Fire Sensor Alarm
Fire Sensor Alarm
Fire Sensor Alarm
Report on
2 65 Sagar J. patil
3 68 Dinesh phalke
4 74 Swapnil jadhav
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Sr.No Topics
. .
1. Acknowledgement
2. Introduction To The Project
3. Fire Alarm: system Requirement
4. Classification
5. Fire alarm system
6. Components Required
7. Circuit Diagram
8. Methodology
9. Working
10. Advantages
11. Disadvantages
12. Application
13. Conclusion
14. Bibliography
Fire Alarm Systems: Common Code Requirements
The following codes apply to fire alarm systems: NFPA 70,
National Electrical Code NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 90A,
Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems NFPA
101, Life Safety Code BOCA, SBCCI, ICBO. The National Basic Building Code and
National Fire Prevention Code, published by the Building Officials Code
Administrators International (BOCA), the Uniform Building and Uniform Fire
Code of the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and the
Standard Building Code and the Standard Fire Prevention Code of the Southern
Building Code Congress International (SBCCI) all have reference to fire alarm
requirements. Many states and municipalities have adopted these model
building codes in full or in part.
alarm boxes located on streets. There are three subtypes of this
system: local energy, parallel telephone, and shunt type.
o Remote supervising station fire alarm system. A system
installed in accordance with NFPA 72 to transmit alarm,
supervisory, and trouble signals from one or more protected
premises to a remote location at which appropriate action is
o Proprietary supervising station fire alarm system. An
installation of fire alarm systems that serves contiguous and non-
contiguous properties, under one ownership, from a proprietary
supervising station located at the protected property, at which
trained, competent personnel are in constant attendance. This
includes the proprietary supervising station, power supplies,
signal-initiating devices, initiating-device circuits, signal-
notification appliances, equipment for the automatic and
permanent visual recording of signals, and equipment for
initiating the operation of emergency building control services.
o Central station fire alarm system. A system or group of
systems in which the operations of circuits and devices are
transmitted automatically to, recorded in, maintained by, and
supervised from a listed central station having competent and
experienced servers and operators who, on receipt of a signal,
take such action as required by NFPA 72. Such service is to be
controlled and operated by a person, firm, or corporation whose
business is the furnishing, maintaining, or monitoring of
supervised fire alarm systems.
o Municipal fire alarm system. A system of alarm-initiating
devices, receiving equipment, and connecting circuits (other than
a public telephone network) used to transmit alarms from street
locations to the public fire service communications centre.
Fire Alarm Fundamentals: Basic Elements
(Typical Local Protective Signalling System)
Regardless of type, application, complexity, or technology level, any fire alarm
system is comprised of four basic elements:
1. Initiating devices
2. Control panel
3. Signalling devices
4. Power supply
R1 - 1KΩ 1NOS
R2 - 18KΩ 1NOS
R3 - 100KΩ 1NOS
Buy a plain board that is coated with a fine layer of copper on one
side from a retailer.
Scrub the board with a scouring pad and water to make sure the
copper is clean. Let the board dry.
Print your circuit board's design onto the dull side of a sheet of
blue transfer paper. Make sure the design is oriented correctly for
Place the blue transfer paper on the board with the circuit board's
printed design against the copper.
Let the board and blue paper cool. Peel the blue paper slowly
away from the board to see the transferred design.
Examine the transfer paper to check for any black toner from the
printed design that failed to transfer to the copper board. Make
sure the board's design is oriented correctly.
Replace any missing toner on the board with ink from a black
permanent marker. Allow the ink to dry for a few hours.
Remove exposed parts of the copper from the board using ferric
chloride in a process called etching.
Wash all the etching equipment and the circuit board thoroughly
with plenty of running water.
Drill 0.03 inch (0.8 mm) lead component holes into your circuit
board with high-speed steel or carbide drill bits. Wear safety
goggles and a protective mask to protect your eyes and lungs
while you drill.
Scrub the board clean with a scouring pad and running water. Add
your board's electrical components and solder them into place.
After building up the entire project we came to know that our project
was not working, this condition was havoc for us.
1. Early Warning
Many fires occur at night or in a room or section that no one
may be in at the time. The audible alert from the fire alarm can
wake individuals up who may otherwise sleep while inhaling
smoke. The alert can also provide an early signal during the day
to individuals who, if not for the alarm, would not have the time
needed to escape the home or building before the fire spreads
out of control.
3. Low Cost
A fire system that is remotely monitored on a continuous basis is
normally part of an agreement with an alarm company that also
includes burglar alarms.
3. Fire alarm can be used in our home for safety purpose and it is
a very good precautionary measure.
A fire alarm is a device that detects the presence of fire and atmospheric
changes relating to smoke. In some cases, a firm alarm is a part of a
complete security system, in addition to a burglary protection system.
The fire alarm operates to alert people to evacuate a location in which a
fire or smoke accumulation is present
The fire alarm constructed by this project work is reliable at low cost.