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II Semester – B.E / B.Tech
Sample Question paper I
Sub Title : Basic Electrical, Electronics And Measurement Engineering
Sub Code : BE8255 Branch: CSE& IT
Duration : 3 Hrs Max Marks: 100 marks
Part A (10x 2= 20)
(Answer all questions)
1. Define Kirchoff’s laws.
2. State Norton’s Theorem.
3. Write down the emf equation for d.c generator
4. What are the advantages of brushless dc motor drives?
5. Differentiate between Renewable and Non-Renewable energy sources
6. What is the need for earthing
7. Differentiate between Zener Breakdown and Avalanche breakdown
8. Define integrator and draw its circuit diagram
9. Compare sensor and transducer
10. Illustrate the difference between accuracy and precision

Part B (5x 13=65)

11. (a) Calculate a) the equivalent resistances across the terminals of the supply,
b) total current supplied by the source and
c) power delivered to 16 ohm resistor in the circuit shown in figure. (13)


11. (b) Give Thevenin’s equivalent across the terminals AB for the circuit shown in figure below (13)

12. (a) Illustrate the construction of a DC machine with suitable diagrams and derive the emf
equation of a DC generator. (13)

12. (b) Explain the construction and working of transformer (13)

13.(a) What are the different methods of electrical generation using solar energy (13)
13. (b) Describe the construction and working of a lead acid and Li ion battery (13)
14. (a) Describe the construction of PN junction diode and explain the forward and reverse
characteristics of PN junction diode and obtain its VI characteristic curve (13)
14. (b) Explain i) IC 723 as Low voltage regulator(7) ii) IC 723 as High Voltage regulator(6)
15. (a) Describe briefly the working of moving coil permanent magnet instrument with a neat
diagram (13)
15. (b) Describe the operation of an thermocouple with the help of a diagram (13)

Part C(1x 15=15)

16. (a) A 4 pole lap wound DC shunt generator has a useful flux/pole of 0.6wb.The armature
winding consists of 200 turns , each turn having a resistance of 0.003ohms, calculate the terminal
voltage when running at 1000 rpm if armature current is 45A. (15)
16. (b) A four-pole, wave connected shunt generator has 900 conductors. If the flux per pole is
0.03wb and the speed of the generator is 700rpm, what is the magnitude of the armature voltage?
If the armature current is 40A, determine (a) the terminal voltage, (b) the field current, and (c)
the load supplied. The armature and field resistances are 0.25Ω and 100Ω respectively. If the
generator is now lap-wound, what is the flux per pole required to supply the same load? (15)
II Semester – B.E / B.Tech
Sample Question paper II
Sub Title : Basic Electrical, Electronics And Measurement Engineering
Sub Code : BE8255 Branch: CSE& IT
Duration : 3 Hrs Max Marks: 100 marks
Part A (10x 2= 20)
(Answer all questions)
1. Define Ohm’s Law
2. State superposition theorem.
3. Name any four applications of DC series motors
4. State the condition at which the torque developed in a 3 phase induction motor is maximum
5. State the main objective of air conditioning
6. Define circuit breaker
7. Compare and contrast between p-n junction diode and zener diode
8. Classify the different types of Multivibrator?
9. Compare moving coil with moving iron instruments
10. Quote piezoelectric effect?

Part B (5x 13=65)

11. (a) Find the currents and voltages in the following circuit using KVL (13)


11. (b) Find the value of load resistance for maximum power transfer in the circuit (13)

12. (a) Describe with neat diagrams, the construction and principle of operation of three phase
induction motor. (13)

12. (b) An ideal transformer has a 150-turn primary and 750turn secondary. The primary is
connected to a 240V, 50Hz source. The secondary winding supplies a load of 4A at a
lagging power factor (pf) of 0.8. Determine (a) K-ratio (b) the primary current (c)
power supplied to the load (d) the flux in the core. (13)

13.(a) Draw the electric circuit of a domestic refrigerator and explain the role of each components
and its working (13)
13. (b) What are different types of lamps used for illumination. Explain any one in detail (13)
14. (a) Describe the static input and output characteristics of CE configuration of a transistor with
neat circuit diagram. (13)
14. (b) Explain
i) Successive Approximation ADC (7)
ii) Weighted Resistor DAC (6)
15. (a) Describe briefly the working of dynamometer type wattmeter with a neat diagram (13)
15. (b) Describe the operation of an LVDT with the help of a diagram (13)

Part C(1x 15=15)

16. (a) Using Superposition theorem, find the current through the 40 Ω resistor of the circuit
shown in Fig. (15)

16. (b) Enumerate the various types of transducer categories based on the functions they perform.
Distinguish clearly, with examples, between active and passive devices. (15)
II Semester – B.E / B.Tech
Sample Question paper III
Sub Title : Basic Electrical, Electronics And Measurement Engineering
Sub Code : BE8255 Branch: CSE& IT
Duration : 3 Hrs Max Marks: 100 marks
Part A (10x 2= 20)
(Answer all questions)
1. What are the limitations of ohm’s law?
2. State maximum power transfer theorem.
3. Why an induction motor will never run at its synchronous speed?
4. What are the advantages of brushless dc motor drives?
5. List out the Advantages and Disadvantages of solar power plant
6. Write the applications of mercury vapour lamp
7. In a Astable multivibrator of 555 timer RA=606kΩ and C=0.1μF. Calculate (a) t HIGH (b)tLOW
(c) free running frequency
8. List the advantages of IC 723 regulator
9. Define repeatability, reproducibility
10. What is LDR?

Part B (5x 13=65)

11. (a) Determine current in 5-Ω resistor by mesh method. (13)


11. (b) Determine by star/delta transformation, the network resistance as viewed from the
battery terminals. (13)
12. (a) Give the constructional details of salient pole and cylindrical rotor synchronous
machines. Derive the E.M.F equation. (13)


12. (b) Find all day efficiency of a 15KVA V transformer has its maximum efficiency of
0.98 at full load with unity p.f. During the day it is loaded as follows: (13)
No.of hours Load
12 2KW at 0.5 pf lag
6 12KW at 0.8 pf lag
6 18KW at 0.9 pf lag

13.(a) Illustrate the types of airconditioning system and explain window airconditioner with a
neat diagram (13)
13. (b) What is the need for earthing and explain the different types of earthing (13)
14. (a) Describe the construction of Zener diode and explain the forward and reverse
characteristics of Zener diode and obtain its VI characteristic curve. (13)
14. (b) i) What is 555 timer? Explain the working of 555 timer as Monostable Multivibrator. (7)
ii) Derive an expression for the frequency of oscillation with relevant waveforms. (6)
15. (a) Describe briefly the working of Induction type energymeter with a neat diagram (13)
15. (b) Write shortnotes on strain gauge and RTD (13)

Part C(1x 15=15)

16. (a) A four-pole, wave connected shunt generator has 900 conductors. If the flux per pole is
0.03wb and the speed of the generator is 700rpm, what is the magnitude of the armature voltage? If
the armature current is 40A, determine (a) the terminal voltage, (b) the field current, and (c) the load
supplied. The armature and field resistances are 0.25Ω and 100Ω respectively. If the generator is now
lap-wound, what is the flux per pole required to supply the same load?
16. (b) Explain the operation of astable operation of 555 timer. Derive the on time, off time and duty
cycle of the operation (15)

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