3QPG1 Cse It Ma8351 QB

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RSM Nagar, Kavaraipettai – 601 206
Date : 07.08.2020
First Internal Assessment Test – August 2020 (Online Test - through Google Classroom)
Third Semester B.E. / B.Tech
Computer Science and Engineering / Information Technology
MA8351 – Discrete Mathematics
COs Course Outcome : The students, after the completion of the course, are expected to ….
CO1 Find the pcnf & pdnf, rules of inference theory and proof methods.
CO2 Understanding the mathematical induction methods and Inclusion and exclusion principle and Applying its applications.
CO3 Apply the concepts and techniques of Graphs and graph models
CO4 Be exposed to concepts and properties of algebraic structures such as groups, rings and fields.
CO5 Understanding lattices and Boolean algebra
CO6 Develop knowledge in Logic, Graphs and algebraic system in engineering.
Time : 3 Hours Answer ALL Questions Max. Marks : 100
Part-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Is  p   p  q    q a tautology.
2. Give the truth table for T  T  F.
3. What are the contra positive, the converse and the inverse of the conditional statement, “The
home team wins whenever it is raining?”
4. Let G ( x, y ) : x is taller than y . Translate the following into formula: For any x and any y if
x is taller than y then it is not true that y is taller than x .
5. Define Free and Bound variables and give examples.
6. Use mathematical induction to show that n  2n , for all positive integers n.
7. How many different bit strings of length 12 contain exactly four 1’s?
8. How many permutations are there in the word "ENGINEERING"?
9. Solve ak  3ak 1 , for k  1 , with a0  2 .
10. Write the generating function for the sequence 1, a, a2, a3, . . .
Part – B ( 5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
11.a. (i) Prove ¬ ( p  q)  (¬p  (¬p  q)) (¬p  q) (8)
(ii) Show that P  Q  R  Q  R  P  R  R , without using truth table.(8)
11.b. (i) Obtain PCNF and hence PDNF of P   P  (Q  (Q  R ))  .
(ii)Show that the hypotheses, “it is not sunny this afternoon and it is colder than yesterday,”
“we will go swimming only if it is sunny,” “if we do not go swimming, then we will take a
canoe trip,” and “if we take a canoe trip, then we will be home by sunset” lead to the
conclusion “we will be home by sunset”. (8)

12.a. (i) Show that the following premises are Inconsistent P→Q,P→R,Q→¬R,P (8)

(ii) Show that  x   P  x   Q  x     x  P  x    x  Q  x  . (8)

12.b. (i)Using indirect method of proof, prove that p  r, q  s, p  q  s  r. (8)
(ii) Show that the premises “ One student in this class knows how to write programs in
JAVA” and “Everyone who knows how to write programs in JAVA can get high paying job”
imply the conclusion “Someone in this class can get a high paying job”. (8)

13.a. (i) Prove by principle of mathematical induction, for n positive integer,

n(n  1)( 2n  1)
12  2 2  .....  n 2  . (8)
(ii) How many ways are there to assign 5 different jobs to 4 different employees if every
employee is assigned at least one job? (8)

13.b. (i). Show that 11𝑛+2 + 122𝑛+1 is divisible by 133 for all 𝑛 ≥ 0. (8)

(ii). Find the number of integers between 1 to 250 both inclusive that are
i) divisible by 2,3.
ii) divisible by 2,3,5.
iii) not divisible by 2,3,5. (8)

14.a. (i) Solve the recurrence relation for the fibonacci sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, . . . by
characteristic root method. (8)
(ii) A survey of 100 students with respect to their choice of the ice cream flavours Vannila,
Chocolate and Strawberry. Show that 50 students like Vannila, 43 like Chocolate, 28 like
Strawberry, 13 like Vannila and Chocolate , 11 like Chocolate and Strawberry, 12 like
Strawberry and Vannila and 5 like all of them. Find thenumber of students who like
1) Vannila only 2) Chocolate only 3)Strawberry only
4) Chocolate but not strawberry.
5) Chocolate and Strawberry but not Vannila. (8)
14.b. (i) Use generating function to solve the recurrence relation
yn2  5 yn1  6 yn  0, n  0 with y0  1 and y1  1. (8)
(ii) Out of 100 students in a college, 38 play tennis, 57 play cricket and 31 play hockey, 9 play
cricket and hockey, 10 play hockey and tennis, 12 play tennis and cricket. How many
students play
(1) All three games. (2) Just one game.
(3) Tennis and Cricket but not Hockey.
(Assume that each student play at least one game). (8)

15.a. (i) Show that R  S can be derived from the premises P   Q  S  , R  P and Q using

conditional proof. (8)

(ii) Prove that 2 is irrational by contradiction. (4)

(iii) Give a direct proof of the statement. “The square of an odd integer is an odd integer”. (4)
15.b. (i) How many positive integers n can be formed using the digits 3,4,4,5,5,6,7 if n has to
exceed 50, 00,000? (8)
(ii)Use generating function to solve the recurrence relation an  3an1  4an2  0, n  2 with
the initial condition a0  3, a1  2. (8)
Knowledge Level ( Blooms Taxonomy)
K1 Remembering (Knowledge) K2 Understanding (Comprehension) K3 Applying (Application of Knowledge)
K4 Analysing (Analysis) K5 Evaluating (Evaluation) K6 Creating (Synthesis)

Knowledge Level and Course Outcome – Question wise Mapping

Part Part A
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
K Level K2 K2 K1 K1 K1 K2 K1 K1 K2 K1
Part Part B
Question 11 (a) 11(b) 12 (a) 12 (b) 13 (a) 13 (b) 14 (a) 14 (b) 15 (a) 15 (b)
K Level K2 K2, K3 K2, K3 K2, K3 K2, K3 K2 K3, K2 K2, K3 K2 K2, K3

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