Gold Nanoparticle Mediated Multi-Modal CT Imaging of Hsp70 Membrane Positive Tumors
Gold Nanoparticle Mediated Multi-Modal CT Imaging of Hsp70 Membrane Positive Tumors
Gold Nanoparticle Mediated Multi-Modal CT Imaging of Hsp70 Membrane Positive Tumors
*Correspondence: Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Stangl and Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Multhoff
Einsteinstr. 25
D-81675 Munich
Einsteinstr. 25
D-81675 Munich
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Abstract: Imaging techniques such as computed tomographies (CT) play a major role in clinical
imaging and diagnosis of malignant lesions. In recent years, spectral CT has emerged in the field of
computed tomographies, utilizing detailed information from extracted spectral parameters of the
specimen. Metal nanoparticle platforms enable effective payload delivery for this technique. Due to
the possibility of surface modification, metal nanoparticles are predestined to facilitate molecular
tumor targeting.
In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of anti-plasma membrane Heat shock protein 70
functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for tumor specific multimodal imaging. Membrane-
associated Hsp70 is exclusively presented on the plasma membrane of malignant cells of multiple
tumor entities, but not on corresponding normal tissue cells, predestining this target epitope for
tumor-selective in vivo targeting.
In vitro microscopical analysis revealed the presence of cmHsp70.1-AuNP in the cytosol of tumor
cell lines, being internalized via the endosomal-lysosomal pathway. In tumor bearing mice the
biodistribution as well as the intratumorally enrichment of AuNP were examined 24h after i.v.
application, in vivo. In parallel to spectral CT analysis, histological analysis confirmed the presence
of tumor cells. In contrast to control NP, a significant enrichment of cmHsp70.1-AuNPs has been
detected selectively in tumors of different preclinical mouse models. Furthermore, the
biodistribution of AuNP, following i.v. injection, was analyzed by a machine-learning approach on
digitalized slides.
In summary, utilizing mHsp70 on tumor cells for guidance of cmHsp70.1 antibody functionalized
nanoparticles enables sufficient enrichment and uniform distribution of AuNPs in mHsp70-
expressing tumor cells, adequate for various microscopical imaging techniques and spectral-CT-
based tumor delineation, in vivo.
Keywords: gold nanoparticle, heat shock protein 70, molecular imaging, biomarker, spectral-CT, k-
edge imaging
1. Introduction
Detection of all malignant tumor cells in a patients´ body is a prerequisite for a successful treatment.
In established clinical routine, combined positron emission tomography (PET)/computed
tomography (CT) imaging is commonly used for
tumors exceeding 0.5–1 cm3. For standard clinical PET imaging, 18F-Glucose is often used as a PET
tracer. However, glucose-based PET/CT imaging faces disadvantages, such as false-positive and/or
false-negative signals, e.g. triggered by the fact that only metabolically active, but not resting cells
can be visualized, the low tumor-to-background contrast and the relatively low resolution of this
technique [1]. With improved settings, a spatial resolution of 2 mm is technically feasible, as
demonstrated in patients with prostate cancer [2].
The introduction of gold nanoparticle-based contrast agents added a new value to imaging
techniques. Functionalization of novel metal-based nanoparticles with tumor-specific antibodies [3]
and their utilization in imaging techniques such as photoacoustic signal transduction or CT combine
the advantages of molecular, tumor specific imaging with the unique attributes of Au-NPs in clinical
imaging, particularly in spectral-CT. This technology allows spectral imaging as it employs a photon-
counting detector which registers the interactions of individual photons which enables to create an
energy spectrum which can subsequently be converted into a color image. In addition, a non-
spectral attenuation image can be acquired at the same time. This allows for precise spatial
information of the spectral image with high resolution. Notably, signals delivered by gold can be
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efficiently isolated. With the emergence of clinical SPECT scanners, the need of tumor-specific
contrast agents has further increased.
For in vivo application, it is essential that the applied nanoparticles are nontoxic, biodegradable or
inert and transportable in the blood and lymph system. Biocompatible camouflage of the NP surface
is a prerequisite to avoid immediate and quantitative uptake by macrophages. Small nanosized gold
particles ( 100nm) demonstrated to be beneficial for utilization in clinical applications [4-6]. Apart
from the formulation of the NPs, tumor imaging with nanoparticle-based contrast agents can be
further improved and specified by functionalization with antibodies targeting tumor-specific,
membrane-associated biomarkers. For improved signal-to-background ratio and high tumor speci-
ficity, candidate markers should be selectively expressed on tumor cells while being absent on
healthy tissue. Membrane Hsp70 has been found to fulfill these criteria exhibiting remarkable tumor
specific targeting capabilities [7,8]. In the course of cancer treatment, standard regimens, such as
radiotherapy or chemotherapy, have been shown to increase the membrane expression density of
Hsp70 on tumor cells [9], promoting membrane Hsp70 activated tumor targeting in combination with
standard therapies. Furthermore, an upregulated Hsp70 membrane density could be detected on
relapse tumors and metastases, compared to primary tumors. In multiple studies, the malignancy of
tumors is correlated with the Hsp70 status in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane [7,10]. For
a specific in vivo tumor targeting mediated by membrane-associated Hsp70, we developed the Hsp70
membrane-specific antibody cmHsp70.1 [8,11]. To utilize the beneficial features of targeting
membrane Hsp70 with the imaging capabilities of noble metals as a contrast agent, we developed a
gold nanoparticle formulation, functionalized with cmHsp70.1 monoclonal antibody to target
membrane-bound Hsp70 on tumor cells, in vivo. In previous studies we could demonstrate the rapid
and specific binding, uptake and internalization of cmHsp70.1-AuNPs into tumor cells in vitro,
leading to a high intracellular accumulation. Furthermore, following incubation of viable tumor cells
with cmHsp70.1-AuNP, no toxicity was observed up to a concentration of 10 µ g/ml [12].
2. Results
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For the coupling of mouse IgG1 isotype- or cmHsp70.1 antibodies to gold nanoparticles, sulfhydryl
groups were added to the N-terminal residue of cmHsp70.1mAb or mouse IgG1 control antibody
using SATA. Amine residues at the gold nanoparticles (AuNP) were coupled to maleimide and
further to a PEG spacer to facilitate steric flexibility of the antibodies (Figure 1A, top panel). A
covalent cross-link of sulfhydryl-activated antibodies and maleimide-activated gold nanoparticles
was established by coincubation at pH 6.5–7.5 (Figure 1A, bottom panel). The size of the mean
hydrodynamic diameter of unconjugated gold nanoparticles (AuNP) was determined to 45±14 nm
(Figure 1B, top panel). The size of cmHsp70.1 antibody (cmHsp70.1-AuNP)-conjugated AuNP was
54±11nm (Figure 1B, middle panel), 59±18 nm for IgG1 isotype-matched control antibody-conjugated
gold nanoparticles (IgG1-AuNP)
(Figure 1B, bottom panel). No self-
aggregation was observed in aliquotes
of the conjugated as well as the
unconjugated gold nanoparticles in
PBS at 37°C during 24 hours; After 4
weeks at 4°C, starting self-aggregation
of the particles was observed. An
exemplary size distribution histogram
is given in Figure S1.
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2.3 Accumulation of
functionalized AuNP in tumors, in vivo
To investigate the specificity and sensitivity of Hsp70.1-conjugated AuNP to target tumors in vivo,
syngenic tumor models in Balb/c mice were established. Animals were inoculated with orthotopic
4T1 and subcutaneous CT26 tumors, respectively. When tumor lesions reached a size of 200 mm3,
two times 2.5 mg of AuNP of each group (AuNP, IgG1-AuNP and cmHsp70.1-AuNP) were injected
i.v. consecutively at an interval
of 24 hours (Figure 4). 24 hours
after the second injection, mice
were euthanized and fixated.
After fixation, mice were
either imaged using spectral-
CT or directly applied to
histological analysis. In the
Figure 4. Timeline of the in vivo experiments. following, organs and tumors
of the animals were
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histologically analyzed. In parallel, single cell suspension of tumors of both models have been
analyzed for the plasma membrane Hsp70 status. To characterize the tumor models regarding the
main features which determine the accumulation of molecular functionalized contrast agents in vivo,
tumors were histologically analyzed for the target antigen content (Hsp70) in the cytoplasm as well
as on the plasma membrane. Their vascularization status (CD31) and the presence of tumor
infiltrating macrophages (F4/80) have been investigated as well. Both tumor types, 4T1 o.t. and CT26
s.c., displayed similar vascularization and infiltration of macrophages, indicating comparable effects
on the NP input through these routes. Immunohistological Hsp70 staining revealed strong expression
in both tumor models,
featuring cytosolic as
well as nuclear Hsp70
expression. However,
4T1 tumors showed a
more patterned
architecture of the Hsp70
density. To investigate
the membrane Hsp70
status of the tumors in
vivo, a single cell
suspension of the freshly
dissected tumors was
investigated. With
76±7% and 67±13%
membrane Hsp70
positive viable tumor
cells, 4T1 tumors and
CT26 tumors,
respectively, showed
slightly higher
expression, compared to
the in vitro cultured cells.
However, the increased
width of the cytometric
data, as given in
histograms, indicates
increased heterogeneity
in the membrane Hsp70
expression pattern in in
vivo grown tumors. Figure 5. Hsp70.1 tumor characterization. Orthotopical 4T1 (upper
(Figure 5). panel) and subcutaneous CT26 (lower panel) tumors were analyzed
with regard to membrane (FACS, upper inlay) - and overall (IHC)
To investigate the
Hsp70 expression, as well as their content of vessels (IHC, CD31) and
feasibility of cmHsp70.1-
AuNPs as a contrast the infiltration of macrophages (IHC, F4/80). H&E was used as
agent, in a next step we overview stain (lower inlay). Scale bars, 200µ m (Hsp70), 100µ m
analyzed a first cohort of (CD31, MΦ).
tumor bearing mice by
spectral CT. In both tumor models, we additionally investigated the biodistribution of the differently
functionalized AuNP in tumors and organs. Spectral CT technique allows for the simultaneous
detection of AuNPs and the anatomical structures due to a combination of K-edge analysis and
conventional CT. For this pilot study, mice with CT26 tumors underwent spectral CT imaging post
mortem. Each mouse had received one type of AuNP. Interestingly, in all animals we were able to
detect AuNP in the tumors. In any observed tumor, the highest density of nanoparticles was traced
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For improved
accuracy of the
analysis, we used a
approach. The
algorithm for the
analysis of sectrions
was trained on 28
slides in total and was
applied for the
analysis of 13 slides.
In comparison to the
organs, the highest
accumulation of
was found in the
tumors, with 85.98*103
± 4.94*103 positive
pixel per mm2, which
equals to 2.7% positive
pixels per section
(Figure 8B). In
accordance to findings
of Yang et al [13], the
majority of the NP Figure 7. AuNP uptake and distribution in CT26 tumors. (A) Silver
accumulated in spleen enhancement of AuNP. Upper row: blank AuNP, middle row: IgG1-
(14.04*10 ± 1.37*10
3 3
AuNP, bottom row: cmHsp70.1-AuNP. Left: ROI at tumor rim area,
pixel/mm2) (2.13% right: ROI set to tumor center. Scale bars, 100 µ m. (B) double staining of
signal/section), liver
Macrophages (F4/80, brown) and silver enhancement of AuNP (black).
(13.34*103 ± 0.7*103
pixel/mm2) (0.11% Arrow: single-positive cells for AuNP. Scale bars: 5 µ m.
signal/section) and
intestine (9.48*103 ± 1.37*103 pixel/mm2) (0.34% signal/section), followed by lungs (6.28*103 ± 1.30*103
pixel/mm2) (0.09% signal/section). In muscle, as represented by heart tissue, the accumulation of
AuNP was below detection limit. Kidney was rarely affected, indicating an enterohepatic secretion
of the AuNP. Next to the analysis of overall entry of AuNP in the organs and tumors, we utilized the
machine-learning approach to analyze the size distribution of nanoparticle agglumeration within the
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organs. The majority of positively stained events in liver and spleen resultet in a size range up to
10µ m. Accumulation of events in this size range might be suggested to be due to incorporation of the
AuNP by Macrophages and Kupffer cells, as indicated also in Figure 7B. The majority of AuNP in
kidney, lung and intestine yielded in agglumerates of about 1µ m in size. In the tumor, Hsp70.1-AuNP
spots of 25µ m2 were dominant followed by spots of 1µ m2 (Figure 8C). As tumor-associated
macrophages exhibit large cytoplasmatic volumes, the accumulation of AuNP above 10µ m2 suggest
the appearence within this cell type. However, aggregates of 1µ m2 size point to tumor cells with
smaller cytoplasmic space, as tumor cells. This finding is also supported by microscopical inalysis of
in vitro grown tumor cells with the majority of NP accumulating in cellular organelles of about 1µ m,
following endocytosis (Figure 3).
3. Discussion
The discovery of suitable contrast agents for the visualization of tumors is one of the most
important areas in clinical research. In tumor imaging, CT imaging is the most commonly used
technique featuring fast scanning speed with high spatial resolution of a large portion of the body.
Functional molecular imaging can be accomplished with positron-electron-tomography (PET), often
used in combination with CT. However, certain limitations affect the quality of tumor visualization.
PET imaging using 18F-FDG is highly dependent on a high tumor cell metabolism compared to the
surrounding normal tissue. Furthermore, PET tracer need to exert ionizing effects, which in turn
increases the patient's risk to accumulate DNA mutations. An approach to overcome the limiting
effects of PET/CT led to the development of spectral-CT analyzers [5,14], which use the k-edge
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discrimination of elements allowing for their specific identification inside the body [15]. Another
advantage of the spectral segmentation is the possibility to utilize multiple contrast agents within one
imaging session which reduces x-ray exposition of the patient.
One further limitation is the spacial detection limit leading to a potential miss of small lesions.
Therefore, the usage of tumor-specific markers is beneficial.
Herein, the major stress-inducible member of the HSP70 family, Hsp70 (HspA1A) was used as
a target for the tumor-specific uptake of functionalized gold nanoparticles in different tumor entities.
Hsp70 is expressed on a variety of tumor entities, whereas normal cells lack an Hsp70 membrane
expression [8]. In previous studies, we observed that membrane associated Hsp70 is rapidly
internalized, and thereby mediating an efficient uptake of Hsp70 binding probes into the cytoplasm,
such as fluorescence-labeled cmHsp70.1 antibody [11] and tumor penetrating peptide (TPP) [16,17].
Since the binding epitope of cmHsp70.1 antibody is identical in mouse and human tumor cells
[8], murine CT26 colon and mammary 4T1 tumor cell lines were used in the present study.
The application of gold nanoparticles for imaging in vivo is a promising new approach in the
field of in vivo imaging [6,18,19]. The uptake of antibody-conjugated nanoparticles into tumor cells
is dependent on different factors. The expression density of receptors, which are expressed on the
target cells, the distribution of the target epitopes throughout the cells [20], the affinity of the tracer
to the membrane epitope and the speed of internalization [16,21].
In order to monitor the quality of functionalized gold nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo, different
imaging modalities were applied. Dynamic light scattering is a widely used technique to determine
the hydrodynamic diameter of AuNP in the nm–μm range.
Finally, the quantification of gold nanoparticles within tumor cells is of relevance to estimate the
amount of nanoparticles that is necessary for noninvasive in vivo imaging of tumors in mice and
humans as well as for their use as therapeutic agent. In our in vivo/ex vivo setup, we were able to
detect aggregates of gold nanoparticles in tumors and organs in perinuclear areas of around 1–2 μm
in diameter, as well as larger aggregates of around 25µ m in diameter. The here presented machine-
learning approach has proven to be beneficial for the analysis of AuNP distribution. Next to
calculating the quantity of gold signal within tumor and organs, we were able to separate the signal
into groups which allows for an easy analysis of AuNP within different cell types. This is important
for precise prediction of biodistribution and possible toxicity of AuNP.
Toxic side effects of gold nanoparticles following i.v. application was investigated in previous
studies. No negative side effects such as loss in body weight or organic dysfunctions were observed
in these experiments up to a concentration of 500 μg/mL [22]. Concordantly, in the in vivo experiments
of this study we did not observe any sign of toxicity at the injected concentration of 5 mg AuNP per
mouse. However, additional pharmacological and toxicological studies are needed to prove safety.
On the basis of the specific and quantitative uptake of cmHsp70.1-AuNP in Hsp70-positive
tumor cells and its imaging properties, our approach hints to a possible beneficial use in radiation
therapy. Numerous studies have reported on the radiation enhancing effect that gold nanoparticles
within the tumor tissue [23,24].
A promising finding was achieved for radiotherapy enhancement of gold nanoparticles in
preclinical mammary carcinoma studies. The results showed an 86% 1-year survival for an
combinatorial therapy of irradiation in presence of NPs, compared to 20% for radiotherapy alone
[25]. Probable mechanisms involved in radiosensitization are, besides changes in the cell cycle or an
elevated reactive oxygen species, the production and the release of secondary Auger electrons by
gold in very close proximity to the nucleus [24].
In summary, we demonstrate that the functionalization of gold nanoparticles with cmHsp70.1
antibody is a highly promising approach for in vivo tumor targeting. In these preclinical studies, the
accumulation of the investigated tumors was sufficient for visualization in spectral-CT allowing for
3D reconstructions and quantifications.
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Characterization of AuNP
For coupling, spherical gold nanoparticles with a diameter of 30 nm were used (Nanopartz,
Loveland, CO, USA). After washing of unbound antibodies, vacant binding sites on the gold
nanoparticles were saturated by bovine serum albumin (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA).
Antibody-conjugated gold nanoparticles or only bovine serum albumin-blocked negative control
AuNP were used for experiments directly after coupling. For characterization of the nanoparticles
and checking for aggregation, particles were analyzed for their size by dynamic light scattering
(Zetasizer NanoS; Malvern Instruments, Malvern, UK). Only nanoparticles with a single peak around
40 nm were used for experiments.
Cell culture
Murine colon carcinoma cell line CT26 (CT26.WT; American type culture collection (ATCC)
#CRL-2638) and the mouse mammary carcinoma cell line 4T1 (ATCC #CRL-2539) were cultured in
Roswell Park Memorial Institute 1640 medium supplemented with 10% (v/v) heat-inactivated fetal
calf serum, 2 mM l-glutamine, 1 mM sodium pyruvate and antibiotics (100 IU/mL penicillin and 100
μg/mL streptomycin). Cells were incubated at 37°C in 95% humidity and 5% (v/v) CO2 and cultivated
twice a week.
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All animal procedures and their care were conducted in conformity with national and
international guidelines (EU 2010/63) with approval from the local authorities of the Government of
Upper Bavaria and St. Petersburg, Russia and supervised by respective Animal Care and Use
Committees. Animals were housed in standard animal rooms in individually ventilated cage systems
(IVS Techniplast) under specific pathogen-free conditions with free access to water and standard
laboratory chow ad libitum. In total, 6 female Balb/c mice (aged 10-14 weeks, Charles River
Laboratories, Sulzfeld, Germany) were used. Induction of subcutaneous tumors was done under
inhalation anesthesia (1.8% isoflurane with medical O2) by injection of 5*105 CT26 cells
subcutaneously in the neck area, or 5*105 4T1 cells orthotopically in the 4th mammary fat pad. When
tumors reached a size of 200 mm3, gold nanoparticles were intravenously injected using standard
procedures. In total, 5 mg unconjugated, IgG1- or cmHsp70.1-conjugated gold nanoparticles,
suspended in phosphate buffered saline, were injected in a consecutive pattern of two times 2.5 mg
per day within 24h. Another 24 hours after the second application, mice were euthanized under deep
anesthesia, fixed in 4% neutral-buffered formalin for 5 days and stored in 70% ethanol for further
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Osirix® MD v10.0.5 software (Pixmeo SARL, Bern, Switzerland) was used for analysis. Mean
background was measured from several ROIs in the spleen. Gold amounts were calculated over the
whole tumor volume (µ g gold/mm3).
5. Conclusions
Herein, we show that the visualization of tumor cells with gold nanoparticles by addressing
membrane Hsp70 is feasible. We present data showing a superior uptake of cmHsp70.1 antibody-
conjugated gold nanoparticles in Hsp70 membrane-positive tumor cells. Inside the tumor cells, these
particles accumulated in the perinuclear region within 24 hours. The Hsp70 specificity was shown
since unconjugated nanoparticles and nanoparticles conjugated with an irrelevant control antibody
were not taken up into Hsp70 membrane-positive tumor cells. Furthermore, Hsp70 knockout tumor
cells that do not express Hsp70 in the cytosol and on the plasmamembrane showed no uptake of the
cmHsp70.1-conjugated nanoparticles. Quantification of the internalized cmHsp70.1-conjugated gold
nanoparticles reveals a high sensitivity for the detection of single cells. Experiments are ongoing to
study the capability of cmHsp70.1 antibody-conjugated gold nanoparticles for spectral CT imaging
of further Hsp70 membrane-positive tumor models and whether these nanoparticles can be used for
therapeutic approaches. In the future, these antibody-conjugated gold nanoparticles may be useful
for spectral computed tomography of tumors for diagnostic purposes and radiotherapeutic
Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at, Figure S1:
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Author Contributions:
S. Stangl, M.A. Kimm and G. Multhoff designed the study. S. Stangl, M.A. Kimm, R. Proksa, M. Shevtsov, C.
Werner, W. Sievert, Wu Zhiyuan, Olga Bystrova and Marina Martynova were responsible for data acquisition.
Analysis and interpretation of data was performed by S. Stangl, M.A. Kimm, O. Schoppe, M. Shevtsov, C. Werner,
W. Sievert, B. Menze and G. Multhoff. All authors were involved in drafting the article or revising it critically
for important intellectual content and all authors approved the final version to be published.
The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) according to the research project
№20-38-70039 and DFG grant (SFB824/3, STA1520/1-1; ME 3718/5-1), Technische Universität München (TUM)
within the DFG funding program Open Access Publishing. Additional financial support was provided by
TaGoNaX DFG project №336532926.
Conflicts of Interest:
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