Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems and Their Marketed Products: A Review

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REVIEW ARTICLE Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems

and their Marketed Products: A Review

Surya Prakasarao Kovvasu1, Priyanka Kunamaneni1, Rohit Joshi1,
Guru V Betageri1,2
College of Pharmacy, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, California, USA - 91766, 2Graduate

College of Biomedical Sciences, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, California, USA - 91766


Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS) are one of the proven methods to increase solubility and
bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. SEDDS are isotropic mixtures, consisting of oils, surfactants, and
sometimes cosolvents. Designed formulations are used to improve the oral absorption of highly lipophilic
compounds. Multiple lipid-based drug delivery systems are widely reported in literature and they include simple
oil solutions, coarse, multiple and dry emulsions, and more complex self-emulsifying, microemulsifying or
nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems. The process of self-emulsification is dependent on diverse factors such
as the nature of oil, surfactant, cosurfactant, oil/surfactant ratio, and the polarity of the emulsion. Considering the
ease of large-scale production and the robustness of SEDDS, several formulations are commercially available
which utilize this technology. This article attempts to present an overview of SEDDS along with their applications,
compiled literature data, commercially available products, and their descriptions.

Key words: Commercial products, Lipid formulations, Lipophilic drugs, Oral bioavailability, Oral delivery, Self-
microemulsifying drug delivery systems

INTRODUCTION distributed in the body through the lymphatic system in the

form of chylomicrons as shown in Figure 1. In addition,

elf-emulsifying system (SES) is one of SEDDS are easy to manufacture and physically stable
the most prevalent and commercially formulations and may enhance the rate and the extent of
feasible oil based approaches for the absorption for lipophilic drug compounds where dissolution
delivery of drugs that show dissolution rate is the deciding factor. SEDDS approach can be used for
speed limited absorption. SES is an isotropic all categories of the biopharmaceutics classification system
mixture of oils, surfactants, cosurfactants, (BCS). Although multiple reviews have been published on
and at times cosolvents, which emulsify SEDDS/SMEDDS, a review with a focus on commercial
extemporaneously to produce oil-in-water or aspects is not available which calls for an updated review.
water-in-oil emulsion when introduced into
the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).[1] Based on The process of self-emulsification depends on multiple factors
the droplet size after emulsification, they are such as the nature of oil, surfactant, and cosurfactant and on
classified into two broad classes, namely self- oil to surfactant ratio or oil to surfactant and cosurfactant
emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS) ratio, the self-emulsification temperature, the polarity of the
with a droplet size range of 100–300 nm emulsion, and droplet size and charge. From multiple studies,
and self-microemulsifying drug delivery it was evident that only a specific combination of drug and
systems (SMEDDS) with a droplet size range excipients lead to efficient SES.[4]
<50 nm.[2] As a result of the lower globule size,
the micro/nanoemulsified drug can be taken
Address for correspondence:
up efficiently through lymphatic pathways,
Guru V Betageri, College of Pharmacy,
where it bypasses the hepatic first-pass
Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona,
effect.[3] Larger lipid droplet which represents
California, USA - 91766. E-mail: [email protected]
SMEDDS or microemulsions is converted into
smaller micelles on coming in contact with bile
Received: 02-03-2019
salts and lipases. These micelles, on absorption
Revised: 24-03-2019
through intestinal villi and microvilli help
Accepted: 29-03-2019
enhance the absorption of the drug which is

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Figure 1: Absorption mechanism of lipid-based systems

Advantages of SEDDS over the conventional of surfactants for oil-in-water emulsion, a high hydrophilic-
emulsion lipophilic balance (HLB) is preferred as it ensures efficient
self-dispersibility and stability of the formed emulsion. For
As compared to conventional emulsions which require high a stable SEDDS, an optimum concentration of surfactant in
shear to form a dispersion, SEDDS preparation involves the range of 30%–60% (w/w) is required.[4] Examples include
a simple process of dissolving the drug in oil followed by Span 80, Tween 80, Tween 20, and Cremophor RH40.
mixing it with surfactants and cosurfactants.[5] Conventional
emulsions display multiple instabilities such as creaming, Cosurfactants play an important role in decreasing the surfactant
coalescence, breaking, and phase inversion. On the other hand, related gastrointestinal distress and lowering the interfacial
SEDDS formulations are physically stable as they are clear, tension to a small or negative value. They also improve the
isotropic mixtures immune to small changes in temperature. penetrability of the dispersion media and decrease the shear
In addition, the final dosage forms of SEDDS formulations required to disperse globules. Widely used cosurfactants
are presented as patient compliant soft or hard gelatin include glycerin, propylene glycol, and ethanol.[8]
capsules, which are compatible with strip or blister packing
and assure dose uniformity. Large containers required for
conventional formulations are cumbersome to carry, and dose FACTORS AFFECTING SEDDS
nonuniformity of the droplets and dispersion media can lead
to decreased efficacy (Khedekar and Mittal, 2013). Another Critical factors affecting SEDDS include drug dose, the drug
advantage of SEDDS is the amenability to be manufactured solubility in the oil phase, and the drug log P value. It is crucial
by the basic equipment whereas emulsion and suspension to consider these factors as high dose drugs are not suitable
need specialized high-cost equipment to monitor the critical for SEDDS due to the restricted amount of lipid phase being
processes such as intensity, rate, and duration of mixing. used and drugs with log P < 2 are more challenging to deliver
by SEDDS. If surfactant or cosurfactant is contributing to
a higher amount for drug solubilization, then there may be
EXCIPIENT SELECTION a higher chance of precipitation on dilution.[9] However, in
some cases, ion pairing agents have been utilized to enhance
Drug solubility plays a pivotal role in the selection of excipients the oil solubility of peptides with very low log P values
in SEDDS formulation.[6] The lipids used generally consist of such as desmopressin (log P =−6.13) and enhance the
a fatty acid ester or a medium/long chain saturated, partially oral bioavailability by prevention against glutathione and
unsaturated or unsaturated hydrocarbon chain. Examples α-chymotrypsin mediated presystemic inactivation.[10]
include mineral oil, vegetable oil, silicon oil, lanolin, refined
animal oil, fatty acids, corn oil, peanut oil, soybean oil,
fatty alcohols, and mono-/di-/tri-glycerides.[7] The oil plays LIPID FORMULATION CLASSIFICATION
a key role in the drug bioavailability and its lymphatic SYSTEM
transportation. The solubility and the bioavailability of the
drug are enhanced as the presence of lipidic system in the GIT Lipid classification is introduced in 2000,[11] which is used
enhances secretion of lipases and cholic acids, which form a to interpret in vivo studies and to enable the identification
colloidal micelle resulting in lymphatic absorption. In the case of thermostable formulations for specific drugs in relation to

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their physicochemical properties.[12] It is classified into four hydrophobic but not lipophilic. However, it is necessary to
different classes depending on the concentration of the lipids note that the high concentration of surfactants used may lead
and the surfactant types used. to gastric distress on chronic usage.

Type I: Type I formulation almost entirely consists of the

actives solubilized in oil/lipid phase. These are simple, non- FORMULATION ASPECTS OF SEDDS
dispersing systems, which need digestion by pancreatic lipases
in the GIT to provide more amphiphilic digestion products The preparation of SEDDS is an uncomplicated process, which
such as chylomicrons and micelles. This is an excellent involves the mixing of oils, surfactants, and cosurfactants
system, which depending on the oil phase can have generally followed by the drug to the mixture and vortexing until
recognized as safe status and displays compatibility with transparent. In certain cases, the drug is dissolved in the
capsules (such as vegetable oil/fractionated coconut oil). Type I excipient/s, which is mixed with the remaining components.
systems make the dissolution step redundant by presenting A critical point of the SEDDS stability evaluation is the sign
the drug in solubilized form. The major disadvantage of this of turbidity. To obtain a clear solution, it can be heated after
system includes its suitability only for potent drugs or highly equilibration at room temperature for 48 h. Final dosage form
lipophilic compounds and enzyme level dependent absorption, depends on the final volume of the formulation; however, the
which can lead to variable bioavailability. preferred dosage form is soft gel capsules.[14,6] Solid SEDDS can
be prepared using techniques such as spray drying, adsorption
Type II: Type II emulsions or water-insoluble SEDDS to solid carriers, melt granulation, and melt extrusion.
consists of formulations in which oils such as medium chain
triglycerides and water-insoluble surfactants such as diglyceryl
monooleate are used. The system, on dispersion in the aqueous CHARACTERIZATION
phase, provides a coarse emulsion having globule size in
between 0.25 and 2.0 µ. The solvent capacity of the system Visual evaluation
is unaffected by aqueous dilutions as the formulation consists
of water-insoluble components. Another major advantage is Self-emulsification assessment is done by visual observation.
its enzyme independent absorption. These systems provide a Post water dilution of SEDDS presence of a clear, isotropic,
large interfacial area, which offers enhanced partitioning of
transparent solution points to microemulsion formation
the drug between oil droplets and they are responsible for
and an opaque; milky white appearance indicates a
absorption. This may result in turbid o/w emulsion.[13]
macroemulsion.[15,4] The absence of precipitation and/or
phase separation indicates the stability of the formulation.
Type III: Along with oils, Type III formulations include
hydrophilic (HLB >12) surfactants in addition to cosolvents
such as ethanol and polyethylene glycol (PEG). According to Droplet size analysis
the oil and the surfactants concentrations, Type III SEDDS
are further classified as Type IIIA (oil content ~ 60%, 0–40% The nature and concentration of surfactant determine the
cosurfactants, e.g. NEORAL) and Type IIIB (oil content droplet size.[16] After dilution of SMEDDS with water, the
<20%, surfactant 20–50%, and cosurfactant 20–50%). Major microemulsion formed has a very narrow droplets size
advantages of Type III formulations include the formation of distribution, which plays a pivotal role in effective drug
a clear dispersion on aqueous dilution and drug absorption release, in vivo absorption, and stability. Dynamic light
without digestion. These systems are often referred to as scattering techniques are used for droplet size analysis.[12]
SMEDDS, as they provide microemulsions with globule
size ranges from 20 to 200 nm. A ternary or a pseudoternary
Zeta potential measurement
diagram helps plot the concentrations best suited for the
drug. However, as Type III formulations utilize water-
Zeta potential indicates the stability of emulsion after
soluble surfactants and cosurfactants, they are likely to lose
appropriate dilution. The formulation remains stable if it
solvent capacity post aqueous dilution, further results in drug
has higher zeta potential.[14,17] However, a zwitterion charge
precipitation and variable bioavailability.
is shown to have better biocompatibility and a higher blood
residence time as compared to the particles displaying either
Type IV: Type IV systems contain predominantly
surface charge.
hydrophilic surfactants and cosolvents without oils. These
formulations represent the most hydrophilic formulations
of all the emulsions. Such formulations offer a higher post- Emulsification time
dilution solubilization capacity of the drugs by virtue of
micellar encapsulation, and the globule/particle size of the Time needed for emulsification of formulations depends on
diluted system is in the range of ~50nm. Such formulations the oil phase and the oil/surfactant ratio.[14] This is assessed
find application in their ability to deliver drugs, which are using basket dissolution apparatus, wherein the formation of

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the clear solution under agitation is observed after dropwise Thermodynamic stability
formulation addition to the basket containing water.
Diluted SEDDS are centrifuged either at 3500rpm for 30min
or 15,000rpm for 15 min. Subsequently, these formulations
Cloud point determination
are subjected to freeze-thaw cycles (−20°C and 40°C
temperature, respectively) and observed visually. If there
Cloud point is the temperature above which the homogenous
solution loses its transparency. The surfactant usually loses its is no change in the visual description (creaming or phase
micelle forming capacity above the cloud point. It is determined separation), then the formulation is considered to be stable.[21]
by gradually increasing the temperature of the formulation
and measuring the turbidity spectrophotometrically. The In vitro dissolution profile
temperature at which percentage transmittance is decreased is
considered as the cloud point of the surfactant. Formulations Drug release from formulation can be evaluated after filling
should exhibit a cloud point greater than 37.5°C to retain its the formulation in a hard gelatin capsule or as other dosage
self-emulsification property.[18] forms using USP XXIII apparatus I (100rpm) or USP XXIII
apparatus II (50rpm) or with dialysis method at 37°C. Samples
Viscosity measurements at regular intervals are withdrawn from the medium and drug
content is estimated and compared with the control.[22]
The viscosity of diluted SMEDDS formulation that is
microemulsion is generally determined by rheometer such Stability assessment
as Brookfield cone and plate rheometer fitted with cone
spindle[19] or rotating spindle Brookfield Viscometer.[20] These studies are performed according to the international
conference on harmonization guidelines. Samples are
Impact of dilution-induced stress tested for appearance, color, drug content, pH of the diluted
formulation, and dissolution profile. If these properties
Dilution studies help to understand the effect of dilution- match the initial formulations, it can be concluded as a stable
induced stress on the physicochemical properties of the pre- formulation.[23,24]
diluted emulsions. These studies are performed by diluting
the microemulsion to various dilution ratios with distilled
water, simulated gastric fluid, or simulated intestinal fluid. If RELEASE MECHANISM OF THE DRUG
the emulsion shows no turbidity, which indicates the absence FROM SEDDS
of drug precipitation, the formulation is considered as a stable
formulation. The release from the microemulsion depends on the lipid
phase polarity, which is affected by factors such as HLB,
Refractive index fatty acid length and number of double bonds, hydrophilic
portion molecular weight, and the emulsifier concentration.
Refractive index (RI) can be used as an important tool to The drug polarity is an indicator for its affinity toward oil
investigate the microemulsion structure. It is evaluated by and/or water and provides an idea of the forces involved.
recording the RI of samples stored at 4°C and 25°C at multiple Although higher polarity will enhance the drug release rate
time intervals till 6h. Insignificant changes in the RI at these in the aqueous media, it may have an adverse effect on the
time points indicate constant microemulsion structure. The drug solubility.
constant RI also indicates the thermodynamic stability of the
Percentage transmittance The quality by design (QbD) is a systematic pharmaceutical
approach toward formulation development that is initiated
Percentage transmittance is determined following the dilution with preset objectives and lays stress on product and process
of the formulation and recording the transmittance with water understanding and process control through robust science and
as a blank. A percentage transmittance value closer to 100% quality risk management. QbD helps in building excellent
indicates a clear and transparent microemulsion formation.[8]
products and to recognize critical process parameters affecting
the drug products fabrication. It also helps in designing
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) approaches to retain quality throughout its life cycle. QbD
is majorly applied through design of experiment which uses
TEM is mainly used to investigate the structure and morphology multiple designs such as plackett-Burman, Box–Behnken
of microemulsions that are formed by dilution of SES.[21] design, fractional factorial design, central composite design,

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and mixture design for either screening or optimization of the PERFORMANCE OF SEDDS IN
variables.[25] A detailed discussion of these designs and their BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS
applications is beyond the scope of this review. The readers
are directed to a few successful formulations using factorial Lipid-based formulations help in increasing solubilization
design.[26] capacity and prevent drug precipitation post intestinal
dilution. Although this issue is not extensively investigated, it
is reported that the absorption of the drugs through SMEDDS/
MECHANISM OF SEDDS SEDDS is dependent on the globule size of the formulation.
A formulation with a lower globule size (~200 nm) displays
A brief review of literature reveals multiple mechanisms for enhanced bioavailability as compared to formulation with
microemulsion formation. It is considered that the surfactant- relatively higher globule size (~800 nm).[28] However, there
mediated intricate film formation at the oil-water interface have been some contrary reports which downplay the effect of
leads to the microemulsion droplets formation [Figure 2]. As globule size on the bioavailability of the SEDDS/SMEDDS.
per the thermodynamic theory of microemulsion formation, SEDDS and SMEDDS of halofantrine having significantly
the emulsification ensues as soon as the change in entropy different globule size did not affect the halofantrine
favoring dispersion is higher than the energy necessary for absorption from the gut.[29] The influence of globule size on
the dispersion surface area amplification and the free energy the absorption and bioavailability needs to be studied while
maintaining the concentrations of the lipids and surfactants
(ΔG) is negative.[27] The free energy in the microemulsion
at the same level.
formation is related to the energy required to create a new
surface between the two phases as given in the below
As mentioned earlier, SMEDDS have been utilized for
augmenting the stability and improving the bioavailability
of peptides and drugs by decreasing the presystemic
ΔG=Σ Nr2 σ metabolism and enhancing bioavailability. Drugs entrapped
in the globules of emulsions formed from SMEDDS/
Where ΔG is the free energy associated with the process SEDDS are protected against the proteases such as trypsin
(where free energy of the mixing was ignored), “N” is number and chymotrypsin and the gastric acids, which are capable
of droplets, “r” is radius, and “σ” is the interfacial energy, of degrading it. Entrapment of the peptides in the globules
respectively. The two emulsion phases are likely to separate also offers protection against the biological thiols, which
to reduce the interfacial area, which subsequently, decreases can degrade the intramolecular disulfide bonds and disrupt
the free energy of the system. The emulsion resulting post the 3-D structure of peptides. In addition, the globules also
aqueous dilution is stabilized by surfactants, by forming a enhance the drug and peptide bioavailability by increasing
single layer surrounding the emulsion droplets, which results membrane fluidity, the opening of tight junctions, inhibition
in the reduction of the interfacial energy, and provides a of P-gp and CYP450.[30] As mentioned previously, the
barrier against coalescence.[16] SEDDS/SMEDDS lead to the formation of chylomicrons,[31]

Figure 2: Mechanism of emulsion formation after interaction with aqueous media. Initial agitation dislodges the oil from the solid
support to form a system, which has low free energy, due to low interfacial tension. After further agitation, the entropy change
favoring dispersion is greater than the energy required to increase the surface area of the dispersion and the free energy (ΔG) is
negative. The surfactants decrease the interfacial tension, thus reducing the free energy while maintaining the reduced droplet
size. In absence of surfactants, the oil droplets coalesce thus reducing the free energy of the system

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Table 1: Commercial products description

Product name/ Use BCS Strength (mg) Dosage Inactive ingredients Manufactured
drug class form by/for
Sandimmune® Indicated for the IV 25/100 Soft gelatin Corn oil, Novartis
(cyclosporine organ rejection capsule linoleoylmacrogol pharmaceuticals
A/I) prophylaxis in glycerides, and corporation
allogenic transplants sorbitol
of kidney, liver, and
Neora® Systemic IV 10/25/50/100 Soft gelatin Corn oil-mono-di- Novartis
(cyclosporine) immunosuppressant capsule triglycerides, polyoxyl Pharmaceuticals
40 hydrogenated Corporation
castor oil NF, DL-α-
tocopherol USP
Gengraf® Systemic IV 25/100 Hard Polyethylene AbbVie Inc.
(Cyclosporine immunosuppressant gelatin glycol NF, polyoxyl
A/III) capsule 35 castor oil NF,
polysorbate 80 NF,
propylene glycol
USP, sorbitan
monooleate NF,
titanium dioxide
Norvir® Combination with II 100 Soft gelatin Butylated AbbVie Inc.
(Ritonavir) other antiretroviral capsule hydroxytoluene,
agents for the ethanol, oleic acid,
treatment of HIV-1 polyoxyl 35, and
infection castor oil
Fortovase® Inhibitor of the human IV 200 Soft gelatin Medium chain mono- Roche
(Saquinavir) immunodeficiency capsule and diglycerides, Laboratories Inc.
virus (HIV) protease povidone, and
Agenerase® Inhibitor of the human II 50 Soft gelatin d-alpha tocopheryl GlaxoSmithKline
(Amprenavir) immunodeficiency capsule PEG 1000 succinate
virus (HIV) protease (TPGS), PEG 400,
and propylene glycol
Depakene® Monotherapy and II 250 Soft gelatin Corn oil, glycerin, AbbVie Inc.
(Valproic acid) adjunctive therapy capsule methylparaben, and
in the treatment of propylparaben
patients with complex
partial seizures
that occur either
in isolation or in
association with other
types of seizures
Rocaltrol® Management II 0.25/0.5 Soft gelatin Triglyceride of Roche Products
(Calcitriol) of secondary capsule coconut oil Limited
and management of
Targretin® Treatment of II 75 Soft gelatin Polyethylene glycol Ligand
(Bexarotene) cutaneous capsule 400, NF, Polysorbate Pharmaceuticals/
manifestations of 20, NF, povidone, Eisai Ltd.
cutaneous T-cell USP, and butylated
lymphoma in patients hydroxyanisole, NF
who are refractory
to at least one prior
systemic therapy

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Table 1: (Continued)
Product name/ Use BCS Strength (mg) Dosage Inactive ingredients Manufactured
drug class form by/for
Vesanoid® Retinoid that induces II 10 Soft gelatin Beeswax, butylated Roche
(Tretinoin) maturation of acute capsule hydroxyanisole, Laboratories Inc.
promyelocytic edetate disodium,
leukemia (APL) hydrogenated
soybean oil flakes,
vegetable oils, and
soybean oil
Accutane® Severe recalcitrant II 10/20/40 Soft gelatin Beeswax, butylated Roche
(Isotretinoin) nodular acne capsule hydroxyanisole, Laboratories Inc.
edetate disodium,
soybean oil flakes,
vegetable oil, and
soybean oil
Aptivus® Combination II 250 Soft gelatin Dehydrated alcohol Boehringer
(Tipranavir) antiretroviral capsule (7% w/w or 0.1 Ingelheim
treatment of HIV-1 g per capsule), Pharmaceuticals,
polyoxyl 35 castor Inc.
oil, propylene glycol,
mono/diglycerides of
caprylic/capric acid
BCS: Biopharmaceutics classification system, PEG: Polyethylene glycol

which are absorbed, through the lymphatic system. This absorption is not possible if irreversible phase separation of
lymphatic system mediated absorption is beneficial for microemulsion occurs in the GIT. The best-known example
drugs which display high first-pass effect.[32] Readers are of this type of formulation is Neoral. Sodium dodecyl sulfate
directed to some excellent reviews on this subject published can be added to the system to prevent irreversible phase
elsewhere.[33] separation.

Self-emulsifying sustained/controlled release

Self-emulsifying tablets can be prepared with a combination
Most of the commercially approved SEDDS dosage forms
of lipids and surfactants, which are used in obviating adverse
are available as soft gelatin capsules and a few are as
drug side effect. SES adsorbed on powders or loaded on
hard gelatin capsules. SES can be prepared as powders
by adsorbing on to adsorbents such as microcrystalline granules/pellets which can be compressed as tablets, and a
cellulose. Orit can be formulated as granules using a wet sustained or controlled release can be achieved by utilizing a
granulation technique, where the SES will be used as a suitable concentration of polymers.
binder or granulating media.[34] Dough masses consisting
of SES can be converted to pellets by extrusion and Self-emulsifying sustained/controlled release
spheronization. Even though self-emulsifying tablets and pellets
pellets have been extensively investigated and published in
literature, no commercial products were available in these Self-emulsifying formulations can be converted into pellets
forms. Manufacturers are researching on some other new using different coating techniques which can provide
technologies such as liquid-filled hard capsules and lipid multiple advantages over normal solid dosage form, such as
multi-particulate technologies. manufacturing flexibility, decreased intra- and inter-subject
plasma profile variability along with reduced GI irritation
Self-emulsifying capsule without impacting the drug bioavailability.[35] Pellets of SES
can be prepared by extrusion and spheronization and can
Conventional soft gelatin capsules filled with SEDDS or provide different release profiles such as immediate, delayed
SEDDS loaded powders filled in capsules consequently scatter and controlled release using a wide variety of spray coating
in the GIT to reach the absorption site. Enhancement of drug techniques.

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Table 2: Literature data for SEDDS/SMEDDS/SNEDDS

Drug/BCS class Oil, surfactant, and Result/outcome Reference
Atorvastatin Sefsol 218, Cremophor RH 40, Enhanced bioavailability [22]
calcium/II propylene glycol
Efavirenz/II Labrafac PG, Tween 80, Better systemic absorption and bioavailability [36]
Fexofenadine Oleic acid, Aconon MC8, PEG Optimized gave complete drug release in 90 min [37]
hydrochloride/II 400
Meloxicam/II Sunflower oil, Tween 80, PEG Optimized formulation gave faster dissolution than [38]
400 marketed product
Domperidone/II Labrafac CC, Tween 80, Enhanced bioavailability and dissolution rate [39]
Ibuprofen/II Labrafil M 1944CS Tween 80 Enhanced absorption in rats [40]
as a surfactant, Transcutol P
Olmesartan Acrysol EL 135, Tween, In vitro and ex vivo diffusion rate of the drug from the [41]
Medoxomil/II Transcutol P SMEDDS was significantly higher than that of the plain
drug suspension
Dutasteride/II Capryol TM 90, Cremophor EL, Optimized SMEDDS formulation significantly improved [42]
Transcutol HP the oral absorption of dutasteride
Fenofibrate/II Labrafil M 1944 CS, Labrasol, Improved dissolution rate and oral bioavailability [43]
Capryol PGMC
Glibenclamide/II Capmul MCM C8, Cremophor Enhanced dissolution rate [44]
RH 40, Transcutol, Aerosil 200
Carbamazepine/II Labrafil M 1944 CS, Enhanced dissolution rate [45]
Cremophor RH-40, PEG-400
Tacrolimus/II Lauroglycol FCC, Cremophor The optimized liquid and solid SMEDDS showed higher [46]
RH, PEG 400 drug release than the marketed capsule and pure drug
Rosuvastatin Cinnamon oil, Labrasol, Significant increase in dissolution and bioavailability [47]
calcium/II Capmul MCM C8
Mebendazole/II Oleic acid, Tween 80 and In vitro drug release and in vivo plasma drug [48]
Polypropylene glycol concentration of microemulsion and SMEDDS was
much higher than that of marketed preparation
Loratadin/II Liquid paraffin, Capriole, In vitro release of SNE pellets was higher than the [49]
Span 20, Transcutol Aerosil, liquid SNE and powder tablets
Telmisartan/II Castor oil, Tween 20, SMEDDS and solid-SMEDDS improved dissolution and [50]
propylene glycol oral bioavailability
Carvedilol/II Oleic acid, labrafil, and Enhanced dissolution, bioavailability, and drug [51]
labrafac PG permeability through rat intestine
Rosuvastatin Capmul MCM, Cremophor The solid SEDDS formulations prepared from the [52]
calcium/II ELP, Propylene glycol optimized liquid SEDDS gave maximum release rate
(97.7%) than marketed formulation
Ritonavir/II Imwitor988, Cremophor EL Enhanced solubility and relative oral bioavailability [53]
and Cremophor RH 40 (1:1),
Capmul GMS K-50
Glipizide/II Captex 355, Solutol HS15 Glipizide dissolution was improved significantly from the [54]
and Imwitor 988, Calcium solid SNEDDS when compared to the pure drug and
carbonate commercial product (65.82) respectively
Avanafil/II Dill oil, Tween 80, propylene A 1.4-fold increase in bioavailability was achieved when [55]
glycol compared with pure drug
Nevirapine/II Oleic acid, Tween 20, PEG Increase in dissolution rate when compared to pure [56]
600 drug

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Table 2: (Continued)
Drug/BCS class Oil, surfactant, and Result/outcome Reference
Dutasteride/II Capryol 90, Cremophor EL, Improved physicochemical property and oral absorption [57]
Transcutol HP
Atorvastatin/II Oleic acid or Capryol 90, Increase in dissolution rate when compared to pure [58]
Tween 80, 1,2-propylene glycol drug
Simvastatin/II Capryol 90, Tween 80 SEDDS showed a remarkable reduction in plasma [59]
cholesterol level
Tacrolimus/II Labrasol, Lauroglycol, Enhanced oral bioavailability in rats due to faster [60]
Labrafac absorption and accelerated dissolution of the drug from
the solid SEDDS
Lornoxicam/II Labrafil M 1944 CS Kolliphor Improved solubility and bioavailability [61]
HS 15, Transcutol H
Lovastatin/II Capmul MCM, Nikkol HCO-50, Enhanced drug absorption and the pharmacodynamic [62]
Lutrol F127 potential in regulating serum lipid levels
Glipizide/II Phosphatidylcholine, Tween In vivo study demonstrated that blood glucose levels [63]
80, Transcutol P, Syloid 244 were effectively controlled with S-SEDDS compared
FP (adsorbent) with pure drug
Darunavir/II Capmul MCM C8, Tween 80, In vivo, pharmacokinetic studies in rats resulted [64]
Transcutol P Neusilin US2 in enhanced values of peak drug concentration
for L-SNEDDS and S-SNEDDS compared to pure
Chlorthalidone/IV Capmul MCM, Tween 80, PEG In vitro dissolution study indicated a high dissolution [65]
400, Neusilin US2 rate of solid-SMEDDS over the pure drug and marketed
Etofibrate/II Oleic Acid, Tween 80 and Enhanced dissolution rate [66]
Telmisartan/II Labrafil 1944, Kolliphor ELP: Dissolution rate was enhanced when compared to pure [67]
Span 80 (1:1) and PEG 400: drug
Ethanol (1:1)
Nateglinide/II Capyrol-90, Tween 80, Enhanced release of the drug from solid-SEDDS when [68]
Transcutol P, Aerosil-200 compared to plain drug
Bosentan/II Gelucire 44/14, Cremophor EL, Enhanced dissolution rate [69]
and PEG 400 (PEG 400)
BCS: Biopharmaceutics classification system, PEG: Polyethylene glycol, SMEDDS: Self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems, SEDDS:
Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems

COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE strategy is a commercially viable system for drugs from BCS

SEDDS is one of the commercially feasible techniques and

several products have been filed as new drug application LITERATURE DATA
(NDA) and abbreviated new drug application (ANDA). In the
current review, we describe some of the approved NDAs and In this section, attempts were made to provide the list of
ANDA. Some of the NDAs such as Agenerase, Depakene, SEDDS/SMEDDS/SNEDDS and their components along
Rocaltrol, Targretin, Accutane, and Aptivus are filed under with their outcomes with respect to drug release, dissolution
sub-classification as Type 1 – new molecular entity. Other rate, rate of absorption and bioavailability. Tabular
NDAs such as Sandimmune, Neoral, Norvir, Fortovase, and information is given in Table 2.
Vesanoid are filed under sub-classification as Type 3 – new
dosage form. Depakene and Rocaltrol were approved in the
year 1978. Gengraf is filed as an ANDA and is available as CONCLUSION
a hard gelatin capsule. Some of the commercially available
pharmaceutical products formulated as SEDDS are presented SEDDS offer an enhanced absorption and dissolution rate
in Table 1. From the tabular data, it is evident that SEDDS for lipophilic drug compounds wherein absorption is limited

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