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IJ'|)JJI rl'iNlvar-ur'1ul lhw up 1l irll iuca. ly L)ul:141 lYll11

ptan. Togethei th'ey havi established in tlie Colorado dqeit a, and, a threat ao'tlie'l.ai,.tlings az, If'those people.6p iichs f
iUie *rey calt rhe liaca. an iniernational spiritual commgnity - t}rev are foreigner!. and iI rhey are rilking abdur gJ<ibal harmo
, 'tfroliOb4-i1i, *ni1.say, unaslbe-if huryran-tirltiis.to suruirr.
ugrankind' is to survi1re, many of *re locals the kind of:enophobic suspicion t}at rurdJ
1: manlo{th9.localst}Lefundofxenophobiqsusiptcionthalruril'
', . .I I ,

Hame .r ptrimgera. And if these foreignr
:lt ,X dfurtcd in 1978 r&en :i mys.teiiousmqn
'iousriiqn lviritdd
lvi5ited ; . 4merica fi:-e.ls toward
soiretimes fi:dls
America soriretimes tow4rd strangers.
.. ,, . r,.Ije,arinri a 'eam:. ers set 6ut r the norning shado-wi of,thi;,San .

riratii^n,1. .ominiinitv, rif sniritrral.

.',' glqq,pgn!1om9n! 1rr4 ae&,,te!9.f tt
: :'gpew,P1n
t glq*i1*$kd, lL-- sr€ 99 clito,p,
' ..,the.$tronAs' ftiends, suph plo$6;noit€fetia4 ritud.qu',r;*ie .' I rgqekerg+a sott'
.... ., .- " :
plete with monasteries and devotees of the Vedic mother goddess no coincidence, she felt, that'The
and amulet{arrying native American shamans and even Shirley OId Man"-as she calls Anderson
Maclaine and her NewAge followers, then such dreams can be nolv-came to her. His message
seen as an af{iont to the Baptists and bom-again erangelicals for could not be ignored. She would-
rvhom Jesus Christ is the Answer. And if, again, these foreigners with her hrisband's support and his
rvere to discover. quite to their surprise, *rat the eDormous tract international connections-trv to
ol iand theljve acquired to fulfil their plan happens to sit atop do what Anderson directed.
what could be the largest untapped reservoil of rvater in the \\:hen Stronq heard this, he
U.S.-4..-smack ln the middle of the parched and booming south- lhought it outrageous. He called
west-and tl,]e couple, together \lith some parrners. form a com- the plan grandiose and impracrical.
panr, to sell some of the billions of dollars wo.th of nel\"found But then. these qualities had a1wa1.s
\\'atcr to folks in Denver and downstream along the Rio Gr^ande, been parL of liis attra.tion to her.
enrv and srspicion and bigotrt can courbine into a potent for(e. She tasn t alraid of ftinking big.
And rhat is exactlv $,har has happerred. 'l-he : e have been IIanne heard her htuband's doubs
strange rlrlrlors and puhlic protests. There ha\e been death ancl lierv enough about rire man to
threais. \{istrusr and the \{ater nray.jeopardize the dream. knoiv that he, too, had had unre-
alistic drearns" that he had global
he Strongs are the latest in a line of dreaners rrho havc visions, that he conld be $,on o-ver
cone to the San Luis \iailev pursuing a vision. The Stlong gret, up beside ihe rail-
Alazasi lndians and the Spanish conquistarlors passed road tracks that passed rhrough
this wa,v centuries ago on rhe traii to oblivion. In the Oak Lake. a torvn of 400 people, 56

1880s, mlners came, beliering ther'd lbund El Dorado
in the veins of gold that ran into the grev quartzite
along Cottonrvood and r,{'illon, and Spanish creeks. But
the gold mn out. The boom lo$n of Crestone withered.
kilometres tvest of Brandon. His
father ryorked {br the CPR Lrntii
the Depression hit, then odd jobs
until the '!!ar .ame. Nlaurice's
N-ext came a scheme in the 1970s to build a giant retir-enent school-teacher mother filled his
communitl', cailed Baca Grande after- the nearby 57.760-hectare mincl wth stories fi-om history anci
Baca GranL Rarlch. Thirn miilion doilars were sunk into roads images of the worid bel,ond \,iani-
alrd Lrtilities to service the 10,000 iots. llrrt onlr afe!\' hundred roba, and he recalls watching \^rlth
settled. Few [ow.emain. a mixtur-e of sadness and thr-ill the
h 1978, logether with the othe, int esto1,s. -qiro!1g b,ruqhi dre passing lieights co.,,ered rlith de:ti-
Baca Grant-sight Llnseen-as parl o{ a lDoca larger lanci prir- tnLe people uar,elliag so,raplare rhi:.
.hase. He and his rvife u'alked the atpen-1inec1 cr-eeks and He longed to see the r,,,orld. \,,\&en
climbed among the 4,20llmetre peaks abole the Ba.a. The), the Second \\rorld \Arar came*and
iiked the solitude, the silences, the sunseLs. Thev knerv nothing life on the Praj.ies graduall) gor
about the hidden water. Thev couldn't have imagined what better-he remembers asking his
trouble it would bring. mothe.w'hy it was the world worked that rval Why the suffering
One evening a grey bearded stranger arrived uninvited at of the '30s? Why the rvar and economic recovery now? She told
their to1\'nhouse. He inroduced himself as Glen Anderson and him it didn't have ro be rhar way. She rold him that, if he put his
told Hanne, *I've been wairing for you." He described ro her the mind to it, he could change the world. You'd be surprised,
visions he had had while wandering in dre nearby mounrains. she'd said, at horv far you can go ifyou don'r accepr rhe limirs, if
He saw that the leaders of all the world's religions lvould gather you don't set any bar ers for yourself.
at the Baca. They'd build their temples and monasteries and Hanne knew these words, for her husband occasionallv
churches, and political, educational, and corporate leaders repeared rhem. She hoped lhar at the Bara rhe nvo of rhem.
would follow. Together, he told Hanne, these people would give togethef might-just might*be able to change rhe r,orld.
shape to a new planetary order which would evolve from the If a visitor turns right at the Y intersection just outside Cre-
economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would stone, as I did many times during my sta1,, rhe road climbs into
${eep the globe in the years ahead. the forested hills overlooking the San Luis Valle1 where the
Hanne grew up amid wealth and risk in llartime Copen- dreams of previous occupants are truning to dust. Circles of
hagen. Her mother worked in the Danish Resisrance, helping to stones urark long-abandoned native sites from which attacks on
ferry European Jews out of Germany. And Hanne knew from the buffalo were launched. Collapsed cabins, rusting machin,
earliest childhood that she was different, that she had mystical er1 and mounded tailings piles indicate the deserted gold
abilities. She saw angels. She could recall past lives. Something mines. And everyr.r,here, spreading do\ nhill onto the plain, an
made her feel she rvas once an Indian and rhat she should go to intricate network of crumbling roads attests to th; scale of the
the U. S. to find her ancestral home. After an education of retirement community's failure. Scattered across this landscape
industrial and interior design, she went to America. is evidence of the newest utopian settlement: an exquisite
And so when she heard Anderson telling her about his voic- Catholic monastery fol members of the monastic Carmelite
es, she took it as prophecl She headed alone uphill into the order; a $175,000 solar-pou,ered Hindu temple; a strange, mus-
mountains carrying an Indian pipe and a pouch of medicinal tard-yellow tower called a ziggurat; a mud-caulked southwest
herbs and found a promontory above the Baca. For three days Indian hogan; a subte.mnean Zen Buddhist centre complete
she stayed there, fasting, meditating, observing rhe land. It was with a computer and organic gardens; a house full of thousands
ISTTMAY 1990 ,10
,i ..1stals, anothea ocaripicd b\' an !5-1,sl1r-old ned\'c ihaltlarl. For, as the Stlongs mcotion. rhev see the Baca as a pal.adistr
llris is rhc Baca rodav. But torlar,, I.m cliscor.e[ilq, is.)nl\ !lt? li)r
the endt e plancr and sar the fare ol rhe earrh rs at stake.
i)rErrrtrrs Fol rirc Stlongs. ir is a iifctil.ne proje.l.
I lind mvsell l,ondering rvhat dcdication, what jdeaiisni coln- hen Srrong lelt (lak Lake in 19.13. haling skippecl
llels thenr rollai.d such :ur turlikeh.dream. And the rnor.e I learn. lorLr glades fbl his scholastic abilities and sradrut
Lhe nlole a$,are I bccolre that I't,e entercd a lvorld ol illrtsions,
ed at age 1.tr, he carriecl wirh him an abidiie scnse
\he1c the sLrrfa.e c()nceals ihir1gs unlathomable. I can,t
of rh-"urlrl srnJ,r. t, a|:d a dr,r,, rlr\c,.rqrtnl^
hcliele thorrsh l (ould like r(F-ltre stiperDatural storjcs Hanne ".
be poor. lle bolrght a dcker on a traii out of town.
r, 1.. I,'und, rllr, r. .afle*ir, an,l,altrr'arinq h r.irr,srrran ti(,
For a tthile, adding lile vears Lo his age ancl d:rrk_
Str-ong can also bc a mlstic. I can'L fisure out ltol shit.ley
\l r, L i'rc '\il ntri rll 8", , r.lrer .ne nore. i.r. \nrl I , r-.r qr ening his pubescent mustac:he for ellecL, he
Ew \\'orkecl lrlth the merchant marine along the B.C.
the zaatll.-the billions of dollars'worth of nater _our o1.ml mind.
,ll:r becarne an aPprentice ftrr rracier in rhc High
I l-, 1 e,,i'r- u,e, rhe , u|\rr..rrur in \\t i, l, rl,r Sr..oJre, :"".: lI..
Arctic. IIe clirl a lirtie prospecting. He lived amons rhe Inuit. He
desc.il)ed to Dle the !er\. llrst \(n-ds that passecl betr.r,een Lhem.
\arrd, rfll. Or c,la, in 194.i. arer , Lrg,i,trr .i,1, r r,r ,,per
At rhe parq iD Nerr'\br.k Cin,over 20 vears ago Nher.e thev,d coal car he loLrnd hiniself back at Oak Lake, colcl. lol]elr,: He
been inrroduced. H;rnne, l,ell arvar.e of Strong,s r-epLltiLtion, had
r,'rrld .en rrrr- li-lrr, in rhe r,in,lurr ,,r hi. hor,.e hrrr .onrrrl,ir
." d ro her' I rr,r.e lrrr.hand. .\olt F pcof,, .n, ,6,1 ,, n q., ; q.. 4
told him he couid noa go hone again. He rodc further on, srop_
-bd sorue pcople sar'\'ou're a fake. Hanne laughed at rhJ nen-r,
ping in Broadviclr; Saskatchewan. As he sat besidc the lracks. a
orr and laughed har-der at her husband,s rebutral_ Sronp looke{l ne\!'sprlpcI ble1\ p:rsr. He caught it. On the front paqe he read
_ al nte ai that ntoDienl and said, ,,And she's stlll rr,.onder-ingl,,
that Churchill and Roosevelt had agreed that therl r,,ould, ai.ter
I ger the impression rhat ther enjoy rhis arnbigui."-, this flir.ta the \\at lbnn a nel\ illicrnational organization dcciicarec] ro
= tion ben{een rcalin and illusion. I get the intpression ahat the l,orld.justice and peace. ft rlould be callecl thc United Nations.
' tables cotld ha\.e been tru-ned, that Strong could have confront,
The concept hiL hiDr like a rhunderbolr. .,I knew ar thar
: ed Haiine: geliius? or fake? The masus and the nistic, I tell moment,' Strong Lold me, .,I rvan ted to be part of it..,
- myself. lt s inrporLant to figure it all out. The ans\{ers rrarrer.
In the tiro decades rhat follorcd, he clisiovered thar althotgh
i9 WISIr MAI l9g0
his lack of university education prevented him fiom doing some- most, of his ambitions and
*ring of consequence at the intemational level, his shrewdness dreams. He has made millions.
brought him success in money matters. He arrived in Alberta He has sat at the table with
during the boom of the early '50s as a young frnahcial analpt many of the earth's most pow-
specializing in resource development, He befriended oil erful people. He has tried-in a
entrepreneur Jack Gallagher and later joined Dome Petroleum rational and political way-to
as its third employee, He met and married Pauline, his first wife, change the world. And yet, he
with whom he had four children. By investing in oil and gas shares with Hanne a sense of
properties and founding a series of resource-based companies, the profound mystical possibili-
he earned his first million within a few years. He then moved on ties *rat exist for those who are
to the presidency of the Power Corporation of Canada, a leading prepared to retreat from the
energy-investment firm. Financial success, corporate con- hubbub and listen to the moan
nections, and powe. were his*and he hadn'l turned 32. ing of the wind. The more
But inside him, still unfulfilled, lay the seed planted by his questionable New Age prac
mother-that he could do something to better the world. Then, tices*a belief in things like
in 1965, he rvas asked to meet Prime Minister Lester Pearson. crvstals or omens--he leaves to
The PM wanted to know if Strong was interesred in bringing his Harne and her occult faith. His
managerial skills and his long-held international concerns to the is a more sceptical mind.
organization now knou.n as CIDA. Strong became directorgen- Nevertheless, he confesses
eral of External Aid, which put him in charge of a-ll Canadian that a few years ago, while walk-
foreign aid. He left, willingly, a $200,000-a-yearjob as a corporate ing with the famed author and
executive for a $27,00Ga-yearjob as a civil ser\ant. It didn't mat- journalist Bill tr{overs in the
rer He knew he nould hnally get to fulfil his dream ofbecoming de sert nearby, something
invohed rvidr the United Nations. strange, something inexplicable
From there, through his subsequent friendship with Pear- happened. According to
son's successor, Pierre Trudeau, the millionaire energy Strong: "We'd been walking,
ent.epreneur-turned-international do-gooder found the cause talking, heading back to mv
that has come to dominate the past 20 years of his life. With the parked car. Suddenly, this
support of the Canadian government, he has pa-rticipated in or bush some sagebrush-
directed practically every major environmental initiative that erupted in flames in liort ofusl
has come ont of tl-re United Nations from that time to this. He Itjust burst into flames. I was
or-ganized the fi1st 1{olld Conference on the Environment in astounded. Moyers was, too. A
1972. Then he n.roved to Kenya, where he established and head- btsh brirsting iuto flamesl" He
ed the U.N. Environment Program. ,A.fter that, he joined the shakes his head at the memor!.
\4rorid Commission on the Environment, which produced the He knows it sounds, well, flaky.
epochal 1987 Brundtland Report, the incendiary that has ignit- But it did happen, he reassures
ed the present global "green" mo\,'ement. Three months ago, he me. It is the most inpressive mystical experience he has had.
was appointed secretarygeneral of the U.N.'s world conference He is concerned, above all, about man's extinction. The
on the environment and development to be held in Brazil in words of Percy Shelley's ironic 1gth-century poem Ozlman-
1992. From such pladorms, he has proposed a new economic dias-memorized in his youth-have seemed, of late, more and
order based on the redistribution of the developed world's more like the epitaph of human civilizationr
industries and \yeal& to the Third World. He has called for a I met a trattell.er from an antique lnnd
massive retooling ofwestern economies away from short-sighted Wo sdid,: Two vo,st atud, trunklp.ss lEgs oJ slone
consumption and toward long-term conservation, On occasion, Stand, in the dcsert. Near thefix, on tfu sand,,
he has said that the one factor that may spare humanity from its HdA sunh, a shattoed vi,sage lics, whow froam,
environmental folly is a worldwide spiritual reawakening. He And, winkled, kp, and swr of cold, command,
hopes the Baca can serve as a seed. TeLt that ih stulptor uell those passions read
"I believe the great frontier of the future is the frontier Vhich ytsuraire, stamped an tfuw hlelzss things,
betlveen the individual spirit and the Spirit, the cosmos," he Tfu hand, that nocfud thzm and, the heart that fed,:
confides to me on one of our many drives through the San Luis And, on th2 pedpstal.these u
ds appear-
Valley. 'At our highest moments, we feel a sense of unity with "lv\name is Ozymand.ias, hing of hings:
the cosmos. A lot ofus have static, though. Our society runs on Looh oru trry uorhs, ye Migh$, and, dupair! "
people feeling unfulfilled, unconnected. The process of aruze Nothing beside remains. Round th.e detal
nra?, is the trick. It takes practice. I remember asking a monk in Of that colassal ureck, bound,less arul bare
Sikkim, u,ho'd just come out of three years, three months, and Tfu lone and laul sands stretch far away
three days of silent meditation, how his efforts had benefitted Along the way during the past 20 years, not unnoticed in his
the world. He asked me: 'Why isn't it as important to develop home country, he agreed in 1976, at Pierre Trudeau's request,
one's spiritual natrue as, say, an athlete in the west developing to set up and become CEO ofPetro-Canada. The country was in
his physical prowess or an intellectual developing his intellec- tlre midst of the OPEGinduced oil crunch. Strong had energy-
tual abilities?"' industry connections and well-known doubts about unfettered
Heie is a man, I tell myself, who has fulfilled many, perhaps capitalism. He took the job. His old Alberta Oil Patch friends
YISTTMAY 1990 30
were aghast. Srong, an apparent free€nterprise pal, was help- etables, fruit, and Hanne's growing collection of seeds from
ing the loathed Liberals nationalize parts of the country's oil rare and endangered plants; in the pantry, a mulching system
and gas indusries. with is compost-digesting earthworms; throughout the house,
"I'm a maverick," says Strong, explaining his willingness to passive solar heating and triple-glazed windows. As well, the
leave the international field for a controversial corporate job. house is crammed with religious obiects: African mask, sacred
"I've always been regarded as a peculiar qpe. I've been iz the Nepalese stones, a half-dozen antique Tibetan wall-hangings
business community, but not o/it." called tanhas.It was.beneath one of these, I'm informed, that a
This observation, I soon discover, holds true for Strong's visiting associate of the Dalai Lama, the Ta Lama, died nine
involvement in the Baca spiritual community: he is ,r, it, but not years ago while sitting cross-legged in deep meditation. Accord-
necessarily o/it. By nature, he is philosophic and a little shy. He ing to Tibetan custom, Hanne tells me, the dead lama was left
stammers at times. At the Baca, he affects the look of a west- untouched in an upright position for four days until his spirit
erner-cowboy hat, sffing tie, pointy boots. But his interests are had departed. When tlle body was finally moved, she adds, the
primarily global. He travels endlessly, speaking on the need for attending doctor noted that it didn't smell and that its
environmental legislation in one place, attending a board meet- heart-and she put her fist against her chest-was still ivarm.
ing in a second, visiting influential friends along the way. From the house and the nearby ranch headquarters, the
As Hanne says, explaining their unusual relationship, "Mau- Strongs oversee the religious community's development, the
rice is out there, txYir,g to save the world. He's out there, speak- progress of which has not always been smooth. In 1979, at the
ing, his diplomacy, his global visions. But you've got to have Strong's invitation, the first groups moved to the Baca-the
examples. There have to be places where his ideas come to Aspen Institute and the Lindisfarne Association, a humanistic
earth. His is *re naaro-the world. The Baca's the mino.lf there's American think-tank and a spiritual society, respectively. Later,
a glimmer of hope for the future, that's what this place is about." they wi*rdrew in the face of the site's remoteness. Some of the
Hanne prefers to remain in the couple's new adobe house locals were happy to see them go, for they imagined-in the
that sits on the lowest slopes of the Sangre de Cristo foothills. presence of such visitors as Henry Kissingel the World Bank's
The two-bedroom building, like the Baca itself, is a protot?e Robert McNamara, and *re presidents of organizations like IBM,
for the future: the basement, a large cold cellar for storing veg- Pan Am, and Harvard University-a clandestine, left-wing con-
r<}/ 43 WISTi1,4AY i9S0
cltita(]\ t() aslalllish Lltc Ba.i as a ltase
lor a tl,orjd ga^.crtrrrcDl. i E'11ess ii ll bt. rn joh ro proterr ir. The Baca,s li piace 1ir
Rrrrror.s cir.crrlatcd fc)r.a rritile t.h2tL Strurg liad a rhe r:rrr
hiig-e *,al:housr: t. -t .. .ti-, lr rr. , pt,,, ,o, ... ,r, I ri\
' ..
nr ( lltnirda lirll ol trorlr desigtrecl ancl rritrtecl crrr.i.Jrcr.
rcaril t,, H..,, ,, ,r 'r,,,t.,r, ..1..- , , , ,
., ., i, ".,,,1i.tii,,t..t,,,.1,, .,.i, iL-Lt,,l ., .., ,.,r,,,,,F.rt i,,.,,r,,..r,,:- j
, t. :. i * :....,.t.
Lr rir.,r i..i ...r 1,, ,.r, ,r.- ,.. , ,, ], ..., .,,.,
l:.r an. rirt.., ilt)i) ha(..iirs iil.i al).,ii1 lil ntiiiilrrr -.. !r, ,t \, I' r,l .,. ,,r,1., ,I.l ..'. j,r, . r, tl .,, ..
ro,,,.i,,,,.,.ii_ :,,,',,i,],,',::..
: ,tr !.,iiLt-. rir.,!lrr:!r.. ilt,_,! i,t .altli ltt litr: i,.,:::.
:,!,ili ..:rlrit. i;.i;.r,,:ir ,,i iht Slr,lp;r. tirrlLlilitrg SILir.le:
,iia: n!. io ir,in lr,:r ir hrt. llliL :.iurai oi lil!.ilr
,.....i.,.,._,",,. ihe,:Lut dr,rrl.
.., ..r i, \ ., ,, 1,r . i .,1.4 'r\t g{) o,-u:,idr arri stalcl sirit br
, ,....,t i.. ,r ,nr,. ,, ,;,, ,1,.
sldc rrr tlrt poirl:. i..u.rg,ucrt.
rrideh She chanrs iret. Dranrra. en lncic,nr Yccljc t.,it,
-rcetrertrl hirilrlings ol rhe u.adiLioual rclisions. she erplai,i. tiiai
goes ba.k t() the clnrr of civilizariolt. I dor,1
ultil I see Ilanue,s rnap l:rbclleci ..The \hller of
BLrl ir isn r ur.le,..talcl ,r r,.o,.ci,
l,r. I krrur, rlrJ ll,rnr,c I,., ,. ,. ,,lie, \ ,r, | t'.11, , .,r,r,,t
the Reluge of\lorld Tr uths', that I rlimpse the ror, F.. I
Big pictule. \4,e .l,i.n,l rlrr lr. rrritr..,.,rrq llanne I.,\
Lrliloll it on Lile lloor ol her-sruch, clireitll beneath ,, Jr.. .. irerl l,_,ur.< rrrr rart.
thc trzlfuz pJllt,. l,-rr1Jtt,,l tlrc.r.n. li..et.rnu .u f. f
rvhele the lanra died. 'Here.s rvhere the libetaD
ulonasteri.s 'lrr'.r...r,e r\e,r,r.el,ierrre,larlle,ni,al"*.,f ,,,j,1,i fir*
surr g lrr pLr. {h- .d\,. poir i e. ..Here.. rrhere
n rahhi trr,.n
, ii._ ."."i
r.,.rel \ !uill\ ro du a renrre Jo, rlr- .r ollr dmes-Lhe loneliness. tlre secr.
d, ot ler,isl nrr,r,r i.rn. ..r- iati.rr .,r..t n one\.t,,,.,,-,,: l::::]::;
The Taoists ar.e conling in ig!10. So.s a Sufi leader I ;,ll:'i.: ] ]1,
glorp. And her.c's Shirlev \laclaine,s place.,,
ancl hjs \r li, I l,orJ rlre nrrrrr-al rt\rlrj r. r,.l rlre po..ilrilirr
rrie. rlro orhe,. rr orher rirncr lrare ri,ir. \r,l ,.,...,
I lorik._fher'r'e all rhere, ol tJlc Dtal). S() are dre namcs ofa 'l.t'ot,l: l;+"t. l. hr 8", , r-rlrr ,. ,i,.,lf'.",,
lurr rrur-,*liri.,r .Rr, |lp..r.rd l. rrr.rrri.rr, 11r.rnd .l ,i.;,.
.l.t-rl l,,t lLl'll an,l brro, .i. llri. i..rirl /.r r..o, ii "^p;;i
,,rt. rl|i,r arc mcnt. o. a clcler real estate schelre ft!. aging
i,rJ.rnr....lr_..1,. rrer \ierv Aeers?'.\nd
r\,hat \rili lrappen ivjth thc
f,', :o, .iO_, ,f'0,*";ffi.i';:
voice rnorherlr. ,.lCs srili a seecl. zt)ata.?
I'rirq rlr,
"oltJ . r,.liqior..oAe lrcr" _.har', a rerr ! ;J,,1. ;; r rarir(\t .r.rgcs,,.rlr, Ba,d p,oi,,r. n.arr ot .hrl.r,al
c.eaLc an exarrple ofa re1! fitture_that, too, "
takes tirrie. But this ll

placc ilili hale a kei role in the future ol mankinrl .. ll I,F,)pre \re(eO U)( arn\ar of,lr. q|l,,ngi dnd llr.ir tloridh
,,'.nn. rru, rr d{ rl,p\ r,nrid arr o.r.hrerL nj Ir,,ot_a1(l-
,.,, lrrlrerc I cr'. I lrrnrr. l,oqerer. .har
tL ellinq ll
, .,-1'11.",
.rr' cr nt.na'tun .-rr, rcr.,l,l,
he, d''ea'e' 11,' r|u' \\'.]l .arl(.1 '1 rtt Cin br ki.r,ter
l, al\.ltd. tot.e. h_rond lr_r , u_nLr,,l ll l":'"' "
rorK. ar)o d (enll'e ul rannrhrli.'r
nr"r urer ,.'1,, lm Lurlr rhr Bar" /,rd.lre ll . r.ruar ,learlr.,.rncl ror|-
][ rnll 1.111 [, 1l1ss6 ol ,.murc,an, i].rt rrir d. Irr lilr(,,
. fhe et^ lr,e. .m l:nq or rr,r , eouiri.r,r. I .Lrn |]Fnt un rcr tolr.
r r..ore-
ll.l\ ll- l: '"
hesi'r' rerulling dre rr.ap. It'ontr \,,rr\.' \l,c.J\..
ihdl tlte gI r, and h reLrcr. rrrlj . orne hcre rrtd ['" ""i:;3: :J;: i1;:,,J:il' ;],: li I l::]jJ
sort ofmecca. That's \rh\ I,\,e hesiratecl
lhe ner,torrre,.. 1.r. 1."1p 1o uke .le b rrnr r.irlr rlr^.rte"r...,he
so tung ut out Stri.t.,, i iotJ rar. .,r. sh- s .,, ro, herirts. de:t r ihing
Itcr, ifloucome here, it,ll be overrLrn \\ith c.!,stal people., hi-r I F/, r.on lo rhe ru_oage".
Birt :he a,.J.'ondlilnecl: nr Ndin Sueer. Brrr
Shiriey feels^the Baca's the place fbr
hel He. ust olng". tuld h". to (-esto'rt'-1rr,,ri'all\ nL, olc. irra.d(dllt no un" -
:nrnr l,e,,ple.ar i i,r Ia. r. a,ro.. rlr, e1,1;,"..n,,,,.
:li l'"r: tI berorrre a .p rinrat{,pern ,,rtr. \arie\-ha- d,, omnrodared htrn.ell r^ pian. ,n r_it
sl lr\l ,oo1 the r,a,er
American \{hter Development associates,
Alabaina-born Buddv \\hitlock, reminding
valley residents he's an environmentalist,
rhat he has his home rhere. thar he
wouldn't jeopardize rhe region's ecosys-
tern. He has reassured people that-if
llater is primped o t-its limt use !!i]l bc to
revitalize the valle\,. Bur the ranchers
laJ'n-r.. ,nd ro, al rar J,,r,rcr: remain
Lrnim]lressed. fhe\ (lon t I ust him.
Thev hare li)rmed a coalition. called
(litizens lor San I uis \hllei \\atcr. Lto.ler
the leadership of 52-r,car-olcl grain and cat-
tle I_a.rner (lreir llosat '\\'e know thc
lta1€r's r:lluirblc. he sats \\'e knor!
ther're applicd to l)Lri in 100 rrrlls. prunp
in,o, fronr ?.500 fret tleep. 1{r k;ror rho lc
rlr,.,,l\ ',i1, r,,l r, . ll : .,rt,, i, I, .r, r,l
Den\er. Pcople lie1 NIit1Iric. rislecl ilrenr
lle said thc wilLcr wrnrld bc Lrsed at lirsr to
benrlit thc vallei. The peoplE her( lrlc aL
least 99 peicent opposed t0 thc rrlttcr
der'elopurcnt. It s en itl_front it) Lls. lt \rill
rier ,.r. t, rh- ,.r ,,. lr . ll ,lr 1,'p r rr, ".
Tircre ar_e people rfho ar'e narrol-mildcd
Iiive veals ago. the L.S. governnlent. noting rhe dwindlir.rg enoirgh to r.-sorl lo \iolenae."
srtppl\ of }\,aier in thc.lnerir:an s(rllh\\,cst. begatr chilhng test 11 the lo.al people knel\'\.,,har \fas r.e:1lh
iloirlg on bchind thc
\\,eli.s in the \alleY to dctc.niine rhe potcDtial (rf irn aclrrili'r tliat scencs belrr'een Strong ancl his finalcial parrlcrs. inclucling
e\pcr-ts had long belier.cd lar benearh rhc desert. ,\lei Led hr thc nealth\ \'anaolrler ir!estme1]t llnancier. Sanr BclTberg. the\
g()iel11nlrnt s ilcli\,it\. slloIl3 sLaftL-.l io()king into Lhe u:rtcr n,ou1(l bc crcli ttor. \,ol rie(l-
bcieath thc hrrge traat ol tl)e Bliaii i:ti1nr Rxlr.h. |he hct jr: Srrong. as chuirntan of the boar'cl ()f -\mericali
ir'ltel tlrr enginc,-'tilLg lel)0ri!,:tLrrlr j!t l1n(l :he rjza 1)l iltr 1,\'iiler Dcf.'ii)D .nt. has lilrl e riatirti .)1 .1i;a.qr rcru:nts o|tr.his
:liilri1i .i!:. ia!a,ilaal lr;.;,;11,111',. iriltit::.i,:1,.'tr:il 11,ir:ir,.ltlltl il]:rir'.19i'!rlalii al tllii 13aa11 Liti])cri-r ir_: :ltr liisi il.,rri r.et-r. I,L, ct.-
r.rn \.{alct I)e.,thltmr:nr ir: t---,rIrir tit.- t,]s()ur'aa fhe] prl_rposr(i irl other b,-.u1.1 nlenrlte.s didn t lik. rhe i,.lei ol rirr: spir.i[r:il
ilr tLirliza sonre i)f Lhr iln.la rgr.,Litrrl ir.lt,iI iLn loatjl rltrriopnieiL .ournrrrlitr il ,.lte
iirsr piace. Bui 5r'otg r\'as the lar.gest iitdi!id,
pr_ojects and to sell a lot ruore ol ii to intelested jlar.lies else ual in\estor. He'd cajoled thcnr to go along \litit the schclre.
\\4rere in the reqion. Re?lctiorr tas sr,ift. flattle ltnchers and Holeler. rvhen i!ord citculated rhat Shirlev Nlaclaine rright
grain farmers feareal that valcl plrmped lrorD beneath t]rc Baca rr ore 'lrerr. .o.rre of rhe Chri.ria tLtrdamFnrali.r) ,rr rhL board
wouid inevitablv be replerished lith ilater.from beneath lheir and the hard-headed, botton line-oriented Belzbers resisted.
o!\n properties. Thev felt ccltain rheir rvells ivonld go drr'. Ar.rcl Belzberg feared that Maclaine could antagonize the locals. The
people like tlte Siselnores heard rrrmors that Stt.on€i planned tcr conflicr leached a head last year \!,hen Strong, under pressure
dam the tealby creeks. Public meetit'rgs $,ere called. fi-om liis board, r emoved 640 hectares for the spiritual commu-
The object of all rhis interest is incrediblc, somerhirls nitl frorn the larger-Baca Grant Ranch propert) and handed
be,vond belief, Undellying rhe endre valley is onc of the largest these Lo Hanne lor her to control. He theD donated his shares
undergr-ound reserv<tirs in the ttorkl,lt is huge: 250 times bigger in Anierican \{ater-to a Michiganiased bio-energl research
than B.C.'s Okanagal Lake; cornparable i1l size to the Ogallala foundation and later quit rhe board, relinquishing any future
Aquiler rvhich currentlv noul-ishcs eight lnid!\,estern states. It infltencc or,er' the trarer developtrent plans.
contains approximatelv svo billioD ac.e feet (nearl),three quad Despitc the imbroglio .r,ithin American \{arer Develop-
rillion litres) of rvater. Strong and his par.tners, as the largest ment's board, the project continues. The companl,is moving
landorvners in dre vallel', have fbund Lhemselves personallv sit- alredd orr i. Sl26-million propo.al r,, drill rhe r,.ll. and con
ting atop 120,000,000 acre feet of rfarer, llorrh an esrimated struct a pipeline to serve Denver. The local coalition plans to
$5,000 an acre loor. It's enoligh to turn a felio\v's head. fight every step along the rvay. The ironv is thar Strong, as a
\{hat began as local suspicion tolrard the spiritual com Iongtime spokesman for the water project, is still seen as a tar-
muniqv has become hostilig ro &e p.oposed drilling of the rva- get ibr criticism and suspicion. Local people leel he betrayed
ter. If the locals kno\\, anytl'ring abour the Canadian ivho bought them and is non trying to salvage things for himself and
the Baca, they kno'lv he has made his nonev deleloping iris Hanne. In a poor desert region, you can-so the saving goes*
countrt,'s natural resources. Sure, he claims to be an mess with a man's l{ife perhaps, but you don't mess with his
environmenralist, thel sa). Sure, he claims to believe in spiritual water. Strong u,ould rather not talk-nor have me talk-about
things. But they can do a little arithmeric themseh,es. Thet .a the recent death threats made against his liiend and former
multiply 120,000,000 times $5,000. Thar cones to $600 Dilllor. business associate, Buddy \{ihirlock.
Strong has travelled up and doivn the valle1,, as has one ofhis It is uith this sobering perspective rhat I explore the territory
33 lllS,lr [1 tY ]990
of the utopian dream, trying to weigh the significance of the tial Baca retirees. They have come of dleir ovm accord, unbid-
occasional passing pickup truck with a rifle slung in a rack den and unassisted by the Strongs. They have spurned the
across the rear window. trendiness of Taos, New Mexico, or Arizona's popular psychic
I stop and climb uphill to visit the Haidakhand.i centre, Sedona, where thousands arrive daily hop'
Universal Ashram, a Vedic temple that sits on a ing to get their astrological charls read and to find
high bluff amid a piion pine forest. It's impossible their bliss. Nevertheless, at the Baca these days, psy"
to overlook the adjacent l4-square-metre solar chic Darvn Taylor Carlson offers in-depth instruc-
panel, rlhich heats the stone floors within the tion in other-1!orld communications. Semu
ashram. In the future, says Ratn Loti, a priestess of Huante, 85, gives instru.lion in native American
the temple, rhere'll be l]yd.o-elecric porver frour a shamanism and myths. Ar Barbara \hil s home, I
small turbine in nearb,v Spanish Cr-eek, high-tech arn assaulted by crystais-tiousands of them. They
toilets, and drip-warer-fed organic gardens. Bnt as crorvcl porch railings, windorvsills, sheh'es, and
of norr,. onh thi ee devotees iive here. She gives me altars. The\ hang from lhil's neck and eirrs. She is
a glossv brochure ttrat tells about ftttttre plans. I drrilled to hear that N{acl,aine has decided ro build
stop at Lhe []arnreiite llonaslerv. nhcre eight nearbv a \et Age sludv centre ultere peopie can
Catliolic nronks-qornen artd men. ail lair1v rotlng take short, lver:k long courses on thc occult. \/ail
1Ta11 tlteil lime in Lotal scchrsion. For $35 hopes to si:ll Nlaclaine one of the biggest crlstais.
-spend a visiror c?rn stav in one of the hermitage s Tortard evening. I arrive at tlie base oi a sand
a uight,
i0 srnall aclobe bungirL)rvs, joining thr monks iihervishes at dune lowar'.I the southr:rn endof the Baca lands. Aheacl o1'me.
ireals ancl praver and 1ahor. nsing absurcllv from the dune's cresl, is the Islauic zigglrrat.
I srop at rhe Clrestone Mountain Zen Centcr, rvhere ;r half: built br the Strongs' iiiend rr-ajeeb tlalahv, ibrnier chairman of
rlozen studi:nrs and Buddhist monks sil. 'l he discussion turns to Pan ,\n and the lather of the Qtteel of-fordan. I ascencl 1o the
Shirlcl Nlaclalnc. Randy fox, a long-time student of Zcn, ac torveL's top, tvhere I notice needs have begun to sprotrl.,\-olrnd
knorvledges that the actress is a door for niiilions to a more spir me: a vast empliness- In n \' ears: an engulfing silence. Sonle-
itual orld. But, he adds, "The spi tual path takes the Nhole place to the norlh. Itell m,vself. ol]e ofthe rvorld's [rost fatnolrs
lile. ft s not lonnd rn a weekend." actlesses and a leading popularizel of things occull \"ill soon set
I also stop at some of dre homes of the 100 or so ,r.,ew Agos tle. Shr till, inevitabh', draw to this special place all tile NertAge
1\iro ha\'e in re.ent lears been lt ,vitrg the properties oi the i1'ti- -ctar-chasers. Winnebago-bo[nd ce]ebrin hotrnds, and cvnical

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journalists that Hanne lears will come wrote parls of the Brundtland Report . .t:: .i ..' rt:.' :-
To the south, I know, another of rhe and who in 1992 will try to get the
Strongs' friends, Hisal'oshi Ota. a 34- wo'ld s leader.. meerirg in Bra-zil. ro sign
,vear old architect and the son of a
just such an agreeme[t, savors the ques.
Japanese i,rcoon, lives the life of an tions hanging in the air Wi thE do it?
American corvbov, running a herd of WilL tl,,e nch counties age. to r?tLuce their
1,400 buffalo on a ranch adjacent to the inpacl an lhe enttronment? WiLt thE agrce to
Baca. He has decided to lor-sake the peli- stfte tha eartll?
me1l life of \el, York to join tlie Strongs Strong resumes his storr. "The
in their spiritual quest. Belo\t me. groLlp's conclusion is 'no . Thc rich
benerrh rhe deserl s dtrst: a sea of liesh corrntrics won't do iL. Thcv rton'r The Residences at Port Sidne,Y are a
rvater, hidden. untappeil, unfathomable. change. So. in orcier to sare thc planel. linited colleclion ol 29 exceptional
thc group decirles; isn't the orzh hope r{;rterfronl homes in the beautilul
l)rrarns:rnd lealilv. drearns ancl reali
y€t accessible Saanich Peninsula,
tr. I think. lluL Nhere docs ihe tl llth lie? r,,r rl,e patrlt rlr.'r rl,. ilL.|,,,, i,/,,I' ''
minutes irom Victorias lnternational
I rl''ait ibr an arts*er. e portcnl, a loice. I :iiz iwr'. , 1..' i , r,r r..Pu'r'r
"llal^,,aboLil:' Airport and three ieiry t€rminals \{an,v
kno,,r IIanlc rvould hear sorrcthilg. But bilii\ to i).ing that \L'LF. -d\e \onmofd'nq F,r'.
,i"n' ltlr
nottri]ig. .llrst the iai tL-'st rvhisper oi "This ilr.rup of rtolltl iearlels. ' Itr: the sea and distant nountains; ail hate
rvincl irr thc irott{rllr,,()ods along rhe drr aonr.inues. "foLtrt a -.ecLeL soaiet! io tuo balc0nies or garden pati0s. Full
becl of f-ot(rnwood (lleck far belo* bring aboLlt au cconorrtic coll:rpse. It's amenity, fouFscasons moorage i5 available
lr er tlrF ':n,^ lrn, ' i||^ng. !c lr.rl,Ol Febr.l arr,. I'hev re a1l at Dalos. These at the Port and interesting shops and
raried dining are yours to discoler
, at.)d, ,-d.,. , nm,. I'i1' . - \J\ "r,, .. arcn t Lef r or isls. Thet re ;L'orLrL lea,fur.s. onlY steps awa)
Oztntandias, hil1g of kin!\: Look on m\ Tl!e\ ha\e positioned themsel\'.s in the
Priced from 3190.000. these 140015i0
iLnrhs, "sclIisltl"i, lnd dtst)ai{' I pick at the cornnodi ' and stock markets.
rt,r;rld s
square Ioot homes oifer a wood'burning
peeling p:rinr or tlle zisslirat. I \\'onder fhe-v're "-nglneered. using their access
fireplace. vista kitchen with custo!n
lic-,l long it ilill take lor tl-re r.)ots ol'rhe to stock exahangcs irnd coniputers and cabinetry. in-suite Iaundri,: storage, and
','cru to \.tilr" l, t,,r., r . lt .r rr,. golcL supplies, a pirnic. fhen. thcr pre- two lullbaths Occupanc], Jttly 199u.
crecks. \\rhv shortid ihc latcsl drearD to 1en L the \rorld s stock markets fronl clos- Sales Centre: 9820 SeaPort Place
be clreamt here larc art! hetter than ing. Theljam ihe gears. Ther hlre in Sidney s town centre-655-4019.
those oi ihe fetirtrrleltl aornmLlllitl 5 lnrraen:rries rr,l,o hold Lhe resl of dle Presented b\ I nlumbid Il
clelelopels ind lhe gol.l nlirlers tuld th€ lorld ieirclcrs .lt Dalos as hostages. The aamrnon{eaith ln. P5tn,etis I /1
indian hunlcl_! an(l erarr lhe rir'tlrttl li' r,.:.1... I ./.. ll,Fri " ,..r.rfi-.
lht r.ilcl l-r,.rf1ilo tiret:r:cl', t": .. t ,..,.. , 1,. .rrsl,, r. ,i, ., .
i learc llle Bircir iL'irL Sirotrg, iril lilgri s ii! ll hc lrere fliciitg, e
r_alr'aci11g oLlr'iL,Lrte ol :' l-eek tatlier' \\e lrigiaetlc blltl oul Lhe 1\'in.lot
Liiz\ U Ratlch anci turn solllh
pass the I sit drere spellborincl. This is not a/r'r
on High*ar'17. The desert slides b). :rur\rcll, r r.lli,,B llr. i. \larr',e
Srrong telis rne hc has often wisheci he Stlong. He knol's these rtorld leadets.
could wlite. He has a novel he'c1 like to I-{e is, in facL, co-chairman of the Coun
do. lt's sotnething he has lleerl thinking cil of the Wor-ld Economic l'orum. He
aboLrt lor a decade. k lvould be a cau- .ir. at rhe lll, nln' of pnrve". He is in a
tionar) tale about the future. position to do rl.
Each vear, he explains as background
'I pIohal,lr.lrotrldn r',e sar inq
ro the telling of rhe no\'el's pjot, tl,e things like this," he savs.
\\orld ELorlonr:c fnlttrr r or'rene. in Higlrwav 17 cuts straight across the
Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand desert, hcading out of the land of
t l'O. prillre rriri\1, r.. lllldn.e minis- daeams.
ler( a rd leddrng ar:denrirr ta'lr, r in \then lhc tr trLlt i. final11 rold. \laurice
Fcblu?lr) to altend lueetings and sct ecc and Llanne Strong lear thc tvor-ld Niil
nomic aqendas for the year ahead. With come to this. No secret societies. No
this as a setting, he then says: '\{hat if a hostage-takings at Davos. Ilut it rvill come
small group of these rvorld lcaders were to the same conclusion: the global econo-
ro corclude drat thc p.incipal risk to the rny, sapped bv cledit and debt loads ancl
earth corres fi'om the actiolls of the Iicll cnvirorunental disasters, till sinpil come
(olrntrie\: .\n.l 'f lrre \or1d is to srlr\ivr, unstucl. And nothing-[ot even the
rlro.e i, lr iollnrne. \'ould hnte to .ign inspiration of the Baca-can save hurllan-
an agreenent reducing their impact on kjncl lrorn itself. The,v see the struggles
the environment. Will thev do it? ' And
Strong, dril,ing as I take notes, looks at
and Irtoblenrs nt rlrr B.r,a a. r'lletrion:
of the problens assaulting the planet.
me. Then his eyes go back to Highwa,v They fear rhe Baca lvill be, aL best, an , -,.,. ; :-.'t. .:. : : "
17. The man rvho founded the United oasis in the desert of the futllre-and at
Narions Enrironrtotlt Pi.,errm and rho $'orst. a place where dreams die. I
!, i "
4l lYlSIril IY 1990

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