that protects them from being unjustly
terminated from employment by their employers.
Time-in-grade – the length of time the employee has been continuously employed at a particular rank and
shall be used to determine all seniority issues that relate to this Agreement.
→ Police Officer II (4 years – 2 years as PO I)
→ Police Officer III (3 years – 2years as PO II)
→ Senior Police Officer II (3 years – 2 years as SPO I)
→ Senior Police Officer IV (3 years – 2years as SPO III)
→ Police Senior Inspector (4 years – 3 years as Police Inspector)
6. Keepers of the Peace – 1195 King Richard I (Lionheart), Knights maintain or keeping King’s peace.
THE ASSIZE OF ARMS OF 1252 – also called Ordinance of 1252, proclamation of King Henry III of
England. Watch and Ward system – to maintain order and security in town.
C. WESTMINSTER PERIOD OF POLICING SYSTEM (1285-1500) – statute of Winchester 1285 King Edward
I, cited policing between Norman Conquest and Metropolitan Police Act 1829.
1. Statute of 1295 - the law that mark the beginning of the curfew hours, which demanded the closing of the
gates of London during sundown.
2. Justice of the Peace - Three or four men who were learned in the law of the land were given authority to
pursue arrest, chastise and imprison violators of law. They handled felonies, misdemeanors and infractions of
city or villages ordinances. This was later abolished about 75 years later.
3. Courts of the Star-Chamber (1487) - a special court designed to try offenders against the state. The room
set-up is formed in a shape of a star and judges were given great powers such as the power to force testimony
from a defendant leading to a great abuse of power or brutality on the part of the judges.
4. The Merchant Police (1500) - Merchants began employing persons to protect their property, banks employ
guards and night watchmen were hired to watch business establishments and private detectives were
employed to locate and identify stolen property.
5. The Parochial Police - Dividing the people of the cities into religious areas or parishes and they bond
together and employ their own police to protect them and their property.
1. Prevention of crime
2. Full respect of citizen
3. Respect for the police
4. Use of force increases
5. Render impartial enforcement
6. Physical force used only as last resort
7. Police are public and public are the police.
8. Police represents the law.
9. Absence of crime and disorder is the test of police efficiency.
2. USA
1844 – NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT, first modern style police in USA, largest police force in the
world, modeled after Metropolitan Police in London.
1850 – PINKERTON NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY created by Allan Pinkerton.
1635 – BOSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT, first night watch established in Boston, oldest department in
AUGUST VOLLMER – Father of Police Professionalism. Father of Modern Law Enforcement, 1 st Police Chief
in Berkeley, California.
PRE SPANISH PERIOD – forerunner of the contemporary police system was practiced by Barangay
chieftains to select abled young men.
Carabineros de Seguridad Publico –(1712) was armed and consider as Mounted Police.
Guardilleros – January 18, 1836, 5% of abled men was enlisted in this police organization in 3 years.
– Policemen called Guardillo.
Guardia Civil – February 12, 1852, created by Royal Decree, body of Filipino policemen organized
originally in provincial capitals, under the Alkalde Mayor.
The Americans established the United States Philippine Commission headed by General Howard Taft as
its first governor general.
January 4, 1901 - Metropolitan Police Force of Manila was organized pursuant to Act No. 70 of the Taft
Arthur MacArthur Jr. being provost marshal, was named as first Manila police chief.
ACT NO 70 organized the Metropolitan Police Force of Manila, with himself as its first chief.
ACT NO 175 entitled “An Act Providing for the Organization &Government of an Insular Constabulary”,
enacted on July 18, 1901.
CAPT HENRY ALLEN – first chief of Philippine Constabulary in 1901.
ACT NO 183 – created the Manila Police Department, enacted on July 31, 1901.
CAPT GEORGE CURRY – first chief of Manila Police Department in 1901.
ACT NO 255 – Insular Constabulary renamed into Philippine Constabulary, October 3, 1901.
BGEN RAFAEL CRAME – first Filipino chief in Philippine Constabulary 1917.
COL ANTONIO TORRES – first Filipino chief of Manila Police Department 1936.
COL LAMBERTO T. JAVALERA – first chief after Philippine Independence, WW II 1946.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 389 – ordered that the Philippine Constabulary be one of the the four services in
Armed Forces of the Philippines, December 23,1940.
RA 4864 – Police Professionalization Act of 1966, September 8, 1966. Polcom created renamed into
National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM).
RA 6975 – Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990, December 13, 1990.
Reorganized the DILG and established the Philippine National Police, Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of
Jail Management and Penology and the Philippine Public Safety College.
– 72 Units is enough
– General Rule Filing case on the police is not a bar
RA 8551 – Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998, February 25, 1998.
Amended certain provisions of RA 6975.
– Baccalaureate Degree required
RA 9708 – law amending the provision of RA 6975 and RA 8551 on the minimum educational qualification
for appointment to the PNP and adjusting the promotion system, August 12, 2009.
RA 11200 – An Act Providing for the Rank Classification in the Philippine National Police, Amending for the
Purpose Section 28 of Republic Act No. 6975, as Amended, February 8, 2019.
RA 11279 – An Act Transferring the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) and the National Police
Training Institute (NPTI) from the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) to the Philippine National Police
(PNP), Amending for the Purpose Sections 24, 35, 66, 67 and 68 of Republic Act No. 6975.
Q. NAPOLOCOM Commissioner?
A. Six (6)
***Sec of DILG Ex-officio Chairman, Chief PNP Ex-officio member, 4 regular commissioner (one shall
be a woman)
– the control and supervision of anti-gambling operations shall be within the jurisdiction of local
government executives violence, rebellious and seditious conspiracy, insurgency, subversion or
other related activities
– shall mean the power to direct, superintend and the day-to-day functions of police investigation of
crime, crime prevention activities and traffic control oversee
– shall also include the power to direct the employment and deployment of units or elements of the
PNP, through the station commander, to ensure public safety and effective maintenance of peace
and order within the locality
– refers to utilization of units or elements of the PNP for purposes of protection of lives and properties,
enforcement of laws, maintenance peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of criminal
offenders and bringing the offenders to justice and ensuring public safety, particularly in the
suppression of disorders, riots, lawlessness.
– shall mean the orderly and organized physical movement f elements or units oft he PNP within the
province, city or municipality for purposes of employment
– espoused this careful specification and measurement of all organizational tasks.
– tasks were standardized as much as possible
– workers were rewarded and punished
– this approach appeared to work well for organizations with assembly lines other mechanistic,
routinized activities.
– focused on dividing organizations into hierachies
– establishing strong lines of authority and control
– suggested organization develop comprehensive and detailed standard operating procedure for all
routinized tasks.
HUMAN RELATION MOVEMENT 1930-today (George Elton Mayo)
– unions and governments regulations reacted to the rather dehumanizing effects of these theories.
– More attention was given to individuals and their unique capabilities in the organization.
– A major belief included that the organization would prosper if it’s workers prospered as well.
THEORY X & THEORY Y (Douglas McGregor) – states that the controlling or authoritative manager believes
that most employee don’t like to work and will only work at the required level of productivity if they are forced
to do so under the threat of punishment. THEORY Y – people are self motivated and enjoy the challenge of
THEORY Z (Dr. William Ouchi) – so called “Japanese Management” style popularized during Asian economic
boom of 1980. Focused on increasing employee loyalty to the company.
CONTINGENCY THEORY – asserts that when make a decision it must take into account all aspects of the
current situation and act those aspects that are key to the situation at hand. Basically, it’s approach that “it
SYSTEM THEORY – had a significant effect on management science and understanding organization. A
system is a collection of part unified to accomplish an overall goal. If one part of the system is removed, the
nature of the system is changed as well.
1. SENIOR MANAGEMENT – highest level of an organization, 1) establishes goals 2) decide actions are
necessary to meet those goals 3) decides how to use the organization resources.
2. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT – set goals for specific areas or organization and decides what employees in each
area must do to meet those goals.
3. SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT – front-line level of the organization. In charge of the people who
physically produce the organizations goods or provide it’s services.
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY (PNPA) – is the premier institution for police education, and the
primary source for commissionship of police lieutenants. The PNPA shall be under the direct administrative and
operational supervision and control of the Chief of the PNP Section 5 RA 11279.
consist of:
a) the Department proper
b) existing bureaus and offices of the DLG
c) local government units (LGU)
1) provincial governors
2) city and municipal mayors
d) the National Police Commission
e) the Philippine Public Safety College
f) Philippine National Police
g) Bureau of Fire Protection
h) Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
– the PPSC, PNP, BFP and BJMP were created under RA 6975
– headed by the Secretary to be appointed by the President and who shall serve at the pleasure of the
– the Secretary shall be assisted by two (2) Undersecretaries and three (3) Assistant Secretaries
a) Undersecretary for Local Government
b) Undersecretary for Peace and Order
– No retired or resigned military officer or police official may be appointed as Secretary within One (1) year
from date of retirement or resignation
– the Secretary is also the ex officio chairman of the National Police Commission refer to the organizational
chart of DILG
2) Advise the President in the promulgation of policies, rules, regulations and other issuances on the general
supervision over local governments and on public order and safety;
3) Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other laws On public order and safety, the general supervision
over local governments issuances implementing and the promotion of local autonomy and community
empowerment and monitor compliance thereof;
4) Provide assistance towards legislation regarding local governments, law enforcement and public safety;
Establish and prescribe plans, policies, programs and projects to promote peace and order, ensure public
safety and further strengthen the administrative technical and fiscal capabilities of local government
5) Formulate plans, policies and programs which will meet local emergencies arising from natural and man-
disasters ; Establish a System of coordination and cooperation among the citizenry, local executives and the
Department, to ensure effective and efficient delivery of basic services to the public;
6) Organize, train and equip primarily for the performance of police functions, a police force that
offices and personnel; is national in scope and civilian in character.
Directorial Staff
1. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management;
2. Directorate for Intelligence;
3. Directorate for Operations;
4. Directorate for Logistics;
5. Directorate for Integrated Police Operations
6. Directorate for Plans
7. Directorate for Comptrollership
8. Directorate for Police Community Relations
9. Directorate for lnvestigation and Detective Management
10. Directorate for Research and Development
11. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management.
12. Directorate for Human Resourse and Doctrine Dev't
Kinds of Appointment
Permanent – when an applicant possesses the upgraded general qualification.
Temporary – when an appointment of an applicant is under the waiver program due to weight
requirements pending satisfaction of the requirement waived.
Probationary – all PNP members upon entry level, before appointed to permanent status shallbundergo
mandatory 1 year probationary period.
SELECTION – process of eliminating least qualified applicant who passed the recruitment stage.
EMPLOYMENT – refers to utilization of units or elements of the PNP for purpose of protection of lives.
DEPLOYMENT – shall mean the orderly and organized physical movement of elements or units of the PNP
within the province, city or municipality for purpose of employment.
ASSIGNMENT – process of designation of police officer at a particular function, duty, or responsibility. It’s very
purpose is to ensure systematic and effective utilization of all members of the police force
PHILIPPINE PUBLIC SAFETY COLLEGE – is the umbrella organization that comprises the;
b. National Police in College (NPC)
– Master in Public Safety Administration (MPSA)
– Public Safety Officers Senior Executive Course (PSOSEC)
– Public Safety Officers Advance Course (PSOAC)
– Public Safety Officers Basic Course (PSOBC)
• NPC is counterpart of National Defense College which offers Master of National Security Administration
c. Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA)
– Established August 26, 1977 by the virtue of Section 19 PD 1184 and was tasked to provide tertiary
level education to the 3 services of DILG.
– Bachelor of Science in Public Safety
d. National Police Training Institute (NPTI) with it’s 17 Regional Training Centers (RTCs)
– RTC 1 – 12
e. National Fire Training Institute (NFTI)
f. National Jail Management and Penology Training Institute (NJMPTI)
g. National Forensic Science Training Institute (NFSTI)
RA 11279 – An Act Transferring the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) and the National Police
Training Institute (NPTI) from the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) to the Philippine National Police
(PNP), Amending for the Purpose Sections 24, 35, 66, 67 and 68 of Republic Act No. 6975.
– 24 week intensive and progressive training design for newly-appointed police provide newly them with the
basic knowledge and skills in police science, administration, combat operation and tactics and for them to
acquire the norms of conduct required in the performance of their as guardians of peace and protectors of lives
and properties.
– 12 week course designed to provide junior PNCOs with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for
effective and efficient handling of junior key positions in the PNP units.
– 12 week course designed to provide senior PNCOs with requisite knowledge and skills on general functional
area of unit administration, management and leadership.
PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS CANDIDATE COURSE (PSOCC) – 14 week course designed to equip the junior
non-commissioned officers of PNP with the fundamental knowledge, skills and proper attitude required for
team-building assignments.
REPUBLIC ACT No. 9993 – Philippine Coast Guard Law has been vested with the necessary authority and
responsibility to perform preventive measures in ensuring the safety of merchant vessels.
3. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE MARITIME GROUP (PNP-MG) – is a National Operational Support Unit
(NOSU) of the PNP mandated to perform all police function ensure public safety and internal security over
Philippine territorial waters, rivers and coastal areas to include ports, harbors and sustain the protection of the
maritime environment.
4. NATIONAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (NBI) – Pambansang Kawanihan ng Pagsisiyasat, agency of the
Philippine government under the Department of Justice, responsible for handling and solving major high-profile
cases that are in the interest of the nation.
Republic Act 157 – reorganized the Division of Investigation into the Bureau of Investigation under the
Department of Justice (DOJ).
Republic Act 10867 (June 23,2016) – “National Bureau of Investigation Reorganizing and
Modernization Act”.
Tagapag-Ugnay sa Pamalayan, is the primary intelligence gathering and analysis arm of the
Government of the Philippines in charge of carrying out overt, covert, and clandestine intelligence
Founded in 1949, and created by President Elpidio Quirino under the authority of EO No.