Practice Test B2: Optimise

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PART 1 Woman: Didn’t you want to buy – Dangle the Carrot – has rocketed
jeans? Isn’t that why we’re here? up the charts and has been sitting
You will hear people talking in eight Man: Yes, but this is a bargain! I at number one for a while now.
different situations. For questions won’t find it so cheap again. It’s hard to believe the band only
1–8, choose the best answer (A, B formed a year ago. We’ll have them
Woman: Yes, I get that, but if you
or C). on the show later, but before we do,
buy the T-shirt, you might be left
Question 1 short of money, so if you DO find let’s hear what some of you have
You hear a music teacher talking some nice jeans, you won’t be able to say about the boys. The lines are
about reading music. to afford them. open for your calls. And because
People mistakenly believe that Man: So I should look for jeans and I’m feeling generous, the first caller
reading music is very difficult. The if there’s any cash left over, then will win a double pass to the band’s
thing is, if you are taught properly, get the T-shirt? first show tomorrow night. Oh! And
that won’t be a problem. So please here’s our lucky winner. Talk about
Woman: Exactly.
don’t be put off by suggestions fast! What’s your name …
Man: I hate it when you’re right!
that you won’t be able to grasp Question 7
Question 4
the basics. I will introduce you You hear two people talking in a
to the most important topics in You hear a boy talking about going
reading music in a way that is very to the cinema.
Man: It’s not exactly a small menu,
easy to follow, but don't expect I wouldn’t say that I go to the
is it? I don’t know what to choose
to fly through all the lessons and cinema regularly, like once or twice
… the sweet and sour chicken, the
understand straight away. As a month. I don’t think there are
spicy noodles or the deep-fried
with anything new, it will seem many people who do that, really –
prawns? They all sound delicious. I
complicated at first, but as you well, not people my age anyway. It
could eat them all!
look at the examples and read the just costs too much – the ticket, the
Woman: Lucky you! I wish I could.
explanations it will all make sense. drinks, the snacks – it all adds up.
If there’s a film I’m excited about Man: Why not? You’re not on a
Right, let’s go on with the first
seeing, that’s when I’ll make an diet, are you?
effort to go and I’ll arrange it with Woman: Well, I suppose I should
Question 2 a group because to me, that’s what cut down on sweets, but it’s not
You hear a girl talking to a friend cinema is all about. It’s a social that. It’s spicy food. I mean, I love
about a chess tournament. experience – you meet up, watch it, but I usually don’t feel great
Girl: I did it! I finally signed up for the film together and then have fun afterwards.
the chess tournament at the youth talking about it afterwards. Yeah, Man: I’m sorry, I had no idea. Let’s
club. it’s just a good night out. go somewhere else.
Boy: Wow, that’s great. So when is Question 5 Woman: Honestly, it’s fine. I’ll
the tournament? You hear a headteacher talking to a just order some plain rice and
Girl: Not for a couple of weeks, group of students. vegetables.
which is good because I need all You’ll be pleased to learn there Question 8
the practice I can get. You know, won’t be any big, end-of-year- You hear two friends talking about a
some of the others have been tests. You’ll have various tests and weekend job.
playing for years – since they were assignments during the year which, Woman: Here’s the number. Call
children. It’s kind of intimidating we believe, will give your teachers them now – maybe they’ll ask you
really. I mean, they’re bound to be a more accurate and complete to go in for an interview.
so much better than me. I almost picture of your level. For example, Man: I bet they’ve already found
didn’t go through with it. But you might be asked to give a someone.
then I thought, ‘So what if they’re presentation on your favourite Woman: You don’t know that. Go
experienced? I can still take part book for your English class or work on, ring them. You’ve got nothing
and hopefully pick up a few new on a research project for science. to lose.
moves.’ And who knows, I might Your teachers will evaluate your Man: Well, I do have some
have more natural talent than the work and use the results as part experience as a waiter and the
others! of your final result. Of course, this hours are good.
Question 3 means you need to be on the ball
Woman: Yes, it’s just Saturday and
You hear two friends talking in a throughout the year.
Sunday, it won’t interfere with your
shop. Question 6 studies. Really, it’s just ideal for you.
Man: Look! This one’s half price. You hear a radio show presenter Man: OK, you’ve convinced me.
It’s been reduced from £20. What talking about a band. Pass me the phone, will you?
do you think? Should I try it on? What a year it’s been for The Lost
Donkeys! Their first studio album

Optimise B2 Optimise B2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

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PART 2 passionate about apart from acting. achievement. Use the letters only
once. There are three extra letters
You will hear a student called Next, take acting classes. It may
which you do not need to use.
Louise Parsons talking about acting. be difficult working out which
drama school or coach to sign up Speaker 1
For questions 9–18, complete the
with, or whether expensive classes Skateboarding just started out as
sentences with a word or short
are actually better than more a fun pastime for me. Some of my
affordable ones, but classes will friends were really into it, and
Hello everyone. My name’s Louise they got me interested. Watching
give you three benefits. Firstly, they
Parsons and your drama teacher them was fun, but I thought it’d
help to improve your acting skills.
has asked me to talk to you about be difficult to do, and some of the
Secondly, because you’re taught in
acting. I’ve been in a few ads and tricks looked quite challenging.
a group, they help you to become
films, and I’m going to give you Well, I lost my balance a lot at the
less self-conscious about your
some tips on how to get into the start, but it didn’t put me off. Before
acting. And finally, they help to fill
industry. long, I was doing all kinds of flips
up your CV when you don’t have
First of all, you can’t break into the any acting credits to list. That’s and spins, so the next step was
film industry by reading about it what I did, and it got me my first obviously to enter a competition
in a book. No book can tell you the role. and see how far I could go. In my
‘secrets’ of the industry, and how to very first event, I came second and
Another important factor in your I was proud about that. There’s
become successful. The authors of
future success is a good agent or even a video of me online.
these books are often actors who
manager. Now, like the authors of
have appeared in TV commercials Speaker 2
the books I mentioned earlier, there
or had small roles on television
are agents you should avoid. They’ll A big part of what animal shelters
shows or films. Week after week,
ask you for a fee before they can do is find new owners to adopt the
they put their ads in newspapers
represent you. Be careful of people animals. Some animals are shy and
and magazines. Sometimes, it’s
like that. A real agent will not ask don’t come across as being friendly.
not a book they’re advertising, but
you for money up front – they will Others look fierce and prospective
a seminar or a service they can
make money when they get you a families are scared of them. What
provide. Whatever it is, don’t fall
job. The agent I have, for example, I find most satisfying about my
for it – they are just looking for
keeps 10 per cent of everything I volunteer work at a shelter is
inexperienced people to buy their
earn. helping animals to overcome their
product. Clearly, the authors make
own fear and hesitation. I see that
more money telling you how to get You might be thinking to yourself,
as a great accomplishment because
rich with their secrets than they do ‘I don’t need an agent. I can find
it’s doing something that’s not
using those secrets themselves! my own jobs.’ It’s true, you don’t
for your personal benefit. When
have to have an agent, but actors
Unfortunately, film is an industry an animal leaves the shelter and
without agents tend not to be hired
that is difficult to get into. It’s like I know it’s going to a good home
by directors. You probably think
publishing or music – for every where it will be taken care of and
that isn’t fair, but it’s a fact. Agents
successful actor, writer or musician, loved, that’s the best reward for me.
are closer to the action, they know
there are thousands of hopefuls
what jobs are coming up and Speaker 3
who will never succeed. It can
simply have far more contacts than I’m a member of the student
take years to build up a career in
you could ever hope to have. That’s council at my school. The council
acting. Even well-known actors
their job. My agent is someone who helps to share students’ ideas and
played small parts and struggled
works hard for me and is a major concerns with the teachers and
before they suddenly got a major
reason why I’ve found roles. the principal. We also raise funds
role. That’s why you should get a
for social events and community
good education as a backup. The Breaking into film isn’t easy, but
projects. One of the ideas we took
worst scenario, of course, is that if you work hard and get good,
to the principal was to have some
you might never make it. Then practical advice from industry
‘no-uniform’ days, and surprisingly,
you’ll definitely need to have your professionals, you can do it. And it
there were no objections. We really
Plan B already in place. Too many will be a lot of fun.
hadn’t expected a positive response
people quit school in search of
to that. When it was officially
fame, only to end up without any
PART 3 announced at assembly, everyone
sort of career. Don’t let that happen
started cheering and council
to you. Personally, I’m now training You will hear five short extracts in
members were hailed as heroes!
to become a chef, not only because which teenagers are talking about
It’s easy to understand why – our
I might not make it in acting, their achievements. For questions
school uniform is pretty ugly!
but because I love cooking. Find 19–23, choose from the list (A–H)
something else you can also be what each speaker says about their

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Speaker 4 great job and had really fantastic focus on teens and young adults.
I don’t like talking about it because ideas to make it user-friendly. It’s That’s also why the clothes are
it sounds like I’m bragging, but I not just a place where you can priced so reasonably – my brand
saved a young boy from drowning order clothes online – there’s a is probably the most affordable
in a pool. Because of that, there was fashion blog that I update every designer brand in the country. And
a special ceremony at the town hall day, and a virtual changing room really, there’s no point in designing
and I was given a bravery award by where you can upload a full-length for young people if they can’t
the mayor. He shook my hand and photo of yourself and then ‘try on’ afford to buy the clothes!
everyone clapped; it was a big deal. different outfits from the store.
Interviewer: The designs are very
But the look on my mum’s face, that That’s a huge hit with shoppers.
sporty. Do you think that’s another
was the best – it was unforgettable But I can’t take any credit for it!
reason why they’re so popular?
– she was glowing. I got a medal Interviewer: Yes, as an idea, the
and a certificate, which my mum Ingrid: Oh, absolutely! It’s the
virtual changing room is very
put on the living room wall. The style people wear every day – it’s
original, and your fashions are too.
local newspaper ran a story about not for occasions like weddings
But let’s go back to the beginning,
it and she’s framed that too and put or anything like that! At the
Ingrid. When did you become
it next to the certificate! same time, though, people want
interested in fashion?
to look stylish, not just casual
Speaker 5 Ingrid: I started taking art lessons and comfortable. That’s what
I’m not an eco-warrior, but when when I was about seven and I think my designs offer – a very trendy
I found out there were plans to I was 10 when we began looking but relaxed look. Sportswear, in
cut down a 100-year-old tree in at paintings from earlier periods general, has had a huge influence
order to widen my street, it struck and copying them – well, since then on urban street style. Basketball
me as really wrong. And it’s not I've been fascinated by the texture, jerseys, for example, were first
just that the tree is a part of the design and style of clothing. My worn by players, then by fans and
area’s history, but animals such mum used to work in the costume later on by fashion-conscious
as possums live there. It’s their department of a big theatre consumers. And, even though
habitat, their home. It wasn’t hard company and she’d often sew they’re not really seen as street
to raise awareness. I posted about costumes for the actors at home, so fashion, it’s a similar story with
it online and I put notices in letter there’d be scraps of material lying polo shirts.
boxes. On the day it was to be cut around the house. I made my first
down, about 50 people showed Interviewer: Oh? Could you tell
clothes with them.
up and we formed a human chain us how polo shirts became so
around it. It’s safe for the time Interviewer: So, would you say popular?
being, but we need to get a firm that you’ve always wanted to be a
Ingrid: Well, until the 1920s, male
promise that it won’t be destroyed. fashion designer?
tennis players wore long-sleeved
Ingrid: Well, anything beautiful shirts, long trousers and a tie when
PART 4 attracts me – literature, they played. A tie! Can you imagine
architecture, even cars! I suppose I how uncomfortable that was? A
You will hear an interview with a could have done anything creative French tennis player, René Lacoste,
teenager called Ingrid Mason, who’s in those fields. But I think fashion decided to wear something more
talking about fashion. For questions chose me, not the other way around suitable for running around on
24–30, choose the best answer (A, B – I mean, having that influence at the court. He saw a friend of his
or C). home, with my mother, just gently who was playing polo wearing a
Interviewer: My guest today is pushed me in that direction rather short-sleeved shirt. Lacoste had a
17-year-old Ingrid Mason, who has than a different creative field. designer make a similar garment.
just won the Teen Designer of the The short-sleeved shirt became
Interviewer: Tell us about your
Year award. Well done, Ingrid! known as a ‘polo’ shirt even though
clothes. Who are they designed for?
Lacoste wanted it for playing
Ingrid: Thanks very much.
Ingrid: I think anyone can wear my tennis. Then, in the 1970s, designer
Interviewer: Unless I’m mistaken, designs, but you need to have the Ralph Lauren made his Polo brand.
this isn’t your first award, is it? confidence to wear brighter colours Now the polo shirt can be found in
and patterns. Most young people most men’s wardrobes.
Ingrid: You’re right, it’s not, but
aren’t afraid of vibrant colours, but
it’s the first award I’ve won for my Interviewer: That’s fascinating! I
as people get older, they tend to
actual fashion designs. The other had no idea about the story behind
wear more conservative clothes.
one was for my website and online the polo shirt.
But in terms of marketing and
store. But I didn’t receive the award
advertising campaigns, yes, we do
– the web designer did. He did a

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