Curriculum Budget and Most Essential Learning Competencies
Curriculum Budget and Most Essential Learning Competencies
Curriculum Budget and Most Essential Learning Competencies
Grade Level: 7
Subject : Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE 7)
1.1 Use of tools and equipment Prepare hand tools and equipment in
technical drafting
THIRD 1.2 Maintain hand tools, drawing Perform safety procedures in maintaining
QUARTER Instruments, equipment and hand tools, drawing instruments,
Paraphernalia (MT) equipment and paraphernalia
1.3 Inspect hand tool, drawing instruments, Check the list of hand tools, drawing
equipment, and paraphernalia recieved instruments, equipment, and
in technical drafting paraphernalia to be requested per job
1.4 Perform mensuration and calculation Carry out mensuration and calculation
1.5 Prepare and interpret technical drawing Interpret technical drawings and plans
1.6 Practice Occupational Health and Safety Maintain Occupational Health and Safety
Procedure (OS)
TLE Teacher
St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan
(Former Sacred Heart College)
Corner Mabini and Del Rosario Streets, Catbalogan City
Telephone/ Telefax: (055) 543-8192
E-mail: [email protected]
PAASCU Accredited
Elementary & High School Department
1. TLE (Aquaculture)
1.1 Use fishery tools and equipment (UT) Select and operate fishery equipment
1.4 Apply safety measures in farm Safekeeping/ disposal of tools materials and
Operations (OS) outfits
Grade Level: 9
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE 9)
1. TLE (Hairdressing)
1.1 Treatment of hair and scalp Appreciate the benefits of hair and scalp
THIRD treatment
QUARTER 1.2 Prepare client Assist client in accordnace with salon
1.3 Apply shampoo and/ or conditioner on Shampoo and/or condition hair as required and
the client following standard procedure
1.4 Blow-dry hair Towel dry and comb hair according to service
1.5 Perform post-service activities Clean, sanitize, and store tools and equipment
according to OHS requirements
1.6 Scalp and hair treatment Determine client’s health and restrictions
1.7 Prepare desserts through consultation
1.8 Treat hair condition Select and prepare supplies/ materials and hair
treatment product
PCSS: Defining Characteristic: Distinguished by a Culture of Excellence
TLE Teacher
Grade Level: 10
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education
1. TLE (Hairdressing)
1.1 Fundamentals in hair coloring and hair Disscuss hair coloring applications
THIRD bleaching
1.2 Prepare client Consult and advise client on color options, and
checked for possible skin allergies
1.3 Apply hair color Prepare and use tools, materials, implements
following OHS requirements
1.4 Hair bleaching Consult client on health condition and previous
hair chemical treatment availed
TLE Teacher
Grade Level: 4
Subject: Home Economics and Livelihood Education
Grade Level: 5
Subject: Home Economics and Livelihood Education (HELE 5)
Grade Level: 6
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE 6)
1. Animal Production
1.1 Animal and Fish Production Apply skills in producing animal and fish
1.2 Market Demands for Animal/ Fish Understand market demands for animal/ fish
THIRD Products and By-products products
QUARTER 1.3 Raising Goats Apply skills in raising goat
Home Economics
1.4 Sewing Identify different sewing tools and practices
1.5 Sources of Family Income and Classify different sources of family income