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Are you game for the pleasure of looking the opposing team eye to eye and challenging them in a game
of football? Use your ingenuity to craft a machine which collects and puts as many balls as possible into
their own home area.The machine that gathers the most wins!There are also separate prizes for
creativity, aesthetics, and engineering design but no extra points will be awarded for

Competition Rules:

• The goal of the game is to obtain maximum points according to the given point-
system in a stipulated time. The time duration of one match will be 3 minutes.
The machine that has the most points at the end of the match is declared the
• The center of the game board has 7 red and 1 black balls. The balls are
standard table-tennis balls.
• Each red ball has 10 points and black ball has 30 points. The score of the team
depends on the number and type of balls that their machine acquires.
• A machine can take a maximum of three balls at a time, and it has to goal at
least one red ball before they pick a black ball.
• Machine can enter the goal or can throw/push balls from outside the goal post
for delivering the ball/balls inside the goal post. A successful point will be
counted when balls remain inside the goal post. In case machine is going inside
the post to deliver the ball then it should come out leaving the ball inside the
goal post then only point will be awarded. Decision of which solely depends on
• Once the goal is scored the ball will be taken out of the game.
• If accidentally a machine scores a self goal then the points will be awarded to
the opponent.

Arena specification

• The total size of arena is (l,b) 400X200 cm, the height of the side walls will be
• Size of the goal post is (l,b,h) 20X50X25cm.
• A semicircular plastic pipe of diameter of around 2.5cm is placed 60cm in front
of the goal post and there are empty places on either sides of the pipes, width
being 50 cm each.
• The balls are placed at the center of the arena. The dimensions of open space
between the two pipes are 240X200 cm.
Robot specifications

• At all times the robot (excluding the wires. Switches and remote) should fit in a
box of size – (l,b,h) 30X30X20 cm.
• The method of propulsion is at the discretion of the builder, provided it does not
damage the arena in any way and it satisfies the safety constraints determined
by the judges. The machine should not leave any part behind while the game is
in progress or else it will lead to the disqualification of that particular team. The
judges hold the right to subjectively determine if the machine violates this.
• The batteries can be made on board the robot or the power can be supplied from
the external sources, but mechanisms for direct transfer of mechanical energy
like clutch wires is not allowed. If the batteries are external then they are
excluded from the size constraints.
• The maximum applied voltage to any component inside the robot is 24V, if
higher voltages are used then the team will be disqualified immediately.
• The machine can be made wireless or autonomous but there are no extra points
for this.
• A team may choose to make their robot completely out of Lego parts, their robot will be
considered in the Lego category and if a team makes a robot completely out of non Lego parts
their robot will be considered under the Non Lego category. In case of Lego robots the RCX must
be contained on the robot itself.
• All the wires should be slack enough at all times so that the robot is not pulled
by the wires. Violation of this rule will lead to disqualification.
• The organizers will provide a standard 230V/50 Hz AC power supply. Any
extension cords, eliminators, adaptors etc required will have to be arranged by
participants themselves.

General Rules :

• Team Size: A team may be of maximum 4 participants. Either a

professor/teacher can be mentor to a team but any individual is not allowed as a
mentor. Participants from different institutions can form a team. Team member
and mentor should have valid educational institute ID card.However during the
match only team members will be present in the game arena, mentors shall not be allowed in
the arena during this time.
• The tournament will be played on a knock-out basis, with two machines
competing against each other.
• The teams will be informed well in advance about the timings of their matches
and each team is supposed to be ready with their machines near the board 15
minutes before their match, failing which, the opponent will be declared the
• Each team will be given 5 minutes before the game to make some final
adjustments in their machine after their machines are kept on the board. After
this the match will start irrespective of whether the team in question is ready or
• At the beginning of the game, the teams have to place their machines in their
respected Goal posts. The game coordinator will inform when to start the game.
• The teams must adhere to the spirit of healthy competition. The teams must not
damage the opponent's machine in any way. Judges reserve the right to
disqualify any team indulging in misbehavior.
• The name of your machine must be prominently displayed on the machine.
• Judges decision shall be treated as final and binding on all.
• The organizers reserve all rights to change any or all of the above rules
as they deem fit. Change in rules, if any will be highlighted on the

Elimination Rounds:

• The elimination rounds for the main event would be held on the same game
• Each team must get their machine’s dimensions checked whether it suffices the
rules or not. Only then will a team be allowed to place their robot on to the
arena board inside the starting point.
• Robot has to pick 1 ball from the centre of the arena and deliver it in its own
goal post within 60 seconds to qualify the elimination round.
• As mentioned earlier also, machine can either enter the goal or throw/push the
ball from outside for delivering the ball inside the goal post. A successful
elimination will be declared when the ball remains inside the goal post and
machine is outside the post. Decision of which solely depends on Judges.


• All school and junior college students (up to 12th) with a valid identity card of
their respective educational institutes are eligible to participate in RoboKnights.

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